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Ensino de Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais Baseado em Metodologias Ágeis: o Projeto Primeira Habilitação

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O ensino de desenvolvimento de jogos é uma tarefa não-trivial, por se tratar de uma categoria de software com um conjunto de requisitos bastante específicos e demandas tecnológicas singulares. O uso de metodologias ágeis para o desenvolvimento de jogos pode facilitar esse processo de desenvolvimento e conseqüentemente influenciar na aprendizagem desse processo. O presente artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre uma experiência no ensino de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais, mostrando como a aplicação de metodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento de software pode ter um impacto significativo na aprendizagem dos alunos de um curso superior em Tecnologia em Jogos Digitais.

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... Several authors have been adapting the classical software engineering for the development of games (Flynt & Salem, 2004;Rucker, 2002). In this way, the process of developing games classically a series of steps, as follows ( Figure 1): Kasperavičius et al., 2008) Currently, software development in general, and game development, in specific, have to deal with short-time requirements, being often impracticable to apply classical methods of software engineering. The task of producing software on tight deadlines can be performed through the use of techniques that prioritize agile development (Cockburn, 2002;Highsmith et al., 2001), such as Extreme Programming (eXtreme Programming -XP) (Beck, 1999), among others. ...
... The memorization process is usually dull, often because the candidates have only a printed manual as a support for this task. In order to help the memorization process of the signs, the "Directional Signals Game" -first presented in Kasperavičius et al. (2008), was created having as a reference a memory game with all the signs, whose some screenshots can be seen in Figure 4 below. This game is part of "First Driver's License" project. ...
... "Four-wheels simulator" and "Two-wheels simulator", part of the "First Driver's License" project, were games whose goal was making users more familiar to the tasks that are meant to be performed during the actual driving practical exam that is usually held on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Both are technically described in Kasperavičius et al. (2008). Figure 5 shows (clockwise) some screenshots of the following steps associated with the practical examination: Setting up the vehicle, Beacon test, Slope test and Mandatory stop step. ...
... o a métodoságeis permitiu um aprofundamento maior nas disciplinas que abordam esse tema [17]. Um estudo da adoção de métodoságeis em Instituição Públicaé proposto por Melo e Ferreira (2010), contudo esse trabalho transcorreu fora de ambiente acadêmico e não indicou a utilização do Scrum [18]. MetodologiasÁgeis, como o XP, também são utilizadas por Kasperavicius et. al. (2008) no ensino de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais no incentivo aos alunos na utilização de processos práticos e vantajosos, sendo seus resultados indicados através do desempenho e dedicação dos alunos na utilização dessas metodologias [19]. Em Rocha, Sabino e Acipreste (2015) o Scrumé utilizado como prática pedagógica no aprendizado da dis ...
... MetodologiasÁgeis, como o XP, também são utilizadas por Kasperavicius et. al. (2008) no ensino de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais no incentivo aos alunos na utilização de processos práticos e vantajosos, sendo seus resultados indicados através do desempenho e dedicação dos alunos na utilização dessas metodologias [19]. Em Rocha, Sabino e Acipreste (2015) o Scrumé utilizado como prática pedagógica no aprendizado da disciplina de Engenharia de software em um Curso Técnico em Informática de uma Escola Profissionalizante na região nordeste do Brasil. ...
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Resumo O desenvolvimento e a formação técnica na Educação Profissional Tecnológica constituem um con-junto de métodos e ferramentas educacionais pedagógicas que permitem o aprendizado, exercício e a prática dos alunos em muitas instituições de ensino. Com esse propósito, projetos interdisciplinares buscam contribuir para uma melhor aprendizagem desses indivíduos partindo da construção teóricà a prática de forma mais rápida e eficiente. Em cursos do eixo da Informática ou Computação, a utilização de métodosmétodoságeis e projetos reais vêm sendo empregada como forma de melhorar e aprimorar o aprendi-zado dos alunos durante a sua formação profissional. Este artigo apresenta o relato positivo da utilização de métodó agil Scrum em um projeto com cliente real numa prática interdisciplinar envolvendo alunos do Curso Técnico em Informática em uma Instituição de Ensino Profissionalizante privada na cidade de Curitiba, PR. Resultados mostraram que a realização de projetos interdisciplinares com o Scrum, permitiu uma prática de desenvolvimento de software real onde o aluno pôde conhecer o funcionamento de processos ágeis e os desafios que consistem na entrega contínua de produtos de software funcional bem como os desafios na satisfação dos clientes.
... Based on studies done by [34], [16] and [13] we believe that the adoption of agile practices in development of games can achieve promising results. The agile practices seem to include the best features of the game industry, as multidisciplinarity and the difficulties in modeling aspects like user experience, the fun and enjoyment, whereas empirical methods are more adaptive and react better to changes during project implementation. ...
