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Abstract and Figures

Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP). A long subclinical phase challenges the test-strategies and interpretation of diagnostic information. A bio-economic herd simulation model was used in this study to adapt the sampling interval in response to the estimated true prevalence in the herd, so the farmer could reduce the prevalence to a given tolerance level focusing on profit maximisation. When the prevalence was below the tolerance level, the sampling interval was longer, and when the prevalence was above the tolerance level, the sampling interval was shorter. The results showed that the adaptive test strategy could be used to reduce the prevalence in the simulated herd, which depended on both the sampling interval and the tolerance level used. Moreover, the simulations showed a potential for saving costs for testing when combining the adaptive strategy and a reduced risk-based test strategy, while still preserving disease control.
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Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium
avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP). A long subclinical phase challenges the test-strategies
and interpretation of diagnostic information. A bio-economic herd simulation model was used
in this study to adapt the sampling interval in response to the estimated true prevalence in the
herd, so the farmer could reduce the prevalence to a given tolerance level focusing on profit
maximisation. When the prevalence was below the tolerance level, the sampling interval was
longer, and when the prevalence was above the tolerance level, the sampling interval was
shorter. The results showed that the adaptive test strategy could be used to reduce the
prevalence in the simulated herd, which depended on both the sampling interval and the
tolerance level used. Moreover, the simulations showed a potential for saving costs for testing
when combining the adaptive strategy and a reduced risk-based test strategy, while still
preserving disease control.
Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium avium ssp.
paratuberculosis (MAP). It is widely spread in dairy cattle in Europe (Nielsen & Toft, 2009).
Transmission is mainly via MAP shed in the environment, and infected animals are often
infected as calves, because the susceptibility decreases with the age of the animal (Sweeney,
2011). Paratuberculosis has a long subclinical phase during which infected animals can shed
MAP (Whitlock et al. 2000). MAP specific antibody ELISA for milk and serum samples,
bacteriological culture and PCR on faecal samples exist for detection of infected and
infectious animals (Nielsen, 2014). None of these tests are perfect, particularly for
discrimination between infected and non-infected, and infected and infectious stages.
However, test-positivity is highly associated with the probability of being infectious, and
consequently the timing of testing is essential when constructing test-strategies (Nielsen &
Toft, 2006). Subclinical animals can have a lower milk yield and body weight, thus reducing
the farmer’s income from milk and slaughter values (Ott et al., 1999). In the clinical phase
the animals have severe diarrhoea and will eventually die.
One way forward in a control strategy is to use a strict test scheme to continuously screen
cows for MAP infection (Whittington & Sergeant 2001, Sergeant et al. 2008). This can help
the farmer to identify infectious or affected cows for culling before they negatively impact
* Corresponding author: Carsten Kirkeby, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University
of Denmark, Bülowsvej 27, 1870 Frederiksberg C. Email:
the herd. In Denmark, the ID Screen ELISA test (IDvet, Grabels, France) is used on milk
samples in the voluntary national control programme for paratuberculosis. Lactating cows are
sampled quarterly and cows are classified into three risk categories: high, medium and low
risk cows based on the repeated ELISA results (Nielsen et al., 2007). The test costs are
covered by the farmers, and some farmers may be reluctant to enter the paratuberculosis
programme or stay in the programme when the prevalence has been reduced to a level where
the infection no longer appears to affect the production performance. Furthermore, farmers
that have always had a low prevalence may not want to spend money on quarterly testing
when positive cows are rarely found. The farmer may think that the tests (and associated
costs) are to no avail, even if the continuous testing helps to keep the prevalence low.
This study evaluated a new test strategy that can adapt to the purpose of retaining control
of paratuberculosis in a herd without necessarily eradicating the infection (Kirkeby et al.
2016b). The strategy includes automatic adjustment of the sampling interval using a long
sampling interval when the within-herd prevalence is low, and a shorter sampling interval
when the prevalence is above a certain threshold. For the first time, a reduced testing
approach was also simulated, where only the test-positive cows in the herd follow the full test
scheme and cows with so far only negative tests are tested once per lactation. This reduced
testing approach is currently used in the Danish control program for paratuberculosis. The
first objective of the present study was to evaluate the epidemiological and economic
consequences of the adaptive test strategy. All scenarios were run in a herd with standard
hygiene (and mean prevalence of paratuberculosis, following Kirkeby et al. 2016a). The
second objective was to evaluate the efficiency of the reduced test scheme for eradication of
MAP in the herd.
