ChapterPDF Available

Evolution of Emotion Driven Design


Abstract and Figures

Our thoughts, behavior, experiences, and relationship with the world are all influenced by our emotions, which are a central component of what makes us human. Emotions are forces that help us make sense of our interactionswith the world. Human behavior is a direct consequence of emotions, with the emotions directly affecting perception, cognition, personality system, body language, and the mind. While some emotions are innate, others are learned and synthesized from accrued knowledge. This chapter looks at the evolution of emotion driven design and the related theories and research. It also offers a glimpse of what is to come in this field with the latest technological advances.
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... Emotions have a direct impact on the personality system, body language, perception, cognition, and behaviour, which in turn affect human behaviour (Demirbilek, 2017). Because of the multisensory characteristics, social considerations, and symbolic associations of clothes, we believe that clothing or garment features might affect happy and negative moods and individual emotions, particularly during the trying-on stage before buying and throughout wearing in the user's day-to-day life (Moody et al., , 2010Ryan et al., 2021). ...
... Cherry (2010) classifies emotion into three main categories: physiological, neurological, and cognitive. In brief, physiological theory holds that emotions are generated by reactions inside the body; neurological theory holds that those felt emotions are engendered by activity inside the brain; and cognitive theory holds that emotions are mainly created by thoughts (Cherry, 2010;Demirbilek, 2017). Therefore, through the sense of touch, it is possible to physically feel a reaction managed by our brain and whose emotion is triggered by our thinking. ...
Conference Paper
Considering the sensory experience of the user as a clothing buyer and taking into account that the sense of touch is extremely important in the recognition of products by people with vision problems, this investigation aims to find out if touch is essentially a decisive buying factor. In this sense, and considering the practical work carried out among visually impaired people on the touch of the fabrics most used in everyday clothing, along with reviewing the existing literature on apparel user and consumer behaviour, this work may benefit the planning of a more inclusive wardrobe.
... The aviation industry has acknowledged the functional benefits of design (Gannon, 2010), but is still indecisive on its affective values. However, it is known that thoughts, behavior, and experiences can easily be impressed by emotions (Demirbilek, 2017); therefore, the design should arouse proper feelings (fun for a mobile phone or excitement for a sports car) for the designed task. By considering these, this paper explores perceived affective qualities in flight deck design. ...
Conference Paper
Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) practices in aviation generally focus on the system’s functional features like human performance, human error, workload, and situation awareness, without considering the emotional aspects of the interaction. However, there is a shift from a cognitive perspective to an affective one, which concerns promoting pleasure instead of just preventing design deficiencies. While traditional human factors have focused on efficiency, usability, and safety, emerging approaches have also focused on product experience. There has been a growing interest in affect and pleasure in such areas as engineering design, psychology, neuroscience, human factors, and industrial design. This study aims to transfer these emerging approaches into aviation by determining the perceived affective qualities in a flight deck design. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with pilots by using the Repertory Grid Technique with Laddering Technique to elucidate how pilots experience a flight deck design. According to the results, 33 constructs were determined which show the qualities of attributes produced by flight deck and the affective states of pilots when these qualities are provided.
... Affective perception impacts memory quality and how it is stored during learning and evaluation, which can impact other areas of cognitive function, including attention, problem-solving, reasoning, and behaviour. Emotional design has been a topic of growing interest in design practice and the design research field over the last decade as it can impact product attachment (Demirbilek, 2017). More specifically, a new area of research that suggested new ways for designers to enhance product design through symbolic associations of product personality to produce product attachment (Govers & Mugge, 2004). ...
