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Anti-Hyperuricemic, Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Siegesbeckia orientalis L. Resulting from the Fraction with High Phenolic Content

  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Background The medicinal plant Siegesbeckia orientalis L. has been commonly used for the treatment of acute arthritis, rheumatism, and gout in Vietnam. However, pharmacological research of this plant associated with gout has not been reported. Anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory effects were evaluated and observed for the crude ethanol extract (CEE) of S. orientalis. Retention of these biological properties was found in a n-butanol-soluble fraction (BuOH fr.) of the extract, and therefore further biological and chemical investigations were undertaken on the BuOH fr. to support the medical relevance of this plant. Methods The aerial part of S. orientalis was obtained in the mountainous region of Vietnam. The crude ethanol extract (CEE) and its BuOH fr. were prepared from the plant materials. Anti-hyperuricemic activities of the CEE and BuOH fr. were tested in vivo using the model oxonate-induced hyperuricemia rats through determination of serum uric acid levels and inhibitory effects on xanthine oxidase (XO) in the rat liver. Anti-inflammatory activities of the BuOH fr. were also evaluated in vivo using carrageenan-induced paw edema and urate-induced synovitis in rats. Active components of the BuOH fr. were characterized by comparison of HPLC retention time (tR) and spectroscopic data (UV, 1H–NMR) with those of reference compounds. ResultsThe CEE of S. orientalis displayed anti-hyperuricemic activity, and the BuOH fr. was found to be the most active portion of the extract. Further in vivo studies on this fraction showed 31.4% decrease of serum uric acid levels, 32.7% inhibition of xanthine oxidase (XO), 30.4% reduction of paw edema volume, symptomatic relief in urate-induced synovitis and significant analgesic effect at the dose of 120 mg/kg, as compared to the corresponding values of the control groups. Chemical analysis of the BuOH fr. revealed high phenolic content, identified as caffeic acid analogues and flavonones. Conclusions This study suggested that anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory mechanism of S. orientalis is related to XO inhibitory effect of the phenolic components. Our findings support the use of this plant as the treatment of gout and other inflammatory diseases.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Anti-Hyperuricemic, Anti-Inflammatory and
Analgesic Effects of Siegesbeckia orientalis L.
Resulting from the Fraction with High
Phenolic Content
Thuy Duong Nguyen
, Phuong Thien Thuong
, In Hyun Hwang
, Thi Kim Huyen Hoang
, Minh Khoi Nguyen
Hoang Anh Nguyen
and MinKyun Na
Background: The medicinal plant Siegesbeckia orientalis L. has been commonly used for the treatment of acute
arthritis, rheumatism, and gout in Vietnam. However, pharmacological research of this plant associated with gout
has not been reported. Anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory effects were evaluated and observed for the
crude ethanol extract (CEE) of S. orientalis. Retention of these biological properties was found in a n-butanol-soluble
fraction (BuOH fr.) of the extract, and therefore further biological and chemical investigations were undertaken on
the BuOH fr. to support the medical relevance of this plant.
Methods: The aerial part of S. orientalis was obtained in the mountainous region of Vietnam. The crude ethanol
extract (CEE) and its BuOH fr. were prepared from the plant materials. Anti-hyperuricemic activities of the CEE and
BuOH fr. were tested in vivo using the model oxonate-induced hyperuricemia rats through determination of serum
uric acid levels and inhibitory effects on xanthine oxidase (XO) in the rat liver. Anti-inflammatory activities of the
BuOH fr. were also evaluated in vivo using carrageenan-induced paw edema and urate-induced synovitis in rats.
Active components of the BuOH fr. were characterized by comparison of HPLC retention time (t
) and
spectroscopic data (UV,
HNMR) with those of reference compounds.
Results: The CEE of S. orientalis displayed anti-hyperuricemic activity, and the BuOH fr. was found to be the most
active portion of the extract. Further in vivo studies on this fraction showed 31.4% decrease of serum uric acid
levels, 32.7% inhibition of xanthine oxidase (XO), 30.4% reduction of paw edema volume, symptomatic relief in
urate-induced synovitis and significant analgesic effect at the dose of 120 mg/kg, as compared to the
corresponding values of the control groups. Chemical analysis of the BuOH fr. revealed high phenolic content,
identified as caffeic acid analogues and flavonones.
Conclusions: This study suggested that anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory mechanism of S. orientalis is
related to XO inhibitory effect of the phenolic components. Our findings support the use of this plant as the
treatment of gout and other inflammatory diseases.
Keywords: Siegesbeckia orientalis, Anti-hyperuricemic activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Analgesic activity, Xanthine
oxidase, Caffeic acid analogues, Flavonones
* Correspondence:;
Department of Pharmacology, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, 13 Le Thanh
Tong, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam
College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
34134, Republic of Korea
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191
DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-1698-z
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
The plant Siegesbeckia orientalis L. (syn. S. glutinosa), a
member of Asteraceae, is widely distributed in Vietnam
and other South-East Asian countries [1, 2]. The aerial
part of this plant has been used for treating various in-
flammatory diseases, such as neurasthenia, insomnia, im-
petigo, furuncle, wound, and burn [2]. Being known as a
Vietnamese indigenous medicine hy-thiem,thisplant
has been applied in a series of traditional remedies for the
treatment of acute arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation,
and especially gout and pain [1, 3, 4]. Although biological
potential of S. orientalis has been previously investigated,
the interest was limited to anti-inflammatory and anal-
gesic activities of either whole herbal extract [5] or kirenol
[2], which is an ent-pimarane type diterpene identified
from this plant and commonly encountered from the
same genus Aster [68]. Furthermore, a recent in vitro
and in vivo study on the anti-inflammatory mechanism of
S. orientalis demonstrated that its ethanol extract sup-
presses mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)- and
NF-κB-dependent pathways [9]. Given that inflammatory
response is a key step in the onset of gout symptoms [10],
anti-inflammatory effects were thought to be responsible
for traditional utilization of S. orientalis as a part of symp-
tomatic treatment of this disorder.
Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme converting xanthine and
hypoxanthine into uric acid. A high level of serum uric
acid (hyperuricemia) is a well-known major cause of gout,
and this metabolic syndrome is closely related to inflam-
matory responses [10]. Deposition of monosodium urate
crystals in a joint could lead to an acute inflammatory
pain. Phytochemical studies of S. orientalis identified vari-
ous secondary metabolites, which include sesquiterpe-
noids[11,12],diterpenoids[68, 13], and caffeic acid and
rutin [14]. It is notable that in vitro xanthine oxidase (XO)
inhibitory activities of caffeic acid and its analogues were
reported previously [1416], while rutin exhibited the
anti-hyperuricemic effect in mice mediated by XO inhib-
ition in vivo, but not in vitro [17, 18]. Our preliminary
screening also confirmed that the ethanol extract of S.
orientalis was a potent inhibitor of XO among more than
300 Vietnamese medicinal plants. Therefore, it was sup-
posed that S. orientalis could have dual role in treatment
of gout which related to both hypouricemic and anti-
inflammatory activity. Based on a literature search, kirenol
was suggested to be the main active compound which was
responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of S.
orientalis [2]. To our knowledge, this compound, however,
has not been observed for biological activities with regard
to XO inhibition. Important active constituents involved
in XO inhibition activity of S. orientalis therefore remain
to be determined.
