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Communication Skills of a Teacher and Its Role in the Development of the Students' Academic Success

  • University of the Punajb
  • AlHamd Islamic University Islamabad


Basically the current study sought to assess the perception of students regarding the role of teacher communication skills in their academics success. Comprehensive questionnaire carrying information including social economic and demographic aspects of the study was designed by the researcher to achieve the set objectives. All those universities where sports sciences & physical education programs were offering were taken as population of the study. The empirical data regarding the role of a teacher communication skills in students' academic success were obtained from (418, thirty percent 30 from each university) samples of 14 universities of Pakistan.. The data was collected from the respondents through personally contact and by using the developed scale. After collection of data, the data was finally classified in the form of tables and regression was employed for the analysis of data. After analysis of data the researcher arrived at conclusion that teacher communication skills have significant role in the academic achievement of the students.
Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.8, No.1, 2017
Communication Skills of a Teacher and Its Role in the
Development of the Students’ Academic Success
Alamgir Khan
Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education Gomal University Kpk Pakistan
Dr Salahuddin Khan
Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education Gomal University Kpk Pakistan
Syed Zia-Ul-Islam
Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education Gomal University Kpk Pakistan
Manzoor Khan
Department of Health & Physical Education, Faculity of Education Hazara University Manshera Kpk Pakistan
Basically the current study sought to assess the perception of students regarding the role of teacher
communication skills in their academics success. Comprehensive questionnaire carrying information including
social economic and demographic aspects of the study was designed by the researcher to achieve the set
objectives. All those universities where sports sciences & physical education programs were offering were taken
as population of the study. The empirical data regarding the role of a teacher communication skills in students’
academic success were obtained from (418, thirty percent 30 from each university) samples of 14 universities of
Pakistan. . The data was collected from the respondents through personally contact and by using the developed
scale. After collection of data, the data was finally classified in the form of tables and regression was employed
for the analysis of data. After analysis of data the researcher arrived at conclusion that teacher communication
skills have significant role in the academic achievement of the students.
Keywords: Communication Skills, Students Academics, Physical Education, Pakistan
1. Study Background.
Communication skills can be defined as the transmission of a message that Communication skills can be defined
as the transmission of a message that involves the shared understanding between the contexts in which the
communication takes place (Saunders and Mills, 1999). In addition, teacher communication skills are important
for a teacher in delivery of education to students (McCarthy and Carter, 2001).
Communication skills involve listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. For effective
teaching a teacher need to be highly skilled in all these areas. Teacher with good communication always make
the things easier and understandable (Freddie Silver). Effective communication skills are really important for a
teacher in transmitting of education, classroom management and interaction with students in the class. Teacher
has to teach the students having different thinking approaches. To teach in accordance with the ability and
capability of the students a teacher need to adopt such skills of communication which motivate the students
toward their learning process (Sng Bee,2012).
Good communication skills of teacher are the basic need of academics success of students, and
professional success of life. Teacher communicates more instructions orally in classroom to students. Teacher
with poor communication skills may cause failure of students to learn and promote their academics. Student need
to understand that what is right, and what is wrong while it totally depend upon the communication skills of
teachers which he adopt in class-room (Sherwyn P. Morreale, Michael M. Osborn Judy c. Pearson, 2000). Good
communications minimize the potential of unkind feeling during the process of teaching. For learning the learner
must be attentive toward their teacher during the lecture. Loss (2000), recommended that teacher communicate
in clear and understandable manner.
Communication is a dynamic process which need of mind and courage to face the other and convey
his/her massage in effective way. Communication process is successful when we deliver the massage in clear
and understandable way. Effective communication need to convey and accept his/her massage in all kind of
situation and circumstances. Good communication is considered a strong tool `for effectiveness in the teaching
profession (Monika Srivastava, NA)
As variety of skills are needed for good teaching and teachers. A study conducted by Ehindero &
Ajibade, (2000) indicates that for effective teaching, teacher requires good communication skills such as good
communication, good classroom management, updating knowledge and maintaining personality. No one can
teach effectively until having these basics skills of teaching.
