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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to develop a high-resolution sensorimotor area tract template (SMATT) which segments corticofugal tracts based on 6 cortical regions in primary motor cortex, dorsal premotor cortex, ventral premotor cortex, supplementary motor area (SMA), pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA), and primary somatosensory cortex using diffusion tensor imaging. Individual probabilistic tractography analyses were conducted in 100 subjects using the highest resolution data currently available. Tractography results were refined using a novel algorithm to objectively determine slice level thresholds that best minimized overlap between tracts while preserving tract volume. Consistent with tracing studies in monkey and rodent, our observations show that cortical topography is generally preserved through the internal capsule, with the preSMA tract remaining most anterior and the primary somatosensory tract remaining most posterior. We combine our results into a freely available white matter template named the SMATT. We also provide a probabilistic SMATT that quantifies the extent of overlap between tracts. Finally, we assess how the SMATT operates at the individual subject level in another independent data set, and in an individual after stroke. The SMATT and probabilistic SMATT provide new tools that segment and label sensorimotor tracts at a spatial resolution not previously available.
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Cerebral Cortex, 2017; 115
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx066
Original Article
A Template and Probabilistic Atlas of the Human
Sensorimotor Tracts using Diffusion MRI
Derek B. Archer
, David E. Vaillancourt
and Stephen A. Coombes
Laboratory for Rehabilitation Neuroscience, Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA,
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA and
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611, USA
Address correspondence to Stephen A. Coombes, Laboratory for Rehabilitation Neuroscience, Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology,
University of Florida, PO Box 118206, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. Email:
The purpose of this study was to develop a high-resolution sensorimotor area tract template (SMATT) which segments
corticofugal tracts based on 6 cortical regions in primary motor cortex, dorsal premotor cortex, ventral premotor cortex,
supplementary motor area (SMA), pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA), and primary somatosensory cortex using
diffusion tensor imaging. Individual probabilistic tractography analyses were conducted in 100 subjects using the highest
resolution data currently available. Tractography results were rened using a novel algorithm to objectively determine slice
level thresholds that best minimized overlap between tracts while preserving tract volume. Consistent with tracing studies
in monkey and rodent, our observations show that cortical topography is generally preserved through the internal capsule,
with the preSMA tract remaining most anterior and the primary somatosensory tract remaining most posterior. We
combine our results into a freely available white matter template named the SMATT. We also provide a probabilistic SMATT
that quanties the extent of overlap between tracts. Finally, we assess how the SMATT operates at the individual subject
level in another independent data set, and in an individual after stroke. The SMATT and probabilistic SMATT provide new
tools that segment and label sensorimotor tracts at a spatial resolution not previously available.
Key words: diffusion, movement, sensorimotor, tractography, white matter template
The corticospinal tract and the corticobulbar tract are crucial
for the performance of dexterous motor execution (Heffner and
Masterton 1983;Nudo and Masterton 1990a,1990b;Lemon and
Grifths 2005;Jang 2009). Structural neuroimaging experiments
in humans converge with lesion studies in nonhuman primates
to show that damage to the descending motor tracts lead to
profound decits in ne and gross motor function (Travis 1955;
Rouiller et al. 1998;Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Schulz et al.
2012;Groisser et al. 2014;Morecraft et al. 2015). The extent of
damage to these tracts predicts decits in function as well as
recovery potential after injuries such as stroke (Stinear et al.
2007,2012;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Schulz et al. 2012). Precise
measurement of descending motor tract microstructure is also
fundamental to our understanding of diseases and disorders
that impact motor function such as upper motor neuron syn-
drome (Sach et al. 2004), multiple sclerosis (Tovar-Moll et al.
2015), traumatic brain injury (Caeyenberghs et al. 2010;Jang
and Kim 2016), spinal cord injury (Hou et al. 2016), and cerebral
palsy (Jaspers et al. 2015). Current approaches to studying the
microstructure of the descending motor tracts in humans focus
on the corticospinal tract descending from the primary motor
cortex (M1) (Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;
Groisser et al. 2014). However, corticospinal and corticobulbar
tracts originate in areas beyond the M1. Tracing studies in
monkey estimate that 50% of corticospinal projections originate
© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
from M1, with the remainder made up of projections that ori-
ginate in the premotor areas and parietal lobe (Dum and Strick
1991;Galea and Darian-Smith 1994). Functional imaging data
show that premotor and higher motor areas are important for
motor planning and motor execution (Mayka et al. 2006;
Coombes et al. 2010,2011,2012;Plow et al. 2015) and have the
capacity to inuence motor function based on their distinct con-
nections to subcortical areas (Lehericy et al. 2004a,2004b)and
their direct projections to the spinal cord (Dum and Strick 1991).
Tracing studies in rodents and nonhuman primates show that
projections from different cortical regions are topographically
organized through the internal capsule and begin to overlap in
the cerebral peduncle (CP) (Barnard and Woolsey 1956;Fries et al.
1993;Coleman et al. 1997). Together these ndings suggest that
the segregation between tracts associated with different regions
in sensorimotor cortex may be preserved in humans. However,
there is currently no tract template or probabilistic atlas available
to identify different segments of these tracts based on their topo-
graphical organization in sensorimotor cortex.
The only noninvasive in vivo method to study the 3D archi-
tecture of the sensorimotor tracts in humans is diffusion-
weighted imaging (Johansen-Berg and Rushworth 2009;Jones
et al. 2013). Probabilistic tractography is one approach that has
gained traction because it uses diffusion-weighted images to
generate a likelihood map of connectivity between different
brain regions which are termed seeds and waypoints (Behrens
et al. 2003a,2003b;Jbabdi et al. 2015;Archer et al. 2016;van
Baarsen et al. 2016). Each voxel in the likelihood map is assigned
a value based on the number of streamlines that traverse that
particular voxel. Voxels in which the number of streamlines is
near zero have a low probability of being part of the tract,
whereas voxels with a high number of streamlines have a high-
er probability of being part of the tract. Three important meth-
odological decisions can shape how a tract is identied: (1) seed
location and seed size from which the tracking algorithm will
begin, (2) location and size of waypoints through which the tract
must pass, and (3) the probability threshold level that deter-
mines which voxels are included in the tract.
Studies that focus on the corticospinal tract typically iden-
tify a seed region in M1, waypoints in the posterior limb of the
internal capsule (PLIC) and CP, and a single threshold value
based on a percentage of the maximum probability value of all
voxels identied in the tract (Newton et al. 2006;Lindenberg
et al. 2012;Park et al. 2013;Archer et al. 2016). Probability values
are high in the PLIC where more streamlines follow the same
trajectory through fewer voxels. Probability values are relatively
lower in cortical areas where fewer streamlines follow the
same trajectory through each voxel. Conventional approaches
use a single threshold level for the entire tract. This threshold
value has to be kept low to avoid false negatives that occur
when eliminating voxels in the cortex (Newton et al. 2006;
Schaechter et al. 2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Park et al. 2013;
Archer et al. 2016;Potter-Baker et al. 2016). However, the low
threshold increases the probability of false positives in the PLIC
where fewer voxels are eliminated. As a result, much of the
PLIC is included in the tract, despite evidence that tracts from
different cortical regions are topographically organized through
the internal capsule (Barnard and Woolsey 1956;Fries et al.
1993;Coleman et al. 1997). A low threshold value can work well
when tracking a single pathway from the cortex as long as tract
segmentation in subcortical regions is not essential. However,
segmenting tracts into multiple compartments through the
internal capsule based on different regions of the sensorimotor
cortex requires a new approach that minimizes false negatives in
the cortex to maintain tract volume, while also minimizing false
positives in the internal capsule to maintain tract segmentation.
The purpose of this study is to create a high-resolution tem-
plate that segments the sensorimotor tracts into multiple com-
partments based on 6 cortical seeds extracted from the human
motor area template (HMAT: M1; dorsal premotor cortex (PMd);
ventral premotor cortex (PMv); supplementary motor area
(SMA) proper; pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA); and pri-
mary somatosensory cortex (S1)) (Mayka et al. 2006). First, for
each seed in each hemisphere, we conducted probabilistic trac-
tography analyses at the individual level in 100 subjects using
high-resolution Human Connectome Project data (Van Essen
et al. 2013;Sotiropoulos et al. 2013a). Planar waypoints were
positioned in the PLIC and the CP. Second, we implemented a
novel thresholding approach such that each slice was thre-
sholded independently at 9 different thresholds (1050% in
increments of 5%). Third, tract overlap, tract volume, and coef-
cient of variation of fractional anisotropy (CV
) within each
tract were calculated at each threshold percentile for each slice.
Segmented regression analyses were then used to minimize
tract overlap while preserving tract volume. Individually deter-
mined threshold percentiles were then applied to each slice
and the slices were merged together to form the sensorimotor
area tract template (SMATT). Finally, we quantied the amount
of overlap between the tracts in each hemisphere to determine
the probability that a single voxel is unique to a specic tract.
Probability values for all voxels included in the template are
provided in the sensorimotor area tract probabilistic atlas.
Materials and Methods
Human Connectome Subjects
Diffusion-weighted imaging of 100 healthy individuals was
obtained from the Human Connectome Project website (http:// et al. 2010;
Moeller et al. 2010;Setsompop et al. 2012;Van Essen et al. 2013;
Sotiropoulos et al. 2013b). All subjects (54 females, 46 males)
were within the age range of 2135. Diffusion images (reso-
lution: 1.25 mm ×1.25 mm ×1.25 mm isotropic; slices: 111; eld
of view: 210 ×180; ip angle: 78°;b-values: 1000, 2000, and
3000 s/mm
) were collected using a customized Siemens 3 T
scanner (Connectome Skyra). Each individuals diffusion mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) session consisted of 6 separate
scans, each lasting approximately 10 min (Van Essen et al.
2013;Sotiropoulos et al. 2013a). The Human Connectome
Project data were preprocessed, which included eddy current
distortion correction and head motion correction (Andersson
and Sotiropoulos 2015,2016). Following download, ber orienta-
tions were estimated with BEDPOSTX, in which 3 bers were
modeled per voxel (Jbabdi et al. 2012). The FA map for each
individuals data was created via DTIFIT (Jenkinson et al. 2012).
To obtain a standardized space representation of the FA map,
the original FA map for each individual was registered to the
FMRIB FA template in standard space (1 ×1×1 mm) by an
afne transformation with 12 degrees of freedom and trilinear
interpolation using FLIRT (Jenkinson and Smith 2001;Jenkinson
et al. 2002). This resulted in a linear transformed FA map and
its corresponding transformation matrix. The linear transform-
ation was followed by a nonlinear transformation (Smith et al.
2004;Woolrich et al. 2009;Jenkinson et al. 2012), in which the
input was the original FA map and the FLIRT transformation
matrix. The output of this step was the standardized space
representation of the FA map and the corresponding nonlinear
Cerebral Cortex
coefcient le. All 100 subjects were used to create the tracto-
graphy template.