The present study evaluates anti-hyperuricemic and
anti-inflammatory effects of S. orientalis extract using
well-established animal models. Taking into consider-
ation both anti-inflammatory and XO inhibitory effects,
we focused on flavonoids and other phenolic compounds
which are extensively studied and well-known antioxi-
dants as potential phytochemical agents for treating
diseases mediated by free radicals, including inflamma-
tion and gout [19, 20].
Chemicals and reagents
All the chemicals and reagents used for in vivo tests
were of biological grade purchased from Sigma Aldrich
(St Louis, MO, USA): xanthine 99100% (Cat.
XO626-25G; Lot#/Batch# 097 K5307), carrageenan
(C1013-100G; Pcode 100,160,665); uric acid (> = 99%,
crystalline, U2625); oxonic acid potassium salt (97%;
156,124-100G); xanthine oxidase, from bovine milk
(X1875-50UN; 1,000,877,910). Solvents for extraction
and fractionation were of industrial grade purchased
from a licensed chemical company in Hanoi, Vietnam,
and used without purification.
Plant material
The aerial parts of Siegesbeckia orientalis L. (Asteraceae)
were collected in the mountainous region of Hoa Binh
province, in the North of Vietnam. The plant was au-
thenticated by Prof. Tran Van On, Department of Bot-
any, Hanoi University of Pharmacy. A voucher specimen
(VDL-HT01) has been deposited at the Herbarium of
the Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and
Standardization, Vietnam National Institute of Medicinal
Materials, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Preparation of extraction and fractionation
The dried plant material (5 kg) was extracted three times
with 96% ethanol (EtOH) at room temperature for 9
days. The solution was filtered and combined, and the
organic solvent was removed under reduced pressure to
give a crude ethanol extract (CEE, 180 g). A part of the
CEE (150 g) was suspended in water (1 L) and then suc-
cessively partitioned with n-hexane (Hex), ethyl acetate
(EtOAc), and n-butanol (BuOH) (each 1 L). The organic
solvents and water were evaporated to yield Hex- (44 g),
EtOAc- (33 g), and BuOH-soluble (30 g) fractions, and
the remaining water soluble fraction (31 g).
The adult male Wistar rats (8 weeks old, weighing
140 ± 10 g) were obtained from Animal Facilities,
Research Center for Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam
Military Medical University (Hanoi, Vietnam). Animals
were used and processed according to the suggested eth-
ical guidelines for the care of laboratory animals [21],
and the experimental protocols in this study were
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 2 of 9
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approved by the Scientific and Ethical Committee of
Hanoi University of Pharmacy (156/DHN-QD). The rats
were acclimatized at least 7 days to adapt to their envir-
onment before any experimental manipulation. They
were housed in 612 × 345 × 216 mm cages (Tecniplast
2000P) in an animal room (Department of Pharmacol-
ogy, Hanoi University of Pharmacy) with a temperature
of 2426 °C, humidity of 5560%, regular 12/12 h light/
dark cycle (7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.), and access to standard
laboratory diet and tap water freely until used for experi-
ments. General health status of the rats was monitored
on alternate days, and no adverse events were recorded
during the housing period. At the beginning of each ex-
periment, body weight of the animals ranged from 180
to 220 g. All the samples from animals subjected to the
treatments were included in the data analysis.
Evaluation of anti-hyperuricemic effect
Drug administration
Each test sample of CEE and BuOH fraction was
suspended in 0.5% sodium carboxymethylcellulose
(CMC-Na). Food, but not water, was withdrawn from
the animals 2 h prior to drug administration. Based on
the Vietnamese traditional usage of hy-thiem,ratswere
given the CEE at 300, 600, 1200 mg/kg and the BuOH
fraction at 120 mg/kg once a day for five consecutive days.
Rats in the negative control group were orally adminis-
trated with 0.5% CMC-Na only, while those of the positive
control group were given allopurinol at 10 mg/kg.
Animal hyperuricemia model
Hyperuricemia of rats was induced by potassium
oxonate, an uricase inhibitor [22]. In brief, potassium
oxonate was suspended in 0.5% CMC-Na. One hour be-
fore administration of the test samples, rats were intra-
peritoneally injected with the freshly prepared potassium
oxonate suspension at the dose of 250 mg/kg to increase
their serum uric acid levels. Whole blood samples were
collected from the tail vein of the rats 1 h after the final
administration of tested compounds. Blood was allowed
to clot for approximately 1 h at room temperature and
then centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 5 min to obtain the
serum, which was stored at 20 °C until used.
Determination of blood uric acid levels
Serum uric acid levels were determined by the phospho-
tungstic acid method [23].
Enzyme preparation from rat liver
Rat liver was rapidly excised and homogenized in an ice-
cold 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0). The
homogenate was centrifuged at 3000×gfor 10 min at 4 °C,
and then lipid layer was carefully removed. The resulting
supernatant was further centrifuged at 10000×gfor
60 min at 4 °C. The supernatant obtained from the final
centrifugation was used to detect XO activity.
Assay for XO inhibition in rat liver
Enzyme activity of XO was assayed by monitoring uric
acid formation using the spectrophotometric method as
described elsewhere [24]. Briefly, a reaction was started by
adding 100 μL of the supernatant to a phosphate buffer
solution (pH 7.5) containing 0.12 mM xanthine and
0.192 mM EDTA. The mixture (total 5.0 mL) was incu-
bated for 30 min at 37 °C, and the reaction was terminated
by the addition of 1 M HCl (0.5 mL). The production of
uric acid was determined by measuring UV absorbance at
290 nm. The XO activities were expressed as mmol of
produced uric acid per minute per gram protein. Protein
concentration was determined by the Lowry method [25]
using bovine serum albumin as a standard.
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effect
Drug administration
Rats were randomly divided into 3 groups (n= 8 for
each): negative control, positive control, and test sample
(BuOH fraction). Indomethacin, a nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug, was used as a reference compound
for the positive control group. Each sample of BuOH
fraction and indomethacin was dissolved/suspended in
0.5% CMC-Na, and orally given to rats at the dose of
120 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg body weight, respectively. The
rats in the negative control group were orally adminis-
trated with 0.5% CMC-Na only. Volume of administra-
tion was identical for all rats in three groups.
Carrageenan-induced rat paw edema
Paw edema test was performed according to the previ-
ously described carrageenan-induced method [26] with
some modification. Briefly, 1 h after the drug administra-
tion, paw edema was induced by injecting 0.1 mL of 1%
(w/v) carrageenan in buffer saline into the plantar sur-
face of the right hind paw in all rats. The paw was
marked in order to immerse it to the same extent in the
measurement chamber. Volume of the rat paws was
measured using a plethysmometer (Ugo Bisile, Italy) im-
mediately before the carrageenan subplantar injection
and at intervals of 1, 3, and 5 h. The assessment of paw
volume was always performed in double blind and by
the same operator. Indomethacin was administered p.o.
as a reference drug. The increased percentage of edema
was calculated as follows:
Increased edema %ðÞ¼
Volume at the end of 3hmLðÞ
Basal paw volume mLðÞ 100
The percentage inhibition of edema for each group
was calculated by the following formula
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 3 of 9
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P%Inhibition of edemaðÞ¼
Ec 100
Ec = % Edema of the negative control group, and Et = %
Edema of the treatment group.
