
Public Value, Politics and Public Management

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This paper summarises the ndings of the literature review on politics and public management and sets out the theoretical background that underpins the concept of public value. It explores its potential as a theory of public management, which aims to guide the actions of public managers delivering services to the public funded through taxation.

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... Bu bağlamda birleştikleri nokta ortak yapım kavramına (Erten, 2022) yaptıkları vurgudur. Ortak yapım, kamu yönetiminde yönetişim anlayışının geliştirilmiş bir modeli olarak vatandaşların karar alma, politika oluşturma ve kamu hizmeti süreçlerine aşağıdan yukarıya doğru daha aktif katılımını öngörmektedir (Alford, 1998;Blaug, Horner ve Lekhi, 2006;Denhardt ve Denhardt, 2000 ...
... Bu teoriye göre kamu yönetimlerinin amacı değer atfedilmiş kamu hizmetine ulaşmaktır. Bu bağlamda siyasetçiler, kamu yöneticileri, vatandaşlar ve diğer ilgili paydaşların bir araya geldikleri, çok kapsamlı bir hesap verebilirlik ve müzakere süreci olmazsa olmaz koşul olarak görülmektedir (Blaug, Horner ve Lekhi, 2006). İlk kez Moore (1995) tarafından ele alınan Kamu Değer Teorisi, bugün kamu yönetimi alanında en önemli yaklaşımlardan birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir (Faulkner ve Kaufman, 2018). ...
... Her ikisi de esas itibariyle kaynağını demokratik vatandaşlık, topluluk ve sivil toplum teorilerinden almaktadır. Bu bağlamda her şeyden önce katılıma, müzakereye, diyaloğa ve bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkan kamu yararına, kamu hizmetine ve ortak yarara vurgu yapmaktadır (Blaug, Horner ve Lekhi, 2006;Meynhardt, 2009;Stoker, 2006). Dolayısıyla ortak yapım kavramı yönetişimin daha üst bir formu olarak her iki yaklaşımın merkezinde yer almaktadır (Hefetz ve Warner, 2012;Stewart, 2021). ...
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Z Çağdaş söylem engelliliği bir haklar konusu olarak kabul etmektedir. Engelli haklarına yönelik ulusal ya da uluslararası çok sayıda düzenleme bulunmaktadır. Ancak bugün bile engelliler haklarını yeterince kullanamamakta, işsizlik, yoksulluk, kötü muamele gibi sorunları devam etmektedir. Mevcut durum göstermektedir ki birtakım hakların tanınması bunların kullanılabilmesine ve sorunların çözülmesine yetmemektedir. Bu nedenle alternatif bakış açılarına ve çözüm yollarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Çağdaş kamu yönetimi teorilerinden olan Yeni Kamu Hizmeti Yaklaşımı ve Kamu Değer Teorisi bu bağlamda ele alınabilecek iki önemli yaklaşımdır. Engelli hakları noktasında en büyük eksiklik, engellilerin özellikle kendilerini ilgilendiren konularda karar alma süreçlerine, politikalara ve kamu hizmeti süreçlerine aktif ve etkin katılımlarının sağlanamamasıdır. Yeni kamu hizmeti ve kamu değer teorisinin temel vurgusu da bu konu ile ilgilidir. Her iki yaklaşım da işletmeci kamu yönetimi anlayışının tersine, bireyleri müşteri değil, vatandaş olarak kabul etmekte ve demokratik süreçler çerçevesinde eşit ve aktif katılıma vurgu yapmaktadır. Ortak yapım olarak ifade edilen bu katılım biçiminin hem daha etkili ve verimli bir kamu hizmetine hem de vatandaşlarca benimsenecek bir kamu değerinin oluşmasına katkıda bulunacağı ileri sürülmektedir. Bu çerçevede ortak yapım engellilerin güçlendirilmesinde, haklarını kullanabilmelerinde ve sorunlarını çözebilmelerinde kullanılabilecek alternatif bir yöntem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ancak ortak yapım süreci demokrasi ve hukukun tam olarak işletilebilmesini gerektirmektedir. Bu noktada en büyük görev siyasal ve yönetsel karar alıcılara düşmektedir.