University of Florida Subjects
Diffusion-weighted imaging of 20 healthy individuals was col-
lected at the University of Florida (11 males, 9 females; age and
handedness are shown in Table 1). Each subject provided
informed consent before testing. Scanning was approved by the
local Institutional Review Board and was in accord with the
Declaration of Helsinki. MRIs were collected using a 32 channel
head coil inside a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner
(Achieva, Best, the Netherlands). Diffusion MRI images (reso-
lution: 2 mm isotropic, 64 noncollinear diffusion directions, b-
value of 1000 s/mm
and one with a b-value of 0 s/mm
, 75 axial
slices covered the cortex and brainstem) were collected from
each subject. FA images were obtained for each subject and
normalized to standard space, using the protocol identical to
the Human Connectome Project subjects outlined above.
Probabilistic Tractography
Probabilistic tractography was conducted using the probtrackx2
program in FSL (default settingcurvature threshold of 80°,
5000 streamlines per voxel, step length of 0.5 mm) (Behrens
et al. 2003b,2007). The HMAT regions were used as seeds
(Fig. 1A) to generate tracts from specic sensorimotor regions
(Mayka et al. 2006). The HMAT contains 6 separate sensori-
motor areas: M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1 (Fig. 1B).
Additional regions of interest in the tractography analysis were
planar waypoints at the level of the PLIC (z=7 to 9) and CP (z=
31 to 29). A planar point was placed at the midline (x=1to
1) to exclude transcallosal bers. Tracking was completed at
the individual subject level in native subject space. Seeds from
the HMAT were transformed to each subjects native space
using the inverse of the nonlinear coefcient le from the spa-
tial normalization procedure outlined above. Tracking was
conducted separately for each hemisphere. The output of this
step resulted in 6 sensorimotor tracts in the left hemisphere
(M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1) and 6 sensorimotor tracts
in the right hemisphere (M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1)
for each individual subject. Each voxel in each tract was
assigned a probability value corresponding to the number of
streamlines that traversed that voxel in that individual. Each
subjects tracts were warped to standardized space using the
nonlinear coefcient le from the FA map normalization pro-
cedure outlined above.
Tract Level Thresholding Versus Slice Level
Thresholding in the M1 Tract
Thresholding is conducted at the individual level. Conventional
probabilistic tractography studies implement a threshold
approach that takes the maximum probability value (based on
the number of streamlines) in any voxel in the identied tract
and sets a threshold value based on a percentage of this max-
imum probability value. A single value is, therefore, used to
threshold the entire tract. This conventional thresholding
approach is sensitive to differences in the number of stream-
lines throughout the tract which can be driven by differences
in ber proximity in different regions of the brain. In the cur-
rent study, we implemented a novel approach for thresholding
probabilistic tractography data. Instead of identifying and
calculating a single value for the whole tract based on a per-
centage of the voxel with the maximum number of stream-
lines, we used a segmented approach. First, we split the tract
into individual slices using fslsplit. When using fslsplit in the
z-direction, the image was split into 181 axial 1 mm slices.
When using fslsplit in the x-direction, the image was split into
181 sagittal 1 mm slices. Next, the maximum value within any
voxel of each slice was identied and threshold levels were cal-
culated based on that maximum value for that slice independ-
ently. We rst assess volume of the M1 tract in a single subject
using a conventional approach and our slice level thresholding
approach. For the conventional approach, the entire M1 sen-
sorimotor tract was thresholded based on values equal to 10%,
25%, and 50% of the maximum probability value found in the
entire tract. For our proposed approach, each slice was thre-
sholded based on values equal to 10%, 25%, and 50% of the
maximum probability value within each slice. Following
thresholding, tracts were binarized and the volume of the tract
at each threshold level was compared between approaches.
Slice Level Thresholding Including all Sensorimotor
The proposed experimental approach will characterize 6 tracts
in each hemisphere (M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1)
using 9 percentile thresholds (1050% in increments of 5%) in
100 subjects. The majority of the sensorimotor tracts can be
split into axial slices because their primary direction of travel is
along the z-axis. However, the PMv sensorimotor tract moves
medially from the PMv toward the PLIC, and then travels infer-
ior to the CP. Slice level thresholds for PMv were, therefore, cal-
culated for axial and sagittal slices. PMv was included with all
other tracts in axial slices from z=35 to 20. Lateral regions of
the PMv tract in the right hemisphere were identied using the
slice level threshold approach in sagittal slices from x>30.
Portions of the tract between z>20 and x<30 were identied
using a conjunction analysis of the axial and sagittal PMv sen-
sorimotor tracts, in which voxels common to both tracts were
Table 1 Age, sex, and hand dominance for University of Florida
subjects used in the slice-by-slice prole analysis in Figure 7
Subject Human connectome project University of Florida
Age Gender Handedness Age Gender Handedness
1 22M R 22M R
2 32M R 32M R
3 36M R 37M R
4 34M R 34M R
5 34M R 34M R
6 30M R 30M R
7 23M R 25M R
8 23M R 21M R
9 23M R 21M R
10 30 M R 30 M R
11 24 M R 23 M R
12 26 F R 26 F R
13 31 F R 31 F R
14 22 F R 22 F R
15 26 F R 26 F R
16 22 F R 22 F R
17 25 F R 25 F R
18 23 F R 21 F R
19 22 F R 20 F R
20 24 F R 21 F R
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
included in the nal PMv tract. The same logic was used for the
left hemisphere using negative values in the x-direction.
Individual tracts were thresholded at the 9 threshold levels,
and then binarized for each subject. Binarized tracts were then
submitted to a group level conjunction analysis such that
within each tract, voxels were retained if the voxel was com-
mon to at least 10 individuals. We used a liberal threshold
here, so that tracts could be rened objectively as described
below. The output of this stage of the analysis was 9 binarized
tracts (one at each percentile threshold) for each of the 6 cor-
tical seed regions (M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1), for the
left and the right hemisphere.
Binarized conjunction maps for each tract were used to deter-
mine the extent of overlap between tracts at each threshold
level. We counted the number of voxels within each slice,
within each tract, that were also common to other tracts. For
example, voxels in the M1 tract with no overlap with any other
tracts were assigned a value of 0. Voxels in the M1 tract that
were common to one or more other tracts were assigned a
value of 1. Every voxel in the M1 tract was assigned a value of 0
or 1 following this logic. Overlap values were then summed to
create a single overlap value for the M1 tract for a single slice.
The same procedure was completed for each tract, in each
slice, at each threshold, in each hemisphere.
Coefcient of Variation of FA
To constrain tracts primarily to white matter, we calculated a
normalized variability measure using FA. The CV
was calcu-
lated for each tract at each slice for each threshold percentile
for each individual. The binarized tracts from the group level
conjunction analysis were used as masks at the individual level
to calculate CV
(SD of mean FA/mean FA). CV
values were
averaged across individuals for each tract, at each slice, for
each threshold percentile. At lower thresholds, we expected
relatively higher CV
values because greater tract volume
should increase the chances that voxels containing gray matter
or cerebrospinal uid will be included in the tract.
To determine the extent to which threshold levels inuence
the number of voxels retained within each tract, we calculated
tract volume. Tract volume was calculated at the group level
for each of the binarized tracts identied in the conjunction
analysis. Volume was calculated by summing the number of
voxels included in each tract at each threshold percentile at
each slice.
Threshold Selection
After overlap, CV
, and volume were calculated, the 3 values
were multiplied together for each tract, for each threshold, and
for each slice. Note that when overlap was equal to zero, it was
eliminated from the calculation. We expected this summary
score to have high values at low percentiles and relatively low-
er values at higher percentiles for all tracts. A single summary
score was then calculated for each slice at each percentile by
summing values across tracts. As a result, 9 values were asso-
ciated with each slice; one at each threshold percentile.
Segmented regression analyses were then conducted (segmen-
ted package in R version 3.2.1) at each slice to t 2 simple
regression models to the 9 data points. The breakpoint analysis
was used to identify the point of intersection of the 2 linear
functions of different slopes. The goal was to identify the point
at which increases in threshold no longer led to large decreases
in overlap or volume. Hence, we wanted to identify the point at
which overlap is best minimized while volume is maximized.
CV was included as a control variable to ensure that the tract is
restricted to white matter. The segmented regression analysis
method ts 2 different linear regression models to the data, in
which the models are separated where the linear relationship
changes (called the breakpoint) (Muggeo 2003). The threshold
closest to this breakpoint was then used for its corresponding
slice. Threshold levels were held constant across tracts for the
Figure 1. Probabilistic tractography inputs. (A) The regions within the HMAT were used as seed regions in the probabilistic tractography analyses. (B) A separate prob-
abilistic tractography analysis was conducted for M1 (green), PMd (dark yellow), PMv (light yellow), SMA (orange), preSMA (red), and S1 (blue), in which a planar way-
point was placed at the level of the PLIC (z=7 to 9) and the CP (z=31 to 29). Additionally, transcallosal streamlines were excluded by including a planar exclusion
mask at the midline (x=1 to 1).
Cerebral Cortex
same slice, but were able to vary across slices based on slice
level breakpoint analyses. The resulting tracts identied in
each of the 181 slices were then merged with the results from
all other slices to create a group level whole-brain template for
each sensorimotor tract.
Sensorimotor Area Tract Probabilistic Atlas
Once the sensorimotor tract template was compiled, we next
determined the probability that each voxel within the template
was unique to a specic tract. For example, if a voxel was com-
mon to the M1 and the S1 tracts, there was a 50% chance that
the voxel was unique to the M1 tract and a 50% chance that the
voxel was unique to the S1 tract. Since there are 6 tracts in
each hemisphere, each voxel could be assigned a value ranging
from one-sixth (i.e.,16% chance that the voxel is unique to one
specic tract) to 1 (i.e., 100% probable that the voxel is unique
to one tract). We expected voxels in the most inferior portions
of the tracts to have low probabilities due to an increase in ber
density in subcortical brain regions, and probabilities to
increase in cortical regions as ber density decreased.
Evaluation of the SMATT in an Independent Data Set
To evaluate how the SMATT operates in an independent data
set, we overlaid the template on diffusion scans of 20 individ-
ual subjects from an independent data set collected at the
University Florida. We overlaid the template onto the scans of
20 individual subjects from the Human Connectome Project
(HCP) data set. These 20 subjects were a subset of the 100 sub-
jects used to create the template and were selected to match
the University of Florida data set for age (HCP: 26.15 ±5.31
years; UF: 26.6 ±4.72 years), sex, and handedness (see Table 1
for subject details). We also calculated FA values for each slice
of each tract for each individual. As the 2 data sets were col-
lected on different scanners using different pulse sequences, we
rst normalized each individuals FA map by calculating their
mean whole-brain FA and dividing their FA map by this value.
