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Abstract and Figures

Urban streams are exposed to multiple different stressors on a regular basis, with increased hydrological flashiness representing a common urban stream stressor. Stream metabolism, the coupled ecosystem functions of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), controls numerous other ecosystem functions and integrates multiple processes occurring within streams. We examined the effect of one large (Superstorm Sandy) and multiple small and moderately sized flood events in Baltimore, Maryland, to quantify the response and recovery of urban stream GPP and ER before and after floods of different magnitudes. We also compared GPP and ER before and after Superstorm Sandy to literature values. We found that both GPP and ER decreased dramatically immediately following floods of varying magnitudes, but on average GPP was more reduced than ER (80% and 66% average reduction in GPP and ER, respectively). Both GPP and ER recovered rapidly following floods within 4–18 d, and recovery intervals did not differ significantly between GPP and ER. During the two-week recovery following Superstorm Sandy, two urban streams exhibited a range of metabolic activity equivalent to ~15% of the entire range of GPP and ER reported in a recent meta-analysis of stream metabolism. Urban streams exhibit a substantial proportion of the natural variation in metabolism found across stream ecosystems over relatively short time scales. Not only does urbanization cause increased hydrological flashiness, it appears that metabolic activity in urban streams may be less resistant, but also more resilient to floods than in other streams draining undeveloped watersheds, which have been more studied. Our results show that antecedent conditions must be accounted for when drawing conclusions about stream metabolism measurements, and the rapid recovery and resilience of urban streams should be considered in watershed management and stream restoration strategies targeting ecosystem functions and services.
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Recovery and resilience of urban stream metabolism
following Superstorm Sandy and other oods
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York 12545 USA
Department of Biological Sciences, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 17745 USA
Department of Geology, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 USA
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Brooklyn College, City University of New York Advanced Science Research Center,
New York, New York 10031 USA
Citation: Reisinger, A. J., E. J. Rosi, H. A. Bechtold, T. R. Doody, S. S. Kaushal, and P. M. Groffman. 2017. Recovery and
resilience of urban stream metabolism following Superstorm Sandy and other oods. Ecosphere 8(4):e01776. 10.1002/
Abstract. Urban streams are exposed to multiple different stressors on a regular basis, with increased
hydrological ashiness representing a common urban stream stressor. Stream metabolism, the coupled
ecosystem functions of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), controls
numerous other ecosystem functions and integrates multiple processes occurring within streams. We
examined the effect of one large (Superstorm Sandy) and multiple small and moderately sized ood events
in Baltimore, Maryland, to quantify the response and recovery of urban stream GPP and ER before and
after oods of different magnitudes. We also compared GPP and ER before and after Superstorm Sandy to
literature values. We found that both GPP and ER decreased dramatically immediately following oods of
varying magnitudes, but on average GPP was more reduced than ER (80% and 66% average reduction in
GPP and ER, respectively). Both GPP and ER recovered rapidly following oods within 418 d, and recov-
ery intervals did not differ signicantly between GPP and ER. During the two-week recovery following
Superstorm Sandy, two urban streams exhibited a range of metabolic activity equivalent to ~15% of the
entire range of GPP and ER reported in a recent meta-analysis of stream metabolism. Urban streams
exhibit a substantial proportion of the natural variation in metabolism found across stream ecosystems
over relatively short time scales. Not only does urbanization cause increased hydrological ashiness, it
appears that metabolic activity in urban streams may be less resistant, but also more resilient to oods than
in other streams draining undeveloped watersheds, which have been more studied. Our results show that
antecedent conditions must be accounted for when drawing conclusions about stream metabolism
measurements, and the rapid recovery and resilience of urban streams should be considered in watershed
management and stream restoration strategies targeting ecosystem functions and services.
Key words: disturbance; ecosystem respiration; ood; gross primary production; recovery; recurrence interval;
resilience; resistance; Superstorm Sandy.
Received 8 March 2017; accepted 9 March 2017. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters.
Copyright: ©2017 Reisinger et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban stream ecosystems exhibit a multitude
of physicochemical and biological changes in
response to urban development (Walsh et al. 2005,
Wenger et al. 2009, Kaushal and Belt 2012).
These changes typically include geomorphic
alterations such as highly incised banks and
homogenous channel shape (Wolman 1967, Hen-
shaw and Booth 2000, Vietz et al. 2016), elevated 1April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
nutrients and other chemical contaminants (Hatt
et al. 2004, Carle et al. 2005), and biotic commu-
nities with decreased intolerant and increased
tolerant species (Paul and Meyer 2001). These
physicochemical and biological changes to urban
streams are speculated to result in reductions in
stream ecosystem functions such as metabolism
and nutrient uptake, despite a limited amount of
empirical evidence (Walsh et al. 2005, Wenger
et al. 2009). In fact, a recent review found that
stream nitrogen uptake rates were similar
between reference and urban streams across a
range of urban settings (Reisinger et al. 2016),
and urban stream networks are dynamic trans-
formers of materials and energy, particularly
during baseow (Kaushal et al. 2014a,b).
Stream metabolism is an integrative metric of
stream biological activity, and it represents the
fundamental ecosystem functions of gross pri-
mary production (GPP) and ecosystem respira-
tion (ER; Odum 1956, Hoellein et al. 2013). Both
GPP and ER can be simultaneously considered a
driver of other ecosystem processes (e.g., meta-
bolism controls nutrient uptake; Hall and Tank
2003) or as a dependent variable characterizing
the response of different streams to extrinsic dri-
vers (Mulholland et al. 2001, Bernot et al. 2010).
The development of new technologies and mod-
eling approaches (e.g., Grace et al. 2015, Hall
et al. 2016) has allowed for rapid expansion of
stream metabolism datasets and continuous
records, allowing us to test the response of this
fundamental ecosystem function to a range of
environmental drivers.
Long-term stream metabolism datasets now
show that metabolic activity within a stream var-
ies on multiple temporal scales, including sea-
sonal, daily, and episodic (e.g., storms, spates)
scales (Acu~
na et al. 2004, Roberts and Mulholland
2007, Beaulieu et al. 2013). Heavily impacted
stream ecosystems can vary over these different
time periods. For example, highly managed agri-
cultural ditches exhibit extreme day-to-day vari-
ability in metabolic activity over a given year, as a
single agricultural ditch had a wider annual range
of both GPP and ER than the entire range of all
literature data on stream metabolism from a
recent review (Hoellein et al. 2013, Roley et al.
2014). Therefore, this agricultural ditch appears as
variable across days as across seasons, likely due
to an open canopy and high nutrient conditions
across seasons. Streams affected by urbanization
can also exhibit high variability in metabolic
parameters over a range of environmental condi-
tions such as streamow, day length, and nutrient
status (Smith and Kaushal 2015). For example, a
two-year semi-continuous record of metabolism
in a suburban stream revealed that light availabil-
ity, temperature, and disturbance all controlled
variation in stream metabolism at different tem-
poral scales (Beaulieu et al. 2013).
Although often considered biologically impaired
due to low macroinvertebrate and vertebrate
biodiversity (Moore and Palmer 2005, Walsh et al.
