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Genealogy of Audiology



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Advances in Clinical Audiology
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Chapter 1
Introductory Chapter - Genealogy of Audiology
Stavros Hatzopoulos
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Provisional chapter
© 2016 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introductory Chapter - Genealogy of Audiology
Stavros Hatzopoulos
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The twenty‐rst century clinical Audiology has not been very creative in terms of novel break-
throughs, since the majority of clinical novelties, we routinely used today, were discovered in
the 1970s and the 1980s. The trend, which can be observed in the last few decades, is an ame-
lioration of our technological approaches/strategies to restore an impaired hearing function
with hearing aids, middle ear prostheses, and cochlear implants. New and novel procedural
developments have not surfaced yet to clinical practice.
A Scopus literature search within the last 5 years shows, for example, that there are develop-
ments in procedures related to (i) cortical‐evoked potentials, such as the speech‐evoked audi-
tory brainstem responses (see the relative chapter in this volume) and (ii) various protocol
developments in the area of steady‐state responses (ASSR), with applications to the newly
charted area of electrically evoked SSRs [1, 2]. Important aspects of novel hearing restoration
strategies including gene therapy [3], stem cells [4, 5], and related intracochlear distribution
nanotechnologies [6, 7] are still at best in a preclinical phase.
From my personal experience as an educator, I have found that very few of our colleagues and
graduate students have a clear idea about the origins of Audiology. This book deals with the
latest advances in this eld, which can only make sense if we recall briey our point of origin.
2. Genealogy of the term “Audiology”
As we start 2017, clinical Audiology celebrates a historical span of 71 years, according to
Kenneth Berger. In 1976, Berger published an article [8] in the Journal of the American Audiology
Society (AAS), where he presented his ndings regarding the time occurrence of the term
Audiology.” The rst printed reference of the term originates back in 1946. In the 1946,
© 2017 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Speech Disorders on page 218 appears a brief announcement that the “Speech Clinic
at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, is the permanent Naval center for rehabilitation and
for research in Speech and Audiology.”
Interestingly, according to Berger [8] the term “Audiology” cannot be aributed to a spe-
cic individual, a notion which contracts what I have learned in my academic training in the
US, where it was considered common knowledge that Raymond Carhart was the father of
Audiology. Berger [8] reports the following: “the original creator of the term (Audiology) remains
unknown, but possible originators are considered: (i) Mayer BA Schier; (ii) Willard B Hargrave ; (iii)
Stanley Nowak; (iv) Norman Caneld; (v) Raymond Carhart [9]. In a biographical prole by Robert
Galambos, Hallowell Davis [10] is credited with coining the term in the 1940s, when he said that the
then‐prevalent term “auricular training” sounded like a method of teaching people how to wiggle their
ears.” It is interesting to note that from these six pioneering contributors, four (Carhart and
Davis excluded) were related to technical elds (electroacoustics).
3. Deviations of the term “Audiology”
From the mid‐1970s, several terms have appeared in print, regarding clinical activities
which were deviated from the classical categorization of “Audiology.” Typical examples
are the following terms: “Hearing Science” [11]; “Clinical Auditory Science” [12]; “Auditory
NeuroScience” [12], and so on. It is still dicult to dene and discriminate these terms, since
the Audiological training is very dierent around the globe. For example, in most European
countries, Audiology is a medical specialization, while the Speech and Hearing Science is
associated with communication department curricula. So in an aempt to dene all terms, one
can assume that activities related to Hearing Science/Auditory Science have a “research inspi-
ration” objective (more research or education oriented) derived from basic Neurosciences,
while the terms Audiology or Clinical Audiology refer to a basic clinical activity of assessing
the hearing of a human subject.
To summarize, my objective in conjunction with the contributions and collaboration of the
participated authors for this “Advances” volume was to collect material from a Hearing
Science perspective, which could be applied to the everyday clinical Audiological reality.
4. What “advances” can be?
Considering the long history of Audiology and Hearing Science, it is only natural that
numerous and fundamental volumes exist (as the all‐time reference by Ka [13]) in
English and in many other languages. So it was an interesting challenge to chart the latest
“advances” in the eld and to nd the best way to diuse the new information to students
and professionals.
The term advances” implies a further development on a specic topic. For the area of
Audiology, this would mean developments in the following thematic areas: (i) clinical hearing
assessment procedures, (ii) rehabilitation strategies, (iii) hardware development (more precise
Advances in Clinical Audiology4
equipment, beer sensors, lower noise, etc.), (iv) telemedicine/teleconsultation concepts, and
(v) new methods of long‐distance learning and undergraduate/graduate course delivery. Any
of these areas could have been the exclusive topic of the present volume.
