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On the Benefits of Giving Social Support: When, Why, and How Support Providers Gain by Caring for Others



People who are socially integrated and have strong social ties live happier, longer lives. The link between social connection and well-being is commonly explained in terms of the benefits of receiving care and support from others. However, the benefits of giving care and support to others for the support provider are often overlooked. We review emerging findings that suggest when, why, and how giving support to others provides benefits to the self. We identify possible mechanisms by which these benefits arise and outline boundary conditions that influence such benefits. To gain a richer understanding of the association between social ties and well-being, an important future research direction is to not only consider the support receiver but also emphasize the support provider.
Current Directions in Psychological
2017, Vol. 26(2) 109 –113
© The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0963721416686212
People thrive when they experience close social bonds and
suffer when they lack social ties. In particular, social con-
nections foster a sense of social support—the perception or
experience of being loved and cared for by others, esteemed
and valued, and part of a social network of mutual assis-
tance and obligations (Wills, 1991)—which is important for
functioning in daily life (Lakey & Orehek, 2011). An implicit
assumption guiding most research on social support is that
the individual receiving care and support benefits whereas
the person providing care and support incurs some cost.
However, recent perspectives have highlighted the potential
benefits of serving as a support provider (Brown, Nesse,
Vinokur, & Smith, 2003; Dunn, Aknin, & Norton, 2008;
Inagaki & Eisenberger, 2012). Giving support, therefore,
may be another way to maintain social connections and
fulfill the need for strong social bonds.
Consider a case in which you decide that you would
like to do something for your partner after a long day at
work. You know that she enjoys a pasta dish that you
cook, and you decide to make it for her. Most social-
support research has focused on the potential benefits
for your partner while overlooking the benefits to you,
the support giver. However, by doing something for
someone else, you may also benefit yourself.
In line with this example, an accumulating body of
research suggests that giving social support to others,
rather than costing the giver, may instead lead to benefits
for the giver. In the present article, we highlight new
findings detailing when, why, and how support providers
benefit from giving. We discuss two boundary conditions
regarding when giving support is beneficial. Finally,
because this is a relatively new, emerging literature, we
discuss implications of the present perspective and direc-
tions for future research.
Giving Social Support
Why might giving to others be beneficial? One answer to
this question is derived from the observation that humans
have a natural capacity to care for, nurture, and protect
others, especially during times of need (Bowlby, 1988).
Babies are born dependent on others and, as a conse-
quence, require intense care at the beginning of life.
Processes that promote caring for offspring may extend
686212CDPXXX10.1177/0963721416686212Inagaki, OrehekBenefits of Giving Social Support
Corresponding Authors:
Tristen K. Inagaki, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh,
3101 Sennott Square, 210 S. Bouquet St., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Edward Orehek, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh,
3105 Sennott Square, 210 S. Bouquet St., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
On the Benefits of Giving Social Support:
When, Why, and How Support Providers
Gain by Caring for Others
Tristen K. Inagaki and Edward Orehek
Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
People who are socially integrated and have strong social ties live happier, longer lives. The link between social
connection and well-being is commonly explained in terms of the benefits of receiving care and support from others.
However, the benefits of giving care and support to others for the support provider are often overlooked. We review
emerging findings that suggest when, why, and how giving support to others provides benefits to the self. We identify
possible mechanisms by which these benefits arise and outline boundary conditions that influence such benefits.