2005, Walters et al. 2009), urban streams can
exhibit rates of ecosystem functions equivalent to,
or higher than, agricultural or reference streams
(Mulholland et al. 2008, Bernot et al. 2010,
Reisinger et al. 2016). For example, GPP and ER in
streams draining predominately urban watersheds
were signicantly higher than in nearby streams
located within a forested state park throughout the
year (Kaushal et al. 2014a). Similarly, streams
draining a range of forested and urban water-
sheds, and under variable restoration strategies, all
exhibited similar GPP and ER in both summer and
winter (Sudduth et al. 2011). Despite the multiple
physicochemical stressors present in urban streams
that represent a constant pressdisturbance
(sensu Lake 2000), fundamental ecosystem func-
tions like stream metabolism and nutrient uptake
(Mulholland et al. 2008, Bernot et al. 2010,
Reisinger et al. 2016) may actually be more resis-
tant to urbanization than the biodiversity of stream
communities. From a practical perspective, this
suggests that ecosystem functions related to urban
water quality may be more resilient to disturbance
in urban streams than previously appreciated, and
within microbial communities driving these
ecosystem functions (Utz et al. 2016).
One of the most ubiquitous symptoms of urban-
ization is an increase in ow variability and magni-
tude, increasing the rate and magnitude of erosion,
scouring, and sediment transport (Hawley and
Vietz 2016). This increase in hydrologic ashi-
nessis caused by a combination of impervious
surfaces on the landscape and stormwater drains
increasing the efciency of runoff from the water-
shed to the stream (Walsh et al. 2005, Kaushal and
Belt 2012, Vietz et al. 2016). High-ow events have
long been recognized as a controlling factor for 2April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
stream ecosystems (Poff et al. 1997). Indeed, recov-
ery and succession of streams following ooding
has been the focus of numerous classic studies
(Fisher et al. 1982, Grimm 1987). In naturally a-
shy streams, algal biomass and primary produc-
tion recover to pre-oodlevelswithindaysto
weeks (Fisher et al. 1982, Grimm 1987), and ER
may be less affected by oods than GPP, leading to
an increase in heterotrophy following oods
(Uehlinger 2000, Uehlinger et al. 2003). Although
stream ecosystems are typically thought of as
highly resilient to oods (Lake 2000), increased
ashiness caused by urbanization (in terms of both
frequency and magnitude of ood events), coupled
with multiple other stressors that impair the
biological community within urban streams, may
combine the pulse and press disturbances of
ooding and urbanization to drastically limit the
ability of urban stream metabolism to recover from
Here, we investigated the response of urban
stream metabolism to ood events of various
magnitudes. We quantied metabolism before
and after oods and the recovery rate following
the ood. We had three objectives: (1) quantify
recovery rates of stream metabolism across a
range of ood magnitudes, (2) establish whether
recovery is controlled by ood magnitude, and
(3) compare metabolic activity of urban streams
during a post-ood recovery to previously mea-
sured metabolic rates from the literature. These
three objectives aimed to expand our under-
standing of both metabolism, a key ecosystem
function driving multiple processes within
streams, and the response of urban streams to
disturbance. These objectives are consistent with
several key questions in urban stream ecology
(specically questions 1, 4, 5, and 6) identied by
Wenger et al. (2009).
Study sites
We initially selected two streams located within
Baltimore County and Baltimore City (Maryland,
USA) that are components of the U.S. National
Science Foundation-funded urban Long Term Eco-
logical Research network Baltimore Ecosystem
Study project. One stream was located near the
urban core of Baltimore (Gwynns Falls at Carroll
Park, hereafter the urban site), and the other
stream was located in a more suburban area
(Gwynns Falls at Gwynnbrook, hereafter the sub-
urban site; Table 1). At each of these sites, we
deployed dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature
sensors (miniDOT; Precision Measurement Engi-
neering, Vista, California, USA) and photosynthet-
ically active radiation (PAR) sensors (Odyssey
PAR R e corder; D a taow Systems Limited,
Christchurch, New Zealand) programmed to log
DO, temperature, and PAR every ve minutes on
or before 22 October 2012. We collected the sensors
on or after 12 November 2012. This deployment
period included Superstorm Sandy (hereafter
Sandy), a large storm event (see Storm events)
that affected much of the northeastern United
States. Although Baltimore was less affected than
areas further north, large-scale ooding did occur,
allowing us to test the effect of a storm on stream
metabolism and its recovery in urban streams.
In addition to these two sites, we analyzed
metabolism data from four additional urban
streams located within Baltimore City or
County in 2015. We deployed miniDOTs which
Table 1. Characteristics of study stream watersheds (WS) and ood dates.
Site Lat. long.
WS area
) Flood dates
GFCP (referred to
as urban)
39°1617.4N, 76°3854.8W 79 28 165 29 October 2012
GFGB (referred to
as suburban)
39°2634.6N, 76°4700.3W 82 17 11 29 October 2012
SLB 39°2225.7N, 76°4741.5W 92 29 1 10 September
MBU 39°2443.0N, 76°3312.5W 82 23 1 18 May, 24 August, 10 September
MBD 39°2434.6N, 76°3326.1W 73 21 5 13 July, 24 August, 10 September
STN 39°2122.2N, 76°3749.3W 90 28 2 27 June, 24 August
Notes: ISC, impervious surface cover; WS area, watershed area; GFCP, Gwynns Falls at Carroll Park; GFGB, Gwynns Falls at
Gwynnbrook; SLB, Scotts Level Branch; MBU, Minebank RunUpstream; MBD, Minebank RunDownstream; STN, Stony
Run. Flood dates are from 2015 unless otherwise noted. 3April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
continuously logged DO and temperature at these
four sites (beginning in April 2015), and PAR sen-
sors at three of four sites. The site without a PAR
sensor was located near a site with a PAR sensor,
and we therefore used PAR from this nearby site
for modeling. We quantied watershed character-
istics (area, percent developed, percent impervious
surface cover [ISC]) by rst delineating watersheds
using 30-m resolution digital elevation models
from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
and then extracting land-use categories using stan-
dard methods in ArcGIS (Version 10.3.1, Esri Cor-
poration, Redlands, California, USA). Both percent
developed and percent ISC were extracted from
the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD;
Homer et al. 2015) to provide a general representa-
tion of the land use in the watersheds of these sites
(Table 1). We note that percent developed repre-
sents the sum of the four different developed land-
use classications from NLCD. These streams are
representative of urban streams throughout the
Baltimore area, with closed canopies, substrate
ranging from sand to cobble, stormwater drain
inlets, and elevated background nutrient concen-
trations (Kaushal et al. 2014a).
Storm events
On 29 October 2012, Hurricane Sandy made
landfall in the northeastern United States. Altho-
ugh the majority of the storm surge, property loss,
and economic harm occurred further north, rain-
fall was heaviest in eastern Maryland. For exam-
ple, 16.8 cm of precipitation fell at the Baltimore-
Washington Airport during the course of the storm
(Blake et al. 2013), and this caused major ooding
in streams throughout the Baltimore area. In less
than 24 h, discharge increased from baseow val-
ues of 0.07 and 0.83 m
/s to 18 and 291 m
/s for
the suburban and urban streams, respectively.
For the storm events using the four additional
sites, we sorted through a daily discharge and
metabolism record spanning AprilNovember
2015 to identify high-ow events with enough
time at baseow between events to allow for
metabolic recovery. We only included events
with at least four days of baseow prior to the
ood with relatively stable GPP and ER, coupled
with enough time following the ood for GPP
and ER to recover to pre-ood rates. We selected
nine streamstorm events to include in addition
to the Sandy data (Table 1).
We calculated the ood recurrence intervals
(RIs, Eq. 1) for each of these streamood events
(n=11; two from Sandy and nine from 2015)
using two approaches. For sites with USGS
gages, we used the maximum annual ow from
USGS records for every year available and pro-
duced ood RIs using the approach outlined
below. For sites that did not have USGS gaging
stations, we identied nearby gaging stations
located on the same stream (but further down-
stream in the network). We used USGS data from
these downstream gaging stations to estimate
ood RIs for our ungaged sites, which provides a
conservative estimate for site-specicood RIs.