Different research revolves that there is significant co-relation between communication skills and
Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.8, No.1, 2017
supervisor perception of job performance (Maes, Weldy, & Icenogle, 1997). Furthermore, Student’s character
building and academic background totally depends upon the professional attitude of teachers. If teachers adopt
positive professional attitude towards the students in their academic and as well as their social achievements,
then students can easily promote their academic level. Teacher has the responsibility to teach and practically
prepare students for the purpose that they can cope with all type of situations. It also comes under the
responsibilities of teacher to behave as role model to the students (Honby, 2006).
Communication means the process which one adopts while sharing his / her views with others. For a
teacher it is necessary to have good communication skills for the good learning of the students. Teachers need
good communication skills for facilitating the students and achieving good professional goals. Effectiveness of
teaching is not dependent on technicality but on the method adopted by the teacher while teaching to the students.
Teachers need clear communication for the good understanding of students and avoiding the problems for
students while learning from their lecture. It is also needed by the teachers to understand first himself before
teaching to students (Loss, J. 2000).
Good communication is not only needed for the effective teaching profession but it is also very
important for the effectiveness of every concern to our life (Batenburg & Smal, 1997 Cited in
Ihmeideh).Performance of teachers in classroom totally depends upon the communication skills. if the teacher
has good communication skills then he can easily convey his /her massage or deliver the lecture in an
understandable manner (Maes, Weldy & Icenogle, 1997).
2. Justification of the Study
Teacher communication skills are considered a key to academic success and failure of the students. How much
teacher communication skills effect the academics success of the students? For the purpose to discover the facts
the researcher intend to conduct a research study under the title “Communication Skills of a Teacher and its role
in the developments of the students’ academic success”
3. Objectives of the study
3.1 To evaluate the role of teacher communication skills in the academic performance of the students.
4. Proposed Hypothesis
There is no significant role of teacher communication skills of a teachers in academic success of the
5. Methodology and Procedures of the study
To obtain the desired objectives by conducting any research study the first and initial steps to select a suitable
personals and its proper number which provide authentic data regarding the solution of the problem is needed.
Similarly specific procedures are also required for reaching at certain findings and conclusion. So keeping in
view the need and demand of the present study the following procedures were adopted by the researcher for
fulfilling the demand of the present study.
5.1 Population, Sample & Sample Selection Process
Basically the study is concerned with communication skills of a Physical Education Teachers as part of their
professional attitude and students learning process. So physical education students enrolled in all the universities
of Pakistan were selected as population of the study and similarly 30 % students of physical education from the
whole population were taken as sample of the study and by using the available sample technique.
5.2 Instrument and Instrumentation
Professional attitude skills (PAS) including the different aspects of the study designed by the researcher and put
it before the 20 field experts for making it reliable. Previous research studies conducted in the area of teacher
communication skills by () were also used for the validation process of the study
5.3 Data Analysis
The gathered data were coded and faded in SPSS Version 20 and Regression as statistical tool was used to
analyze the data and to test the hypothesis of the study.
6. Statistical Analysis of data
Test of Hypothesis 1: There is no significant impact of communication skills of teachers (as a part of teachers’
professional attitude) on student’s academic performance
Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.8, No.1, 2017
Table-6.1 : Impact of effect of communication skills of teachers on students’ academics
Model Summary
Model R R Square F Sig.
1 .185
.034 8.004 .005
a. Predictors: (Constant), Communication
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.222 .326 6.828 .000
Communication .236 .083 .185 2.829 .005
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement
Table No 6.1 shows the effect of teacher’s communication skills on students’ academic performance.
The R square is .034 which means 3% effect of teacher’s communication skills is there on students’ academic
performance. The B is .236 (p=0.005) which mean total 1 unit increase in teacher’s communication skills will
cause .236 unit overall increase.