... Διοίκηση Η θεωρία της αλλαγής των αντιλήψεων δείχνει να ενισχύεται και από το γεγονός ότι μελέτες, της πρώτης δεκαετίας του 21ου αι., για τις δημόσιες υπηρεσίες αντιλαμβάνονται ως σημαντικό το ρόλο των διαχειριστών έναντι ζητημάτων διαφάνειας και λογοδοσίας, επισημαίνοντας την ανάγκη επαναδιατύπωσης της σχέσης γραφειοκρατίας-δημοκρατίας. Η συμμετοχή των πολιτών κρίνεται απαραίτητη, ως δημόσια αξία που απορρέει από τη συνεργασία των διαχειριστών του δημοσίου με τους πολίτες 105 [194]. Επιπροσθέτως, όπως τονίσθηκε σε πρόσφατη έκθεση (White Paper) για τη βιωσιμότητα των ευρωπαϊκών συστημάτων υγείας, στις αναγκαίες αλλαγές τα πρώτα εμπόδια τίθενται από τους πολιτικούς και την ιατρική κοινότητα [195]. ...
... Τα γεγονότα επιβεβαιώνουν επίσης και όσα γράφαμε στην Περίληψη της μελέτης, περί μετάβασης σε μια «οιονεί ιδιωτικοποίηση». Η ανασφάλεια των πολιτών, σχετικά με τη δυνατότητα του ΕΣΥ να καλύψει τις ανάγκες τους για υγεία, οδήγησε στην κατά 489,8% αύξηση της ιδιωτικής ασφάλειας για ασθένειες 194 , γεγονός που αποδεικνύει την απόσταση που μας χωρίζει από ένα ασθενοκεντρικό δημόσιο σύστημα. Παράλληλα, η υπερσυνταγογράφηση φαρμάκων συνεχίζει να απορροφά πολύτιμους πόρους από τους μηχανισμούς χρηματοδότησης των νοσηλευτικών μονάδων, υπερβαίνοντας κάθε ελεγκτική προσπάθεια επί της ιατρικής συμπεριφοράς 195 . ...
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The torchwood of the current research has been the scientific assertion that the existing recession, which has been having since 2010 a dramatic impact on Greece, generates the conditions for sociopolitical reformations in the public policy sector. The purpose of this study was an insight investigation into the diachronic evolution, the current needs and the potentials of the Greek Hospital Governance. The research targets were (a) the public hospitals organization model, (b) the hospital manager’s selection system and (c) the use of scientific tools, which result in successful hospital management. The National Printing Office archives, as well as the ones originating from the "Health Review" scientific magazine and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, along with the semi-structured interviews yielded by twelve(12) Health Sector experts, comprised the main material for the study. Additional bibliography sources, articles and scientific researches, contributed to documentation. For the completion of the purpose of the study, we imprinted the diachronic evolution of the targets research into the (1824-2015) Greek legislation, as well as a retrospect into hospital governance since the Greek NHS was founded, in 1983, till nowadays. A review of reformations, into research targets, in eight European countries was recorded, and the queries were approached through qualitative research, which led to useful conclusions concerning the future of the Greek hospital governance. The research of the Greek legislation designated the parallel evolution of the established institutions and actors of the health sector, which produced a public space dominated by political parties, syndicates, doctors and their interrelated custom and practice. The insight into the last 32 years of hospital governance revealed the deficiency in strategic planning and its doctor-centered face, the predominance of the guilds and the political interests, at the expense of meritocracy and public accountability. As a consequence, the ethical decadence of the public hospitals system had preceded its financial collapse. The study of hospital governance in European scene proved that the viability of the system required reformations, which were planned and implemented. The qualitative research confirmed our initial study findings, and the need for immediate reorganization decisions and technocratic management of public hospitals. As for the perspectives, four potential models were put forward with a view to reorganizing Greek public hospitals and suggesting ways to evaluate and select the best health executives, not the agreeable ones! Furthermore, the relation of the scientific administrative tools with the sustainability, the efficiency and effectiveness of hospitals, was also validated. It was also inferred that the crisis, the country has relapsed into, might be a "window of opportunity" to overcome the pathogenesis of public health sector. The implementation of the necessary reformations ministers to the public interest. To conclude, we may very well infer that unless all the measures for the defragmentation and economic purification are taken, by the end of 2015, national hospitals will fall apart, in a kind of quasi privatization. This ascertainment would and should oppress, and at the same time, awaken Greek society, citizens and politicians.
