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Is the poleward migration of tropical cyclone maximum intensity associated with a poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis?

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Abstract and Figures

A recent study showed that the global average latitude where tropical cyclones achieve their lifetime-maximum intensity has been migrating poleward at a rate of about one-half degree of latitude per decade over the last 30 years in each hemisphere. However, it does not answer a critical question: is the poleward migration of tropical cyclone lifetime-maximum intensity associated with a poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis? In this study we will examine this question. First we analyze changes in the environmental variables associated with tropical cyclone genesis, namely entropy deficit, potential intensity, vertical wind shear, vorticity, skin temperature and specific humidity at 500 hPa in reanalysis datasets between 1980 and 2013. Then, a selection of these variables is combined into two tropical cyclone genesis indices that empirically relate tropical cyclone genesis to large-scale variables. We find a shift toward greater (smaller) average potential number of genesis at higher (lower) latitudes over most regions of the Pacific Ocean, which is consistent with a migration of tropical cyclone genesis towards higher latitudes. We then examine the global best track archive and find coherent and significant poleward shifts in mean genesis position over the Pacific Ocean basins.
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Clim Dyn (2018) 50:705–715
DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3636-7
Is thepoleward migration oftropical cyclone maximum intensity
associated withapoleward migration oftropical cyclone genesis?
AnneSophieDaloz1 · SuzanaJ.Camargo2
Received: 29 November 2016 / Accepted: 16 March 2017 / Published online: 3 April 2017
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017
1 Introduction
Kossin et al. (2014) showed that in the past few dec-
ades (1982–2009) the large-scale environment of tropi-
cal cyclones has evolved over the tropics and subtropics.
Indeed, favorable conditions for the development of tropical
cyclones have migrated towards higher latitudes (vertical
wind shear and potential intensity), moving from the trop-
ics closer to the subtropics. With a globally homogenized
record of intensity (Kossin etal. 2013) and a global best-
track archive (Knapp et al. 2010), they also demonstrated
that the location where observed tropical cyclones reach
their maximum intensity has been migrating towards higher
latitudes. More recently, Kossin etal. (2016) used observa-
tions and simulations to examine the changes in lifetime-
maximum intensity and tropical cyclone exposure for the
present and future climates over the western North Pacific
Ocean. The projections of tropical cyclones were simu-
lated by, and downscaled from, an ensemble of numerical
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5)
models (Taylor et al. 2012). They showed a poleward
migration of lifetime-maximum intensity (LMI) latitude in
the present century and continuing into the future using one
of the representative concentration pathways (RCP8.5). A
possible mechanism responsible for these global and local
changes is the expansion of the tropics (Lucas etal. 2014),
however this link has not been proved yet.
The current study expands on the findings by Kossin
etal. (2014, 2016) by analyzing the possible origin of the
poleward migration of the LMI latitude. More precisely, we
would like to answer the following question: Is the pole-
ward migration of tropical cyclones’ LMI location related
to a poleward migration in tropical cyclone genesis loca-
tion? Tropical cyclones are very sensitive to the large-scale
environment both during their genesis and development
Abstract A recent study showed that the global average
latitude where tropical cyclones achieve their lifetime-
maximum intensity has been migrating poleward at a rate
of about one-half degree of latitude per decade over the last
30years in each hemisphere. However, it does not answer
a critical question: is the poleward migration of tropical
cyclone lifetime-maximum intensity associated with a pole-
ward migration of tropical cyclone genesis? In this study
we will examine this question. First we analyze changes
in the environmental variables associated with tropical
cyclone genesis, namely entropy deficit, potential intensity,
vertical wind shear, vorticity, skin temperature and specific
humidity at 500 hPa in reanalysis datasets between 1980
and 2013. Then, a selection of these variables is combined
into two tropical cyclone genesis indices that empirically
relate tropical cyclone genesis to large-scale variables. We
find a shift toward greater (smaller) average potential num-
ber of genesis at higher (lower) latitudes over most regions
of the Pacific Ocean, which is consistent with a migration
of tropical cyclone genesis towards higher latitudes. We
then examine the global best track archive and find coher-
ent and significant poleward shifts in mean genesis position
over the Pacific Ocean basins.
