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Quality Engineering
ISSN: 0898-2112 (Print) 1532-4222 (Online) Journal homepage:
Multi-state reliability demonstration tests
Suiyao Chen, Lu Lu & Mingyang Li
To cite this article: Suiyao Chen, Lu Lu & Mingyang Li (2017) Multi-state reliability demonstration
tests, Quality Engineering, 29:3, 431-445, DOI: 10.1080/08982112.2017.1314493
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Accepted author version posted online: 05
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Published online: 05 Apr 2017.
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, VOL. , NO. , –
Multi-state reliability demonstration tests
Suiyao Chena,LuLu
b, and Mingyang Lia
aDepartment of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida; bDepartment of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
binomial demonstration test;
consumer’s risk; minimum
sample size; Monte Carlo
Reliability demonstration tests have important applications in reliability assurance activities to
demonstrate product quality over time and safeguard companies’market positions and competitive-
ness. With greatly increasing global market competition, conventional binomial reliability demonstra-
tion tests based on binary test outcomes (success or failure) at a single time point become insucient
for meeting consumers’diverse requirements. This article proposes multi-state reliability demonstra-
tion tests (MSRDTs) for demonstrating reliability at multiple time periods or involving multiple failure
modes. The design strategy for MSRDTs employs a Bayesian approach to allow incorporation of prior
knowledge, which has the potential to reduce the test sample size. Simultaneous demonstration of
multiple objectives can be achieved and critical requirements specied to avoid early/critical failures
can be explicitly demonstrated to ensure high customer satisfaction. Two case studies are explored to
demonstrate the proposed test plans for dierent objectives.
Reliability of a product is the probability that the prod-
uct can perform its required function at a given time
point. As a time-dependent characteristic, reliability
is an important measure of the product quality and
safety over time, which has a great impact on the satis-
faction of customers and can inuence their purchase
decisions linked with the revenue of manufacturers. In
order to succeed in the market competition, manufac-
turers need to produce products with high reliability
over their expected lifetime. Reliability demonstration
tests (RDTs) are often conducted by manufacturers to
demonstrate the capability of their products to meet the
requirements from customers for achieving good qual-
ity and performance over time. Given the budget and
time constraints, manufacturers need to determine the
number of test units, the time duration of the test, and
the maximum number of failures allowed to pass the
test. These choices are usually made to ensure the con-
controlled. Controlling the CR at an acceptable level
can take the burden o the customers on bearing a high
risk of receiving inferior products which are claimed to
CONTACT Mingyang Li Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, University of South Florida, E. Fowler
Avenue, Tampa, FL .
have met the requirements on reliability, and hence can
help improve customers’ satisfaction.
Dierent categories of RDTs have been studied in
the literature based on dierent types of reliability
data, such as failure counts data (Guo et al., 2011;Li
et al., 2016;Luetal.,2016), failure time data (Guo
et al., 2012;McKaneetal.,2005) and degradation data
(Yang, 2009). Failure counts data report the number of
failures that occur during a xed test period. The RDTs
based on failure counts data (Wasserman, 2002,pp.
208–210) are also called binomial RDTs (BRDTs) since
failure counts are modeled with binomial distributions.
In a BRDT, within a given testing period, if the num-
ber of allowable failures, the test is passed. The maxi-
mum number of allowable failures cand the minimum
number of test units nare determined to ensure a cer-
tain minimum acceptable reliability requirement, R,is
met with the controlled CR at or below βby the end
of the test duration. The BRDTs are broadly applied
in reliability engineering practices because (i) they
require less monitoring eorts in the middle of the test
duration; and (ii) they are simple and straightforward
to be implemented and analyzed. However, with the
© Taylor & Francis
432 S. CHEN ET AL.
increasing needs from customers, the BRDTs are no
longer able to meet all requirements in many applica-
tions. For example, customers may have varied require-
ments on reliability performance over dierent time
periods. It is common that many customers have little
tolerance of early failures and hence require high relia-
bility during early lifetime and lower reliability for later
ity within a single time period is inadequate to meet all
BRDTs with the same testing period of 5 years and use
the maximum number of allowable failures as c=5.
Products from company I had 1 failure in the rst two
years and 3 failures in the last three years. Products
from company II had 3 failures in the rst two years
and 1 failure in the last three years. Even though the
products from both companies can pass the demon-
stration tests, their underlying reliability performance
If a customer needs products with high reliability in
early lifetime (corresponding to allowing no more than
products from company II failing to meet the require-
ment can be much higher than that of the product
from company I. A typical BRDT with ve-year testing
period cannot demonstrate the performance over the
early two years, and hence raises the CR on accepting
Another limitation of the BRDTs is that they are
often used for pass/failure testing of a product without
distinguishing the causes and consequences of dier-
ent failure modes. A product with a complex system
is often composed of multiple key components which
may have dierent failure modes associated with var-
ied consequences. Their failures can have dierent neg-
For instance, the failure of the central processing unit
(CPU) of a computer is much more crucial than the
ferent expectations for dierent components accord-
ing to their values or costs of replacement. The cost of
replacing a CPU or a motherboard is much higher than
replacing a keyboard or a mouse. As a result, customers
can have much higher expectation on the reliability of
of other parts or accessories. A typical BRDT cannot
demonstrate separate reliability requirements for mul-
tiple failure modes.