Conference Paper
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Game development is a very complex and multidisciplinary activity and surely the success of games as one of most profitable areas in entertainment domain could not be incidentally. The goal of this paper is to investigate if (and how) principles and practices from Agile Methods have been adopted in game development, mainly gathering evidences through Postmortem Analysis (PMA). Then we describe how we have conducted PMA in order to identify the good practices adopted in several game development projects. The results are discussed, comparing similarities and differences on how these practices are taken in account in (traditional) software development and game development.
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The use of digital games in education can bring benefits such as promoting student engagement and improving learning. This type of software can be present in the classroom in various ways and for different audiences, either as a way to contact a new concept or even for students to develop their own games. This work includes an experience report under the teaching perspective, with two classes of technological graduation in the area of computing, being the higher courses in Digital Games and Systems Analysis and Development. After selecting the theme, and other activities by the teachers - such as the implementation of the games, and tests to verify the feasibility of the proposal -, the students were asked to develop applications of the concepts of Data Structures in the form of digital games. It was observed that this experience contributed to problem-based learning.
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Agile - denoting "the quality of being agile; readiness for motion; nimbleness, activity, dexterity in motion" - software development methods are attempting to offer an answer to the eager business community asking for lighter weight along with faster and nimbler software development processes. This is especially the case with the rapidly growing and volatile Internet software industry as well as for the emerging mobile application environment. The new agile methods have evoked a substantial amount of literature and debates. However, academic research on the subject is still scarce, as most of existing publications are written by practitioners or consultants. The aim of this publication is to begin filling this gap by systematically reviewing the existing literature on agile software development methodologies. This publication has three purposes. First, it proposes a definition and a classification of agile software development approaches. Second, it analyses ten software development methods that can be characterized as being "agile" against the defined criteria. Third, it compares these methods and highlights their similarities and differences. Based on this analysis, future research needs are identified and discussed.
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Agile application development and Software Product Line (SPL) are techniques which, although having the common objective of improving the software productivity, have requirements seemingly contradictory that prevent them to be used together. This paper proposes a feature-based iterative reengineering approach for the modernization of legacy systems and the creation of a core of reusable artifacts to support the development of SPL. Agile principles and techniques are applied across the whole process that foresees continuous interactions with the customer, deliveries of tested executable and partially modernized versions in short and frequent intervals, with documentation in appropriate level and prepared for changes. Resumo. Desenvolvimento ágil de aplicações e Linhas de Produtos de Software (LPS) são técnicas que, embora tenham o objetivo comum de melhorar a produtividade de software, possuem requisitos aparentemente contraditórios, que dificultam seu uso conjunto. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem de reengenharia iterativa, orientada a características para modernização de sistemas legados e criação de um núcleo de artefatos reutilizáveis para apoiar o desenvolvimento de LPS. Princípios e técnicas ágeis são aplicados ao longo de todo o processo, que prevê interações contínuas com o cliente, entregas de versões executáveis testadas e parcialmente modernizadas em intervalos curtos e freqüentes, com documentação em nível apropriado e preparadas para mudanças.
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Software development paradigms are shifting. The development group's "team" ability, and the effects of the individual developer, become more important as organizations recognize that the traditional approach of increasing process pressure and overworking team members is not getting the job done. The pioneers of Agile methodologies question the preconceived processes within which development teams work. Rather than adding to the burden of the individual developer, Agile asks "how can we change the process so that the team is more productive, while also improving quality?" The answer is in learning to play the "game." Written for developers and project managers, Agile Software Development compares software development to a game. Team members play the game knowing that the ultimate goal is to win---always remembering what they have learned along the way, and always keeping in mind that they will never play the same way twice. Players must keep an open mind to different methodologies, and focus on the goal of developing quality software in a short cycle time.
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Contenido: 1. Entrarle al juego; 2. Requisitos: ver el panorama; 3. Un tutorial: UML y la programación orientada a objetos; 4. Diseño de software: mucho ruido sobre algo; 5. Lo viejo es bueno: el acercamiento bibliotecario; 6. Fantasías y realidades orientadas a objetos; 7. P de patrón; 8. Análisis de riesgos; 9. Diseño iterativo; 10. Los maniáticos del control y la administración de la configuración; 11. La maldad evidente: el arte de probar; 12. Números para los magnates; 13. Qué hace la gente: estrategias de desarrollo; 14. Práctica, práctica, práctica; 15. El equipo de trabajo; 16. Las mejoras al proceso; 17. Liberar la planeación y la administración; 18. Documentación: aprendiendo a aprender; 19. Filosofía de la ingeniería de software y del desarrollo de juegos; Apéndices: A. Instalación y configuración; B. Trabajo con archivos; C. Control de fuentes; D. Documentación sobre ingeniería de software y sobre diseño de juegos; E. Recursos.