For practical reasons (and with the hopes that other future books can follow covering the
remaining thematic areas), the focus of the present volume is limited to the rst two major
thematic areas, namely to developments in assessment procedures and rehabilitation strategies
(cochlear implants).
Author details
Stavros Haopoulos
Address all correspondence to:
Clinic of Audiology and ENT, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
[1] Deprez H, Gransier R, Hofmann M, vanWieringen A, Wouters J, Moonen M.
Characterization of cochlear implant artifacts in electrically evoked auditory steady
state responses. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2017;31:127–138.
[2] Santos TS, Silva JJ, Lins OG, Melges DB, Tierra‐Criollo CJ. Detection eciency of
auditory steady state responses evoked by modulated noise. Hearing Research
[3] Akil O, Seal RP, Burke K, Wang C, Alemi A, During M, Edwards R, Lustig L. Restoration
of hearing in the VGLUT3 knockout mouse using virally mediated gene therapy. Neuron
[4] Ohlemiller KK, Jones SM, Johnson KR. Application of mouse models to research in hear-
ing and balance. JARO 2016;17:493–523.
[5] Stark D, Rosenberg AR, Johnson D, Knight K, Caperon L, Uleryk E, Frazier AL, Sung L.
Patient‐reported measures of hearing loss and tinnitus in pediatric cancer and hemato-
poietic stem cell transplantation: A systematic review. Journal of Speech Language and
Hearing Research 2016;59:1247–1252.
[6] Plontke SK, Goe G, Rahne T, Liebau A. Intracochlear drug delivery in combination
with cochlear implants. Current aspects. HNO 2016;64:797–807.
[7] Wise AK, Tan J, Wang YJ, Caruso F, Shepherd RK. Improved auditory nerve survival
with nanoengineered supraparticles for neurotrophin delivery into the deafened
cochlea. PLoS One 2016;11(10).1–17.
Introductory Chapter - Genealogy of Audiology
[8] Berger KW. Genealogy of the words “audiology” and “audiologist”. Journal of the
American Audiology Society. 1976;2(2):38–44.
[9] Raymond C. Papers, 1938–1975. Northwestern University Archives, Evanston, Illinois.
1912–1975. The material can be downloaded from this link: hp://ndingaids.library.‐ead‐nua‐archon‐1226.
[10] Hallowell D. A Biographical Memoir by Robert Galambos (in the National Academy
of Sciences). 1896–1992. Can be downloaded from this link: hp://
[11] John D.D, Jean HL. (editors). Bases of Hearing Science (third edition). Williams and
Wilkins, Baltimore 2002.
[12] Kraus N, McGee T. Auditory event related potentials. Handbook of Clinical Audiology.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1994. pp. 406–423.
[13] Ka J. (editor). Handbook of Clinical Audiology (fth edition). Williams & Wilkins,
Baltimore 2001.
Advances in Clinical Audiology6
... Nowadays, individuals may suffer from various types of diseases, including hearing disorders which may or do occur at any time in a person's life, including infants and children. In 2018, about 14.9% of school-age children were estimated to have hearing loss [22,39]. In most cases, children older than 3 years of age suffer permanent hearing loss which had not been identified earlier. ...
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Discovering a hearing disorder at an earlier intervention is critical for reducing the effects of hearing loss and the approaches to increase the remaining hearing ability can be implemented to achieve the successful development of human communication. Recently, the explosive dataset features have increased the complexity for audiologists to decide the proper treatment for the patient. In most cases, data with irrelevant features and improper classifier parameters causes a crucial influence on the audiometry system in terms of accuracy. This is due to the dependent processes of these two, where the classification accuracy performance could be worsened if both processes are conducted independently. Although the filter algorithm is capable of eliminating irrelevant features, it still lacks the ability to consider feature reliance and results in a poor selection of significant features. Improper kernel parameter settings may also contribute to poor accuracy performance. In this paper, an ensemble filters feature selection based on Information Gain (IG), Gain Ratio (GR), Chi-squared (CS), and Relief-F (RF) with harmonize optimization of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented to mitigate these problems. Ensemble filters are utilized so that the initial top dominant features relevant for classification can be considered. Then, PSO and SVM are optimized simultaneously to achieve the optimal solution. The results on a standard Audiology dataset show that the proposed method produces 96.50% accuracy with optimal solution compared to classical SVM, which signifies the proposed method is effective in handling high dimensional data for hearing disorder prediction.