Flood RIs were calculated by rst compiling
the maximum ow for each year on record from
the USGS gages. We then ranked each year by
the magnitude of maximum annual ow, with
the highest ow year being ranked rst. We cal-
culated RIs as
Flood RI ¼Nþ1
where N is the total number of years in the USGS
record, and Rank
is the rank for year i.Wethen
regressed log
-transformed ood RI vs. peak ow
for each year (L/s) to provide an equation for cal-
culating RIs for each ood event in our analysis.
Metabolism estimation
We used the single-station open-channel O
exchange approach to estimate stream metabo-
lism. Our modeling approach was based upon a
modication of the daytime regression approach
(Atkinson et al. 2008, Grace et al. 2015) in which
we modeled GPP and ER as
þKDO 1:0241ðTtTmeanÞ
where tis the timestep; AI
is the primary pro-
duction term (mg O
), where Ais a con-
stant, Iis surface irradiance, and pis an exponent
accounting for photo-saturation; Ris respiration
(mg O
); his the temperature depen-
dence of respiration; T
and T
are water tem-
perature at time tand average daily water
temperature; KO2is the aeration coefcient (d
and sat and modeled refer to [DO] at saturation 4April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
and modeled concentrations, respectively. To
carry out this metabolism estimation, we used an
updated version of the Bayesian single-station
estimation (BASE) modeling approach (Grace
et al. 2015), which has been modied based on
recommendations of Song et al. (2016) to esti-
mate daily GPP and ER. The updated BASE
approach employs Eq. 2 to use direct concentra-
tion of DO rather than a stepwise approach, and
uses modeled DO concentration rather than
measured concentration to estimate oxygen de-
ciency for aeration rates. The updated BASE
model (BASE v2.0) can be accessed online
Due to high levels of diel temperature uctua-
tion, we used BASE to simultaneously model
GPP, ER, K,p, and h. Output from BASE provides
GPP and ER in volumetric units. In order to com-
pare metabolic rates across sites and with previ-
ous literature values, we multiplied volumetric
rates by mean daily stream depth to convert
from volumetric to areal rates (g O
We also calculated net ecosystem productivity
(NEP; g O
NEP ¼GPP þjERj(3)
where |ER|is the absolute value of ER, which is
traditionally expressed as a negative value. For
each site, we used daily discharge coupled with
an empirically derived dischargedepth relation-
ship (unique for each site; data not shown) to
estimate mean daily stream depth.
After estimating GPP and ER for each stream
before and after ood events, we calculated the
percentage of reduction due to ooding as
Reduction ð%Þ¼1Ratepost
where Rate
is GPP or ER on the rst modelable
day after the ood event, and Rate
is the aver-
age GPP or ER at baseow conditions prior to the
ood event. We were unable to model metabolism
on the day of peak ow or often for at least one
day following a ood due to the reliance of the
BASE model on an assumption of constant dis-
charge (Grace et al. 2015), which is a common
assumption for whole-stream metabolism models.
We also calculated recovery intervals for GPP and
ER, which allowed us to compare the time it took
for a site to recover to pre-ood rates while
accounting for differences in base metabolic activ-
ity due to non-ood-related factors (e.g., variable
canopy, water chemistry, stream size).
Metabolic recovery intervals were calculated
in a multi-step approach. First, we quantied
mean GPP and ER at baseow before the ood.
Next, we calculated response ratios for post-
ood GPP and ER as
RateRR ¼Ratei
where Rate
is the response ratio for either GPP
or ER and Rate
is GPP or ER on day ipost-ood.
We applied Eq. 5 to each day post-ood until
response ratios reached a plateau, suggesting a
new equilibrium had been reached following the
ood. After calculating response ratios for both
GPP and ER on each day post-ood, we
regressed response ratios vs. time since the ood
event (d), providing us with a linear regression
equation. The slope of the regression line repre-
sents the recovery rate. After modeling recovery
trajectories from each site, we set y=1 for each
unique regression equation and solved for x,
which equates to how much time was required
following the ood for Rate
to equal Rate
(alternatively, when did Rate
=1 based on the
regression). We will refer to this length of time as
the recovery interval (d). We compared recovery
intervals for GPP and ER using a paired ttest,
and we compared seasonal differences in recov-
ery intervals between summer (1 June31
August; n=5) and autumn (1 September30
November; n=5) ood events using indepen-
dent ttests. One ood event was excluded from
the seasonal analysis as it was a spring ood
occurring on 18 May (Table 1).
We quantied the effect of ood magnitude on
metabolic recovery using simple linear regres-
sion with recovery intervals for either GPP or ER
as the response variable and ood RI as the pre-
dictor variable. This approach, coupled with the
fact that recovery times are based upon response
ratios and therefore account for differences in
baseow metabolic activity across space and
time, allows us to isolate the effect of ood mag-
nitude on metabolic recovery across the range of
streams. Finally, to compare urban stream meta-
bolic activity to other stream ecosystems, we
compared GPP vs. ER for the suburban and 5April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
urban streams in response to Sandy to literature
values of stream metabolism taken from a recent
review (Hoellein et al. 2013).
Response to Superstorm Sandy
Prior to Superstorm Sandy, both the suburban
and urban streams were heterotrophic, with GPP
averaging 0.70 and 1.80 g O
and ER
averaging 4.12 and 2.62 g O
for the sub-
urban and urban streams, respectively (Fig. 1).
The second day following peak ow from Sandy
was the rst day which provided an acceptable
model t. Both the suburban and urban streams
exhibited a larger reduction in GPP (84% and 92%
reductions, respectively) than in ER (72% and
86% reductions, respectively), although the differ-
ences in GPP and ER reduction were modest for
both sites (Fig. 1). Following Sandy, both sites
exhibited a reduction in metabolic activity, sug-
gesting a disturbance, but as time since the ood
progressed, metabolic activity exhibited a post-
ood recovery (Fig. 2). Both the urban and subur-
ban streams exhibited a large amount of variation
in GPP (coefcient of variation [CV] =59.8% and
101.8%, respectively) and ER (CV =74.8% and
40.3%, respectively) following Sandy (Figs. 2, 3).
Indeed, over the two-week recovery trajectory, the
Fig. 1. Gross primary production (GPP; dark gray;
C, D) and ecosystem respiration (ER; light gray; C, D)
recover following Superstorm Sandy (A, B) at both the
urban (A, C) and suburban (B, D) sites. Vertical lines
represent the day with peak ow for Superstorm
Fig. 2. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosys-
tem respiration (ER) decreased immediately following
Superstorm Sandy, but increased to equivalent or
higher rates over time. Black triangles denote pre-ood
rates, whereas circles are post-ood rates, with the
lightest shading immediately following Sandy and
shading growing darker as metabolic rates recover. 6April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
range of metabolic activity in the suburban and
urban streams was equal to 12% and 17% of the
literature range for GPP, and 15% and 18% of the
literature range for ER, respectively (Fig. 3; Hoel-
lein et al. 2013).
