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programs. This survey has shown encouraging results for a successful
model of partnership.
Source of Funding: Summer Biomedical Research Program and
Global REACH Program at the University of Michigan.
Abstract #: 2.059_HHR
Strengthening Human Resources for Nursing in HaitieA
Qualitative Study of a Cross-Cultural Nursing Faculty Project
N.W. Street
, L. Mandel
, L. Bermudez
, L. Man
Regis, Boston,
Regis, Orlando, USA
Background: In 2007, a US university renowned for nursing
endeavored to create a sustainable graduate nursing program. Ulti-
mately, a cadre of up to 40 masters-prepared nurse educators in
Haiti will lead baccalaureate education delivery into perpituity.
Utilizing an educate-the-educator model, this international partner-
ship includes three consecutive cohorts, spaced two years apart. Now
in its sixth year of program delivery, we sought to assess perceived
changes in professional role, leadership competency and classroom
teaching skills.
Methods: Twenty-four semi-structured interviews explored partici-
pants’perceptions of program processes and outcomes. Key infor-
mants included a purposive sample (cohort participants, faculty,
deans, community leaders). A French-speaking researcher traveled
to Haiti and asked participants to comment on their own or observed
professional responsibilities, leadership skills and teaching practices
since program inception. Data were recorded, translated and tran-
scribed verbatim, coded thematically and analyzed using NVivo 11.
Findings: Findings were grouped by overall patterns. The most
salient include: 1) Increasing instances where cohort members report
using their leadership skills in professional settings; 2) Enhanced
collegial respect as leaders from allied health professionals, commu-
nity members, peers and managers, 3) Improved competency around
syllabus and curriculum development, and 4) Increasing classroom
Interpretation: Results will inform next steps in prioritizing
professional development for nurses, promoting university level
graduate and undergraduate education for nurses, and sustaining
curriculum development and delivery of the graduate nursing
program. Understanding the perceived impact of the program to
build leadership, augment professional opportunities in Haiti and
boost teaching capacity promotes ownership and self-efficacy among
key stakeholders, and helps sustain baccalaureate nursing education
in Haiti. Further, this research informs the replication of the model
in other low and middle income countries.
Source of Funding: PIH/Ansara Family Foundation/Kaneb
Funds Clinton- Bush Haiti Fund W. K.Kellogg Foundation.
Abstract #: 2.060_HHR
Developing an Academic Global Health Program for Medical
Students: Lessons Learned from our First Year
R. Sundararajan, W.-S. Johansson, J. Mandel; University of
California, San Diego, San Diego, USA
Background: The University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Global Health Academic Concentration (GHAC) was launched
in 2015 in response to growing interest in Global Health careers
among medical students, and recognition of an increasingly well-
connected global medical community. Having completed one year
of administering this program, we reflect on the strategies imple-
mented to translate educational concepts into an effective medical
student curriculum, as well as barriers we faced along the way.
Methods: GHAC accepts five incoming students per year; students
receive financial support for international travel, and have required
curricular elements throughout medical school. Our track has four
educational goals: 1) prepare students to engage with the global
community regarding health disparities; 2) provide experiences/
training in Global Health research; 3) provide field experiences in
global healthcare delivery and; 4) gain knowledge regarding social/
structural disparities that propagate health inequities.
Findings: The program seeks to provide a holistic perspective for
medical students on challenges and opportunities of research under-
taken outside the United States, and in low-resource settins,
through a combination of didactics, small group sessions, mentoring
with a UCSD Principal Investigator (PI), and international experi-
ences. All GHAC students are required to complete an international
summer research experience between their first and second years of
medical school, in a project supervised by a UCSD PI. This
approach was employed to maximize the students’contribution to
research while abroad, and provide close linkage for longitudinal
research involvement. We also developed an elective course, held
in the Spring Quarter prior to summer research travel, “Introduction
to Global Health Research”, required for all GHAC students. The
course presents common Global Health research methodologies
(qualitative, mixed methods, intervention development), explores
Global Health research ethics and social determinants of health.
We implemented a pre-departure workshop to brief students on
country-specific issues (e.g., State Department travel warnings),
safe travel practices, and cultural competency.
Interpretation: In this presentation we also note numerous issues
regarding administration of medical student international programs
that may be relevant to other institutions looking to implement
similar programs, such as maintaining insurance coverage, establish-
ing legal agreements with foreign institutions, student maintenance
of academic standing, ethics training, and funding sources.
Source of Funding: None.
Abstract #: 2.061_HHR
Open Osmosis: Promoting the Global Diffusion of Open
Education Resources
S. Tackett
, S. Gaglani
, K. Slinn
, T. Marshall
, R. Desai
M.R. Haynes
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA,
Osmosis, Ottawa, Canada,
Osmosis, Vancouver,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, USA,
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Richmond, USA
Program/Project Purpose: Free educational resources available
online can make high quality content available to learners anywhere
and may be one way to overcome faculty shortages and curricular
Health Systems and Human Resources AnnalsofGlobalHealth,VOL.83,NO.1,2017
JanuaryeFebruary 2017: 117–155
disrepair in low resource settings. Here we describe preliminary eval-
uation data for videos created as part of Open Osmosis (https://open.
osmosis.org/), an initiative targeting health professions learners.