Evaluation of the SMATT in an Individual after Stroke
Diffusion-weighted imaging of one chronic stroke individual
was obtained at the University of Florida. This subject provided
informed consent and scanning was approved by the local
Institutional Review Board and was in accord with the
Declaration of Helsinki. Diffusion parameters were identical to
the parameters for the other University of Florida subjects
noted above. The subject was a 65-year-old male with a single
subcortical ischemic stroke in the left hemisphere, who was
impaired on the right hand (right-hand grip strength: 30.8 N;
left-hand grip strength: 70.4 N). Time since stroke was 5.59
year, the Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment score was
30, and the Mini Mental State Examination score was 29. The
SMATT was used to characterize tract microstructure and
stroke location.
Figure 2shows probabilistic tractography data from one subject
for the M1 sensorimotor tract in the right hemisphere using a
conventional thresholding approach (Fig. 2AD) and our pro-
posed slice level thresholding approach (Fig. 2EH). The solid
blue line in Figure 2Ashows the maximum number of stream-
lines from any single voxel within each axial slice along the M1
tract between the CP (z=36) and M1 (z=80). The maximum
number of streamlines is 120 which is located at z=5 within
the inferior PLIC. Conventional thresholding approaches take
this value and then multiply it by an arbitrary percentage. For
example, a 10% threshold level would correspond with a
streamline value of 12, a 25% threshold level would lead to a
value of 30, and a 50% threshold level would lead to a value of
60. Slices in which all voxels have streamline values below this
value are then eliminated from the tract. For instance, the red
dotted horizontal line in Figure 2Ashows that at 10%, the most
superior cortical slices would be eliminated (z>40), and the
resulting 3D tract is shown in Figure 2B. At 25%, more of the
tract is eliminated (z>8) as shown by the orange horizontal
dotted line in Figure 2Aand the decrease in tract volume in the
3D representation of the tract in Figure 2C. At 50% (yellow hori-
zontal line in Fig. 2A), most of the tract is eliminated (z<16
and z>0) as shown in Figure 2D, with only slices adjacent with
the slice with the maximum voxel being retained in the nal
output. When tracking the entire sensorimotor tracts using this
conventional approach, low threshold levels must, therefore,
be used to retain volume in cortical regions of the tract.
Figure 2Eshows the data analyzed using our novel
approach, based on the same blue streamline prole shown in
Figure 2A. Using the same threshold percentages, but applying
them independently to each slice leads to clear differences in
tract volume. The dashed lines in Figure 2Eshow that at the
10% level the threshold changes along the trajectory of the
tract. The corresponding red 3D tract in Figure 2Fshows that
tract volume is retained in every slice, and overall volume is
greater than the corresponding conventional approach shown
in Figure 2B. As the threshold increases to 25% (orange dashed
line in Fig. 2Eand orange 3D tract in Fig. 2G) and 50% (yellow
dashed line in Fig. 2Eand yellow 3D tract in Fig. 2H) it is import-
ant to note that the overall volume of the tract is reduced with-
out eliminating entire slices from the tract. Previous studies
that use a conventional approach often decide on an arbitrary
threshold level that ensures that volume is retained across the
whole sensorimotor tract. Although implementing a slice level
thresholding approach addresses the volume issue, threshold
levels are still arbitrary and are not based on an objective data-
driven metric. To address this issue, we propose a novel
approach which identies a threshold at each individual slice
based on a combined measure that includes tract overlap,
, and tract volume.
Figure 3Ashows the 6 binarized tracts in the right hemi-
sphere derived from individual probabilistic tractography
results thresholded at 10%. The box in Figure 3Ahighlights one
slice positioned at z=10. All remaining panels (Fig. 3BG) show
data calculated for this slice. Figure 3Bshows an axial view of
the 6 tracts within the right PLIC thresholded at 10%, 25%, and
50%. The tracts descending from M1 (green), PMd (dark yellow),
PMv (light yellow), SMA (orange), preSMA (red), and S1 (blue)
are shown. At 10%, there is high volume for each tract and high
overlap between tracts making tract segregation difcult. As
thresholding increases to 25% and then 50%, both volume and
overlap decrease making tract segregation more viable.
Figure 3Cshows overlap values for each tract for each thresh-
old from 10% to 50% in 5% increments. At 10%, 102 voxels
within the M1 sensorimotor tract were also common to one or
more other tracts. At the same 10% threshold level, overlap in
preSMA was 57 voxels. As thresholding increases there is a
decrease in overlap, with thresholds set at 50% leading to over-
lap values of 16 for the M1 tract and 5 for the preSMA tract.
Figure 3Dshows CV
at each threshold. The CV
for M1 was
0.281 at 10%, and decreased to 0.208 at 50%. Figure 3Eshows
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
tract volume at each threshold. At 10%, the M1 tract has a vol-
ume of 105 voxels, whereas preSMA has a volume of 78 voxels.
As thresholding increases to 50%, we see a reduction in volume
in all tracts, with voxel count in the M1 tract decreasing to 31
voxels and voxel count in the preSMA tract decreasing to 16
voxels. Measures of overlap, CV
, and volume were then
multiplied together and these data are shown in Figure 3F.At
10%, the value is high for all tracts, and this value approaches
zero as thresholding increases to 50%. Values across tracts
were then summed to create one overall score for each thresh-
old and these scores are represented by the yellow dots shown
in Figure 3G. Summed values were then used as dependent
variables in a segmented regression analysis. Two lines were t
to the data (red lines in Fig. 3G), and the breakpoint was calcu-
lated to be at 17.24%. Threshold levels were rounded to the
nearest multiple of 5 within the 1050% range. Therefore, the
threshold for this slice was selected as 15% (blue dashed line in
Fig. 3G). The same procedure was conducted independently for
each slice in each hemisphere.
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template
The mean threshold for the left hemisphere was 16.43% (SD =
2.45, range: 1025). The mean threshold for the right hemi-
sphere was 19.83% (SD =3.11, range: 1525). We also averaged
across slices to calculate regional thresholds. For cortical
regions between z=84 and z=19 the average threshold across
the left and the right hemisphere was 17.6%. For the PLIC
between z=18 and z=4 the average threshold was 20.0%.
Below the internal capsule from z=5to35 the average
threshold was 17.9%. The important point here is that although
the threshold percentages are relatively similar, the maximum
probability value that they are applied to is different between
regions (see Fig. 2). To control for tract-specic differences in
volume between hemispheres, we used a conjunction analysis
by overlaying tracts from the left hemisphere onto the tracts in
the right hemisphere. Only voxels that were common to both
tracts were included in the nal template. Figure 4Ashows the
assembled SMATT in the right hemisphere. Volume was re-
tained in all slices of each tract. Figure 4Bshows an axial view
of the SMATT overlaid on an anatomical image at slice z=55,
z=10, and z=30. At z=55, Figure 4Bshows that cortical top-
ography was relatively well maintained in the SMATT, and that
the SMATT is constrained to white matter. Overlap is increased
at z=10, as compared to the cortex, but this is to be expected
given the increase in ber proximity in the PLIC. Cortical topog-
raphy was generally well maintained in PLIC, with the preSMA
tract most anterior and the S1 tract most posterior with no
overlap between these 2 tracts. Highest overlap was found
between tracts in the most inferior portions of the descending
tracts, such as in the CP which is shown at z=30. To show
the utility of slice level thresholding, we took the average slice
level thresholding value (18%), and used this percentage to per-
form a tract-wide threshold (Fig. 4C). Figure 4Cshows that with
a tract-wide threshold of 18%, cortical volume is abolished in
all tracts. Figure 4Dshows the JohnsHopkins template of the
corticospinal tract thresholded at 3 different levels (Hua et al.
2008). When using the JohnsHopkins template with a 0%
threshold, it is clear that white and gray matter will be included
in the template. At the 25% threshold, the template is restricted
to a small area in the medial portion of M1, and at the 50%
threshold there is no volume in cortical areas of the tract.
Similar patterns are shown at z=10 and z=30. The SMATT
overcomes each of these issues while also identifying tracts
that are specic to distinct cortical regions.
Probabilistic SMATT
The overlap of each tract in the SMATT was quantied by sum-
ming the number of tracts that were common to each voxel in
the SMATT. Each voxel in the probabilistic SMATT can be repre-
sented by a value ranging from one-sixth (or 0.167) to 1, in
Figure 2. Tract level thresholding versus slice level thresholding in the M1 tract. (A) When performing probabilistic tractography from M1 to the CP, the number of
streamlines per slice varies (blue line), in which there is a peak number of streamlines at z=5. Conventional tract level thresholding calculates the maximum num-
ber of streamlines within the prole and bases the threshold on a percentage of this value. Thresholds can be arbitrarily set at 10% (red line), 25% (orange line), or
50% (yellow line) of the peak value. Higher thresholds lead to a reduction in tract volume (BD). Blue lines that fall below the threshold line would be excluded from
the nal results. Therefore, a threshold of 10% results in some loss of cortical volume (z>40 eliminated), while a 25% threshold results in additional loss of volume in
the cortex (z>8 eliminated). At 50%, the only slices which remain are within the PLIC (z=16 to 0 remain). (E) By splitting the tract into individual slices, each slice
can be thresholded independently. A benet of this method is that it does not result in any excluded slices within the tract. At 10%, tract volume is high. At 25% and
50% the volume of the tract decreases but volume is maintained in every slice of the tract (FH).
Cerebral Cortex
which higher values indicate more certainty that a particular
voxel is unique to a particular sensorimotor tract. Figure 5A
shows the probabilistic M1 tract atlas in the right hemisphere.
Red colors represent voxels that have a low probability of resid-
ing in a single tract. As the colors get brighter voxels have a
higher probability of being unique to the M1 tract, as shown by
the increase in number of yellow voxels starting at the level of
the PLIC. A probability prole for the M1 tract is shown on the
right side of Figure 5A. The red line represents the mean prob-
ability value for each axial slice in the M1 tract. The yellow
shading represents the corresponding ±SEM. At the more
inferior portions of the tract, probability is approximately 0.35.
As the tract travels through the PLIC (z=10), probability of
being unique to the M1 tract increases to approximately 0.6.
Superior to the PLIC, there is a progressive increase in the prob-
ability of voxels being within M1 tract until z=40. At z=40,
there is a sharp increase in probability, which reaches 1 at z=
55. 3D images and probability proles for the remaining tracts
in the right hemisphere are shown in Figures 5BF. All tracts
show similar probability proles to the M1 tract, with probabil-
ity generally increasing in more superior regions of the tract.
Based on the conjunction analyses performed on the SMATT,
probability values in the left hemisphere are the same as in the
right hemisphere. The probabilistic SMATT includes values for
both hemispheres for all tracts.