To meet the ever-increasing demands of customers,
ing multiple reliability requirements can better serve
the customers with enriched information on product
reliability. This article proposes RDT strategies for two
categories of reliability demonstration tests over multi-
ple time periods and for multiple failure modes, both
of which are referred to as multi-state RDTs (MSRDTs)
throughout the rest of the article. Alternative test plans
within each category are also explored and compared
with the conventional BRDTs for demonstrating mul-
tiple reliability requirements. Bayesian analysis is used
for quantifying the CR associated with various test
plans. The Bayesian method oers more exibilities on
incorporating prior information of product reliability
from either subject matter expertise or historical data
(Pintar et al., 2012;Weaveretal.,2008;Wilsonetal.,
2016). The impacts of dierent test strategies and dif-
ferent prior elicitations on the minimum test sample
size (i.e., the number of test units required) will be stud-
ied to provide more insights on guiding decisions on
demonstration test plans. If there exists historical data
which supports higher reliabilities compared to the
requirements, then using Bayesian method to incorpo-
rate prior information has the potential to reduce the
minimum test sample size required for the MSRDTs.
The remaining of the article is organized as fol-
lows. In the next section, the conventional BRDT plans
are reviewed with discussions of their benets and
limitations. Then the new MSRDTs for demonstrat-
ing reliability requirements over multiple time peri-
ods are proposed. Two dierent design strategies are
tion settings. In the following section, another category
of new MSRDT designs for demonstrating reliability
requirements involving multiple failure modes are pro-
posed and their performances are evaluated and com-
two categories of MSRDTs for multiple time periods
and multiple failure modes are provided to illustrate
the proposed test plans and demonstrate their perfor-
mances. Conclusions and discussions are provided in
the end.
Binomial RDTs
For many single use or “one-shot” product units, the
test procedure can be destructive. In this case, bino-
mial RDTs (BRDTs) are the common choices to obtain
the failure counts data at the end of a predetermined
test period (Kececioglu et al., 2002, pp. 759–768). Let
πdenote the probability of failure over the test period,
and Rdenote the minimum acceptable reliability at the
end of the test duration. In Bayesian analysis, for a cho-
sen number of test units, n, and a maximum number of
allowable failures, c, the CR is measured by the poste-
rior probability of the product failing to meet the reli-
ability requirement given that the product has passed
the test, which can be calculated as
CRbinomial =P(Failure probability fails to meet the
reliability requirement|Test is passed)
=P(π > 1−R|y≤c)
=1−P(π ≤1−R|y≤c)
n−yp(π )dπ
n−y]p(π )dπ
Note that in Eq. [1], p(π ) denotes the prior distribu-
tion of πwhich can be specied based on subject mat-
ter expert knowledge or historical data and ydenotes
the number of failures observed in the test period. Let
βdenote the maximum acceptable value for the CR,
bination such that the corresponding CRbinomial ≤β.
According to (Lu et al., 2016), for any xed choice of c,
CRbinomial increases as the test sample size nincreases.
We use nbto denote the minimum test sample size that
is required to control the CR within an acceptable range
CRbinomial ≤β.
In Bayesian analysis, the CRbinomial in Eq. [1]canbe
calculated using Monte Carlo integration (Robert et al.,
2004, pp. 71–131), where samples of πwith a large
size M=15000 are generated from the specied prior
distribution p(π ),andCR
binomial is calculated approx-
imately by
CRbinomial ≈1−M
y(π(j))y(1−π(j))n−yI(π (j)≤1−R)
where π(j)is the jth generated sample of failure prob-
ability for the specied prior distribution.
Table 1 showsanexampleofBRDTplanswithdier-
ent choices of prior distributions of π. The mean and
standard deviation (i.e., the square of variance) values
are provided to give some intuitions about the center
Tab le . Minimum sample sizes required by BRDTs with different
choices on cand prior distributions of π.
π∼Beta (1,1)(2,18)(4,16)(10,15)(10,10)
Mean(π) . . . . .
SD(π) . . . . .
Settings: M=15000,R=0.8,β =0.05
and the spread of the prior distributions. For example,
π∼Beta(1,1)is centered at 0.5 but has large stan-
dard deviation at 0.2893. While π∼Beta(2,18)has
the mean failure probability of 0.1 but much smaller
standard deviation (0.0647) around its mean. The
minimum acceptable reliability from the consumers
requirement was set at R=0.8andthemaximumtol-
erable CR is chosen to be β=0.05. When no his-
torical data or prior information is available, a non-
informative prior π∼Beta(1,1)can be used. For any
assumed prior distribution of π,manufacturerscan
choose a test plan determined by (nb,c)using the min-
imum sample size nbfor any chosen maximum number
of allowable failures c.Forinstance,whenc=0anda
non-informative prior π∼Beta(1,1)is assumed, the
minimum sample size which can ensure the CR calcu-
lated in Eq. [2]tobenomorethanβ=0.05 is calcu-
lated as nb=13. Hence, at least 13 units need to be
tested if the test can only be passed when no failure
is observed. However, as larger maximum number of
allowable failures being set for passing the test, the CR
increases as it becomes easier to pass the test for a given
sample size n.Hence,tocontroltheCRatorbelow
β=0.05, more units need to be tested as more failures
are allowed to pass the test.
When more informative priors are available from
historical data or expertise, they can aect the selec-
tion of test plans. Table 1 has explored the impacts of
dierent prior distributions p(π ) on the selected test
plan for dierent tolerances on the maximum number
of allowable failures, c.Figure 1 shows the ve prior
434 S. CHEN ET AL.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure . Density curves of different prior distributions explored in
Tab le .
distributions explored in Table 1.Theatdensitycurve
corresponds to the non-informative prior Beta(1,1)
which assumes that all possible values for π∈(0,1)
have equal probability. Other prior distributions from
Beta(10,10)to Beta(2,18)become more informa-
standard deviation in Table 1)andprovidestronger
support for smaller failure probability π.Foranygiven
c, the minimum sample size required can be reduced if
the prior distribution from historical data supports the
reliability requirement. For example, when a prior dis-
tribution π∼Beta(2,18)is used, which supports high
reliability around 1 −2/(2+18)=0.9>R=0.8,
fewer units need to be tested to demonstrate the relia-
bility requirement (e.g., 4 <13 when c=0). However,
if the specied prior distribution is not in favor of the
reliability requirement, as illustrated with prior distri-
butions Beta(4,16),Beta(10,15),andBeta(10,10),
which favor incrementally lower reliability, more units
reliability requirement.