Keywords Tropical cyclone genesis· Poleward
migration· Tropical cyclone genesis index· Observations
* Anne Sophie Daloz
1 Space andScience Engineering Center, University
ofWisconsin-Madison, 1225 West Dayton Street, Madison,
WI53706, USA
2 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University,
Palisades, NY, USA
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Prior research has documented observed trends in TCs worldwide including the NATL using various metrics [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] . Those metrics measure the TC formation, best-track and intensity, the latitude at which TCs reach their peak intensity, as well as the damage associated with TCs 3,14,21,22 . ...
... Figure 1a shows a linear trend of the JJASON-mean latitude and longitude of all TCs with the maximum wind speed exceeding 34 kts. The linear trend of latitude and longitude of all TCs is insignificant (Fig. 1a, b), which is in line with previous study 20 . However, when we only consider the TCs that later reach the hurricane intensity (TY), there is a significant southward shift in the genesis location of hurricane, exhibiting a linear trend of 0.114°latitude/year since 1979 ( Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 1b). ...
... Previous studies have found a tendency of a southward movement of TC genesis and TC LMI over the NATL, but the trend is insignificant 11,20 . Present study reveals that the trend is dependent on the TC intensity. ...
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The hurricane, with maximum wind speed over 64 kts, is among the most terrible calamities over the northern Atlantic (NATL). Previous studies identified a poleward migration of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the Pacific Ocean, but the shift over the NATL is statistically insignificant. The present study detects a robust southward migration in the genesis latitude of NATL TCs that later reach hurricane strength after 1979, which is consistent with a growth in hurricane frequency in the southern part (10°-20°N) of NATL. This increasing trend of hurricane frequency is intimately attributable to the decreasing vertical shear of zonal wind, resulting from a decreasing north-south temperature gradient. The reduced north-south temperature gradient is primarily caused by greater warming trend in tropospheric temperature in the subtropics, driven by intensified static stability. The present research suggests a potential increase in the hazards confronted by low-latitude islands and coastal nations in Northern America. Tropical cyclones (TCs) rank among the most disastrous weather phenomenon globally. The northern Atlantic Ocean (NATL) is a hot spot in the Northern Hemisphere. The TCs over the NATL impact the Mexico, United States, the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and the Caribbean islands, inducing significant loss of life and damage of property 1-3. Consequently, understanding the mechanisms driving the TC genesis and its long-term variation over the NATL is of critical importance 4. Prior research has documented observed trends in TCs worldwide including the NATL using various metrics 5-20. Those metrics measure the TC formation, best-track and intensity, the latitude at which TCs reach their peak intensity, as well as the damage associated with TCs 3,14,21,22. For instance, Klotzbach et al. 14 found a significant upward trend in both short-lived (<2 days) and long-lived (>2 days) tropical storms in the NATL. A distinct spatial pattern of increasing tendency of TC occurrence frequency is also found over the NATL since 1980 22. This increase is partly due to the decreasing effect of volcanic eruptions and anthro-pogenic aerosols 23,24. Kossin et al. 21 have discerned a marked upward trend in the proportion of major hurricane (maximum wind speed > 96 kts) using a satellite-based TC intensity dataset (ADT-HURSAT). Consequently, the TC-related damage in the United States has displayed a tendency of increase 3,25. Future projection studies have explored the potential impacts of anthropogenic global warming on TCs over the NATL 9,10,26-31. Numerous studies, utilizing diverse climate models, have consistently revealed a decreasing trend in the global number of TC genesis events, including those over the NATL, in response to greenhouse warming 29,32-34. Recently, employing high-resolution d4PDF simulations and incorporating four distinct warming scenarios, Cao et al. 30 uncovered a pronounced poleward displacement of the peak TC genesis area over the NATL, transitioning from 10°-15°N latitudes to 15°-20°N latitudes with the intensification of global warming. Previous studies have reported a poleward migration of the lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) of TCs at the global scale in the last three decades except for the NATL 11,13. Over the NATL, the LMI of TCs shows a trend of southward shift, but the trend is statistically insignificant. Daloz and Camargo 20 further investigated whether the poleward displacement of TC LMI is linked to a poleward displacement of TC genesis. They found a poleward shift of TC genesis toward higher latitudes over the Pacific Ocean
... Hemisphere (NH, SH) respectively ). Daloz and Camargo (2017) found LMI migration corresponds to poleward migration of Pacific TC genesis. ...