Evaluation of SMATT in an Independent Data Set
To assess how the SMATT operates in individual subjects, we
rst visually inspected alignment of the SMATT within the PLIC
at the individual level using a subset of 20 subjects from the
Human Connectome Project data set as well as individual sub-
jects collected at the University of Florida. Figure 6Ashows the
SMATT overlaid on an axial slice of the FMRIB anatomical tem-
plate at the level of the PLIC (z=10). Figure 6Bshows the
SMATT overlaid on individual subject anatomical images in
standard space. Individual data from 20 subjects collected as
part of the Human Connectome Project and individual data
from 20 subjects collected at the University of Florida are
shown. The SMATT is well aligned in both groups for all tracts,
even though the data from the University of Florida has a lower
resolution than the Human Connectome Project. Next, we cre-
ated mean normalized FA proles (average SMATT FA within
each slice divided by whole brain mean FA) for each tract for
each data set. Figure 7Ashows the M1 tract in the right hemi-
sphere. Figure 7B,Cshow the slice-by-slice proles of normal-
ized FA values for the left and right hemisphere. HCP data are
represented with black lines and red shading (mean ±SEM), and
University of Florida data are represented with black lines and
green shading (mean ±SEM). Figure 7Bshows that the M1 tract
begins at z=35 at the level of the CP and terminates in M1 at
z=75. HCP and University of Florida proles show a similar pat-
tern. Normalized FA was approximately 1.1 within the CP and
increased to approximately 1.6 within the PLIC (z=20 to 20).
From z=20 to 40, there is a reduction in normalized FA, which
is consistent with the associated crossing bers within the cen-
trum semiovale. At z=40, there is a steady increase in normal-
ized FA which peaks at z=55, followed by a slow decrease in
normalized FA in cortical regions of the M1 tract. Figure 7C
shows that a similar pattern was evidenced in the right hemi-
sphere. Proles were created for each of the 5 remaining tracts
in both hemispheres and are shown in Figure 7DR.
To determine whether subject age inuenced the develop-
ment of the template, we calculated area under the curve (AUC)
for each individuals FA prole for each tract. Figure 8shows
correlations between age and AUC in all tracts in the left hemi-
sphere (AF) and the right hemisphere (GL). No signicant cor-
relations were found between FA and age in any tract.
Evaluation of SMATT in a Stroke Subject
An axial view of the chronic stroke subjects FA map is shown
in Figure 9Aat z=15 at the level of the PLIC. The lesion merges
with the ventricle in the left hemisphere. Anterior regions of
the PLIC show extensive damage. Figure 9Bshows the SMATT
Figure 3. Slice level thresholding of sensorimotor tract data. (A) The probabilis-
tic tractography results for all 6 sensorimotor tracts in the right hemisphere at
the 10% threshold level. At this low threshold, aberrant voxels are still present.
For instance, red voxels that are associated with the preSMA tract can be seen
above the corpus callosum, and blue and yellow voxels can be been in the ven-
tral temporal lobe. The presence of these aberrant voxels support our position
that thresholding the entire tract at one relatively low percentile can lead to
the inclusion of lowly probably voxels. The gray box identies the individual
slice (z=10) that is analyzed in Figure 3BG.(B) Axial slices of the PLIC in the
right hemisphere with the sensorimotor tracts thresholded at 10%, 25%, and
50%. Increases in threshold lead to a decrease in volume and a decrease in
overlap between the tracts. (C) Overlap of each sensorimotor tract with every
other sensorimotor tract was calculated at each percentile. The 6 sensorimotor
tracts were thresholded at 9 percentiles. (D) The CV
of each sensorimotor
tract was calculated for each percentile threshold. (E) The volume of each sen-
sorimotor tract was calculated for each percentile threshold. (F) The overlap,
, and volume were incorporated into one variable and calculated for each
tract at each percentile threshold. (G) Values shown in 3Fwere summed across
tracts for each percentile (yellow dots) and a segmented regression analysis
was conducted. Two lines were t to the data (red lines), and the breakpoint
was calculated to be at 17.24%. Threshold levels were rounded to the nearest
multiple of 5 within the 1050% range. The threshold for this slice was selected
as 15% (blue dashed line).
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
overlaid on top of the same structural scan shown in Figure 9A.
Here, we show successful normalization of the lesioned brain
to MNI space, which allows the SMATT to overlay well.
Anterior regions of the template in the left hemisphere overlap
the lesion. Lesion overlap in the template was calculated
within each tract at z=15 for the left hemisphere, and is
shown in Figure 9C. The x-axis is sorted from posterior to anter-
ior, and shows that S1 and M1 have 0% lesion overlap whereas
lesion overlap for PMd and preSMA is 100%. FA was quantied
for each tract at z=15 (Fig. 9D), and shows an inverse relation-
ship with lesion overlap. Regions with high lesion overlap have
lower FA. We also quantied lesion overlap in the entire tract
(Fig. 9E), and show that the more posterior tracts have low
lesion overlap (<2.5%), while the more anterior tracts had high-
er lesion overlap (>7.5%). Lesion overlap provides an overall
assessment of lesion impact, but it does not provide informa-
tion on lesion location. We next calculated FA proles for each
tract in the z-direction (Fig. 9F). Proles for S1 and M1 tracts fol-
low a similar pattern to the proles of healthy controls which
are shown in Figure 7B. Anterior tracts including PMv, PMd,
SMA, and preSMA which had higher lesion overlap show large
reductions in FA from z=5 to 40. Our observations suggest that
the SMATT can be useful to locate and characterize lesions that
impact the sensorimotor tracts.
The purpose of this study was to develop a high-resolution
template of the sensorimotor tracts which segmented the
tracts based on 6 cortical regions in M1, PMd, PMv, SMA,
preSMA, and S1. Individual probabilistic tractography analyses
were conducted in 100 subjects using the highest resolution
data currently available. Tractography results were rened
using a novel algorithm to objectively determine slice level
thresholds that best minimized overlap between tracts while
simultaneously preserving tract volume. Our observations are
consistent with tracing studies in monkey and show that cor-
tical topography is generally preserved as the tracts descend
through the brain, with the preSMA tract remaining most
anterior and the S1 tract remaining most posterior through the
internal capsule. We have combined the 6 individual tracts into
a white matter template named the SMATT. We also provide a
probabilistic SMATT that quanties the extent of overlap at the
voxel level between tracts. The probabilistic SMATT showed
that overlap between adjacent tracts increased as tract proxim-
ity increased through the internal capsule and CP. We also
show that the SMATT operates well in an independent data set
based on slice-by-slice normalized FA proles. Finally, we infer
tract-specic and slice-specic damage to the sensorimotor
tracts in a stroke patient by using the template to extract FA
proles. The SMATT and probabilistic SMATT provide new tools
that segment and label sensorimotor tracts at a spatial reso-
lution not previously available.
Sophisticated tracing techniques have been used in rodents
and monkeys to identify the axons that link the motor cortex
with the reticular formation and spinal cord (Barnard and
Woolsey 1956;Dum and Strick 1991;Fries et al. 1993;He et al.
1993,1995;Coleman et al. 1997;Maier et al. 2002). Over the last
several decades important advances in structural neuroima-
ging have allowed us to start characterizing the sensorimotor
pathways in vivo in humans. However, as compared with tra-
cing studies in animal models, when using diffusion MRI and
probabilistic tractography to identify these pathways, tract vol-
ume and tract overlap are more variable and can be inuenced
by factors that include seed masks, waypoint and exclusion
masks, and threshold values.
The selection of seed masks is a large source of variability
between probabilistic tractography studies. One approach is to
Figure 4. The SMATT. (A) The assembled SMATT (M1green; PMddark yellow;
PMvlight yellow; SMAorange; preSMAred; S1blue). Note that non-
uniformity in the lateral portion of the PMv tract is driven by the tract traveling
around gray matter. (B) Axial slices of the SMATT in the cortex (z=55), PLIC (z=
10), and CP (z=30). (C) To compare independent slice level thresholding and
tract level thresholding, we used the average slice level threshold (18%) to
threshold each entire tract. At z=55 there is no volume in any cortical tracts.
At z=10 and z=30 tract location follows a similar pattern as the SMATT. (D)
Axial slices of the JohnsHopkins corticospinal template thresholded at 0%,
25%, and 50% in the cortex (z=55), PLIC (z=10), and CP (z=30).
Cerebral Cortex
Figure 5. Probabilistic SMATT. Each tract was overlaid with one another to quantify the amount of overlap between tracts so that a probabilistic value could be calcu-
lated for each voxel in the template. The mean probability of each slice is shown with a red line, with the yellow shading representing the mean ±SEM. A view of
each tract (AM1; BPMd; CPMv; DSMA; EpreSMA; FS1) is shown, in which darker red colors indicate higher overlap with other tracts (i.e., low probability
voxel is only part of one tract), whereas brighter yellow colors identify voxels with low overlap with other tracts (i.e., high probability voxel is only part of one tract).
Probability proles are shown for each tract. As the tracts reach more superior regions, the probability of voxels being unique to a particular sensorimotor tract
Figure 6. SMATT overlaid on individual subject data. (A) SMATT overlaid on an axial slice of the FMRIB anatomical template at the level of the PLIC (z=10). (B) The
SMATT overlaid on individual subject anatomical images in standard space. Individual data from 20 subjects collected as part of the Human Connectome Project and
individual data from 20 subjects collected at the University of Florida are shown. The SMATT is well aligned in both groups for all tracts. Axial slices are shown at z=
10 which is within the PLIC. M1green; PMddark yellow; PMvlight yellow; SMAorange; preSMAred; S1blue.
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
generate seed masks by extracting regions from templates such
as the JohnsHopkins DTI-based white matter atlas (Wakana
et al. 2007;Hua et al. 2008). A second approach is to hand draw
seeds in the precentral gyrus (Schaechter et al. 2008;
Lindenberg et al. 2010,2012), and the hand bump region in
particular (Stinear et al. 2007;Schaechter et al. 2009), based
on anatomical landmarks in structural scans and ber direction
in FA maps (Newton et al. 2006;Schaechter et al. 2008;
Lindenberg et al. 2012). However, the landmarks used to iden-
tify seeds are different between studies, and hand drawing
regions for large data sets can be time consuming. A third
approach is to generate seed masks based on clusters of
voxels identied in task-based functional MRI experiments or
tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analyses that identify corre-
lations between microstructure and behavior (Stinear et al.
2007;Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Lindenberg et al. 2010,2012;
Schulz et al. 2012;Leunissen et al. 2013;Archer et al. 2016).
Identifying seeds based on individual task-based studies means
that the seed locations are constrained by the specic task
used and by the specic subjects tested in the study. In add-
ition, the volume of each seed region is variable across studies.
In the current study, we overcame these issues by using seed
regions derived from the HMAT (Mayka et al. 2006). The tem-
plate identies the borders of 6 sensorimotor areas (M1, PMd,
PMv, SMA, preSMA, and S1) based on activation-likelihood esti-
mation from 126 functional neuroimaging studies that manipu-
lated upper and lower limb motor control. Generating seeds
from the HMAT ensured that the SMATT is based on segregated
brain function in the cortex, and is generalizable to the upper
and lower limbs.