Simulations were performed using the iCull model, a mechanistic, stochastic, dynamic
bio-economic model that simulates individual cows in a standard Danish dairy cattle herd
with daily time steps (Kirkeby et al. 2016a). The model simulates a realistic dairy farm with
lactation curves, somatic cell counts and more details based on data (Græsbøll et al. 2016).
All simulations in this study were of a herd with 200 dairy cows over 10 years. A 3 year
burn-in period and 500 repetitions were used in all simulations. As the infection progresses in
the individual animal, the milk ELISA value increases. The milk yield of the individual cow
is therefore adjusted according to the ELISA value (Græsbøll et al. 2014, Kirkeby et al.
2016a). All simulated scenarios were done in a herd with an initial true prevalence of 5.6%
(corresponding to a herd with a median prevalence and thus standard level of hygiene,
Kirkeby et al. 2016a). All scenarios in this study were with closed herds (i.e. without
introduction of livestock), which is common in 50% of all dairy herds in Denmark. This
means that the probability of eradication is higher than when an open herd is simulated.
All simulated scenarios used the test-and-cull strategy, which may be sufficient for
reducing the prevalence within a herd (Lu et al. 2008, Kirkeby et al. 2016a). For comparison,
we simulated baseline scenarios (for each of the two herd types), reflecting the current
strategy for Danish herds with a sampling interval fixed to three months. In the adaptive
strategy, a prevalence cutoff (PC) is set to reflect the prevalence that the farmer will accept.
Lowering the prevalence below the PC can be costly for example due to increased test costs
or costs associated with culling of false-positive reactors. Therefore, the farmer may wish to
keep the prevalence low, without necessarily aiming for eradication. In the adaptive strategy,
the sampling interval is varied according to the estimated true prevalence in the herd. The
true prevalence is continuously estimated with the Rogan-Gladen approach (Rogan & Gladen
1978). If the estimated true prevalence drops below the chosen PC, the farmer uses a long
sampling interval (LSI). Then, if the prevalence exceeds the PC, the farmer switches to a
short sampling interval (SSI). In this study, two different PC levels of 1% and 5% were
simulated (Table 1). Summary information of the number of simulated days before switching
to LSI (when the estimated prevalence was lower than the chosen PC) was saved during the
simulations. Likewise, it was recorded if the farmer switched back to SSI (meaning that the
prevalence went above the chosen PC again). The probability of switching to LSI, as well as
the probability of switching back to SSI, was then calculated from the 500 repetitions of each
scenario. Lastly, the probability of eradication of MAP was also calculated from these data.
Table 1. Parameters used in this study.
Long sampling
interval (LSI)
Short sampling
interval (SSI)
31/91/182 Days
cutoff (PC)
1/5 %
Reduced testing
a) Reduced testing was not combined with LSI = 730 because
the reduced testing approach uses a one-year cycle.
Besides the adaptive test scheme, it was also simulated that the farmer could choose to use
a reduced testing approach. This reflects a current alternative test strategy in Denmark, where
farmers can choose to test cows just once per lactation, but cows that receive a positive test
result (which may be true positive or false positive), still have to be tested every third month.
In this way the farmer saves costs for testing because only positive cows will follow the full
test scheme while the rest will follow the reduced test scheme. Cows in the reduced test
scheme are sampled at least 180 days prior to calving. The reduced testing approach was
combined with the adaptive test scheme to evaluate the efficiency of both (Table 1).
The iCull model is a bio-economic model, and thus is able to retrieve information on the
economy in each scenario, of particular interest the costs of testing. The economic
calculations in the model are further described in Kirkeby et al. (2016a).
Generally, the higher the PC, the higher the prevalence was in the end of the simulations
(Fig. 1). Likewise, the longer LSI and SSI, the longer time it took to reduce the prevalence.
When the PC was set to 1% in the scenario with SSI/LSI = 31/365, the median number of
simulated days before switching to LSI was 849. This was the fastest among all the scenarios,
excluding the reduced testing scenarios. The probability of reaching LSI within the ten
simulated years was generally high, between 64% and 100% in all simulations (Table 2). The
probability of switching back to SSI (after LSI was reached) was between 48% and 94% in
the scenario with PC = 1% and between 46% and 81% when PC = 5% (Table 2).
Fig. 1. Boxplot of the true prevalence after ten simulated years for each scenario. In these
scenarios the farmer chose a prevalence cutoff (PC) as the maximum MAP prevalence he will
tolerate. When the prevalence exceeds this value, a short sampling interval is used. When the
prevalence is lower than this value, a long sampling interval is used. X-axis labels show the
short sampling interval and long sampling interval and if the reduced testing strategy is used.
