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Abstract and Figures

This paper focuses on the characterization of highly variable biofuel properties such as moisture content, ash content and higher heating value by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Experiments were performed on different biofuel sample mixtures consisting of stem wood chips, forest residue chips, bark, sawdust, and peat. NIR scans were performed using a Fourier transform NIR instrument, and reference values were obtained according to standardized laboratory methods. Spectral data were pre-processed by Multiplicative scatter correction correcting light scattering and change in a path length for each sample. Multivariate calibration was carried out employing Partial least squares regression while absorbance values from full NIR spectral range (12,000–4000 cm-1), and reference values were used as inputs. It was demonstrated that different solid biofuel properties can be measured by means of NIR spectroscopy. The accuracy of the models is satisfactory for industrial implementation towards improved process control.
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1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy.
doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.476
Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 1317
The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE2016
Fast Determination of Fuel Properties in Solid Biofuel
Mixtures by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Jan Skvaril*, Konstantinos Kyprianidis, Anders Avelin, Monica Odlare, Erik
Future Energy Center, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås 721 23, Sweden
This paper focuses on the characterization of highly variable biofuel properties such as moisture content, ash content
and higher heating value by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Experiments were performed on different biofuel sample
mixtures consisting of stem wood chips, forest residue chips, bark, sawdust, and peat. NIR scans were performed using
a Fourier transform NIR instrument, and reference values were obtained according to standardized laboratory methods.
Spectral data were pre-processed by Multiplicative scatter correction correcting light scattering and change in a path
length for each sample. Multivariate calibration was carried out employing Partial least squares regression while
absorbance values from full NIR spectral range (12,0004000 cm-1), and reference values were used as inputs. It was
demonstrated that different solid biofuel properties can be measured by means of NIR spectroscopy. The accuracy of
the models is satisfactory for industrial implementation towards improved process control.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of ICAE
Keywords: Ash content; biofuels; higher heating value, moisture content, Near infrared spectroscopy, NIRS.
1. Introduction
Solid biofuels are characterized by highly variable properties which are mostly dependent on the type of
biomass, place of origin, fuel pre-processing and handling techniques, etc. Therefore, its utilization in
thermochemical energy conversion processes i.e. combustion, gasification, pyrolysis and torrefaction
becomes rather challenging, and it may result in increased production of emissions, strong process
instabilities, lower conversion efficiency, and lower final product quality, etc. The knowledge of the actual
fuel composition of the material fed into the energy conversion unit is limited to direct or indirect continuous
moisture content measurements and periodic fuel sampling providing the elementary composition. Since
the operating conditions of a process unit require continuous regulation, this information is not sufficient
for process control and performance optimization, especially when considering strongly heterogeneous
fuels. For this reason, a fast and non-destructive measurements method for fuel property characterization is
Available online at
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy.
1310 Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317
Accurate on-line measurements can be realized by introducing the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
technique. This inexpensive, contactless and rapid optical method enables qualitative and quantitative
characterization of solid and liquid materials. The method is based on vibrational spectroscopy and
measures interactions between electromagnetic radiation and the chemical bonds of the matter in the near-
infrared (NIR) spectral region. In biomass, electromagnetic radiation interacts with structural molecular
groups such as C-H, O-H, N-H, S-H, C=O, C=H and C=C. The extraction of the information from spectra
is done by applying chemometrics which is a discipline that uses mathematical and statistical methods to
provide maximum chemical information by analyzing NIR spectra. It is usually done by applying spectral
pre-processing techniques which enhance the interesting information included in the spectrum (i.e. chemical
information related to vibration of bonds). The quantitative analysis e.g. multivariate or univariate
regression method such as Partial least squares regression (PLS-R) is then applied in order to determine
quantifiable properties of the material.