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Understanding product semantics and affective perceptions of product consumers undoubtedly offer significant value for industrial designers and their design practice. Deconstructing affective perceptions is a methodologically challenging task as it is implicit and subjective and is influenced by an individual’s aesthetic experience. Accordingly, how products are perceived differs among individuals or consumers, particularly in the distinct experiences that contribute to constructing an individual’s sense of perception of self or self-concept. Furthermore, research has shown that individuals are implicitly drawn to products that reaffirm and communicate their self-concept. If an individual’s preferences for products can reflect or enhance their self-concept, this suggests that understanding the underlying perceptual processes between the self-concept and product semantics can productively inform industrial design research. The thesis research develops and adapts methods from the disciplines of psychology, marketing, and industrial design to investigate these underlying perceptual processes of the self-concept and its relationships to product semantics. The thesis research investigates the underlying processes through a study on kettles that discloses the variances in sensory and cognitive evaluation and judgements through the process of aesthetic experience. The thesis further investigates the cognitive influences of the self-concept to reveal the mental models associated with the visual aesthetics of product form and how this influences aesthetic responses through product personality congruence. The thesis argues that the self-concept is a multidimensional construct reflected, in particular, through an individual’s (1) gender identity, (2) personality, (3) aesthetic sensitivity, and (4) interest, taste, and goals, that plays a vital role in the aesthetic experience of products. The thesis’s findings indicate that these individual components of the self-concept are essential in that they interplay in how the symbolic meaning of product semantics is visually perceived. The outcome of this thesis assists in, primarily, revealing the underlying stages of visual aesthetic processing to understand how product semantics is perceived through an individual’s self-concept.
... Human behavior is reacting based on direct consequence of indicators such as emotions, perception, cognition, personality system, body language, and mind. Hopefully, it will be improved in future works [30]. ...
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Highlights-The curvature in the street makes it more exciting, and greater variety in curvature causes more arousal and pleasure.-Streets with medium enclosure (1:2 and 1:1) exhibit the most desirable values of size and enclosure.-The presence of a square or a prominent building, the permeability of the street, and the variation in its landscape increase the pleasantness and arousal.-The three-dimensional rhythms of the street walls exhibit greater pleasure and arousal than the two-dimensional rhythms.-The portable EEG devices (MindWave MW001 headset) are suitable for evaluation of environmental design interventions in the field of architecture and urban development. Extended abstract Introduction The environment can cause positive and negative emotions in citizens. Emotions are important due to their impacts on people's behaviors, because emotions make up a main component of social behavior, and extraction of emotional responses is one of the best ways to understand different fields of experience and perception. Nowadays, mental health problems and the emphasis on increasing social interactions have led to more and more concern for the subject of emotions, but the impact of physical-spatial factors has received less attention from the conducted studies. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the physical-spatial measures of urban streets on pedestrians' emotional responses by placing the individual in a pseudo-real environment. Moreover, this study makes possible the use of a new neural measurement tool in urban studies and evaluates its accuracy. Theoretical Framework The review of previous studies demonstrated that the environmental parameters that can affect emotion include non-physical human factors on the one hand and physical ones on the other. The physical factors that make up the subject of this research can be divided into two categories: 1-non-artificial factors, i.e. green space, and 2-artificial factors, which include the size and enclosure of the space, the shape and form of the space, the characteristics of the surfaces including architectural style, the color and texture of materials, and the variation in spatial sequences. Given the number of studies conducted on the effect of natural factors and certain characteristics of surfaces in the field of architecture, the present research examined four physical parameters. 