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Croatian Permanent stations within International-service for Geodynamics



During the year 2000, the first two GPS-permanent stations in the Republic of Croatia were established: Dubrovnik and Osijek. These stations became the part of two international networks designed for monitoring Earth's crustal movements: EUREF-Permanent and International GPS-service for Geodynamics. In this paper we describe the background of the IGS and EUREF Permanent projects, basic tectonic patterns of the Adriatic Microplate, establishment of permanent stations in Croatia, performed measurements, and the first results of their usage. In addition, a proposal for development of a Croatian GPS-permanent stations network is given. Such a network could be used for both numerous scientific investigations and practical real-time navigation on the land, at the sea and in air.
... Međutim GPS izmjera u realnom vremenu često je ograničena utjecajima ionosfere ili troposfere, koji unose sustavne pogreške u sirove podatke opažanja. Dosadašnji način rada podrazumijevao je kratke udaljenosti GPS rovera od baze, čime se utjecaj ovih pogrešaka umanjuje (Pribičević, Medak, 2001.). U nekim državama već postoji mreža referentnih GPS stanica koje osiguravaju podatke individualnim korisnicima. ...
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Sažetak. Nedavno završeni magistralni plinovod Pula-Karlovac, duljine 191 km predstavlja "kralježnicu plinskog transportnog sustava Republike Hrvatske". Na 4. dionici (Delnice-Draganić), tog tehnički visoko zahtjevnog projekta, geodetski radovi su iz\'ođeni uz korištenje permanentnih GPS-postaja Republike Slovenije. U radu se prikazuje koncept rada virtualnih referentnih stanica (VRS) i njihova primjena na predmetnom projektu jer su se jedino na taj način mogli zadovoljiti zahtijevana točnost i izuzetno kratki rokovi gradnje (šest mjeseci) na vrlo teškom brdovitom i šumovitom terenu. 1 UVOD Prošle je godine završen plinovod Pula-Karlovac, čime je u cijelosti je završen pravac od Pule do Zagreba. Plinovod Pula-Karlovac, čija je izgradnja započela, ima sasvim sigurno velik strateški značaj za Hrvatsku. Njegovom izgradnjom omogućava se izravna dobava prirodnog plina s hrvatskih sjevernojadranskih polja, otvara mogućnost za novi uvozni dobavni pravac i mogućnosti plinofikacije Istarske, Primorsko-goranske i Karlovačke županije, a i spoj na budući plinovodni sustav Like i Dalmacije. Cijeli je projekt izuzetno zahtjevan i složen, ne samo po graditeljskim kriterijima. Predstavlja iskorak iz načina izgradnje dosadašnjih plinovoda koji su građeni u pretežito nizinskoj, istočnoj i sjevernoj Hrvatskoj. Trasa plinovoda od 191 km prolazi kroz reljefno i geološko-morfološki različita, ekološki izuzetno osjetljiva i stoga tehnički-izvedbeno zahtjevna područja. Visoki tehnički i tehnološki kriteriji projekta jednostavno zahtijevaju primjenu najsuvremenijih tehnologija i tehnika gradnje, a kada se tome dodaju iznimno kratki rokovi i nepovoljne vremenske i klimatske okolnosti, taj projekt zaslužuje posebnu pozornost. Ekipa sa geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu je bila zadužena za geodetske radove na četvrtoj dionici predmetnog plinovoda od Delnica do Karlovca, a građevinske i montažerske radove je izvodio hrvatski konzorcij. Obzirom na vrlo zahtjevne kriterije izvođenja radova bilo je potrebno Simpozij o inženjerskoj geodeziji / SIG2007 269
... Possibility to put a geodynamic point on the recently erected scientific building "Dr. Ivo Pevalek Centre" is considered as well, especially in the view of densification of permanent GPS-facilities in Croatia (Medak and Pribicevic, 2001). ...
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Activities on this work-package subgroup include preparation activities at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy and field reconnaissance in the area of the Plitvice Lakes National Park. The combination of equipment has been tested in the field and it is now ready to be deployed in the Plitvice Lakes test area. The goal is to measure the Lake Kozjak with the combination of precise bathymetry and RTK GPS (Real Time Kinematics). In the area of Plitvice Lakes, we were looking for the best positions (sky clearance, obstacles, satellite visibility, ground stabilization) for future geodynamic GPS- measurements. At the same time, we have chosen the points which will be used as base points for hydrographic measurements using the RTK-method. The cooperation with the Croatian Hydrometeorological Institute was established in order to compare the datasets of previous hydrological measurements with current situation in the Lakes. In cooperation with the tectonic experts we prepare the structural map of the area of the Plitvice Lakes in order to find better explanation for possible movements of tectonic units in the area. The geological situation is particularly important for hydrologic assessment since the loss of water (lowering of water level) in the lakes is caused by faults.
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In October 2000, the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, with the support o German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) and Croatian State Geodetic Administration, established two permanent GPS-stations: one in Dubrovnik and another one in Osijek. The stations became the part of large global network International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS), ie. the part of EUREF/Permanent project. This paper describes the background for the choice of locations, stabilization and precise measurements of local GPS-networks that connected the stations with EUREF/CROREF points nearby. The problems in the maintenance of the stations have been described as welI. A view on the perspective of permanent GPS-services in Croatia is given, too.
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The article describes chronology of all basic geodetic works through main projects details and obtained results in period from recognition of Croatia as a sovereign and independent state by the international public to 2009 that is in period of 18 years. Article also describes inherited geodetic reference systems of Republic of Croatia (HDKS, AVD1875 and HVRS1875) and the new adopted official ones (HTRS96, HVRS71 and HGRS03) as well as development of old (DAT_ABMO with HRG2000 geoid model) and new coordinate transformation models (T7D2006 and T7D2009 with HRG2009 geoid model) of Republic of Croatia.
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This paper summarizes recent research activities on application of contemporary geodetic methods for determination of geodynamic activities in Croatia. During the period of five years starting in 2000, two IGS stations were opera ble in Dubrovnik and Hvar. The project CERGOP2/Environment resulted in valuable datasets about the movements of several long term epoch sites: Brusnik and Hvar, recently Pula and Za greb permanent stations. Several GPS- campaigns were performed in the City of Zagreb area, which is the boundary zone of Eastern Alps, Dinnarides and Pannonian Basin. Due to the proximity of Croatian capitol, special attention has been paid to the effects of possible hazard on cons truction code. All these results are combined with geologic measurements and results of seismic a ctivity studies in order to give more detailed and more accurate picture of the current situation in the tectonically very active region of Dinnarides. The future of geodynamical geodesy is d iscussed as well.
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