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Homeopathy in dentistry: A review



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International Journal of Contemporary Dental and Medical Reviews (2015), Article ID 030815, 5 Pages
Homeopathy in dentistry: Areview
Mahmoud Hoseinishad1, Azam Nosratipour2, Samineh Mozza ar Moghaddam3, Amin Khajavi4
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 2Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Disease Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Disease Center, School of Dentistry, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Homeopathy is an alternative therapy that has been used over 200 years. Homeopathic
remedies are used in dentistry to improve psychological or emotional condition of the
patients. Although the proposed homeopathic remedies are not supported by systematic
reviews, but many clinical trials and case-control studies have been published about the
e ectiveness of homeopathic remedies for oral and maxillofacial problems. This article
reviews some of this homeopathic application in dentistry.
Keywords: Alternative therapy, dentistry, homeopathy
Dr.Samineh Mozza ar Moghaddam,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences,
Mashhad, Iran. Tel/Fax: +985138414499.
Received 07August 2015;
Accepted 09September 2015
doi: 10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.87
How to cite the article:
Mahmoud Hoseinishad, Azam Nosratipour,
Samineh Mozza ar Moghaddam, “Homeopathy
in dentistry: A review”, IntJContemp Dent
Med Rev, vol. 2015, ArticleID:030815, 2015.
Homeopathy is the alternative therapy that has been used over
200 years. It was presented for the rst time by Samuel Hanemen
(1755-1843), but its basic tents go back to Paracelsus and
Hippocrates.[1] Hanemen worked on the treatment of malaria and
found that when a healthy person used the cinchona “a plant from
which quinine was derived” symptoms of malaria appear. This was
the advent of treatment which is in accordance with the energetic
principles of healing.[2] In modern medicine the symptom are the
direct result of the disease and tries to suppress them but due to
homeopathic concept the symptoms are the signs of bodies’ e ort
to conquest disease and tries to reinforce and not to inhibit them.
Homeopathy has a holistic view to health and believes that every
disease has basic causes that the homeopathic remedies focus on
them.[1] The rst Hanemen book “organon” was published on 1810.
He introduced three laws as the basic principles of homeopathy
including law of similarity, minimum dose and individuality.
Law of Similarity
One of the main principals in homeopathy is the rule of “like cure
likes.” Due to this law a substance like co ee which can cause
insomnia can be used for the treatment of patients who su ered
from this problem. Homeopathy accentuate to symptoms more
than the external causes of the disease. A remedy for a disease is a
substance that develops similar symptoms. The actions of medicine
are tested on healthy persons. These tests are called provings.
Haneman tried di erent substances on him and other healthy
volunteers and published a book named material medical.[2]
Minimum Dose
Homeopathic drugs are product which be obtained from
consecutive attenuation of a substance in alcohol or distilled
water. This process called potentiation. Because of the
substances are diluted they triggers the body’s natural system of
healing. Immunization is based on the law of similarity. The law
of similarity is in accordance with the Arndt-Schulz law. Due to
this law every drug in small doses has stimulating e ect whereas
this substance has an inhibitory e ect on larger doses.[3]
In homeopathy, all of patient’s symptoms are matched to a
distinct remedy. The patients’ symptoms are not only physical
but also include the emotional and mental. The patients’ traits
Homeopathy in dentistry Hoseinishad, et al.
such as food preferences, temperature preferences, and other
personal characteristics should be regarded. Hereupon with one
remedy several problems can be cured.[2]
Homeopathic Drugs
Homeopathic drugs are prescribed in two ways. One the
prescription of a drug for a speci c disease or chief complaint
and another for an individual based on his or her temperament.
Homeopathy is not in contrast with the modern medicine, but
it can be used as an adjunctive therapy with them speci cally for
the diseases that conventional medicine were not e ective for
them or have adverse side e ects.[2]
Critics on Homeopathy
Homeopaths claimed that their drugs are much diluted and in
such a concentration they have therapeutic e ects and triggers
natural healing. This principal is the most controversial law in
homeopathy. After potentiation process no residue of original
substance can be traced and after 12 decimal dilutions the water
molecules just have a memory of original substance.[3] This issue
is the most controversial debate in homeopathy. The society of
homeopaths (SOH) admits that scienti cally it cannot yet be
explained precisely that how homeopathy works. There is no
high-quality evidence that homeopathy is e ective, and its basic
principles don’t seem logical and have not the scienti c supports.