Structure/Method/Design: From December 20, 2015 through
August 1, 2016, 125 short (8-15 minute) disease-focused videos
were created by medical illustrators with oversight from physicians
and placed on YouTube. Videos are embedded into corresponding
Wikipedia articles and their captions are translated into 8 languages.
We analyzed data for the most recent month by video topic and
World Bank economy classification for viewer country: High
Income (HIC), Upper Middle Income (UMIC), Lower Middle
Income (LMIC), and Low Income (LIC).
Outcome & Evaluation: From September 1 to 30, 2016, there
were a total of 471,968 YouTube views of Open Osmosis videos
and an aggregated 1,233 days of watch time, reaching 200/218
(92%) World Bank economies. There was a net gain of 10,638
subscribers; videos were “liked”6,270 times (99.3%) and “disliked”
42 times (0.7%). Most viewers (78%) were age 18-34, and most
comments reflected viewer status as health professions learners.
A large proportion of views and watch time occurred in low-
resource settings:
- HIC: 274,321 views (58%), 768 days (63%)
- UMIC: 71,940 views (15%), 169 days (14%)
- LMIC: 116,268 views (25%), 274 days (22%)
- LIC: 7,821 views (2%), 18 days (1%)
Top 3 videos varied by income level:
- HIC: Clinical depression, Pneumonia, Bipolar disorder
- UMIC: Pneumonia, Clinical depression, Congestive heart
- LMIC: Pneumonia, Epilepsy, Tuberculosis
- LIC: Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Congestive heart failure
Diabetes mellitus, HIV, and hypertension which have high
global morbidity and mortality, were 12th, 29th, and 45th most-
watched, respectively.
Going Forward: Media-sharing sites can reach a significant
number of individuals around the world with relevant content in
a short period of time. Future work will be needed to understand
the significance of topic watching patterns in relation to health
needs, which individuals access these videos, and how such content
can be optimally integrated into health professions curricula.
Source of Funding: Work was supported by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation.
Abstract #: 2.062_HHR
Implementation of a Health Systems-Framed Health
Emergency Preparedness Planning in Haiyan-Affected
Localities: Lessons for Health Planners in Disaster-Prone
F.D. Tandinco; University of the Philippines Manila - School of Health
Sciences, Palo, Leyte, Philippines
Program/Project Purpose: In 2014, UNICEF and several part-
ners developed the Evidence-Based Planning for Resilient Health
Systems Project (rEBaP) to assist local planners from Haiyan-
affected localities in crafting their health emergency preparedness,
response, and recovery plans (HEPRRPs). The goal of the project
was to build community resilience in areas that were devastated
when supertyphoon Haiyan struck on November 8, 2013.
In 2015, the University of the Philippines Manila eSchool of
Health Sciences (UPM-SHS) implemented the project in 19
municipalities in Leyte Province, the area worst-hit by the typhoon.
Structure/Method/Design: The project consisted of five inter-
ventions that all targeted local planners were required to attend.
These interventions were: (1) psychosocial processing workshop,
(2) health emergency management course, (3) planning workshop
1, (4) planning workshop 2, and (5) mentoring and coaching
sessions in between planning workshops. The total number of
days spent for the four workshops was only 10 days.
The planning workshops were designed according to the
WHO’s health system building blocks framework, which consists
of the following: leadership and governance, health financing, health
system workforce, medicines and technologies, information and
research, and health service delivery. A seventh building block e
community resilience ewas added. The building blocks were inter-
woven with WHO’s cluster approach to humanitarian response con-
sisting of nutrition in emergencies, mental health, water, sanitation
and hygiene (WASH), and basic health services. Considering that
there are no global guidelines on HEPRR planning as of yet, rEBaP
may be regarded as an innovative, trailblazing project owing to the
following features:
(1) The application of the WHO health system building blocks
framework in HEPRR planning.
(2) The addition of a seventh building block: community
Outcome & Evaluation: By the end of the project, all 19 local
government units (LGUs) assisted by UPM-SHS had a complete
HEPRR plan. Some LGUs went further by getting their HEPRR
plans approved by their local chief executives and integrated into
the larger disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) plan.
Going Forward: The project hopes to build on the lessons from
rEBaP and scale-up its implementation in the Eastern Visayas
region, which was the area worst-hit by Haiyan. Lessons from the
project may also benefit other countries that are disaster-prone
like the Philippines.
Source of Funding: UNICEF.
Abstract #: 2.064_HHR
Rural Community Assessment and Surveillance in the
Dominican Republic and Haiti
J.S. Thiele
, F.W.J. Anderson
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Background: Rural border communities experience unique chal-
lenges to health care delivery. Anecdotal reports from four rural
Haitian communities comprising 216 households located near the
border with the Dominican Republic indicate these areas are experi-
encing poor maternal, neonatal and infant outcomes. A novel
community based assessment model method for reliably and quickly
identifying maternal mortalities in conjunction with routine commu-
nity based child survival and sanitation surveillance was tested.
Annals of Global Health, VOL. 83, NO. 1, 2017 Health Systems and Human Resources
JanuaryeFebruary 2017: 117–155