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Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Production
Mendel University in Brno
Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno
Abstract: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the production types of grasses
to stress-induced reduction of normal precipitation in relation to their production characteristics
and the structure of biological phytomass. The covers were established by planting of pre-grown plants
of the individual grass species in the spring of 2009 in the form of a small-plot experiment
in two blocks. Block A normal precipitation mode, Block B reduced precipitation mode consisting
in roofing of 50% of the experimental area coverage by a special film with a minimum reduction
of light conditions in order to drain a half of rainfall out of the area. In the crop year 2011 the annual
total Rainfall was relatively lower by 14.0% (632.8 mm) than the long-term average, i.e. 736 mm.
The species with the highest ability to create fodder of Dactylis glomerata significantly decreased fodder
production and formation of above-ground shoots due to reduced precipitation in meadow utilization. A
simile trend was also observed in the utilization in Festuca pratensis. The lowest reduction in production
due to drought appeared in Lolium perenne.
Key Words: Drought, Dactylis, Festuca, Lolium
In recent years, the increasingly frequent topic is climate change. This change (rising
temperatures, lengthening of the growing season, increasing evaporation) significantly affects
agricultural production in traditional production areas of Central Europe, as illustrated by example better
results in growing of corn on its northern or upper height limit. Changes in the amounts and timing of
rainfall events will probably affect ecosystem processes, including those that control carbon (C) cycling
and storage. In relation to the ongoing global warming, it is desirable to test resistance
of grass species to a lack of moisture. Seasonal variation in precipitation and temperature are important
controls of soil and plant processes in grasslands (Fiala et al. 2012).
Many species respond to drought by maintaining high water potential by reducing water losses or
better adsorption. Limitation of water losses can be reduced in the development of water stress
by rolling the leaves or fast closing stomata. The plants, however, not only reduce transpiration, but also
reduce photosynthesis and thus growth and development (Xu et al. 2006). Interaction of drought stress
with high temperature has a greater effect than the damaging effects of each stressor separately. There
is a loss of water by transpiration required for cooling and thus faster drying (Jiang, Huang 2001).
Almost a third of the fresh water that is consumed in Europe is used in agriculture, mostly
for irrigation (Flörkea, Alfami 2004).
A high water demand for creation of grass production is found in Novak (2008). The range
of transpiration coefficient of 600–800 l of water for production of 1 kg of dry matter of foyer points to
the differences between grass species. Rychnovska (1993) gives the daily maximum of transpiration in
production grasses (cock’s-foot, meadow fescue, timothy-grass) at the level of 1030 mg· gl of dry
matter per minute, and in case of grasses of hygrophyte character up to 60 mg· gl of dry matter per
minute. On hot days, high evaporation causes a so-called saturation water deficit in grassland amounting
to ca. 20% of the water needs even if there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
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Characterization of growing locality and experimental design
Experimental studies are conducted at the experimental site of the Mendel University in Brno, in
the Fodder Research Station of Vatín. From an agronomic categorization point of view it is
a potato-growing region, with altitude of 535 m.
Weather conditions:
• average annual temperature 6.9°C (of which for vegetation 12.6°C annual),
• amount of precipitation 736 mm (of which for vegetation 440 mm).
The covers were established by planting of pre-grown plants of the individual grass species
in the spring of 2009 in the form of a small-plot experiment in two blocks. Block A normal
precipitation mode, Block B reduced precipitation mode consisting in roofing of 50% of the
experimental area coverage by a special film with a minimum reduction of light conditions so as
to drain a half of rainfall out of the area. The mode of precipitation regulation was applied only
in the second year after planting for the reason of allowing the same conditions for initial growth
and development of plants. In the years 2010–2012, precipitation regulation was implemented during
the warm months, i.e. from 01. 04. to 31. 10.
Growing Variants:
Each variant consisted of planting 25 pcs of individuals grown in layouts of 200 × 200 mm
in triplicate (a, b, c). Planting was carried out in June 2009. In the first year, clearing the covers
of weeds was done manually. Harvest of the covers (individual plants) was carried out 2× a year only in
the year of establishment. From 2010 was subjected to a “model” 5-fold mowing grazing utilization and
3-fold mowing. NPK fertilizer was applied to the surface of the (dose of N 50 kg · ha-1) before planting.
In the next year’s crop fertilization was 150 kg N · ha-1, of which 1/3 NPK after hibernation and 2 more
doses after mowing LAV 27.5%.