The proposed homeopathic remedies are not supported
by systematic reviews. Many believed that studies which
referred prepared outdated and misleading documents and the
e ectiveness of these remedies might be due to placebo e ect.[4]
Homeopathic Organization
These are three homeopathic organization include SOH which
provides registration for professional homeopaths has its code
of ethics and practice,[5] British homeopathic association which
promote homeopathy practices by doctors and own other
health care professionals[6] and, Faculty of homeopaths which
promotes academic and scienti c development of homeopathy
and ensures the highest standards in educational, training
and practice of homeopathy.[7] British Homeopathic Dental
Association (BHDA) is the only organization works on the
homeopathy in the eld of dentistry. BHDA aims to promote
the use of homeopathy within the dental profession and to
advance the professional understanding of the subject. (The
BHDA recommend that patients should try to nd dentists who
completed training by the FOH.[8]
Homeopathic Applications in Dentistry
In dentistry, homeopathic remedies have been proposed for
oral ulcers, sialorrhea, neuralgia, temporomandibular joint
disorders, xerostomia, lichen plan, and bruxism. However, there
is not enough evidence to support them. Di erent situations and
relative homeopathic drugs are shown in Table 1.[9-19]
Condition Symptoms Remedy Prescription
Toothache Chamomilla 200C 1 h before procedure-repeated
every 15min up to 6 doses
Delayed tooth eruption Calc carb 30C Twice a week
Apprehension/anxiety Trepidation with lethargy Gelsemium 30C Morning and evening and 1 h
before procedure
Trepidation with hyperactivity Arg.nit 30C Morning and evening and 1 h
before procedure
Reduction of scar formation a er
iosinamic 6C+silica
6C+arnica 6C+anagallis
6C+benzoic acid 6C
3times daily for 5days a er
Dry socket Belladonna 30C Every hour
Co ea 30C Every 15min
Hepar sulph6C Every 4 h
Abrasion(due to instrumentation
and manipulation)
Hypericum and Calendula ree times daily
Bleeding Persistent-red bright Phophorus 30C Every 15min
Persistent-dark blood Lachesis 30C Every hour
Trauma Bruising or fracture, chronic problems Arnica 30C ree times daily
Bruising or fracture, acute problems Arnica 30C Every hour up to 6 doses
Nerve damage Hypericum 30C Every hour
Table 1: Remedies recommended for di erent conditions
Hoseinishad, et al. Homeopathy in dentistry
Condition Symptoms Remedy Prescription
Puncture wounds Ledum 30C Every hour
Incisional wound Staphysagria 15C Every hour
Sore jaws-improved by warmth Mayphos 30C Every hour
Sore jaws-not improved by warmth Arnica 30C Every hour
Abcess Initially with throbbing and mild Belladonna 30C Every half hour
Halitosis, excessive salivation Merc sol 6C Every hour
Obvious pus Hepar sulph6C Every 2 h
Swollo-numbness Myristica 6X Every hour
Draining pus Silica 6C Twice daily
Aphtous ulcers Nervous patient Barox 30C Every 4 h
Foul breath, large tongue retains the
imprint of teeth
Merc sol 30C Every 4 h
Yellow base, swollen uvula Kalibich 30C Every 4 h
Bleeding base Nit. Acid 30C Every 4 h
Oral candidiasis Borax 4X Twice daily
Sulphur 30C Twice daily
Hypersalivation During sleep Baryta carbonica
Swollen gums that bleed easily Phosphorus
Xerostomia Great thirst Bryonia alba
No thirst Pulsatilla
Bruxism During sleep Cina 30C 1 h before sleep
While awake Nux vomica 30C ree times a week
Gingivitis Heavily coated tongue Merc sol 30C ree times daily
Clean tongue Nit. Acid 30C ree times daily
Destruction of tissue Kali chlor 30C ree times daily
Sore gums following scaling Arnica 30C Every 2 h
Halitosis Carboveg 30C+Merc sol 30C Every 2 h
Periodontitis Bleeding gum, foul breath, large tongue Merc sol 6C One time daily
Bleeding gum+substantial loss of bone Phosphorus 15C One time daily
TMJ dysfunction Pain in joint on swallowing Arum triphyllum
Hypermobile joint Calcarea  ourica
Pian in mouth opening Calcarea phosphorica
Vertigo, nusea, tinnitus Carbo vegetabilis
Low pain threshold, unbearable spasm
of pain radiating to ear
Trismus Cuprum metallicum
Painful crack Granatum
Pain radiating to ear, teeth, throat Phytolacca decandra
Joint sti ness Rhus toxicodendron
TMJ: Temporomandibular joint
Table 1: Contd...