Metabolic recovery across multiple flood events
Across the 11 streamood events, GPP showed
a greater percentage of reduction on average than
ER, with GPP being reduced by 79% (range
1799%) and ER reduced by 72% (range 1189%),
but this was not statistically signicant (paired t
test; t=1.46, df =10, P=0.17). Our response
ratio-based regression approach for calculating
recovery intervals yielded signicant regressions
for GPP response ratios at each streamood com-
bination (P<0.05, average r
=0.78, n=11;
Table 2) and all but three streamood combina-
tions had a signicant regression for ER response
ratios (P<0.05, average r
=0.64, n=8; Table 2),
suggesting minimal resistance (but potentially
high resilience) to oods. Two streamood
events exhibited a marginal recovery trend for ER
response ratios (GFCP-10/29/2012 and MBD-7/13/
2015; P=0.078 and 0.070, r
=0.34 and 0.45,
respectively), and one streamoodeventdidnot
show any relationship between ER response ratios
and time since peak ow (MBU-08/24/2015;
P>0.1). For subsequent analyses, we used GPP
(n=11) and ER (n=10) recovery intervals based
upon signicant or marginally signicant (P<0.1)
Recovery intervals for GPP (mean =9.2,
range =4.318.2 d; Fig. 4) and ER (11.3, 6.915.7 d;
Fig. 4) varied across the 11 streamood periods
(Table 2). Recovery intervals for GPP and ER did
not differ (paired ttest, t=1.62, df =9, P=0.14;
Fig. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosys-
tem respiration (ER) from the suburban (dark gray tri-
angles) and urban (gray squares) streams spanned a
wide range of the variation present in the literature
(light gray circles; from Hoellein et al. 2013). Dashed
line represents GPP =ER.
Table 2. Magnitude of ood events and metabolic recovery from oods in urban and suburban streams across
Baltimore City and County.
Site Flood date
RI (yr)
Percentage of
reduction Pr
interval (d)
Percentage of
reduction Pr
interval (d)
GFCP 29 October 2012 2.75 92 <0.0001 0.71 18.2 86 0.0775 0.34 15.7
GFGB 29 October 2012 1.82 84 0.0004 0.73 7.2 72 0.0005 0.79 10.3
MBU 18 May 2015 1.36 99 <0.0001 0.9 5.4 88 0.0045 0.66 6.9
STN 27 June 2015 1.81 99 <0.0001 0.93 10.1 81 0.0442 0.38 14.1
MBD 13 July 2015 3.57 53 0.0257 0.48 7.1 89 0.0702 0.45 11.2
MBD 24 August 2015 1.42 94 <0.0001 0.87 7.6 79 0.0001 0.78 13.1
MBU 24 August 2015 1.42 71 <0.0001 0.87 4.3 11 0.1324 ns ns
STN 24 August 2015 0.97 88 <0.0001 0.85 6.9 70 <0.0001 0.83 11.2
MBD 10 September 2015 0.77 97 <0.0001 0.74 9.0 84 0.0036 0.52 8.8
MBU 10 September 2015 0.77 83 <0.0001 0.84 13.8 20 0.0002 0.73 9.9
SLB 10 September 2015 0.82 17 0.0003 0.63 11.3 50 0.0094 0.39 11.7
Notes: GPP, gross primary production; ER, ecosystem respiration; RI, recurrence interval. Site abbreviations are provided in
Table 1. ns indicates no signicant or marginal recovery regression (P>0.1). 7April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
Fig. 4), and there was no difference in the percent
reduction in GPP or ER between summer and
autumn (independent ttest; t=0.59 and 0.40,
df =6.10 and 8.80, P=0.58 and 0.70, respec-
tively). However, there was a marginal difference
in recovery intervals between summer and
autumn for GPP (independent ttest; t=2.19,
df =5.74, P=0.07), but not ER (independent t
test; t=0.81, df =6.27, P=0.45), with a trend
for shorter recovery intervals (faster recovery) in
summer. Additionally, recovery intervals of GPP
and ER were not related to ood magnitude
(Fig. 4).
Extreme ow events have long been recog-
nized as drivers of ecosystem structure and func-
tion (Poff et al. 1997), and stream ecosystems
may be adapted to ashy hydrographs in areas
where extreme ows are a regular occurrence
(Fisher et al. 1982, Grimm 1987, Mart
ıet al.
1997). However, urban streams are stressed by a
myriad of physicochemical factors (Walsh et al.
2005, Vietz et al. 2016) in addition to the ashy
hydrographs caused by urbanization. In this
study, we found that both GPP and ER were
diminished immediately following high ows,
but both recovered in 418 d in these urban
streams. A recovery period of approximately two
weeks is similar to recovery times found for algal
biomass and stream metabolism in naturally
ashy desert streams (Fisher et al. 1982, Grimm
1987). The similarities between urban and desert
streams in response to a major disturbance, in
spite of drastically different abiotic conditions,
conrm the idea that hydrological disturbances
are a fundamental driver of ecosystem function-
ing across a range of stream types (Poff et al.
1997) and point to the need for a better under-
standing of disturbance ecology within urban
ecosystems (Grimm et al. 2017).
The degree of reduction in GPP (1799%) and
ER (1189%) from the 11 streamood events
exceeded values measured in an alpine river
(Uehlinger 2000), experimental alpine oods
(Uehlinger et al. 2003), and a forested headwater
stream (Roberts et al. 2007). In the current study,
each urban stream eventually recovered to pre-
ood rates despite greater reductions in meta-
bolic activity than has been found previously
(Uehlinger 2000, Roberts et al. 2007, Beaulieu
et al. 2013). Although there was a slight trend for
increasing metabolic recovery intervals with
increased ood RIs, these were not signicant.
Therefore, based upon the current data, it does
not appear that ood magnitude is a primary
driver of either the degree of reduction or the
metabolic recovery interval. The lack of a rela-
tionship, coupled with similar metabolic recov-
ery intervals compared to desert streams (Fisher
et al. 1982, Grimm 1987), suggests that stream
metabolism in ashy environments may be
adapted to, and therefore highly resilient to,
high-ow events. The resilience that we observed
is similar to previous work in a suburban stream
that found that GPP was resilient to desiccation,
with metabolic activity returning within three
days of rewetting (Beaulieu et al. 2013).
Although resilience of stream metabolism may
be a characteristic of ashy streams, the role of
urban physicochemical stressors in driving both
baseline metabolic activity and the ability of the
stream to recover must also be considered. The
multiple physicochemical stressors occurring in
urban streams, collectively referred to as the
Fig. 4. Metabolic recovery intervals for gross pri-
mary production (GPP; dark gray circles) and ecosys-
tem respiration (ER; light gray triangles) did not differ
from each other and were similar across a range of
ood recurrence intervals. 8April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
urban stream syndrome(Walsh et al. 2005,
Wenger et al. 2009), have well-established effects
on stream biodiversity (Paul and Meyer 2001,
Walsh and Webb 2016), but a broader under-
standing of urbanization effects on stream bio-
geochemistry (including primary production)
has been identied as a priority for research
(Wenger et al. 2009). In this study, we found that
metabolic activity of a set of urban streams was
indistinguishable from a suite of reference, agri-
cultural, and other urban streams (Fig. 3; Hoel-
lein et al. 2013). This result is consistent with a
recent review of nitrogen transformations in
urban environments, which found no difference
in process rates between urban and reference
environments (Reisinger et al. 2016). Taken
together, these results suggest that biogeochemi-
cal process rates may be more resistant to urban-
ization effects than biodiversity (Lake 2000, Utz
et al. 2016).
Our results may be confounded by our com-
parison of oods of different magnitudes from
different urban streams. We attempted to mini-
mize these confounding effects by calculating
metabolic reductions and recovery intervals by
comparing post-ood to pre-ood activity from
the same stream. Despite our analytical
approach, physicochemical factors likely play a
large role in constraining not only absolute meta-
bolic rates, but also recovery trajectories. A larger
number of oods of various sizes from the same
stream are needed to clarify the effect of ood
magnitude on the reduction and recovery of
urban stream metabolism. As the technology for
collecting and analyzing data for whole-stream
metabolism continues to improve, it is likely that
these data will be available soon. Nonetheless,
we observed clear patterns in metabolic reduc-
tions and resiliency following oods in nearly all
streamood events.
