A class of aeronautical wide-band channel models is proposed,
featuring parking and taxi environments, takeoff and landing situations,
and en-route scenarios for ground-air and air-air links. Typical and
worst case parameter sets are suggested, based on published measurement
results and empirical data. The models are suitable for channel
emulators that can be easily implemented on digital computers or in
hardware and thus are useful for the validation of digital aeronautical
links. A time-domain and frequency-domain implementation of such a
channel emulator are derived, and results for a typical multicarrier
system are presented. It is shown that the scenarios have
distinguishable performance results depending on the underlying maximum
ranges and shapes of the Doppler and delay spectra and the presence of a
line-of-sight path. Finally, the degrading effects of intersymbol
interference and intersubcarrier interference on the multicarrier signal
are explained