To gain a richer understanding of the association between social ties and well-being, an important future research
direction is to not only consider the support receiver but also emphasize the support provider.
social support, support provider, caregiving, social integration, well-being
110 Inagaki, Orehek
to promote caring for others such as friends, romantic
partners, and other family members (Brown & Brown,
2015; Feeney & Collins, 2001; Preston, 2013; Taylor etal.,
2000). From this perspective, caring for others is not just
the “right thing to do” but is critical to our species’ sur-
vival. Mechanisms should therefore be in place to (a)
reinforce and motivate giving behavior and also (b)
reduce social withdrawal or stress-related responding to
facilitate effective care during times of need (Inagaki
etal., 2016). That is, the act of giving to others may feel
good and may reduce stress responses for the support
Giving support is rewarding
Spending money on others (vs. oneself) leads to greater
positive affect (Aknin etal., 2013), and doing nice things
for others (vs. oneself) leads to increases in one’s happi-
ness and sense of belonging to a social group (Nelson,
Layous, Cole, & Lyubomirsky, 2016). These effects extend
to young children. For example, giving a treat to a pup-
pet (vs. receiving a treat) leads to increased displays of
happiness in children under 2 years old (Aknin, Hamlin,
& Dunn, 2012). Giving to others is also associated with
favorable social outcomes including increased self-
esteem (Piferi & Lawler, 2006), self-worth (Gruenewald,
Liao, & Seeman, 2012), and feelings of social connection
with the recipient (Inagaki & Eisenberger, 2012).
Caring for others seems to rely on neural regions asso-
ciated with pleasure and reward. Animals’ care for off-
spring is associated with increased activity in the ventral
striatum (VS; Lonstein, Simmons, Swann, & Stern, 1997)
and septal area (SA; Fleischer & Slotnick, 1978). Consis-
tent with these findings, damage to either the VS or the
SA significantly reduces effective parental care in rats
(Fleischer & Slotnick, 1978; Hansen, 1994). In humans,
giving support activates these same brain regions. The
first experimental demonstration of support-related activ-
ity in these brain regions among human participants
showed that giving support by holding a romantic part-
ner’s arm as he endured uncomfortable shocks (vs. not
giving support) activated both the VS and the SA (Inagaki
& Eisenberger, 2012). In addition, giving money to chari-
ties (Moll etal., 2006) and to close others activates the VS
more than winning money for oneself (Telzer, Fuligni,
Lieberman, & Galván, 2014). Taken together, this body of
work points to reward-related psychological and neuro-
biological mechanisms as one potential driver underlying
the benefits of giving support.
Giving support is stress reducing
Findings from both animals and humans suggest that
giving care to others inhibits stress responses, which
facilitates care during times of need (Taylor etal., 2000).
Thus, another route by which giving support may lead to
benefits for the support provider is by reducing social
withdrawal or stress-related responding (Inagaki et al.,
2016; Poulin, Brown, Dillard, & Smith, 2013). For exam-
ple, female macaques who gave more (vs. less) support
by grooming others displayed lower stress levels (Shutt,
MacLarnon, Heistermann, & Semple, 2007) and fewer
anxiety-related behaviors (self-scratching, self-grooming,
aggressive actions; Aureli & Yates, 2010).
In humans, self-reported support giving is associated
with reduced stress-related neural activity in the amyg-
dala, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the anterior
insula in response to a social stressor (Inagaki et al.,
2016). In addition, SA activity while participants give sup-
port (vs. do not give support) is associated with less
amygdala activity (Inagaki & Eisenberger, 2012). These
results suggest that greater activity in one of the regions
critical for parental care, the SA, is associated with less
stress-related responding.
In the first experimental manipulation of giving sup-
port prior to a stressor, writing a supportive note to a
friend in need (vs. writing about a neutral topic) caused
reductions in stress-related responding to a psychosocial
stressor (Inagaki & Eisenberger, 2016). Consistent with
these findings, an intervention outside the lab showed
that being randomly assigned to give money to others
(vs. spend money on oneself) led to lower resting blood
pressure after the intervention (Whillans, Dunn, Sandstrom,
Dickerson, & Madden, 2016). Together, the experimental
findings suggest that another way giving to others bene-
fits the provider is by reducing stress.