Following seed generation, the use of waypoint masks and
exclusion masks can have a profound impact on probabilistic
tractography results. Tract volume generally decreases when
using small waypoint masks and when the total number of
waypoint masks and exclusion masks increases. In the case of
the tract descending from M1, the PLIC and the CP are often
used as waypoints (Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Lindenberg
et al. 2010,2012;Archer et al. 2016;Potter-Baker et al. 2016) and
a planar sagittal slice at the midline can be used as an exclu-
sion mask to eliminate transcallosal bers. As with seed gener-
ation, waypoint masks can be hand drawn, extracted from
white matter templates, or obtained from TBSS analyses
(Stinear et al. 2007;Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Lindenberg
et al. 2010,2012;Archer et al. 2016;Potter-Baker et al. 2016).
However, there is currently no established way of identifying
segregated subcortical waypoints that map to our 6 cortical
regions. As a result, we used an unconstrained approach by
placing axial planar waypoints at the level of the PLIC (z=79)
and at the level of the CP (z=31 to 29). Additionally, we
placed an exclusion mask at the midline (x=1 to 1) to exclude
transcallosal bers. Minimally constrained tractography results
were then rened using a novel thresholding approach.
Determining the appropriate threshold to use when rening
tractography results has received little attention and is often
arbitrary and unjustied (Clatworthy et al. 2010). The most
common method is to threshold based on a percentage of the
maximum probability value within the tractography results
(Schaechter et al. 2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Schulz et al.
2012). This approach is sensitive to peaks in probability values
within the tract, and these values vary according to tract length
Figure 7. Mean normalized FA proles for each tract for each hemisphere for data collected as part of the Human Connectome Project and data collected at the
University of Florida (UF). (A) M1 tract in the right hemisphere. (B) Slice-by-slice prole of normalized FA values in M1 tract in the left hemisphere. (C) Slice-by-slice
prole of normalized FA values in M1 tract in the right hemisphere. HCP data are represented with black lines and red shading (mean ±SEM). UF data are represented
with black lines and green shading (mean ±SEM). HCP and UF proles show a similar pattern in the M1 tract across group and hemisphere. Proles were created for
each of the 5 remaining sensorimotor tracts in both hemispheres and are shown in Figures (DR).
Cerebral Cortex
and tract location. For instance, a recently developed white
matter tract template for the cerebellum successfully used a
threshold of 50th percentile (van Baarsen et al. 2016), whereas
tractography studies focused on the sensorimotor tract from
M1 have used lower thresholds that range from 0% to 2% of the
maximum to preserve volume across the whole tract and min-
imize false negatives in the cortex (Newton et al. 2006;
Schaechter et al. 2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Park et al. 2013).
Here, we aimed to circumvent this issue by developing a meth-
od that independently thresholded each slice at 9 different
levels (1050% in increments of 5%) and then objectively identi-
ed the threshold to use for each slice using a data-driven
approach. Our slice level approach was designed to minimize
false negatives in cortical regions and minimize false positives
in subcortical regions.
A single threshold level was independently determined for
each slice based on 3 factors: overlap between the different
tracts, the CV
, and the volume of each different tract. Overlap
was incorporated into the analysis to quantify tract segrega-
tion. Although segregation between cortical regions is well
established based on anatomy and function (Dum and Strick
2005;Behrens et al. 2006;Mayka et al. 2006), segmentation of
sensorimotor tracts in vivo in humans is not as well developed.
Tracing studies in rodents show that axons from spatially dis-
tinct cortical areas occupy different regions of the cross-
sectional area of the internal capsule (Coleman et al. 1997).
Similar topography has been demonstrated in monkey
(Barnard and Woolsey 1956;Fries et al. 1993) and human
(Newton et al. 2006), where axons of M1 pass through the mid-
dle third of the PLIC, and axons from SMA course through more
anterior regions of the PLIC. More caudally within the rodent
brain, axons in the CP and the longitudinal pontine fasciculus
from distant cortical areas remain largely separate, but those
from adjacent cortical areas begin to overlap. Our observations
in the CP are consistent with these ndings and show that tract
separation is most pronounced for cortical regions that are fur-
thest from each other. By the medullary pyramid, the pyram-
idal decussation, and the dorsal column of the spinal cord, the
representations of all the cortical regions overlap as axons
become intermingled (Coleman et al. 1997). Similar conclusions
have been drawn from studies in monkey which show that dif-
ferent cortical regions project onto the same motoneurons in
the cervical spinal cord (Barnard and Woolsey 1956;Maier et al.
2002). These ndings suggest that topographically organized
corticospinal tracts in the cortex converge at some level of the
neuroaxis (Dum and Strick 1991;He et al. 1993,1995).
In monkeys, we know that the preSMA projects weakly, if at
all, to the spinal cord (Dum and Strick 1991;Luppino et al.
1994). In addition to the striatum and prefrontal cortex, preSMA
projects to the reticular formation (Keizer and Kuypers 1989)by
way of the CP. Here, we map this descending tract, and show
that the preSMA tract is most anterior in PLIC and most medial
in the CP. In contrast, the S1 tract coursed through posterior
regions of PLIC and was located more laterally in the CP. These
ndings are in good agreement with other human tractography
studies (Newton et al. 2006;Park et al. 2008;Schulz et al. 2012;
Archer et al. 2016), and suggest good preservation of cortical
topography at the level of the internal capsule in humans.
Probabilistic tractography has previously been used to iden-
tify descending tracts from multiple cortical areas, but overlap
between tracts has not been reported, sample sizes are gener-
ally small, and thresholding has been set at a single value for
Figure 8. Correlations of SMATT FA with Age. FA proles were created for each individual. FA values for each tract were summed to create an area under the curve
measure. This measure was correlated with age for all tracts in the left (AF) and the right (GL) hemisphere. No signicant correlations were found between FA and
Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
the entire tract (Newton et al. 2006;Schulz et al. 2012;Jang and
Seo 2015;Archer et al. 2016;Potter-Baker et al. 2016). Our nd-
ings suggest that the low threshold values used in previous
studies (02%) likely lead to high volume and high overlap
between tracts, which further diminishes ones ability to track
topography through the internal capsule and CP. Without
knowing the extent of overlap between tracts, it is difcult to
make a rm conclusion about the characteristics of different
The probabilistic SMATT advances the current literature by
offering greater spatial localization in the sensorimotor tracts.
White matter atlases such as the JohnsHopkins white matter
template (Wakana et al. 2007;Hua et al. 2008) and the Harvard
Oxford cortical and subcortical structural atlas (Frazier et al.
2005;Desikan et al. 2006;Makris et al. 2006;Goldstein et al.
2007) can be used to generate masks of entire tracts and their
corresponding regions (i.e., PLIC and CP), but specic informa-
tion within these regions corresponding to distinct cortical tar-
gets is not currently available. The probabilistic SMATT extends
the literature by providing probability values that a voxel is
contained within a specic sensorimotor tract, and has the
potential to localize lesions with greater precision. For instance,
we used the template to extract the FA measure for one stroke
subject and showed that lesion overlap was greatest and FA
values were lowest for the SMA, preSMA, PMd, and PMv tracts.
Slice level FA proles revealed tract-specic and slice-specic
decreases in FA within these same tracts (Fig. 9). The use of the
template in future studies will provide greater specicity when
examining the association between brain structure and behav-
ior (Lindenberg et al. 2010,2012;Zhu et al. 2010;Stinear et al.
2012). To evaluate whether the SMATT worked in an independ-
ent data set, we overlaid the template onto individual FA maps
from 20 healthy adults in standard space. Alignment of the
SMATT to white matter was good for all individual subjects
(Fig. 7), suggesting that the SMATT translates well to independ-
ent data sets. Consistency across individuals was also demon-
strated by similar normalized FA proles across the HCP group
data and the independent data set (Fig. 7). One advantage of
using the SMATT in future studies is that probabilistic tracto-
graphy and slice level threshold analyses will not have to be
completed. For instance, in the clinical setting, any structural
scan can be collected, normalized, and then the SMATT can be
used to extract tract-specic proles from the data. In principle,
any lesion or tumor that directly impacts an SMATT tract
should be evident within the corresponding proles. This pro-
cedure takes approximately 5 min to complete on a standard
desktop computer with a single core. In instances where tracto-
graphy analyses do need to be completed, our observations
suggest that region specic, rather than slice specic, thresh-
olds may be a viable approach that is computationally less
A well known limitation of tractography is its ability to track
through areas of the brain which contain crossing bers
(Wedeen et al. 2008). This limitation is mitigated to some
extent by the increased spatial resolution of the Human
Connectome Project data, and advanced tractography algo-
rithms that allow for the tracking of 3 bers per voxel (Jbabdi
et al. 2012), rather than conventional approaches which allow
for the tracking of 1 or 2 bers per voxel. Diffusion MRI images
are susceptible to partial volume effects and noise. Partial vol-
ume effects are smaller; however, when ber bundles are larger
and curvature is lower, as is the case for the sensorimotor
tracts (Vos et al. 2011). We have avoided using corticospinal
tractand corticobulbar tractwhen labeling the template.
Without collecting data from the cortex to the cervical spinal
cord and then placing a waypoint in the cervical spinal cord, it
is impossible to differentiate the corticospinal tract from the
corticobulbar tract. It is, therefore, probable that many of the
individual tracts in the SMATT include both corticospinal and
corticobulbar bers (Dum and Strick 1991;Galea and Darian-
Smith 1994).
The SMATT was created using diffusion MRI data from
healthy adults ranging in age from 21 to 35. Correlation ana-
lyses did not reveal any association between tract microstruc-
ture and age, and we show that the template can be useful in
identifying tract- and slice-specic changes in FA after stroke
in an individual who is 65 years old. Nevertheless, caution
should be exercised when using this template to study older
individuals and disease states that are associated with known
changes in brain anatomy. Although we have demonstrated
that the SMATT works well at the individual subject level, by
necessity this requires that the data to be assayed is accurately
warped to standard space. The SMATT was created using data
from 87 right handers and 13 left handers. Future studies will
be necessary to determine whether tract volume and tract
orientation varies as a function of handedness and hemi-
sphere. Although the thresholds used to create the SMATT
were objectively determined, the measures that contributed to
the calculation were subjectively determined. As the eld
Figure 9. Using the SMATT to assess tract-specic damage after stroke. (A)
Diffusion-weighted image at z=15 showing lesion damage to the internal cap-
sule. (B) SMATT overlaid on the diffusion-weighted image. (C) Lesion overlap
was calculated for each tract in the left hemisphere at z=15. No lesion overlap
was found for S1 or M1. Extensive overlap was found for SMA, preSMA, PMv,
and PMd. (D) FA was calculated for each tract at z=15. FA was greatest in more
posterior regions of the tract (S1, M1) as compared to anterior regions (SMA,
preSMA, PMd, and PMv). (E) Tract-wide lesion overlap in all left hemisphere
tracts. (F) Tract-specic FA proles were calculated for each slice for each sen-
sorimotor tract. Proles directly impacted by the stroke (SMA, preSMA, PMd,
and PMd) can be identied based on the distinct reductions in FA between z=5
and z=40.