Constitutional Types
By examining person’s craniofacial structures, we can de ne his
or her constitutional type. Based on the theory of constitutional
typing by Nebel and Vannier. Skeletal and dental structures
consist of three calcium salts or calcareas: Carbonate, phosphate,
and uoride. Each of these salts impregnates our teeth and bones
Homeopathy in dentistry Hoseinishad, et al.
and thereby is responsible for di erent anatomical characteristics
and di erent metabolic types and di erent disease presentation.
Every ones belongs to one of these three constitutional types:
Calcarea carbonica, calcarea phosphoricum and calcarea
uricum. Based on which salt predominates in our structures.
While it is common to see individuals who exhibit combinations
of these three constitutional types but one type will always
Calcarea Carbonica
They had a broad forearm, large jaws, white and well-aligned
teeth. Their teeth erupt slowly with di cult teething, and their
tongue is dry. Their teeth are very sensitive to coldness. They
don’t like to talk and are very resistant to any change. They are
logical and good with mathematics. Their bones, joints, and
muscles are as rigid and in exible as their opinions. They tend
to develop hypertension, hypothyroidism, and obesity due to
failure to remove toxins from body and are prone to digestive
complaints. The remedies prescribed to eliminate toxins are nat.
em, kali carb, iodum, arsenicum album, phosphorours, stannum.
Calcarea Fluoricum
Their muscles and ligaments are very lax, producing s shape
posture. Their bones are deformed. Their teeth are irregular
aligned, and they have maxillary protrusion. They have
instability both mentally and physically, dislike exercise and have
little physical endurance and cannot concentrate on anything
for a long period of time. Their temperature is unstable. They
have little control over their reactions and will say whatever is
on their mind. They tend toward arteriosclerosis, arthritis, and
hypertension. Their major remedies include mercurius, aurum
metalicum, argenticum nitricum, kali bichromicum, platina,
nitricum acidum, baryta carbonica and syphilinum.
Calcarea Phosphoricum
They have long arms and legs. The skull is long (front to back)
and narrow. The forehead is elevated and nose strong. The teeth
are ovale and have yellow cast to them. The palate is narrow
with a gothic (high) vault. They are very imaginative and artistic
and don’t tolerate manual labor or any regularity in their life.
They have long eyelashes. They tend toward hyperthyroidism,
palpitation and tuberculosis.[20]
The characteristics of three calcarea groups are shown in
Table 2.
Homeopathy is an alternative therapy that seems to be e ective
in cases of treatment failure to conventional drugs. Because
there isn’t any strong evidence to support its remedies, a note
of caution should be applied. Although the homeopathy
appears to be a physician’s option for treatment of disease but
more evidence are required to rmly establish the eld of its
use. We recommended more research be done to evaluate
the e ectiveness of homeopathic remedies for treatment of
conditions that seem to be dependent on spiritual and mental
conditions of patients or the conventional drugs just have
alleviative e ect and poor response.
1.  akur N, Bagewadi A, Keluskar V. Holistic dentistry: Natural
approaches to oral health. J Int Oral Health 2011;3:9-13.
2. Ulman D. Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the
21stCentury. California, U.S.A: North Atlantic Books; 1991.
3. Dynamization and Dilution, Complementary and Alternative
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2009, Accessed from
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4. Eames S, Darby P. Homeopathy in dentistry – An overview. Int
J Contemporary Dent 2011;2:8-14.
5. Society of Homeopaths. About the Society. Code of Ethics and
Practice. Available from:
about-us/. [Last accessed on 2010Oct 22].
6. British Homeopathic Association. Available from: http://www. [Last accessed on 2010 Oct 22].
7. Faculty of Homeopathy. Available from: http://www.faculty of –us/. [Last accessed on 2010Oct22].
Table2: Characteristics of di erent calcarea groups
Organ Calcarea carbonica Calcarea phosphoricum Calcarea  ouricum
Skeleton Strong and thick Fragile Irregular, exostoses
Orofacial Large, broad head, open fontanelles Elongated head, open fontanelles Asymmetrical head
Jaws and arches Large elliptical Narrow elongated, elliptical V shaped, irregular
Vault(palate) Low Gothic Narrow and very deep
Tooth eruption Delayed and di cult dentition Early but painful teething Teeth erupt out of normal sequence
Teeth White with broad stocky crowns, upper
incisor  at and square, sensitive to cold
Yellow and long upper incisor,
rectangular with curved facial surfaces
Grey white teeth, gum boils, sensitive to
pressure and eating, looseness of teeth
Occlusion Teeth well aligned O en malposition in anterior teeth Irregularly set into arches(forward and
backward malposition)
TMJ Strong and tight Fine and slack Hyper stretch
TMJ: Temporomandibular joint
Hoseinishad, et al. Homeopathy in dentistry
8. British Homeopathic Association. Homeopathy and dental care:
Your guide to treatment.
care.pdf. [Last accessed on 2010 Oct 22].