The NIRS technique has been successfully used for several decades in the pharmaceutical sector as a
process analytical technology [1], more recently also in the food and feed industry [2] and the pulp and
paper industry [3]. Its application for assessment of biomass and biofuel quality parameters in energy
conversion technology processes is an emerging topic [4]. Lestander and Rhén [5] developed spectroscopy
models for prediction of moisture (material artificially moisturized), ash content and heating value and
achieved reasonable accuracy. Their work was however carried out on rather homogenous ground samples
of Norway spruce. Another interesting study was presented by Yang and Sheng [6]. They used vis-NIR
spectroscopy to measure ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon contents, and heating of three types of biochar
produced from pine wood, cedar wood, and cotton stalk. The assignment of vibrational bands (which is
important for property prediction) was not shown. Eriksson et al. [7] presented a characterization of Scots
pine stumproot biomass as feedstock for gasification. The authors presented the development of a
spectroscopy calibration for predicting the content of moisture and extractives content which is positively
correlated to the energy content of wood. Preece et al. [8] used visible and NIRS data acquired by a hand-
held instrument to predict the higher heating value (HHV) of solid manure samples. The authors concluded
that the resulting error of 1,7% is more than adequate for the industrial application. Posom et al. used NIRS
for the evaluation of moisture content and heating value of Jatropha curcas kernels [9] and Leucaena
leucocephala pellets [10] and achieved promising results. The authors also performed extensive assignment
of vibrational bands based on the plots of X-loading weights and regression coefficients resulting from PLS-
R. All of these studies however were limited to relatively homogeneous or pure materials and did not focus
on fuel mixtures. Therefore the authors argue that following research questions need to be addressed:
x Is it possible to correlate NIR absorbance spectra of solid raw biofuel sample mixtures to reference
values of given fuel properties determined by standard laboratory methods?
x What prediction accuracy can be achieved by means of multivariate linear regression modeling
using NIR absorbance spectra as predictors and reference values i.e. fuel properties as responses?
The objective of this work is to perform spectroscopic measurements on solid raw biofuel samples and
visually analyze acquired NIR spectra. Then, the acquisition of reference values (i.e. fuel properties of
interest) has to be carried out by standard laboratory methods. The biofuel properties included in this study
are moisture content, ash content and heating value. Moreover, the acquired raw NIR spectra were pre-
processed by an appropriate technique. Finally, multivariate statistical regression models describing the
correlation between spectra and reference values were developed. The spectroscopy background was
justified for the developed models. It consisted of the identification of which spectral variables are most
important for prediction of responses i.e. fuel properties and their assignment to reasonable molecular
vibrations of chemical constituents.
Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317 1311
ܾ regression coefficient
FT-NIR Fourier Transform Near Infrared
HHV Higher heating value
MSC Multiplicative scatter correction
݉ number of variables
NIR Near infrared
NIRS Near infrared spectroscopy
݊ number of samples
PLS-R Partial least squares regression
RMSE Root-mean-square error
ܴ coefficient of determination
ݕ reference Y value
ݕ predicted Y value
ݕ mean of reference Y values
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Samples collection and experimental data acquisition
There were five biomass types included in this study: (i) stem wood chips (pine and spruce), (ii) bark,
(iii) forest residue chips, (iv) sawdust, and (v) peat. The biomass was collected from local fuel processing
companies in Västmanland region, Sweden. The samples were created by mixing up the different types of
biomass in varying proportions. The mixed substances contained particles of different sizes varying from
5 mm to 50 mm.
NIR spectral data were acquired in diffuse reflectance mode using a Fourier transform-NIR (FT-NIR)
spectrometer equipped with an illumination head. The head was fixed at a distance of 17 cm from the
sample which was moving on a turntable at a velocity of approximately 1 m·s-1. This enabled the replication
of the actual movement of biomass on conveyor belt. NIR absorbance spectra (relative absorbance) were
collected in the range of 12,0004000 cm-1 with a wavenumber resolution of 8 cm-1. The temperature of
the ambient air during the spectra acquisition was kept at 20±1 °C. The average of 32 scans for each sample
was then used as an input in the multivariate calibration; this was done in order to minimize random noise
in the spectra measurements i.e. to increase the signal to noise ratio.
The determination of reference values i.e. fuel properties was carried out in accordance with standardized
laboratory procedures. The moisture content in mass percentage was determined according to standard EN
ISO 18134-2:2015. The ash content in mass percentage was determined according to standard EN ISO
18122:2015. Both procedures are based on thermogravimetric measurements where samples are thermally
treated at 105° respectively 550 °C. The heating value was determined on moisture free samples using a
bomb calorimeter according to standard EN 14918:2010. The values are reported as higher heating value
(HHV) in MJ/kg.
2.2. Data pre-processing and multivariate calibration
The NIR spectra acquired through the contactless measuring head were affected by light scattering.
