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Recognition Without Words: Using Taste to Explore Survival Processing


Abstract and Figures

Many educational demonstrations of memory and recall employ word lists and number strings; items that lend themselves to semantic organization and " chunking. " By applying taste recall to the adaptive memory paradigm, which evaluates memory from a survival-based evolutionary perspective, we have developed a simple, inexpensive exercise that defies mnemonic strategies. Most adaptive memory studies have evaluated recall of words encountered while imagining survival and non-survival scenarios. Here, we've left the lexical domain and hypothesized that taste memory, as measured by recognition, would be best when acquisition occurs under imagined threat of personal harm, namely poisoning. We tested participants individually while they evaluated eight teas in one of three conditions: in one, they evaluated the toxicity of the tea (survival condition), in a second, they considered the marketability of the tea and, in the third, they evaluated the bitterness of the tea. After a filler task, a surprise recognition task required the participants to taste and identify the eight original teas from a group of 16 that included eight novel teas. The survival condition led to better recognition than the bitterness condition but, surprisingly, it did not yield better recognition than the marketing condition. A second experiment employed a streamlined design more appropriate for classroom settings and failed to support the hypothesis that planning enhanced recognition in survival scenarios. This simple technique has, at least, revealed a robust levels-of-processing effect for taste recognition and invites students to consider the adaptive advantages of all forms of memory.
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The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Spring 2017, 15(2):A122-A127
Recognition Without Words: Using Taste to Explore Survival Processing
Henry L. Hallock1, Heather D. Garman2, Shaun P. Cook3, and Shawn P. Gallagher3
1Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205; 2Integrative
Neuroscience Program, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794; 3Department of Psychology, Millersville
University of Pennsylvania, Millersville, PA 17551
Many educational demonstrations of memory and recall
employ word lists and number strings; items that lend
themselves to semantic organization and “chunking.” By
applying taste recall to the adaptive memory paradigm,
which evaluates memory from a survival-based
evolutionary perspective, we have developed a simple,
inexpensive exercise that defies mnemonic strategies.
Most adaptive memory studies have evaluated recall of
words encountered while imagining survival and non-
survival scenarios. Here, we’ve left the lexical domain and
hypothesized that taste memory, as measured by
recognition, would be best when acquisition occurs under
imagined threat of personal harm, namely poisoning. We
tested participants individually while they evaluated eight
teas in one of three conditions: in one, they evaluated the
toxicity of the tea (survival condition), in a second, they
considered the marketability of the tea and, in the third,
they evaluated the bitterness of the tea. After a filler task,
a surprise recognition task required the participants to taste
and identify the eight original teas from a group of 16 that
included eight novel teas. The survival condition led to
better recognition than the bitterness condition but,
surprisingly, it did not yield better recognition than the
marketing condition. A second experiment employed a
streamlined design more appropriate for classroom
settings and failed to support the hypothesis that planning
enhanced recognition in survival scenarios. This simple
technique has, at least, revealed a robust levels-of-
processing effect for taste recognition and invites students
to consider the adaptive advantages of all forms of
Key words: taste; memory; recall; adaptive memory;
levels-of-processing; survival processing; classroom
Memory and recall are common topics in general
psychology courses as well as others that explore
perception, learning, and cognition. Cited work and
suggested demonstrations, however, often revolve around
a few familiar paradigms like recalling word lists and
number strings, recognizing faces, and reporting past
events. A current and popular cognitive psychology
textbook cites 781 references and while at least 300 of
these sources describe memory research, none of the
studies addresses taste memory (Goldstein, 2015). This is
not surprising, considering the importance of remembering
sights and sounds and the ease with which visual and
auditory recall experiments can be designed, but students
should be aware of the multimodal nature of memory and
educators should explore ways to demonstrate recall
across the senses. This report describes a novel method
that applies taste memory to an established experimental
Specific forms of human memory may have evolved to
serve specific survival-based functions and one
experimental paradigm attempts to take adaptive
mechanisms into account (Nairne et al., 2007). These
“adaptive memory” studies have shown a mnemonic
advantage for survival processing that is superior to some
well-established encoding conditions including mental
imagery, self-reference, relational processing, and
intentional learning (Nairne and Pandeirada, 2008; 2010;
Nairne et al., 2008). Nairne et al. (2007), asked participants
to imagine that they had been stranded on an unfamiliar
grassland. They then viewed a list of words and provided
a score for each one to indicate its importance for surviving
in such an environment. Control conditions included one in
which participants were asked to score the words while
imagining a move to a new home in a foreign country, and
another in which participants were simply asked to rate the
pleasantness of each word. A surprise free-recall task
given at the conclusion of the experiment showed superior
word recall for the adaptive memory condition compared to
the other two. Other investigators have replicated these
findings both within- and between-subjects and with
alternate scenarios meant to control for schematic
processing (Kang et al., 2008; Weinstein et al., 2008).