... 0.45 latitude decade -1 ) and an equatorward shift in seasonal-mean eastern North Pacific lysis by 0.33latitude decade -1 . These results generally agree with estimates derived in other analyses (e.g.,Kossin et al. 2014;Wang et al. 2016;Daloz and Camargo 2017). ...
Poleward trends in seasonal-mean latitudes of tropical cyclones (TCs) have been identified in direct observations from 1980 to present. Paleoclimate reconstructions also indicate poleward-equatorward migrations over centennial to millennial timescales. Hadley circulation (HC) is often both implicitly and explicitly invoked to provide dynamical linkages to these shifts, although no direct analysis of concurrent changes in the recent period has been presented. Here the observational TC record (1981-2016) and the ERA-Interim, JRA55 and MERRA2 reanalyses are studied to examine potential relationships between the two. A zonally-asymmetric HC is defined by employing Helmholtz theory for vector decomposition and this permits the derivation of novel HC diagnostics local to TC basins. Coherent variations in both long-term linear trends and detrended interannual variability are found. TC genesis and lifetime maximum intensity latitudes share trend sign and magnitude with shifts in local HC extent, with rates being ~0.25 plus/minus 0.1 degrees latitude decade-1. Both these lifecycle stages in hemispheric means and all Pacific TC basins, as well as poleward-extreme North Atlantic lysis latitudes, shared ~35% of their interannual variability with HC extent. Local HC intensity is linked only to eastern North Pacific TC latitudes, where strong local overturning corresponds to equatorward TC shifts. Examination of potential dynamical linkages implicates La Ni\~na-like sea surface temperature gradients to poleward HC termini. This corresponds to increased tropical and reduced subtropical vertical wind shear everywhere except in the North Atlantic and western North Pacific, where the opposite is true. These results quantify a long-hypothesized link between TCs and the large-scale oceanic-atmospheric state.
... Contrasting with no consensus in the long-term trends of TC translation speed in the WNP, there is a better agreement in the trends of TC latitudinal position 12 . The annual average location of WNP TCs (i.e. the basin-wide position) was found to migrate poleward over the satellite era [25][26][27] . A poleward trend was also simulated in general circulation models with anthropogenic forcing 26,28 . ...
... To exclude the uncertainty in weak storms in the Best Track 42 , this study only considers TCs that reach severe tropical storm intensity and above during the lifetime, i.e. the maximum sustained wind speed ≥24.5 m/s. TC genesis location is defined by the first track point where TC intensity reaches 17.5 m/s 27,29 . Note that both JMA and HKO data use 10-min mean for measuring maximum sustained wind speed, and CMA and JTWC use 2-and 1-min means, respectively. ...