Cerebral Cortex
progresses, new variables may be identied that help contrib-
ute to the optimal slice level threshold value. It is also import-
ant to note that the current template in no way provides a
quantitative estimate of the actual strength of direct anatom-
ical connectivity between the cortex and CP, a measure that
cannot be derived from any form of structural imaging (Jones
et al. 2013).
Precise measurements of the tracts that link the sensori-
motor cortex with the CP are fundamental to our understand-
ing of diseases and disorders that can impact the human motor
system such as stroke (Newton et al. 2006;Schaechter et al.
2008,2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Schulz et al. 2012;Groisser
et al. 2014;Archer et al. 2016), upper motor neuron syndrome
(Sach et al. 2004), multiple sclerosis (Tovar-Moll et al. 2015),
traumatic brain injury (Jang and Kim 2016), spinal cord injury
(Hou et al. 2016), pain (Misra and Coombes 2015;Misra et al.
2016), and cerebral palsy (Jaspers et al. 2015). Conventional
approaches to studying the microstructural properties of the
sensorimotor tracts in humans are focused on the M1 tract and
likely include voxels that are also common to the corticospinal
and corticobulbar tracts that descend from regions beyond M1
(Schaechter et al. 2008,2009;Lindenberg et al. 2012;Groisser
et al. 2014). The SMATT provides a new tool that can be used
to localize tract-specic damage, and to quantify microstruc-
ture in specic tracts that are associated with distinct cortical
regions. Increases in spatial localization may improve diagnos-
tic and prognostic evaluations across a range of diseases
and disorders. The SMATT and probabilistic SMATT are freely
available at (Laboratory for Rehabilitation
The American Heart Association (contract grant number
15GRNT25700431) and the National Institutes of Health (con-
tract grant number R01 NS058487).
MRI data collection was supported through the National High
Magnetic Field Laboratory and obtained at the Advanced
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy facility in the
McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida. Data were
provided [in part] by the Human Connectome Project, WU-
Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and
Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes
and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience
Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems
Neuroscience at Washington University. Conict of Interest:
None declared.
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Sensorimotor Area Tract Template (SMATT) Archer et al.
... Seven out of 18 atlases utilized both DTI and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). [19][20][21][22]26,30,33 Four studies used rsfMRI, T1-weighted, and T2-weighted imaging. 38,40,44,46 In one study, DTI, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, T1-weighted, and T2-weighted imaging were utilized. ...
... Eleven studies conducted normalization into the Montreal Neurological Institute-152 space. 19,22,25,26,30,36,[42][43][44]46 One used the JHU-DTI, 19 one utilized Talairach space, 40 and one employed manual normalization. 20 The most commonly used normalization technique was the 12 degrees of freedom affine transformation, especially in DTI and rsfMRI-based atlas studies. ...
... 20 The most commonly used normalization technique was the 12 degrees of freedom affine transformation, especially in DTI and rsfMRI-based atlas studies. 19,21,22,26,30,33,38 In four of these studies, this technique was followed by deformation or nonlinear transformation, using either a fourth-order polynomial or 16 iterations. Fan et al. 43 employed forward and inverse deformation transformations for image normalization. ...
The brain connectivity‐based atlas is a promising tool for understanding neural communication pathways in the brain, gaining relevance in predicting personalized outcomes for various brain pathologies. This critical review examines the robustness of the brain connectivity‐based atlas for predicting post‐stroke outcomes. A comprehensive literature search was conducted from 2012 to May 2023 across PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, EBSCOhost, and Medline databases. Twenty‐one studies were screened, and through analysis of these studies, we identified 18 brain connectivity atlases employed by the studies for lesion analysis in their predictions. The brain atlases were assessed for study cohorts, connectivity measures, identified brain regions, atlas applications, and limitations. Based on the analysis of these studies, most atlases were based on diffusion tensor imaging and resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Studies predicting post‐stroke functional outcomes relied on the atlases for multivariate lesion analysis and region of interest identification, often employing atlases derived from young, healthy populations. Current brain connectivity‐based atlases for stroke applications lack standardized methods to define and map brain connectivity across atlases and cover sensorimotor functional connectivity to a limited extent. In conclusion, this review highlights the need to develop more comprehensive, robust, and adaptable brain connectivity‐based atlases specifically tailored to post‐stroke populations.
... Region of interest (ROI)-analysis was employed to test for regions previously described in other studies as being related to motor and proprioceptive deficits. We used lesion metric analysis (Findlater et al., 2019) on a subset of tracts (Archer et al., 2018) within the CST to improve spatial resolution. The pre-existing CST template used for the analysis (see Methods) was created using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and includes not only descending but also ascending fibers due to methodological limitations of DTI. ...
... Stroke-related injury of CST was quantified by measuring the extent to which the patient's lesion overlapped with corticospinal templates. To improve spatial resolution within the corticospinal tract, we used the Sensorimotor Area Tract Templates (SMATT; downloaded from; Archer et al., 2018). This set contains templates in standard space based on segmented cortical regions from where probabilistic tractography analyses had been conducted in 100 subjects using the highest resolution data available. ...
... To better capture the differences between the different parts of the CST template, we used the subfractions associated with the primary sensory cortex S1 and the motor areas M1, SMA, pre-SMA and PMd (SMATT templates; Archer et al., 2018) for further lesion load analysis. A clear separation between ascending and descending fibers was not possible either, since S1 and M1 tracts overlap in their course. ...
... Region of interest (ROI)-analysis was employed to test for regions previously described in other studies as being related to motor and proprioceptive deficits. We used lesion metric analysis (Findlater et al., 2019) on a subset of tracts (Archer et al., 2018) within the CST to improve spatial resolution. The pre-existing CST template used for the analysis (see Methods) was created using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and includes not only descending but also ascending fibers due to methodological limitations of DTI. ...
... Stroke-related injury of CST was quantified by measuring the extent to which the patient's lesion overlapped with corticospinal templates. To improve spatial resolution within the corticospinal tract, we used the Sensorimotor Area Tract Templates (SMATT; downloaded from; Archer et al., 2018). This set contains templates in standard space based on segmented cortical regions from where probabilistic tractography analyses had been conducted in 100 subjects using the highest resolution data available. ...
... To better capture the differences between the different parts of the CST template, we used the subfractions associated with the primary sensory cortex S1 and the motor areas M1, SMA, pre-SMA and PMd (SMATT templates; Archer et al., 2018) for further lesion load analysis. A clear separation between ascending and descending fibers was not possible either, since S1 and M1 tracts overlap in their course. ...
Full-text available
Background Somatosensory deficits after stroke correlate with functional disabilities and impact everyday-life. In particular, the interaction of proprioception and motor dysfunctions affects the recovery. While corticospinal tract (CST) damage is linked to poor motor outcome, much less is known on proprioceptive recovery. Identifying a predictor for such a recovery could help to gain insights in the complex functional recovery processes thereby reshaping rehabilitation strategies. Methods 50 patients with subacute stroke were tested before and after neurological rehabilitation. Proprioceptive and motor impairments were quantified with three clinical assessments and four hand movement and proprioception measures using a robotic device. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) to median nerve stimulation and structural imaging data (MRI) were also collected. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM) along with a region of interest (ROI) analysis were performed for the corticospinal tract (CST) and for cortical areas. Results Before rehabilitation, the VLSM revealed lesion correlates for all clinical and three robotic measures. The identified voxels were located in the white matter within or near the CST. These regions associated with proprioception were located posterior compared to those associated with motor performance. After rehabilitation the patients showed an improvement of all clinical and three robotic assessments. Improvement in the box and block test was associated with an area in anterior CST. Poor recovery of proprioception was correlated with a high lesion load in fibers towards primary sensorymotor cortex (S1 and M1 tract). Patients with loss of SSEP showed higher lesion loads in these tracts and somewhat poorer recovery of proprioception. The VSLM analysis for SSEP loss revealed a region within and dorsal of internal capsule next to the posterior part of CST, the posterior part of insula and the rolandic operculum. Conclusion Lesions dorsal to internal capsule next to the posterior CST were associated with proprioceptive deficits and may have predictive value. Higher lesion load was correlated with poorer restoration of proprioceptive function. Furthermore, patients with SSEP loss trended towards poor recovery of proprioception, the corresponding lesions were also located in the same location. These findings suggest that structural imaging of the internal capsule and CST could serve as a recovery predictor of proprioceptive function.
... We also calculated a corticospinal tract (CST) lesion load (CST-LL) using a publicly available CST template that includes primary and higher order sensorimotor regions. 34 The CST is recognized as an important predictor of motor outcome due to its importance as a motor pathway in the nervous system. 9,34 By including CST-LL in our model, we were able to assess the influence of local lesion loads of each ROI on motor outcomes, independent of CST-LL on motor outcome. ...
... The most important feature in our prediction models was the CST-LL, as expected based on prior literature. 9,34 Interestingly, the second most important feature was lesion load of the salience network. Lesion load in the salience network was strongly associated with older ipsilesional brain-PADs and younger contralesional brain-PADs in almost all regions. ...
Full-text available
Background: Stroke leads to complex chronic structural and functional brain changes that specifically affect motor outcomes. The brain-predicted age difference (brain-PAD) has emerged as a sensitive biomarker. Our previous study showed higher global brain-PAD associated with poorer motor function post-stroke. However, the relationship between local stroke lesion load, regional brain age, and motor impairment remains unclear. Methods: We studied 501 individuals with chronic unilateral stroke (>180 days post-stroke) from the ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group dataset (34 cohorts). Structural T1-weighted MRI scans were used to estimate regional brain-PAD in 18 predefined functional subregions via a graph convolutional network algorithm. Lesion load for each region was calculated based on lesion overlap. Linear mixed-effects models assessed associations between lesion size, local lesion load, and regional brain-PAD. Machine learning classifiers predicted motor outcomes using lesion loads and regional brain-PADs. Structural equation modeling examined directional relationships among corticospinal tract lesion load (CST-LL), ipsilesional brain-PAD, motor outcomes, and contralesional brain-PAD. Findings: Larger total lesion size was positively associated with higher ipsilesional regional brain-PADs (older brain age) across most regions (p < 0.05), and with lower contralesional brain-PAD, notably in the ventral attention-language network (p < 0.05). Higher local lesion loads showed similar patterns. Specifically, lesion load in the salience network significantly influenced regional brain-PADs across both hemispheres. Machine learning models identified CST-LL, salience network lesion load, and regional brain-PAD in the contralesional frontoparietal network as the top three predictors of motor outcomes. Structural equation modeling revealed that larger stroke damage was associated with poorer motor outcomes (β = -0.355, p < 0.001), which were further linked to younger contralesional brain age (β = 0.204, p < 0.001), suggesting that severe motor impairment is linked to compensatory decreases in contralesional brain age. Interpretation: Our findings reveal that larger stroke lesions are associated with accelerated aging in the ipsilesional hemisphere and paradoxically decelerated brain aging in the contralesional hemisphere, suggesting compensatory neural mechanisms. Assessing regional brain age may serve as a biomarker for neuroplasticity and inform targeted interventions to enhance motor recovery after stroke.