Some see these results as evidence that selective
pressures have shaped memory and that the effects of this
shaping are manifest in superior recall for items easily
associated with survival (Nairne et al., 2009).
Several researchers have challenged or refined the
survival processing explanation, igniting a rich debate
(Butler et al., 2009; Otgaar and Smeets, 2010; Burns et al.,
2011; Otgaar et al., 2010; Nairne and Pandeirada, 2011).
Among the most intriguing are two studies suggesting that
the survival advantage does not appear in implicit memory
(Tse and Altarriba, 2010) or face recognition (Savine et al.,
2011) and another that proposes a special form of iconic
memory for threatening visual stimuli (Kuhbandner et al.,
2011). These results underscore the importance of
teaching memory as multi-modal and testing the possible
survival advantages for different forms of memory across a
wide variety of experimental situations.
Nairne et al. (2007) employed a grasslands scenario on
the assumption that adaptive memory emerged during the
Pleistocene era of human hunter-gatherers. Although
JUNE is a publication of Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN)
The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Spring 2017, 15(2):A122-A127 A123
dating the birth of adaptive memory is as difficult and
speculative as dating the birth of modern human language,
the two are often intertwined and certainly interdependent
in any task that employs word recall. Therefore, it would
be beneficial to develop an adaptive memory paradigm that
does not use word lists or visual and auditory stimuli that
can be linked to a participant’s lexicon.
Unlike memory for word lists, taste memory has been
studied within a functionalist evolutionary framework for
decades (for review see Rozin and Kalat, 1971; Garcia et
al., 1985) and the progress has been such that some
researchers have proposed specific molecular
mechanisms for specific taste memories (for review see
Bermúdez-Rattoni, 2004). Building on the taste memory
and adaptive memory literatures, we used a modification of
the adaptive memory paradigm to develop a student
exercise to explore survival coding for taste in human
participants. We used a variety of non-sweetened teas as
our stimulus set. Tea is inexpensive and comes in a wide
variety of flavors that, with a few exceptions, defy lexical
labels and are, therefore, not amenable to mnemonic
devices. Tea is also typically bitter when unsweetened
which may be beneficial for taste recall demonstrations
since memory for deviations in bitter tastes is more
accurate than memory for deviations in sweetness (Köster
et al., 2004; Stevenson and Oaten, 2010). Additionally, the
survival significance of detecting and remembering
bitterness, a characteristic of alkaloid poisons, can be
introduced to students at the behavioral, systems, or
molecular levels (e.g., Rozin and Kalat, 1971; Garcia et al.,
1985; Bermúdez-Rattoni, 2004; Fischer et al., 2004).
In one experiment, we asked individual student
participants to imagine scenarios and rate tea flavors
based on poison content, marketability, or bitterness. Like
Nairne et al. (2007), we aimed to create conditions that
would tap different "levels of processing" (Craik and
Lockhart, 1972; Challis et al. 1996). Briefly, levels of
processing theory predicts that memory will be better for
items that are encoded while a participant relates them to
other objects or events (deep processing) than it will be for
items that are encoded while the participant only considers
the item’s features (shallow processing). We had one
adaptive memory deep processing task, one non-adaptive
deep processing task, and one shallow processing task.