On the other hand, Table 2 demonstrates the impact
of dierent requirements on reliability. For a given
choice on the prior distribution, as Rdecreases cor-
responding to reduced requirement on reliability, the
minimum sample size, nb, decreases for a xed choice
on c. This matches our intuition that fewer units need
to be tested for demonstrating lower requirement on
The BRDTs are useful for demonstrating reliability
requirements for binary tests. For example, a test plan
(nb=81,c=5)for a predetermined test period of
5 years can demonstrate no less than 0.9 reliability in
5 years with the CR controlled by 0.05. However, it
Tab le . Minimum sample sizes required by BRDTs with different
choices on cand reliability requirements.
Settings: M=15000,β =0.05
oers no capability of demonstrating reliability at any
time before the end of the test period. For example,
if the customers are particularly concerned about
the reliability in the rst two years in addition to the
reliability by the end of the ve years, the conventional
BRDTs are unable to demonstrate all requirements
over multiple time periods. In addition, BRDTs are
unable to dierentiate and demonstrate reliability
requirements involving multiple failure modes asso-
ciated with dierent consequences. In the next two
sections, two categories of new MSRDTs are pro-
multiple time periods and for multiple failure modes,
respectively. Alternative designs are also proposed and
their performances are evaluated and compared under
dierent prior elicitations.
MSRDTs over multiple time periods
Conventional BRDTs often demonstrate the product
reliability within a single time period, such as dur-
ing the mission time or the service life, to meet with
the customers’ requirements. However, customers’ sat-
isfaction in dierent time periods may dier. For
instance, upon the purchase of products, customers
may expect higher reliability during the early lifetime.
ative impact on customers’ satisfaction and company’s
reputation than failures occurred in the later stage of
the service period. To explicitly demonstrate dier-
ent product reliability requirements over multiple time
periods rather than a single time period, the strategies
of MSRDTs, i.e., multi-state RDTs, are proposed in this
section to meet customers’ expectation on reliability
over multiple time periods.
Consider a nite testing period with the start
time at t0and the end time at tK. The testing time
duration (t0,tK] is exclusively partitioned into K
Period 1 Period 2
Period KPeriod K+1
t0t1t2tK-1 tK
Figure . Illustration of the multiple time periods in a K-period
MSDRT between (t0,tK].
non-overlapping time periods, (ti−1,ti],i=1,...,K,
as illustrated in Figure 2.Letπiand yidenote the
probability of failure and the number of observed
failures within the ith time period (ti−1,ti], respec-
tively. Then the number of units that survive the entire
test duration (right-censored at the end of the test
duration tK) can be expressed as n−K
surviving the test is given by πK+1=1−K
objective of a MSRDT over multiple time periods is to
simultaneously demonstrate the product reliability at
multiple time points satisfying a set of lower reliability
requirements, Ri,i=1,...,K, with the assurance
level controlled at (1−β).Here,Riis the minimum
acceptable reliability in the rst icumulative time peri-
ods, (t0,ti], βis the maximum acceptable consumer’s
risk and assurance level can be explained as the min-
imum probability that the reliability requirements are
not met all given the test is passed (Hamada et al., 2008,
pp. 343–347). Two dierent scenarios of acceptance
criteria are proposed as follows.
Scenario I. The MSRDT will be passed if the cumu-
lative number of observed failures i
k=1ykat each
cumulative time period (t0,ti]isnomorethan
its corresponding cumulative maximum number of
allowable failures i
k=1ckfor all cumulative time
periods (t0,ti], at i=1,...,K. For example, con-
sider a two-period MSRDT with tests conducted at
the end of the second and fth year. For 100 test
units, the MSRDT will be passed if the number of
observed failures in rst two years do not exceed 1
and the number of observed failures at the end of the
fth year do not exceed 5.
Scenario II.TheMSRDTwillbepassedifthenumber
of observed failures yiat each non-overlapping time
period (ti−1,ti]isnogreaterthanitscorresponding
maximum number of allowable failures cifor all time
periods (ti−1,ti], at i=1,...,K.Forthesametwo-
period test, the MSRDT will be passed if the number
of observed failures in rst two years do not exceed
three years do not exceed 4. It is noticed that the
major dierence between the two scenarios is that
Scenario II plans the tests for non-overlapping time
periods while Scenario I considers the cumulative
time-periods instead.
For each acceptance criterion, the design of MSRDT
over multiple time periods aims to determine (i)
the minimum sample size, denoted by nIand nII for
Scenarios I and II, respectively, and (ii) the cumula-
tive maximum number of allowable failures at time
k=1ck, for Scenario I and the maximum num-
ber of allowable failures within ith time period, ci,
MSRDT is selected by choosing the test plans which
control the CR at or below β. It is noticed that the
proposed MSRDT strategies are suitable for demon-
stration tests that generate failure counts data (Li et al.,
2016; Guo et al., 2011) over multiple time periods,
and do not make any assumptions on the failure time
distribution. The advantages of the proposed methods
are to fulll the reliability requirements of customers
over dierent testing periods (e.g., either cumulative
time periods from Scenario I or the non-overlapping
periods from Scenario II) simultaneously and provide
dierent testing strategies that require dierent min-
imum test sample sizes based on dierent maximum
numbers of allowable failures. Assuming a certain
failure time distribution over multiple time periods
or for multiple failure modes may limit the use of the
proposed strategies because the lifetime distribution
which is not commensurate with the objectives of
proposed strategies as mentioned above. Alternative
RDT designs such as Weibull testing which is more
suitable for failure time data, is out of the scope of this
article, but is of interest for future work.