... Heuristic applications facilitate the attribution of meaning to the relevant phenomena. Thus, PVM is represented as a paradigmatic alternative to new public management Alford and O'Flynn, 2009;Benington, 2009;Benington and Moore, 2011;Blaug et al., 2006;Horner and Hazel, 2005;Moore, 1995;O'Flynn, 2007;Stoker, 2006;Talbot, 2009;Davis, 2011 Analytical framework Alford, 2008;Alford and Hughes, 2008;Benington, 2009;Kelly et al., 2002;Moore, 1995;Talbot, 2009 Narrative Alford andO'Flynn, 2009;Moore, 1995;Smith, 2004;Stoker, 2006 Ethos (normative) Gains and Stoker, 2009 Empirical Outcomes (results) Davis and West, 2009;Horner and Hazel, 2005 Outputs (goods and services) Blaug et al., 2006;Coats and Passmore, 2008;Kelly et al., 2002 Goal-focused practices Gains andStoker, 2009;Kelly et al., 2002;O'Flynn, 2007Deliberative processes Benington, 2009<Christensen and Laegrid, 2011;Davis and West, 2009;Gains and Stoker, 2009;Stoker, 2006 Management style/ leadership approach Benington and Moore, 2011;Kelly et al., 2002;Moore, 1995;Stoker, 2006;Wallis and Gregory, 2009 (NPM). Janine O'Flynn (2007) positively contrasts the dialogical emphasis on public engagement of the former with the competitive and consumerist orientation of the latter, while Gerry Stoker (2006, p. 41) sees in PVM 'a vision of an alternative paradigm, an overarching framework in which to put ... new public sector management practices'.Thus deployed PVM represents a conception of the role, style and functions of public management under conditions of networked governance. ...
... Heuristic applications facilitate the attribution of meaning to the relevant phenomena. Thus, PVM is represented as a paradigmatic alternative to new public management Alford and O'Flynn, 2009;Benington, 2009;Benington and Moore, 2011;Blaug et al., 2006;Horner and Hazel, 2005;Moore, 1995;O'Flynn, 2007;Stoker, 2006;Talbot, 2009;Davis, 2011 Analytical framework Alford, 2008;Alford and Hughes, 2008;Benington, 2009;Kelly et al., 2002;Moore, 1995;Talbot, 2009 Narrative Alford andO'Flynn, 2009;Moore, 1995;Smith, 2004;Stoker, 2006 Ethos (normative) Gains and Stoker, 2009 Empirical Outcomes (results) Davis and West, 2009;Horner and Hazel, 2005 Outputs (goods and services) Blaug et al., 2006;Coats and Passmore, 2008;Kelly et al., 2002 Goal-focused practices Gains andStoker, 2009;Kelly et al., 2002;O'Flynn, 2007Deliberative processes Benington, 2009<Christensen and Laegrid, 2011;Davis and West, 2009;Gains and Stoker, 2009;Stoker, 2006 Management style/ leadership approach Benington and Moore, 2011;Kelly et al., 2002;Moore, 1995;Stoker, 2006;Wallis and Gregory, 2009 (NPM). Janine O'Flynn (2007) positively contrasts the dialogical emphasis on public engagement of the former with the competitive and consumerist orientation of the latter, while Gerry Stoker (2006, p. 41) sees in PVM 'a vision of an alternative paradigm, an overarching framework in which to put ... new public sector management practices'.Thus deployed PVM represents a conception of the role, style and functions of public management under conditions of networked governance. ...
Core executive studies is now the dominant lens through which the distributed arrangements characteristic of the hollow state are studied; public value has emerged as a normative prescription for citizen engagement with policy making in the context of the very institutional conditions theorised by core executive studies scholars. Yet there has been surprisingly little intellectual engagement between the two. This article assesses the consequences for core executive studies – both epistemologically and analytically – of the empirical circumstances presaged by public value. It concludes that while the asymmetric power variant of core executive studies can accommodate public value, the epistemological basis of the differentiated polity model is challenged by public value's distributed decision-making arrangements. The article also finds that core executive studies needs a more nuanced empirical conception of policy making in order to account for a fully fledged public value landscape.