7. Result & Discussion
The present study indicates that majority of the students opined that they learn well from those teacher who has
good communication skills or who adopt good communication skills while dealing inside and out of the
institution. The present research study is also supported by Loss, J. (2000) as they concluded that good
communication skills strengthen the relationship among the students and teachers by improving the level of
understanding among teacher and students. Study conducted by Sng Bee.(2012), also supported the present
study by stating that good communication skills not only important for teacher but it is also important for
students for their academic success.
The present study indicated that effective teaching not only depends upon the knowledge base of the
teacher but also it is related with method and style of teacher communication skills. The findings of the study
conducted by Cohort Nominate (2016) ,also inline of the present study because he concluded Teaching is
generally considered as only fifty percent knowledge and fifty percent interpersonal or communication skills
similarly it is not necessary for a teacher to have good knowledge but it is also necessary for a teacher to have a
good communication skills.
It was finding out by the present research study that good communication is not only important for a
teacher but students also need to have good communication skills. Same result also found by David
Andrade,(2015) according to that Communication is dominant factor effecting the academic achievements of the
students. The author further argued that good communication not only important for a teacher but it is also very
important for students for promoting their academics.
After findings of the study it was concluded by the researcher that communication skills of a teacher having
significant role in the academic success of the students. Therefore it is necessary for a teacher to adopt good
communication skills while teaching to the students.
Cohort Nominate.(2016).Communication Skill For Teachers: An Overview, Retrieve from Online on 10/08/16
Ehindero, OJ, Ajibade YA (2000). What our student say about how we teach. Ife J. Educ. Studies. 7(1), 1-9.
David Andrade.(2015). The Importance of Communication in Education. Retrieve from Online on 15/08/2015
Freddie Silver .(NA).Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills?. Retrieve from
Online on 11/08/16
Hornby, A.S., Gatenby, E.V & Wakefield, H. (2005). “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary International
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Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.8, No.1, 2017
Retrieve from Online on 15/11/05
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... Heather [8] proved that students' self-confidence and self-ability help build their relationships with their teachers through nonverbal communication. Khan [9] stated that students' success is directly related to the effective communication of the teacher. ...
... According to Alrabai [12], effective communication involves more than just exchanging ideas; it also establishes connections between the ideas being exchanged and the emotions behind the ideas and information. Teachers' personality traits significantly impact students' learning and academic performance during lectures, practical communication skills, access to the most recent information, and proper classroom management [9]. In addition, the teacher was responsible for outlining expectations and preferred communication channels [1]. ...
... Teachers' effective classroom communication was essential for students to understand, learn, and become goal-oriented. It also creates a thought structure that molds students' thinking [9,10]. ...
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Inadequate teacher-student communication in schools causes misconceptions of academic information, resulting in decreased student performance and engagement. Furthermore, it impedes the formation of a supportive learning environment, which is critical for increasing student motivation and confidence. The study aimed to investigate the relationships and influences of the quality of Original Research Article Comingking et al.; Asian J. 394 teacher-student communication on students' level of academic learning outcomes among college students of Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc. Specifically, it examined the variables that best predict students' academic learning outcomes. Descriptive, correlational, and causal-comparative designs were utilized in this study. Moreover, researchers used adapted survey questionnaires to obtain information from the respondents. For students' quality learning achievement, the study used the students' general average acquired in the first semester. Pearson Product Moment Correlation r and Simple Linear Regression were the statistical tools utilized in the study. The study demnstrated a significant relationship between the quality of teacher-student communication and students' learning outcomes. All three indicators under the independent variable were of high descriptive equivalent. Moreover, learners' academic performance was very satisfactory. Furthermore, teachers' feedback on Quality teacher-student communication significantly predicted students' learning outcomes. Thus, the more precise the instructions the teachers give, the more responsive the teacher is, and the more they give positive feedback, the more they perform well in school.
