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A new accuracy measure based on bounded
relative error for time series forecasting
Chao Chen*, Jamie Twycross, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Many accuracy measures have been proposed in the past for time series forecasting com-
parisons. However, many of these measures suffer from one or more issues such as poor
resistance to outliers and scale dependence. In this paper, while summarising commonly
used accuracy measures, a special review is made on the symmetric mean absolute per-
centage error. Moreover, a new accuracy measure called the Unscaled Mean Bounded Rel-
ative Absolute Error (UMBRAE), which combines the best features of various alternative
measures, is proposed to address the common issues of existing measures. A comparative
evaluation on the proposed and related measures has been made with both synthetic and
real-world data. The results indicate that the proposed measure, with user selectable bench-
mark, performs as well as or better than other measures on selected criteria. Though it has
been commonly accepted that there is no single best accuracy measure, we suggest that
UMBRAE could be a good choice to evaluate forecasting methods, especially for cases
where measures based on geometric mean of relative errors, such as the geometric mean
relative absolute error, are preferred.
Forecasting has always been an attractive research area since it plays an important role in daily
life. As one of the most popular research domains, time series forecasting has received particu-
lar concern from researchers [1–5]. Many comparative studies have been conducted with the
aim of identifying the most accurate methods for time series forecasting [6]. However, research
findings indicate that the performance of forecasting methods varies according to the accuracy
measure being used [7]. Various accuracy measures have been proposed as the best to use in
the past decades. However, many of these measures are not generally applicable due to issues
such as being infinite or undefined under certain circumstances, which may produce mislead-
ing results. The criteria required for accuracy measures have been explicitly addressed by Arm-
strong and Collopy [6] and further discussed by Fildes [8] and Clements and Hendry [9]. As
discussed, a good accuracy measure should provide an informative and clear summary of the
error distribution. The criteria should also include reliability, construct validity, computational
PLOS ONE | March 24, 2017 1 / 23
Citation: Chen C, Twycross J, Garibaldi JM (2017)
A new accuracy measure based on bounded
relative error for time series forecasting. PLoS ONE
12(3): e0174202.
Editor: Zhong-Ke Gao, Tianjin University, CHINA
Received: August 21, 2016
Accepted: March 6, 2017
Published: March 24, 2017
Copyright: ©2017 Chen et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: The M3-Competition
forecasting data are available with R package
‘Mcomp’ (
Funding: Chao Chen was part funded by the
School of Computer Science, University of
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
complexity, outlier protection, scale-independency, sensitivity to changes and interpretability.
It has been suggested by many researchers that no single measure can be superior to all others
in these criteria [6,10,11].
The evolution of accuracy measures can be seen through the measures used in the major
comparative studies of forecasting methods. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean
Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) can be considered as the very early and most popular
accuracy measures. They were the primary measures used in the original M-Competition
[12]. Despite well-known issues such as their high sensitivity to outliers, they are still being
widely used [13–15]. When using these accuracy measures, errors which are small and
appear to be good, such as 0.1 by RMSE and 1% by MAPE, can often be obtained. Wei et al.
[16] employed RMSE as the performance indicator in their research on stock price forecast-
ing. The average error obtained was 84 and it was claimed to be superior to some other previ-
ous models. However, without comparison, the error 84 as a number is not easy to interpret.
In fact, the average fluctuation of stock indices used was 83 which is smaller than the error
of their proposed model. A similar case can be found regarding MAPE. Esfahanipour and
Aghamiri [17] proposed a model with an error of 1.3%, which appears to be good. Yet, this
error was larger than the average daily fluctuation of the stock price, which was approxi-
mately 1.2%. The poor interpretation here is mainly due to the lack of comparable bench-
mark used by the accuracy measure.
Armstrong and Collopy [6] recommended the use of relative absolute errors as a potential
solution to the above issue. Accuracy measures based on relative errors, such as Mean Relative
Absolute Error (MRAE), can provide a better interpretation of how good the evaluated fore-
casting method perform compared to the benchmark method. However, when the benchmark
error is small or equal to zero, the relative error could become extremely large or infinite. This
may lead to an undefined mean or at least a distortion of the result. Thus, Armstrong and Col-
lopy suggested a method named ‘winsorizing’ to overcome this problem by trimming extreme
values. However, this process will also add some complexity to the calculation and an appro-
priate trimming level has to be specified [18].
Similarly, MAPE also has the issue of being infinite or undefined due to zeros in the
denominator [19]. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error (sMAPE) was first pro-
posed by Armstrong [20] as a modified MAPE which could be a simple way to fix the issue. It
was then used in the M3-Competition as an alternative primary measure to MAPE [7]. How-
ever, Goodwin and Lawton [21] pointed out that sMAPE is not as symmetric as its name sug-
gested. In fact, it gave more penalties to under-estimates more than to over-estimates. Thus,
the use of sMAPE in the M3-Competition was widely criticized by researchers later [22]. In an
unpublished working paper, Chen and Yang [23] defined a modified sMAPE, called msMAPE,
by adding an additional component to the denominator of sMAPE. The added component
can efficiently avoid the inflation of sMAPE caused by zero-valued observations. However, this
does not address the issue of asymmetry for sMAPE.
Hyndman and Koehler [18] proposed Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE) as a generally
applicable measurement of forecasting accuracy without the problems seen in the other accu-
racy measures. However, this measure can still be dominated by a single large error, though
infinite and undefined values have been well avoided for most cases [24]. Davydenko and
Fildes [24] proposed an altered version of MASE, the average relative MAE (AvgRelMAE),
which uses the geometric mean to average the relative efficiencies of adjustments across time
series. Although the geometric mean is appropriate for averaging benchmark ratios [25], the
appropriateness of AvgRelMAE still depends on its component measure RelMAE for each
time series.
A new accuracy measure based on bounded relative error for time series forecasting
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In this paper, a new accuracy measure is proposed to address the issues mentioned above.