9. Fischer RD. Dentistry and homeopathy: An overview. J Am Inst
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10. Srivastava P. Periodontal disease and homeopathy.
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11. Goldstein MS. Use and satisfaction with homeopathy in a patient
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12. Mousavi F, Mojaver YN, Asadzadeh M, Mirzazadeh M.
Homeopathic treatment of minor aphthous ulcer: A
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13. Feldhaus HW. Cost e ective of homeopathic treatment in dental
practice. Br Homeopath J 1993;82:22-8.
14. Albertini H, Goldberg W, Sanguy B, Toulza CL. Homeopathic
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15. Mojaver YN, Mosavi F, Mazaherinezhad A, Shahrdar A,
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16. Mathie RT, Farrer S. Outcomes from homeopathic prescribing
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17. Raak C, Ostermann T, Matthiessem PF. Reports on the usage
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Focus Altern Complement  er 2007;S1:41-2.
18. Haila S, Koskinen A, Tenovuo J. E ects of homeopathic
treatment on salivary  ow rate and subjective symptoms in
patients with oral dryness: A randomized trial. Homeopathy
19. Steinchler F. Homeopathy in dentistry. Br Homeopath J
20. Bailey PM. Homoapathic Psycology: Personality Pro les of
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... Homeopathy is an alternative treatment approach existing for over 200 years. It originated from the combination of the German words homoios, which means "similar" or "alike," and pathos, which signifies "sensation" and "illness," and their origins were derived from the Greek words homoios and patheia (1,2,3). The origins of homeopathy trace back to Hippocrates; however, owing to its unknown mechanism of action, it continues to be a subject of debate among scientists, regarding it as a controversial topic. ...
... The origins of homeopathy trace back to Hippocrates; however, owing to its unknown mechanism of action, it continues to be a subject of debate among scientists, regarding it as a controversial topic. It is often labeled as pseudoscientific (2,4,5). However, it has become a cultural component of many countries and has rapidly gained popularity worldwide since the mid-1990s (3,6). ...
... Considered as part of holistic dentistry, homeopathy is used to address issues such as dental phobia, tooth decay, and toothache (67,68,69). Table 2 presents symptoms related to various diseases and the homeopathic remedies that can be used for these symptoms (2). In addition to these agents, toothpastes and lip balms are suitable for homeopathic approaches and treatments. ...
... The strength of Homoeopathic medicine lies in its evident effectiveness. (Sanadhya YK et al.,2013, Hoseinishad M et al.,2015. Briefly, Homoeopathy is one of the healing systems that deal with the sick to cure illness, based on certain principles of healing "Similia Similibus Curentur''. ...
... Homoeopathic medicines have been used in everyday practice as a treatment from acute to chronic pathology in dental conditions: for example -toothache, burning mouth, dental delay, post-operative condition dental anxiety, dental abscess, diseases related to gingiva and periodontium, bleeding, bleeding following dental surgeries, delayed tooth eruption, oral ulcerations, oral herpetic lesions, teething (Sanadhya YK et al.,2013).It is also suitable for those conditions, where conventional medicine falls short. In dentistry, Homoeopathic prescriptions are related to a combination of constitutional and pathological prescriptions (Sanadhya YK et al.,2013, Hoseinishad M et al.,2015, Kardanpour G et al.,2016. Homeopathy cannot replace the mechanical parts of dentistry but can be used in addition to conventional treatments and have various ways that can be included in the dental practice either as a substitute for conventional medications (Eames S et al., 2011, Sanadhya YK et al.,2013 (Hoseinishad M et al.,2015). ...