... In all these coaching modals, coach is not considered an expert but coach is regarded as facilitator. Different resaerch studies (Rooff, 2011, Pan, 2014Khan, Khan, Islam & Khan, 2017;Ahmad, Shaharim & Abdullah, 2017) were carried out by different scholars for assessing effectiveness of coaching modals. No such study was conducted which examine the role of coach as a facilitator in term of good communication skills. ...
... In this fast changing world, the importance of communication can not be ignored due to its vitality. Through communication one can share his/her feeling, wishes and thoughts (Collier, Mary, 1966;Khan, Khan, Islam & Khan, 2017;Meyer & Hühn, 2020). The communication is consequently effective for various outcomes especially with reference to the players inspirational motivation. ...
... The communication is a process of transmission of massages which take place between sender and receiver. Communication skills are important in context of coaching process because coach need to transmit his/her information to the players (Khan et al., 2017, Philip, 2013. The authors further explained that effective communication skills play vital role in academic promotion of students. ...
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The existing study was primarily conducted with the determination to assess the perception of athletes regarding communication skills on part of coach and its role in uplifting of athletic performance. Athletes of various activities from Punjab University (n-300) were taken as a population of the study and thus 100 athletes were selected as sample by using the available sample technique. In order to collect the required data about various perspectives of the said issue, the comprehensive questionnaire was developed and distributed among the respondents (athletes of Punjab University) and got back after filling by respondents. The gathered data were administered through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 26). On basis of data analysis, it was concluded that a coach as well as a trainer with good communication skills can make a coaching process easy and effective formhis/her players. Based on conclusion, it is recommended that coaches andmtrainers need to use proper communication skills for the uplifting of playermperformance.
... Interaksi antara mereka harus berlaku dengan kualiti hubungan yang erat, kemesraan, sokongan hormat dan sensiviti. Selain itu, berkomunikasi dengan ramah dan mengambil berat perihal kebajikan anak murid jua merupakan ciri-ciri guru yang berkesan (2009;Khairul Anuar, 2012;Mohd Khairuddin et al., 2014;Khan, 2017). ...
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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti pengamalan komunikasi kemanusiaan dalam proses pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) pensyarah Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah (PSAS). Secara khususnya, kajian ini membincangkan tentang komunikasi kemanusiaan menerusi tiga unsur utama iaitu al-Nafs (jiwa), al-`Aql (akal) dan al-Qalb (hati). Seramai 60 orang responden telah dipilih untuk menjawab soal selidik yang telah diedarkan. Responden yang dipilih terdiri daripada pensyarah Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang Perak. Data yang dikumpulkan telah dianalisis menggunakan kaedah statistik deskriptif menggunakan skor kekerapan, peratusan dan min dalam menganalisa hasil kajian. Manakala, kaedah analisis secara statistik inferensi ANOVA juga digunakan bagi mencari perbezaan dan ramalan dalam menentukan dapatan bagi kajian ini. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan pensyarah Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah kerap mengamalkan komunikasi kemanusiaan dalam sesi PdPc mereka. Bagi komunikasi kemanusiaan menerusi unsur al-Nafs (jiwa) keseluruhan, dapatan kajian terhadap item soalan tersebut berada pada tahap tinggi dengan nilai purata min keseluruhan adalah (min= 4.47). Sementara itu, menerusi unsur al-Aql (akal) nilai purata min keseluruhan adalah tinggi iaitu (min=4.27) manakala komunikasi kemanusiaan melalui unsur al-Qalb (hati) mendapati nilai purata min keseluruhan juga adalah tinggi iaitu (min=4.27). Selain itu, dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam pengamalan komunikasi kemanusiaan dalam kalangan pensyarah PSAS yang berlainan daripada aspek taraf pendidikan dan pengalaman mengajar. Beberapa implikasi telah dikemukakan hasil daripada dapatan kajian yang dapat membuktikan kerelevenan kajian yang dijalankan. Abstract This study aims to identify the implementation of humanistic communication in the learning and consultation among lecturers of Polytechnic Sultan Azlan Shah. This study, particularly discuss the aspect of humanistic communication through three (3) main elements ie. Al Nafs (soul), Al- `Aql (mind) and al-Qalb (heart). 60 respondents consist of lecturers from Polytechnic Sultan Azlan Shah were selected to answer the questionnaire which was prepared by the researcher. Collected data are analyzed using descriptive statistical approach utilizing mean, mode and percentage while inferential statistical analysis (ANOVA) is also used in detecting the differences and forecasting in in determining the findings of the study. The findings of the study show that lecturers of Polytechnic Sultan Azlan Shah frequently practice humanistic communication in their teaching, learning and consultation. The overall findings on the aspect of Al- Nafs (soul) marks the highest with the mean of 4.47, al- Aql (mind) and al- Qalb (heart) are respectively high with the mean of 4.27. This study also shows that there is no significant difference in the application of humanistic communication among lecturers from different level of education background and teaching experience. The evidence of relevancy has been proven with the highlighting of several implications produced from the findings of the study.