Therefore, multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) [11] was applied to the spectra. This pre-processing
1312 Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317
method corrects the scatter level in all the spectra of a given dataset to the level of an average spectrum of
the set considered as the ideal sample.
Partial least squares regression (PLS-R) [12,13] was used for the development of the regression models.
This multivariate linear regression technique estimates the relationship between independent X (predictors
i.e. NIR absorbance spectra) and dependent Y variables (responses i.e. fuel properties) and finds latent
variables (i.e. PLS factors) in an independent data matrix that will best predict latent variables in dependent
data matrix while maximizing X and Y covariance. Among other parameters, PLS-R results in the linear
regression equation Eq. (1) including regression coefficients for each of X variables predicting given Y
Regression coefficients and also X loading weights (parameter obtained from PLS decomposition of
original matrices) have a crucial importance for understanding which X variables are important in
describing Y variables (responses) [10].
Moreover, the developed models were validated applying leave-one-out full cross-validation, which is
appropriate for relatively small datasets.
Each one of the individual PLS-R models developed (i.e. one for each variable) was evaluated using the
coefficient of determination R2 from the parity plot calculated according to Eq. (2) for each predicted
variable Y.
Furthermore, the root means square error (RMSE) was calculated for each PLS-R model according to
Eq. (3). This parameter expresses the difference between values predicted by the model and reference
The coefficient of determination R2 and RMSE were calculated from the parity plot. For the calibration
it is noted as R2cal and SEC and for the cross-validation as R2cv and RMSECV.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Visual inspection and spectral pre-processing
Original raw spectra received from FT-NIR instrument are shown in Fig. 1a. The spectroscopy
measurements were performed in the diffuse-reflectance regime but the results are received as relative
absorbance. Raw spectra obtained in this manner typically have a baseline shift; it appears due to different
particle sizes of a solid material influencing spectral path length. Application of spectral pretreatment is
therefore required. Scatter level was corrected using MSC as shown in Fig. 1b.
Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317 1313
Fig. 1. (a) Raw spectra (9000 4000 cm-1) ; (b) Spectra pre-processed by MSC
3.2. Multivariate calibration
Multivariate calibrations were developed using PLS1 algorithm [14]. Individual PLS-R models
including the full NIR spectral region (12,0004000 cm-1) as X variables were developed for each Y variable
(response). The results from the reference methods used for determining moisture content, ash content and
HHV are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of reference data set
Moisture content (wt%)
Ash content (wt%)
Higher heating value (MJ/kg)
Multivariate calibration results are reported in Table 2 (figures of merit). The resulting parity plots, i.e.
values of predicted versus reference results, are illustrated in Fig. 3. The best performing model was for
prediction of moisture content and was based on 5 PLS factors. The ability of the NIRS technique to
effectively predict moisture content builds on the fact that there are strong interactions between
electromagnetic radiation and molecules of water that are detectable in the NIR spectral region. The model
predicting ash content was based on 5 PLS factors. However, the prediction performance of the model is
lower compared to that for moisture. The model predicting higher heating value is based on 7 PLS factors,
therefore it is considered as rather more complex. Generally, the heating value is strongly affected by
moisture content of the fuel, however, in our case, the calibration was based on reference values determined
on moisture free samples. Therefore, the varying heating value over the range of samples was related to the
actual composition of the combustible matter.
1314 Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317
Table 2. Prediction performance of PLS-R models
Predicted parameter
(Number of
PLS-R factors)
Moisture content (wt%)
Ash content (wt%)
Higher heating value (MJ/kg)
All developed models show reasonable accuracy and demonstrate the potential for implementing online
for improved process control. Before the actual industrial application, the PLS-R models can be
complemented by a larger number of samples and validated by means of external validation using an
independent dataset. Future improvements in prediction performance could also be achieved by employing
non-linear regression methods or testing other pre-processing techniques and their combinations. The
robustness of the model could be enhanced by selecting different reduced spectral ranges or several
individual X variables as multivariate calibration inputs [15], rather than considering the full NIR spectrum.
Fig. 2. Parity plots; (a) model predicting moisture content; (b) model predicting ash content; (c) model predicting higher heating value
3.3. Important model predictors
The regression coefficient plot and X-loading weights plot for PLS-R model predicting moisture content is
illustrated in Fig. 3. X variables (predictors) for which the regression coefficients and X-loading weights
reach critical points (i.e. peaks or troughs) are important in describing Y variables in PLSR-R model.