... In dentistry, Homoeopathic prescriptions are related to a combination of constitutional and pathological prescriptions (Sanadhya YK et al.,2013, Hoseinishad M et al.,2015, Kardanpour G et al.,2016. Homeopathy cannot replace the mechanical parts of dentistry but can be used in addition to conventional treatments and have various ways that can be included in the dental practice either as a substitute for conventional medications (Eames S et al., 2011, Sanadhya YK et al.,2013 (Hoseinishad M et al.,2015). Arsenicum album, Ferrum phosphoricum, Nux vomica (pain, gums that bleed after brushing), Hypericum(tender gum tissue and to promote healing), Natrum muriaticum (maintenance of the Tissue integrity), Hepar sulphuris (Used for tissue with suppuration, chronic abscesses), Silicea (Periodontal abscess with swollen glands, Staphysagria (Loose teeth, pain worse by pressure), Symphytum(Injuries to the periosteum, stimulates the growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces), Phosphorous (swollen gums that bleed easily and in cases of hyper-salivation), Aranea diadema (injured bone and alveolitis) were used for acute and chronic dental problem and result were found effective (Sanadhya YK et al.,2013, Steinlechner F et al.,1984. ...
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This study is to report on Streptococcus mutans, which is one of the important bacteria that cause dental caries. The prevalence of dental caries is very high and varied across India. Dental caries is a major public health problem, an urgent need of oral health educational programs. S. mutans play a central role in plaque formation. Its virulence factor can form a biofilm known as dental plaque on tooth surfaces. S. mutans is a gram-positive coccus; intake of easily fermentable carbohydrates (usually sucrose) stimulates oral bacterial growth. S. mutans Pathophysiology of dental decay focused on dynamic pH phenomena that occur between the plague and enamel surface. The review study is based on the review article and preclinical studies; in vitro studies, in vivo, clinical trials are documented that antibacterial medicines are used as an antibacterial agent against S. mutans. Calcarea phosphorica is one of the frequently prescribed Homoeopathic medicines for dental disease. The use of Homoeopathic intervention is elaborated in the present review. Databases, such as PubMed, Cochrane, Wiley, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, DOAJ were searched and relevant articles were used for reviewing purposes. Based on the results, we recognised that further research is needed to prevent and treat dental caries with oral hygiene awareness. RESUMEN Este estudio es para informar sobre Streptococcus mutans, que es una de las bacterias importantes que causan la caries dental. La prevalencia de la caries dental es muy alta y variada en la India. La caries dental es un importante problema de salud pública, una necesidad urgente de los programas educativos de salud bucal. S. mutans juega un papel central en la formación de placas. Su factor de virulencia puede formar una biopelícula conocida como placa dental en la superficie de los dientes. S. mutans es un coco grampositivo; la ingesta de carbohidratos fácilmente fermentables (generalmente sacarosa) estimula el crecimiento bacteriano oral. S. mutans Fisiopatología de la caries dental centrada en los fenómenos de pH dinámico que se producen entre la placa y la superficie del esmalte. El estudio de revisión se basa en el artículo de revisión y estudios preclínicos; Los estudios in vitro, in vivo, los ensayos clínicos están documentados de que los medicamentos antibacterianos se utilizan como agente antibacteriano contra S. mutans. Calcarea phosphorica es una de las medicinas homeopáticas frecuentemente prescritas para las enfermedades dentales. El uso de la intervención homeopática se elabora en la presente revisión. Se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos, como PubMed, Cochrane, Wiley, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, DOAJ y se utilizaron artículos relevantes para fines de revisión. Con base en los resultados, reconocemos que se necesita más investigación para prevenir y tratar la caries dental con conciencia sobre la higiene bucal. Sustainability
... [4] 3. The law of Minimum Dose: A substance when given in minute dose will cure the disease in sick person but when given in large dose to a healthy person it will produce symptoms of that disease. [5] 4. Concept of Vital Force: Homeopathic doctors believe in the existence of the vital force in the body which is responsible for different manifestations of life, and the derangement of this vital force leads to abnormal sensations and body function which constitute the disease. [1] Origin of dental diseases-Homeopathic medicine offers dentistry which one might not have wondered. ...
... Belladonna(potency 6C) is used in the early formation period of pus in which there is redness and increased temperature but the swelling is not appreciated. [1] Merc sol(potency 6C) is useful in hypersalivation and associated oral malodour, [5] and having a throbbing pain which favour to be worse in the dark or from subject to anything exceptionally cold or hot. Hepar sulph is effective in cases of chronic abscess where the pus formation has started or the pus is discharging. ...
... With cleansed tongue, Nit ac ( potency30C) thrice a day is used and with extensive destruction of tissue, Kali chlor ( potency30C) thrice a day is recommended. [5] A transient form of gingivitis is pregnancy gingivitis, for which Mercurius solubilise (6C) twice a day is used for treatment . [11] Patients with oral herpetic lesions could be given Graphites (Potency 7C), Petroleum(Potency 9C) , Rhus toxicodendron (Potency 7C) and Arsenicum album (Potency 7C) and the lesions resolve early with minimum discomfort to patients. ...