Carrageenan-induced mechanical hyperalgesia
Mechanical hyperalgesia was examined in an inflamma-
tory pain rat model by measuring the withdrawal thresh-
olds of hind paw to an increasing pressure stimulus,
using an analgesymeter (model 37,215; Ugo Basile, Italy).
Paw withdrawal thresholds were measured in naive ani-
mals prior to the intraplantar injection of carrageenan
into the hind paw. The cut-off was set at 250 g and the
endpoint was taken as paw withdrawal or vocalization.
Withdrawal thresholds were measured before (predose)
and up to 3 h after drug or vehicle administration (post-
dose). In all cases, testing was done in blind. Reversal of
mechanical hyperalgesia was calculated according to the
following formula [27]:
%Reversal ¼Postdose thresholdPredose threshold
Naive thresholdPredose threshold 100
Carrageenan-induced thermal hyperalgesia
Carrageenan-induced thermal hyperalgesia was assessed
in separate groups of animals. The measurement of the
nociceptive response to a thermal stimulus used a hot-
plate test with the temperature adjusted to 51 ± 1 °C
[28]. The withdrawal latencies of the hind paw were
measured. Hyperalgesia to heat was defined as a de-
crease in the Δlatency (sec), calculated by the difference
of latency times between the carrageenan- and non-
injected paw (naive). BuOH fraction was administered
orally at the dose of 120 mg/kg one hour before the
carrageenan injection, and the positive control group
received indomethacin (10 mg/kg, p.o.).
Urate-induced synovitis
One hour after the drug administration, rats were anesthe-
tized and injected with 100 μL of sodium urate crystals
into one knee. The animals were allowed to walk on a
metal grid after 1824 h. A scoring system is adopted in
which inflammatory symptoms ranging from tenderness,
limping, occasional 3-legged gait to complete 3-legged gait
are scored from 1+ to 4+ [29]. BuOH fraction was admin-
istered orally at the dose of 120 mg/kg 1 h before and
20 h after the urate injection, and the positive control
group received indomethacin (10 mg/kg, p.o.).
Statistical data analysis
Data are expressed in mean ± standard error of the
mean (SEM) from eight animals per group. Statistical
analysis was performed by one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA). Dunnetts multiple range test was performed
to determine significant differences among means.
Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyze non-parametric
data, followed by Mann- Whitney U test if applicable.
The values of p< 0.05 were considered to be statistically
Determination of total phenolic content
Total phenolic content was measured using the
Folin-Ciocalteau method as described previously [25].
Characterization of phenolic compounds
Phenolic compounds in the BuOH fraction were analyzed
by a Shimadzu HPLC system equipped with a DAD de-
tector and C
column (250 × 4.6 mm; 5 μm), using a gra-
dient of MeOH (solvent A) and 0.1% phosphoric acid in
water (solvent B) as mobile solvents. The following HPLC
method was used: flow rate (0.6 mL/min); 05 min (10%
A); 57 min (1025% A); 720 min (25% A); 2040 min
(2550% A); 4055 min (50% A); 5563 min (5080% A);
6368 min (80100% A). The compounds isolated were
identified by comparison of their retention time (t
spectroscopic data (UV and
H- and
CNMR) with
those of reference compounds [25].
Effect of CEE on serum uric acid levels in rats
The CEE at 300, 600, and 1200 mg/kg were orally ad-
ministered for 5 days on oxonate-induced hyperuricemia
rats, and serum uric acid levels were measured by the
phosphotungstic acid method. As presented in Table 1,
compared with the uric acid value of the normal rats
(116.17 μmol/L), the value of the control rats
(218.66 μmol/L) was significantly increased by the injec-
tion of potassium oxonate (p< 0.01). Administration of
the CEE enabled lowering the uric acid levels of hyper-
uricemic rats to normal ranges at 600 and 1200 mg/kg
(p< 0.05), while no effect was observed at dose of
300 mg/kg. The positive control, allopurinol at dose of
10 mg/kg, displayed more extensive hypouricemic activ-
ity, which significantly reduced the serum uric acid level
to 101.69 μmol/L (p< 0.01).
Effect of CEE and BuOH fraction on serum uric acid levels
in rats
A part of CEE (150 g) was fractionated, and obtained
30 g of the BuOH-soluble portion. The CEE (600 mg/kg)
and BuOH fraction (120 mg/kg) were further tested for
hypouricemic activity in an animal model, and were orally
administered for 5 days on oxonate-induced hyperurice-
mia rats, and the serum uric acid levels were measured by
the phosphotungstic acid method. As presented in Table
2, the CEE and BuOH fr. of S. orientalis reduced uric acid
levels. Of the samples tested, the BuOH fr. exhibited
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 4 of 9
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notable hypouricemic activity by lowering the serum uric
acid level by 31.4% at dose of 120 mg/kg (p<0.01).
Effect of BuOH fraction on XO activity in rats
Detailed investigation for hypouricemic activity of the
BuOH fraction was subsequently carried out with
in vivo test for liver XO activity in rats. As shown in Fig.
1, the values observed for XO activity in the control and
BuOH fr. (120 mg/kg p.o.) groups were 2.08 ± 0.20 and
1.40 ± 0.14 mmol/min per mg protein, respectively. It
means that an in vivo inhibition of XO by 32.7% was ob-
served for the BuOH fr. as compared to the control
group (p< 0.05). In the same experiment, allopurinol
inhibited XO activity (41.8% inhibition) at the dose of
10 mg/kg, showing slightly more potent activity than the
BuOH fr.
Effect of BuOH fraction on paw edema in rats
Anti-inflammatory activity of the BuOH fraction was
evaluated using a carrageenan-induced paw edema
model. Intraplantar injection of carrageenan (1% w/v)
markedly increased paw volume of the rats, reaching
its maximal effect after 3 h (Fig. 2). Treatment with
the BuOH fr. (120 mg/kg) reduced the volume of
paw edema by 30.4% (p< 0.05), as compared to the
maximum volume measured before the treatment.