To il l u s t rate t h e p r o p os e d M SRDTs ove r m u l t i-
ple time periods and further investigate the dier-
ence between two scenarios of acceptance criteria, the
MSRDTs over two time periods (i.e., K=2) are consid-
ered without loss of generality. Let R1and R2denote the
minimum acceptable reliabilities over the time peri-
ods (t0,t1]and(t0,t2]withR2<R1.Theprobabili-
ties of failure for each cumulative time period meet
the requirements if π1≤1−R1and π1+π2≤1−
R2. For acceptance criterion in Scenario I, the test
of MSRDT is to determine {nI,c1,c1+c2},andthe
probability of accepting the test for any given (π1,π
436 S. CHEN ET AL.
denoted by HI(n,c1,c2), can be explicitly written
y2=0 n!
and the corresponding CRIis controlled at or below β
where p(π1,π
2)denotes the joint prior distribution of
For the acceptance criterion in Scenario II, the
MSRDT plan can be determined by specifying
{nII,c1,c2}, and the probability of accepting the test for
any combination of (π1,π
is given by
y2=0 n!
and the corresponding CRII is controlled by
posed MSRDT strategies for a two-period test. The
reliability requirements are set as R1=0.8andR2=
0.6 over the time periods (t0,t1]and(t0,t2]with
t2<2t1, which indicates longer time interval of (t0,
t1]than(t1,t2]. A higher reliability requirement R1
is desired for the early cumulative time period (t0,
t1] because the customers are averse to early failures.
The CR is controlled at β=0.05, indicating that the
probability of accepting the test when the actual reli-
ability requirements are not met is controlled at or
below 0.05. To evaluate the complex integration in
either Eq. [3]orEq.[4], Monte Carlo sampling is
performed with the sample size of M=15,000 to
maintain the evaluation accuracy. The Dirichlet dis-
tribution, denoted by Dirichlet (α1,α
Tab le . Comparison between Scenarios I and II and BRDT, with
non-informative prior.
Scenario I Scenario II BRDT
c1c1+c2nIc1c2nII cn
Settings: p(π1,π
R1=0.8,R2=0.6,M=15000,β =0.05
the prior distribution for (π1,π
3are hyper-parameters to be elicited based
on the prior knowledge. The Dirichlet distribution is
a family of continuous multivariate probability distri-
bution parametrized by the vector of positive hyper-
parameters αi,i=1,...,Kfor Kcategories of out-
comes. The advantage of using Dirichlet distribution
the multinomial distribution, and hence allows an easy
update of knowledge as new data are observed because
the posterior distribution of the failure probabilities
also follow a Dirichlet distribution. Second, the hyper-
parameters in the Dirichlet distribution are associated
with more intuitive practical implications as they are
directly connected with the failure probabilities for
each outcome category based on the prior knowledge
in the form of αi/K
i=1αi. A few dierent settings of
hyper-parameters will be explored later to investigate
the impact of prior knowledge on the performance of
the proposed test plan.
When no prior information is available, a non-
informative prior distribution, given by (π1,π
π1−π2)∼Dirichlet(1,1,1)can be used for indicat-
ing the lack of prior knowledge. The selected test plans
under the acceptance criteria of two scenarios with
dierent choices on the maximum number of allow-
able failures are illustrated in Ta bl e 3.Thetestplansare
grouped based on the total number of failures allowed
during the entire test duration. Several features are
Figure . Comparison between Scenarios I and II based on the min-
imum sample size as c2increases for some fixed c1values.
observed. First of all, under both Scenarios I and II,
given a xed choice of c2, the minimum sample size
nIor nII increases as c1increases. Similarly, given a
xed c1,nIand nII also increase with c2.Asforagiven
xed number of test units, allowing more failures (i.e.,
increasing c) can make it easier to pass the test and thus
increase the CR. Hence, it requires to test more units to
control the CR at a predetermined maximum accept-
able level. The patterns of minimum sample sizes can
be observed more clearly in Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3 shows the change in the minimum sam-
ple size as c2increases for a few selected c1values
under both scenarios. Solid lines are used for showing
Scenario I and dash lines are used for Scenario II.
Dierent symbols are used for displaying dierent
c1values. For a xed c1value, the minimum sample
sizes under both Scenarios I and II increase as c2
increases. For example, when c1=0, two scenarios are
essentially the same in terms of the acceptance criteria.
Hence, the same minimum sample size is required
Minimum sample size
10 20 30 40 50 60
II :c2=1
II :c2=4
II :c2=6
Figure . Comparison between Scenarios I and II based on the
minimum sample size as c1increases for some fixed c2values.
for both scenarios, which is shown with the solid
line with the triangles and increases as c2increases.
When c1>0, the minimum sample size still generally
increases as c2increases. However, the trend is slightly
dierent between the two scenarios. The nIincreases
monotonically with c2,whilethenII starts o with sim-
ilar sample sizes for small c2values to a certain point
and then starts to increase more quickly as c2increases.