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Nowadays dentists are facing difficulties in managing toothache or other chronic or recurrent dental conditions due to recurrence of symptoms or side effects of conventional treatment. One point that most of us fail to realize is that associated with the dental disorder are the various systems of body that work continuously for maintaining the dental health of the individual. For this, numerous alternative medical therapies are practiced in dentistry apart from allopathy, which comprise homeopathy, regulation thermography, nosode therapy, acupuncture, magnetic field therapy and ozone therapy. Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine, which has been in widespread use in adults as well as children. It is known for its low price, effectiveness and safety results compared to allopathy. In dentistry, as an adjunct to standard treatment, usage of homeopathy to treat dental problems has been reported since 18th century. World Health Organization has recognized homeopathy as one of the largest practiced medicine in current times. It is a promising field of dental medicine which would emerge to be useful in management of diseases and disorders affecting orofacial structures. Homeopathic remedies are used in dental profession for better psychological condition of patient. The purpose of the present review is to introduce the basics of homeopathy and to discuss it's possible applications in dental practice.
... However, its fundamental principles can be traced back to Paracelsus and Hippocrates. Unlike modern medicine, which views symptoms as direct outcomes of a disease and aims to suppress them, homeopathy considers symptoms as indications of the body's efforts to combat illness and seeks to support rather than inhibit them [1] . Homeopathy offers a wide range of benefits in dental practice, providing assistance for various common issues such as pain, discomfort, inflammation, and bleeding. ...
... Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, a German physician in the 1800s formulated the Homeopathy theory 43 . It has a holistic view of health and believes that every disease has basic causes that the homoeopathic remedies focus on 44 . ...
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AYUSH" is an abbreviated form for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. These are the indigenous complementary and alternative medical practices used in India. Oral diseases are significant global health ailments and greatly influence the general life quality. Compromised oral health is connected with numerous systemic chronic diseases. Oral healthcare professionals face many challenges in the management of dental conditions. It is essential for oral healthcare professionals to be abreast of Complementary and Alternative Medicine modalities, as there is a growing need for the amalgamation of these traditional systems with conventional, science-based Dentistry for the holistic management of oral diseases. The present paper highlights the AYUSH medicine systems that can be comprehensively integrated into modern oral healthcare.
... Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, a German physician in the 1800s formulated the Homeopathy theory 43 . It has a holistic view of health and believes that every disease has basic causes that the homoeopathic remedies focus on 44 . ...
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"AYUSH” is an abbreviated form for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. These are the indigenous complementary and alternative medical practices used in India. Oral diseases are significant global health ailments and greatly influence the general life quality. Compromised oral health is connected with numerous systemic chronic diseases. Oral healthcare professionals face many challenges in the management of dental conditions. It is essential for oral healthcare professionals to be abreast of Complementary and Alternative Medicine modalities, as there is a growing need for the amalgamation of these traditional systems with conventional, science-based Dentistry for the holistic management of oral diseases. The present paper highlights the AYUSH medicine systems that can be comprehensively integrated into modern oral healthcare.
... If the disease is cured then the Vital force maintains its normal harmony [10][11][12][13][14] . Gupta et al. [15] Kreosote: "Pains from teeth to left side of the face, extending to temples and ears; teeth decay rapidly & bad odor from decayed teeth; facial pains burning, patient excitable, nervous, children even convulsions; Gums bluish-red, inflamed, on upper left side spongy, scorbutic, discharging dark blood". ...
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Abstract Oral disease is a major public problem nowadays. Mainly it’s a big burden in low- middle economic countries in the world. In India, it’s a burning problem due to the huge abuse of sugar & process food consumption. Due to poor hygiene knowledge, lack of dental health policy and huge consumption of tobacco, that is why India is called the “Oral cancer capital”. Homeopathy is playing a good intervention role for dental diseases, oral hygiene & it’s cost-effective, has no Side-effect, easy to use. In the 18th century, homoeopathy was used for Oro-dental care & it’s reported many times in the book of true material medical. Therefore, Homoeopathic remedies not only work symptomatically but it’s also taking care of psychological aspect of the patient. This overview cover-up the basic principles of Homoeopathy, Holistic approach to the patient & Probable indication for Oro-dental care according to the various journals.
... Alternative medicine also called as complimentary or integrative medicine, usually discuss and advise patients to any available alternate therapies. As the name suggest "alternative", means that its basic lies in an non-drug approach [1][2][3]. ...