Typically, the presence of a critical point indicates that the vibration of a specific chemical bond occurring
at a corresponding wavenumber (i.e. frequency) has a significant influence on the prediction of the Y
variable (i.e. given fuel property) [10]. The actual position of the critical point in both plots can be however
biased to a certain extent due to the use of a particular spectral pre-processing and calibration technique
[16]. It can make the assignment of vibrational bands in some cases particularly challenging. The critical
points for the regression coefficients for the model predicting moisture content are at: 5280, 5238, 5084,
4875 and 4170 cm-1. Furthermore, critical points for the X- loading weights are at: 5265 and 4937 cm-1 for
PLS factor 1; 5250, 5034, 4729 and 4390 cm-1 for PLS factor 2 and 7055, 5265, 5118 and 4162 cm-1 for
PLS factor 3. The critical point at approximately 5238 cm-1 can be assigned to the bond vibration for water
(combination of O-H antisymmetric stretching and O-H deformation vibration) as well as the critical point
at approx. 5034 cm-1 (combination of O-H stretching and O-H deformation vibration).
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Predicted (Moisture wt%)
Reference (Moisture wt%)
±5 wt%
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
Predicted (Ash wt%)
Reference (Ash wt%)
±2,5 wt%
19 19,5 20 20,5 21 21,5 22
Predicted (HHV MJ/kg)
Reference (HHV MJ/kg)
(@ 20 MJ/kg)
Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317 1315
Fig. 3. Moisture content predictors; (a) regression coefficients plot; (b) X loading weights plot
The regression coefficient plot and X-loading weight plot for the PLS-R model predicting ash content is
illustrated in Fig. 4. The critical points for the regression coefficients for the model predicting ash content
are at 5230, 5053, 4640, 4204 and 4158 cm-1. Furthermore, the critical points for the X- loading weights
are at: 7070, 5265, 4952, 4736 and 4409 cm-1 for PLS factor 2; 5250, 5049 and 4200 cm-1 for PLS factor 3.
The critical point at approx. 4204 cm-1 can be assigned to the bond vibration of calcium carbonate CaCO3
(2nd overtone of asymmetric stretching vibration) which is often present in biomass ash. For further band
assignment, the knowledge of the ash chemical composition is necessary, which was not part of the present
Fig. 4. Ash content predictors; (a) regression coefficients plot; (b) X loading weights plot
The regression coefficient plot and X-loading weight plot for the PLS-R model predicting higher heating
value is illustrated in Fig. 5. The critical points of the regression coefficients for the model predicting HHV
are at 5257, 5049, 4613, 4613 and 4192 cm-1. Moreover, the critical points of the X- loading weights are
at: 7055, 5257, 5018, 4736 and 4262 cm-1 for PLS factor 2; 6889, 5273, 4995, 4660 cm-1 for PLS factor 3.
Fig. 5. Higher heating value predictors; (a) regression coefficients plot; (b) X loading weights plot
The critical point at approximately 7055 cm-1 can be assigned to the bond vibration of lignin
(combination of 1st overtone C-H stretching and C-H bending vibration). The same holds for the critical
Regression coefficient
Wavenumber (cm
X-loading weights
Wavenumber (cm
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Regression coefficient
Wavenumber (cm
X-loading weights
Wavenumber (cm
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Regression coefficient
Wavenumber (cm
X-loading weights
Wavenumber (cm
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
1316 Jan Skvaril et al. / Energy Procedia 105 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1317
point at approximately 6889 cm-1 (1st overtone O-H stretching vibration). The critical point at approximately
5257 cm-1 can be assigned to the bond vibration of hemicellulose (2nd overtone C=O stretching vibration).
The critical point at approximately 4734 cm-1 can be assigned to the bond vibration of cellulose
(combination of O-H deformation and O-H stretching vibration). The same holds for the critical point at
approximately 4262 cm-1 (combination of C-H stretching and C-H deformation vibration and/or 2nd
overtone C-H deformation vibration). Moreover, the critical point at approximately 4660 cm-1 can be
assigned to the bond vibration of lignin and extractives (combination of Carom-H stretching and C=C
stretching vibration). As can be observed from the results, the prediction capability of the model for higher
heating value is related to the actual composition of the combustible matter (i.e. content of lignin, cellulose,
hemicellulose, etc.).