For example, when c1=4, the minimum sample size
for Scenario II (shown with a dotted line with the open
circles) is relatively at for c2≤4andthenincreases
for c2>4. This is because under Scenario II, the max-
imum number of allowable failures for the two non-
overlapping periods determines their corresponding
minimum required test units, which then jointly deter-
mine the overall minimum sample size for the entire
test. Therefore, the overall sample size can be domi-
for one of the test periods if one of the ciis considerably
larger compared to its failure probability under the reli-
ability requirements to be demonstrated. Thus, when
c2is small, c1plays an dominating role in determining
the overall sample size for the entire test, which corre-
sponds to the at portion of the minimum sample size
curve for c1=4. However, as c2becomes larger than
c1, the overall minimum sample size is dominated by
the requirement from period 2 and hence resumes an
increasing pattern as c2increases. To compare the two
scenarios, it appears that nIis usually larger than nII for
small c2values, but becomes smaller than nII when c2
becomes larger than a certain value. This is because for
the same required civalues, the test plans in Scenario I
generally can allow larger maximum number of allow-
able failures for period 2 (when the maximum number
of allowable failure is not reached during period 1) and
hence request to test more units when c2has dominat-
ing impact on the overall minimum sample size.
Figure 4 shows how the minimum sample size
changes with c1for xed c2values under both scenar-
ios. Generally, for any xed c2,theminimumsample
size increases as c1increases under Scenario I. Also,
alargerc2value requires to test more units and the
dierence in nIamong dierent c2values are simi-
lar across dierent c1values, which is evidenced by
the almost parallel lines observed for Scenario I in
Figure 4. However, for Scenario II, even though nII
increases monotonically with c1, there are diminishing
dierences in nII at dierent c2values as c1increases.
This is because under Scenario II, increasing c1will
aect nII by increasing the minimum sample size
438 S. CHEN ET AL.
Minimum sample size
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20
20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
II :c1+c2=20
II :c1+c2=15
Figure . Comparison between Scenarios I and II based on the min-
imum sample size for fixed c1+c2values.
needed to demonstrate the reliability requirement in
period 1 and hence leads to a dominating eect on the
size of nII (which is equivalent to a diminishing impact
of the dierence in c2values). While under Scenario I,
increasing c1will result in increases in the minimum
sample sizes needed for demonstrating both reliability
requirements at the end of the two non-overlapping
time periods, and hence has a consistent impact on the
overall minimum sample size nI.
It is also interesting to compare the two scenarios
given the same total maximum number of allowable
failures c1+c2in the entire test duration. Figure 5
compares the minimum sample sizes for both scenar-
failures c1+c2.Twocaseswithc1+c2=15 and
c1+c2=20 are investigated, which are shown in
Figure 5 with the solid and dotted lines, respectively.
of c1and c2values. A few patterns can be observed.
First, both nIand nII increase as c1+c2increases.
This matches with the pattern for the conventional
BRDTs in that it generally requires to test more units to
rion has been used for passing the test by allowing more
failures to be observed during the entire test duration.
Second, increasing c1(at the same time reducing c2)
will consistently increase nIbut reduce nII rst for small
c2values and then increase nII after c2reaches a certain
the two strategies, Scenario II is associated with smaller
overall minimum sample size for large c1and small c2
values. As c2increasing to about the same size as c1,
Scenario I starts to have a smaller minimum sample
size and the dierence becomes larger as c1continues
to increase. This can be evidenced by the crossing pat-
tern between the monotonically increasing line with
the squares for Scenario I and the U-shaped curve with
the open circles for Scenario II. Brief analytical expla-
nations can also be found in the Appendix to improve
the understanding of the observed dierences between
two scenarios.
Under the same maximum number of allowable fail-
ures c1+c2for the entire test duration, Scenario II
is expected to have more strict requirements (y1≤
c2), meaning that any tests that pass in Scenario II will
also pass in Scenario I. Intuitively, Scenario II will be
preferred if minimizing the CR is the only criterion of
interest, which on the other hand generally requires
larger minimum sample size. However, smaller test
sample is also generally preferred in RDT plan from
the manufacturer’s point of view. Hence, the tests with
minimum sample size after controlling the CR are gen-
erally preferred. As illustrated in Figure 5,thetwotest
scenarios may have varied performance in the required
minimum sample size for dierent settings and Sce-
nario II does not consistently outperform Scenario I
based on the minimum sample size. It is also noticed
in Table 3 that the dierence between the two scenar-
ios when c1is small becomes smaller for small c1+c2
values, and is almost negligible for c1+c2≤6. On
the other hand, Scenario I can be preferred for rela-
tively large c1values when c1+c2is large or when only
small c1+c2is allowed. It is also noticed that for tests
using more strict passing conditions, they are gener-
ally associated with smaller probabilities of passing the
test (i.e., low acceptance probability) and often higher
probabilities for manufacturers to reject the products
that actually have met the reliability requirements (Lu
et al., 2016). Hence, a decision on the selection of
scenarios should be catered for a particular applica-
tion to meet the objectives of a specic demonstration
In addition, Tab l e 3 also shows the comparison
between the MSRDT strategies over two time periods
with the conventional BRDTs when non-informative
prior is used. The last two columns in Tabl e 3 give
the maximum number of allowable failures and the
minimum sample size for demonstrating the reliability
requirement at the end of test duration (i.e., the end
of period 2). For any given total maximum number of
allowable failures over the entire test duration, c=c1+
c2, the conventional BRDTs require to test fewer units
for demonstrating only a single reliability at the end
capability of demonstrating multiple reliability require-
ments at dierent time points at the expense of testing
fewer extra units are required to be tested for demon-
strating more reliability requirements at multiple time
points. For example, for c=5, the conventional BRDT
requires to test 18 units to demonstrate reliability at the
end of the two-year period as 0.6. To demonstrate an
additional higher reliability at the end of the rst year
at 0.8, both MSRDT strategies require to test at least
20 units with no failure allowed to be observed during
the rst year. More units need to be tested if more
failures are allowed to be observed during the rst
It is well known that incorporating dierent prior
information may have large impacts on the results
in Bayesian analysis. Next, we explore the impact of
dierent prior elicitations on the selected MSRDT
plans under both scenarios. Tables 4 and 5summarize
the required minimum sample sizes for the MSRDT
plans over two test periods with dierent choices of
prior distributions for Scenarios I and II, respectively.