Indomethacin (10 mg/kg) served as a positive control,
displaying inhibitory activity by reducing 44.6% paw
Table 1 Inhibitory effect of crude ethanol extract (CEE) from S.
orientalis on serum uric acid levels in rats
Group treatment Dose
Number Serum uric acid
levels (μmol/L)
Normal 116.17 ± 8.71
Control 8 218.66 ± 16.82
CEE 300 8 174.49 ± 12.31 20.2
600 8 159.16 ± 16.36* 27.2
1200 8 158.18 ± 14.07* 27.7
Allopurinol 10 8 101.69 ± 15.98** 53.5
Hyperuricemic rats were induced by a potassium oxonate injection 1 h before
the last drug administration. The CEE at 300, 600 and 1200 mg/kg and
allopurinol at 10 mg/kg were orally administrated once a day for five
consecutive days. The control and normal groups were orally administered
with 0.5% CMC-Na. The serum uric acid levels of rats were measured by the
phosphotungstic acid method. Values are displayed as mean ± SEM
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01 vs. hyperuricemic rats (control);
#p< 0.05, ##p< 0.01 vs. normal rats
Table 2 Inhibitory effect of crude ethanol extract (CEE) and
BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.) from S. orientalis on serum uric acid
levels in rats
Group treatment Number Dose
Serum uric acid
levels (μmol/L)
Normal 8 114.54 ± 11.23
Control 8 222.38 ± 24.58
CEE 8 600 163.58 ± 12.94* 26.4
BuOH fr. 8 120 152.47 ± 11.68** 31.4
Allopurinol 8 10 115.28 ± 11.13** 48.2
Hyperuricemic rats were induced by a potassium oxonate injection 1 h before
the last drug administration. The CEE at 600 mg/kg, the BuOH fr. at 120 mg
and allopurinol at 10 mg/kg were orally administrated once a day for five
consecutive days. The control and normal groups were orally administered
with 0.5% CMC-Na. The serum uric acid levels of rats were measured by the
phosphotungstic acid method. Values are displayed as mean ± SEM
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01 vs. hyperuricemic rats (control);
#p< 0.05, ##p< 0.01 vs. normal rats
Fig. 1 Xanthine oxidase (XO) enzyme from rat liver was treated with
the BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.). The activity of XO inhibition was
evaluated by monitoring uric acid formation using the
spectrophotometric method. Allopurinol was used as a reference
agent. Values are presented as mmol/min per g protein and
mean ± SEM from 8 animals in the treatment group. * p< 0.05,
**p< 0.01 vs. control
Edema (%)
Time (h)
Indomethacin 10 mg/kg
BuOH fr. 120 mg/kg
Fig. 2 The BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.) was suspended in distilled water
and orally administered. Paw edema was induced 30 min after the
subplantar injection of 1% (w/v) carrageenan in buffer saline. The
paw edema was measured before (predose) and at intervals of 1, 3,
and 5 h after the carrageenan injection. Indomethacin was used as a
reference agent. Values are expressed in percent increase of paw
before the carrageenan injection and mean ± SEM from 8 animals in
the treatment group. * p< 0.05, **p< 0.01 vs. control
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 5 of 9
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Effect of BuOH fraction on mechanical hyperalgesia in
Figure 3 shows the data obtained in rats while mechan-
ical hyperalgesia was induced by carrageenan, which led
to the reduction of ipsilateral paw withdrawal thresholds
approximately from 150 g to 4555 g after the injection
in naive animals (data not shown). Administration of the
BuOH fraction or indomethacin significantly reversed
inflammatory mechanical hyperalgesia (Fig. 3a). A max-
imal 32% reversal was observed 3 h after the administra-
tion of the BuOH fr. at dose of 120 mg/kg (p< 0.05),
while the positive control (indomethacin) produced up
to 44% reversal (Fig. 3b).
Effect of BuOH fraction on thermal hyperalgesia in rats
Carrageenan injection into the hind paw of rats induced
thermal hyperalgesia, exerting maximal effect after 3 h.
As shown in Fig. 4, the BuOH fraction remarkably in-
creased Δwithdrawal latency at dose of 120 mg/kg.
Indomethacin (10 mg/kg) also exhibited significant anti-
nociceptive activity by reducing thermal hyperalgesia.
Effect of BuOH fraction on synovitis
The inflammatory response in the leg of rats occurred
5 h after intra-synovial injection of sodium urate crystal,
and then was gradually increased during subsequent
13 h (data not shown). The hyperalgesic response was
stable in all animals for 2 h, prior to the second drug ad-
ministration. Administration of the BuOH fraction
(120 mg/kg, p.o.) alleviated urate-induced synovitis 20 h
after injection of a causative inflammatory agent
(Table 3). Indomethacin (10 mg/kg, p.o.) also
displayed anti-inflammatory effect in this model, resulting
in leg tenderness for all animals in the group.
Fig. 3 Administration of the BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.) or
indomethacin after the treatment with carrageenan significantly
reversed mechanical hyperalgesia in rats. Paw withdrawal thresholds
were measured before (predose) and at intervals of 1, 3, and 5 h
after the carrageenan injection (a). Percentage of reversal of
hyperalgesia measured 3 h after the vehicle or drug administration
(b). Values are displayed as mean ± SEM from 8 animals per group. *
p< 0.05, and ** p< 0.01 compared with vehicle
Fig. 4 Carrageenan was injected into the hind paw to produce
thermal hyperalgesia in rats. The BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.) at the oral
dose of 120 mg/kg significantly increased Δwithdrawal latency,
inhibiting the inflammatory hyperalgesia response after 3 h of the
treatment. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg) was used as a reference
compound. Values are expressed in mean ± SEM from 8 animals per
group. * p< 0.05, **p< 0.01 vs. hyperuricemic rats (control)
Table 3 Effect of BuOH fraction (BuOH fr.) on urate induced
synovitis in rats
Group Number Dose
(mg/kg p.o.)
Control 8 - 3.5 (24)
BuOH fr. 8 120 2 (13)*
Indomethacin 8 10 1 (11)**
Inflammatory responses in the leg receiving sodium urate began 5 h after the
injection, and continued to increase during 13 h (data not shown).
Hyperalgesic responses were stable in all animals 2 h prior to the second drug
administration. An anti-inflammatory agent was effective in this model. Values
are expressed in median of score range (min max). The Kruskal-Wallis test
was performed, followed by the Mann-Whitney U test
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01 vs. control
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 6 of 9
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Analysis of total phenolic content and identification of
phenolic compounds
Major constituents of the CEE were identified as phen-
olic compounds by analysis of the
H NMR data, and
the corresponding signals were also detected in the
BuOH fractionthe most active fraction of the extract.
Kirenol is an anti-inflammatory diterpene reported pre-
viously from this plant [2], but its NMR signals were not
present in the BuOH fraction. Therefore, transference of
the phenolic compounds found in the CEE into the
BuOH fraction was hypothesized to explain the
retention of the biological properties. In line with this
hypothesis, some phenolic compounds were reported to
show anti-gout and anti-inflammatory activities [24, 30
35]. Total phenolic contents for the organic solvent
fractions (Hex, EtOAc, and BuOH fractions) and the
CEE were quantitatively calculated to be 42.5, 75.7,
173.4, and 138.1 mg/g, respectively. The BuOH fraction,
displaying the most potent biological activities, con-
tained the highest total phenolic content, consistent with
our hypothesis. The phenolic compounds were isolated
by HPLC, and their spectroscopic data (Additional file
1) were compared with those published in the literature
[14, 30]: the phenolic compounds were identified as 3-
CQA (1; 3-caffeoylquinic acid; t
= 17.37 min), 5-CQA
(2; chlorogenic acid; t
= 22.32 min), 5-CQA (3;4-
caffeoylquinic acid; t
= 23.10 min), caffeic acid (4,
= 27.92 min), diCQAs (5; 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid,
3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid;
= 43.41 min, 45.02 min, and 45.38 min, respectively),
rutin (6;t
= 46.86 min), quercitrin (7;t
= 49.01 min),
kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside (8;t
= 50.94 min), and
kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside (9;t
= 55.63 min) (Fig. 5).