... In organizations, especially in times of crisis, value creation may be undertaken more by managers. Because citizens may not be able to be involved in value creation, especially in times of crisis with a high-risk level, such as COVID-19 (Blaug, Horner, & Lekhi, 2006). Finally, organizations focusing on values work through the hands of their administrators might be in a better position to improve their practices, quality of services (Askeland et al., 2020), and public satisfaction, in turn, to guarantee organizational survival that is fundamental aims of organizations (Selznick, 1957). ...
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While existing literature mostly analyzes public leaders' pandemic responses, limited attention has been paid to local government leaders in terms of values work. This study examines the values created and infused by senior managers who serve as institutional leaders in local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on the data collected from the responses of the sample set, the study aims to illuminate the processes of creating and infusing values among senior managers of a metropolitan municipality in Türkiye. For this aim, interviews were conducted with 11 senior managers of this metropolitan municipality. The findings produced within the scope of two propositions firstly reveal three types of value created for, and infused into the organization: personal, organizational, and service-related. Secondly, the study identifies the uniform process devoted to values work among senior managers and reveals that there are no significant differences in the styles of creating and infusing values (i.e., values work) among managers at different levels of local government in challenging times.
... Khagram (2004),Benington and Moore (2011),Blaug, Horner and Lekhi (2006),Bozeman (2007) and(2009); Bozeman and Sarewitz (2005), Stoker (2006); Talbot (2008), Bozeman and Johnson (2015), Meynhardt (2009) and Jessa and Uys (2018). Meynhardt (2009) classifies nontangible PV as comprised of (i) moral-ethical attributes, (ii) the need for aesthetically pleasant environments, (iii) utilitarian and purpose driven engagement among network stakeholders and (iv) 'political-social' aspirations as drivers of equality and social innovation among citizens. ...
... Depuis les années 1990, un intérêt croissant a été accordé à l'approche fondée sur la valeur publique qui s'inspire fortement des travaux de Moore (1994Moore ( , 1995. Cette approche émaille aujourd'hui de nombreux travaux et inspire un courant vigoureux de recherche et de théorisation (Alford & Hughes, 2008;Benington, 2011;Blaug et al., 2006;Kelly et al., 2002;Moore, 1995;Moore & Braga, 2004). Pour certains auteurs, l'émergence de ce nouveau paradigme marque une rupture par rapport aux postulats et positions idéologiques fortes opposant le marché à l'État, notamment en raison des problèmes et des défis posés par les expériences de la nouvelle gestion publique (NGP) (O'Flynn, 2007). ...
... PV is a broader concept that considers performance not only in financial term. It goes beyond the concept of performance as a simple achievement of goals and considers the effect on society in term of value created (Blaug et al., 2006). Therefore, the PV approach acts as an organizational flywheel for the generation of fair and sustainable outcomes , and contributes to creating conditions for public sector change (Marcon, 2014). ...
... Trust is the most important because even if the government provides or meets citizens' expectations, a mere lack of trust will destroy public value. Public value gives relative importance to value-laden outcomes and citizens' engagement in the democratic process (Blaug et al. 2006). Public value is profoundly democratic because it requires public sector organisations to discuss value creation in the public sector. ...
Smart specialisation is an instrument of the European Cohesion Policy and a key political principle to advance European competitiveness, innovation and welfare. Whereas smart specialisation is previously recognised for its focus on creating economic value through regional specialisation and new innovations, some recent arguments show that sustainable and social aspects are now defining the new smart specialisation strategy (McCann & Soete 2020; Pontikakis et al. 2022). In this paper, we examine the concept of public value to determine what a broader sustainable focus could mean for the next generation of smart specialisation strategies and how regions may use their entrepreneurial discovery processes (EDP) in a new way to combine vertical specialisation with more horizontal, sustainable and particularly social sustainability goals. Our inspection of public value via Moore’s strategic triangle and the smart specialisation literature indicate that the entrepreneurial discovery process can be viewed as a platform for conveying public value, which may also help in understanding how the entrepreneurial discovery process may become an open discovery process (ODP) in partnerships for regional innovation (PRI) implementation.
... Bir başka ifadeyle hızla değişen ve karmaşıklaşan dünyada daha müreffeh, sosyal ve adil toplumlar yararatma sorumluluğunun yerine getirilebilmesi için atanmış ya da seçilmiş kamu yöneticileri ve kamu personeline rehberlik edebilecek stratejik bir yaklaşım olarak ortaya çıkmıştır (O'Flynn, 2021). Değer atfedilmiş kamu hizmetini merkezine alan yaklaşım geleneksel ve işletmeci anlayıştan farklı olarak, siyasetçiler, kamu yöneticileri ve vatandaşların karşı karşıya geldikleri, geniş kapsamlı bir hesap verebilirlik ve müzakere sürecini öngörmektedir (Blaug, Horner ve Lekhi, 2006). ...