Specifically, by introducing a newly defined bounded relative absolute error, the new measure
can address the asymmetric issue of sMAPE while maintaining its other properties, such as
scale-independence and outlier resistance. Further, we believe that the new measure improves
the interpretability based on relative errors with a selectable benchmark than sMAPE which
uses the percentage errors based on the observation values. Given that [6] claimed that mea-
sures based on relative errors are the most reliable, we believe our measure is reliable in this
Review of accuracy measures
Many accuracy measures have been proposed to evaluate the performance of forecasting meth-
ods during the past couple of decades. A table of most commonly used measures were listed in
the review of 25 years of time series forecasting [1]. There was also a thorough review on accu-
racy measures by Hyndman and Koehler [18]. In this section, we mainly focus on new insights
or new measures that have been introduced since 2006.
For a time series with nobservations, let Y
denote the observation at time tand F
the forecasts of Y
. Then the forecasting error e
can be defined as (Y
). Let e
tdenote the
forecasting error at time tobtained by some benchmark method. That means e
t¼ ðYtF
where F
tis the forecast at time tby the benchmark method.
Scale-dependent measures
The measures based on absolute or squared errors are also known as scale-dependent mea-
sures since their scale depends on the scale of the data. They are useful in comparing forecast-
ing methods on the same set of data. However, they should not be used across data sets that
are on different scales. The most commonly used scale-dependent measures are Mean Abso-
lute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and RMSE:
MAE ¼1
MSE ¼1
RMSE ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
MAE had been cited in the very early forecasting literature as a primary measure of perfor-
mance for forecasting models [26]. As shown in Eq 1, MAE directly calculates the arithmetic
mean of absolute errors. Hence, it is very easy to compute and to understand. However, it may
produce biased results when extremely large outliers exist in data sets. Specifically, even a sin-
gle large error can sometimes dominate the result of MAE.
MSE, which calculates the arithmetic mean of squared errors, was used in the first M-Com-
petition [12]. However, its use was widely criticized later as inappropriate [6,27]. MSE is more
vulnerable to outliers since it gives extra weight to large errors. Also, the squared errors are on
different scale from the original data. Thus, RMSE, which is the squre root of MSE, is often
preferred to MSE as it is on the same scale as the data. However, RMSE is also sensitive to fore-
casting outliers [28].
A new accuracy measure based on bounded relative error for time series forecasting
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Percentage-based measures
To be scale-independent, a common approach is to use percentage errors based on observation
values. Two example measures based on percentage errors are MAPE and sMAPE defined as:
sMAPE ¼1
2 jetj
jYtj þ jFtjð5Þ
It should be noted that absolute values are used in the denominator of sMAPE defined in
this paper. This definition is different but equivalent to the definition in Makridakis [10] and
Makridakis and Hibon [7] when forecasts and actual values are all non-negative. The absolute
values in the denominator can avoid negative sMAPE as pointed out by Hyndman and Koeh-
ler [18].
MAPE was used as one of the major accuracy measures in the original M-Competition
[12]. However, the percentage errors could be excessively large or undefined when the target
time series has values close to or equal to zero [19]. Moreover, Armstrong [20] pointed out
that MAPE has a bias favouring estimates that are below the actual values. This was illustrated
by extremes: “a forecast of 0 can never be off by more than 100%, but there is no limit to errors on
the high side”. Makridakis [10] discussed the asymmetric issue of MAPE with another example
which involves two forecasts on different actual values. However, we believe that the example
by Makridakis is beyond the idea of Armstrong in 1985. To our understanding, we believe that
the assumption concerning the asymmetric issue of MAPE described by Armstrong [20] is: i),
the estimates are non-negative while the actual value is positive; ii) the forecasting range is
asymmetric that 0 is the lower bound for lower estimates while there is no upper bound for
upper estimates; iii), errors for lower estimates and upper estimates should be symmetric (an
extreme case: 0 as the worst lower estimate should have the same absolute error as the worst
upper estimate which is infinite).
sMAPE can produce symmetric errors in the asymmetric forecasting range as stated in the
above assumption. However, it is more natural to consider the symmetric property in a sym-
metric forecasting range for lower and upper estimates. Thus, sMAPE was widely criticized as
an asymmetric measure [21,22]. Regardless of the asymmetric issue, an advantage of sMAPE
is that it does not have the issue of MAPE from being excessively large or infinite. Also, due to
the error bounds defined, sMAPE is more resistant to outliers since it gives less significance to
outliers compared to other measures which do not have bounds for errors.
Relative-based measures
Another approach for accuracy measures to be scale-independent is to use relative errors
based on the errors produced by a benchmark method (e.g. the naïve method). The most
commonly used such measures are MRAE and the geometric mean relative absolute error
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n¼exp 1
ln et
! ð7Þ
MRAE can provide a clearer intuition of the performance improvement compared to the
benchmark method. However, MRAE has a similar limitation as MAPE, in that it can also be
excessively large or undefined, when e
tis close to or equal to zero.
GMRAE is favoured since it is generally acknowledged that the geometric mean is more
appropriate for averaging relative quantities than the arithmetic mean [6,8]. According to an
alternative representation of GMRAE shown above in Eq 7, a key step for calculating GMRAE
is to make an arithmetic mean of log-scaled error ratios. This makes GMRAE more resistant
to outliers compared to MRAE which uses the arithmetic mean of original error ratios. How-
ever, GMRAE is still sensitive to outliers. More specifically, GMRAE can be dominated by not
only a single large outlier, but also an extremely small error close to zero. This is because there
is neither upper bound nor lower bound for the log-scaled error ratios used by GMRAE. Also,
it should also be noticed that zero errors, both in e
and e
t, have to be excluded from the analy-
sis. Thus, GMRAE may not be sufficiently informative.
Rather than use the average of relative errors, one can also use the relative of average errors
obtained by a base measure. For example, when the base measure is RMSE, then relative
RMSE (RelRMSE) is defined as:
RelRMSE is a commonly used measure proposed by Armstrong and Collopy [6] where
denotes the RMSE produced by a benchmark method. Similar measures, such as
RelMAE and RelMAPE, can be easily defined. They are also called relative measures. An
advantage of relative measures is their interpretability [18]. However, the performance of rela-
tive measures is restricted by the component measure. For example, RelMAPE is also unde-
fined when MAPE is undefined. Further, RelMAPE can also be easily dominated by extreme
large outliers since MAPE is not resistant to outliers. Thus, it makes no sense to compute
RelMAPE if MAPE, as the component, is skewed.