After completing a distracter task, our participants took a
surprise taste recognition test in which we presented both
previously encountered and novel stimuli. We
hypothesized that, compared to those in the other two
conditions, the participants in the imaginary poison content
condition would be better at discriminating between
recently encountered and novel teas. Additionally,
recognition would be better for those who engaged in non-
adaptive deep processing compared to those who engaged
in shallow processing.
A second experiment employed a modified procedure
suitable for testing students en masse. Using a similar but
streamlined technique, we tested the hypothesis that a
future-directed temporal orientation (planning) could
enhance the survival processing effect (Klein et al., 2011).
Upon completion of this experiment, students should be
able to:
1. Describe memory not as a single function, but as a
collection of systems shaped by natural selection.
2. Describe the adaptive uses of the sensory systems and,
with these in mind, propose experiments aimed at
exploring the adaptive memory of each.
3. Describe how recall (and, presumably, encoding) can
be difficult when the stimuli are not easily to label.
4. Compare and contrast the adaptive memory effect and
levels-of-processing effect and consider whether or not
they are, in fact, different effects or a common effect
that can be exhibited by different techniques.
These experiments complied with the standards of
Millersville University’s Institutional Review Board. In the
first experiment, fifty-three undergraduates participated in
30-minute sessions in exchange for course credit.
Participants were tested individually in a classroom
environment by fellow undergraduates.
We obtained 32 different loose-leaf teas from a local
market and brewed each one by steeping 3 tablespoons in
32 ounces of hot water for four minutes. We allowed them
to cool, numbered them, and then stored them at room
temperature (21°C), in sealable plastic containers for at
least 12 hours before use.
Prior to data collection, a group of eleven undergraduates
volunteered to screen the 32 teas. We gave them 5 ml of
each tea to taste and consume and asked each to describe
or label them according to as many characteristics as they
could subjectively identify (e.g., tastes minty, smells like
lemon, tastes very bitter). We were concerned that tea
recognition could be confounded by labeling; for example,
one could report recognizing a particular tea flavor
because they originally encoded the stimulus with a label,
such as “lemonyor unusually bitter,” and not because
they recognized the actual stimulus. To minimize labeling
effects, we chose the 16 teas that the volunteers described
or labeled most inconsistently.
Set A
Set B
China Black*
Ceylon Ultima
Earl Grey
English Breakfast
Lemon Spice*
Imperial Green
Turk Caravan*
Russian Ancai
Yorkshire Gold**
Table 1. Teas Used. Teas were made by White Coffee (Long
Island City, NY) except *Metropolitan Tea Company
(Cheektowaga, NY) and **Brands of Britain (San Ramon, CA).
Hallock et al. Recognition Without Words A124
We divided the selected teas into two sets of eight
(Table 1) and presented each participant with one of the
two sets (Set A, n = 29; Set B, n = 24) to taste and swallow
for the encoding phase.
After selecting a tea set, we randomly assigned
participants to one of three encoding conditions and an
experimenter read the corresponding scenario aloud. The
three scenarios were as follows:
Condition 1
(Survival Condition, n = 18): Imagine that all tea leaves
naturally contain a certain amount of poison and that, even
though the poisonous properties of these teas have been
neutralized during processing for human consumption,
some taste of the original poison remains. You are at a
prime age for tasting the poison present in the tea leaves,
even though the tea is no longer toxic. Please rate each
tea on a scale of 0 to 10 based on how much poison you
think was in the tea leaves prior to processing, with 0
signifying no poison, 5 signifying a moderate amount of
poison, and 10 signifying a large amount of poison.
Condition 2
(Marketing Condition, n = 16): Imagine that the university is
instituting a new program which will have students grow
teas in the university greenhouse and then sell them to the
community in a new campus store. You have been chosen
to rate a selection of teas based on how well you think
each one will sell. Please rate each tea on a scale of 0 to
10 based on how well you think each tea will sell with 0
signifying that the tea will not sell at all, 5 signifying that the
tea will sell moderately well, and 10 signifying that the tea
will sell very well.