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Geleneksel ve işletmeci kamu yönetimi teorilerine getirilen eleştiriler çerçevesinde çok sayıda yeni yaklaşım geliştirilmiştir. Yeni kamu hizmeti yaklaşımı ve kamu değer teorisi bunların başında gelmektedir. Her iki yaklaşım da esas itibariyle yeni kamu işletmeciliğinin kamu sektöründe uygulamaya koymaya çalıştığı piyasa mantığına karşı çıkmaktadır. Yine her iki yaklaşım da çözüm önerisi olarak kamu politikalarının oluşturulması, kamu hizmetinin sunulması, kamu değerinin ve kamu yararının gerçekleştirilmesinde müzakereye, demokratik süreçlere ve aktif bir vatandaş katılımına vurgu yapmaktadır. Ortak yapım olarak da kavramsallaştırılan bu eylem tarzı yönetişimin ileri bir boyutu olarak görülmektedir. Ortak yapımda bireyler pasif alıcılar ya da müşteriler olarak değil, sorumlu vatandaşlar olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kamu yönetimleri, vatandaşlar ve diğer paydaşların müzakere yoluyla çatışan çıkarlar arasında bir denge kuracağı varsayılmaktadır. Böylelikle vatandaşlar ilgili politika ve hizmeti sahiplenecek ve daha fazla fayda sağlayacak; kamu yönetimleri ise hem meşruiyetlerini güçlendirecek hem de daha etkili ve verimli bir yapıya sahip olacaktır. Sonuç olarak her iki taraf için de kabul edilebilir bir kamu değeri ve kamu yararı ortaya çıkmış olacaktır. Bununla birlikte ortak yapım karmaşık, güçlüklerle dolu ve oldukça politik bir süreçtir. Dolayısıyla ortak yapımı tüm politika ve hizmet alanlarında mutlak başarıyı vaat eden bir araç olarak görmemek gerekmektedir. Aynı zamanda ortak yapım süreci için hukukun üstünlüğünün ve gerçekten işleyen bir demokrasinin olmazsa olmaz olduğu da unutulmamalıdır. Bu çerçevede ortak yapım, kamu yönetimlerinin her zamankinden daha fazla sorgulandığı, demokratik taleplerin her geçen gün arttığı içinde bulunduğumuz dönemde, kamu yönetimlerine farklı perspektifler sunabilecek bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.
... Trust is the most important because even if the government provides or meets citizens' expectations, a mere lack of trust will destroy public value. Public value gives relative importance to value-laden outcomes and citizens' engagement in the democratic process (Blaug et al., 2006). Public value is profoundly democratic because it requires public sector organizations to discuss value creation in the public sector. ...
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Purpose- This article aims to address public value by assessing public programs and services' success in a more cost-effective way. The study also investigates how public managers and elected officials can use public value to guide their decisions on resource allocation to create value for the citizens. Design/methodology- To meet this study's aims, Mark Moore’s strategic triangle is used as the framework for this study. This is a comprehensive framework that evaluates the performance of public sector programs and service delivery. Data for this study has been collected via a primary scoping of the literature on public value. Database searches were conducted in the Social Sciences Index, SCOPUS journals, ISI Social Sciences Citation Index, and Google Scholar. Findings- From the investigation, the result indicates that public value is created by government or public managers in their daily transactions and by non-profit organizations that articulate their objectives and find popular support for the community's common good. Practical implications- Arguably, public value management provides a necessary improvement to public management theories. It redefines the function of public sector managers in the provision of socially desirable outcomes through citizen engagement. As a progress appraisal tool in public organizations, it offers a broader and inclusive framework than the New Public Management (NPM). Originality/value- This study's results contribute to the knowledge and literature of public value in the public sector. The strategic triangle builds on the challenges and weaknesses of NPM and it aims at reshaping institutions to prioritize value creation for citizens.
... Considering public resources, citizens as stakeholders can be seen as the agents who, ultimately, legitimate the activities of the public sector managers (e.g. Blaug et al., 2006;Scott, 2009). Therefore, citizens' perspective on and perception of the value of museums is of great relevance and importance for further research as well as for decision making in the public sector. ...