Boundary Conditions: When Is Giving
Whether giving support leads to beneficial outcomes
should depend on two factors: (a) whether an individual
freely chooses to give support and (b) whether she or he
thinks the support is effective (Orehek, in press). Provid-
ing initial support for the first factor, participants who
freely chose to give support experienced greater well-
being, such as increased positive affect and self-esteem,
whereas participants without a choice did not experience
benefits (Weinstein & Ryan, 2010). Additional research is
needed to investigate whether free choice influences
neural processes underlying support giving. Support for
the second factor can be gleaned from neural evidence,
which shows that individuals who report their support
giving as more effective experience greater rewards, as
indexed by greater neural activity in both the VS and the
SA in response to giving support (Inagaki & Eisenberger,
2012). The perceived effectiveness of giving support can
also be increased when the support recipient appreciates
Benefits of Giving Social Support 111
or recognizes the support provided (Orehek & Forest,
2016). These findings provide initial evidence that the
two proposed factors help explain when giving support
produces benefits for the provider.
Although no experimental studies have examined
whether choice and perceived effectiveness are impor-
tant for the stress-reducing effects of giving support,
clues can be gleaned from research on caregiver burden.
Caregivers often feel forced to care for loved ones out of
obligation and give chronic care they perceive as ineffec-
tive (Adelman, Tmanova, Delgado, Dion, & Lachs, 2014).
Therefore, chronic caregiving often violates the two
parameters under which giving support is proposed to
lead to beneficial outcomes, first by removing the choice
to give and second by decreasing the perception that
care is effective (e.g., in light of the deterioration of a
care recipient). Research has shown that caregiving is
often associated with increased stress (Adelman et al.,
2014), which suggests that choice and effectiveness may
indeed be necessary conditions for giving support to
reduce stress in the support provider. In addition, choice
and effectiveness, among other factors (e.g., increased
financial strain), may explain why caregiving is some-
times associated with stress. Future research is needed to
more fully investigate the roles of choice and effective-
ness in influencing the link between support giving and
stress and to explore the potential for additional bound-
ary conditions.
Implications and Future Directions
The research reviewed above provides initial evidence
regarding when, why, and how giving support is bene-
ficial for the support provider. In addition to the short-
term benefits reviewed here, we expect benefits of
giving support to extend to long-term well-being.
Indeed, large-scale analyses of human social ties have
demonstrated remarkable health-promotion effects: Par-
enthood (Agerbo, Mortensen, & Munk-Olsen, 2012),
marriage (Carr & Springer, 2010), and social integration
(Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010) are all robustly
associated with greater longevity. Whereas it has been
assumed that social ties increase longevity via the care
and support received from these relationships, the cur-
rent perspective suggests that an underexplored factor in
the social ties–longevity linkage is the care given to oth-
ers. Others have shown that giving support is also linked
to longevity (Allman, Rosin, Kumar, & Hasenstaub, 1988;
Brown etal., 2003). Refocusing attention on when, why,
and how the individual giving support benefits from
supportive interactions may illuminate new avenues for
intervening in the lives of those who suffer from a lack
of social connections or support.
Moving forward, research should outline the types of
actions that support givers employ, as well as whether
what they do, whom they do it for, and why they do it
influence the personal benefits they experience. For
instance, when does giving support to others cease to be
good for long-term health, as often observed among
chronic caregivers, and who benefits most from giving to
others? In addition to benefitting the self, how does giv-
ing support strengthen existing social relationships or
help form new social bonds? How does the specific per-
son to whom support is given and that person’s response
influence benefits and costs to the support provider?
Would knowing that one’s support was ineffective alter
the stress-reducing effects of giving support (Inagaki &
Eisenberger, 2016; Whillans etal., 2016)? Finally, others
have theorized that regions such as the orbitofrontal cor-
tex are important for giving support (see the Recom-
mended Readings for a full overview) and should be
explored further.
Giving social support leads to emotional, physical,
and social benefits that are most likely to occur when
giving is freely chosen and is perceived to be effective.
These findings fit with the notion that people have a
natural inclination to care for others and flourish when
they have strong social ties. A new focus on the individ-
ual giving support, in addition to continuing work on the
individual receiving support, will help paint a more com-
plete picture as to when, why, and how social support is
good for health and well-being and, ultimately, may help
us harness a natural human tendency in order to benefit
social relationships.