Condition 3
(Bitterness Condition, n = 19): Please rate each tea on a
scale of 0 to 10 based on how bitter you think it is, with a 0
signifying that the tea is not bitter at all, 5 signifying that
that the tea is moderately bitter, and 10 signifying that the
tea is extremely bitter.
We used an alternating strategy to assign participants
to the sets and we counterbalanced presentation
sequences within sets. We then blindfolded the participant
and presented the eight teas in individual plastic cups
containing 5 ml of liquid at room temperature (21°C). After
tasting and rating a tea, the participant rinsed their mouth
with 100 ml of water, spit the water out, and waited 30
seconds for the next tea. At the conclusion of the rating
phase, we instructed the participant to remove the blindfold
and complete a ten-minute digit recall task similar to the
one used by Nairne et al. (2008). Then we surprised them
by asking them to put the blindfold back over their eyes
and taste the full set of 16 teas, which included the eight
teas from the rating phase as well as eight novel ones.
Again, we instructed the participant to taste, swallow, and
rinse but this time, instead of assigning a rating to each
tea, the participant responded to a forced-choice, yes or
no, to indicate if they had tasted the tea in the rating phase.
After tasting all 16 teas, the participant removed the
blindfold and completed a tea familiarity questionnaire
which simply asked how often they drank tea (0, 1-3, 4-6,
or more than 6 times/week) and how many different flavors
they typically sampled each week.
We used an alpha level of 0.05 for all statistical tests.
Figure 1 shows the mean recognition score, measured as
d per MacMillan and Creelman (1991), for the three
conditions. One participant's score was more than two
standard deviations above the mean for that condition and
was therefore excluded from the analyses. Participants in
the bitterness condition performed at chance level. A single
factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant
effect for condition, F(2,49) = 7.15, MSE = 0.07, p = 0.002,
η2p = 0.23. Scheffé tests for multiple comparisons showed
that while recognition scores differed significantly between
the survival condition and the bitterness condition,
p = .011, as well as between the marketing condition and
the bitterness condition, p = .006, there was no significant
difference between the survival and marketing condition
scores, p = 0.954.
Figure 1. Mean (+SEM) d’ scores for the three conditions used in
Experiment 1. The mean score for Bitterness was significantly
lower than that for Marketing (p = 0.006) as well as Survival
(p = 0.011). Survival and Marketing scores did not differ
significantly (p = 0.954).
We explored the possibility of a link between tea
familiarity and recognition with a single factor ANOVA that
revealed no significant differences among groups of
participants who reported drinking tea 0 times/week, 1-3
times/week, and 4-6 times/week, F(2,48) = 0.73,
MSE = 0.10, p = 0.487. (No participants reported
consuming tea more than six times per week.) ANOVAs
were also used to verify that the effect of condition seen
across all participants existed within each of the two tea
sets (A and B). Recognition (d’) was compared for
participants in the three conditions who tasted teas in Set
A, F(2,26) = 3.73, MSE = 0.06, p = 0.038, as well as Set B,
F(2,20) = 7.18, MSE = 0.06, p = 0.005. Post hoc analyses
confirm the same effect of condition within both tea sets.
We modified the previous procedure to test the effect of
planning on survival processing scenarios and streamline
The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Spring 2017, 15(2):A122-A127 A125
data collection for classroom situations.
One investigator tested forty-one undergraduates in two
large groups as part of a demonstration for a cognitive
psychology class. The students had studied the sensory
systems and attention but had yet to study memory.
We reserved a single classroom and prepared individual
desks for testing up to 25 participants. We prepared teas
as described in Experiment 1 and distributed 5 ml
quantities in opaque plastic 30ml cups. Single sheets of
paper described one of two experimental scenarios as well
as a common distractor task that instructed the students to
calculate the mean of twenty single-digit numbers. Each
desk had eight cups of tea and one instruction sheet
placed face-down. The four teas to be consumed for the
rating phase were labelled A-D and visible on the desktops
while the four cups to be used in the recognition phase,
also labelled A-D, were behind the other four and draped
with paper towels. We used a Latin square method to
create 16 unique rating sets. Two teas in each
corresponding recognition set were randomly selected from
the four in the rating set while the other two were selected
from the remaining teas.