SSI = Short sampling interval, LSI = Long sampling interval. So in the second scenario the
SSI is 31 days, the LSI is 365 days and reduced testing was not used. Solid bar is the median
value, box represents 25th–75th percentiles and whiskers show range of values.
Table 2. Results of the simulations. Parameters used in this study. SSI = Short sampling
interval, LSI = Long sampling interval, Reduced = Reduced testing strategy. The
probabilities of eradication, switch to LSI and back to SSI again were calculated from 500
Scenario Days before
LSI: Median
Prob. of
eradication Prob. of
LSI Prob. of
SSI again
PC = 1%:
849 (212:1824)
1640 (361:3259)
1911 (452:3364)
863 (209:1886)
1726 (361:3182)
1927 (452:3364)
246 (119:398)
799 (179:1731)
1585 (270:3364)
PC = 5%:
257 (88:553)
520 (88:1362)
756 (88:2090)
248 (88:491)
516 (88:1271)
717 (88:1908)
153 (88:243)
270 (88:634)
475 (88:1726)
Use of the reduced testing strategy decreased the probability of eradication when
comparing scenarios with the same PC, SSI and LSI. The reduced testing approach did not
have any noticeable impact on the probability of switching to LSI. Furthermore, the reduced
testing approach generally increased the probability of switching back to SSI after LSI was
In the baseline scenario, approximately 2750 EUR were spent yearly on ELISA tests. This
cost was reduced in all scenarios with PC = 1%, except those with SSI = 31. When PC = 5%,
all scenarios reduced the costs for testing compared to the baseline (Fig. 1). All the reduced
testing scenarios had lower costs than the equivalent scenarios without reduced testing.
Increasing the LSI to 730 days reduced the costs for testing in the normal hygiene herd. This
was also true for the level of PC, so that higher PC reduced the costs for testing.
Fig. 2. Boxplots of the mean annual expenses (EUR) for ELISA testing for each scenario.
X-axis labels show the short sampling interval, long sampling interval, prevalence cutoff and
when the reduced test scheme is used. SSI = Short sampling interval, LSI = Long sampling
interval. So in the second scenario the SSI is 31 days, the LSI is 365 days and reduced testing
was not used. Solid bar is the median value, box represents 25th–75th percentiles and
whiskers show range of values.
This study showed that the adaptive test strategy is a feasible way to save costs for testing
while still controlling paratuberculosis within a dairy farm, supporting previous results
(Kirkeby et al. 2016b). In the baseline scenario the costs for testing were about 2750 EUR per
year. In the scenario where PC was set to 1%, SSI = 3 months and LSI = 1 year, the normal
hygiene herd could generally save 500 EUR yearly for testing (Fig. 2). If this strategy was
combined with the reduced testing approach, the costs for testing were around 1200 EUR
yearly, saving about 1550 EUR yearly (Fig. 2).
When combining the reduced test approach with the adaptive strategy, the costs for ELISA
testing were generally reduced (Fig. 2). However, the reduced test strategy was not as
efficient in decreasing the prevalence (Fig. 1). How to balance between reducing test costs
and prevalence in the herd must be decided by the individual farmer. This consideration
should also include the speed of decrease in prevalence and the likely economic effect of the
chosen strategy. This study described some new tools to perform this task, namely PC, SSI,
LSI and reduced testing. The likely outcomes of using the different strategies in a typical
Danish herd are provided in this paper, and should be used as a tool for farmers to prioritize.
Increasing the PC resulted in an increase in the prevalence at the end of the simulations.
But it also dramatically reduced the costs for testing, especially in the scenarios with long test
intervals (Fig. 2). If a farmer believes that reducing the prevalence to 5% is achievable and
realistic, he may use the results from this study to decide on a higher PC. This can be an
important first step towards control of paratuberculosis within a herd. Farmers have to
prioritise their efforts against different diseases, and a more relaxed control scheme could
potentially be an affordable method to get more farmers to control paratuberculosis. Another
argument for using the adaptive test approach is to keep farmers within a control program.
Once the prevalence is close to zero, the farmer may want to leave the control programme
because the prevalence of MAP is now low and he has to prioritize other diseases etc.
However, if the adaptive test scheme is used, the costs for testing will also be low, increasing
the incentive to stay in the programme, but now with a purpose that more resemblance
surveillance than control.