Reduction and recovery of stream metabolism
has previously been shown to differ among sea-
sons. For example, in a forested headwater
stream, a spring storm caused a decrease in GPP
and ER, whereas an autumn storm caused an
increase in GPP but a decrease in ER. This sea-
sonal difference was attributed to the storm
washing leaves out of the stream in autumn and
allowing light to reach benthic autotrophs
(Roberts et al. 2007). A separate study found that
GPP generally recovered more quickly than ER
in two rivers across seasons, but that recovery
rates were faster in summer than in winter for
both GPP and ER (Uehlinger 2000). In contrast to
these previous studies, we found no seasonal dif-
ferences in recovery intervals between summer
and autumn. This lack of a difference may be
due to the increased frequency of storm ows in
urban streams (Walsh et al. 2005, Beaulieu et al.
2013, Smith and Kaushal 2015), which could
overwhelm other important drivers of metabo-
lism which vary seasonally such as canopy cover
(light), nutrient availability, and temperature.
Drastic reductions in stream metabolism fol-
lowing extreme ow events are not surprising.
However, many of the storms we analyzed were
not very extreme. In fact, of the 11 streamood
events we analyzed, four had a RI <1yr. We
acknowledge that the discharge record used to
develop our rating curves is relatively modest,
but extending the discharge record for a longer
period would have a minimal effect on non-
extreme RIs. Urbanization increases hydrological
ashiness (Walsh et al. 2005, Roy et al. 2009), and
scouring events can occur in response to modest
(<1.5 cm) rainfall events in urban streams (Mur-
dock et al. 2004, Hawley and Vietz 2016, Vietz
et al. 2016). It is possible that non-scouring events
still disturb stream communities and reduce
metabolism, suggesting that even smaller events
may impact stream ecosystem function. Overall,
the frequency of precipitation events coupled with
the metabolic response to even small oods
(Beaulieu et al. 2013, Table 2) suggests that urban
stream metabolism may be in a frequent if not
near-constant state of recovery.
Although metabolic activity was drastically
reduced by oods, the two streams studied during
Sandy were typically heterotrophic (GPP <ER)
before and after Sandy. In fact, we found no signif-
icant differences in reduction in GPP and ER in
response to oods, and similar recovery intervals
for both metabolic rates. The similar reductions
and recovery intervals between GPP and ER sug-
gest that most of the ER recovery is driven by
autotrophic respiration in urban streams (Beaulieu
et al. 2013), whereas heterotrophic respiration
may be less impacted by disturbance. Further
study of the differential effects of storm events
on autotrophic and heterotrophic processes is
warranted. Additionally, these differential effects
may alter other biogeochemical processes (e.g., 9April 2017 Volume 8(4) Article e01776
denitrication) and change food web dynamics.
These differential effects, as well as general meta-
bolic responses of urban streams to ooding,
merit attention by stormwater managers, as
changes to the ow regime due to stormwater
management will likely have different outcomes
for biogeochemical and biodiversity responses
within urban streams.
The balance between GPP and ER has implica-
tions for the urban carbon cycle, which is known
to be altered by changes in anthropogenic inputs
(e.g., wastewater treatment plant efuent, sewage
leaks, organic compounds) and hydrologic con-
nectivity (Kaushal et al. 2014b). Urban stream res-
piration may rely on higher-quality carbon during
baseow conditions than reference forested
streams (Kaushal et al. 2014a). This higher-quality
carbon also likely enters urban streams during
high-ow events (either from upstream or from
terrestrial sources), and may explain the appar-
ently smaller response of ER to storms compared
to GPP. Ultimately, differences in autotrophic and
heterotrophic responses to storm events may be
important, as headwater streams account for a
disproportionately high proportion of global CO
emissions (Raymond et al. 2013). Given this
importance, the responsiveness of GPP and ER in
urban streams to even minor storm events, and
the current and projected future level of urbaniza-
tion occurring globally (Grimm et al. 2008, United
Nations 2010, Pickett et al. 2011), there is a clear
need for more research on metabolic activity in
urban streams at multiple spatial and temporal
Urban stream ecosystems are subject to hydro-
logically extreme events in addition to a multitude
of other physicochemical stressors. Based upon
our results, it appears that hydrological extremes
may override other environmental stressors in
controlling stream metabolic activity, but the mag-
nitude of ooding does not affect metabolic recov-
ery. Reduction and subsequent recovery of GPP
and ER was common across a range of urban
streams and ood events, suggesting both high
sensitivityhigher than non-ashy stream ecosys-
tems such as an alpine river (Uehlinger 2000, Ueh-
linger et al. 2003) or a forested headwater stream
(Roberts et al. 2007)and high resilience to
ooding disturbance. However, the recovery inter-
vals exhibited by these urban streams were similar
to those found in naturally ashy desert streams
(Fisher et al. 1982, Grimm 1987), suggesting that
urban streams can adapt to oods and other dis-
turbances in spite of myriad environmental stres-
sors (Grimm et al. 2017). Overall, we found that
urban streams can exhibit high metabolic activity
despite a multitude of physicochemical stressors
and that this metabolism rapidly recovers from
oods, regardless of magnitude.
We thank H. Wellard-Kelly for help collecting and
organizing Superstorm Sandy data; D. Locke,
J. Lagrosa, and C. Welty for help with GIS analyses;
and participants in the Coastal SEES sweet spotspro-
ject for help identifying study sites used in this study.
A. Reisinger conceived of study, performed eld rese-
arch, analyzed data, and wrote rst draft of paper;
E. Rosi and H. Bechtold conceived of study, performed
eld research, and wrote the paper; S. Kaushal and
P. Groffman conceived of study and wrote the paper;
and T. Doody performed eld research and wrote the
paper. The authors declare no conicts of interest. This
project was supported by the National Science Founda-
tion Coastal SEES Grant EAR-1426819 Award to
P. Groffman, E. Rosi, and S. Kaushal, as well as support
from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (, a Long Term Ecological Research Station in
Baltimore, Maryland (NSF Grant DEB-1027188).
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... As global temperatures rise, extreme climatic events could increase flow variability, including both more regional droughts and more frequent, intense precipitation events (i.e., weather whiplash) (5,6). Ongoing changes to land use, including urbanization, affect the speed at which runoff is transported into rivers, potentially augmenting or mitigating flood potential (7,8) and suppressing river ecosystem recovery, specifically autotrophic productivity, following storms (9)(10)(11). Water extraction and river regulation (e.g., dams) can further remove or diminish floods, thus homogenizing flows (1,8) which can alter responses to disturbance and increase autotrophic productivity downstream (12). ...
... Scouring flood events may alter consumer (i.e., fish) mediated effects on algal growth (40,41), and these internal processes may explain some of the variance unexplained by our models; however, these data are not available at a macroscale. Increasing developed land cover (i.e., road density) may lower river metabolism due to less infiltration of precipitation and consequently more frequent, flashier flows that scour streambeds and remove biomass (9,11). Watershed road density did not covary with a max , but variability in a max estimates was high at lower road densities, suggesting that other attributes of watershed development and land use may influence autotrophic population dynamics. ...
... Aquatic ecosystems have more frequent disturbances (e.g., stormflows) and primary producers (i.e., macrophytes, periphyton, phytoplankton) with much shorter lifespans than in terrestrial ecosystems, reducing the timescales (hours to seasons) at which the ecosystem can recover from disturbances (44,45). Across multiple studies in streams and rivers, the mean recovery time of GPP was 7 d (10,11,(46)(47)(48), which matches our median estimated biomass doubling time (i.e., r max ) of 7.3 d and suggests the time periods of recovery estimated by our model structure were biologically reasonable. While aquatic algal maximum growth rates and the corresponding doubling times may be on the order of days to weeks, the doubling time of terrestrial plants such as sedges, herbs, shrubs, and trees instead ranges from weeks to decades (49). ...