Having prepared each desk with one of the 16 possible tea
sets, the investigator led the students into the classroom,
gave them pencils, and told them to read their individual
instruction sheets which included one of the following
Condition 1
(Survival without Planning Condition, n = 19): Imagine that
you are lost in the wilderness, far from home and without
any water. You have come across an abandoned
campsite and find four heavy jars that appear to contain
four different teas. You are not sure if the teas are safe to
drink, but you are very thirsty now and need to drink
something in order to survive. You decide to sample each
tea and then immediately drink from the jar of the one that
you believe is safest. Please taste and rate each tea on a
scale of 0 to 10 based on how safe you think each tea is
with 0 signifying unsafe, 5 signifying moderately safe, and
10 signifying that the tea is very safe.
Condition 2
(Survival with Planning Condition, n = 22): Imagine that you
are lost in the wilderness, far from home and without any
water. You have come across an abandoned campsite
and find four heavy jars that appear to contain four different
teas. You are not sure if the teas are safe to drink and you
are not thirsty now, but you are lost and will eventually
need to drink something in order to survive. You decide to
sample each tea and then carry the jar of tea that you
believe is safest. Please taste and rate each tea on a
scale of 0 to 10 based on how safe you think each tea is
with 0 signifying unsafe, 5 signifying moderately safe, and
10 signifying that the tea is very safe.
Participants drank the teas at their own pace, provided
scores on the instruction sheet on spaces labelled A-D,
and completed the distractor task. The investigator then
distributed a second sheet of paper that instructed them to
“Gently remove the cover from the four remaining cups, try
each one and indicate if this tea was in the first group of
four or if it is a new tea. Circle the appropriate answer.” A
list of teas, A-D, followed along with the text: “This tea was
in the first group of four. / This is a new tea.” A third sheet
asked a final question; “What strategies (if any) did you use
to remember the teas?” The responses remained at the
corresponding desks when the students were dismissed.
Whereas Experiment 1 required participants to make
sixteen binary decisions, Experiment 2 required them to
make only four. Fourteen participants (34%) performed
perfectly and the resultant ceiling effect, combined with the
fact that four binary choices yield only five possible
recognition score (d’) values, precluded data analysis with
parametric tests. Because of the low sample sizes, we
collapsed the data into below chance (d’ < 0), chance (d’ =
0) and above chance (d’ > 0) scores (Figure 2). A 2x3
Freeman-Halton Fisher exact test did not show a
significant difference between the two conditions, p =
When asked to describe the strategies used to recall
the teas, 32 participants stated that they relied on taste
and/or smell, but only five mentioned the use of descriptive
labels like bitter, and watered-down. None stated that they
recognized a specific tea. We saw no evidence of
consistent labelling and nine participants reported having
no strategy at all. Six of these nine performed at above
chance and two of them performed perfectly despite having
no insight to their ability.
Figure 2. Frequency distributions of recognition scores for the
participants in Experiment 2.
Student investigators and participants found these
experiments simple and tolerable, if not enjoyable.
Although most participants had performed some form of
word recall memory task as part of a classroom
demonstration in previous high school or college courses,
Hallock et al. Recognition Without Words A126
none had previously performed a memory task involving
taste. The process, of course, presents opportunities to
discuss methodological and analytical issues but the
results should lend themselves to rich classroom
discussions about the multi-modal nature of memory,
levels-of-processing theory, and the challenge of recalling
(and, presumably, encoding) stimuli that are not easily
Unfortunately, we still do not know if and how survival
processing scenarios apply to taste recall. For example, in
Experiment 1, contrary to previous findings, our adaptive
memory (Survival) condition failed to produce superior
recognition compared to a non-adaptive marketing
condition. However, the poison and marketing conditions
elicited much better recognition than the bitterness
One interpretation of the Experiment 1 results, and
perhaps the most parsimonious one, is that we have
demonstrated a standard levels-of-processing effect (Craik
and Lockhart, 1972; Challis et al., 1996). The survival and
marketing conditions required imaginative elaboration
(deep processing) whereas the bitterness condition
required only sensory analysis (shallow processing). This
interpretation suggests that while our data show no
obvious adaptive memory effect, the levels-of-processing
effect is robust.