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Detecting and interpreting long-term changes in typhoon translation speed in observations remains challenging, contrasting with increased confidence in the poleward migration of typhoons. Here, I show a significant relationship between the basin-wide translation speed and the latitudinal position of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific over 1980–2023. First, because tropical cyclones move faster at higher latitudes, the significant poleward migration (80 km/decade) increases the yearly basin-wide translation speed by 5% over the period. This effect reduces the detectability of a slowing trend. Second, the basin-wide translation speed solely contributed by regional translation speed has slowed by 18%, mostly in the late stage of the cyclone lifecycle. The translation speed slowdown and the poleward migration are likely caused by the same climate drivers through the interconnected large-scale atmospheric circulation between the tropics and subtropics. My findings suggest exacerbated tropical cyclone-related risk in the subtropical regions in a changing climate.
... higher latitude regions of East Asia (Chan, 2005;Kossin et al., 2016;Peduzzi et al., 2012). The significant contribution of the poleward shift of TC genesis location to the poleward migration of TC lifetime maximum intensity location has been highlighted in prior studies (Daloz & Camargo, 2017;Gulev & Studholme, 2018;R. Wang & Wu, 2019). ...
... Wang & Wu, 2019). Studies have pointed out that natural variability such as ENSO and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) cannot fully explain the poleward shift in TC genesis location and have highlighted that other modes of natural variability may also be driving this poleward shift (Chan & Liu, 2013;Daloz & Camargo, 2017;Kossin et al., 2014Kossin et al., , 2016. ...
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Plain Language Summary The observed poleward shift in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the western North Pacific has increased the threat from these storms to East Asia. Until now, it remains unclear whether TC genesis will continue to move poleward in the future, due to both a relatively short reliable observational TC record as well as model inconsistencies. This study provides evidence that the poleward migration of TC genesis will likely continue due to anthropogenic warming. We find that there is a strong relationship between TC genesis latitude and a mode of Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) variability termed mega‐ENSO. We find using a suite of 30 climate models comprising the Coupled Modeled Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) that future poleward trends in TC genesis latitude are likely to continue. This poleward shift is observed whether using projected trends in mega‐ENSO or an index that measures the conduciveness of the environment for TC formation. Modeled tropical cyclones in high resolution simulations from CMIP6 also show a continued projected poleward shift in TC genesis. This poleward shift in TC genesis appears largely related to changes in extra‐tropical SST warming associated with mega‐ENSO.
... As coastal cities continue to become more populated and developed, the need for TC risk assessment and management becomes increasingly critical 4,9 . The locations and frequencies of TC genesis modulate the lifetime maximum intensities of TCs and exposure to hazards [10][11][12] . Therefore, enhancing our understanding of TC genesis is crucial for reducing TC-related risks and devastation 13,14 , which are expected to worsen with continued global warming. ...
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The upper ocean provides thermal energy to tropical cyclones. However, the impacts of the subsurface ocean on tropical cyclogenesis have been largely overlooked. Here, we show that the subsurface variabilities associated with the variation in the 26 °C isothermal depth have pronounced impacts on tropical cyclogenesis over global oceans. The sea surface wind stress and its curl before tropical cyclogenesis are large enough to perturb the ocean interior down to more than one hundred meters due to entrainment and upwelling. The 26 °C isothermal depth can fluctuate by tens of meters to significantly modify the upper ocean heat content. Consequently, sea surface temperature anomalies under nascent tropical cyclones are induced, and tropical cyclogenesis is modulated. Our results substantiate an unexpected relation between ocean interior variations and tropical cyclogenesis.
... Overall, our results indicate that the global environment becomes very gradually more favorable for tropical cyclones in general (as measured by ) and for genesis in particular (as measured by ), though these changes are relatively modest for current plausible scenarios through the end of 2100. The first signal to emerge is an increase in higher-latitude genesis as warming magnitude increases, whether due to higher emissions or more time at lower emissions, which is consistent with recent poleward trends in TC activity, in particular in the western North Pacific (Kossin et al. Daloz and Camargo 2018;Studholme et al. 2022), as well as future projections (Kossin et al. 2016), however their could be some compensating effects due to higher latitude environmental characteristics (Lin et al. 2023). Furthermore, recent trends in TC frequency have been decreasing globally (Klotzbach et al. 2020). ...