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Purpose: In times of scarce public funding, organisations that receive public funds face increasing pressure to legitimise themselves. Thus, museums must also legitimise themselves to receive public funds. They have to demonstrate that they provide a valuable contribution to society. Is the preservation of cultural goods a sufficient benefit for society or are museums valuable to citizens in any other way? To evaluate whether citizens see a benefit in museums and value museums, the concept of stakeholder-oriented public value is applied to museums. In contrast to former public sector reform models (like New Public Management), which have focused less on society and viewed citizens more as consumers and passive recipients of services, the public value concept adopts a citizen perspective in the sense of community governance. Design/methodology/approach: In order to analyse the interests of the citizens as main stakeholders of the services of the public sector, we conducted an explorative study in Austria. We developed a questionnaire to retrieve the interests of the citizens, obtaining 281 data sets for analysis. The study assessed the value that museums have for citizens as part of society. Findings: The findings show that, for the most part, citizens confirm that museums are valuable to them for several perspectives, namely the individual, societal and economic perspective. Originality/value: Previous research has mainly regarded the different types of values – individual, societal and economic – as separate categories. Our findings highlight that these specific values are interrelated. Our findings can inform policy recommendations.
... Mass media of the 20 th century evolved into a mass of media in the 21 st century [8], leading to a journalistic explosion and to the irruption of self-communication systems [9]. Such outbreak prompted another legitimacy crisis and called upon the need to update the PSM system in the face of the changing uses, consuming habits and behaviours of their audiences in the digital society [10,11]. ...
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The funding crisis of Public Service Media (PSM) is also a crisis affecting its legitimacy, business model, audience, innovation and transformation required to adapt to the current digital ecosystem, which is dominated by the changes in the access and consumption ways available to citizens, as well as by the new telecommunications global players. Eleven European countries have cut back the budgets of their public service media organizations during the past five years, and those which haven’t done it yet are facing adjustment plans until 2020. Besides financial pressures, European PSM is also facing increasing opposition from private operators, populist parties and the constant appetite for manipulation of the governments in power. By applying quantitative and qualitative methods to approach the evolution of the funding of European PSM, this paper describes and contrasts the debate around the future and sustainability of this media model. To this effect, we consider the manifestations and strategic visions of three intertwined parts: (a) the current policies of governments and political parties in the main European countries; (b) the strategic plans and the company reports of European PSM organizations; and (c) a review of the academic work that is being developed around this topic.
... Open, flexible and nonlinear systems, such as an IPSS, allows for the co-regulation and cocreation of PV by network stakeholders (which includes the community and the municipality) on the basis of equity, balance (stability, equilibrium), collaboration and strengthening of relationships. Public value theory was advance (among others) by Moore (1995Moore ( ,2003Moore ( and 2012, Moore and Khagram (2004), Moore and Benington (2010), Blaug, Horner and Lekhi (2006), Bozeman (2007) andBozeman and Sarewitz (2005), Stoker (2006);Talbot (2008), Bozeman and Johnson (2015) and Meynhardt (2009). This section is elucidated in an article by Jessa and Uys (2018 Jessa (2016 and and Jessa and Uys (2018). ...
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The bureaucratic-hierarchical apparatus in municipalities constrain systemic integration (systemic transformation), open dialogue with communities and stakeholders, bottom-up innovation and responsiveness to citizens’ needs, demands and expectations. This paper asserts that the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (17 UN-SDGs) can be realised upon the institution of an integrated public service system (IPSS) generating public value (PV) in municipalities. The emergence of an IPSS is forged upon open systems theory, nonlinear democratic stakeholder networks, collaborative governance and PV theory, vital to citizens’ needs, demands, expectations and broad socio-economic goals. The key outcomes from research undertaken in 15 municipalities the Western Cape region in South Africa, points to a 75% - 100% acceptance range for IPSS and PV generation performance functions and indicators. The actualisation of public sector reform therefore necessitates systemic transformation in the micro sphere of government primarily, where transformative change is essential for social progress and well-being.