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Background The evoked auditory brainstem response (EABR) is an objective electrophysiological test used to assess the brainstem’s auditory neural activity. Speech ABR (s-ABR) testing using verbal stimuli gives more important details about how the brainstem processes speech inputs which enables the detection of auditory processing impairments that do not manifest in click-provoked ABR. The use of speech syllables in the s-ABR reveals an important brainstem function that plays a crucial part in reading development and phonologic achievement which is an assessment of speech syllables. The syllable /da/ is often utilized in s-ABR measurement being a global syllable that can be tested in many nations with effective experimental confidence. Conclusion The speech ABR is an objective, unbiased, quick test. It can be used to differentiate between many conditions such as auditory processing disorders (APD), specific language impairment (SLI), and children with academic challenges.
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Local drug application to the inner ear offers a number of advantages over systemic delivery. Local drug therapy currently encompasses extracochlear administration (i. e., through intratympanic injection), intracochlear administration (particularly for gene and stem cell therapy), as well as various combinations with auditory neurosensory prostheses, either evaluated in preclinical or clinical studies, or off-label. To improve rehabilitation with cochlear implants (CI), one focus is the development of drug-releasing electrode carriers, e. g., for delivery of glucocorticosteroids, antiapoptotic substances, or neurotrophins to the inner ear. The performance of cochlear implants may thus be improved by protecting neuronal structures from insertion trauma, reducing fibrosis in the inner ear, and by stimulating growth of neuronal structures in the direction of the electrodes. Controlled drug release after extracochlear or intracochlear application in conjunction with a CI can also be achieved by use of a biocompatible, resorbable controlled-release drug-delivery system. Two case reports for intracochlear controlled release drug delivery in combination with cochlear implants are presented. In order to treat progressive reduction in speech discrimination and increased impedance, two cochlear implant patients successfully underwent intracochlear placement of a biocompatible, resorbable drug-delivery system for controlled release of dexamethasone. The drug levels reached in inner ear fluids after different types of local drug application strategies can be calculated using a computer model. The intracochlear drug concentrations calculated in this way were compared for different dexamethasone application strategies.
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Cochlear implants electrically stimulate spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) in order to provide speech cues to severe-profoundly deaf patients. In normal hearing cochleae the SGNs depend on endogenous neurotrophins secreted by sensory cells in the organ of Corti for survival. SGNs gradually degenerate following deafness and consequently there is considerable interest in developing clinically relevant strategies to provide exogenous neurotrophins to preserve SGN survival. The present study investigated the safety and efficacy of a drug delivery system for the cochlea using nanoengineered silica supraparticles. In the present study we delivered Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) over a period of four weeks and evaluated SGN survival as a measure of efficacy. Supraparticles were bilaterally implanted into the basal turn of cochleae in profoundly deafened guinea pigs. One ear received BDNF-loaded supraparticles and the other ear control (unloaded) supraparticles. After one month of treatment the cochleae were examined histologically. There was significantly greater survival of SGNs in cochleae that received BDNF supraparticles compared to the contralateral control cochleae (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.009). SGN survival was observed over a wide extent of the cochlea. The supraparticles were well tolerated within the cochlea with a tissue response that was localised to the site of implantation in the cochlear base. Although mild, the tissue response was significantly greater in cochleae treated with BDNF supraparticles compared to the controls (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.003). These data support the clinical potential of this technology particularly as the supraparticles can be loaded with a variety of therapeutic drugs.
Objective Electrically evoked auditory steady-state responses (EASSRs) are neural potentials measured in the electroencephalogram (EEG) in response to periodic pulse trains presented, for example, through a cochlear implant (CI). EASSRs could potentially be used for objective CI fitting. However, EEG signals are contaminated with electrical CI artifacts. In this paper, we characterized the CI artifacts for monopolar mode stimulation and evaluated at which pulse rate, linear interpolation over the signal part contaminated with CI artifact is successful. Methods CI artifacts were characterized by means of their amplitude growth functions and duration. Results CI artifact durations were between 0.7 and 1.7 ms, at contralateral recording electrodes. At ipsilateral recording electrodes, CI artifact durations are range from 0.7 to larger than 2 ms. Conclusion At contralateral recording electrodes, the artifact was shorter than the interpulse interval across subjects for 500 pps, which was not always the case for 900 pps. Significance CI artifact-free EASSRs are crucial for reliable CI fitting and neuroscience research. The CI artifact has been characterized and linear interpolation allows to remove it at contralateral recording electrodes for stimulation at 500 pps.
Laboratory mice (Mus musculus) have become the major model species for inner ear research. The major uses of mice include gene discovery, characterization, and confirmation. Every application of mice is founded on assumptions about what mice represent and how the information gained may be generalized. A host of successes support the continued use of mice to understand hearing and balance. Depending on the research question, however, some mouse models and research designs will be more appropriate than others. Here, we recount some of the history and successes of the use of mice in hearing and vestibular studies and offer guidelines to those considering how to apply mouse models.