Genesis potential indices (GPIs) are widely used to understand the climatology of tropical cyclones (TCs). However, the sign of projected future changes depends on how they incorporate environmental moisture. Recent theory combines potential intensity and mid-tropospheric moisture into a single quantity called the ventilated potential intensity, which removes this ambiguity. This work proposes a new GPI ( GPI v ) that is proportional to the product of the ventilated potential intensity and the absolute vorticity raised to a power. This power is estimated to be approximately 5 by fitting observed tropical cyclone best-track and ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data. Fitting the model with separate exponents yields nearly identical values, indicating that their product likely constitutes a single joint parameter. Likewise, results are nearly identical for a Poisson model as for the power law. GPI v performs comparably well to existing indices in reproducing the climatological distribution of tropical cyclone genesis and its covariability with El Niño-Southern Oscillation, while only requiring a single fitting exponent. When applied to Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) projections, GPI v predicts that environments globally will become gradually more favorable for TC genesis with warming, consistent with prior work based on the normalized entropy deficit, though significant changes emerge only at higher latitudes under relatively strong warming. GPI v helps resolve the debate over the treatment of the moisture term and its implication for changes in TC genesis favorability with warming, and its clearer physical interpretation may offer a step forward towards a theory for genesis across climate states.
... There is also a slight decrease in storm activity over the South China Sea in the WNP, as well as the southern hemisphere decreases noted above. At least in the northern hemisphere, the geographic shifts shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 appear broadly consistent with the well-documented poleward migration of TCs with warming, especially in the WNP (Kossin et al. 2014, Nakamura et al. 2017, Daloz and Camargo 2018). ...
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The slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is ubiquitous in climate projections, representing a major risk of global warming with far-reaching climatic impacts. Here, we investigate how the future AMOC slowdown can affect the activity tropical cyclones (TCs). To that end, we compare two sets of global warming simulations: one that exhibits AMOC weakening and another in which AMOC intensity is fixed. Using these experiments, we compute Genesis Potential Indices (GPI), to assess large-scale ocean-atmosphere conditions for TC formation, and conduct downscaling TC simulations for the two scenarios. Our analysis shows strongly enhanced tropical cyclogenesis in the North Atlantic, especially along the U.S. eastern seaboard and in the Gulf of Mexico, in a warm climate with a weakened AMOC. The AMOC slowdown causes roughly 60% of the estimated seasonal increase of 12 storms in the Atlantic with warming. Higher TC potential intensity (PI) in the North Atlantic due to greater air-sea thermodynamic disequilibrium and, to a lesser extent, reduced vertical windshear explain these findings, which highlight the important role of AMOC slowdown in 21st -century TCs.
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This study uses experiments from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) to compare the influence on tropical cyclone (TC) activity of: (i) the atmospheric effect of aerosols under specified sea-surface temperatures (SSTs); and (ii) the net effect of greenhouse gases (GhGs) (including changes in SSTs). The experiments were performed using the CMIP6 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway SSP5-8.5 emissions scenario with GhG-induced SST warming specified and atmospheric aerosol effects simulated but without explicit ocean coupling. Insignificant changes in global TC frequency are found in response to the atmospheric effect of future aerosols and GhGs, as significant regional responses in TC frequency counteract each other. Future GhGs contribute to more frequent TCs in the North Atlantic, and reductions over the Northwestern Pacific and Southern Indian Ocean. The atmospheric effect of future aerosols drives more frequent TCs over the Northwestern Pacific and reductions over the Northeast Pacific and North Atlantic. Along with increases in TC intensity, global TC precipitation (TCP) is projected to increase by 52.8% (14.1%/K) due to the combined effect of future aerosols and GhGs. Although both forcings contribute to TCP increases (14.7–19.3% from reduced aerosols alone and 28.1–33.3% from increased GhGs alone), they lead to different responses in the spatial structure of TCP. TCP increases preferentially in the inner-core due to increased GhGs, whereas TCP decreases in the inner-core and increases in the outer-bands in response to the atmospheric effects of decreased aerosols. These changes are distinct from those caused by aerosol-induced SST changes, which have been considered in other studies.