Long SSI intervals caused the prevalence to increase, because no tests were performed for
long periods. This prevents advantages of repeated testing, which has generally been an
advantage in the Danish paratuberculosis control programme. When the SSI was decreased
from three months to one month, no noticeable change could be seen (Fig. 1). This is
probably because the SSI of three months is really good for identification of infected animals.
In a herd with lower hygiene and thus higher prevalence of MAP, the results will likely be
very different because it is often not possible to prioritise culling of MAP cows only (Kirkeby
et al. 2016a).
This project was funded by the Green Development and Demonstration Program (GUDP)
under the Danish Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agriculture, grant no. 34009-13-0596.
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... The number of herds has reduced from approximately 12,000 in the past 20 years, while the number of cows has remained relatively stable, thus greatly increasing the herd-size and the need for purchase of livestock. Denmark has a voluntary control programme for MAP where participating herds are required to test all lactating cows four times per year, or use a risk-based test strategy where cows are tested one time per year unless they have a positive test [13]. Testing is done using a milk ELISA (IDvet, Graebels, France), and a number of recommendations are associated to the test-positive animals [14]. ...
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Background: Paratuberculosis (PTB) is a chronic disease which may lead to reduced milk yield, lower animal welfare and death in cattle. The causative agent is Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). The economic consequences are particularly important incentives in the control and eradication of the infection. One strategy to control PTB in a herd is to purchase animals from farms with a low risk of MAP infection. We wanted to investigate the epidemiological and economic consequences of buying livestock from different supplier farms of low, medium or high risk, as well as farms with unknown status. We also wanted to estimate the probability of spontaneous fadeout if the farmer of an initially MAP-free herd bought a specified number of infected animals in a single year, or continually bought infected animals. This was achieved through simulation modeling, and the effects of consistently introducing one, five or ten infected animals annually into an initially infection-free herd was also modeled. Results: Our findings show that once infected, a farm can relatively safely purchase animals from other low and medium-risk farms without experiencing an increase in the prevalence, highlighting the importance of certification programmes. Furthermore, farms free of MAP are highly susceptible and cannot purchase more than a small number of animals per year without having a high risk of being infected. The probability of spontaneous fadeout after 10 years was 82% when introducing a single infected animal into an initially MAP-free herd. When purchasing ten infected animals, this probability was 46%. The continual purchase of infected animals resulted in very low probabilities of spontaneous fadeout. Conclusions: We demonstrated that MAP-free farms can purchase a small number of animals, preferably from certified farms, each year and still remain free of MAP. Already infected farms have little risk of increasing the prevalence on a farm when purchasing animals from other farms.
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Typically, central milk recording data from dairy herds are recorded less than monthly. Over-fitting early in lactation periods is a challenge, which we explored in different ways by reducing the number of parameters needed to describe the milk yield and somatic cell count of individual cows. Furthermore, we investigated how the parameters of lactation models correlate between parities and from dam to offspring. The aim of the study was to provide simple and robust models for cow level milk yield and somatic cell count for fitting to sparse data to parameterize herd- and cow-specific simulation of dairy herds. Data from 610 Danish Holstein herds were used to determine parity traits in milk production regarding milk yield and somatic cell count of individual cows. Parity was stratified in first, second, and third and higher for milk, and first to sixth and higher for somatic cell count. Fitting of herd level parameters allowed for cow level lactation curves with three, two, or one parameters per lactation. Correlations of milk yield and somatic cell count were estimated between lactations and between dam and offspring. The shape of the lactation curves varied markedly between farms. The correlation between lactations for milk yield and somatic cell count was 0.2–0.6 and significant on more than 95% of farms. The variation in the daily milk yield was observed to be a source of variation to the somatic cell count, and the total somatic cell count was less correlated with the milk production than somatic cells per milliliter. A positive correlation was found between relative levels of the total somatic cell count and the milk yield. The variation of lactation and somatic cell count curves between farms highlights the importance of a herd level approach. The one-parameter per cow model using a herd level curve allows for estimating the cow production level from first the recording in the parity, while a two-parameter model requires more recordings for a credible estimate, but may more precisely predict persistence, and given the independence of parameters, these can be easily drawn for use in simulation models. We also conclude that using total somatic cell count may stabilize models, and therefore, the dilution factor is of importance in Danish Holstein.