River ecosystem function depends on flow regimes that are increasingly modified by changes in climate, land use, water extraction, and flow regulation. Given the wide range of variation in flow regime modifications and autotrophic communities in rivers, it has been challenging to predict which rivers will be more resilient to flow disturbances. To better understand how river productivity is disturbed by and recovers from high-flow disturbance events, we used a continental-scale dataset of daily gross primary production time series from 143 rivers to estimate growth of autotrophic biomass and ecologically relevant flow disturbance thresholds using a modified population model. We compared biomass recovery rates across hydroclimatic gradients and catchment characteristics to evaluate macroscale controls on ecosystem recovery. Estimated biomass accrual (i.e., recovery) was fastest in wider rivers with less regulated flow regimes and more frequent instances of biomass removal during high flows. Although disturbance flow thresholds routinely fell below the estimated bankfull flood (i.e., the 2-y flood), a direct comparison of disturbance flows estimated by our biomass model and a geomorphic model revealed that biomass disturbance thresholds were usually greater than bed disturbance thresholds. We suggest that primary producers in rivers vary widely in their capacity to recover following flow disturbances, and multiple, interacting macroscale factors control productivity recovery rates, although river width had the strongest overall effect. Biomass disturbance flow thresholds varied as a function of geomorphology, highlighting the need for data such as bed slope and grain size to predict how river ecosystems will respond to changing flow regimes.
... Even under wet antecedent conditions, the "first flush" effect can still be observed, albeit with an attenuated signal, suggesting a partial recovery of benthic algae. Reisinger et al. (2017) suggests that urban streams can exhibit high metabolic activity despite various physicochemical stressors, and this metabolism can rapidly recover from floods, regardless of magnitude. Therefore, we propose that during warmer months, a higher monitoring frequency is crucial for accurately characterizing the "first flush" effect, even if the rainfall intensity remains relatively low. ...
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In‐situ dissolved organic matter (DOM) monitoring frequencies have often been chosen for convenience or based on perceived wisdom, without fully assessing their impact on representation of DOM dynamics. To address this gap, we collected 5‐min fluorescence data in an urban headwater and resampled it at coarser intervals to investigate the impact of monitoring frequencies on the detectability of DOM dynamics during storms. Expecting hydrometeorological conditions to modify the impact of monitoring frequency, we categorized 85 storm events into groups: Group A (low intensity, short duration), Group B (high intensity, short duration), and Group C (low intensity, long duration). Surprisingly, our analysis indicated that monitoring frequency has minimal influence on commonly used biogeochemical indexes (e.g., maximum, hysteresis and flushing index), which are employed to characterize solute behavior, regardless of storm type. To facilitate a direct comparison between monitoring frequencies, we back‐interpolated coarser data into 5‐min intervals and calculated mean squared errors by comparing them with original high‐resolution data. Our findings indicated that in colder periods with predominately Type A and C storms, a coarser monitoring frequency (>30 min) can capture DOM dynamics. Conversely, in warmer periods when Type B storms dominate, a finer frequency (≤15 min) is necessary to capture key solute chemograph processes (e.g., first flush and dilution). Generally, we suggest a 15‐min monitoring frequency as optimal for similar urban headwater systems, and advocate an adaptive approach based on seasonal variations to improve efficiency, especially when power, data transfer, and storage are constraints.
... Flooding events have profound effects on DOM in soil and aquatic areas. The concentration of DOM increases during storm flows in response to the enhanced leaching of originally fixed biomass and organic matter in riparian soils [78]. The supplementation of rainwater and groundwater during storm events can subsequently decrease the concentration of DOM during flooding [79]. ...
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Extreme precipitation and flooding frequency associated with global climate change are expected to increase worldwide, with major consequences in floodplains and areas susceptible to flooding. The purpose of this review was to examine the effects of flooding events on changes in soil properties and their consequences on agricultural production. Flooding is caused by natural and anthropogenic factors, and their effects can be amplified by interactions between rainfall and catchments. Flooding impacts soil structure and aggregation by altering the resistance of soil to slaking, which occurs when aggregates are not strong enough to withstand internal stresses caused by rapid water uptake. The disruption of soil aggregates can enhance soil erosion and sediment transport during flooding events and contribute to the sedimentation of water bodies and the degradation of aquatic ecosystems. Total precipitation, flood discharge, and total water are the main factors controlling suspended mineral-associated organic matter, dissolved organic matter, and particulate organic matter loads. Studies conducted in paddy rice cultivation show that flooded and reduced conditions neutralize soil pH but changes in pH are reversible upon draining the soil. In flooded soil, changes in nitrogen cycling are linked to decreases in oxygen, the accumulation of ammonium, and the volatilization of ammonia. Ammonium is the primary form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in sediment porewaters. In floodplains, nitrate removal can be enhanced by high denitrification when intermittent flooding provides the necessary anaerobic conditions. In flooded soils, the reductive dissolution of minerals can release phosphorus (P) into the soil solution. Phosphorus can be mobilized during flood events, leading to increased availability during the first weeks of waterlogging, but this availability generally decreases with time. Rainstorms can promote the subsurface transport of P-enriched soil particles, and colloidal P can account for up to 64% of total P in tile drainage water. Anaerobic microorganisms prevailing in flooded soil utilize alternate electron acceptors, such as nitrate, sulfate, and carbon dioxide, for energy production and organic matter decomposition. Anaerobic metabolism leads to the production of fermentation by-products, such as organic acids, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, influencing soil pH, redox potential, and nutrient availability. Soil enzyme activity and the presence of various microbial groups, including Gram+ and Gram− bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, are affected by flooding. Waterlogging decreases the activity of β-glucosidase and acid phosphomonoesterase but increases N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase in soil. Since these enzymes control the hydrolysis of cellulose, phosphomonoesters, and chitin, soil moisture content can impact the direction and magnitude of nutrient release and availability. The supply of oxygen to submerged plants is limited because its diffusion in water is extremely low, and this impacts mitochondrial respiration in flooded plant tissues. Fermentation is the only viable pathway for energy production in flooded plants, which, under prolonged waterlogging conditions, is inefficient and results in plant death. Seed germination is also impaired under flooding stress due to decreased sugar and phytohormone biosynthesis. The sensitivity of different crops to waterlogging varies significantly across growth stages. Mitigation and adaptation strategies, essential to the management of flooding impacts on agriculture, enhance resilience to climate change through improved drainage and water management practices, soil amendments and rehabilitation techniques, best management practices, such as zero tillage and cover crops, and the development of flood-tolerant crop varieties. Technological advances play a crucial role in assessing flooding dynamics and impacts on crop production in agricultural landscapes. This review embarks on a comprehensive journey through existing research to unravel the intricate interplay between flooding events, agricultural soil, crop production, and the environment. We also synthesize available knowledge to address critical gaps in understanding, identify methodological challenges, and propose future research directions.
... Previous studies have demonstrated that hydrological changes during different discharge periods could affect the composition and concentration of DOM (Lu and Liu, 2019;Seidel et al., 2016). The rising water level caused by the flood may further enhance the leaching of organic matter that is fixed in the soil or sediment into the water column, resulting in a higher concentration of DOC (Reisinger et al., 2017;Uehlinger, 2006). Meanwhile, the higher water flow during the flood period can rapidly transport those DOM to the downstream. ...