... Di sisi lain, kondisi yang memfasilitasi, ekspektasi usaha, Biaya transaksi, dan faktor sosial tidak mempengaruhi keinginan untuk menggunakan mobile banking. Kemudian Khan et al. (2017) melakukan sejumlah penelitian yang menggunakan model UTAUT2 dan menemukan bahwa kondisi yang memfasilitasi, ekspektasi kinerja, motivasi hedonis, persepsi keamanan, kebiasaan, dan Biaya transaksi adalah faktor penting dalam niat perilaku. Ekspektasi bisnis dan faktor sosial tak mempengaruhi niat untuk bertransaksi melalui internet. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekspektasi kinerja, kebiasaan, motivasi hedonis, dan Biaya Transaksi terhadap minat penggunaan Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS) yang bersifat kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan responden penduduk Kabupaten Mimika, dengan kriteria memiliki aplikasi m-banking dan pernah pernah menggunakan QRIS dalam melakukan pembayaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ekspektasi kinerja, kebiasaan, motivasi hedonis dan biaya transaksi berpengaruh positif terhadap minat penggunaan QRIS pada masyarakat di Kabupaten Mimika. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini kami harapkan bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Mimika untuk dapat meningkatkan penggunaan transaksi non tunai seperti penggunaan QRIS sebagai salah satu alat pembayaran.
... Teacher competency is critical to high-level thinking skills, especially critical, creative, and empathetic thinking skills. These skills would improve the effectiveness and permanence of education [42][43][44][45][46]. Several studies were conducted on the differences between these skills based on institution, branch, and seniority [47,48] or the impact of other variables on them [49,50]. However, no previous study has classified the impact of teacher skills on these variables. ...
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The present study aimed to determine the variations between higher-order thinking skills (critical, creative, and empathetic thinking) of the teachers based on institution, branch, and professional seniority. The study data were collected from 345 teachers with the Critical Thinking Tendency Scale, Marmara Creative Thinking Aptitudes Scale, and Basic Empathy Scale, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the data. The data were analyzed with discriminant analysis. The study findings demonstrated that there were significant differences between the critical, creative, and empathetic thinking skills of the teachers based on the institution of employment, their seniority, and their branch. The analysis of the discriminant functions revealed that the most discriminatory variables were empathy based on the institution and creative thinking based on seniority and branch. It was determined that the teachers employed in pre- and primary schools with less than 15 years of seniority scored higher in critical thinking skills, and teachers who were employed in middle schools with 16 years or more seniority scored higher in creative thinking skills. Foreign language teachers scored higher in both thinking skills. Finally, the mean empathy skill scores of the teachers employed in pre- and primary schools with 15 years or less seniority in the common branch were higher.