Another disadvantage of relative measures is that they are only available when there are sev-
eral forecasts on the same series [18]. As a related idea of relative measures, MASE does not
have the above issue. It is defined as:
In MASE, the absolute error |e
| for each observation is scaled by the average in-sample
error MAE
produced a benchmark method (e.g. one-step naïve method, or seasonal naïve
method for seasonal data). Thus, MASE will not produce infinite or undefined values except in
the irrelevant case where all historical data are equal. However, MASE is still vulnerable to out-
liers [24]. Moreover, it has to be assumed that the period-to-period difference of the time series
is stationary, so that the scaling factor is a consistent estimator of the scale of the series.
For comparisons of forecasting methods on multiple time series, MASE is equivalent to the
weighted arithmetic mean of relative MAEs [24]:
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where mdenotes the number of time series, n
denotes the number of observations for the i
time series and N¼Pm
i¼1ni. As pointed out by Davydenko and Fildes [24], using the arithme-
tic mean of MAE ratios introduces a bias towards overrating the accuracy of a benchmark
method. They proposed the measure AvgRelMAE as an alternative to MASE, based on the
geometric mean to average the scaled quantities.
AvgRelMAE ¼Y
It should be noticed that AvgRelMAE uses out-of-sample MAE
ias the scaling factor while
MASE uses in-sample MAE
i. Though AvgRelMAE was shown to have many advantages such
as interpretability and robustness [24], it still has the same issue with MASE since they are
based on RelMAE. As mentioned above, the accuracy of RelMAE is constrained by the accu-
racy of MAE. Since MAE can be dominated by extreme outliers, the MAE ratio r
does not nec-
essarily represent an advisable comparison of forecasting methods based on the errors of the
majority of forecasts for the i
time series.
A new accuracy measure
The criteria for a useful accuracy measure have been explicitly addressed in the literature [6,8,
9,11]. As reviewed in the previous Section, many measures have been proposed with various
advantages and disadvantages. However, most of these measures suffer from one or more
issues. In this section, we propose a new accuracy measure which adopts the advantages of
other measures such as sMAPE and MRAE without having their common issues. Specifically,
the proposed measure is expected to have the following properties: (i) Informative: it can pro-
vide an informative result without the need to trim errors; (ii) Resistant to outliers: it can
hardly be dominated by a single forecasting outlier; (iii) Symmetric: over estimates and under
estimates are treated fairly; (iv) Scale-independent: it can be applied to data sets on different
scales; (v) Interpretability: it is easy to understand and can provide intuitive results.
It has been mentioned above in the review that sMAPE is resistant to outliers due to
bounded error defined. We would like to propose a new measure in a similar fashion to
sMAPE without its issues. Since relative errors are more general than percentage errors in pro-
viding intuitive results, we use the Relative Absolute Error (RAE) as the base to derive our new
RAE ¼jetj
Since RAE has no upper bound, it can be excessively large or undefined when je
tjis small
or equal to zero. This issue can be easily addressed by adding a |e
| to the denominator of RAE,
which introduces a bounded RAE (BRAE):
BRAE ¼jetj
jetj þ je
In BRAE, the added |e
| can ensure that the denominator will be no less than the numerator.
It means BRAE will have a maximum error of 1 while the minimum error is 0 when |e
| is
equal to zero. Due to the upper bound of BRAE, an accuracy measure based on BRAE will be
more resistant to forecasting outliers. It can be noticed that the asymmetric issue of sMAPE
has also been addressed in BRAE by adding a |e
| rather than a |F
| to the denominator. Also, a
measure based on BRAE is more appropriate than sMAPE for intermittent demand data
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which have many zero-valued observations. To avoid the issue of being undefined, BRAE is
defined to be 0.5 for the special case when |e
| and je
tjare both equal to zero.
In practice, the one-step naïve method is a commonly used benchmark where e
However, it should be noticed that the naïve method is not necessarily an effective benchmark.
For example, when most forecasting methods can generally produce much smaller errors than
the naïve method, BRAE will have the same issue as percentage error based measure stated
above. Thus, it is preferable to use a properly competitive method as a benchmark, such that a
value of around 0.5 is obtained by BRAE.
Based on BRAE, a measure called Mean Bounded Relative Absolute Error (MBRAE) can be
defined as:
MBRAE ¼meanðBRAEÞ ¼ 1
jetj þ je
Though MBRAE is adequate to compare forecasting methods, it is a scaled error that can-
not be directly interpreted as a normal error ratio reflecting the error size. In fact, the process
of calculating GMRAE also contains a mean of log-scaled error ratio which is not easily inter-
pretable. But this issue is addressed by converting the log-scaled error to a normal ratio with
the exponential function. Similarly, a transformation can be made to MBRAE to obtain a more
interpretable measure which is termed the unscaled MBRAE (UMBRAE):
With UMBRAE, the performance of a proposed forecasting method can be easily inter-
preted, in terms of the average relative absolute error based on BRAE, as follows: when
UMBRAE is equal to 1, the proposed method performs roughly the same as the benchmark
method; when UMBRAE <1, the proposed method performs roughly (1−UMBRAE)100%
better than the benchmark method; when UMBRAE >1, the proposed method is roughly
(UMBRAE−1)100% worse than the benchmark method.
In general, UMBRAE is informative without the need to trim extreme errors. At the same
time, based on the bounded errors, UMBRAE is resistant to outliers. It is also symmetric and
obviously scale-independent. The benchmark used by UMBRAE is selectable where the naïve
method can be easily applied. A competitive benchmark is preferable to obtain more intuitive
results. To the best of our knowledge, UMBRAE has not been proposed before. We suggest it
as a generally applicable accuracy measure for time series forecasting. UMBRAE would be par-
ticularly useful for the cases where the performance of forecasting methods are not expected to
be dominated by forecasting outliers.