The subject matter of monitoring and evaluation was a total of 3 grass species (Dactylis
glomerata, Festuca pratensis and Lolium perenne) and their suitable varieties, as for meadow
and grazing character (see the overview given below). Harvest of the covers (individual plants) was
carried out system of 3-fold mowing meadow utilization and “model” 5-fold mowing simulated grazing
Evaluation of inter-species differences in production and differences in production among
the water mode were subjected to the ANOVA test. Results were evaluated with Tukey's test.
Differences were declared to be statistically significant when P ≤ 0.05.
Grazing utilization
When applying the simulated grazing 5-fold mowing utilization, was Dactylis glomerata with
total weight of 470.5 g · 1-1 plant in the average of moisture modes, then Lolium perenne and Festuca
pratensis with a relative decrease of 16.9% and 21.9%. In Dactylis glomerata, the production was even
slightly higher (rel. + 3.1%). In Lolium perenne there was a decline in production due to reduced
precipitation of rel. - 15.3%, while a conclusively lower production applies to years 2011 and 2012.
In Festuca pratensis the production was relatively reduced by - 11.9%. A lower production is conclusive
in 2012. Despite the overall lower fodder production, utilization of multiple mowing may be related to
better adaptation to an uneven course of precipitation during the growing season.
Influence of the year on differences in plant weight is generally very significant. In Lolium
perenne differences between the year 2010 and the two following harvest years are significant, with
a clear tendency to decreasing production capability and in both good moisture modes. In Dactylis
glomerata, there was a significant difference only of decline in production in the third year 2012
in the normal moisture mode. In Festuca pratensis there is a significant drop in production in the third
year 2012, too, in both moisture modes.
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Table 1 Weight of plants of grass species (in grams per plant) in dry state in simulated grazing utilization
(5 mowings), in two moisture mode, 2010–2012.
Species Moisture
Weight of plants (g · l-1 piece) in dry matter ∑ 2010–2012
218.6 a
226.3 a
113.0 b
81.7 a
88.6 b
48.3 a
Rel. % 103.5 72.3 48.3 84.7
177.1 a
166.2 a
183.1 a
169.3 a
Rel. % 103.4 101.9 104.4 103.1
162.7 a
145.2 a
142.2 a
134.8 a
Rel. % 87.4 92.8 84.2 89.1
Different letters indicate statistically significant differences.
Meadow utilization
The highest weight of dry fodder plants for three harvest years and an average of both moisture
modes were achieved in Dactylis glomerata 586.4 g · 1-1 plant. Production in Lolium perenne 464.2
g · 1-1 plant and Festuca pratensis 453.7 g · 1-1 plant is relative lower by - 20.8% and 22.6%, which is a
significant difference. The effect of reduced precipitation was manifested in decreased production
at most in Dactylis glomerata to the level of 58.8%, further in Festuca pratensis by a decrease of 1/3
(rel. to 66.5%) and at least in Lolium perenne where the production dropped to the level of 90.1%.
However, a significant effect of reduced precipitation on production was, except for partial differences
in certain mowings, only found in Festuca pratensis and that was only in 2012. The influence of year
on production was significant.
Table 2 Weight of plants of grass species (in grams per plant) in dry state in meadow utilization
(3 mowings/year), in two moisture mode, 2010–2012
Species Moisture
Weight of plants (g · l-1piece) in dry matter ∑ 2010–2012
Lolium perenne
245.9 a
236.8 a
116.9 a
114.0 a
125.7 a
89.2 a
Rel. %
163.1 a
132.9 a
236.8 a
137.7 b
338.8 a
163.5 a
Rel. %
151.9 a
198.6 a
194.6 a
112.2 a
149.7 a
100.4 b
Rel. % 73.9 75.4 51.6 66.5
Different letters indicate statistically significant differences.
The species with the highest ability to create fodder of Dactylis glomerata significantly decreased
fodder production and formation of above-ground shoots due to reduced precipitation
in meadow utilization. A simile trend was also observed in the utilization in Festuca pratensis.
The decrease in both production and the number of shoots was conclusive due to the year. The lowest
reduction in production due to drought appeared in Lolium perenne. In this species, production decreases
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significantly with ageing of the cover. In case of the grazing system, production of all grass species was
insignificantly lower as compared with meadow exploitation. The effect of drought
on decrease in production (in Lolium perenne) has not been proved.
The paper was prepared under the support from Grant IGA TP 2/2015: „Effect of selenium
on the quality of plant and animal production from the perspective of health safety“.
Fiala K., Tuma I., Holub, P. 2012. Interannual Variation in Root Production in Grasslands Affected by
Artificially Modified Amount of Rainfall. The Scientific World Journal, 2012: 1–10.
Flörke M., Alcamo J. 2004. European outlook on water use. Final report, Centre for Environmental
Systems Research. Kassel: University of Kassel.