Facilitating change is more effective than attempting to prevent it. Learn to trust in your ability to respond to unpredictable events; it's more important than trusting in your ability to plan for disaster. In the past 12–18 months, a wide range of publications—Software Development, IEEE Software, Cutter IT Journal, Software Testing and Quality Engineering, and even The Economist—has published articles on what Martin Fowler calls the New Methodology (see, reflecting a growing interest in these new approaches to software development (Extreme Programming, Crystal Methodologies, SCRUM, Adaptive Software Development, Feature-Driven Development and Dynamic Systems Development Methodology among them). In addition to these "named" methodologies, scores of organizations have developed their own "lighter" approach to building software. Formation of the Agile Alliance On February 11–13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, 17 people met to talk, ski, relax and try to find common ground. What emerged was the Agile Software Development Alliance. A bigger gathering of organizational anarchists would be hard to find, so what emerged from this meeting was symbolic—a Manifesto for Agile Software Development—signed by all participants. Although the Manifesto provides some specifics, a deeper theme drives many Alliance members. At the close of the two-day meeting, Extreme Programming mentor Bob Martin joked that he was about to make a "mushy" statement. Though tinged with humor, Bob's sentiments were shared by the group—we all enjoyed working with people who shared compatible goals and values based on mutual trust and respect, promoting collaborative, people-focused organizational models, and building the types of professional communities in which we would want to work. The agile methodology movement is not anti-methodology; in fact, many of us want to restore credibility to the word. We also want to restore a balance: We embrace modeling, but not merely to file some diagram in a dusty corporate repository. We embrace documentation, but not to waste reams of paper in never-maintained and rarely-used tomes. We plan, but recognize the limits of planning in a turbulent environment. Those who brand proponents of XP, SCRUM or any of the other agile methodologies as "hackers" are ignorant of both the methodologies and the original definition of the term (a "hacker" was first defined as a programmer who enjoys solving complex programming problems, rather than someone who practices ad hoc development or destruction).
Conference Paper
Extreme programming (XP) works well for small software projects in not-too-complex application domains. In many of these projects the rather simple requirements engineering of XP (customers write story cards) has proved suitable. But today we are more often faced with complex application domains in which the classical XP techniques will not suffice. The tutorial shows how to adapt extreme programming to complex application domains and to demanding development tasks. We focus mainly on the requirements engineering part and show how to enhance XP with interviews, scenarios and system visions. We also integrate the management perspective into the "planning game" reconciling this perspective to users' needs. We propose a set of best-practice methods we have used in a number of industrial high-risk projects for different complex application domains.
Desenvolvimento de Jogos Eletrônicos – Teoria e Prática
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A aplicação da Metodologia Institucional Aprender na Prática em disciplinas de projeto do curso superior de Tecnologia em Jogos Digitais
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Silva, L.; Bezerra, L. N. M. ; Silveira, I. F. ; Araujo Jr, C. F. (2007). A aplicação da Metodologia Institucional Aprender na Prática em disciplinas de projeto do curso superior de Tecnologia em Jogos Digitais. In: Jarmendia, A. M; Silveira, I. F.; Farias, L. A; Sparano, M.; Di Iório, P. L.; Domingues, S. F. S.. (Org.). Aprender na PráticaExperiências de Ensino e Aprendizagem. 1 ed. São Paulo: Edições Inteligentes, v. 1, p. 205-213.
Software Engineering and Computer Games
  • R Rucker
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Embracing Fun: Why Extreme Programming is Great for Game Development. Gamasutra, March 1 st
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The Ten Essentials of RUP. Canada: Rational Software
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Aplicando práticas de eXtreme Programming (XP) em equipes SW-CMM nível 2. VI Simpósio Internacional de Melhoria de Processos de Software -SIMPROS
  • C H R Cardoso
Cardoso, C. H. R. (2004) Aplicando práticas de eXtreme Programming (XP) em equipes SW-CMM nível 2. VI Simpósio Internacional de Melhoria de Processos de Software -SIMPROS 2004 São Paulo, Brasil.
Princípios Ágeis Aplicados à Reengenharia de Software. Proceedingds do WDRA 2007 -Workshop em Desenvolvimento Rápido de Aplicações
  • M A Ramos
  • R A D Penteado
Ramos, M. A. E Penteado, R. A. D. (2007) Princípios Ágeis Aplicados à Reengenharia de Software. Proceedingds do WDRA 2007 -Workshop em Desenvolvimento Rápido de Aplicações. Porto de Galinhas, Brasil.
Cutter Agile Project Management Advisory Service -Executive Update
  • J Sutherland
Sutherland, J. (2004) Agile Development: Lessons Learned From the First Scrum. Cutter Agile Project Management Advisory Service -Executive Update, v. 5, n. 20. UNICSUL (2004) Aprender na Prática. São Paulo: Unicsul.