Another possible explanation for the lack of an adaptive
memory effect in Experiment 1 could be that the encoding
processes for tastes and words are qualitatively different.
For example, one recent study found that the adaptive
memory advantage for words could be accounted for by
fluctuations in both relational and item-specific processing
(Burns et al. 2011). Relational processing between the
tea flavors in our study and the encoding scenarios would
have been difficult, given that the tea flavors were chosen
because they defied labels. Congruency between encoded
stimuli and processing tasks may also play a role in
adaptive memory; recall is best when words are congruent
with the encoding scenario (Butler et al., 2009; but see
Nairne and Pandeirada, 2011). In Experiment 1, however,
the scenario most congruent with the tea flavors was
arguably the bitterness condition, in which recognition was
no better than chance.
Another possibility is that both the poison and
marketability conditions induced adaptive memory since
financial stability can be thought of as fitness-relevant by
modern day standards. While previous experiments (Kang
et al., 2008; Nairne and Pandeirada, 2010; Weinstein et al.,
2008) have shown that the survival advantage for words is
linked to encoding scenarios that are ancestral (e.g.,
grasslands survival) as opposed to contemporary (e.g., city
survival, planning a bank heist), Soderstrom and McCabe
(2011) found no differences in recall between ancestral
and modern scenarios. Although the personal acquisition
of wealth could benefit survival in modern societies, our
marketing scenario made no mention of direct personal
gain. Our participants were working for the benefit of an
institution and any expectation of reward would have been
assumed and based on subjective interpretation alone. An
adaptive memory benefit cannot be ruled out in the
marketing condition but, if it is present, it should not be as
large as it is in the survival condition, with its clear and
direct link to personal fitness. Of course, any investigation
of adaptive memory must consider the limited external
validity of the lab where students, hopefully, don’t feel
In Experiment 2, we aimed to test another hypothesis
using a method suitable for classroom demonstrations.
Klein et al. (2011) suggested that the future-directed
temporal orientation of the survival scenarios used by
Nairne et al., (2007) explained much of the survival
advantage. That is, recall is enhanced when participants
are encouraged to plan for the future (as they are in most
survival scenarios). We found that, although our
participants, who tasted only eight samples, had higher
recognition scores than those in Experiment 1, who tasted
24, they failed to demonstrate a clear future-directed
temporal orientation (planning) effect when the two groups
were compared. Both of our Experiment 2 scenarios had
explicit survival components and, perhaps, a survival
effect” lifted recognition to a common performance ceiling
that masked the “planning effect.” We can only conclude
that we failed to detect a significant additive benefit for
Like the original eleven volunteers who were invited to
help us choose the teas, the experimental participants
struggled to label the teas in a way that could possibly
serve recall. We surveyed Experiment 2 participants to
see if they could express any insight on how they were
able to recognize the teas. Although most reported that
they used olfaction and taste, and a few stated that they
noted qualities like bitterness, none mentioned a label that
could be attributed to a specific tea. These results can be
used to illustrate how recall can be good - and sometimes
perfect - in the absence of insight.
Exercises like these may lead cognitive psychology or
perception students to a more comprehensive
understanding of the various forms of memory and how
they have been shaped by natural selection. Memory is
multi-modal but, as a matter of convenience, most textbook
examples and lab demonstrations employ visual or
auditory/lexical stimuli. Students should understand that
different forms of memory involve different mechanisms
and serve many different purposes. We have developed a
simple, inexpensive technique that illustrates memory in a
seldom-explored sensory domain. To our knowledge, this
investigation represents the first application of the Nairne
et al., (2007) strategy to taste memory and we believe it
holds great promise for both instruction and exploratory
investigation. Instructors can easily simplify or expand the
procedure or try other taste stimuli (flavored jelly beans are
convenient, but we found them too easy to label).
