This work investigates the role of storage technologies in a least cost electricity system for Nigeria, in a 100% renewable energy (RE) transition pathway. A 100% RE scenario for Nigeria is simulated using an hourly resolved model, till 2050, covering the power, desalination and industrial gas sectors. The optimization for each time period (transition is modeled in 5-year steps) is carried out on the basis of assumed costs and technological status till 2050 of all energy technologies involved. Results from the modelling show that a 100% renewable powered system is achievable for Nigeria by 2050. Solar PV emerges as the dominant technology among all RE technologies and contributes 400 GW and 557 GW of the total installed capacities, in the power and integrated scenarios, respectively, by 2050. The share of wind remains constant at 3.6 GW from 2030 till 2045 in the power scenario, while in the integrated scenario the share of wind remained constant at 8.6 GW, from 2030 to 2050. The levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) declines from 61.2 €/MWh in 2015 to 38.0 €/MWh in 2050, in the power scenario. With respect to the focus of this work, the RE technologies are complemented by various storage technologies, due to high variability and reliability of RE supply. For Nigeria, gas storage dominates in terms of the total installed storage capacities, from 2040 to 2050 in the power scenario. Regarding storage output, battery storage output represents the largest share, with 360 TWh (90% of all storage throughput) in the power scenario, by 2050. This indicates compatibility and a predominant role of solar PV and battery, due to highly favorable economics. The results clearly reveal that integrating a RE technology mix with a wide variety of storage technologies is quite competitive and thus a least cost electricity solution for Nigeria in the mid-term future.