Gout is an emerging and common metabolic disorder
closely related to hyperuricemia, the treatment of which
aims to relieve acute gouty attacks and to prevent recur-
rent gouty episodes. Therapeutic approaches for treating
gout include applications of anti-inflammatory agents
for symptomatic relief, as well as selective inhibition of
the terminal steps in uric acid biosynthesis for chronic
gout [19]. Combination of the relevant therapies, such as
lowering uric acid levels, inhibiting inflammatory re-
sponses, and modifying dietary behaviors, was suggested
for the treatment of gout [36]. Suppression of XO activ-
ity is one of the therapeutic strategies to reduce blood
uric acid levels. However, only a few XO inhibitors, e.g.,
allopurinol and febuxostat, have been clinically used
[37]. Although most of the Vietnamese traditional rem-
edies for curing gout disease contain hy-thiem [1, 3],
pharmacological research of this medicinal plant associ-
ated with the treatment of this metabolic and inflamma-
tory disorder has been underexplored.
We demonstrated in this study that CEE of
hy-thiem significantly reduced uric acid levels in
oxonate-induced hyperuricemia rats. In addition,
in vitro inhibitory activity of the CEE on XO was
observed. The most potent activity was detected for
the n-BuOH-soluble portion. Among the fractions
resulting from activity-guided fractionation, the BuOH
fraction presented XO inhibitory activity even more
potent than that of the whole crude extract (data not
shown), and showed no acute and sub-chronic tox-
icity (Additional file 2). Therefore, transference of
active components from the CEE to the BuOH frac-
tion was suggested. The BuOH fraction of hy-thiem
showed its hypouricemic effect at dose of 120 mg/kg.
Subsequent in vivo studies at the same dose also re-
vealed that the BuOH fraction remarkably inhibited
liver XO activity in rats. These observations suggested
that the hypouricemic effect of hy-thiem is caused by,
at least in part, its inhibitory potency on XO, a key
enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of uric acid. Fur-
thermore, the BuOH fraction also displayed a notable
anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities in the
carrageenan-induced animal model, as shown previ-
ously with the crude extract of S. orientalis [5, 9].
Finally, deposition of urate crystals, an important ini-
tiation factor in the inflammatory process of gout, has
been taken into consideration in our experiments.
The BuOH fraction was found to have
anti-inflammatory effect in the urate-induced synovitis
model, which represents acute gouty attacks, confirm-
ing that the inhibition of XO is associated with
anti-inflammatory responses [37].
Although kirenol was reported to be responsible for
the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of S. orien-
talis [2], it was absent in the n-BuOH-soluble fraction in
the present study. Instead, phenolic compounds were
identified as major components of the fraction. There-
fore, the anti-gout and anti-inflammatory effects of
hy-thiem were presumed to be associated with those
phenolic compounds in the BuOH fraction [32, 38]. The
major constituents in this fraction were identified as caf-
feic acid analogues (15) and flavonones (69). Many
studies have showed uricemia lowering and anti-
inflammatory activities of caffeic acid analogues [3134]
and flavonones [24, 35], supporting our hypothesis. This
is the first report of this plant that phenolic compounds
19are the major constituents, showing anti-
inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-gout activities. Of
these phenolic compounds, 3-CQA (1), chlorogenic acid
(2), 4-CQA (3), di-CQA (5), quercitrin (7), kaempferol-
3-O-rutinoside (8), and kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside (9)
were identified for the first time from this species, while
a few other phenolic metabolites including caffeic acid
(4) and rutin (6) were reported previously [14].
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 7 of 9
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
This study demonstrates that crude ethanol extract and its
BuOH-soluble portion from S. orientalis (Vietnamese hy-
thiem) show anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory
activities experimentally. The active constituents respon-
sible for the biological activities were identified as phenolic
compounds. Our findings support the application of this
plant as an indigenous medicine for treating gout, which
occurs when metabolic and inflammatory disorders take
place together, by its dual pharmacological action.
Additional files
Additional file 1: Spectroscopic data for phenolic compounds from
hythiem (Siegesbeckia orientalis). (DOCX 17 kb)
Additional file 2: Report on toxicity study of BuOH fraction. (DOCX 104 kb)
BuOH fr.: n-BuOH-soluble fraction; CEE: Crude ethanol extract;
CMC: Carboxymethylcellulose; CQA: Caffeoylquinic acid; DAD: Diode array
detector; HPLC: High performance liquid chromatography; NMR: Nuclear
magnetic resonance; XO: Xanthine oxidase
We are grateful to Doctor Nguyen Quynh Chi, Department of
Pharmacognosy, Hanoi University of Pharmacy for collecting and providing
plant samples.
The authors deeply acknowledge the Vietnam National Foundation for
Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) for providing research
grant (No 106.992012.90). This research was supported by the research fund
of Chungnam National University and the Priority Research Centers Program
(NRF-2009-0093815) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
grant funded by Korean Government.
Availability of data and materials
All data and materials related to this study are included in the manuscript
and supplementary files.
PTT, NHA, and MN designed the study, and NTD carried out the experiment. NTD,
IHH, HTKH, and NMK performed data analysis and prepared the manuscript. All
authors have read and approved the final version of this manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Fig. 5 Chromatogram (HPLC-DAD, UV 255 nm) of the BuOH fraction (a) and the corresponding chemical structures (b)
Nguyen et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:191 Page 8 of 9
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Ethics approval and consent to participate
All experimental protocols on animals in this study were approved by the
Scientific and Ethical Committee of Hanoi University of Pharmacy (156/DHN-QD).
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
Department of Pharmacology, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, 13 Le Thanh
Tong, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis
and Standardization, National Institute of Medicinal Materials, 3B Quang
Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam.
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University,
Wanju, Jeonbuk 55338, Republic of Korea.
College of Pharmacy, Chungnam
National University, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea.
Received: 30 August 2016 Accepted: 21 March 2017
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... El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante el modelo de hiperuricemia en ratas inducido por Oxonato de potasio. (1,18,19) Se emplearon ratas machos albinos de la línea Wistar, de ocho semanas de edad, procedentes del Centro Nacional para la Producción de Animales de Laboratorio (CENPALAB) con sus correspondientes certificados de calidad que garantizaba la salud de los mismos, encontrándose aptos para efectuar este tipo de ensayo. El peso de las ratas estuvo comprendido entre 190 y 220 g. ...