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Temporally inconsistent and potentially unreliable global historical data hinder the detection of trends in tropical cyclone activity. This limits our confidence in evaluating proposed linkages between observed trends in tropical cyclones and in the environment. Here we mitigate this difficulty by focusing on a metric that is comparatively insensitive to past data uncertainty, and identify a pronounced poleward migration in the average latitude at which tropical cyclones have achieved their lifetime-maximum intensity over the past 30 years. The poleward trends are evident in the global historical data in both the Northern and the Southern hemispheres, with rates of 53 and 62 kilometres per decade, respectively, and are statistically significant. When considered together, the trends in each hemisphere depict a global-average migration of tropical cyclone activity away from the tropics at a rate of about one degree of latitude per decade, which lies within the range of estimates of the observed expansion of the tropics over the same period. The global migration remains evident and statistically significant under a formal data homogenization procedure, and is unlikely to be a data artefact. The migration away from the tropics is apparently linked to marked changes in the mean meridional structure of environmental vertical wind shear and potential intensity, and can plausibly be linked to tropical expansion, which is thought to have anthropogenic contributions.
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The ventilation index serves as a theoretically-based metric to assess possible changes in the statistics of tropical cyclones to combined changes in vertical wind shear, midlevel entropy deficit, and potential intensity in climate models. Model output from eight Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 models is used to calculate the ventilation index. The ventilation index and its relationship to tropical cyclone activity between two twenty-year periods are compared: the historical experiment from 1981 to 2000 and the RCP8.5 experiment from 2081 to 2100. The general tendency is for an increase in the seasonal ventilation index in the majority of the tropical cyclone basins, with exception of the North Indian basin. All the models project an increase in the midlevel entropy deficit in the tropics, although the effects of this increase on the ventilation index itself are tempered by a compensating increase in the potential intensity and a decrease in the vertical wind shear in most tropical cyclone basins. The nonlinear combination of the terms in the ventilation index results in large regional and intermodel variability. Basin changes in the ventilation index are well correlated with changes in the frequency of tropical cyclone formation and rapid intensification in the climate models. However, there is large uncertainty in the projections of the ventilation index and the corresponding effects on changes in the statistics of tropical cyclone activity.
The average latitude where tropical cyclones (TCs) reach their peak intensity has been observed to be shifting poleward in some regions over the past 30 years, apparently in concert with the independently observed expansion of the tropical belt. This poleward migration is particularly well observed and robust in the western North Pacific Ocean (WNP). Such a migration is expected to cause systematic changes, both increases and decreases, in regional hazard exposure and risk, particularly if it persists through the present century. Here, it is shown that the past poleward migration in the WNP has coincided with decreased TC exposure in the region of the Philippine and South China Seas, including the Marianas, the Philippines, Vietnam, and southern China, and increased exposure in the region of the East China Sea, including Japan and its Ryukyu Islands, the Korea Peninsula, and parts of eastern China.Additionally, it is shown that projections ofWNP TCs simulated by, and downscaled from, an ensemble of numerical models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) demonstrate a continuing poleward migration into the present century following the emissions projections of the representative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5). The projected migration causes a shift in regional TC exposure that is very similar in pattern and relative amplitude to the past observed shift. In terms of regional differences in vulnerability and resilience based on past TC exposure, the potential ramifications of these future changes are significant. Questions of attribution for the changes are discussed in terms of tropical belt expansion and Pacific decadal sea surface temperature variability.