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Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection that in dairy cattle causes reduced milk yield, weight loss, and ultimately fatal diarrhea. Subclinical animals can excrete bacteria (Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, MAP) in feces and infect other animals. Farmers identify the infectious animals through a variety of test-strategies, but are challenged by the lack of perfect tests. Frequent testing increases the sensitivity but the costs of testing are a cause of concern for farmers. Here, we used a herd simulation model using milk ELISA tests to evaluate the epidemiological and economic consequences of continuously adapting the sampling interval in response to the estimated true prevalence in the herd. The key results were that the true prevalence was greatly affected by the hygiene level and to some extent by the test-frequency. Furthermore, the choice of prevalence that will be tolerated in a control scenario had a major impact on the true prevalence in the normal hygiene setting, but less so when the hygiene was poor. The net revenue is not greatly affected by the test-strategy, because of the general variation in net revenues between farms. An exception to this is the low hygiene herd, where frequent testing results in lower revenue. When we look at the probability of eradication, then it is correlated with the testing frequency and the target prevalence during the control phase. The probability of eradication is low in the low hygiene herd, and a test-and-cull strategy should probably not be the primary strategy in this herd. Based on this study we suggest that, in order to control MAP, the standard Danish dairy farm should use an adaptive strategy where a short sampling interval of three months is used when the estimated true prevalence is above 1%, and otherwise use a long sampling interval of one year.
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We describe a new mechanistic bioeconomic model for simulating the spread of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) within a dairy cattle herd. The model includes age-dependent susceptibility for infection; age-dependent sensitivity for detection; environmental MAP build up in five separate areas of the farm; in utero infection; infection via colostrum and waste milk, and it allows for realistic culling (i.e., due to other diseases) by including a ranking system. We calibrated the model using a unique dataset from Denmark, including 102 random farms with no control actions against spread of MAP. Likewise, four control actions recommended in the Danish MAP control program were implemented in the model based on reported management strategies in Danish dairy herds in a MAP control scheme. We tested the model parameterization in a sensitivity analysis. We show that a test-and-cull strategy is on average the most cost-effective solution to decrease the prevalence and increase the total net revenue on a farm with low hygiene, but not more profitable than no control strategy on a farm with average hygiene. Although it is possible to eradicate MAP from the farm by implementing all four control actions from the Danish MAP control program, it was not economically attractive since the expenses for the control actions outweigh the benefits. Furthermore, the three most popular control actions against the spread of MAP on the farm were found to be costly and inefficient in lowering the prevalence when used independently.
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Paratuberculosis is widespread in Denmark and as a result, a voluntary control programme was established in 2006, aiming at providing tools for farmers to control infections, and to ultimately reduce the prevalence. Approximately 1140 (23%) of dairy farmers were enrolled in the programme by June 2007. Participating herds test all lactating cows four times/year by using a milk antibody ELISA. The test-results are primarily used for risk-based management of infectious animals. This risk-based approach is aimed to reduce the workload of herd managers, thereby making implementation of changes more feasible than if all cows had to be managed with increased awareness. The test results are also used for communication to farmers, as a central part of the programme. Communication between farmers and advisors also takes place via risk assessments, which helps the farmers identify risk areas of transmission. Farmers are informed that the control programme is expected to last 6 to 8 years. Therefore, there is a continued need from farmers, their advisors and the central administration to identify tools and methods to ensure ongoing enthusiasm. A surveillance component may be added to the programme at a later stage, but currently no officially recognised recommendations are available related to trade of live animals. The surveillance component may be a next step to keep farmers in the programme and encourage more farmers to join.
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Bovine paratuberculosis can be costly to farmers who, as a consequence, may be interested in control of the causative agent, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Between-herd spread is primarily due to movement of MAP-infected livestock, and within-herd transmission most often occurs when susceptible calves are exposed to the faeces of infectious adult cattle. This review provides an update on options to control MAP infections via the use of diagnostics, with an emphasis on dairy cattle. Control of MAP infections can be achieved through improved hygienic measures and reducing the exposure of susceptible animals to the milk and faeces of infected animals. However, cost-effectiveness may depend on labour costs, and strategic use of diagnostics may have certain appeals through the information provided. Current bulk tank milk tests are not deemed to have a role in MAP control, whereas other herd-level diagnostics can be useful to guide establishment of control schemes by estimating whether MAP infections are prevalent or not. Then, test strategies based on screenings using cow-level tests can be used to identify the majority of infectious animals. The proportion of detected infectious animals depends on the timing of testing. If test results are used for risk-based management, then it is of utmost importance that they are still valid when used. Test results 3-6 months old may have lost a significant part of their validity. However, more research on the validity of test results over time to determine the infectiousness of animals should be carried out to enable the design of better test strategies.CAB International 2014 (Online.