... Effective communication skills are really important for a teacher in transmitting of education, classroom management and interaction with students in the class. Teacher has to teach the students having different thinking approaches (Khan, Khan, Ul-Islam & Khan, 2017). To teach in accordance with the ability and capability of the students a teacher need to adopt such skills of communication which motivate the students toward their learning process (Sng Bee, 2012).Communication through interaction occurs every day in teaching and learning process thus it is managed by everyone, not only by the teacher in the classroom, but also the students. ...
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This study investigated teachers' attitude and motivation as correlate of students' academic performance in science subjects in secondary schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four (4) hypotheses. The research design used for the study was survey design of the descriptive type of research. The sample size of fifty (50) science subjects teachers' were selected as respondents for the study through a random sampling technique in secondary schools. The instrument for data collection for the study was a questionnaire. The reliability index obtained was 0.91. The hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics of Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). The findings of the study indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between teacher's readiness to teach and students' academic performance in science subjects; there was a significant positive correlation between communication attitude and academic performance of students in science subjects; there was a significant positive correlation between prompt promotion of teachers and academic performance of students in science subjects and there was a significant positive correlation between regular payment of teachers and students' performance of students in science subjects. Based on the findings, conclusion and appropriate recommendations were made. Introduction Education has been in existence from time immemorial and it entails the process of adults training the young children in the skills acquisition and knowledge which are considered necessary and essential for them to fit-in into norms and value of their society. Back in the pre-literate societies, this process of education was achieved through oral and imitation. The knowledge, values and skills are commonly passed across through story-telling from one generation to another. As the cultures extend, then knowledge of children extend beyond skills that could be readily learned through imitation and there is need for well-planned and organized system of education. Adesola (2015) conceptualized education as the process of through which learning is facilitated, knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits are acquired. Education often takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.
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Nowadays, great attention has been attached to the social and psychological development of adolescents. Emotional intelligence is a pivotal skill in managing emotions and interpersonal relationships. This paper aims to investigate whether emotional intelligence mediates between social anxiety and communication skills. The participants were 168 female and 91 male, middle school students. This study was quantitative and correlational in nature, using online survey method. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, regression, and mediation analyses were conducted for data analysis. The results show a significant positive relation between emotional intelligence and communication skills, a significant negative relation between social anxiety and emotional intelligence, as well as between social anxiety and communication skills, and a full mediating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between social anxiety and communication skills. This study implies that improving students’ emotional intelligence may help overcome their social anxiety, enhance their communication skills, and establish good relationships.
Conference Paper
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Empathy is an essential competence for dealing with challenging situations in the educational field. Proper guidance and practice using simulations has great potential for developing empathy: establishing effective communication, constructing productive interactions, and building trust and reciprocity between all partners in educational settings. Therefore, it is important to incorporate such activities in the curriculum of teaching education programs. Based on the conceptual EPIC (Empathic Patterns in Interpersonal Communication) model - a practical tool was constructed to provide a pedagogical instrument to cultivate empathic skills among student teachers. Using the Delphi technique, the paper presents the validation process of the practical tool, following four steps: selecting experts, first round of a survey with content experts, second round of a survey with clinical experts, and analysis of the experts’ responses.
Conference Paper
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Studies increasingly highlight that the effects of students’ self-efficacy beliefs on achievement-related choices diminish when it is analysed alongside other motivational beliefs, particularly subjective task values. This indicates that these other motivational beliefs confound or mediate the effects of self-efficacy. The Karlson-Holm-Breen (KHB) decomposition method analyses the mediating effects of variables, especially when the outcome variable is categorical or ordinal. However, this has rarely been done with selfefficacy. In this study, we address this gap by examining the mediating effects of science intrinsic and utility values on the relationship between science self-efficacy and students’ STEM occupational expectations using the KHB method. We used data (n = 24,665) from six countries in the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment. Our initial analysis revealed that selfefficacy had significant effects on expectations, but these effects diminished as we incrementally added intrinsic and utility values. In separate models, intrinsic value mediated its effects by about 57%; utility value mediated it by 76%; and intrinsic and utility values jointly mediated it by 97%. The study recommends that for interventions aimed at improving students’ educational outcomes through their self-efficacy beliefs to have the greatest impact, they should also consider intrinsic and utility values.