... Left and right hemisphere M1-CST segmentations in MNI space were obtained from the high-resolution sensorimotor area tract template (SMATT). 36 ...
... Sensorimotor tract segmentations were obtained from the sensorimotor area tract template (SMATT), 36 which contains 12 tracts derived from probabilistic tractography seeded in the left and right primary motor cortex (M1), dorsal and ventral premotor cortex (PMd and PMv, respectively), supplementary motor area (SMA), pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) performed in healthy controls ( Figure 2B). ...
Chronic motor impairments are a leading cause of disability after stroke. Previous studies have associated motor outcomes with the degree of damage to predefined structures in the motor system, such as the corticospinal tract. However, such theory-based approaches may not take full advantage of the information contained in clinical imaging data. The present study uses data-driven approaches to model chronic motor outcomes after stroke and compares the accuracy of these associations to previously-identified theory-based biomarkers. Using a cross-validation framework, regression models were trained using lesion masks and motor outcomes data from 789 stroke patients from the Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta Analysis (ENIGMA) Stroke Recovery Working Group. Using the explained variance metric to measure the strength of the association between chronic motor outcomes and imaging biomarkers, we compared theory-based biomarkers, like lesion load to known motor tracts, to three data-driven biomarkers: lesion load of lesion-behaviour maps, lesion load of structural networks associated with lesion-behaviour maps, and measures of regional structural disconnection. In general, data-driven biomarkers had stronger associations with chronic motor outcomes accuracy than theory-based biomarkers. Data-driven models of regional structural disconnection performed the best of all models tested (R2 = 0.210, p < 0.001), performing significantly better than the theory-based biomarkers of lesion load of the corticospinal tract (R2 = 0.132, p< 0.001) and of multiple descending motor tracts (R2 = 0.180, p < 0.001). They also performed slightly, but significantly, better than other data-driven biomarkers including lesion load of lesion-behaviour maps (R2 =0.200, p < 0.001) and lesion load of structural networks associated with lesion-behaviour maps (R2 =0.167, p < 0.001). Ensemble models - combining basic demographic variables like age, sex, and time since stroke - improved the strength of associations for theory-based and data-driven biomarkers. Combining both theory-based and data-driven biomarkers with demographic variables improved predictions, and the best ensemble model achieved R2 = 0.241, p < 0.001. Overall, these results demonstrate that out-of-sample associations between chronic motor outcomes and data-driven imaging features, particularly when lesion data is represented in terms of structural disconnection, are stronger than associations between chronic motor outcomes and theory-based biomarkers. However, combining both theory-based and data-driven models provides the most robust associations.
... Many previous studies used their own templates for the quantification of lesion overlap or extraction of anisotropy, which oftentimes resulted in a considerable tract overlap of up to 80%. 8 To increase generalizability and validity, we based our analyses on tract templates with relatively little overlap between tracts that were developed and validated using an independent data set ( Fig. 1). 35 The data set included corticospinal sub-tracts emerging from M1, PMd, PMv, and SMA as well as two sensorimotor tracts descending from the prefrontal area preSMA and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1). We included these additional tracts as "negative" controls as they feature projections in close proximity to the CST without generating descending motor signals. ...
... CST-masks were taken from the sensorimotor area tract template (SMATT), which consists of high-resolution nifti images of different sensorimotor tracts originating from six different cortical regions, namely M1, S1, PMv, PMd, SMA, and preSMA ( Fig. 1). 35 ...
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Objective The corticospinal tract (CST) is considered the most important motor output pathway comprising fibers from the primary motor cortex (M1) and various premotor areas. Damage to its descending fibers after stroke commonly leads to motor impairment. While premotor areas are thought to critically support motor recovery after stroke, the functional role of their corticospinal output for different aspects of post‐stroke motor control remains poorly understood. Methods We assessed the differential role of CST fibers originating from premotor areas and M1 in the control of basal (single‐joint muscle synergies and strength) and complex motor control (involving inter‐joint coordination and visuomotor integration) using a novel diffusion imaging approach in chronic stroke patients. Results While M1 sub‐tract anisotropy was positively correlated with basal and complex motor skills, anisotropy of PMd, PMv, and SMA sub‐tracts was exclusively associated with complex motor tasks. Interestingly, patients featuring persistent motor deficits showed an additional positive association between premotor sub‐tract integrity and basal motor control. Interpretation While descending M1 output seems to be a prerequisite for any form of upper limb movements, complex motor skills critically depend on output from premotor areas after stroke. The additional involvement of premotor tracts in basal motor control in patients with persistent deficits emphasizes their compensatory capacity in post‐stroke motor control. In summary, our findings highlight the pivotal role of descending corticospinal output from premotor areas for motor control after stroke, which thus serve as prime candidates for future interventions to amplify motor recovery.
... We evaluated the following tracts in both left and right hemispheres: (1) Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to caudate; (2) Primary motor cortex, upper-extremity (M1-U) to putamen; (3) Substantia nigra (SN) to putamen; (4) Globus pallidus externa (GPe) to subthalamic nucleus (STN); (5) Superior cerebellar peduncle (SCP) to M1-U (see Fig. 2). Templates for the white matter tracts of interest were generated using identical methods to those described in previous work [48,50,51]. Briefly, tract templates were generated using probabilistic tractography in the FMRIB software library (FSL; probtrackx2) with slice-level thresholding on highresolution diffusion imaging data from 100 participants (54 males, 46 females) included in the Human Connectome Project [52]. ...
... A custom Linux shell-script computed the average FA T and FW at each slice along the primary axis of travel for the tract. These slice-level averages were then compared between ASD and TD groups using independent samples t-tests with FDR correction, similar to previous work [50]. ...
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Background Restricted repetitive behavior (RRB) is one of two behavioral domains required for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Neuroimaging is widely used to study brain alterations associated with ASD and the domain of social and communication deficits, but there has been less work regarding brain alterations linked to RRB. Methods We utilized neuroimaging data from the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive to assess basal ganglia and cerebellum structure in a cohort of children and adolescents with ASD compared to typically developing (TD) controls. We evaluated regional gray matter volumes from T1-weighted anatomical scans and assessed diffusion-weighted scans to quantify white matter microstructure with free-water imaging. We also investigated the interaction of biological sex and ASD diagnosis on these measures, and their correlation with clinical scales of RRB. Results Individuals with ASD had significantly lower free-water corrected fractional anisotropy (FAT) and higher free-water (FW) in cortico-basal ganglia white matter tracts. These microstructural differences did not interact with biological sex. Moreover, both FAT and FW in basal ganglia white matter tracts significantly correlated with measures of RRB. In contrast, we found no significant difference in basal ganglia or cerebellar gray matter volumes. Limitations The basal ganglia and cerebellar regions in this study were selected due to their hypothesized relevance to RRB. Differences between ASD and TD individuals that may occur outside the basal ganglia and cerebellum, and their potential relationship to RRB, were not evaluated. Conclusions These new findings demonstrate that cortico-basal ganglia white matter microstructure is altered in ASD and linked to RRB. FW in cortico-basal ganglia and intra-basal ganglia white matter was more sensitive to group differences in ASD, whereas cortico-basal ganglia FAT was more closely linked to RRB. In contrast, basal ganglia and cerebellar volumes did not differ in ASD. There was no interaction between ASD diagnosis and sex-related differences in brain structure. Future diffusion imaging investigations in ASD may benefit from free-water estimation and correction in order to better understand how white matter is affected in ASD, and how such measures are linked to RRB.
... Recently developed tractography templates have enhanced coverage and improve spatial specificity, which may further our understanding of the aging brain. [28][29][30][31] For example, we have created tractography templates of the sensorimotor tracts, transcallosal projections, and medial temporal lobe projections which have already demonstrated utility in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders. 16,30,31 Incorpo-rating these spatially precise white matter tractography templates will give us unparalleled insight into the patterns of white matter microstructural decline that differ in normal aging and AD. ...
... All tractography templates used in this study were drawn from existing resources 16,[28][29][30][31]48 and are available in a publicly available GitHub repository ( Templates). ...
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Introduction It is unclear how rates of white matter microstructural decline differ between normal aging and abnormal aging. Methods Diffusion MRI data from several well‐established longitudinal cohorts of aging (Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative [ADNI], Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging [BLSA], Vanderbilt Memory & Aging Project [VMAP]) were free‐water corrected and harmonized. This dataset included 1723 participants (age at baseline: 72.8 ± 8.87 years, 49.5% male) and 4605 imaging sessions (follow‐up time: 2.97 ± 2.09 years, follow‐up range: 1–13 years, mean number of visits: 4.42 ± 1.98). Differences in white matter microstructural decline in normal and abnormal agers was assessed. Results While we found a global decline in white matter in normal/abnormal aging, we found that several white matter tracts (e.g., cingulum bundle) were vulnerable to abnormal aging. Conclusions There is a prevalent role of white matter microstructural decline in aging, and future large‐scale studies in this area may further refine our understanding of the underlying neurodegenerative processes. HIGHLIGHTS Longitudinal data were free‐water corrected and harmonized. Global effects of white matter decline were seen in normal and abnormal aging. The free‐water metric was most vulnerable to abnormal aging. Cingulum free‐water was the most vulnerable to abnormal aging.
... This regression approach has been widely utilized in fMRI connectivity studies in previous research (Blasi et al., 2020;Fleischer et al., 2020;Diaz et al., 2021;Ding et al., 2022) and was found to better capture temporal degrees of freedom compared to other advanced artifacts removal methods (Blasi et al., 2020). Finally, the time series extraction based on HMAT (Archer et al., 2018) atlas was carried out. Based on previous findings in cortical physiology of limb movements (Bundy and Leuthardt, 2019), our analysis involves both hemispheres and focuses on cortical areas, namely, M1, PMv, PMd, SMA. ...