Instructors can also develop new imaginary scenarios to
target specific cognitive tasks, like planning.
We still do not know if adaptive memory can be clearly
demonstrated with taste stimuli, but this simple and cost-
effective experimental technique shines a light on a seldom
studied form of memory, it yields a levels-of-processing
effect, and opens the door to discussions about the
evolutionary origins of cognition.
The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Spring 2017, 15(2):A122-A127 A127
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Received July 08, 2016; revised February 02, 2017; accepted February
03, 2017.
This work was supported in part by a Millersville University Undergraduate
Research Grant.
We thank Richard Carlson, Stuart McCaughey, and the anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript.
We also thank Henry L. Roediger III for suggesting experimental avenues
for this novel technique.
Henry L. Hallock and Heather Garman conducted Experiment 1 while
undergraduates and Chelsea L. Fleeger collected the data for Experiment
2 while a graduate assistant at Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
Address correspondence to: Shawn P. Gallagher, 210B Byerly Hall,
Millersville University, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551. E-mail:
Copyright © 2017 Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
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This paper briefly reviews the evidence for multistore theories of memory and points out some difficulties with the approach. An alternative framework for human memory research is then outlined in terms of depth or levels of processing. Some current data and arguments are reexamined in the light of this alternative framework and implications for further research considered.
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Nairne, Thompson, and Pandeirada (2007) demonstrated a striking phenomenon: Words rated for relevance to a grasslands survival scenario were remembered better than identical words encoded under other deep processing conditions. Having replicated this effect using a novel set of words (Experiment 1), we contrasted the schematic processing and evolutionary accounts of the recall advantage (Experiment 2). Inconsistent with the schematic processing account, the grasslands survival scenario produced better recall than did a city survival scenario requiring comparable schematic processing. Recall in the grasslands scenario was unaffected by a self-reference manipulation. The findings are consistent with an evolutionary account that attributes the recall advantage to adaptive memory biases.
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The mnemonic benefit of rating words according to their relevance in a survival scenario is well documented (e.g., Nairne, Thompson, & Pandeirada, 2007). The present study examined whether the survival processing effect would extend to face stimuli. We tested this hypothesis in five experiments, using multiple survival and control scenarios, real and computer-generated face sets, within- and between-subjects designs, and several memory tests, as well as free recall of survival-relevant and survival-neutral attribute statements written about the person. Although the standard survival processing effect was obtained for survival-relevant and neutral attribute statements, the survival processing effect was not obtained for face memory across all experiments. These results identify an important boundary condition for survival processing benefits.
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Five experiments were conducted to investigate a proposal by Butler, Kang, and Roediger (2009) that congruity (or fit) between target items and processing tasks might contribute, at least partly, to the mnemonic advantages typically produced by survival processing. In their research, no significant survival advantages were found when words were preselected to be highly congruent or incongruent with a survival and control (robbery) scenario. Experiments 1a and 1b of the present report show that survival advantages, in fact, generalize across a wide set of selected target words; each participant received a unique set of words, sampled without replacement from a large pool, yet significant survival advantages remained. In Experiment 2, we found a significant survival advantage using words that had been preselected by Butler et al. to be highly unrelated (or irrelevant) to both the survival and control scenarios. Experiment 3 showed a significant survival advantage using word sets that had been preselected to be highly congruent with both scenarios. Finally, Experiment 4 mixed congruent and incongruent words in the same list, more closely replicating the design used by Butler et al., and a highly reliable main effect of survival processing was still obtained (although the survival advantage for the congruent words did not reach conventional levels of statistical significance). Our results suggest that the null effects of survival processing obtained by Butler et al. may not generalize beyond their particular experimental design.