A new index for hurricane development is introduced which indicates regions of the tropical ocean where tropical cyclones are likely to be generated and regions where existing cyclones would be spun-down. The index physical basis, which can be computed from the fields of sea surface temperature (SST) and evaporation, is briefly discussed. The principal result is that regions favorable to the development of tropical cyclone development are characterized by strong negative spatial gradients of evaporation with respect to SST, whereas cyclones are likely to be spun-down in regions of strong positive gradients. The application to the Caribbean region indicates a corridor of favorable conditions in the central Caribbean, possibly promoted by the presence of easterly waves, and a southern unfavorable zone that shelters the Venezuelan coast from hurricane impact. The results show in detail the reasons for the variability in hurricane seasons, using 1983 and 2005 as examples. On the large scale, the sign and strength of the SST dipole anomaly between the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans appears to be the controlling influence, a positive anomaly in the Atlantic Ocean leading to hurricane formation. The monthly standard deviation of the hurricane index simulates reasonably well the historical fluctuations in hurricane occurrence in 1979-2005, and using the results of a coupled climate model, it predicts that the hurricane season in 2051-2080 will be lengthened to include an early season maximum in June and another in September-October, in contrast to the current single maximum in September.
Temperatures in the upper troposphere of the atmosphere, near the tropopause, play a key role in the evolution of tropical cyclones (TC) by controlling their potential intensity (PI), which describes the thermodynamically based maximum TC intensity that the environment will support. Accurately identifying past trends in PI is critical for understanding the causes of observed changes in TC intensity, but calculations of PI trends using different atmospheric reanalysis products can give very different results, largely due to differences in their representation of upper-tropospheric temperatures. Without a means to verify the fidelity of the upper-tropospheric temperatures, PI trends calculated from these products are very uncertain. Here, a method is introduced to validate the upper-tropospheric temperatures in the reanalysis products by using the TCs themselves as thermometers. Using a 30-yr global dataset of TC cloud-top temperatures and three widely utilized atmospheric reanalysis products—Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), ECMWF interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim), and NCEP–NCAR Global Reanalysis 1—it is shown that storm-local upper-level temperatures in the MERRA and ERA-Interim data vary similarly to the TC cloud-top temperatures on both interannual and decadal time scales, but the NCEP–NCAR data have substantial biases that introduce an increasing trend in storm-local PI not found in the other two products. The lack of global storm-local PI trends is due to a balance between temporal increases in the mean state and the poleward migration of TCs into lower climatological PI, and it has significant implications for the detection and attribution of mean TC intensity trends.
Tropical cyclone genesis indices (TCGIs) are functions of the large-scale environment that are designed to be proxies for the probability of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis. While the performance of TCGIs in the current climate can be assessed by direct comparison to TC observations, their ability to represent future TC activity based on projections of the large-scale environment cannot. Here the authors examine the performance of TCGIs in high-resolution atmospheric model simulations forced with sea surface temperatures (SST) of future, warmer climate scenarios. They investigate whether the TCGIs derived for the present climate can, when computed from large-scale fields taken from future climate simulations, capture the simulated global mean decreases in TC frequency. The TCGIs differ in their choice of environmental predictors, and several choices of predictors perform well in the present climate. However, some TCGIs that perform well in the present climate do not accurately reproduce the simulated future decrease in TC frequency. This decrease is captured when the humidity predictor is the column saturation deficit rather than relative humidity. Using saturation deficit with relative SST as the other thermodynamic predictor overpredicts the TC frequency decrease, while using potential intensity in place of relative SST as the other thermodynamic predictor gives a good prediction of the decrease's magnitude. These positive results appear to depend on the spatial and seasonal patterns in the imposed SST changes; none of the indices capture correctly the frequency decrease in simulations with spatially uniform climate forcings, whether a globally uniform increase in SST of 2K, or a doubling of CO2 with no change in SST.