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Various types of natural and spiritual healing methods is being practised as Alternative medicine treatments. These treatments can either be practiced individually or in combination with other conventional treatment for the purpose of relaxing mind, body and soul. Alternative medicines are in practice since ancient time and are practiced globally till date. Every country has its own conventional system of health. Presently, Alternative medicine is assimilated in many feilds including dental. Results from few studies conducted has shown significant effect of holistic healing on dental and oral health. This article reviews about impact of alternative medicine in treating dental health and problems associated with it.
... [4] In dentistry, homeopathic remedies have been proposed for oral ulcers, sialorrhea, neuralgia, temporomandibular joint disorders, xerostomia, and lichen planus. [25,26] Calendula officinalis (CO) is the extract of the flowers of pot marigold (Asteraceae Family), usually prepared in alcoholic tincture. [27][28][29] It has been used for its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antitumor, and cicatrizing effects. ...
Background Endodontic infections require effective removal of microorganisms from the root canal system for long-term prognosis. Chlorhexidine (CHX) is one of the most effective irrigants, but it's few drawbacks warrant search for newer alternatives. Aim The aim of this study is to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Calendula officinalis (CO) and 2% CHX against Enterococcus faecalis ( E. faecalis ) and Candida albicans ( C. albicans ). Materials and Methods The antimicrobial activity of CO extract and 2% CHX against E. faecalis and C. albicans was checked by the agar diffusion method and the zone of inhibition was statistically analyzed. Results CHX has significantly more antimicrobial activity than CO against E. faecalis and C. albicans . However, CO also possesses reasonable antimicrobial activity against E. faecalis and antifungal activity against C. albicans . Conclusion Under the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that CO has antimicrobial and antifungal activity against E. faecalis and C. albicans ; however, CHX is more potent.
Diş hastalıklarının artan prevalansı ve ağız boşlukları ile ilgili hastalıklar artık dünya çapında dikkate değer bir sorun haline gelmiştir. Hastaların farklı çözüm yolları aramalarında; konvansiyonel tıpta özellikle psikiyatrik ve bazı kronik hastalıkların tedavisinin bulunmayışı, mevcut tedavinin yan etkilerinin fazlalığı, konvansiyonel tıp tedavisine ulaşmanın fiziki zorlukları ve teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte tedavi ücretlerinin artması sebep olarak görülmüştür. İnsanlar tarafından geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamalarının kullanımı, iyi terapötik etkinlik, düşük yan etkiler gibi avantajları ve sentetik ürünlere göre maliyetinin daha ucuz olması nedeniyle oldukça sık tercih edilmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı; ağız ve diş sağlığında geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları olarak kullanılan bitkisel ürünler, apiterapi, hirudoterapi, aromaterapi, hipnoterapi, akupunktur, ayurveda, homeopati uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermektir. Literatür taraması için Proquest ve Google Scholar ve Google'da arama yapıldı. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda; ağız ve diş sağlığında kullanılan geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları ile ilgili çalışmaların sınırlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu konuda daha fazla çalışmalar yapılarak bu uygulamaların güvenlik ve etkinlik açısından netleştirilmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.
Dentists who accept social security patients in Germany today are bound by a large number of rules and regulations which impose severe limits on their free choice of treatment, cost-effectiveness being a prime consideration. The treatment of acute conditions predominates in a modern compulsory insurance practice. The author analysed his own case records and the statistics provided by the KZV (association of dental practitioners for patients with compulsory insurance) for the period from 1983 to 1990 to establish the effect of introducing consistent use of homœopathic treatment from the end of 1984 on the frequency with which certain standard treatments were required. The results were compared with the average figures of other dentists and a computation made of potential economic advantages at a national level.
The objectives of this study were to clinically determine the efficacy of individualised homeopathy in the treatment of minor recurrent aphthous ulceration (MiRAU). A randomized, single blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of individualised homeopathy. One hundred patients with minor aphthous ulcer were treated with individualised homeopathic medicines or placebo and followed up for 6 days. Patients received two doses of individualised homeopathic medicines in the 6C potency as oral liquid at baseline and 12 h later. Pain intensity and ulcer size were recorded at baseline during and at the end of the trial (mornings of days 4 and 6). All 100 patients completed treatment. Between group differences for pain intensity and ulcer size were statistically significant at day 4 and at day 6 (P<0.05). No adverse effects were reported. The results suggest that homeopathic treatment is an effective and safe method in the treatment of MiRAU.