Recommended Reading
Brown, S. L., & Brown, R. M. (2015). (See References). A com-
prehensive review of the neurobiological mechanisms
associated with giving support and its effects on physical
Inagaki, T. K., Byrne Haltom, K. E., Suzuki, S., Jevtic, I.,
Hornstein, E., Bower, J. E., & Eisenberger, N. I. (2016). (See
References). A representative study that illustrates original
neuroimaging research about giving support.
Lakey, B., & Orehek, E. (2011). Relational regulation theory:
A new approach to explain the link between perceived
social support and mental health. Psychological Review,
118, 482–495. A recent theory on social-support processes
that emphasizes relational regulation of affect and cogni-
tion in everyday conversations and shared activities; espe-
cially relevant to the current article, it suggests that partners
often initiate social interaction as a way of regulating their
partner’s affect.
Preston, S. D. (2013). (See References). A detailed review of
the neural regions associated with parental care in animals
and their relevance for extreme acts of altruism, a behavior
related to support giving.
112 Inagaki, Orehek
Uchino, B. N. (2009). Understanding the links between social
support and physical health: A life-span perspective with
emphasis on the separability of perceived and received
support. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 236–255.
A developmental perspective on the link between social
support and health.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
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... We then explore whether profiles of help initiation are associated with how often older parents help and how they evaluate the rewards and stresses of helping. We focus on these links adjusting for resources, needs and individual beliefs, which also influence frequency and evaluation of helping (Conger et al., 2010 (Inagaki & Orehek, 2017) proposes that providers find helping beneficial when they can choose when and what to give. It may be the case that parents who initiate help evaluate giving that help as beneficial. ...
... Further, older parents may feel even more rewarded if they also help children in response to a need that can be addressed. According to the support matching hypothesis, parents may offer optimal help in response to specific requests from children, thereby gaining emotional rewards (Gleason & Iida, 2015;Inagaki & Orehek, 2017). ...
Objectives: Older parents continue to help children after these children have been adults for decades. We utilize a typology approach to assess who initiates the help. We ask whether profiles of help initiation are associated with how often older parents help and how they evaluate their helping behaviors. Methods: Older parents (N = 241; Mage = 80.12) indicated the extent to which they volunteered to help children and helped per child's request. Parents reported their resources and obligation to help, child problems, frequency and evaluation (rewards/stresses) of helping. Results: Latent profile analysis reveals four profiles representing parents who are initiators (n = 65), responders (n = 56), initiators/responders (n = 50), and uninvolved (n = 69). Resources, needs, and individual beliefs differentiate profiles. Parents offer the same amount of help regardless of who initiates such help. Parents who are initiators/responders view helping as more rewarding than parents who are initiators and more stressful than uninvolved parents. Discussion: This study reveals variation in the initiation of older parents' help and refines our understanding of family help in late life. Findings may suggest a parental expectation for children to be competent in adulthood regardless of their resources and willingness to help.
... Social support can either be practical, entailing help and support in concrete tasks, or psychological, which involves caring, empathy, love, and trust in one's social relationships, as well as a feeling of belonging, being accepted and needed in these relationships (Langford et al. 1997;Krause 2001). Despite that scholars have gradually started to explore how the act of giving (practical or psychological) support influences individual wellbeing (e. g. Inagaki and Orehek 2017), or on the transactional process of giving and receiving support (Liu et al. 2020), traditionally the domain focuses on the subjective experiences of perceived support (Sarason et al. 1983;Krause 2001;Utz and Breuer 2017). Accordingly, this study focuses on explaining how the psychological dimension of perceived social support (hereafter "social support") relates to political efficacy. ...
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This study explores how social support, defined as the number and quality of close relationships, affects feelings of political influence. Using Swiss Household Panel data (1999–2018), it reveals that the quality of relationships (emotional support) enjoyed from weak ties drives women’s political efficacy, while having no significant effect for men. In addition to extending on the socially oriented drivers of political engagement, social support has the potential to reduce female disadvantage in political efficacy and eventually alleviate gen der inequality in politics.