Seven dierent prior distributions including the non-
informative prior, Dirichlet(1,1,1),areexplored.
The patterns are rather consistent across Tab l e s 4 and
5. Under both scenarios, when the prior distribu-
tion supports higher reliabilities than the minimum
requirements, such as Dirichlet(3,3,24)showninthe
fourth column in both tables, the minimum sample size
can be substantially reduced for any given combina-
tion of c1and c2values than using the non-informative
On the other hand, if the prior distribution supports
reliabilities at or below the requirements, more units
need to be tested to demonstrate the requirements
than using the non-informative prior. This can be
observed in Figures 6 and 7which show the mini-
mum sample size for xed c1+c2under Scenario I
and II, respectively. In both gures, the solid lines
with triangles represent the sample sizes for dierent
(c1,c2)combinations using a non-informative prior.
The dash lines with squares show the sample sizes for
a prior distribution Dirichlet(3,3,24)that supports
higher reliabilities than the requirements, which are
consistently below the line of non-informative prior.
All other prior distributions support reliabilities at
or below the requirements, and hence all require to
test more units with the corresponding lines located
above the line of non-informative prior. The farther
the specied prior distribution is to the reliability
requirements, the more test units are needed in the
MSRDTs over multiple time periods. One special
case is the dash line with open circles observed in
Figure 7 for a prior distribution Dirichlet(3,12,15),
Tab le . Minimum sample sizes required by the two-period MSRDT using the acceptance criterion in Scenario I for different prior
Dirichlet (1,1,1)(3,3,24)(6,6,18)(12,3,15)(3,12,15)(6,12,12)(12,6,12)
Settings: M=15000,R1=0.8,R2=0.6,β =0.05
440 S. CHEN ET AL.
Tab le . Minimum sample sizes required by the two-period MSRDT using the acceptance criterion in Scenario II for different prior
Dirichlet (1,1,1)(3,3,24 )(6,6,18)(12,3,15)(3,12,15)(6,12,12)(12,6,12)
Settings: M=15000,R1=0.8,R2=0.6,β =0.05
which is consistently below the non-informative line
indicating smaller minimum sample sizes are required
for all (c1,c2)combinations. Since the prior distribu-
tion regarding period 1 supports higher reliabilities
than the requirements, while the prior distribution
regarding period 2 supports reliabilities below the
requirements, the eects of sample size reduction from
period 1 and sample size increase from period 2 may
jointly determine the overall minimum sample size,
and hence lead to slightly dierent pattern than what
has been observed for other prior distributions.
Minimum sample size
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure . Minimum sample sizes required in Scenario I with fixed
c1+c2=6for different prior distributions.
MSRDTs for multiple failure modes
In the previous section, the MSRDT strategies con-
sider each time period as an individual state for demon-
strating specic reliability requirement within the time
period. This section proposes a dierent category of
MSRDTs which considers dierent failure modes as
individual states that are often associated with dierent
consequences of failures and dierent costs of replace-
ment. The conventional BRDTs report dichotomous
outcomes (i.e., success and failure) for each test unit,
Minimum sample size
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure . Minimum sample sizes required in Scenario II with fixed
c1+c2=6for different prior distributions.
in which case dierent failure modes of the product
are not dierentiated and the severity levels of dierent
consequences associated with dierent failures modes
are overlooked. In real applications, a product often
has multiple failure modes in varied levels of sever-
ity, which can lead to dierent impacts on customers’
For instance, the failure of a CPU or a hard drive of
a computer system is much more critical than the fail-
ures of some accessory parts such as a keyboard or a
microphone, since the former can lead to a complete
tion and/or a high repair/replacement cost while the
latter usually only results in system under-performance
and a low repair/replacement cost. Consequently, the
failures of critical or valuable parts will lead to stronger
dissatisfaction of customers, and hence result in higher
expectation on reliability for these components. It is
desirable to develop test strategies that allow demon-
strating separate reliability requirements for multiple
failure modes.
The product with Jindependent failure modes
is considered. For each test unit, it will either have
failed in mode j,j=1,...,Jor remain working by
the end of the testing period. Let πjand yjdenote
the probability of failure and the number of observed
failures in failure mode jwithin the test period (or an
equivalent mission time period), respectively. Then,
j=1πjand n−J
j=1yjdenote the
probability of success and the number of survived
units by the end of the test. The MSRDTs for multiple
failure modes aim to demonstrate at an assurance level
at (1−β) that the product reliability will meet multi-
ple minimum reliability requirements for each of the
dierent failure modes, denoted by Rj,j=1,...,J.
Here, βistheCRonhavingaproductthathaspassed
the demonstration test but fails to meet all reliability
requirements for dierent failure modes. Note that
all failure modes are dened in the same test period.
For any specied reliability requirements Rj’s and t h e
maximum acceptable CR controlled at or below β,the
MSRDTs for multiple failure modes are designed to
determine the minimum sample size nmas well as the
maximum number of allowable failures cjin the jth
failuremodefor j=1,...,J.
Without loss of generality, considering two failure
modes with J=2forillustratingtheproposedMSRDT
strategy. Let R1and R2denote the minimum accept-
able reliabilities for failure modes 1 and 2, respectively.