This article describes a survey of new clients entering care with nine practicing classical homeopaths in the Los Angeles metropolitan area between January 1994 and July 1995. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire before undergoing diagnosis by the homeopath. Follow-up interviews were conducted by phone 1 month after diagnosis and face to face 4 months after diagnosis, along with a self-administered questionnaire before the final interview. A total of 104 participants entered the study; 77 completed all data collection. Clients sought homeopathic care for a wide array of largely chronic conditions. Respiratory, gastrointestinal, and female reproductive problems were the most common primary complaints. Most clients were highly educated, but had limited knowledge about homeopathy before entering treatment. Approximately 80% reported earlier, unsuccessful attempts to get relief from mainstream care. Four months after treatment, general measures of health status showed improvement, and only 29% of participants reported no improvement for the primary complaint leading to treatment. Satisfaction with homeopathic treatment was high regardless of outcome. Three outcome measures of perceived change--overall health status, primary condition for which treatment was sought, and outlook on life--were predicted by different combinations of study variables. Homeopathy does not divert people from seeking mainstream care. The use of alternative modes of care such as homeopathy can be understood as attractive and satisfying to educated individuals with chronic problems.
Twenty-eight patients with xerostomia participated in a blind, placebo-controlled longitudinal study of the possible effects of homeopathic medicines on oral discomfort. All patients were first divided in two groups according to their medication. After that the two groups were randomly assigned according to a coin-toss to the experimental or control group. Most patients had systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and/or Sjögren's syndrome, and frequent daily medications. The randomly selected experimental group (n=15) got an individually prescribed homeopathic medicine and the control group (n=13) a placebo substance (sugar granules), both for 6 weeks. Neither group knew of the nature of the medicine. Oral dryness was evaluated by measurement of unstimulated and wax-stimulated salivary flow rates and visual analogue scale. With only two exceptions, the experimental group experienced a significant relief of xerostomia whereas no such effect was found in the placebo group. Stimulated salivary flow rate was slightly higher with homeopathy than placebo but no consistent changes occurred in salivary immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG) levels. In an open follow-up period those receiving homeopathic medicine continued treatment and the placebo group patients were treated with individually prescribed homeopathic medicines. The symptoms of xerostomia improved in both groups. Our results suggest that individually prescribed homeopathic medicine could be a valuable adjunct to the treatment of oral discomfort and xerostomic symptoms.
To evaluate individualized classical homeopathy in the treatment of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) METHOD: 15 patients with physician-confirmed trigeminal neuralgia were treated with homeopathy. Patients received individualized homeopathic medicines as oral liquid 30C once per month and were followed-up at the end of first, second, third and fourth month. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for the evaluation of pain intensity and descriptive criteria were used for evaluation of attack frequency. All 15 patients completed treatment. The results for both the reduction of pain intensity and attack frequency were statistically significant (P<0.001) during the four-month evaluation. We observed overall reductions of more than 60% in pain intensity using homeopathic treatment. The results suggest that homeopathic treatment is an effective and safe method in the treatment of ITN.
A base for targeted research development in dental homeopathy can be founded on systematic collection and analysis of relevant data obtained by dentists in clinical practice. With these longer-term aims in mind, we conducted a pilot data collection study, in which 14 homeopathic dentists collected clinical and outcome data over a 6-month period in their practice setting. A specifically designed Excel spreadsheet enabled recording of consecutive dental appointments under the following main headings: date; patient identity (anonymised), age and gender; dental condition/complaint treated; whether chronic or acute, new or follow-up case; patient-assessed outcome (7-point Likert scale: -3 to +3) compared with first appointment; homeopathic medicine/s prescribed; whether any other medication/s being taken for the condition. Spreadsheets were submitted monthly via e-mail to the project co-ordinator for data synthesis and analysis. Practitioners typically submitted data regularly and punctually, and most data cells were completed as required, enabling substantial data analysis. The mean age of patients was 46.2 years. A total of 726 individual patient conditions were treated overall. There was opportunity to follow-up 496 individual cases (positive outcome in 90.1%; negative in 1.8%; no change in 7.9%; outcome not recorded in 0.2%). Sixty-four of these 496 patients reported their outcome assessment before the end of the homeopathic appointment. Strongly positive outcomes (scores of +2 or +3) were achieved most notably in the frequently treated conditions of pericoronitis, periodontal abscess, periodontal infection, reversible pulpitis, sensitive cementum, and toothache with decay. This multi-practitioner pilot study has indicated that systematic recording of practice data in dental homeopathy is both feasible and capable of informing future research. A refined version of the spreadsheet can be employed in larger-scale research-targeted data collection in the dental practice setting.