... This association was not present among youth who reported giving average or high social support. There is strong evidence that social support buffers against various types of stressors, including illness, caregiving, and natural disasters (Kaniasty, 2020;Schiller et al., 2021;Usta, 2012), and that provision of support to others may be particularly important for wellbeing (Brown & Ryan, 2003;Chen et al., 2021;Inagaki & Orehek, 2017;Schwartz et al., 2003). In this sample of adolescents, giving social support may have served as a form of behavioral activation, leading to a sense of control during a pandemic that has been characterized by significant unpredictability and uncontrollability. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented disruptions in the daily lives and mental health of adolescents. Less attention has been given to the psychosocial resources that may mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on adolescent mental health, particularly among minoritized populations. In the present study, 259 youth (aged 11–18) were recruited from a community center for integrated prevention and intervention services in a predominantly Latinx and Hispanic community. Youth completed questionnaires about the impact COVID-19 has had on their lives, psychosocial resources (humor, optimism, emotion regulation, social support), and psychiatric symptoms (depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, sleep disturbances, aggression). After accounting for age, sex, and exposure to early life adversity, higher reported COVID-19 impact was associated with more depressive symptoms, b = 6.37 (SE = 1.67), 95% CI [3.08, 9.66], p < 0.001, more anxiety symptoms, b = 9.97 (SE = 1.63), 95% CI [6.75, 13.18], p < 0.001, and more sleep disturbances, b = 1.24 (SE = 0.34), 95% CI [0.57, 1.91], p < 0.001. Youth that reported infrequent expressive suppression and the lowest scores on giving social support were at the greatest risk for aggressive behavior in the context of high COVID-19 impact, ps < 0.007. Increasing emotion regulation skills, such as expressive suppression, and opportunities to give social support may promote resilience among high risk youth in the context of this ongoing community stressor.
... This may lead to patients feeling like a burden to their spouses and may cause significant distress, potentially compounding existing distress related to cancer. 8 In fact, there is evidence that providing support is beneficial 31,32 and perceiving an equitable ratio between support receipt and provision within a relationship may be important for well-being. 33 Particularly for patients, serving as their spouse's confidant or PSP may be an important way to continue to offer support and increase intimacy. ...
Examine the impact of the primary-support person (PSP) role on advanced cancer patient and spouse caregiver psychological well-being, above and beyond the effects of relationship satisfaction. Secondary analysis of cross-sectional questionnaire data. 88 advanced cancer patient/spouse-caregiver dyads. Patients and caregivers independently completed measures assessing depression, anxiety, perceived stress, and relationship satisfaction, and identified their PSP. Patient and caregiver psychological well-being outcomes were regressed on patient and caregiver PSP variables in an actor-partner interdependence model. Half of patients identified their caregiver as PSP; 9% of caregivers identified their patient as PSP. When caregivers identified their patient as PSP, the patient reported better outcomes. No associations were seen for patient identification of caregiver as PSP or caregiver well-being. Clinicians can encourage patients to find ways to continue to focus on their relationship with the caregiver and help caregivers connect with other sources of support.
... There have been a number of reports of the general benefits of helping behavior for the helper (Weinstein & Ryan, 2010;Momatz, Ibrahim & Hamid, 2014;Ingaki & Orehek, 2017), but relatively little research has been conducted on the potential benefits of providing specifically autonomy support for the provider of that support. While less is known about the effects of autonomy support on the support provider, several studies have examined potential effects. ...