4. Conclusions
This work presents experimental measurements and multivariate spectroscopic calibration of near
infrared (NIR) spectra and different fuel properties determined by standardized procedures.
According to the results presented, the following conclusions can be drawn:
x Multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) presents satisfactory results when used as a spectral pre-
processing technique correcting light scattering and change in a path length for each sample.
x The best figures of merit were achieved for the model predicting moisture content (i.e. R2CV=0,88;
RMSECV=2,18). This is due to the strong interaction of electromagnetic radiation with water molecules
resulting in the formation of strong absorption bands in NIR spectra.
x The figures of merit for the model predicting ash content (i.e. R2CV=0,69; RMSECV=0,44) show
somewhat lower numbers than those for moisture. Nevertheless, such a model is still satisfactory for use
in a process control (soft sensor).
x The model for predicting the higher heating value for moisture free samples, exhibits relatively good
figures of merit (i.e. R2CV=0,85; RMSECV=0,22); the prediction ability is related to the actual
composition of a combustible matter (i.e. content of lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, etc.).
In summary, it has been succesfully demonstrated that different solid biofuel properties can be determined
by means of near infrared spectroscopy. This technique enables fast and non-destructive measurements
which may be implemented for improved control of thermochemical energy conversion processes leading
towards increased efficiency and reduction of emissions.
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Knowledge Foundation
(Stiftelsen för kunskaps- och kompetensutveckling, KK-stiftelsen). In addition, the authors would like to
acknowledge assistance from Nemir Gabriel and Emad Al Hamrami for performing part of NIR scans
and reference laboratory measurements. This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723523”.
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Jan Skvaril, is a doctoral candidate and lecturer at the School of Business, Society and
Engineering at Mälardalen University in Sweden. He received his M.Sc. (Ing.) degree in
Power Engineering in 2008 and M.Sc. (Ing.) in Company Management and Economics in
2009. His research is focused on combustion in biomass-fired industrial steam boilers and
online determination of fuel properties by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
... Chemie Ingenieur Technik solid biofuels [60,[86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96]241]. However, instruments require a good calibration to the respective biofuel for precise M determination using NIRS methods (likewise capacitive methods). ...
... Usually, measuring A and Q with NIRS requires no further sample preparation but similar to M, the instruments require a suitable calibration for various solid biofuels. However, in contrast to M, studies suggest that determination of A with NIRS often does not show satisfying results, indicating rather low instrument precisions [88,92,94,96]. This is due to the fact that with NIRS, the ash content is usually not measured directly but rather by its ability to measure carbon bonds and then ash content can be calculated by chemometric methods. ...
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Fuel properties of solid biofuels are essential aspects for the energy-efficient and low-emission operation of biomass heat and power plants. Hence, fuel quality parameters are often defined and used for pricing in supply contracts. To simplify and accelerate analytical approaches, rapid analysis devices are required to determine fuel properties such as water-and ash content, calorific value, and chemical composition on-site. This article gives an overview about available technologies and, if applicable, their current state of use as rapid analysis devices for solid biofuels.
... However, biomass is characterized by strong physical and chemical diversity, which makes it energy utilization challenging. Since the energy biomass conversion processes are sensitive to high variability in feedstock material properties (such as moisture content) and requires continuous regulation, it is needed a non-destructive method able to measure biomass in real-time [1]. ...
... O-H, C-H, N-H, S-H, C=O, C=H and C=C, producing measurable/detectable response in the spectra which is, according to Beer-Lambert law, linearly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing molecule. The extraction of the information from the spectra is done by a chemometric approach including mathematical and statistical methods to provide maximum chemical information [1]. The chemometric approach usually consists of spectral pre-processing, wavelength selection an employment of regression or discrimination method. ...
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The aim of this work is to apply and evaluate different chemometric approaches employing several machine learning techniques in order to characterize the moisture content in biomass from data obtained by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The approaches include three main parts: a) data pre-processing, b) wavelength selection and c) development of a regression model enabling moisture content measurement. Standard Normal Variate (SNV), Multiplicative Scatter Correction and Savitzky-Golay first (SG1) and second (SG2) derivatives and its combinations were applied for data pre-processing. Genetic algorithm (GA) and iterative PLS (iPLS) were used for wavelength selection. Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and traditional Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, were employed as machine learning regression methods. Results shows that SNV combined with SG1 first derivative performs the best in data pre-processing. The GA is the most effective methods for variable selection and GPR achieved a high accuracy in regression modeling while having low demands on computation time. Overall, the machine learning techniques demonstrate a great potential to be used in future NIR spectroscopy applications.