Evaluation and results
In this section, the performance of UMBRAE is evaluated. The naïve method is used as the
benchmark for UMBRAE. Properties such as reliability and sensitivity have been well investi-
gated in the study by Armstrong and Collopy [6]. In their study, MAPE and MRAE have been
assessed to be acceptable in terms of reliability and good in terms of sensitivity. In fact, these
properties, especially reliability, cannot be easily examined. For example, in the reliability tests,
if forecasting methods are expected to have the same rankings when they are evaluated by a
reliable accuracy measure, these forecasting methods themselves have to perform stably on dif-
ferent time series. It is difficult to find such forecasting methods in the real world. Thus, these
properties are not examined in our study. Instead, it is assumed that UMBRAE, based on rela-
tive errors, will also be reliable and sensitive to error changes. Consequently, our evaluation
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will be mainly focused on the expected properties mentioned in the previous Section. To make
comparisons, other common measures mentioned in the review Section are also examined in
our evaluation. Comparisons are firstly made with synthetic time series to specifically examine
the required properties. Then the M3-Competition data with 3003 time series [7] are used to
demonstrate how these measures perform with real-world data.
Evaluation with synthetic data
Three groups of synthetic time series data are used in the comparative study. These synthetic
data are not designed to be representative of real-world data. Rather, they are selected to clearly
show the drawbacks of accuracy measures in terms of the required properties. In the synthetic
evaluations, the average one-step naïve error is used to scale errors for MASE.
One of the most desired properties of an accuracy measure is the ability to resist outliers.
Thus, the first group of synthetic data is made to examine whether the accuracy measure is resis-
tant to a single forecasting outlier. As shown in Fig 1,Y
is the objective time series with 10 obser-
vations, which are randomly generated under the normal distribution (mean = 300, sd = 100).
tis the forecasting series of Y
. Specifically, F1
tdoes not have obvious forecasting outlier and its
forecasting errors measured by MAPE are approximately 10%. The other three forecasts are the
same as F1
texcept that they all have a forecasting outlier for the eighth observation. Though occa-
sionally occurring large errors should also be considered in evaluating the performance of a fore-
casting method, it is assumed that a single large outlier should not affect the whole performance
significantly. However, the results in Fig 1 shows that the errors reported by some accuracy mea-
sures have been significantly dominated by the single forecasting outlier. The worst is RMSE
where its error for F4
thas become approximately 36 times larger than its error for F1
t. Though
MASE has been scaled from MAE, it in fact performs the same as MAE in dealing with the fore-
casting outlier. The errors given by MAE and MASE for F4
thave both been distorted to be about
15 times larger than for F1
t. In contrast, sMAPE, GMRAE and UMBRAE are less sensitive to this
single forecasting outlier. UMBRAE reports the smallest differences for the four time series.
The second group of time series data is created to evaluate whether over-estimates and
under-estimates are treated ‘fairly’ by the accuracy measures. As presented in Fig 2,Y
is the
same time series as which was used in the single forecasting outlier resistance evaluation. In
this scenario, F1
tmakes a 10% over-estimate error to all observations in Y
while F2
tmakes a
10% under-estimate. The results in Fig 2 show that all the accuracy measures except sMAPE
have given the same error for F1
tand F2
t. sMAPE produces a larger error for F2
twhich indicates
it puts a heavier penalty on under-estimates than on over-estimates.
Davydenko and Fildes [24] suggested another scenario to examine the property of symme-
try for measures. In this scenario, the reward given for improving the benchmark is expected
to balance the penalty given for reducing the benchmark by the same quantity. We also use
this to examine our measure UMBRAE. Suppose that a time series has only two observations
(y) and there is one forecasting method to be compared with another benchmark method. For
the benchmark method, it makes the forecasts fwith errors (y−f) of 1 and 2 respectively. In
contrast, the forecasting method produces errors of 2 and 1 respectively. As an expected result,
the forecasting method has an error of 1 measured by UMBRAE based on the benchmark
method. Thus, UMBRAE is also symmetric for this case.
Normally, the scale-dependent issue of accuracy measures is related to their capability of
evaluating forecasting performance across data series on different scales. Accuracy measures
based on percentages or relative ratios are clearly suited to perform such evaluations and no
synthetic data are made for this. However, the scale-dependent issue also exists within a data
series. Thus, the third group of synthetic data shown in Fig 3 is made to evaluate the property
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Fig 1. Evaluation on the resistance of accuracy measures to a single forecasting outlier. A: Synthetic time series data
where Y
is the target series and Fn
tare forecasts. The only difference between Fn
tis their forecasts on the observation Y
. B:
Results of single forecasting outlier evaluation, which shows UMBRAE is less sensitive than other measures to a single
forecasting outlier.
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Fig 2. Evaluation on the symmetry of accuracy measures to over-estimates and under-estimates. A: Synthetic time
series data where Y
is the target series and Fn
tare forecasts. F1
tmakes a 10% over-estimate to all observations of Y
, while
tmakes a 10% under-estimate. B: Results of symmetric evaluation, which shows UMBRAE and all other accuracy
measures except sMAPE are symmetric.
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Fig 3. Evaluation on the scale dependency of accuracy measures. A: Synthetic time series data where Y
is the target
series and Fn
tare forecasts. F1
tand F2
thave the same mean absolute error, but errors are on different percentage scales to
the corresponding values of Y
. B: Results of scale dependency evaluation, where MAE, RMSE, MASE and even GMRAE
show no difference between F1
tand F2
t. MRAE and MAPE produce substantially different errors for the two cases. sMAPE
and UMBRAE can reasonably distinguish the two forecasts.
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of accuracy measures dealing with data on different scales within a single time series. In this
data set, Y
is a time series generated by the Fibonacci sequence from 2 to 144. As the forecasts
to Y
, all forecasting values of F1
tare set to have a 20% over-estimate error of the relevant obser-
vation of Y
. In contrast, F2
thas the same mean absolute error as F1
tbut its errors are on differ-
ent percentage scales from 1440% to 0.2%. Specifically, F2
nhas the same absolute error as F1
For instance, F2
1has the same absolute error as F1
10 which is 28.8. As presented in Fig 3, MAE,
RMSE, MASE and even GMRAE do not show any difference between the two forecasts.
MRAE and MAPE, however, have produced substantially different results for the two cases.