... (20,21) Se permitió coagular la sangre durante aproximadamente 1 h a temperatura ambiente y luego se centrifugó 3 Soledispa Cañarte PA, et al a 3500 rpm (centrífuga G16 marca YINGTAI, China), durante 5 min para obtener el suero, que se almacenó a -20 °C hasta su uso. (18,19) Inmediatamente después de recolectar la sangre, se extrajo el hígado y se lavó con una solución salina al 0,9 %, luego se pesó 0,5 g (peso húmedo) y se homogeneizaron en 50 mM, pH 7,4 de buffer fosfato de sodio (Merck). Los homogenatos de hígado se centrifugaron a 3000 rpm a 4 °C durante 10 min, la fase lipídica fue descartada y el sobrenadante fue centrifugado a 10 000 rpm por 60 min a 4 °C. ...
... Los homogenatos de hígado se centrifugaron a 3000 rpm a 4 °C durante 10 min, la fase lipídica fue descartada y el sobrenadante fue centrifugado a 10 000 rpm por 60 min a 4 °C. El sobrenadante obtenido de la centrifugación final fue ensayado para determinar la actividad enzimática de la XO. (1,19) Las variables analizadas fueron el ácido úrico, actividad de la XO, porcentaje de inhibición de la enzima XO y peso corporal de las ratas. ...
Full-text available
Introducción: Smilax purhampuy se emplea tradicionalmente para el tratamiento de la gastritis crónica, cistitis, artritis e inflamación de la próstata; sin embargo, adolece de estudios científicos que sustenten su uso tradicional. Objetivo: Estimar la composición química y la actividad antihiperuricémica de extractos hidroalcohólicos de hojas y rizomas de S. purhampuy. Métodos: El material seco de hojas y rizomas de la especie se utilizó para la elaboración de extractos por maceración con disolvente hidroalcohólico al 80 %. Se cuantificaron los fenoles totales por Folin-Ciocalteu y flavonoides totales por el método colorimétrico del cloruro de aluminio. Se evaluó la actividad antihiperuricémica en ratas mediante el modelo de inducción con oxonato de potasio; los extractos se ensayaron a las dosis de 125, 250 y 400 mg/kg de peso corporal (p.c) y el alopurinol 10 mg/kg p.c se utilizó como control positivo. Se cuantificó el contenido de ácido úrico en suero sanguíneo y se determinó la actividad enzimática de la xantina oxidasa. Resultados: En las determinaciones fitoquímicas se percibieron diferencias significativas en la concentración de cada metabolito evaluado, asociadas, fundamentalmente, a las características propias de cada órgano vegetal. El mayor contenido de fenoles (4,08 mg EAG/g) y flavonoides (1,01 mg EQ/g) fue para el extracto de hojas. Los extractos de hojas y rizomas mostraron una disminución significativa en los niveles de ácido úrico en suero sanguíneo (156,31 µmol/L y 167,58 µmol/L, respectivamente) y en la actividad de la enzima xantina oxidasa a todas las dosis ensayadas, siendo más marcado en el extracto de hojas a 400 mg/kg. Conclusiones: Los resultados brindan los primeros hallazgos del potencial antihiperuricemiante de la especie y hacen una contribución importante al conocimiento de su composición química.
... Group 2b (2) 23.9*** ± 2.60 33.61 Group 3b (3) 24.2*** ± 2.30 32.78 Group 4b (4) 23,8*** ± 2.20 33.89 Note: ***: p < 0.001 compared to the control group The total average number of writhing episodes within 20 minutes in the control group was 36.0 ± 2.49 episodes, significantly higher than in the reference drug group (23.9 ± 2.60 episodes), DTP dose 1 group (24.2 ± 2.30 episodes), and DTP dose 2 group (23.8 ± 2.20 episodes), with a difference of p < 0.001. When comparing the total average number of writhing episodes within 20 minutes between the reference drug group, DTP dose 1 group, and DTP dose 2 group, no significant difference was observed (p > 0.05). ...
... Thus, DTP hard capsules demonstrated an analgesic effects through both central and peripheral mechanisms. The results of this study were further supported by evidence from previous studies that many components and herbal ingredients in the DTP capsule formula have analgesic and antiinflammatory effects (such as Nguu Tat had antiinflammatory effects, often used in bone and joint pain relief remedies [6]; Hy Thiem had analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects [3]; Ich Mau had analgesic effect in the writhing model induced by acetic acid and anti-inflammatory effects [12]; Thuong Truat had anti-inflammatory effects, used to treat bone and joint diseases [8], [9]; Pha Co Chi [14], Ty Giai [11], Tho Phuc Linh [7], and Hoang Ky [4] all have anti-inflammatory effects). ...
Purpose: Evaluate the analgesic effect of “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules on experimental animals. Subjects and Methods: “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules, meeting the standard criteria, were evaluated for analgesic effect on white mice. In particular, the central analgesic effect was assessed using the hot plate model, peripheral analgesic effect was assessed using the writhing pain model. Results: In the hot plate model, “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules at a dosage of 860 mg/kg and 2,580 mg/kg significantly increased the reaction time to heat (p < 0.001) compared to the control group. The difference in reaction time to heat between the groups using “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules and the group using codeine phosphate at a dose of 20 mg/kg was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In the writhing model, “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules at a dose of 860 mg/kg and 2,580 mg/kg significantly reduced the number of writhing episodes (p < 0.001) compared to the control group. The difference in the number of writhing episodes between the groups using “Dinh Thong Phong” capsules and the group using aspirin at a dose of 150 mg/kg was not statistically significant (p > 0.05).
... Additionally, Calcitriol inhibited the growth of colorectal cancer cell. Kirenol (Fig. 9A) was attributed with anti-inflammatory properties [54,55] Furthermore, derivatives of isosteviol (Fig. 9A) also exhibited anti-inflammatory activity [56]. Pipecolic acid levels in blood and urine were found to be associated with ataxia through peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (Fig. 9B) [57]. ...
Full-text available
Ulcerative colitis (UC), an inflammatory disease affecting the colon and rectal mucosa, is characterized by chronic and heterogeneous behavior of unknown origin. The primary cause of UC is chronic inflammation, which is closely linked to the development of colorectal cancer. Sonchus arvensis L. (SAL), a plant consumed worldwide for its nutritional and medicinal properties, holds significance in this context. In this study, we employed the total flavone in SAL as a treatment for male C57BL/6 mice with UC. The cecal contents metabolic profile of C57BL/6 mice in different groups, including UC (group ML; n = 5), UC treated with aspirin (group AN; n = 5), UC treated with the total flavone in SAL (group FE; n = 5), and healthy male C57BL/6 mice (group CL; n = 5), was examined using UHPLC-Triple-TOF-MS. Through the identification of variations in key metabolites associated with UC and the exploration of their underlying biological mechanisms, our understanding of the pathological processes underlying this condition has been enhanced. This study identified a total of seventy-three metabolites that have a significant impact on UC. Notably, the composition of total flavone in SAL, a medication used for UC treatment, differs from that of aspirin due to the presence of four distinct metabolites (13,14-Dihydro-15-keto-PGE2, Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2), (20R,22R)-20,22-dihydroxycholesterol, and PS (18:1(9Z)/0:0)). These metabolites possess unique characteristics that set them apart. Moreover, the study identified a total of eleven pathways that were significantly enriched in mice with UC, including Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis, Linoleic acid metabolism, PPAR signaling pathway, mTOR signaling pathway, Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation, Lysine degradation, VEGF signaling pathway, Melanogenesis, Endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption, and Cocaine addiction. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the metabolic variations in UC following total flavonoids of SAL therapy and provide valuable insights for the treatment of UC.Keywords: Ulcerative colitis; Total flavonoids of Sonchus arvensis L.; Key metabolites; Metabonomics; Cecal contents of male C57BL/6 mice.