Purpose: We identified studies that described use of any patient-reported outcome scale for hearing loss or tinnitus among children and adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients. Method: In this systematic review, we performed electronic searches of OvidSP MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO to August 2015. We included studies if they used any patient-reported scale of hearing loss or tinnitus among children and AYAs with cancer or HSCT recipients. Only English language publications were included. Two reviewers identified studies and abstracted data. Results: There were 953 studies screened; 6 met eligibility criteria. All studies administered hearing patient-reported outcomes only once, after therapy completion. None of the studies described the psychometric properties of the hearing-specific component. Three instruments (among 6 studies) were used: Health Utilities Index (Barr et al., 2000; Fu et al., 2006; Kennedy et al., 2014), Hearing Measurement Scales (Einar-Jon et al., 2011; Einarsson et al., 2011), and the Tinnitus Questionnaire for Auditory Brainstem Implant (Soussi & Otto, 1994). All had limitations, precluding routine use for hearing assessment in this population. Conclusions: We identified few studies that included hearing patient-reported measures for children and AYA cancer and HSCT patients. None are ideal to take forward into future studies. Future work should focus on the creation of a new psychometrically sound instrument for hearing outcomes in this population.
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of Magnitude Squared Coherence (MSC) and Spectral F test (SFT) for the detection of auditory steady state responses (ASSR) obtained by amplitude-modulated noises. Material and methods: Twenty individuals (12 women) without any history of neurological or audiological diseases, aged from 18 to 59 years (mean±standard deviation=26.45 ± 3.9 years), who provided written informed consent, participated in the study. The Audiostim system was used for stimulating and ASSR recording. The tested stimuli were amplitude-modulated Wide-band noise (WBN), Low-band noise (LBN), High-band noise (HBN), Two-band noise (TBN) between 77 and 110 Hz, applied in intensity levels of 55, 45, and 25 dB sound pressure level (SPL). MSC and SFT, two statistical-based detection techniques, were applied with a significance level of 5%. Detection times and rates were compared using the Friedman test and Tukey-Kramer as post hoc analysis. Also based on the stimulation parameters (stimuli types and intensity levels) and detection techniques (MSC or SFT), 16 different pass/fail protocols, for which the true negatives (TN) were calculated. Results: The median detection times ranged from 68 to 157s for 55 dB SPL, 68-99s for 45 dB SPL, and 84-118s for 25 dB SPL. No statistical difference was found between MSC and STF considering the median detection times (p>0.05). The detection rates ranged from 100% to 55.6% in 55 dB SPL, 97.2% to 38.9% in 45 dB SPL and 66.7% to 8.3% in 25 dB SPL. Also for detection rates, no statistical difference was observed between MSC and STF (p>0.05). True negatives (TN) above 90% were found for Protocols that employed WBN or HBN, at 55 dB SPL or that used WBN or HBN, at 45 dB SPL. For Protocols employing TBN, at 55 dB SPL or 45 dB SPL TN below 60% were found due to the low detection rates of stimuli that included low-band frequencies. Conclusion: The stimuli that include high-frequency content showed higher detection rates (>90%) and lower detection times (<3 min). The noise composed by two bands applied separately (TBN) is not feasible for clinical applications since it requires prolonging the exam duration, and also led to a reduced percentage of true negatives. On the other hand, WBN and HBN achieved high detection performance and high TN and should be investigated to implement pass/fail protocol for hearing screening with clinical population. Finally, both WBN and HBN seemed to be indifferent to the employed technique (SFT or MSC), which can be seen as another advantage of ASSR employment.
Mice lacking the vesicular glutamate transporter-3 (VGLUT3) are congenitally deaf due to loss of glutamate release at the inner hair cell afferent synapse. Cochlear delivery of VGLUT3 using adeno-associated virus type 1 (AAV1) leads to transgene expression in only inner hair cells (IHCs), despite broader viral uptake. Within 2 weeks of AAV1-VGLUT3 delivery, auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds normalize, along with partial rescue of the startle response. Lastly, we demonstrate partial reversal of the morphologic changes seen within the afferent IHC ribbon synapse. These findings represent a successful restoration of hearing by gene replacement in mice, which is a significant advance toward gene therapy of human deafness.
A chronology of the use of the words Audiology and Audiologist is traced through a number of American professional and trade journals. The coining of the word Audiology has been credited variously to Mayer B. A. Schier, Willard B. Hargrave, Stanley Nowak, Norton Canfield, and Raymond Carhart. Attempts to document published use of the word before 1946 were unsuccessful.
The material can be downloaded from this link: http://findingaids.library. northwestern
  • Raymond C Papers
Raymond C. Papers, 1938–1975. Northwestern University Archives, Evanston, Illinois. 1912–1975. The material can be downloaded from this link: http://findingaids.library.‐ead‐nua‐archon‐1226.