In the first part of this chapter, we give a review of the relationship of climate and tropical cyclones on various time scales, from intra-seasonal to decadal. The response of tropical cyclone activity to natural modes of variability, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Madden Julian Oscillation in various regions of the world are discussed. Genesis location, track types and intensity of tropical cyclones are influenced by these modes of variability. In the second part, a review of the state of the art of seasonal tropical cyclone forecasting is discussed. The two main techniques currently used to produce tropical cyclone seasonal forecasts (statistical and dynamical) are discussed, with a focus on operational forecasts.
The historical global “best track” records of tropical cyclones extend back to the mid-nineteenth century in some regions, but formal analysis of these records is encumbered by temporal heterogeneities in the data. This is particularly problematic when attempting to detect trends in tropical cyclone metrics that may be attributable to climate change. Here the authors apply a state-of-the-art automated algorithm to a globally homogenized satellite data record to create a more temporally consistent record of tropical cyclone intensity within the period 1982–2009, and utilize this record to investigate the robustness of trends found in the best-track data. In particular, the lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) achieved by each reported storm is calculated and the frequency distribution of LMI is tested for changes over this period. To address the unique issues in regions around the Indian Ocean, which result from a discontinuity introduced into the satellite data in 1998, a direct homogenization procedure is applied in which post-1998 data are degraded to pre-1998 standards. This additional homogenization step is found to measurably reduce LMI trends, but the global trends in the LMI of the strongest storms remain positive, with amplitudes of around +1 m s−1 decade−1 and p value = 0.1. Regional trends, in m s−1 decade−1, vary from −2 (p = 0.03) in the western North Pacific, +1.7 (p = 0.06) in the south Indian Ocean, +2.5 (p = 0.09) in the South Pacific, to +8 (p < 0.001) in the North Atlantic.
The authors examine the change in tropical cyclone (TC) tracks that results from projected changes in the large-scale steering flow and genesis location from increasing greenhouse gases. Tracks are first simulated using a Beta and Advection Model (BAM) and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis winds for all TCs that formed in the North Atlantic Ocean's Main Development Region (MDR) for the period 1950-2010. Changes in genesis location and large-scale steering flow are then estimated from an ensemble mean of 17 models from phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) for the A1b emissions scenario. The BAM simulations are then repeated with these changes to estimate how the TC tracks would respond to increased greenhouse gases. As the climate warms, the models project a weakening of the subtropical easterlies as well as an eastward shift in genesis location. This results in a statistically significant decrease in straight-moving (westward) storm tracks of similar to 5.5% and an increase in recurving (open ocean) tracks of similar to 5.5%. These track changes decrease TC counts over the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean by 1-1.5 decade(-1) and increase counts over the central Atlantic by 1-1.5 decade(-1). Changes in the large-scale steering flow account for a vast majority of the projected changes in TC trajectories.
A Poisson regression between the observed climatology of tropical cyclogenesis (TCG) and large-scale climate variables is used to construct a TCG index. The regression methodology is objective and provides a framework for the selection of the climate variables in the index. Broadly following earlier work, four climate variables appear in the index: low-level absolute vorticity, relative humidity, relative sea surface temperature (SST), and vertical shear. Several variants in the choice of predictors are explored, including relative SST versus potential intensity and satellite-based column-integrated relative humidity versus reanalysis relative humidity at a single level; these choices lead to modest differences in the performance of the index. The feature of the new index that leads to the greatest improvement is a functional dependence on low-level absolute vorticity that causes the index response to absolute vorticity to saturate when absolute vorticity exceeds a threshold. This feature reduces some biases of the index and improves the fidelity of its spatial distribution. Physically, this result suggests that once low-level environmental vorticity reaches a sufficiently large value, other factors become rate limiting so that further increases in vorticity (at least on a monthly mean basis) do not increase the probability of genesis. Although the index is fit to climatological data, it reproduces some aspects of interannual variability when applied to interannually varying data. Overall, the new index compares positively to the genesis potential index (GPI), whose derivation, computation, and analysis is more complex in part because of its dependence on potential intensity.