... In this study, the effect of MCHGF on uric acid levels was studied using the model of PO -induced hyperuricemic acid. [56] The treatment group of PO showed a significant elevation in serum urate levels as compared to the normal group, revealing that this model has been successfully established. Allopurinol, the standard hypouricemic drug, also led to a significant reduction in serum urate levels. ...
... [1] Study on chemical constituents of S. orientalis indicated the presence of several groups of compounds, including flavonoids, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, and organic acids. [2] Additionally, pharmacological experiments of S. orientalis extracts displayed a broad spectrum of activities, such as anti-inflammatory, [3] antitumor, [4,5] anti-allergic, [6] antibacterial, [7] immunosuppressive, [8] anti hyperuricemic, [9] neuroprotective, [10,11] and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. [12] According to the usages of this herb in traditional medicine, as well as its various chemical contituents and numerous pharmacological activites, a further study of S. orientalis is nesscesary for future applications. ...
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Two germacranolide sesquiterpenes, 9 β ‐acetoxy‐3‐ epi ‐nobilium ( 1 ), zoapatanolide B ( 2 ) and four benzoate ester derivatives, benzyl 2‐ O ‐ β ‐D‐glucopyranosyl‐6‐methoxybenzoate ( 3 ), benzyl 2‐ O ‐ β ‐D‐glucopyranosyl‐6‐hydroxybenzoate ( 4 ), methyl 2‐ O ‐ β ‐D‐glucopyranosylbenzoate ( 5 ), ficuside G ( 6 ) were isolated from aerial part of Sigesbeckia orientalis . Structural elucidation of the isolated compounds was done using a combination of HR‐ESI‐MS, one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional NMR spectral methods, and comparison their spectral data with the previous literature. This is the first description of the structural identification of these compounds from S. orientalis .
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Gout is a prevalent metabolic disorder characterized by increased uric acid (UA) synthesis or decreased UA clearance from the bloodstream, leading to the formation of urate crystals in joints and surrounding tissues. Hyperuricemia (HUA), the underlying cause of gout, poses a growing challenge for healthcare systems in developed and developing countries. Currently, the most common therapeutic approaches for gouty HUA primarily involve the use of allopathic or modern medicine. However, these treatments are often accompanied by adverse effects and may not be universally effective for all patients. Therefore, this systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive outline of phytochemical compounds that have emerged as alternative treatments for HUA associated with gout and to examine their specific mechanisms of action. A systematic search was conducted to identify phytochemicals that have previously been evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing HUA. From a review of > 800 published articles, 100 studies reporting on 50 phytochemicals associated with the management of HUA and gout were selected for analysis. Experimental models were used to investigate the effects of these phytochemicals, many of which exhibited multiple mechanisms beneficial for managing HUA. This review offers valuable insights for identifying and developing novel compounds that are safer and more effective for treating HUA associated with gout.
Homemade medicinal remedies used to treat both acute and chronic ailments for centuries need to be transformed into modern evidence-based dosage forms. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop buccal dispersible film, syrup and effervescent granules of an extemporaneous antigout homemade remedy. The dosage forms were prepared using holistic remedy (HR) as an active entity and excipients masking disagreeable features. The dosage forms and HR were subjected to physicochemical evaluation, and standardised by a reversed-phase HPLC method using chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, vanillin, and ferulic acid as analytical standards. The standardised dosage forms were investigated for antigout activity using an appropriate model. The dosage forms were found to be physically elegant and phytochemically aligned with HR. The developed dosage forms contained the selected markers and possessed antigout activity. Hence, these standardised and evidence-based dosage forms may have wider acceptance in the market compared to HR.
Mục tiêu: Đánh giá tác dụng chống viêm và hạ acid uric máu của viên nang cứng Định Thống Phong (ĐTP) trên động vật thực nghiệm. Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Đánh giá tác dụng chống viêm trên mô hình gây viêm, phù bàn chân chuột bằng carrageenin và đánh giá tác dụng hạ acid uric máu trên mô hình gây tăng acid máu bằng kali oxonat. Kết quả: Tác dụng chống viêm: Mức độ (%) tăng thể tích bàn chân chuột của lô ĐTP liều 500 mg/kg và 1500 mg/kg thấp hơn rõ rệt so với lô chứng. Mức độ ức chế phù bàn chân chuột của lô ĐTP liều 500 mg/kg là từ 2,20 - 6,49%; lô ĐTP liều 1.500 mg/kg từ 6,23 - 12,63%. Tác dụng hạ acid uric máu: Nồng độ acid uric máu của lô ĐTP liều 860 mg/kg và liều 2.580 mg/kg lần lượt là 79,50 ± 12,80 µmol/L và 78,40 ± 21,50 µmol/L, thấp hơn đáng kể so với lô mô hình (126,30 ± 52,88 µmol/L) với p = 0,001. Không có sự khác biệt có ý nghĩa (p > 0,05) về nồng độ acid uric máu giữa các lô ĐTP và lô chứng dương. Kết luận: Viên nang cứng ĐTP có tác dụng chống viêm trên mô hình gây viêm bằng carrageenin và có tác dụng hạ acid uric máu trên mô hình gây tăng acid uric máu bằng kali oxonat.
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Evaluating the risks and benefits of using traditional medicinal plants is of utmost importance for a huge fraction of the human population, in particular in Northern Vietnam. Zebrafish are increasingly used as a simple vertebrate model for testing toxic and physiological effects of compounds, especially on development. Here, we tested 12 ethanolic extracts from popular medicinal plants collected in northern Vietnam for their effects on zebrafish survival and development during the first 4 days after fertilization. We characterized more in detail their effects on epiboly, hatching, growth, necrosis, body curvature, angiogenesis, skeletal development and mostly increased movement behavior. Finally, we confirm the effect on epiboly caused by the Mahonia bealei extract by staining the actin filaments and performing whole genome gene expression analysis. Further, we show that this extract also inhibits cell migration of mouse embryo fibroblasts. Finally, we analyzed the chemical composition of the Mahonia bealei extract and test the effects of its major components. In conclusion, we show that traditional medicinal plant extracts are able to affect zebrafish early life stage development to various degrees. In addition, we show that an extract causing delay in epiboly also inhibits mammalian cell migration, suggesting that this effect may serve as a preliminary test for identifying extracts that inhibit cancer metastasis.