The test is passed if the number of observed failures yj
is less or equal to the maximum number of allowable
failures cjfor both failure modes, and the test plan is to
determine the choice on {nm,c1,c2}.Forindependent
failure modes, the acceptance probability Hm(n,c1,c2)
for certain (π1,π
2)values can be written as
y1=0 n!
y2=0 n!
and the corresponding CR, denoted by CRm,iscalcu-
lated by
where p(π1,π
2)is the joint prior distribution of
2). For independent failure modes, there is
2)=p(π1)p(π2). The minimum sample size is
determined by controlling the CRmobtained in Eq. [5]
to be at or below β. Simulation case studies are con-
ducted for exploring dierent reliability requirements,
maximum numbers of allowable failures for dierent
failure modes, as well as dierent prior elicitations and
their impacts on the required minimum sample size
for the MSRDTs for two failure modes. The results are
summarized in Tables 6 and 7for two cases with simi-
lar or dierent reliability requirements for the two fail-
ure modes. In Tab l e 6, identical minimum reliability
requirements are assumed for the two failure modes,
where R1=R2=0.8 indicates that the customers have
the same expectation on reliability for both failure
modes. Table 7 assumes dierent reliability require-
ments with R1=0.8andR2=0.6. Here, failure mode
1 is considered more critical and/or have more severe
consequences associated with its failure, and hence is
required for a higher reliability. The CRmis still con-
trolled at β=0.05 and the sample size for Monte Carlo
sampling is chosen as M=15000 to maintain the sim-
ulation accuracy. Beta distributions are used for speci-
fying the prior distributions for both π1and π2for the
two failure modes.
When two failure modes have the same reliability
requirements at R1=R2=0.8, Table 6 summarizes
the minimum sample size with dierent choices of the
maximum number of allowable failures and dierent
prior settings. When no prior information is available,
442 S. CHEN ET AL.
Tab le . Multiple failure modes with the same reliability require-
ments for different prior distributions.
π1(1,1)(2,18)(4,16)(10,15 )(2,18)(2,18)(4,16)
Beta π2(1,1)(2,18)(4,16)(10,15 )(4,16)(10,15)(10,15 )
Settings: M=15000,R1=0.8,R2=0.8,β =0.05
a non-informative prior distribution of Beta(1,1)is
assigned for both π1and π2.Similarpatternscanbe
observed as for the MSRDTs over multiple time peri-
ods. When c1is xed, the minimum sample size nm
increases as c2increases; when c2is xed, nmincreases
with c1. This is intuitive as having more allowable fail-
ures makes it easier to pass the test and thus increases
Tab le . Multiple failure modes with different reliability require-
ments for different prior distributions.
Beta π2(1,1)(2,18)(10,10)(10,15)(10,10)(2,18)
Settings: M=15000,R1=0.8,R2=0.6,β =0.05
the CR. To control a reasonable CR, a larger number
of units need to be tested by allowing more failures
to be observed during the test. When c1+c2is xed,
the minimum sample size nmexhibits a symmetric
pattern under the non-informative prior setting due to
the identical reliability requirements for both failure
modes. For example, when c1+c2=6, the minimum
sample sizes for c1=0,c2=6, and c1=6,c2=0
are identical. In addition, when c1and c2become
more similar in size (e.g., c1=2,c2=4comparedto
c1=0,c2=6), it requires smaller minimum sample
size to remain the same assurance level for demon-
strating the requirements on both failure modes. This
makes sense as when the maximum number of allow-
able failures is considerably larger for one failure mode
given the same reliability requirement, it requires to test
more units for demonstrating the requirement for this
sample size needed in the MSRDT for demonstrating
reliability requirements for both failure modes.
Dierent prior elicitations also have large impacts
on the selected test plan, as shown in Ta b l e 6 .When
prior knowledge supports higher reliabilities than the
requirements to be demonstrated, fewer units need to
be tested and vice versa. For instance, the prior dis-
tributions of π1∼Beta(2,18)and π2∼Beta(2,18)
indicate that there is a strong belief of lower fail-
ure probabilities than the requirements within the test
period for both failure modes. Thus, the corresponding
minimum sample size is smaller than what is needed
for using the non-informative prior. On the other hand,
when the prior distributions of π1∼Beta(10,15)and
π2∼Beta(10,15)are used, which indicates a moder-
ately strong belief in larger failure probabilities than
the requirements for both failure modes, more units
need to be tested to demonstrate the higher reliabil-
ity requirements compared to what is needed when no
prior information is available.
When c1+c2is xed, the required minimum sam-
ple size is also sensitive to the specied prior distri-
bution. Figure 8 illustrates the change in the nmfor
dierent (c1,c2)combinations given xed c1+c2=
6. When the non-informative priors are assumed, the
curve for nm(the solid line with the triangles) shows
a symmetric pattern with the minimum sample size
achieved at c1=c2=3. When informative priors indi-
cating lower failure probabilities than requirements for
both failure modes (such as π1∼Beta(2,18), π2∼
Minimum sample size
100 150
(2,18) (2,18)
(4,16) (4,16)
Figure . Multiple failure modes with the same reliability require-
ments for fixed c1+c2and different prior distributions.
Beta(2,18)corresponding to the dash line with the
open circles) are assumed, the minimum sample size
curve is below the non-informative curve. As the prior
belief indicates higher failure probability for at least one
of the failure modes (such as π1∼Beta(2,18), π2∼
Beta(10,15)corresponding to the dotted line with the
solid circles or π1∼Beta(10,15), π2∼Beta(10,15)
corresponding to the dash-dotted line with the open
circles), the corresponding minimum sample size cur ve
shifts upwards on at least one side of tails or on both
Table 7 showsthetestplanswhendierentreliability
requirements are used for the two failure modes with
R1=0.8andR2=0.6. When the non-informative
priors are used, the symmetric pattern is no longer
observed due to dierent requirements on reliability for
the two failure modes. Particularly, nmis larger when
c1is large since more units need to be tested to demon-
strate higher reliability requirement for failure model 1
while allowing more failures to be observed during the
test period. Also, for the same c1and c2settings, the
minimum sample size for demonstrating R1=R2=
0.8 is smaller than what is required for demonstrat-
ing R1=0.8andR2=0.6 since fewer units can be
tested to demonstrate a lower reliability requirement
for failure mode 2. When more informative priors are
used, similar patterns are observed from both Ta b l e 7
and Figure 9. A potential sample size reduction can be
achieved when the prior knowledge supports higher
reliability than what is required to be demonstrated by
the MSRDT.