The errors measured by them for F2
tare approximately ten times larger than for F1
t. In contrast,
UMBRAE and sMAPE give a moderate difference for the two forecasts.
Evaluation with the M3-Competition data
The M-Competitions are well-known empirical studies which employ various real-world time
series data in comparing the performance of forecasting methods. In this study, we use the
M3-Competition [7] Data which contains 3003 time series to evaluate our proposed measure.
The forecasting data are available with R package ‘Mcomp’ maintained by Hyndman. The
‘Mcomp’ package for R is available from Hyndman’s website:
software/mcomp/. Among the 24 forecasting methods in the M3-Competition, 22 are used in
our evaluation since their forecasts are available for all the 3003 time series. Since the one-step
naïve method is used by many accuracy measures as the benchmark, it is also listed in the
results as a forecasting method. As an alternative version of MASE, AvgRelMAE which use
geometric mean to average errors across time series, is also included in this evaluation. To sim-
plify the results, errors are only measured at the first six forecasting horizons across the 3003
time series, which are available from all of the 22 forecasting methods.
The results are listed in Table 1. It can be noticed that errors by MAE and RMSE are rela-
tively large numbers which is meaningless without comparisons. UMBRAE is able to give
interpretable results where a forecasting method with an error <1 can be considered to be bet-
ter than the benchmark method in terms of the average relative absolute error based on BRAE.
As shown in the results, the naïve method, which is the benchmark used by UMBRAE, has an
error of 1. Errors of other forecasting methods measured by UMBRAE are all less than 1. This
indicates that these forecasting methods are better than the naïve method. However, MRAE
gives the opposite result in which the naïve method is ranked as the best. It has to be noticed
that all the errors excluding that for the naïve method measured by AvgRelMAE are smaller
than 1, whereas all the errors measured by MASE are much larger than 1. The rank correlation
coefficient of different measures is shown in Table 2. The correlation between RMSE, or
MRAE, and other measures is extremely low. In contrast, UMBRAE shows substantially high
agreement with most of other measures, where the average Spearman rank correlation is
0.516. Particularly, UMBRAE has remarkably high correlations with GMRAE and AvgRel-
MAE which are 0.995 and 0.990 respectively.
To eliminate the influence of outliers and extreme errors, we also use trimmed means to
evaluate the accuracy measures. A 3% trimming level is used in our study. As shown in
Table 3, most errors measured by MAE, RMSE, MASE, MRAE and MAPE have significant dif-
ferences compared to that without trimming shown in Table 1. The rankings of forecasting
methods made by these measures also have significant changes. In contrast, errors and rank-
ings measured by other measures have less changes. Particularly, the value of UMBRAE is
quite invariant to trimming, where differences appear only after the third decimal point for
most of the forecasting methods. It can also be noticed that the rankings made by UMBRAE in
Table 3 keep the same as that in Table 1. In general, all the measures except MRAE have similar
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Table 1. Results on M3-Competition data at first six forecasting horizons.
Forecasting Method Accuracy Measure
Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error(%) Rank Error(%) Rank Error Rank
THETA 589.2 2 1452 11 1.742 1 0.7527 1 2.06 5 0.7186 1 14.85 2 11.49 1 0.7882 1
ForecastPro 612.3 6 1720 15 1.821 6 0.7556 2 2.62 16 0.7212 2 15.28 4 11.72 2 0.7948 2
ForcX 577.0 1 1269 5 1.768 2 0.7560 3 2.22 9 0.7274 3 14.81 1 11.72 2 0.8028 3
COMB S-H-D 609.1 5 1477 12 1.775 3 0.7784 5 1.86 4 0.7508 5 15.70 8 12.02 4 0.8106 4
DAMPEN 630.2 10 1779 16 1.817 5 0.7767 4 2.20 8 0.7473 4 15.85 10 12.05 5 0.8132 5
AutoBox2 599.7 3 1190 3 2.151 23 0.7887 6 2.48 13 0.7557 6 15.86 11 12.47 10 0.8216 6
PP-Autocast 640.9 13 1795 19 1.934 13 0.7941 7 2.37 10 0.7633 8 15.78 9 12.28 7 0.8266 7
HOLT 667.9 18 1822 20 1.899 10 0.7953 8 2.77 17 0.7616 7 16.87 17 13.16 17 0.8270 8
B-J auto 642.1 14 1789 17 1.881 8 0.7957 9 2.40 11 0.7711 10 16.34 13 12.39 9 0.8295 9
WINTER 724.5 21 7326 23 1.997 17 0.8062 10 2.54 14 0.7719 11 18.20 22 13.26 18 0.8340 10
Auto-ANN 601.5 4 1180 2 1.896 9 0.8075 12 2.58 15 0.7687 9 15.15 3 12.47 10 0.8386 11
ARARMA 746.4 23 4022 22 1.967 16 0.8138 14 3.03 22 0.7751 12 17.47 20 12.91 16 0.8408 12
Flors-Pearc1 656.6 15 1790 18 1.877 7 0.8124 13 2.43 12 0.7816 13 16.75 15 12.78 14 0.8412 13
ROBUST-Trend 669.7 19 1651 14 1.806 4 0.8074 11 2.16 7 0.7866 14 18.01 21 13.49 19 0.8500 14
SMARTFCS 631.2 11 1496 13 1.920 12 0.8161 15 2.80 18 0.7936 15 15.70 8 12.32 8 0.8552 15
AutoBox3 664.3 17 1437 10 1.953 14 0.8335 16 3.01 21 0.8121 16 16.60 14 13.62 21 0.8668 16
THETAsm 620.0 9 1264 4 1.901 11 0.8407 17 2.14 6 0.8147 17 15.37 5 12.80 15 0.8689 17
AutoBox1 728.7 22 2506 21 2.093 21 0.8465 18 3.21 23 0.8151 18 17.40 19 13.64 22 0.8721 18
RBF 615.7 8 1329 8 2.016 19 0.8496 20 2.96 20 0.8351 19 15.67 6 12.26 6 0.8817 19
Flors-Pearc2 635.1 12 1287 6 1.964 15 0.8465 18 2.87 19 0.8361 20 16.82 16 12.76 13 0.8831 20
SINGLE 615.3 7 1157 1 2.000 18 0.8831 21 1.47 3 0.8713 21 16.09 12 12.68 12 0.9098 21
naïve 2 659.8 16 1306 7 2.035 20 0.9054 22 1.41 2 0.9037 22 17.20 18 13.55 20 0.9314 22
naïve 719.1 20 1412 9 2.134 22 1.0000 23 1.00 11.0000 23 18.91 23 14.69 23 1.0000 23
The bold numbers highlight the best performance and the italic numbers show the worst. The calculation of MRAE and GMRAE does not include the observations where the naïve
error is zero. Zero relative absolute errors are trimmed for GMRAE.