... Nonetheless, there are cellular limits to how quickly biomass can be produced and recovery of GPP following a disturbance lags behind the return of light availability at the stream bed. This lag creates hysteresis in the relationship between light and GPP ( Figure 1; (O'Donnell & Hotchkiss, 2022;Peipoch & Ensign, 2022;Reisinger et al., 2017)). Thus, days with high light availability can yield low GPP, because of low autotrophic biomass following a flood. ...
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Directly observing autotrophic biomass at ecologically relevant frequencies is difficult in many ecosystems, hampering our ability to predict productivity through time. Since disturbances can impart distinct reductions in river productivity through time by modifying underlying standing stocks of biomass, mechanistic models fit to productivity time series can infer underlying biomass dynamics. We incorporated biomass dynamics into a river ecosystem productivity model for six rivers to identify disturbance flow thresholds and understand the resilience of primary producers. The magnitude of flood necessary to disturb biomass and thereby reduce ecosystem productivity was consistently lower than the more commonly used disturbance flow threshold of the flood magnitude necessary to mobilize river bed sediment. The estimated daily maximum percent increase in biomass (a proxy for resilience) ranged from 5% to 42% across rivers. Our latent biomass model improves understanding of disturbance thresholds and recovery patterns of autotrophic biomass within river ecosystems.
... The pronounced effect of flow disturbance on annual ER was attributed to short mean OC residence times, potentially decoupling river ER from the supply rate of terrestrial OC 37 . Such disturbances of ecosystem metabolism seem particularly pronounced in urban rivers, which experience frequent 'flashy' flows during heavy rain because of the imperviousness of their catchments [122][123][124] . As suggested by Bernhardt et al. 37 , increasingly perturbed flow regimes may limit the accumulation and storage of primary producer biomass and terrestrial OC, which would have implications for river food webs. ...
River networks represent the largest biogeochemical nexus between the continents, ocean and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle remains limited, which makes it difficult to predict how global change may alter the timing and spatial distribution of riverine carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. Here we review the state of river ecosystem metabolism research and synthesize the current best available estimates of river ecosystem metabolism. We quantify the organic and inorganic carbon flux from land to global rivers and show that their net ecosystem production and carbon dioxide emissions shift the organic to inorganic carbon balance en route from land to the coastal ocean. Furthermore, we discuss how global change may affect river ecosystem metabolism and related carbon fluxes and identify research directions that can help to develop better predictions of the effects of global change on riverine ecosystem processes. We argue that a global river observing system will play a key role in understanding river networks and their future evolution in the context of the global carbon budget. A review of current river ecosystem metabolism research quantifies the organic and inorganic carbon flux from land to global rivers and demonstrates that the carbon balance can be influenced by a changing world.
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Impervious surface cover increases peak flows and degrades stream health, contributing to a variety of hydrologic, water quality, and ecological symptoms, collectively known as the urban stream syndrome. Strategies to combat the urban stream syndrome often employ engineering approaches to enhance stream-floodplain reconnection, dissipate erosive forces from urban runoff, and enhance contaminant retention, but it is not always clear how effective such practices are or how to monitor for their effectiveness. In this study, we explore applications of longitudinal stream synoptic (LSS) monitoring (an approach where multiple samples are collected along stream flowpaths across both space and time) to narrow this knowledge gap. Specifically, we investigate (1) whether LSS monitoring can be used to detect changes in water chemistry along longitudinal flowpaths in response to stream-floodplain reconnection and (2) what is the scale over which restoration efforts improve stream quality. We present results for four different classes of water quality constituents (carbon, nutrients, salt ions, and metals) across five watersheds with varying degrees of stream-floodplain reconnection. Our work suggests that LSS monitoring can be used to evaluate stream restoration strategies when implemented at meter to kilometer scales. As streams flow through restoration features, concentrations of nutrients, salts, and metals significantly decline (p < 0.05) or remain unchanged. This same pattern is not evident in unrestored streams, where salt ion concentrations (e.g., Na⁺, Ca²⁺, K⁺) significantly increase with increasing impervious cover. When used in concert with statistical approaches like principal component analysis, we find that LSS monitoring reveals changes in entire chemical mixtures (e.g., salts, metals, and nutrients), not just individual water quality constituents. These chemical mixtures are locally responsive to restoration projects, but can be obscured at the watershed scale and overwhelmed during storm events.
Urban estuaries are subject to frequent stressors, including nutrient loading and hydrological flashiness, which worsen water quality and disrupt ecosystem function. Land use changes associated with urbanization, as well as atypical precipitation conditions can exacerbate stress on estuarine health. However, generalizable patterns and parameters involved in estuarine responses to urbanization and extreme precipitation events remain unknown. We investigated physicochemical factors and urban land-use characteristics that associate with estuarine resistance to precipitation within and across estuaries ranging in urbanization, salinity, and precipitation. Using population and land use/land cover data combined with long-term meteorological, nutrient, and water quality data from the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, we focused on five estuaries distributed across the continental United States. We hypothesized that estuaries with higher urban impact exhibit lower resistance to precipitation events. We investigate this through relationships between the resistance index – a proxy for ecosystem stability calculated using dissolved oxygen – and various physicochemical factors and urban land-use characteristics on local and continental scales. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that estuaries with higher urban influences were more resistant to precipitation events, and that water temperature, water column depth, nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a were related to estuarine resistance on a continental scale. However, these trends interacted with estuarine salinity and varied across individual estuaries; where we found additional relationships of resistance with salinity, turbidity, phosphate concentrations, N:P ratio, and tree cover. Considering emerging stressors from new climatic scenarios and urbanization-driven changes, these results are important for informing decisions for determining the appropriate estuarine water-quality standards.
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Studies of stream ecosystem metabolism over decades are rare and focused on responses to a single factor, e.g., nutrient reduction or storms. Numerous studies document that light, temperature, allochthonous inputs, nutrients, and flow affect metabolism. We use measurements spanning ~ 40 years to examine the interplay of all these influences on metabolism in forested and meadow reaches of a rural stream in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA. Measurements made in 1971–1975 used benthic substrata transferred to chambers (Period 1, P1), and ones in 1997–2010 used open system methodology (P2). Metabolism was greater in the Meadow reach both periods. Gross primary productivity (GPP) was driven primarily by light and chlorophyll, and respiration (R) by temperature and inclusion of hyporheic metabolism. Annually, processes were nearly balanced (Forested reach) or dominated by autotrophy (Meadow reach) in P1. Heterotrophy predominated in both reaches in P2, fueled by litter inputs (Forested reach) and fine particulate organic matter from the agricultural watershed (Meadow reach). Storms reduced GPP, R, and chlorophyll in proportion to storm size, but had less influence than other environmental factors. Riparian-zone reforestation of the P1 Meadow reach resulted in incident light and GPP similar to that in the permanent Forested reach within ~ 20 years.
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The ecological concept of disturbance has scarcely been applied in urban systems except in the erroneous but commonplace assumption that urbanization itself is a disturbance and cities are therefore perennially disturbed systems. We evaluate the usefulness of the concept in urban ecology by exploring how a recent conceptual framework for disturbance (Peters et al. 2011, Ecosphere, 2, art 81) applies to these social–ecological–technological systems (SETS). Case studies, especially from the Long-Term Ecological Research sites of Baltimore and Phoenix, are presented to show the applicability of the framework for disturbances to different elements of these systems at different scales. We find that the framework is easily adapted to urban SETS and that incorporating social and technological drivers and responders can contribute additional insights to disturbance research beyond urban systems.