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Introduction: Self-determination theory proposes that autonomy-supportive environments produce better health outcomes, and evidence demonstrating the importance of autonomy support for health behavior change has become increasingly clear. The bulk of the previous research has focused on the effects of receiving autonomy support, whereas the present study focuses on the potential impact of providing autonomy support for improving the weight loss and relationship satisfaction of the support provider. Method: Sixty-four couples were randomized to a standard weight loss intervention or to an intervention that included training to enhance autonomy support behavior (e.g., empathic responding, accepting personal choices, etc.). Groups met weekly for 6 months, with assessments at baseline, 3, 6, and 12 months. The assessment of provided autonomy support was based on ratings of videotaped interactions of the couple discussing weight loss issues and on partner report of the autonomy support they received. Results: The results did not show any condition effects; however, the results for both conditions indicated that beyond receiving autonomy support, providing autonomy support was associated with greater sustained weight loss for the support provider, and for men greater relationship satisfaction over time. Discussion: The results confirm the importance of couples-based interventions and autonomy support for behavior change. In addition, it appears that providing autonomy support is useful for both the recipient and the provider. These results point to the need for developing targeted interventions to facilitate the provision of autonomy support. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
... With regard to social support, we assessed both practical and informational-emotional support; in addition, we focused not only on received support but also on given social support. Recent studies, in fact, have highlighted the potential benefits of serving as a support provider (Inagaki & Orehek, 2017). As for individual well-being, we investigated both traditional indicators, such as satisfaction with life and presence of depressive symptoms, and generativity. ...
Separations and divorces are nonnormative life events, which may have negative consequences on ex-partners’ social ties and social participation. The latter, however, may be protective resources in the post-separation adjustment. The present study focused on the role of volunteering and social ties for ex-partners’ well-being. In a sample of separated parents, we explored whether differences existed be-tween volunteers and nonvolunteers in social ties characteristics (network size, frequency of contacts, and social support), and whether these characteristics mediated the association of volunteering with different dimensions of well-being (satisfaction with life, depressive symptoms, generativity). Results showed that volunteers reported more frequent contacts with friends and higher levels of given and received social support to/from relatives and friends than nonvolunteers. Mediational analyses revealed that frequency of contacts with friends explained the link between volunteering and satisfaction with life and depressive symptoms, while social support mediated the association between volunteering and generativity. A complex picture emerges about the pathways linking volunteering to separated parents’ well-being.
Background: Support-giving has emerged as a health-relevant social behavior, such that giving more support is associated with better physical health. However, biological mechanisms by which support-giving and health are linked remain unclear. Whether support-giving uniquely relates to health relative to other psychosocial factors is also an open research question. Purpose: Two studies test the hypothesis that support-giving is uniquely (over-and-above other psychosocial factors) related to lower systemic inflammation, a biological correlate of health. Methods: Cross-sectional associations of support-giving with markers of systemic inflammation (i.e., interleukin-6 [IL-6], C-reactive protein [CRP]) were examined in two independent samples of midlife adults (Study 1, n = 746; Study 2, n = 350). Results: Consistent with hypotheses, giving to more social targets (to family and friends, and also volunteering for various causes), but not receiving support from similar targets, was associated with lower IL-6. In conceptual replication and extension with a different measure of support-giving, higher frequency of support-giving behavior was associated with lower IL-6, even after adjusting for social network size and individual differences in social desirability. There were no associations between support-giving and CRP in either sample. Conclusions: Future research needs to establish causality and directly test mechanistic pathways, but together, findings reaffirm the health-relevance of support-giving behavior and shed light on a promising biological mechanism by which such effects may occur.
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Care is an central aspect of human existence. What we care about and who we care for largely determine our way of being. The subjects of care present a frame of reference for our human functioning. The survival of the fittest, and other Darwinian notions, have become slogans for the business world which favors competitive, instrumental and capitalist values. However, in his Descent of Man, Darwin (1871: 403-404) wrote the following: Important as the struggle for existence has been and even still is, yet as far as the highest part of our nature is concerned there are other agencies more important. For the moral qualities are advanced either directly or indirectly much more through the efforts of habit, by our reasoning powers, by instruction, by religion, etc., than through natural selection. David Loye (2009) found that In The Descent of Man Darwin writes 95 times about love…. Of moral sensitivity I found he wrote 92 times….Of competition, he wrote 12 times; of cooperation-called mutual aid in Darwin's time-27 times….For Darwin the prime driver for human evolution-and completion for his theory of evolution….is our capacity for the "moral sense," i.e. moral sensitivity, an evolutionary inbuilt thrust within us for the development of a sense of right versus wrong. Care and ethics then, are considered by Darwin as higher level imperatives, and more important than fighting and competition. Care is essential to our life, and caring is an essential part of who we are.
