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Global Marketing

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... Despite the numerous benefits of digital marketing, its implementation in international marketing is fraught with challenges. Previous studies have highlighted gaps in understanding the optimal strategies for leveraging digital marketing on a global scale (Simmons, 2021;Hollensen, 2017). Key questions that arise include the role of digital marketing in enhancing international marketing effectiveness, the most effective strategies for reaching global markets, and the obstacles companies face when implementing these strategies (Keegan, 2019). ...
This research explores the role of digital marketing in international marketing, focusing on effective strategies, challenges, and methods of measuring success. Using a qualitative approach with literature studies from credible sources such as scientific journals, news articles, and official company websites, the data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results show that digital marketing allows companies to reach global audiences more efficiently through SEO, social media, email marketing, and PPC. Challenges faced include differences in culture, language, regulations, and consumer preferences. Effective strategies include locally relevant content, appropriate use of social media platforms, and in-depth data analysis. This research provides insight for business practitioners in developing effective digital marketing strategies to improve performance in various countries.
... These descriptive statistics align with the findings of Gabrielsson et al. (2008), which indicate that born globals frequently employ a variety of market entry modes in their operations. Nevertheless, the weak statistical significance of our results is consistent with Hollensen's (2017) view that born globals are better prepared to use hierarchical highcontrol entry modes. As the research results do not provide clarity in this regard, the issue requires further investigation. ...
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The problem of the role and importance of time in the process of firm's internationalization belongs to the mainstream of international business research, as is the problem of the key role of high-tech firms operating across borders. The main goal of the paper is to understand how selected factors determine early internationalization of high-tech firms in Poland as an emerging market. The theoretical framework of the article is built on international entrepreneurship literature, supported by the network perspective and family firm theory. Then, the article focuses on the high-tech firms that become international through export or any other entry mode in the first three years of their life. A survey was conducted on the sample of 263 firms operating in high-tech industries in Poland. The results of our empirical studies show that high-tech firms functioning in networks and clusters are more likely to start their international expansion early. Moreover, family high-tech firms are less likely to internationalize early than non-family firms.
... Product Adaptation: Adapting products involves modifying them to suit the specific preferences, needs, and cultural contexts of local markets. This approach recognizes that consumer tastes and preferences can vary significantly across countries and regions [45]. By adapting products, businesses can cater to local preferences, increase customer satisfaction, and improve market acceptance. ...
This journal article provides an overview of the fundamental principles of international marketing and emphasizes their importance in achieving global business success. As the global economy expands, businesses seek to expand their operations and reach new customers, making international marketing crucial. The article highlights the need for businesses to have a thorough understanding of the principles that govern international marketing to succeed in this competitive field. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to gain knowledge and insights into the world of international marketing.
Digitalization of business in combination with cultural diversity has created a new space and conditions where communication becomes a challenge. The purpose of the article is to identify intercultural aspects of communication in the context of digital business development. It is established that cultural sensitivity in business involves, on one hand, the formation of respect for legal and moral norms specific to a particular community, and on the other hand, enhances the operational efficiency of the company. It is argued that cultural factors influence decision-making in international business, and awareness and knowledge of cultural differences enhance the competitiveness of the company. It is postulated that the intercultural competencies of managers should be viewed in terms of their new functions and socio-professional roles in transnational organizations and through the lens of their cultural intelligence, which facilitates adaptation to new cultural realities and cultural freedom—a set of necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities for a manager in an international and even global dimension. The top 10 countries in the Digital Technology Usage Index (NRI) reveal three trends: they belong to high-income countries, demonstrate reliable network readiness in all dimensions, and European countries continue to dominate the list. These trends persisted in the 2023 ranking. The challenges hindering the development of digital trends and the transformation of the Ukrainian economy into a digital one are substantiated. Two scenarios for the development of digital business in Ukraine are identified depending on the assessment of the criticality and necessity of changes in the traditional economic structure: the inertial (evolutionary) and the targeted (forced). In the case of implementing the inertial scenario, the Ukrainian economy will remain inefficient, labor migration will continue, and Ukrainian products will be non-competitive in external markets. The targeted scenario envisions the transition of the Ukrainian economy to a digital one within 3-5 years. The result will be the emergence of new norms, standards, and value systems. The internationalization of management changes the traditional model of management communications.
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International capital movement in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by multinational enterprises (MNEs) signifies a widely researched phenomenon in comprehensive review of the FDI literature. Its vastness makes it impossible to fathom its depth, as such the paper highlights what the author considers to be mainstream theories in the domain of empirical studies on FDI. This study critically reviews (FDI) literature over a period of 70 years from 1950 to 2020 to provide a theoretical lens for future research beyond the established models. The discussion covers the mode of FDI inflows, statistical methods applied, theoretical models, contributions to paradigms and empirical papers investigating FDI. Furthermore, the papers selected cover heterogenous geographical regions, while in certain papers FDI has been studied as a dependent variable in others as an independent one. The focus lies on the FDI and its resultant activities of MNEs in the form of subsidiaries to carry out market seeking, strategic asset-seeking and efficiency seeking activities. Though, most researchers have narrowed down to four determinants of FDI i.e., motives of MNEs for undertaking FDI, size of MNEs, entry modes into host country and investments sector recently, many works have applied formal theories to provide a framework for market failure such as holdup problems, non-fulfillment of contracts and related agency costs. It is concluded that FDI has evolved into a significant area of empirical investigation. Overall, the gaps and opportunities in existing literature are identified thereby directions for further research emerge.
Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, internet kullanımının hızla artmasıyla bilgi tabanlı bir ekonomik düzen oluşmuştur. Bilgi teknolojisi, büyümenin önemli bir itici gücü olduğu yeni ekonomik dönemde, işletmeden işletmeye (B2B) e-ticarete katılmak bir şirket başarısının önemli bir etkeni ve özellikle küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin hayatta kalması için bir önkoşul olmaktadır. B2B e-ticaretin benimsenmesinde küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler (KOBİ) sorunlar yaşamaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışma kapsamında Türkiye'deki KOBİ'lerin B2B e-ticareti benimsenmesinde etkili olan kriterlerin neler olduğu ve bu kriterlerin önem dereceleri çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHP) yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra B2B e-ticaretin benimsemesinin KOBİ'ler için önemi ve etkileri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Böylece işletmelerin B2B e-ticareti benimseme ve kullanımı sürecinde yapması gereken hususlara ait öneriler sunulmuştur.
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The complex relationship between sustainability, digitalization, entrepreneurship and internationalization has received less academic attention, although each of these topics is an important research area on its own. Thus, our research aims to understand the effect of environmental sustainability, the usage of digital systems, and the entrepreneurial perception of distances on the intention to export in the case of SMEs. The authors have developed a survey to examine three main hypotheses. Based on the answers of 315 SMEs, the article highlights that the communication of environmental sustainability, the usage of ERP systems, and the perception of cultural distance as opportunities to foster internationalisation.
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Svako poglavlje sadrži niz pedagoško-didaktičkih elementa. Knjiga, iz poglavlja u poglavlje, prati glavnu junakinju Anu koja se kroz uvodne prodajne situacije susreće sa novim izazovima posla u prodaji. Nadalje, svako poglavlje pored glavnog dijela sadrži ciljeve, popis ključnih pojmova te pitanja za ponavljanje. U sklopu poglavlja su odvojeni dijelovi namijenjeni onima koji žele znati više. Također, interesantni upitnici za vlastitu evaluaciju su integrirani u pojedina poglavlja. Nadalje, u materiju smo integrirali QR kodove čijim skeniranjem na jednostavan način čitalac može saznati više. Tu su i primjeri korisnih mobilnih aplikacija koje vrlo jednostavno čitalac može pohraniti na svoj mobilni uređaj. Svako poglavlje završava razmatranjem problemske situacije sadržane u određenom poslovnom scenariju koji je moguće riješiti na različite načine. Za kraj, poglavlja završavaju preporukom popularnog igranog filma prodajno-pregovaračke tematike uz čiji se kratki opis uvijek nalazi i QR kod njegova trailera. POGLAVLJA 1. LIČNA PRODAJA U 21. STOLJEĆU 2. PRODAJNI PROCES IZ PERSPEKTIVE KUPCA: KUPOVINA 3. IZGRADNJA POVJERENJA KROZ ETIČNU KOMUNIKACIJU 4. PRONALAZAK I KVALIFICIRANJE POTENCIJALNIH KUPACA 5. PRODAJNI SUSRET I PREZENTIRANJE RJEŠENJA 6. OPHOĐENJE SA PRIGOVORIMA I ZAKLJUČENJE PRODAJE 7. POSTPRODAJNI PROCESI I IZGRADNJA PARTNERSTVA 8. PRODAJNI PRISTUPI BAZIRANI NA IZGRADNJI ODNOSA SA KUPCIMA 9. UPRAVLJANJE SAMIM SOBOM 10. PRODAJA NA MEĐUNARODNIM TRŽIŠTIMA 11. PRODAJNO PREGOVARANJE 12. NOVI MEDIJI KAO PODRŠKA SAVREMENOJ PRODAJI 13. UPRAVLJANJE FUNKCIJOM PRODAJE I PRODAJNIM TIMOM
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In the field of internationalization small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often characterized by the lack of opportunities, market power and scarcity of resources when compared to large enterprises. Hence, greater challenges are posed by such deficiencies to the internationalization of SMEs. In this light, it may be assumed that the approaches of internationalization undertaken by SMEs differ from these of large enterprises. The PURPOSE of this research paper is to explore and expose the approaches to internationalization which are most commonly undertaken by SMEs. In terms of research METHODS, the author uses a descriptive research approach with secondary sources of data. A detailed examination of the literature reduces the RESULTS in internationalization approaches to the economic approach, stage approach, network approach and born-global approach as dominant. As CONCLUSIONS, it is highlighted the evolution in the discussed approaches – from a resource-based view to unilateral, multilateral and entrepreneurial viewpoints.
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This paper aims to systematically review and critically examine marketing research on the standardization/adaptation of brand elements and explain its importance, given its increasing influence internationally. 46 journal articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases examine with focus on research theme with broad scope approach, one of the types of literature review. The findings show that there is a live stream about the standardization/adaptation of brand elements in the marketing discipline, and contextual, methodological, and thematic diversity. Moreover, the findings of the review also highlight various literature trends and gaps. Results of the current review offer deep insights and create an ambitious research agenda that raises exciting new research questions for researchers. Besides results help to encourage the development of future theories on international branding.
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