... However, biomass is characterized by strong physical and chemical diversity, which makes it energy utilization challenging. Since the energy biomass conversion processes are sensitive to high variability in feedstock material properties (such as moisture content) and requires continuous regulation, it is needed a non-destructive method able to measure biomass in real-time [1]. ...
... O-H, C-H, N-H, S-H, C=O, C=H and C=C, producing measurable/detectable response in the spectra which is, according to Beer-Lambert law, linearly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing molecule. The extraction of the information from the spectra is done by a chemometric approach including mathematical and statistical methods to provide maximum chemical information [1]. The chemometric approach usually consists of spectral pre-processing, wavelength selection an employment of regression or discrimination method. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The aim of this work is to apply and evaluate different chemometric approaches employing several machine learning techniques in order to characterize the moisture content in biomass from data obtained by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The approaches include three main parts: a) data pre-processing, b) wavelength selection and c) development of an actual regression model enabling moisture content measurement. Standard Normal Variate (SNV), Multiplicative Scatter Correction and Savitzky-Golay first (SG1) and second (SG2) derivatives and its combinations were applied for data pre-processing. Genetic algorithm (GA) and iterative PLS (iPLS) were used for wavelength selection. Moreover, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and traditional Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, were employed as machine learning regression methods. Results show that SNV combined with SG1 first derivative performs the best in data pre-processing. The GA is the most effective methods for variable selection and GPR is achieving a high accuracy in regression modeling while having low demands on computation time. Overall, the machine learning techniques demonstrate a great potential to be used in future NIR spectroscopy applications.
... NIR hyperspectral imaging has been used to find plastic, glass and rubber foreign bodies among grain samples [10]. NIR spectroscopy has been used extensively in the pulp and paper industry for a variety of purposes including detection of cellulose, lignin and fibre content as well as kappa number distributions [11,12,13] and has also shown potential in the analysis of various fuels [14,15]. Wood shavings were used in this work to represent paper in the test samples as the shavings were already available in the lab, saving time in the experimental phase of this research. ...
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This paper investigates how glass contamination in refuse-derived fuel can be quantitatively detected using near-infrared spectroscopy. Near-infrared spectral data of glass in four different background materials were collected, each material chosen to represent a main component in municipal solid waste; actual refuse-derived fuel was not tested. The resulting spectra were pre-processed and used to develop multi-variate predictive models using partial least squares regression. It was shown that predictive models for coloured glass content are reasonably accurate, while models for mixed glass or clear glass content are not; the validated model for coloured glass content had a coefficient of determination of 0.83 between the predicted and reference data, and a root-mean-square error of validation of 0.64. The methods investigated in this paper show potential in predicting coloured glass content in different types of background material, but a different approach would be needed for predicting mixed type glass contamination in refuse-derived fuel.
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Los residuos agrícolas representan un problema de contaminación, dada su inadecuada disposición y elevados volúmenes generados. Por ello, su revalorización para producir biocombustibles es atractiva, para lo cual se requiere conocer su poder calorífico. Se han reportado modelos matemáticos para predecir el poder calorífico considerando análisis elementales, estructurales y proximales, siendo éstos últimos los de menor costo. Por ello, el presente trabajo realizó un estudio comparativo de los modelos matemáticos que predicen el poder calorífico con base en análisis elementales; dicho estudio considera: 1) residuos agrícolas procedentes de México (paja de frijol, paja de trigo, cascarilla de arroz, cascabillo de café), y 2) residuos reportados en la literatura (fibras y cáscaras de coco, residuos de jardín, cáscaras de canola, cáscaras de Jatropha curcas, paja de trigo), con el objetivo de determinar si los modelos existentes funcionan adecuadamente para las biomasas mexicanas. Para ello, las biomasas mexicanas son caracterizadas mediante análisis proximales; por otra parte, se estima el poder calorífico de todas las biomasas con modelos matemáticos lineales previamente reportados, y los resultados se comparan con los valores experimentales. Los resultados muestran que los coeficientes de determinación de los modelos matemáticos existentes son bajos, en particular al emplear datos de biomasas mexicanas. El mejor modelo para predecir el poder calorífico en residuos agrícolas mexicanos (R2 = 0.72) considera solamente el contenido de materia volátil y de carbono fijo, así como una débil funcionalidad del contenido de cenizas. Por ello, es necesario proponer modelos matemáticos específicamente para las biomasas mexicanas.