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This study aims to investigate the anti-inflammatory responses and mechanisms of Siegesbeckia orientalis ethanol extract (SOE). In cell culture experiments, RAW264.7 cells were pretreated with SOE and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for inflammatory mediators assay. In animal experiments, mice were tube-fed with SOE for 1 week, and s.c. injected with λ-carrageenan or i.p. injected with LPS to simulate inflammation. The degree of paw edema was assessed, and cytokine profile in sera and mouse survival were recorded. Data showed that SOE significantly reduced NO, IL-6, and TNF-α production in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. In vivo studies demonstrated that mice supplemented with 32 mg SOE/kg BW/day significantly lowered sera IL-6 level and resulted a higher survival rate compared to the control group ( P = 0.019 ). Furthermore, SOE inhibited LPS-induced NF-κB activation by blocking the degradation of IκB-α. The SOE also reduced significantly the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, p38, and JNK in a dose-dependent manner. In summary, the in vitro and in vivo evidence indicate that SOE can attenuate acute inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory mediators via suppression of MAPKs- and NF-κB-dependent pathways.
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Xanthine oxidase catalyzes the sequential hydroxylation of hypoxanthine to uric acid via xanthine as intermediate. Deposition of crystals of the catalytic product uric acid or its monosodium salt in human joints with accompanying joint inflammation is the major cause of gout. Natural flavonoids are attractive leads for rational design of preventive and therapeutic xanthine oxidase inhibitors due to their beneficial antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative activities in addition to their micromolar inhibitory activities toward xanthine oxidase. We determined the first complex X-ray structure of mammalian xanthine oxidase with the natural flavonoid inhibitor quercetin at 2.0 Å resolution. The inhibitor adopts a single orientation with its benzopyran moiety sandwiched between Phe 914 and Phe 1009 and ring B pointing toward the solvent channel leading to the molybdenum active center. The favorable steric complementarity of the conjugated three-ring structure of quercetin with the active site and specific hydrogen-bonding interactions of exocyclic hydroxy groups with catalytically relevant residues Arg 880 and Glu 802 correlate well with a previously reported structure-activity relationship of flavonoid inhibitors of xanthine oxidase. The current complex provides a structural basis for the rational design of flavonoid-type inhibitors against xanthine oxidase useful for the treatment of hyperuricemia, gout, and inflammatory disease states.
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The purpose of this review article is to outline plants currently used and those with high promise for the development of anti-gout products. All relevant literature databases were searched up to 25 March 2013. The search terms were 'gout', 'gouty arthritis', 'hyperuricemia', 'uric acid', 'xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitor', 'uricosuric', 'urate transporter 1(URAT1)' and 'glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9)'. Herbal keywords included 'herbal medicine', 'medicinal plant', 'natural products', 'phytomedicine' and 'phytotherapy'. 'antiinflammatory effect' combined with the words 'interleukin-6 (IL-6)', 'interleukin-8 (IL-8)', 'interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)', and 'tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)'. XO inhibitory effect, uricosuric action, and anti-inflammatory effects were the key outcomes. Numerous agents derived from plants have anti-gout potential. In in vitro studies, flavonoids, alkaloids, essential oils, phenolic compounds, tannins, iridoid glucosides, and coumarins show the potential of anti-gout effects by their XO inhibitory action, while lignans, triterpenoids and xanthophyll are acting through their anti-inflammatory effects. In animal studies, essential oils, lignans, and tannins show dual effects including reduction of uric acid generation and uricosuric action. Alkaloids reveal inhibit uric acid generation, show anti-inflammatory effects, or a combination of the two. Phenolic compounds and flavonoids inhibit uric acid production, show uricosuric anti-inflammatory effects. In the rare human studies, colchicine from Colchicum autumnale showed anti-inflammatory effects while for other plant extracts, although revealing anti-gout potential, further phytochemical investigations are needed to identify their active constituents. Besides, the plants which give antioxidant activities are much potent in the management of gout and need to be further investigated. The current review is a detailed discussion of the potential of medicinal plants for treatment of gout.
Alkyl caffeates are strong antioxidants and inhibitors of xanthine oxidase. However, it is unclear about the effect of caffeic acid and alkyl caffeates on superoxide anion (O2(-)) generation catalyzed by xanthine oxidase. Effects of caffeic acid and alkyl caffeates on the uric acid formation and O2(-) generation catalyzed by xanthine oxidase were analyzed. The scavenging activities of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and O2(-) generated with phenazine methosulfate (PMS) and NADH were examined. Caffeic acid derivatives equally suppressed O2(-) generation, and the suppression is stronger than inhibition of xanthine oxidase. Scavenging activity of O2(-) is low compared to the suppression of O2(-) generation. Suppression of O2(-) generation catalyzed by xanthine oxidase with caffeic acid derivatives was not due to enzyme inhibition or O2(-) scavenging but due to the reduction of xanthine oxidase molecules. Alkyl caffeates are effective inhibitors of uric acid and O2(-) catalyzed by xanthine oxidase as well as antioxidants for edible oil.
Inhibitory activity of Fe-ion-catalysed radical oxidation products from 22 types of phenolic compounds toward xanthine oxidase (XO) was investigated. Phenols are readily oxidizable compounds in nature, and thus, showed potent antioxidant activities. Among the phenols screened in this study, noticeable activity was observed in the oxidation product of caffeic acid, whereas almost no XO-inhibitory activity of caffeic acid was observed. Assay-guided purification of the oxidation product of caffeic acid afforded a highly potent XO inhibitor, with an IC50 value that was calculated to be 60nmolL(-1), which indicated XO-inhibitory activity much stronger than that of allopurinol (IC50=1μmolL(-1)), a potent XO inhibitor and excellent medicine for the treatment of gout. The chemical structure of this new XO inhibitor was investigated by 1D and 2D NMR and HR-ESI-MS analyses, and the unique tetracyclic structure was confirmed by synthesis starting from commercially available 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene and 3,4-dimethoxylbenzoyl chloride.
From the aerial parts of Siegesbeckia orientalis, in addition to a known sesquiterpene lactone, nine new germacranolides, three melampolides, three geranylnerol derivatives and three ent-pimarenes were isolated. From Guizotia scabra a new eudesmanolide was obtained. The structures were elucidated by high field NMR techniques. The chemotaxonomic aspects are discussed briefly.
The aerial parts of Siegesbeckia have been used as the traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, malaria, neurasthenia, and snakebite. In order to find new and bioactive compounds, the chemical constituents of the aerial parts of S. orientalis L. were investigated and two new compounds, namely β-D-glucopyranosyl-ent-2-oxo-15,16-dihydroxy-pimar-8(14)-en-19-oic-late (compound 1) and [1(10)E,4Z]-8β-angeloyloxy-9α-methoxy-6α,15-dihydroxy-14-oxogermacra-1(10),4,11(13)-trien-12-oic acid 12,6-lactone (compound 2), as well as five known ent-pimarane diterpenes (compounds 3–7) were isolated. The structures of the two new compounds were identified by their physicochemical properties and spectral analysis, particularly one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectral methods. (Managing editor: Wei Wang)