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Romantic couples (N = 194) participated in an investigation of caregiving processes in adulthood. In Phase 1, couple members completed questionnaires designed to identify attachment style differences in caregiving behavior and to explore the underlying (personal and relationship) mechanisms that lead people with different attachment styles to be effective or ineffective caregivers. Results revealed that social support knowledge, prosocial orientation, interdependence, trust, and egoistic motivation mediated the link between attachment style and caregiving. In Phase 2, responsive caregiving was assessed behaviorally by exposing one member of the couple to a stressful laboratory situation and experimentally manipulating his or her need for support. Results revealed that attachment style and mediating mechanisms identified in Phase 1 also predicted observable support behavior in a specific episode in which a partner had a clear need for support.
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Goal pursuit is almost always conducted in concert with helpful others. People serve as instrumental means to goals, and evaluations of people are shaped by their perceived instrumentality. Assistance from another person may elicit feelings of relationship satisfaction and commitment. Assisting others in their goal pursuit is also gratifying. We present a novel goal-systemic perspective on close relationships. Our analysis suggests that satisfying relationships are achieved when partners experience mutual perceived instrumentality—when each partner feels instrumental to his or her partner’s important goals and perceives the partner as instrumental to his or her important goals. Considering relationship partners as means to goals has important implications for relationship processes including attraction, relationship maintenance, and relationship dissolution.
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Objectives: There is a strong association between supportive ties and health. However, most research has focused on the health benefits that come from the support one receives while largely ignoring the support giver and how giving may contribute to good health. Moreover, few studies have examined the neural mechanisms associated with support giving or how giving support compares to receiving support. Method: The current study assessed the relationships: a) between self-reported receiving and giving social support and vulnerability for negative psychological outcomes and b) between receiving and giving social support and neural activity to socially rewarding and stressful tasks. Thirty-six participants (mean [standard deviation] age = 22.36 [3.78] years, 44% female) completed three tasks in the functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner: 1) a stress task (mental arithmetic under evaluative threat), b) an affiliative task (viewing images of close others), and c) a prosocial task. Results: Both self-reported receiving and giving social support were associated with reduced vulnerability for negative psychological outcomes. However, across the three neuroimaging tasks, giving but not receiving support was related to reduced stress-related activity (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex [r = -0.27], left [r = -0.28] and right anterior insula [r = -0.33], and left [r = -0.32] and right amygdala [r = -0.32]) to a stress task, greater reward-related activity (left [r = 0.42] and right ventral striatum [VS; r = 0.41]) to an affiliative task, and greater caregiving-related activity (left VS [r = 0.31], right VS [r = 0.31], and septal area [r = 0.39]) to a prosocial task. Conclusions: These results contribute to an emerging literature suggesting that support giving is an overlooked contributor to how social support can benefit health.