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rankings. As shown in Table 3, the rank correlations between UMBRAE and other measures
are much higher on average as shown in Table 4.
To show the error distributions in a similar manner to that in [24], we use the errors pro-
duced by the forecasting method ForecastPro as an example. Figs 4to 11 show the distributions
of the eight underlying error measurements used in the nine accuracy measures mentioned in
this paper. In each Fig, the top plot shows the kernel density estimate of the errors illustrating
its distribution, while the bottom shows a box-and-whisker plot which more clearly highlights
the outliers. From these Figs, it can be seen that the distribution of error measurements used in
UMBRAE is more evenly distributed, with fewer outliers than in the other measures.
Fig 1 shows that MRAE and MAPE can be easily dominated by a single forecasting outlier.
This is because they are based on the arithmetic mean and there are no upper bound defined
for the single error. In practice, the poor resistance to forecasting outliers may produce mis-
leading results. This can be illustrated by our evaluation on the M3-Competition data. As
shown in Table 1, MRAE gives significantly different rankings from other measures. It suggests
the naïve method performs the best while almost all the other accuracy measures indicate that
the naïve method is the worst. By examining the forecasting data, we can find that the results
measured by MRAE are seriously distorted by the extreme large relative absolute errors where
the naïve errors are small. With the geometric mean, GMRAE has shown remarkable resis-
tance to the forecasting outliers. However, one disadvantage of measures based on the geomet-
ric mean is that zero-error forecasts have to be excluded. Thus, these measures may not be
sufficiently informative. In contrast, due to the bounded errors defined, we have shown that
UMBRAE can perform as well as GMRAE in resisting forecasting outliers. In fact, the errors
and rankings given by UMBRAE are remarkably correlated to which measured by GMRAE,
especially in Tables 3and 4where extreme errors are trimmed. Thus, for the cases where mea-
sures such as GMRAE are preferred, UMBRAE could be an alternative measure since it is
much easier to use without the need to trim errors.
It can also be noticed in Figs 4to 11 that all the accuracy measures except AvgRelMAE (see
Fig 7), GMRAE (see Fig 8) and UMBRAE (see Fig 11) have highly skewed distributions with
long tails including extremely large forecasting outliers. Although undefined and zero errors
(0.5%) have been trimmed, GMRAE still contains about 10.2% forecasting outliers including
some large log-transformed errors such as -10.76 and 8.08. Although the bounded errors used
Table 2. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of the rankings in Table 1.
MAE −0.650 0.409 0.463 0.278 0.493 0.895 0.821 0.476
RMSE 0.650 − −0.110 −0.254 0.357 −0.229 0.449 0.168 −0.260
MASE 0.409 −0.110 −0.711 0.220 0.687 0.510 0.590 0.679
AvgRelMAE 0.463 −0.254 0.711 −0.054 0.985 0.481 0.687 0.990
MRAE 0.278 0.357 0.220 0.054 −0.010 0.079 0.110 0.026
GMRAE 0.493 −0.229 0.687 0.985 0.010 −0.532 0.702 0.995
MAPE 0.895 0.449 0.510 0.481 0.079 0.532 −0.841 0.513
sMAPE 0.821 0.168 0.590 0.687 0.110 0.702 0.841 −0.706
UMBRAE 0.476 −0.260 0.679 0.990 0.026 0.995 0.513 0.706 −
Average 0.561 0.096 0.462 0.515 0.142 0.522 0.538 0.578 0.516
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Table 3. Results with a 3% trimming level on M3-Competition data at first six forecasting horizons.
Forecasting Method Accuracy Measure
Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error Rank Error(%) Rank Error(%) Rank Error Rank
THETA 489.8 1 805.5 2 1.549 1 0.7410 1 1.38 8 0.7360 1 10.49 1 10.18 1 0.7825 1
ForecastPro 496.6 3 820.6 3 1.582 3 0.7424 2 1.40 10 0.7395 2 10.79 2 10.37 2 0.7893 2
ForcX 494.5 2 802.1 1 1.577 2 0.7456 3 1.33 05 0.7477 3 10.80 3 10.46 3 0.7977 3
COMB S-H-D 508.7 4 831.0 4 1.583 4 0.7662 5 1.28 4 0.7628 5 11.19 4 10.70 5 0.8055 4
DAMPEN 509.8 5 840.3 5 1.592 5 0.7653 4 1.35 06 0.7662 7 11.28 6 10.69 4 0.8081 5
AutoBox2 520.8 7 842.8 7 1.599 6 0.7776 6 1.50 14 0.7605 4 11.62 11 11.06 11 0.8166 6
PP-Autocast 518.6 6 856.6 9 1.629 7 0.7796 7 1.44 12 0.7716 8 11.38 10 10.86 6 0.8218 7
HOLT 541.7 14 905.5 16 1.674 12 0.7803 8 1.67 18 0.7656 6 11.97 14 11.42 14 0.8221 8
B-J auto 524.3 9 860.7 10 1.653 9 0.7834 9 1.36 7 0.7736 9 11.67 12 11.04 10 0.8248 9
WINTER 544.4 16 909.0 17 1.682 14 0.7903 10 1.66 16 0.7786 10 12.06 15 11.48 18 0.8293 10
Auto-ANN 523.6 8 841.0 6 1.681 13 0.7947 11 1.54 15 0.7909 11 11.21 5 11.01 8 0.8342 11
ARARMA 547.5 17 913.4 18 1.673 11 0.7986 13 1.74 20 0.7943 13 12.17 18 11.42 14 0.8362 12
Flors-Pearc1 539.3 13 889.8 15 1.661 10 0.8002 14 1.40 10 0.8002 14 12.15 17 11.40 13 0.8367 13
ROBUST-Trend 567.6 20 955.3 21 1.635 8 0.7971 12 1.47 13 0.8080 15 12.62 21 11.87 19 0.8458 14
SMARTFCS 529.9 10 862.3 11 1.715 16 0.8047 15 1.67 18 0.7937 12 11.29 8 11.01 8 0.8511 15
AutoBox3 566.2 19 945.7 20 1.749 17 0.8215 16 1.81 21 0.8167 16 12.28 19 11.94 20 0.8628 16