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Aquatic ecologists have recently employed dynamic models to estimate aquatic ecosystem metabolism. All approaches involve numerically solving a differential equation describing dissolved oxygen (DO) dynamics. Although the DO differential equation can be solved accurately with linear multistep or Runge–Kutta methods, less accurate methods, such as the Euler method, have been applied. The methods also differ in how discrete temperature and light measurements are used to drive DO dynamics. Here, we used a representative stream DO data set to compare the metabolism estimates generated by multiple Euler based methods and an accurate numerical method. We also compared metabolism estimates using linear, piecewise constant and smoothing spline interpolation of light and temperature. Using observed DO to calculate DO saturation deficit in the Euler method results in a substantial difference in metabolism estimates compared to all other methods. If modeled DO is used to calculate DO saturation deficit, the Euler method introduces smaller error in metabolism estimates, which diminishes as logging interval decreases. Linear and smoothing spline interpolation result in similar metabolism estimates, but differ from estimates based on piecewise constant interpolation. We demonstrate how different computational methods imply distinct assumptions about process and observation error, and conclude that under the assumption of observation error, the best practice is to use the accurate numerical method of solving differential equation with a continuous interpolation of light and temperature. The Euler method will introduce minimal error if it is paired with frequently logged data and DO saturation deficit is computed using modeled DO.
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The world's population is concentrated in urban areas. This change in demography has brought landscape transformations that have a number of documented effects on stream ecosystems. The most consistent and pervasive effect is an increase in impervious surface cover within urban catchments, which alters the hydrology and geomorphology of streams. This results in predictable changes in stream habitat. In addition to imperviousness, runoff from urbanized surfaces as well as municipal and industrial discharges result in increased loading of nutrients, metals, pesticides, and other contaminants to streams. These changes result in consistent declines in the richness of algal, invertebrate, and fish communities in urban streams. Although understudied in urban streams, ecosystem processes are also affected by urbanization. Urban streams represent opportunities for ecologists interested in studying disturbance and contributing to more effective landscape management.
Historical evidence and contemporary measurements indicate in the Piedmont of Maryland that successive changes in land use have been accompanied by changes in sediment yield and in the behavior of river channels. Sediment yields from forested areas in the pre-farming era appear to have been less than 100 tons/sq.mi/year. Yields from agricultural lands in the same region at a later time range from 300 to 800 t/sq.mi. on large drainage areas. Subsequently, on lands marginal to expanding urban centers, a decline in active farming may be accompanied by a decline in sediment yield. In marked contrast, areas exposed during construction can produce sediment loads in excess of 100,000 t/sq.mi./ year. Small channel systems become clogged with sand during this construction period. While sediment deposited in channels during construction is gradually removed by subsequent clearer flows, rates of removal are slow and hampered by deposition of debris. Increased runoff from urban areas coupled with a decline in sediment yields to values on the order of 50 to 100 t/sq.mi. promote continued bank erosion and channel widening. Maximum observed rates of bank erosion were on the order of 1.0 foot per year. Raw banks adjacent to coarse cobble bars and widespread deposits of flotsam and debris attest to the flood regimen of urban rivers. Canalization in concrete does not eliminate such debris nor does it eliminate deposition of sediment as local changes in gradient, excessive channel width, and debris accumulation foster deposition even in canalized reaches.
Nitrogen (N) pollution of freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems is widespread and has numerous environmental and economic impacts. A portion of this excess N comes from urban watersheds comprised of natural and engineered ecosystems that can alter downstream N export. Studies of urban N cycling have focused on either specific ecosystems or on watershed-scale mass balances. Comparisons of specific N transformations across ecosystems are required to contextualize rates from individual studies. Here we reviewed urban N cycling in terrestrial, aquatic and engineered ecosystems, and compared N processing in these urban ecosystem types to native reference ecosystems. We found that net N mineralization and net nitrification rates were enhanced in urban forests and riparian zones relative to reference ecosystems. Denitrification was highly variable across urban ecosystem types, but no significant differences were found between urban and reference denitrification rates. When focusing on urban streams, ammonium uptake was more rapid than nitrate uptake in urban streams. Additionally, reduction of stormwater runoff coupled with potential decreases in N concentration suggests that green infrastructure may reduce downstream N export. Despite multiple environmental stressors in urban environments, ecosystems within urban watersheds can process and transform N at rates similar to or higher than reference ecosystems.
The measurement of stream metabolism (gross primary production and respiration) has become more feasible with the availability of more reliable dissolved oxygen (DO) probes. Such metabolic measurements offer important opportunities in fundamental and applied research, especially in relating stream metabolic responses to human and other pressures. The accurate determination of the reaeration coefficient is one challenge for making reliable ecological inferences from DO measurements made over many diel periods (i.e., months or years). We outline three methods for calculating atmospheric reaeration but concentrate on the use of statistical estimation to simultaneously estimate reaeration and metabolic rates using Bayesian model fitting. While there are existing programs (ModelMaker and Bayesian Metabolic Model [BaMM]), these are either slow or unable to be used easily for fitting multiple days of metabolic data (one to many months). Our implementation, BAyesian Single-station Estimation (BASE), uses freely available software (R and OpenBUGS), includes a batch mode that can fit data for many days, and provides visual and statistical measures of “goodness-of-fit.” We compare the results of the BASE, ModelMaker, and BaMM programs. © 2015 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
Nitrogen (N) pollution of freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems is widespread and has numerous environmental and economic impacts. A portion of this excess N comes from urban watersheds comprised of natural and engineered ecosystems which can alter downstream N export. Studies of urban N cycling have focused on either specific ecosystems or on watershed-scale mass balances. Comparisons of specific N transformations across ecosystems are required to contextualize rates from individual studies. Here we reviewed urban N cycling in terrestrial, aquatic, and engineered ecosystems, and compared N processing in these urban ecosystem types to native reference ecosystems. We found that net N mineralization and net nitrification rates were enhanced in urban forests and riparian zones relative to reference ecosystems. Denitrification was highly variable across urban ecosystem types, but no significant differences were found between urban and reference denitrification rates. When focusing on urban streams, ammonium uptake was more rapid than nitrate uptake in urban streams. Additionally, reduction of stormwater runoff coupled with potential decreases in N concentration suggests that green infrastructure may reduce downstream N export. Despite multiple environmental stressors in urban environments, ecosystems within urban watersheds can process and transform N at rates similar to or higher than reference ecosystems.
1. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) were analysed for 18 months in two reaches of the River Thur, a prealpine river in Switzerland. The upper reach at 655 m above sea level (a.s.l.) is bedrock constrained, has a high slope (0.60%) and a catchment area of 126 km(2). The lower reach at 370 m a.s.l. has a more extensive hyporheic zone, a lower slope (0.17%) and a catchment of 1696 km(2). 2. In both reaches, temporal patterns of stream metabolism reflected the occurrence of bed-moving spates. Average reductions of GPP and ER by spates were 53 and 24% in the upper reach, and 37 and 14% in the lower reach, respectively. The greater resistance of ER than GPP in both reaches shifted the ecosystem metabolism towards heterotrophy (decrease of the ratio of GPP to ER (P/R)) following spates. 3. Recovery of GPP was significantly faster in the lower reach and exhibited distinct seasonal variation (positive correlation with incident light). The differences in stability (both resistance and resilience) between reaches reflected differences in geomorphic settings and disturbance regime. 4. Stepwise regression analysis was used to explore the potential influence of season, disturbance and prevailing environmental conditions on stream metabolism in each reach. Time since spate plus temperature explained 73 and 86% of variation in ER and GPP, respectively, in the upper reach and 55% of variation in ER in the lower reach. Season plus prevailing environmental conditions explained 67% of variation in GPP in the lower reach. 5. To test how the perception of stability may change with increasing scale of observation, the disturbance regimes of 12 sites were compared with the disturbance regime of the entire Thur catchment. The analysis suggests that stream metabolism at the catchment scale is far more resistant to high flow events than at the reach scale.