
Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on the Quality of Life of Alcoholics in a Selected De-addiction Centre at Mangalore, Karnataka

  • Father Muller College of Nursing
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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Mindfulness Meditation on the Quality of Life (QOL) of alcoholics. A quantitative experimental evaluative approach was adapted and pre-experimental research design (one group pre-test – post-test design) was used. The sample consisting of 30 alcoholics in the selected de-addiction centre chosen by purposive sampling technique. Tools used were baseline proforma, QOL and Mindfulness Meditation skills rating scales. The data were analysed using paired ‘t’ test, ANOVA for repeated measures, Karl Pearson co-relation co-efficient and chi-square. The study revealed that mean post-test QOL score (101.57±13.7) was greater than the mean pre-test QOL score (121.70±10.02). There was a significant difference between the preintervention and post-intervention QOL scores (t 29=8.718; p<0.05) . The mean of 15th day of Mindfulness Meditation Skill score (68.13±4.0) was greater than the mean of 5th day (55.53±7.06) and 10th day (60.80±4.7) scores. There was a significant difference between the three different days of assessment (F=89.80, p<0.05). This indicates that the skill in Mindfulness Meditation increases when the number of days of practice progresses. There was a moderate positive correlation between post-interventional QOL and 15th day Mindfulness Meditation skill level (r=0.57). This indicates that there is a significant relation between post-intervention QOL score and 15th day Mindfulness Meditation Skill scores. There was no association between pre-intervention QOL and selected baseline characteristics. The result showed that Mindfulness Meditation had a statistically significant positive effect on the QOL of the alcoholics.

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Treatment-seeking is limited in women substance abusers. Studying the sociodemographic and clinical profile of treatment-seeking substance-dependent women can help us to understand the problem better and respond appropriately in terms of primary and secondary prevention strategies. To study the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women attending a de-addiction centre in North India. Retrospective structured chart review of 35 women substance abusers. The results indicated that a typical subject was urban (86%), married (63%), nuclear family (60%), based housewife (57%), educated up to school completion (54%), and having poor social support (57%). The common substances were opioids (60%), followed by alcohol (17%), and tobacco and benzodiazepines (11.5% each). The mean age at onset of substance use was 30.5 years, the mean duration of use was 9 years and mean duration to develop dependence was 5.5 years. The common reasons for initiating use were medical (63%) and curiosity (34%). Comorbidity profile was: physical illness (34%), psychiatric illness (23%) and dependence on another substance (14%). Only 20% had a family history of substance dependence. The social impairment ranged from 77% for social to 40% for financial and none for legal aspects. A typical subject had followed up 4.2 times in 8.4 months, while 54% were abstaining, 40% were continuing their substance dependence at the last follow up. The results suggest that the development of substance dependence in women is a combination of genetic, personal, and social vulnerability factors, including the drug culture of the social milieu and the poor social support. Comorbidity and impairment are common features.
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Assess changes in quality of life and in sense of coherence (SOC), after an intervention involving a self-development course using mind-body medicine (MBM) activities. A questionnaire study using a health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instrument, the SWEDQUAL, with 13 subscales and scores ranging from 0 to 100, combined with the SOC-13 scale, healthcare utilisation, medication and sick listing data. A training centre for MBM. Eligible course attendants (study group, SG, n = 83) assessed their HRQOL before and 6 months after a 1-week course. A control group (CG) of individuals who had previously attended the course (n = 69), matched for age, sex and length of course time to the SG, also made assessments. Changes in HRQOL and SOC in SG and CG. Of the 13 HRQOL subscales, eight showed clinically significant improvement in the SG (>9%, p < 0.01), namely, General health perceptions (9%), Emotional well-being [negative (45%) and positive (26%)], Cognitive functioning (24%), Sleep (15%), Pain (10%), Role limitation due to emotional health (22%) and Family functioning (16%). Sexual, marital and physical function and role in the SG as well as all CG scores were similar to average population values. The assessed SOC also improved in the SG after intervention (p < 0.01), challenging previous statements of 'the stableness of SOC'. Use of psychotropic medication was slightly reduced in the younger aged SG participants after intervention. This group of men and women (SG), starting from a clinically significant low health assessment, had improved their HRQOL and SOC after the course intervention.
To evaluate the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on the health-related quality of life of patients receiving methadone treatment for opioid dependence. A cross-sectional survey. One hundred and ninety-two patients attending out-patient methadone clinics in the south-east of England, United Kingdom. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study: General Health Survey, Short Form (SF-12). Alcohol consumption was assessed using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Approximately one-third of the sample (57/192) were AUDIT-positive (score > or = 8) and 20 of the 135 AUDIT-negative patients reported past history of alcohol problems. AUDIT-positive patients were less satisfied with their methadone dose than AUDIT-negative patients (P = 0.002), despite having a higher dose. AUDIT-positive patients reported more physical (P = 0.020) and psychological (P = 0.034) health problems and poorer QoL (P = 0.008) with an estimated effect size of 0.46. Lower QoL scores for AUDIT-positive patients affected both 'physical' (P = 0.009) and 'psychological' (P = 0.012) health domains with poor role functioning ('role limitation' due to physical health, P < 0.001 and to emotional health, P = 0.009), social functioning (P = 0.015) and self-perceived general health (P = 0.029). Excessive alcohol consumption may be associated with a distinctive pattern of QoL impairment in methadone patients. In addition to advising methadone patients regarding their alcohol consumption, comprehensive care plans should seek to restore normal personal, family and social role functioning through the provision of appropriate health and social care.
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