THETAsm 538.8 12 870.7 13 1.713 15 0.8287 17 1.40 10 0.8359 18 11.31 9 11.37 12 0.8652 17
AutoBox1 576.8 22 972.0 22 1.812 20 0.8320 18 1.85 23 0.8349 17 12.59 20 12.07 21 0.8682 18
RBF 533.2 11 863.7 12 1.827 21 0.8369 19 1.83 22 0.8550 20 11.28 6 10.98 7 0.8781 19
Flors-Pearc2 555.1 18 887.2 14 1.785 18 0.8374 20 1.69 19 0.8370 19 12.12 16 11.45 17 0.8796 20
SINGLE 543.6 15 854.5 8 1.808 19 0.8670 21 1.06 3 0.8947 21 11.83 13 11.43 16 0.9089 21
naïve 2 576.1 21 924.0 19 1.844 22 0.8870 22 1.02 2 0.9256 22 12.63 22 12.14 22 0.9323 22
naïve 633.9 23 1001.9 23 1.944 23 1.0000 23 1.00 11.0000 23 14.02 23 13.26 23 1.0000 23
The bold numbers highlight the best performance and the italic numbers show the worst.
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by sMAPE (see Fig 10) and UMBRAE also contain some outliers, there are no extremely large
errors. Specifically, UMBRAE follows a symmetric distribution and it only produces about 3%
outliers which will not affect the result significantly.
It has to be noted that UMBRAE does not necessarily always provide the same information
as GMRAE. For example, given a time series with a million observations, if the forecasting
method and the benchmark method produces errors (y−f) which are eand efollowing the
standard normal distribution, UMBRAE and GMRAE will both be approximately 1. However,
if the forecasting method produces errors of 2e, the value of GMRAE will be approximately 2
as one may expected. But, UMBRAE will give an error of approximately 1.67 which is less than
2. This is because the bounded error jej
jejþjejused by UMBRAE will not be increased too much
when error eis doubled for the cases where |e| is much larger than |e|. In other words, a twice
worse forecast will not be given an error of twice in significance by UMBRAE when the fore-
cast is much worse than most of other forecasts. In fact, this is the key strategy of UMBRAE for
resisting outliers. Also, the above expectation of error 2 is based on the estimation by ‘relative
Table 4. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of the rankings in Table 3.
MAE −0.951 0.805 0.828 0.256 0.820 0.940 0.970 0.839
RMSE 0.951 −0.707 0.710 0.345 0.708 0.929 0.909 0.720
MASE 0.805 0.707 −0.952 0.239 0.912 0.631 0.751 0.948
AvgRelMAE 0.828 0.710 0.952 −0.135 0.980 0.688 0.771 0.996
MRAE 0.256 0.345 0.239 0.135 −0.077 0.143 0.156 0.133
GMRAE 0.820 0.708 0.912 0.980 0.077 −0.684 0.753 0.985
MAPE 0.940 0.929 0.631 0.688 0.143 0.684 −0.950 0.697
sMAPE 0.970 0.909 0.751 0.771 0.156 0.753 0.950 −0.781
UMBRAE 0.839 0.720 0.948 0.996 0.133 0.985 0.697 0.781 −
Average 0.801 0.747 0.743 0.758 0.186 0.740 0.708 0.755 0.762
Fig 4. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the absolute errors usedby MAE.
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average error’. However, it is arguable the ‘average relative error’ is not necessarily the same as
the ‘relative average error’. This can be more or less reflected by the synthetic test shown in Fig
3. More discussions about this will be given later in this section in terms of the scale-indepen-
dency. We believe that the above issue does not invalidate the use of UMBRAE in practice.
One of the common concerns about an accuracy measure is whether it is symmetric. Two
different cases were used to evaluate the property of symmetry for accuracy measures. In our
point of view, the first case is about the symmetry in the absolute quantity which concerns
whether the same over-estimates and under-estimates can be treated fairly by a measure. As
shown in Fig 2, only sMAPE is not symmetric in the absolute quantity (due to the asymmetric
bounded errors used). This issue has been addressed by UMBRAE with symmetric bounded
Fig 5. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the squared errors used by RMSE.
Fig 6. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the absolute scaled errors used by MASE.
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errors defined. The second case is in fact about the symmetry in the relative quantity where
measures are expected to give a result of 1 for averaging two relative errors Nand 1
N. Normally,
a measure which uses the arithmetic mean should not be symmetric in such relative quantity.
However, UMBRAE, which uses the arithmetic mean for part of its calculations, has shown a
symmetric result. This is because UMBRAE does not work directly on the original error ratios.
The original relative errors have been converted to bounded relative errors for UMBRAE
before calculating the arithmetic mean. In fact, this is quite similar to the process of calculating
GMRAE which is based on the geometric mean. As a result, it is not an issue for UMBRAE to
use the arithmetic mean. Figs 8and 11 show that both errors used by GMRAE and UMBRAE
follow a symmetric distribution.
Fig 7. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the absolute scaled errors used by AvgRelMAE (log-scale).
Fig 8. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the relative absolute errors used by MRAE and GMRAE (log-scale,
forecasts with zero or undefined error excluded).