Jiang Y., Huang B. 2001. Drought and Heat Stress Injury to Two Cool-Season Turfgrasses in Relation
to Antioxidant Metabolism and Lipid Peroxidation. Crop Science, 41(2): 436–442.
Novak J. 2008. Pasienky, luky a travniky. 1st ed. Prievidza: Patria.
Rychnovska M. [ed] 1993. Structure and Functioning of Seminatural Meadows. Prague: Academia (et
Xu B. Li F., Shan L., Ma Y., Ichizen N., Huang J. 2006. Gas exchange, biomass partition, and water
relationships of three grass seedlings under water stress. Weed Biology and Management, 6(2): 79–88.
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Cieľom environmentálne zameranej monografie Pasienky, lúky a trávniky, ktorá zároveň môže poslúžiť ako učebnica pre vysoké školy a univerzity prírodovedného zamerania, je poskytnúť študentom, vedeckovýskumným a riadiacim pracovníkom v praxi, ale aj ostatným záujemcom teoretické a praktické poznatky z historického vývoja trávnych porastov, biológie a pratotechniky, v prepojení s výživou hospodárskych zvierat a trávnikov. Okrem produkčných funkcií sa zaoberá aj mimoprodukčnými funkciami, ktoré sa viažu na ekológiu, ochranu a tvorbu leso-poľnohospodárskej krajiny. Druhé vydanie (prvé vydanie 2008), predkladané odbornej verejnosti, je doplnené o nové poznatky, ktoré boli zaregistrované v priebehu desiatich rokov od jej prvého vydania a prepracované niektoré časti. V „Zozname použitej literatúry“ sú doplnené ďalšie tituly na prehĺbenie vedomostí a pre lepšiu orientáciu v rozsiahlych textoch je zaradený „Register“. Diela na túto tému, vydané v posledných desaťročiach, zohľadňovali najmä vysokú koncentráciu chovov hospodárskych zvierat a intenzifikáciu výroby krmovín na trvalých trávnych porastoch, s cieľom dosiahnuť maximálne úrody na všetkých plochách, dostupných pre mechanizačné prostriedky. V súčasnosti sa okrem produkčného aspektu trvalých trávnych porastov čoraz viac dostáva do popredia ich mimoprodukčný (ekologický) význam. Táto publikácia je prvá svojho druhu, ktorá sa komplexne venuje pasienkom, lúkam, ale aj trávnikom, ktoré boli doteraz publikované samostatne. Mala by prispieť k celkovej orientácii človeka v jeho životnom prostredí, ktoré čím ďalej tým viac smeruje k ekologizácii. Kniha prináša prehľad biologických zákonitostí a pojmov z oblasti vzťahu rastlín k vonkajšiemu životnému prostrediu na úrovni organizmov rastlín, populácií a fytocenóz, ale aj živočíchov, ich populácií a zoocenóz. Zameriava sa na floristiku, spoločenstvá rastlín v oblasti Karpát, využívanie a bonitáciu porastov, možnosť revitalizácie a obnovy po poškodení a uskladnenie nadzemnej fytomasy. Interdisciplinárny charakter predmetu vyžaduje štúdium základných znalostí, preto využíva poznatky zo systematickej botaniky, zoológie, fyziológie rastlín, chémie, mikrobiológie, geológie, pôdoznalectva, herbológie, ochrany rastlín, ekológie a iných disciplín. Vysvetľuje najnovšie základné javy, štruktúru a funkcie trávneho ekosystému, ich produktivitu a zásady hodnotenia kvality krmu pre výživu zvierat. Lúky a pasienky slúžia ako zdroj hodnotného krmu pre vysokoúžitkový, ale aj extenzívny chov zvierat. Musia zodpovedať kvalitatívnym požiadavkám, pretože sa dostávajú do potravového reťazca, ktorého súčasťou je aj človek. Trávniky ako súčasť trávnych ekosystémov slúžia na technické účely a skultúrnenie životného prostredia. Význam trávnych porastov v podhorských a horských regiónoch, ktoré plnia nielen produkčnú, ale aj významné mimoprodukčné funkcie, by mal postupne narastať. Mimoprodukčné funkcie súvisia s ochranou životného prostredia, tvorbou krajiny, revitalizáciou druhovej diverzity, ktorá je významným stabilizačným prvkom pre krajinu. Problematika úzko súvisí aj s hospodárením s vodou pri zmene teplôt smerujúcej k otepľovaniu. Rastlinná pokrývka pôdy bráni pred vysúšaním pôdy, súvisí so zadržiavaním vody, jej filtrovaním a ukladaním do podzemných zásob. Dynamicky sa rozvíjajúce trávnikárstvo podporuje zmierňovanie eróznych procesov na rekultivovaných pôdach v postihnutých územiach a ochranu pôdy pred znečisťovaním. Každá strata rastliny v ekosystéme ochudobňuje budúce generácie. Poškodené trávovo-bylinné ekosystémy treba preto revitalizovať, aby sa obnovili ich funkcie. Krajina má byť čo najpestrejšia a biologicky vyvážená, ale zároveň zachovaním genofondu chránená nielen pre súčasnosť, ale aj pre nasledujúce generácie. Využívané trávne porasty nie sú len zelené, mnohé hýria pestrými farbami kvetov od jari do jesene, prispievajú ku krajinnému obrazu a koloritu krajiny, čím podporujú estetické cítenie človeka.