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This review article introduces recent scientific and technical reports due to near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) at wood science and technology, most of which was published between 2006 and 2013. Many researchers reported that NIR technique was useful to detect multi traits of chemical, physical, mechanical and anatomical properties of wood materials although it was widely used in a state where characteristic cellular structure was retained. However, we should be sensitive and careful for application of NIRS, when spectra coupled with chemometrics presents unexpected good results (especially, for mechanical physical and anatomical properties). The real application for on-line or at-line monitoring in wood industry is desired as next step. Basic spectroscopic research for wooden material is also progressed. It should be a powerful and meaningful analytical spectroscopic tool.
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This paper addresses the precision in factor loadings during partial least squares (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) of wood chemistry content from near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectra. The precision of the loadings is considered important because these estimates are often utilized to interpret chemometric models or selection of meaningful wavenumbers. Standard laboratory chemistry methods were employed on a mixed genus/species hardwood sample set. PLS and PCR, before and after 1st derivative pretreatment, was utilized for model building and loadings investigation. As demonstrated by others, PLS was found to provide better predictive diagnostics. However, PCR exhibited a more precise estimate of loading peaks which makes PCR better for interpretation. Application of the 1st derivative appeared to assist in improving both PCR and PLS loading precision, but due to the small sample size, the two chemometric methods could not be compared statistically. This work is important because to date most research works have committed to PLS because it yields better predictive performance. But this research suggests there is a tradeoff between better prediction and model interpretation. Future work is needed to compare PLS and PCR for a suite of spectral pretreatment techniques.
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Rapid characterization of biochar for energy and ecological purpose utilization is fundamental. In this work, visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy was used to measure ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon contents, and calorific value of three types of biochar produced from pine wood, cedar wood, and cotton stalk, respectively. The vis-NIR spectroscopy was also used to discriminate biochar feedstock types and pyrolysis temperature. Prediction result shows that partial least squares (PLS) regression calibrating the spectra to the values of biochar properties achieved very good or excellent performance with coefficient of determination () of 0.86~0.91 and residual prediction deviation (RPD) of 2.58~3.32 for ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon, and good prediction with of 0.81 and RPD of 2.30 for calorific value. Linear discrimination analysis (LDA) of the principal components (PCs) produced from PCA of wavelength matrix shows that three types of biochar can be successfully discriminated with 95.2% accuracy. The classification of biochar with different pyrolysis temperatures can be conducted with 69% accuracy for all three types and 100% accuracy for single type of cotton stalk. This experiment suggests that the vis-NIR spectroscopy is promising as an alternative of traditionally quantitative and qualitative analysis of biochar properties.
Process Analytical Technology explores the concepts of PAT and its application in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry from the point of view of the analytical chemist. In this new edition all of the original chapters have been updated and revised, and new chapters covering the important topics of sampling, NMR, fluorescence, and acoustic chemometrics have been added. Coverage includes: Implementation of Process Analytical Technologies UV-Visible Spectroscopy for On-line Analysis Infrared Spectroscopy for Process Analytical Applications Process Raman Spectroscopy Process NMR Spectrscopy: Technology and On-line Applications Fluorescent Sensing and Process Analytical Applications Chemometrics in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) On-Line PAT Applications of Spectroscopy in the Pharmaceutical Industry Future Trends for PAT for Increased Process Understanding and Growing Applications in Biomanufacturing NIR Chemical Imaging This volume is an important starting point for anyone wanting to implement PAT and is intended not only to assist a newcomer to the field but also to provide up-to-date information for those who practice process analytical chemistry and PAT.