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The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA and fecal culture tests for paratuberculosis in dairy cattle are examined. ELISA and fecal culture data from seven dairy herds where both fecal cultures and ELISA testing was done concurrently are included. A cohort of 954 cattle including 697 parturient adults, cultured every 6 months from 10 herds followed over 4 years served as the basis to determine fecal culture sensitivity. The fecal culture technique utilized a 2 g sample with centrifugation and double incubation. Of the 954 cattle cohort of all ages (calf to adult) that were fecal sampled on the first herd visit, 79 were culture positive. An additional 131 animals were detected as culture positive over the next seven tests at 6-month intervals. The sensitivity of fecal culture to detect infected cattle on the first sampling was 38%. Of the 697 parturient cattle cohort, 67 were positive on the first fecal culture, while an additional 91 adult cattle were culture positive over the next seven tests, resulting in a sensitivity of 42% on the first culture of the total animals identified as culture positive. Animals culled from the herds prior to being detected as infected and animals always fecal culture negative with culture positive tissues at slaughter are not included in the calculations. Both groups of infected cattle will lower the apparent sensitivity of fecal culture. Infected dairy herds tested concurrently with both fecal culture and ELISA usually resulted in more than twofold positive animals by culture compared to ELISA.
Prevalence estimates are used by decision makers such as policy makers and risk assessors to make choices related to certain diseases and infections. Paratuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), is a chronic infection particularly resulting in economic losses among farmed ruminants. Therefore, this infection is of concern for many farming industry decision makers. As a result, multiple studies have been carried out to determine the within-herd and between-herd prevalence of MAP infections. The objective of the present study was to conduct a review and, if possible, compare animal and herd level prevalences of MAP among farmed animals in Europe.
This paper deals with some basis properties of screening tests. Such tests purport to separate people with disease from people without. Minimal criteria for such a process to be a test are discussed. Various ways of judging the goodness of a test are examined. A common use of tests is to estimate prevalence of disease; frequency of positive tests is shown to be a bad estimate, and the necessary adjustmants are given.
Johne's disease ('paratuberculosis') is a chronic, infectious, wasting disease that affects dairy cattle. Estimation of its impact on herd productivity and corresponding economic loss on US dairy operations was part of the USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System's (NAHMS) 1996 national dairy study. Johne's-positive herds experience an economic loss of almost US100percowwhencomparedtoJohnesnegativeherdsduetoreducedmilkproductionandincreasedcowreplacementcosts.ForJohnespositiveherdsthatreportedatleast10 100 per cow when compared to Johne's-negative herds due to reduced milk production and increased cow-replacement costs. For Johne's-positive herds that reported at least 10% of their cull cows as having clinical signs consistent with Johne's disease, economic losses were over US 200 per cow. These high-prevalence herds experienced reduced milk production of over 700 kg per cow, culled more cows but had lower cull-cow revenues, and had greater cow mortality than Johne's-negative herds. Averaged across all herds, Johne's disease costs the US dairy industry, in reduced productivity, US22toUS 22 to US 27 per cow or US200toUS 200 to US 250 million annually.
To review and interpret aspects of the pathogenesis and epidemiology of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) for veterinarians involved in current Johne's disease control programs. An electronic and manual search was undertaken to identify published information which, together with limited unpublished data, was interpreted and summarised. Paratuberculosis, a chronic enteropathy of ruminants, is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and is transmitted mainly in faeces to young animals by infected adults, some of which may not have clinical signs. The incubation period is inversely related to the size of the challenge dose but can be extremely prolonged. Clinical cases may not be seen within the economic lifespan of farm animals, particularly when stocking rates are low, pasture is spelled, or when animals are culled at a relatively young age. Other as yet unknown influences may determine the rate of progression or recovery from infection. Paratuberculosis appears in a range of forms from a disease with high prevalence and significant mortality through to one with very low prevalence and little obvious morbidity or mortality. Detection of infected flocks and herds relies on use of laboratory tests. Bacteriological culture of faeces is the most sensitive herd-level test. The passage of time and repeated testing are the greatest allies in detecting paratuberculosis because infected animals progress in the disease process and most tests are more effective in the later stages of the disease. These factors generally cause the prevalence of paratuberculosis to be underestimated at both herd or flock and regional level. Greater understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of M a paratuberculosis infection is critical in order to design improved diagnostic strategies, assess the feasibility of eradication and develop control options, particularly in small ruminants.