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The execution of voluntary movements is primarily governed by the cerebral hemisphere contralateral to the moving limb. Previous research indicates that the ipsilateral motor network, comprising the primary motor cortex (M1), supplementary motor area (SMA), and premotor cortex (PM), plays a crucial role in the planning and execution of limb movements. However, the precise functions of this network and its interplay in different task contexts have yet to be fully understood. Twenty healthy right-handed participants (10 females, mean age 26.1 ± 4.6 years) underwent functional MRI scans while performing biceps brachii representations such as bilateral, unilateral flexion, and bilateral flexion-extension. Ipsilateral motor evoked potentials (iMEPs) were obtained from the identical set of participants in a prior study using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) targeting M1 while employing the same motor tasks. The voxel time series was extracted based on the region of interest (M1, SMA, ventral PM and dorsal PM). Directed functinal connectivity was derived from the extracted time series using time-resolved partial directed coherence. We found increased connectivity from left-PMv to both sides M1, as well as right-PMv to both sides SMA, in unilateral flexion compared to bilateral flexion. Connectivity from left M1 to left-PMv, and left-SMA to right-PMd, also increased in both unilateral flexion and bilateral flexion-extension compared to bilateral flexion. However, connectivity between PMv and right-M1 to left-PMd decreased during bilateral flexion-extension compared to unilateral flexion. Additionally, during bilateral flexion-extension, the connectivity from right-M1 to right-SMA had a negative relationship with the area ratio of iMEP in the dominant side. Our results provide corroborating evidence for prior research suggesting that the ipsilateral motor network is implicated in the voluntary movements and underscores its involvement in cognitive processes such as movement planning and coordination. Moreover, ipsilateral connectivity from M1 to SMA on the dominant side can modulate the degree of ipsilateral M1 activation during bilateral antagonistic contraction.
Diffusion‐based tractography in the optic nerve requires sampling strategies assisted by anatomical landmark information (regions of interest [ROIs]). We aimed to investigate the feasibility of expert‐placed, high‐resolution T1‐weighted ROI‐data transfer onto lower spatial resolution diffusion‐weighted images. Slab volumes from 20 volunteers were acquired and preprocessed including distortion bias correction and artifact reduction. Constrained spherical deconvolution was used to generate a directional diffusion information grid (fibre orientation distribution‐model [FOD]). Three neuroradiologists marked landmarks on both diffusion imaging variants and structural datasets. Structural ROI information (volumetric interpolated breath‐hold sequence [VIBE]) was respectively registered (linear with 6/12 degrees of freedom [DOF]) onto single‐shot EPI (ss‐EPI) and readout‐segmented EPI (rs‐EPI) volumes, respectively. All eight ROI/FOD‐combinations were compared in a targeted tractography task of the optic nerve pathway. Inter‐rater reliability for placed ROIs among experts was highest in VIBE images (lower confidence interval 0.84 to 0.97, mean 0.91) and lower in both ss‐EPI (0.61 to 0.95, mean 0.79) and rs‐EPI (0.59 to 0.86, mean 0.70). Tractography success rate based on streamline selection performance was highest in VIBE‐drawn ROIs registered (6‐DOF) onto rs‐EPI FOD (70.0% over 5%‐threshold, capped to failed ratio 39/16) followed by both 12‐DOF‐registered (67.5%; 41/16) and nonregistered VIBE (67.5%; 40/23). On ss‐EPI FOD, VIBE‐ROI‐datasets obtained fewer streamlines overall with each at 55.0% above 5%‐threshold and with lower capped to failed ratio (6‐DOF: 35/36; 12‐DOF: 34/34, nonregistered 33/36). The combination of VIBE‐placed ROIs (highest inter‐rater reliability) with 6‐DOF registration onto rs‐EPI targets (best streamline selection performance) is most suitable for white matter template generation required in group studies.
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Increased beta oscillations over sensorimotor cortex are antikinetic. Motor- and pain-related processes separately suppress beta oscillations over sensorimotor cortex leading to the prediction that ongoing pain should facilitate movement. In the current study, we used a paradigm in which voluntary movements were executed during an ongoing pain-eliciting stimulus to test the hypothesis that a pain-related suppression of beta oscillations would facilitate the initiation of a subsequent voluntary movement. Using kinematic measures, electromyography, and high-density electroencephalography, we demonstrate that ongoing pain leads to shorter reaction times without affecting the kinematics or accuracy of movement. Reaction time was positively correlated with beta power prior to movement in contralateral premotor areas. Our findings corroborate the view that beta-band oscillations are antikinetic and provide new evidence that pain primes the motor system for action. Our observations provide the first evidence that a pain-related suppression of beta oscillations over contralateral premotor areas leads to shorter reaction times for voluntary movement.
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Background: Recruitment curves (RCs) acquired using transcranial magnetic stimulation are commonly used in stroke to study physiologic functioning of corticospinal tracts (CST) from M1. However, it is unclear whether CSTs from higher motor cortices contribute as well. Objective: To explore whether integrity of CST from higher motor areas, besides M1, relates to CST functioning captured using RCs. Methods: RCs were acquired for a paretic hand muscle in patients with chronic stroke. Metrics describing gain and overall output of CST were collected. CST integrity was defined by diffusion tensor imaging. For CST emerging from M1 and higher motor areas, integrity (fractional anisotropy) was evaluated in the region of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the length of CST and in the region of the stroke lesion. Results: We found that output and gain of RC was related to integrity along the length of CST emerging from higher motor cortices but not the M1. Conclusions: Our results suggest that RC parameters in chronic stroke infer function primarily of CST descending from the higher motor areas but not M1. RCs may thus serve as a simple, in-expensive means to assess re-mapping of alternate areas that is generally studied with resource-intensive neuroimaging in stroke.
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Children with unilateral cerebral palsy (CP) typically present with largely divergent upper limb sensorimotor deficits and individual differences in response to upper limb rehabilitation. This review summarizes how early brain damage can cause dramatic deviations from the normal anatomy of sensory and motor tracts, resulting in unique “wiring patterns” of the sensorimotor system in CP. Based on the existing literature, we suggest that corticospinal tract (CST) anatomy and integrity constrains sensorimotor function of the upper limb and potentially also the response to treatment. However, it is not possible to infer CST (re)organization from clinical presentation alone and conventional biomarkers, such as time of insult, location, and lesion extent seem to have limited clinical utility. Here, we propose a theoretical framework based on a detailed examination of the motor system using behavioral, neurophysiological, and magnetic resonance imaging measures, akin to those used to predict potential for upper limb recovery of adults after stroke. This theoretical framework might prove useful because it provides testable hypotheses for future research with the goal to develop and validate a clinical assessment flowchart to categorize children with unilateral CP.
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In this paper we describe a method for retrospective estimation and correction of eddy current (EC)-induced distortions and subject movement in diffusion imaging. In addition a susceptibility-induced field can be supplied and will be incorporated into the calculations in a way that accurately reflects that the two fields (susceptibility- and EC-induced) behave differently in the presence of subject movement. The method is based on registering the individual volumes to a model free prediction of what each volume should look like, thereby enabling its use on high b-value data where the contrast is vastly different in different volumes. In addition we show that the linear EC-model commonly used is insufficient for the data used in the present paper (high spatial and angular resolution data acquired with Stejskal–Tanner gradients on a 3 T Siemens Verio, a 3 T Siemens Connectome Skyra or a 7 T Siemens Magnetome scanner) and that a higher order model performs significantly better. The method is already in extensive practical use and is used by four major projects (the WU-UMinn HCP, the MGH HCP, the UK Biobank and the Whitehall studies) to correct for distortions and subject movement.
Motor weakness is an important sequela after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although the majority of cases of TBI are classified as mild TBI, little is known about motor weakness in mild TBI. In this study, we attempted to investigate injury of the corticospinal tract (CST), an important neural tract for motor function, in patients with mild TBI, using diffusion tensor tractography (DTT). There were 53 patients with mild TBI and 36 control subjects who were recruited. The patients were assigned to two groups according to the presence of abnormality of the right (dominant) hand function in terms of fine motor activity and grip strength: group A - abnormal hand function, group B - normal hand function. The left CST was reconstructed, and DTT parameters (fractional anisotropy [FA] and fiber number) and configuration were estimated. There were 35 (66%) patients who had an abnormal function of the right hand. The values of FA and fiber number of patient group A were significantly lower than those of patient group B and the control group (p < 0.001). On configurational analysis of DTT for the left CST in patient group A, 80% showed partial tearing at the subcortical white matter and 20% showed narrowing. We found that in terms of DTT parameters and configuration, a significant portion of patients with mild TBI showed injury of the CST. These results suggest that DTT could provide useful information in detecting injury of the CST, and evaluation of the CST using DTT would be necessary for patients who complain of hand weakness after mild TBI.
This study aimed to explore structural and functional reorganization of the brain in the early stages of spinal cord injury (SCI) and identify brain areas that contribute to motor recovery. We studied 25 patients with SCI, including 10 with good motor recovery and 15 with poor motor recovery, along with 25 matched healthy controls. The mean period post-SCI was 9.2 ± 3.5 weeks in good recoverers and 8.8 ± 2.6 weeks in poor recoverers. All participants underwent structural and functional MRI on a 3-T magnetic resonance system. We evaluated differences in cross-sectional spinal cord area at the C2/C3 level, brain cortical thickness, white matter microstructure, and functional connectivity during the resting state among the three groups. We also evaluated associations between structural and functional reorganization and the rate of motor recovery. After SCI, compared with good recoverers, poor recoverers had a significantly decreased cross-sectional spinal cord area, cortical thickness in the right supplementary motor area and premotor cortex, and fractional anisotropy (FA) in the right primary motor cortex and posterior limb of the internal capsule. Meanwhile, poor recoverers showed decreased functional connectivity between the primary motor cortex and higher order motor areas (supplementary motor area and premotor cortex), while good recoverers showed increased functional connectivity among these regions. The structural and functional reorganization of the spine and brain was associated with motor recovery rate in all SCI patients. In conclusion, structural and functional reorganization of the spine and brain directly affected the motor recovery of SCI. Less structural atrophy and enhanced functional connectivity are associated with good motor recovery in patients with SCI. Multimodal imaging has the potential to predict motor recovery in the early stage of SCI. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Microstructural properties of the corticospinal tract (CST) descending from the motor cortex predict strength and motor skill in the chronic phase after stroke. Much less is known about the relation between brain microstructure and visuomotor processing after stroke. In this study, individual's poststroke and age-matched controls performed a unimanual force task separately with each hand at three levels of visual gain. We collected diffusion MRI data and used probabilistic tractography algorithms to identify the primary and premotor CSTs. Fractional anisotropy (FA) within each tract was used to predict changes in force variability across different levels of visual gain. Our observations revealed that individuals poststroke reduced force variability with an increase in visual gain, performed the force task with greater variability as compared with controls across all gain levels, and had lower FA in the primary motor and premotor CSTs. Our results also demonstrated that the CST descending from the premotor cortex, rather than the primary motor cortex, best predicted force variability. Together, these findings demonstrate that the microstructural properties of the premotor CST predict visual gain-related changes in force variability in individuals poststroke. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Decades of detailed anatomical tracer studies in non-human animals point to a rich and complex organization of long-range white matter connections in the brain. State-of-the art in vivo imaging techniques are striving to achieve a similar level of detail in humans, but multiple technical factors can limit their sensitivity and fidelity. In this review, we mostly focus on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. We highlight some of the key challenges in analyzing and interpreting in vivo connectomics data, particularly in relation to what is known from classical neuroanatomy in laboratory animals. We further illustrate that, despite the challenges, in vivo imaging methods can be very powerful and provide information on connections that is not available by any other means.