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When it comes to the pursuit of happiness, popular culture encourages a focus on oneself. By contrast, substantial evidence suggests that what consistently makes people happy is focusing prosocially on others. In the current study, we contrasted the mood- and well-being-boosting effects of prosocial behavior (i.e., doing acts of kindness for others or for the world) and self-oriented behavior (i.e., doing acts of kindness for oneself) in a 6-week longitudinal experiment. Across a diverse sample of participants (N = 473), we found that the 2 types of prosocial behavior led to greater increases in psychological flourishing than did self-focused and neutral behavior. In addition, we provide evidence for mechanisms explaining the relative improvements in flourishing among those prompted to do acts of kindness-namely, increases in positive emotions and decreases in negative emotions. Those assigned to engage in self-focused behavior did not report improved psychological flourishing, positive emotions, or negative emotions relative to controls. The results of this study contribute to a growing literature supporting the benefits of prosocial behavior and challenge the popular perception that focusing on oneself is an optimal strategy to boost one's mood. People striving for happiness may be tempted to treat themselves. Our results, however, suggest that they may be more successful if they opt to treat someone else instead. (PsycINFO Database Record
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Objective: Does spending money on others (prosocial spending) improve the cardiovascular health of community-dwelling older adults diagnosed with high blood pressure? Method: In Study 1, 186 older adults diagnosed with high blood pressure participating in the Midlife in the U.S. Study (MIDUS) were examined. In Study 2, 73 older adults diagnosed with high blood pressure were assigned to spend money on others or to spend money on themselves. Results: In Study 1, the more money people spent on others, the lower their blood pressure was 2 years later. In Study 2, participants who were assigned to spend money on others for 3 consecutive weeks subsequently exhibited lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to participants assigned to spend money on themselves. The magnitude of these effects was comparable to the effects of interventions such as antihypertensive medication or exercise. Conclusions: Together, these findings suggest that spending money on others shapes cardiovascular health, thereby providing a pathway by which prosocial behavior improves physical health among at-risk older adults. (PsycINFO Database Record
Consider a situation in which you travel to attend a friend’s wedding. You purchase your tickets, pack your bags, travel to the airport, traverse the terminal, check into your hotel, iron your clothes, get ready, and ultimately arrive at the celebration. You may feel like you have accomplished a lot. Indeed, you have. You have engaged in forethought, exercised patience, navigated an unfamiliar environment, and even lifted some heavy bags. You can give yourself a pat on the back for all that you have accomplished. It may feel as if you have done all of this by yourself, on your own, and that you deserve the credit. On the other hand, you could not have made this trip without the help of your taxi driver, airplane pilot, hotel employees, and countless other people who assisted you along the way. Everything you do is carried out with the help of other people. This example illustrates that while we may often take credit for the actions we carry out, even the most mundane of everyday activities require the assistance of other people.
Social support is a major contributor to the link between social ties and beneficial health outcomes. Research to date has focused on how receiving support from others might be good for us; however, we know less about the health effects of giving support to others. Based on prior work in animals showing that stimulating neural circuitry important for caregiving behavior can reduce sympathetic-related responses to stressors, it is possible that, in humans, giving to others can reduce stressor-evoked sympathetic nervous system responding, which has implications for health outcomes. To test the effect of giving support on the physiological stress response, participants either wrote a supportive note to a friend (support-giving condition) or wrote about their route to school/work (control condition) before undergoing a standard laboratory-based stress task. Physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, salivary alpha-amylase, salivary cortisol), and self-reported stress were collected throughout the protocol. In line with hypotheses, support giving (vs. control) reduced sympathetic-related responses (systolic blood pressure and alpha-amylase) to the stressor. No effects of support giving were found on self-reported psychological stress or cortisol levels. Results add to existing knowledge of the pathways by which support giving may lead to health benefits and highlight the contribution of giving to others in the broader social support-health link.
Although a growing body of evidence suggests that giving to (helping) others is linked reliably to better health and longevity for the helper, little is known about causal mechanisms. In the present paper we use a recently developed model of caregiving motivation to identify possible neurophysiological mechanisms. The model describes a mammalian neurohormonal system that evolved to regulate maternal care, but over time may have been recruited to support a wide variety of helping behaviors in humans and other social animals. According to the model, perception of need or distress in others activates caregiving motivation, which in turn, can facilitate helping behavior. Motivational regulation is governed by the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus, interacting with certain other brain regions, hormones, and neuromodulators (especially oxytocin and progesterone). Consideration of neurohormonal circuitry and related evidence raises the possibility that it is these hormones, known to have stress-buffering and restorative properties, that are responsible, at least in part, for health and longevity benefits associated with helping others. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.