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Understanding coaching for at risk young people, combining 2 research projects.

  • Worth-it Positive Education CIC


Understanding coaching for at risk young people, combining 2 research projects. Objectives: There is surprisingly limited research on the experience of coaching and positive psychology on at-risk adolescents. This submission combines 2 independent research projects undertaken as part of the MSc Coaching Psychology at UEL, both projects set out to understand more about coaching in relation to at risk young people, what coaching has to offer them, what is their experience of coaching and what it is specifically that can help them. Design: Both studied applied qualitative research approaches, interviewing young people and analysing the data from the transcriptions in addition the grounded Theory study young people’s self-reflective evaluations and coaches were interviewed. Method: Grounded theory was employed to analyse creation of a theoretical model. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis used to analyse the data which revealed that the integrative programme had a positive impact. Results: The IPA study results in 3 key themes emerging; the ability to manage emotions, experience positive emotions and the identification of a meaningful life and relationships to engage in. The GT study results in a theoretical model which suggests the experience of coaching creates a process, a positive relationship and a set of skills (containing those identified in the IPA study) that help young people to deal with their situations. Conclusions: The GT study provides a tentative theoretical understanding of what coaching has to offer at risk young people, this model begins to gain validity through its synergy with the findings of the IPA study. The IPA study suggests that participating in an integrative coaching and positive psychology programme can lead to a range of benefits for at-risk adolescents. Both study’s start to develop the understanding of the benefits of applying integrated coaching interventions with at risk young people.
Liz Robson-Kelly MSc Michelle Pritchard MSc
CEO Worth-it Projects Find Your Spark
Supervised by Christian van Nieuwerburgh
SGCP 4th International Congress of Coaching Psychology 2014
limited research on the experience of coaching and
positive psychology on at-risk adolescents.
combines 2 independent research projects
undertaken as part of the MSc Coaching Psychology
at UEL
both projects set out to understand more about
coaching in relation to at risk young people,
what coaching has to offer them,
what is their experience of coaching
what it is specifically that can help them.
Coaching & PPI’S operate in ISOLATION currently.
Need to integrate for sustainability
Schools best place for this as role extends to
preparing whole child (Huitt, 2010).
Educational Psychologists stronger focus on
prevention and promotion for wellbeing (Noble &
McGrath, 2008).
GT process- based Leicestershire county
interviews with 9 at risk young people
Analysis 81 pieces self reflections from young people
Interviewed 3 coaches who worked with young people
Tentative model with feedback
Model created
Feedback from 3 young people
GT study results in a theoretical model which
suggests the experience of coaching creates a
process, a positive relationship and a set of skills
(containing those identified in the IPA study) that
help young people to deal with their situations.
Michelle’s research
The perceptual changes in life experience of at-risk
young girls subsequent to an appreciative coaching
and positive psychology interventions group
programme: An Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis (IPA).
Small homogenous, group
three inner city fifteen year olds
Conclusions LR-K
Coaching is a potential
method of application of
positive emotions.
Place to experience
positive relationships
Process of coaching is a
place to try out self
changing (de Hann 2008)
Increased control and
Conclusions MP
Able to now control inner
life experiences
Able to experience positive
emotions and thoughts
Able to identify purpose
and meaning to life and
Areas for further research
Coaching as an application of positive psychology
Test the model further
Expanding research base through both quantitative
and qualitative methods.
‘Men are not afraid of things but how they view
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