1 Responsible author: doi J MS Paikan, et al Methodology Ten of the most important physical-spatial variables that make up different states and types of the spatial structure of an urban street, which can affect the individual emotions of pedestrians, were selected for investigation and used to design 18 tests. The research was conducted with a combined method consisting of: 1-a self-report method of Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) images and 2-a neurological method using electroencephalography. In the EEG method, the single-channel MindWave MW001 headset, produced by Neurosky, was used as the instrument. The research population included 50 students of Tarbiat Modares University. The research was conducted with the help of controlled experiments using the mobile digital 3D modeling technique, which makes it possible for people to navigate the virtual street in the city. After the data extracted by the health and Stroop tests were confirmed, the data analysis was made using a quantitative-statistical method. Results and Discussion The findings regarding the shape and form of the space demonstrated that people feel more pleased in curved streets than in straight streets, and there is greater arousal in streets of the former than the latter shape. However, the level of control in a straight street is higher than that in a curved or spiral street. As for the size and enclosure of the urban space, the results indicated that there is greater pleasure in a street with medium enclosure (1:2 and 1:1) than in one with low or high enclosure (1:4 and 1:1.2), but streets with medium enclosure exhibit less arousal. Spaces with less enclosure cause people to have more control over the space. The results also demonstrated that the pleasure and arousal experienced by people is increased by the existence of the square as a spatial element and a landmark building as a physical element, permeability in the spatial structure of the street and brokenness in the path, and variation in the landscape of the street. It was only in the street with physical retraction and protrusion that no effect on arousal was observed, although the level of pleasure should increase. Moreover, the results indicated that the pleasure in the street with the curved corner was greater than that with the other forms. However, the shape of the street corner exhibits no effect on the arousal. Furthermore, the walls that are completely three-dimensional exhibit greater pleasure and arousal than those featuring walls with two-dimensional and three-dimensional rhythms. Finally, the walls that are completely two-dimensional have the least pleasantness and arousal. There is a higher level of control in the street with 2D rhythms than in that with 3D rhythms. The results also showed that visual permeability in the physical structure of the street increases the arousal and control of the space, but it has no effect on the pleasure. Another result of this research is that there is 75% conformity in the results obtained from the two methods of SAM and EEG, which demonstrates that the data (EEG) extracted from the device can extract people's emotions well. Conclusion In general, the current research confirms the results of previous studies, but it precisely demonstrated by measuring the extracted neural data that the levels of emotional pleasure, arousal, and control are affected by the shape and form of the street, the size and enclosure of the street space, the presence of a spatial and physical element that creates attention and emphasis in the street, permeability in the spatial structure of the street, rotation along the street and perspective change along the path, two and three-dimensional wall street rhythms, and the shape and form of the corners of the street intersection. However, physical indentations and protrusions exhibit no effect on arousal, and visual permeability has no effect on pleasure. In addition, the results showed that the EEG data extracted from the headset (MindWave MW001) used in this study could well capture the emotions of individuals, thus making up a proper potential tool for evaluation of environmental design interventions in the field of architecture and urban planning. The results of the present study, which indicate the psychological effects of urban design of a street, help to select and design the appropriate elements and physical characteristics of the space, increase positive emotions and reduce negative emotions, and ultimately improve the mental health of citizens. Acknowledgment This article is taken from the doctoral thesis of urban planning with the title "Explaining the effects of the physical-spatial components of an urban street on the emotional stimulation of pedestrians with an emphasis on the use of neuroscience" which was defended by the first author with the guidance of the second author and the advice of the third author in the Tarbiat Modares University.
This work delves into the critical role of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in enhancing ethical considerations within affective computing (AC), spanning across three pivotal stages: pre-XAI, in-XAI, and post-XAI. At the in-XAI stage, the focus is on elucidating the model’s internal mechanics, including feature utilization, determination of feature importance, and the decision-making algorithms, leveraging deep learning and various feature extraction methods. Conversely, the post-XAI stage concentrates on providing end users with transparent and comprehensible explanations of the model’s emotional predictions, employing techniques like LIME, SHAP, and natural language explanations. These methodologies collectively aim to bolster transparency, fairness, and trust, thereby ensuring ethical integrity in AC systems.