... and 2012),Moore and Khagram (2004),Moore and Benington (2010),Blaug, Horner and Lekhi (2006), Bozeman (2007) and(2009);Bozeman and Sarewitz (2005),Stoker (2006);Talbot (2008),Bozeman and Johnson (2015),Meynhardt (2009) andJessa and Uys (2018).Meynhardt (2009) classifies intangible PV as comprised of (i) moral-ethical attributes, (ii) the need for aesthetically pleasant environments, (iii) utilitarian and purpose driven engagement among network stakeholders and (iv) 'political-social' aspirations as drivers of equality and social innovation among citizens.The theoretical PV bases developed by the scholars cited above, have direct bearing on the quality of livelihood (work, sustenance and social progress) and the development of standards for the enhancement of quality of life (forms of well-being), which are inseparable from the continuous development of PV at the local level. The crucial inputs in respect of PV generation are (i) public engagement, (ii) open dialogue (discursive and deliberate discussion), (iii) effective civic education, (iv) information sharing and (v) effective feedback, employing positive and negative feedback loops (Uys and Jessa 2016 and 2017; Jessa and Uys 2018).In the collaborative governance regime (CGR),Emersen and Nabatchi (2015:723) presents an integrated framework for operational and performance management and measurement (Figure 2), which demonstrates (i) three performance levels, (ii) three significant 'units of analysis' synchronised relative to collaborative governance practice, (iii) nine measures (KPIs) for utilisation in programmes and projects in respect of tangible and non-tangible PV generation and (iv) imbued potential for feedback by all stakeholders, in digital format. ...
... The Catalan Department of Education (DoE) aimed to put an end to the dominant bureaucratic model of public educational management (characterized by centralized decision-making, opacity, and lack of systematic evaluation and accountability). This model has been overtaken by the need to improve students' educational outcomes according to the European Union (EU) objectives and the new theoretical trends in public management (Blaug, Horner, and Lekhi 2006). In response, the DoE presented a proposal based on co-responsibility, school autonomy, pedagogical and distributed leadership, strategic planning, self-evaluation and accountability, the Program to Improve the Quality of Educational Institutions (Projecte per a la Millora de la Qualitat dels Centres Educatius -PMQCE). 2 Its main purpose was to improve educational results and reduce the level of absenteeism in public schools, especially schools classified by the DoE as facing disadvantaged conditions (schools located in environments with especially low socio-economic and socio-cultural characteristics-SFDC from now on-). ...
This paper provides evidence on the effectiveness in the implementation of an educational program which offered public schools in Catalonia (Spain) the opportunity to improve the quality of educational provision. We employ a difference-in-differences approach on rich balanced panel data of public schools. The results confirm that the program did effectively improve students’ achievement and reduce absenteeism, albeit not for all modules and school types or across all years. Our results highlight that it is important to condition the delivery of resources upon specific academic goals depending on the characteristics of the treated population. Additionally, program results suggest the need to enhance educational program design in order to get better evaluation feedback. Abbreviations: DoE: Department of Education; EU: European Union; PMQCE: Projecte per a la Millora de la Qualitat dels Centres Educatius; DiD: Differences-in-Differences; SFDC: Schools Facing Disadvantaged Conditions; OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; REA: Regional Educational Authority
... The foundation of public value is based on Harvard's Professor Mark Moore's seminal book Creating Public Value (Moore, 1995) in which he stated that fundamental function of public manager is to create public value by satisfying individual and collecting desires of public. The concept was further developed by the Work Foundation (Blaug et al., 2006) at Warwick University (Benington and Moore, 2011) in UK context (Kelly et al., 2002) and for developing countries (Karunasena and Deng, 2012). Academic community has also started discussion on the concept of public value (Stoker, 2006;Bozeman, 2007;Benington, 2009;Fisher and Grant, 2013;Dahl and Soss, 2014;Esposito and Ricci, 2015). ...
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Public value is a new and important concept in the field of public administration. A large number of researchers has focused on the concept of public value during the last 10 years or so. This concept gives a new idea of public management with the theme of people’s first approach to facilitate them. Public value creation is the main concern of public managers in today’s public sector organizations. This paper presents a systematic literature review of 413 articles published on the topic of public value in Scopus index journals from 1995 to 2018. A large number of articles on public value shows the importance of the concept of public value. This systematic literature review reveals that most of the work on public value has been done in developed countries like USA, UK, Australia, and Netherland and developing countries are far behind on the research of public value.