Minimum sample size
0 50 100 150
(2,18) (10,10)
Figure . Multiple failure modes with different reliability require-
ments for fixed c1+c2and different prior distributions.
Conventional binomial RDTs, which focus on demon-
strating a single reliability requirement within a single
test period, have limited use when multiple reliability
requirements need to be met. This article proposes
two types of RDTs for demonstrating reliabilities over
multiple time periods and for multiple failure modes.
These RDTs with multiple reliability requirements are
all referred to as multi-state RDTs (MSRDTs).
time period of interest is treated as a state, and the joint
distribution of failure counts over the non-overlapping
time periods can be modeled by a multinomial distri-
bution. Two dierent test strategies are proposed for
demonstrating multiple requirements over dierent
time periods. One strategy uses the cumulative failure
counts at the end of each cumulative time period peri-
ods as the criteria for passing the test; while the other
uses separate failure counts over non-overlapping time
intervals as the criteria for passing the test. Simula-
tion studies were conducted for comparing the two
strategies by considering two-period MSRDTs. It was
counts (Scenario I) is generally preferred for cases that
allow fewer total failure counts over all time periods or
when a larger maximum number of allowable failures
is allowed for the early cumulative time period. The
strategy using separate failure counts (Scenario II) is
only preferred for requiring smaller minimum sample
size when a smaller maximum number of allowable
failures is allowed for the early separate time period.
444 S. CHEN ET AL.
In the MSRDTs for multiple failure modes, each
requirements for the multiple failure modes that may
be associated with dierent consequences in varied lev-
els of severity and/or costs of repair/replacement can be
simultaneously demonstrated. The required minimum
sample size is usually determined mainly by the fail-
and/or least stringent criterion for passing the test (i.e.,
allowing a larger maximum number of allowable fail-
ures for a particular failure mode).
The impacts of incorporating dierent prior dis-
tributions are also explored for both categories of
MSRDTs. The patterns are consistent regardless of
which test strategy is considered. When the prior
knowledge supports higher reliabilities than the
requirements to be demonstrated, fewer units can be
tested compared to using the non-informative priors
for demonstrating the same reliability requirements.
However, if the historical data supports lower relia-
bilities than what are required to be demonstrated,
then more units need to be tested to override the
eects of the prior distribution for demonstrating
higher reliabilities than what has been indicated from
existing data. For future work, it is expected to develop
thorough mathematical justications with theoritical
formulations and derivations to validate the discussed
patterns using both non-informative and informative
prior distributions.
About the authors
Suiyao Chen is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Indus-
trial and Management Systems Engineering at University of
South Florida. He received his B.S. degree (2014) in Economics
from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and
M.A. degree (2016) in Statistics from Columbia University. His
research focus is on statistical reliability data analysis, demon-
stration tests design, and data analytics.
Lu Lu is an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Depart-
ment of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of South
Florida in Tampa. She was a postdoctoral research associated in
the Statistics Sciences Group at Los Alamos National Labora-
tory. She earned a doctorate in statistics from Iowa State Univer-
sity in Ames, IA. Her research interests include reliability anal-
ysis, design of experiments, response surface methodology, sur-
vey sampling, and multiple objective/response optimization.
Mingyang Li is an assistant Professor in the Department of
Industrial & Management Systems Engineering at the Univer-
sity of South Florida. He received his Ph.D. in systems & indus-
trial engineering and his M.S. in statistics from the University
of Arizona in 2015 and 2013, respectively. He also received his
M.S. in mechanical & industrial engineering from the Univer-
sity of Iowa in 2010 and his B.S. in control science & engineering
from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2008.
His research interests include reliability and quality assurance,
Bayesian data analytics and system informatics. Dr. Li is a mem-
ber of INFORMS, IISE, and ASQ.
This work was supported in part by National Science Foun-
dation under Grant BCS-1638301 and in part by University of
South Florida Research & Innovation Internal Awards Program
under Grant No. 0114783.
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To analytically show the dierence between Scenar-
time periods when c1+c2is xed, let H(n,c1,c2)=
HI(n,c1,c2)−HII(n,c1,c2), which can be explicitly
written as
y2=c2+1 n!
When c1=0, H(n,c1,c2)=0andbothscenarios
become equivalent, as shown in Tab l e s 3–5.Whenc1>
0, H(n,c1,c2)>0, which indicates that the proba-
bility of accepting test plan under Scenario II is always
smaller than the probability calculated under Scenario
I. However, this nding does not imply that for a
xed n, one scenario will always give a consistently
higher/lower CR than the other. To justify this, let A=
2)dπ2dπ1and B=
II and CRIcan
be written as
where A=1−R1
dπ2dπ1and B=1
II −CRIis given by
Although B>A,asn,c1and c2vary, Acan be
larger/smaller than B. Thus, for a xed sample size n,
neither CRII >CRInor CRII <CRIwill hold consis-
tently. It also explains results in Figure 5,andTa b l e s 4
and 5that when controlling CR, one scenario cannot
give a consistently larger/smaller minimum sample size
than the other scenario.