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It is necessary (or, at least, highly desirable) for an accuracy measure to be scale-indepen-
dent when assessing forecasting methods across data on different scales. Normally, measures
based on percentages or ratios in the same range are considered to be scale-independent. How-
ever, we argue that it is not enough for these percentages or ratios to be in the same range. To
be truly scale-independent, these error percentages or ratios should also be closely related to
the scale of data for specific observations. Otherwise, they may lead to misleading results. For
example, in Table 1, the error of MASE for the naïve method is 2.134. This is a somewhat con-
fusing result which may be intuitively interpreted as indicating that the naïve method performs
worse than the naïve method itself! In fact, it means the naïve method gives smaller errors on
average for the forecasting data than its errors for the in-sample data. In contrast, AvgRelMAE
does not have this issue since it uses the average error on out-of-sample as the scaling factor.
Fig 9. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the absolute percentage errors used by MAPE.
Fig 10. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the scaled percentage errors used by sMAPE.
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Fig 3 shows that MASE fails to distinguish the difference between the two forecasts which are
clearly different considering the error percentages at different observations. This is because
every single error used by MASE at different observations is scaled by the same scaling factor.
GMRAE also fails in this evaluation. We notice that this is because GMRAE, in fact, has the
same issue as MASE. Every single error of GMRAE can also be considered to be a scaled error
based on a consistent scaling factor GMAE, which is the geometric mean of the benchmark
errors e. According to the above, we conclude that MASE, AvgRelMAE and GMRAE are rela-
tively scale-independent because they assume that the scaling factor is a consistent estimator.
In contrast, UMBRAE is scale-independent and it is closely related to the error ratios at obser-
vations. Thus, it can reasonably show the difference between the two forecasts with respect to
error percentages.
Another important property of an accuracy measure is its interpretability. As Table 1
shows, the numerical errors measured by MAE and RMSE have little intuitive meaning with-
out comparisons, and have therefore been scored as ‘fair’. Comparatively, measures which
produce errors in percentages or ratios based on a benchmark are more interpretable. The
benchmark used by an accuracy measure is also important for its interpretability. In Table 1,
errors measured by MAPE are all small errors around 10%. However, these small errors are
less meaningful without comparisons. This is because these small percentages are based on the
original values of observations. Thus, they do not necessarily indicate a good performance. In
contrast, errors measured by UMBRAE are more interpretable. An error of 0.77 indicates that
the forecasting method performs approximately 23% better than the benchmark method.
As shown in Table 5, the accuracy measures are rated by the key criteria concerned in this
paper. Measures are considered to be less informative if undefined or zero errors have to be
excluded. The property of symmetry is rated in both absolute quantity and relative quantity as
discussed above. Measures are rated as relatively scale-independent because they assume that
the scaling factor is a consistent estimator. Relative-based accuracy measures are considered to
be more interpretable than other measures since they can provide more intuitive results in
terms of performance without extra comparisons. sMAPE is rated as poor in interpretability
since its error, which has a range of (0,200), is not as easy as MAPE to understand.
Fig 11. Box-and-whisker plot and kernel density estimates for the bounded relative absolute errors used by UMBRAE (using the
naïve errors as the benchmark).
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In summary, we show that UMBRAE (i) is informative and uses all available errors; (ii) can
perform as well as GMRAE in resisting forecasting outliers without the need to trim zero-error
forecasts; (iii) is symmetric in both absolute quantity and relative quantity; (iv) is scale-inde-
pendent; (v) is interpretable and can provide intuitive result. As such, UMBRAE combines the
best features of various alternative measures into a single new measure. Thus, we believe
UMBRAE is an interesting new measure because it constitutes a simple, flexible, easy to use
and understand measure that is resistant to outliers. Also, the forecasting benchmark for calcu-
lating UMBRAE is selectable, and the ideal choice should be a forecasting method to be out-
performed. As a well-known benchmark, the naïve method can be easily applied as a default to
show whether a forecasting method is generally good or not.
We have proposed a new accuracy measure UMBRAE based on bounded relative errors. As
discussed in the review of sMAPE, one advantage of the bounded error is that it gives less
significance to outliers since it does not have the issue of being excessively large or infinite.
Evaluation on the proposed measure along with related measures has been made on both
synthetic and real-world data. We have shown that UMBRAE combines the best features
of various alternative measures without having their common drawbacks. UMBRAE,
with selectable benchmark, can provide an informative and interpretable result based on
bounded relative error. It is less sensitive to forecasting outliers than other measures. It is
also symmetric and scale-independent. Though it has been commonly accepted that there
cannot be any single best accuracy measure, we suggest that UMBRAE is a good choice for
general use when evaluating the performance of forecasting methods. Since UMBRAE, in
our study, performs similar to GMRAE without the need to trim zero-error forecasts, we
particularly recommend UMBRAE as an alternative measure for the cases where GMRAE is
Although we have shown that UMBRAE has many advantages as described above, its statis-
tical properties have not been well studied. For example, the way how UMBRAE reflects the
properties of the distributions of errors is unclear. Moreover, one possible underlying draw-
back for UMBRAE is that the bounded error used by UMBRAE will reach the maximum value
1.0 when the benchmark error (YtF
t) is equal to zero even if the forecast is good. This may
produce a biased estimate especially when the benchmark method produces a large number of
zero errors. Although this drawback may not be relevant for the majority of real-world data, in
the future, we would like to address this issue.
Table 5. Ratings of accuracy measures.
Informative Resistant to
MAE good fair yes,no no fair
RMSE good poor yes,no no fair
MASE good fair yes,no relatively good
AvgRelMAE good good yes,yes relatively good
MRAE fair fair yes,no yes good
GMRAE fair good yes,yes relatively good
MAPE fair fair yes,no yes fair
sMAPE good good no,no yes poor
UMBRAE good good yes,yes yes good
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Author Contributions
Conceptualization: CC.
Data curation: CC.
Formal analysis: CC JT JMG.
Funding acquisition: JT JMG.
Investigation: CC JT JMG.
Methodology: CC JT JMG.
Project administration: JT JMG.
Software: CC.
Supervision: JT JMG.
Validation: CC JT JMG.
Visualization: CC JT JMG.
Writing – original draft: CC JT JMG.
Writing – review & editing: CC JT JMG.
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Content uploaded by Chao Chen
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All content in this area was uploaded by Chao Chen on Mar 24, 2017
Content may be subject to copyright.