Detection Theory is an introduction to one of the most important tools for analysis of data where choices must be made and performance is not perfect. Originally developed for evaluation of electronic detection, detection theory was adopted by psychologists as a way to understand sensory decision making, then embraced by students of human memory. It has since been utilized in areas as diverse as animal behavior and X-ray diagnosis. This book covers the basic principles of detection theory, with separate initial chapters on measuring detection and evaluating decision criteria. Some other features include: complete tools for application, including flowcharts, tables, pointers, and software;. student-friendly language;. complete coverage of content area, including both one-dimensional and multidimensional models;. separate, systematic coverage of sensitivity and response bias measurement;. integrated treatment of threshold and nonparametric approaches;. an organized, tutorial level introduction to multidimensional detection theory;. popular discrimination paradigms presented as applications of multidimensional detection theory; and. a new chapter on ideal observers and an updated chapter on adaptive threshold measurement. This up-to-date summary of signal detection theory is both a self-contained reference work for users and a readable text for graduate students and other researchers learning the material either in courses or on their own. © 2005 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
Infinitely various are the modifications of light and sound, whence they are each capable of supplying an endless variety of signs, and, accordingly, have been each employed to form languages; the one by the arbitrary appointment of mankind, the other by that of God himself. A connection established by the Author of Nature, in the ordinary course of things, may surely be called natural; as that made by men will be called artificial. GEORGE BERKELEY, 1733
Do the operating characteristics of memory continue to bear the imprints of ancestral selection pressures? Previous work in our laboratory has shown that human memory may be specially tuned to retain information processed in terms of its survival relevance. A few seconds of survival processing in an incidental learning context can produce recall levels greater than most, if not all, known encoding procedures. The current experiments further establish the power of survival processing by demonstrating survival processing advantages against an encoding procedure requiring a combination of individual-item and relational processing. Participants were asked to make either survival relevance decisions or pleasantness ratings about words in the same categorized list. Survival processing produced the best recall, despite the fact that pleasantness ratings of words in a categorized list has long been considered a “gold standard” for enhancing free recall. The results also help to rule out conventional interpretations of the survival advantage that appeal to enhanced relational or categorical processing.
Previous research has shown that emotional stimuli are more likely than neutral stimuli to be selected by attention, indicating that the processing of emotional information is prioritized. In this study, we examined whether the emotional significance of stimuli influences visual processing already at the level of transient storage of incoming information in iconic memory, before attentional selection takes place. We used a typical iconic memory task in which the delay of a poststimulus cue, indicating which of several visual stimuli has to be reported, was varied. Performance decreased rapidly with increasing cue delay, reflecting the fast decay of information stored in iconic memory. However, although neutral stimulus information and emotional stimulus information were initially equally likely to enter iconic memory, the subsequent decay of the initially stored information was slowed for threatening stimuli, a result indicating that fear-relevant information has prolonged availability for read-out from iconic memory. This finding provides the first evidence that emotional significance already facilitates stimulus processing at the stage of iconic memory.
Recent research has suggested that our memory systems are especially tuned to process information according to its survival relevance, and that inducing problems of “ancestral priorities” faced by our ancestors should lead to optimal recall performance (Nairne & Pandeirada, Cognitive Psychology, 2010). The present study investigated the specificity of this idea by comparing an ancestor-consistent scenario and a modern survival scenario that involved threats that were encountered by human ancestors (e.g., predators) or threats from fictitious creatures (i.e., zombies). Participants read one of four survival scenarios in which the environment and the explicit threat were either consistent or inconsistent with ancestrally based problems (i.e., grasslands–predators, grasslands–zombies, city–attackers, city–zombies), or they rated words for pleasantness. After rating words based on their survival relevance (or pleasantness), the participants performed a free recall task. All survival scenarios led to better recall than did pleasantness ratings, but recall was greater when zombies were the threat, as compared to predators or attackers. Recall did not differ for the modern (i.e., city) and ancestral (i.e., grasslands) scenarios. These recall differences persisted when valence and arousal ratings for the scenarios were statistically controlled as well. These data challenge the specificity of ancestral priorities in survival-processing advantages in memory.