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Drought and high temperature are two major factors limiting the growth of cool-season turfgrasses during summer in many areas. The objective of the study was to examine whether the adverse effects of drought and heat alone or in combination on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) involve oxidative stress. Grasses were exposed to drought (withholding irrigation), heat (35°C/30°C), and the combined stresses for 30 d in growth chambers. Turf quality (TQ), leaf relative water content (RWC), and chlorophyll content (Chl) decreased with prolonged drought, heat, and combined stresses for both species, but the severity of decline varied with stress type and duration. Transient increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (AP), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities occurred at 6 or 12 d of drought and the combined stresses in both species; however, the activities of all three enzymes decreased with extended periods of drought and the combined stresses. The SOD activity was not affected by heat stress alone. The activities of AP and GR were reduced after 18 d of heat stress for both species, but reductions were less than under the combined stresses. The catalase (CAT) activity continued to decrease to below the control level, beginning at 12 d for drought-stressed or heat-stressed plants and 6 d for plants exposed to the combined stresses. Lipid peroxidation occurred after 18 d of stresses in both species, as indicated by the increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) content. The results suggested that injuries of drought, heat, or the combined stresses to both tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, as manifested by declines in TQ, RWC, and Chl, could be associated with a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities and an increase in membrane lipid peroxidation.
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The effect of different amounts of rainfall on the below-ground plant biomass was studied in three grassland ecosystems. Responses of the lowland (dry Festuca grassland), highland (wet Cirsium grassland), and mountain (Nardus grassland) grasslands were studied during five years (2006-2010). A field experiment based on rainout shelters and gravity irrigation simulated three climate scenarios: rainfall reduced by 50% (dry), rainfall increased by 50% (wet), and the natural rainfall of the current growing season (ambient). The interannual variation in root increment and total below-ground biomass reflected the experimentally manipulated amount of precipitation and also the amount of current rainfall of individual years. The effect of year on these below-ground parameters was found significant in all studied grasslands. In comparison with dry Festuca grassland, better adapted to drought, submontane wet Cirsium grassland was more sensitive to the different water inputs forming rather lower amount of below-ground plant matter at reduced precipitation.
Three grass species, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and Old World bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum), referred to as introduced, traditional, and indigenous species, respectively, in the Loess hilly gully region on Loess Plateau in China, were grown in a growth chamber. Water was withheld to let the soil gravimetric moisture content (SGMC) decline gradually from 14.92% for 15 days. The gas exchange characteristics, leaf water conditions, root and shoot growth, and water use efficiency (WUE) of the three grasses were compared. The SGMC of foxtail millet declined faster than that of switchgrass and Old World bluestem, and it maintained higher leaf water potential at a lower soil water content, indicating that it might have greater drought tolerance. During the process of soil drying, the stomatal conductance (Gs), photosynthesis rate, and transpiration rate (Tr) of foxtail millet and Old World bluestem declined linearly, whereas those of switchgrass declined parabolically. The Gs of each grass was significantly different between the stressed and well-watered (WW) conditions. When the SGMC declined to ≈ 11.0%, 9.5%, and 8.6%, respectively, the leaf water potential was significantly different between the two growing conditions, showing the appearance of non-hydraulic and hydraulic signals. As a result of greater stomatal adjustment ability and a smaller Gs, foxtail millet had a high WUE. Among the three grasses, switchgrass had a high Tr and root/shoot (R/S) ratio under both WW and stressed conditions, and water stress significantly improved its R/S ratio. The results showed that foxtail millet seedlings have the best drought adaptability in the flexible soil–water environment, whereas switchgrass seedlings have the worst, but a high R/S ratio might be advantageous under drought conditions once the seedlings are established.
  • M Rychnovska
Rychnovska M. [ed] 1993. Structure and Functioning of Seminatural Meadows. Prague: Academia (et Elsevier).