The MC (moisture content) and HHV (higher heating value) of Leucaena leucocephala pellets using NIR (near infrared) spectroscopy was investigated in this study. The MC of the pellets was adjusted by subjecting the samples to different relative humidity environments. The samples were scanned in diffuse reflection mode at wavenumbers of 12,500–4000 cm−1. Partial least squares regression models correlating the MC and HHV with the NIR spectra were developed and validated by full cross validation. The model for MC and HHV provided coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.995 and 0.964, a root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) of 0.187%wb and 79.2 J g−1, bias of −0.0008%wb and 1.29 J g−1 and a RPD (ratio of prediction to deviation) of 13.9 and 5.30, respectively. The models had excellent accuracy. This rapid quality evaluation method may be used for trading of biomass pellets. An equation related MC and HHV was also developed.
Rapid methods to characterise biomass for energy are needed due to the increasing use of biomass in the energy system and the expanding varieties of biomasses available. Chemical information on biomasses can be utilised in integrated management systems, allowing for the appropriate selection and optimum use of biomass to energy conversion techniques. Composition of biomass has important implications for optimisation of conversion processes such as pelletising/briquetting, combustion, gasification, pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. There are opportunities to develop rapid spectroscopic techniques for both biomass to biofuel and biofuel to bioenergy process control. Rapid spectroscopic techniques and chemometrics may also be used to predict the key biomass and biofuel parameter calorific value and could be used to improve energy crop growing programmes. This review brings together the reported uses of infrared spectroscopic analysis coupled with chemometric techniques which have been applied to optimising biomass to biofuel and bioenergy conversion processes.
The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for evaluation of moisture content of Jatropha curcas kernels and heating value of its residue after oil extraction were studied. In total, 100 samples of whole kernels from green, yellow and black fruits and oven-dried kernels scanned in diffuse reflection mode using a Fourier transform NIR spectrometer at wave numbers of 1,250,000-400,000 m(-1) were used to develop moisture-predicting models. The corresponding residues after the oil extraction of the samples scanned in transflection mode using the same spectrometer and wave number range were used to develop the heating-value-predicting models. The models correlating the spectral data and the corresponding values measured using the reference method were developed by partial least squares regression and were validated using a test set. For the moisture content and heating value, coefficients of determination (R-2) were 0.969 and 0.860, root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) were 4.0% wb and 360J g(-1), biases were -0.7% wb and -17 J g(-1) and ratios of prediction to deviation (RPD) were 5.7 and 2.6, respectively. In addition, vibration bands of fibre and cellulose had important effects on the prediction of the heating value.
Key Notes.- Classification and Discrimination.- Data Mining.- Robustness and Classification.- Categorical Data and Latent Class Approach.- Latent Variables and Related Methods.- Symbolic, Multivalued and Conceptual Data Analysis.- Spatial, Temporal, Streaming and Functional Data Analysis.- Bio and Health Science.
Visible and near-infrared spectral data were used to predict the higher heating value (HHV) and dry, ash-free HHV (HHVdaf) of solid manure samples collected from cattle fed diets containing wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) in 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60% dry matter concentrations. The HHV was determined by isoperibol bomb calorimetry and the HHVdaf was calculated from an equation based on the HHV and proximate analysis. Spectral models were developed in “The Unscrambler” software. The spectral models based on all treatments with random samples withheld for validation predicted the HHV with excellent reliability within 1.7%; RMSD = 60.19 cal g−1 (108 Btu lb−1), RPD = 2.29 (excellent), and bias = −15.29 cal g−1 (28 Btu lb−1), using five PLS factors and identifying 129 important wavebands. Accounting for estimated N and S content reduced the predictive accuracy of the spectral models by 0.1% with an RPD = 2.28 (excellent). Spectral models based on all treatments with random samples withheld for validation predicted the HHVdaf with acceptable reliability within 2.0% with an RMSD = 96.17 cal g−1 (173 Btu lb−1), RPD = 1.17 (acceptable), and bias = −19.83 cal g−1 (−37 Btu lb−1), using five PLS (partial least squares) factors and identifying 29 important wavebands. Spectral models reliably predicted the HHV of feedlot manure with accuracy well under the 5% error margin tolerated in practical applications such as feedlot manure gasification.
The spectral pre-treatments known as standard normal variate (SNV) and multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) often give very similar results, and are widely regarded as exchangeable. However their geometry in spectral space is not the same, and the results of this are sometimes apparent. SNV has the capacity to induce curved structures in score plots derived from the treated spectra, whilst MSC has a tendency to produce outliers in these plots. These phenomena are illustrated with an example from a near infrared imaging camera, and explained geometrically.