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A CADEMIC disciplines in higher education are routinely called upon to explain and justify their role in the educational enterprise. Some academic fields such as history and philosophy are more central in the pursuits of liberal arts, while oth-ers such as business administration and engineering are more related to career develop-ment. The discipline of communication is fairly unique as it crosses these boundaries. As a result, a need exists to provide a rationale for the study of communication. The National Communication Association, in response to requests from communication departments and administrators for evidence supporting the centrality of their discipline, has collected and annotated nearly 100 articles, commentaries, and publications which call attention to the importance of the study of communication in contemporary society. Four of five ma-jor themes in the bibliography provide support for the importance of communication edu-cation to: the development of the whole person; the improvement of the educational enter-prise; being a responsible citizen ofthe world, both socially and culturally; and, succeed-ing in one's career and in the business enterprise. A fifth theme highlights the need for communication education to be provided by those who are specialists in its study.
This paper attempts to find out a correlation among known variables in relation to the development and improvement of the quality of teaching and learning interaction for mathematics teachers. By applying the statistical computation on the correlation of the variables such as teachers' educational level, teaching experience, teachers' training as predicting variables and professional attitude, and quality of teaching and learning interaction as intervening variables while mathematics was used as a dependent (criterion) variable, it was found out that there is a significant correlation of the variables of teachers' educational level, teaching experience, and professional attitude with the quality of the teaching and leaning interaction. The findings suggest that mathematics teachers should improve their knowledge about the course, other related institutions should be involved in supervising the interaction, cooperation with institutions producing teacher graduates should be developed, and the training programs should be reevaluated in te rms of efficiency, effectiveness and investment.
Results of two studies show that oral communication is the most important competency for college graduates entering the workforce, and that the oral skills most important for entry level graduates are: following instructions, listening, conversing, and giving feedback. In the first study, 354 managers identified and ranked the competencies and characteristics they consider when hiring college graduates for entry-level positions. Findings reveal that the top three competen cies are oral communications, problem-solving, and self- motivation. No signifi cant differences were found among industries, number of employees, or management level of the responding manager.Based on the first study, Study 2 identified the most important skills associ ated with oral communication competency. From a list of 13 oral communication skills, managers rated each skill according to importance to entry-level jobs occupied by college graduates, and how frequently entry-level graduates use each skill. No significant differences were found in the ratings on importance of oral communication skills. However, graduates in companies with less than 200 employees reportedly handle customer complaints more frequently than gradu ates in larger companies, and graduates in companies with more than 200 employees use meeting skills more frequently than graduates in smaller compa nies.
Communication Skill For Teachers: An Overview
  • Cohort Nominate
Cohort Nominate.(2016).Communication Skill For Teachers: An Overview, Retrieve from Online on 10/08/16
What our student say about how we teach
  • O J Ehindero
  • Y A Ajibade
Ehindero, OJ, Ajibade YA (2000). What our student say about how we teach. Ife J. Educ. Studies. 7(1), 1-9.
The Importance of Communication in Education
  • David Andrade
David Andrade.(2015). The Importance of Communication in Education. Retrieve from Online on 15/08/2015
Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills
  • Freddie Silver
Freddie Silver.(NA).Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills?. Retrieve from Online on 11/08/16
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary International Students Edition
  • A S Hornby
  • E Gatenby
  • H Wakefield
Hornby, A.S., Gatenby, E.V & Wakefield, H. (2005). "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary International Students Edition (7th ed): London Oxford University Press.
The communications contract. The Internal Auditor
  • J Loss
Loss, J. (2000). The communications contract. The Internal Auditor, 57(6), 88.
New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms
  • M R Mccarthy
  • R Carter
McCarthy, M.R. and R. Carter (2001). Ten Criteria for a Spoken Grammar in E. Hinkel and S. Fotos (eds). New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.