With the increasing prevalence of privacy invasions and data breaches, more and more users have been seeking protection for their online privacy, which makes privacy-enhancing features and technologies more important than ever. However, these features and technologies are still not widely adopted by users. In the privacy literature, there seems to be an assumption that online users’ privacy behaviors are based on rational decision-making. However, previous research has shown that users’ decision-making involves not only rational thoughts but also emotions, which play an important role. To explore that unknown territory, this empirical study focuses on human emotions and examines their impact on users’ adoption of privacy-enhancing features. Our study design is based on two theoretical frameworks: feelings-as-information theory and the Technology Acceptance Model. We used private browsing as a case study and conducted an online survey experiment to investigate what types of emotions are elicited in users by private browsing mode and how these emotions affect their acceptance of private browsing. Interestingly, we found that the interface design of private browsing mode provokes both positive and negative emotions in users. Also, these elicited emotions influence users’ behavioral intentions. Based on these results, we propose design recommendations for privacy-enhancing features.
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At the heart of emotion, mood, and any other emotionally charged event are states experienced as simply feeling good or bad, energized or enervated. These states - called core affect - influence reflexes, perception, cognition, and behavior and are influenced by many causes internal and external, but people have no direct access to these causal connections. Core affect can therefore be experienced as free-floating (mood) or can be attributed to some cause (and thereby begin an emotional episode). These basic processes spawn a broad framework that includes perception of the core-affect-altering properties of stimuli, motives, empathy, emotional meta-experience, and affect versus emotion regulation; it accounts for prototypical emotional episodes, such as fear and anger, as core affect attributed to something plus various nonemotional processes.
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Social touch plays a powerful role in human life, with important physical and mental health benefits in development and adulthood. Touch is central in building the foundations of social interaction, attachment, and cognition [1-5], and early, social touch has unique, beneficial neurophysiological and epigenetic effects [6-9]. The recent discovery of a separate neurophysiological system for affectively laden touch in humans has further kindled scientific interest in the area [10, 11]. Remarkably, however, little is known about what motivates and sustains the human tendency to touch others in a pro-social manner. Given the importance of social touch, we hypothesized that active stroking elicits more sensory pleasure when touching others' skin than when touching one's own skin. In a set of six experiments (total N = 133) we found that healthy participants, mostly tested in pairs to account for any objective differences in skin softness, consistently judged another's skin as feeling softer and smoother than their own skin. We further found that this softness illusion appeared selectively when the touch activated a neurophysiological system for affective touch in the receiver. We conclude that this sensory illusion underlies a novel, bodily mechanism of socio-affective bonding and enhances our motivation to touch others.
The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions stems from a set of twin hypotheses. First, the broaden hypothesis proposes that positive emotions momentarily expand our perception of the world in ways that facilitate global visual processing, better attentional flexibility, and larger thought-action repertoires. The build hypothesis purports that, over time, these fleeting experiences of expanded awareness that accompany positive emotions such as joy and excitement accumulate over time to facilitate growth of a person's social, cognitive, emotional, and physical resources. Empirical evidence supporting these hypotheses is discussed, as well as the theory's implications for behavior, psychological resilience, social interaction, and health.
Many people use auditory cues unconsciously. People derive not only functional information from the sound but also information concerning an object's physical properties. Studies have shown that people use sound to estimate the size and the shape of objects. This chapter explores product sounds, which can be considered a subdomain of environmental sounds. A number of studies have investigated memory, recognition, identification, and the descriptors of environmental sounds. Environmental sounds comprise the sounds that we hear during our daily life, or the sounds that surround us. This means that environmental sounds comprise a diversity of sounds. Among product sounds there is a difference between consequential and intentional sounds. Consequential sounds are a consequence of the moving parts of products and are affected by the interaction when a person uses a product. Intentional sounds are deliberately added to a product. These sounds are synthesized or recorded. They are radiated through a loudspeaker or by a vibrating surface. In addition, the term sound quality is often used in relation to reducing noise or in relation to psychoacoustic measures. However, recent discussions suggest that, dependent on the definition of quality, other aspects should be introduced. This chapter uses the term product sound experience as it is a more general concept related to the emotional, semantic, and sensorial experience, and because the term is more neutral. It also is a term that is related to the human aspect and not to how the sound can be described in terms of spectral composition or signal-to-noise ratios.