... New Public Management (NPM) is used in the literature as a 'catch all term' to describe a broad set of administrative changes and reforms applied to the public sector (Bevir 2009:142). Some suggest that the term explains a shift towards market based assessment of the value, and therefore funding, of public services (Blaug et al., 2006;Lin 2012). While over time it has become difficult to define concisely, common ideas associated with NPM include the introduction of performance measures, a focus on outputs and outcomes, increased use of competition and marketisation in the public sector, imitation of private sector management practices, an emphasis on the efficient use of resources, and decentralisation of managerial responsibility (Bevir 2009:143). ...
Three decades of government budget cuts have placed significant financial pressure on Australia's cultural institutions. Institutions are increasingly trying to attract non-government funding to fulfil their legislative mandates to collect, maintain, and exhibit Australian and international art, to educate and inform the public, and preserve Australia's political, social, and cultural history. Evidence suggests that, despite these efforts, sources of funding have not changed significantly. Budget cuts are impacting a range of areas including acquisitions, preservation, digitisation, as well as limiting access to researchers and the public. This paper concludes that a public review of the roles played by cultural institutions is required, including consideration of the level of public funding provided. To do otherwise is to ignore the importance of Australia's cultural heritage.
... The reason why public value should be reinforced is, briefly, because it brings society and public institutions closer. As Corrigan and Joyce already noted at the end of the 1990s, and as Blaug, Horner and Lekhi (2006) further analyzed, a weak interaction between public institutions and the public leads to negative results. These lie, mainly, in the public "not conceiving public services as their own" (p. ...
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This chapter addresses the management and organization of PSM companies. Its starting point are the basic concepts 'public,' 'public service remit,' and 'public value.' The reason for this is that these are closely related to the origin and development of many PSM companies. These concepts are taken as a relational element when it comes to analyzing the failure or success of the organization and management of public service media companies. The aim is to take on a perspective that focuses on the management and organization of a PSM institution and reflects on the circumstances that prevent failure in PSM corporations. The arguments in this chapter will be illustrated with three examples: A reference to the closure of the Greek public broadcaster ERT in 2013 and the analysis of two case studies of national public broadcasters, in Germany and Spain.
... El model emergent aplica els principis d'equitat, eficàcia, eficiència i està orientat a l'èxit educatiu de tot l'alumnat i, per tant, afavoreix el trencament del cercle pervers de la pobresa infantil. Els principals corrents teòrics de la governança i la gestió pública han evolucionat de la burocràcia a la relació principal-agent, i d'aquesta, a la nova gestió pública, fins a arribar al valor públic (Blaug, 2006). La situació actual és una barreja de tots els corrents amb diferents graus de preponderància, però, a Catalunya, la burocràcia continua essent el corrent dominant en el sistema educatiu (Garcia-Alegre i del Campo, 2012). ...
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The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive and multifaceted vision and a line of useful work to improve educational success of all students, and in particular the most disadvantaged people. The ultimate goal is to help break the vicious circle of child poverty. The work is developed from the perspective of governance and public management education, which in this case is interrelated with the governance of child poverty.
... 12 The paradigm claim has spread outside the academy to practitioners and think tanks. The Work Foundation, a UK think tank, has put forward public value as a new post-NPM way of thinking which offers "an overarching framework in which questions of legitimacy, resources allocation and measurement can be made" (Horner & Hazel, 2005:34; see also Blaug, Horner, and Lekhi, 2006). They have also played a key role in positioning public value in post-NPM New Zealand. ...
It has been two decades since the “public value” framework emerged, articulated initially at the Harvard Kennedy School. In this paper we set out the basics of the original approach, and then consider emerging critiques and meanings. Our aim is firstly to clarify the core concepts of Moore’s approach, and secondly to track the new meanings of public value which are developing. This allows us to engage with the growing debate about public value both inside and outside academia, and also to discuss its trajectory as a new idea in public sector management.
... The principles of public value have also been applied to the design of other activitiesfor example stakeholder analysis (Bryson 2004) and the UK Work Foundation has supplemented its sector-specific publications with two further papers which discuss cross-sector challenges facing public services. The first of these adopts a public value framework to the promotion of civic renewal and community cohesion (Blaug et al. 2006a) and the second looks at how public value might help to alleviate the public sector delivery paradox (Blaug et al. 2006b). ...
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Despite the increasing popularity of the concept of ‘public value’ within both academic and practice settings, there has to date been no formal review of the literature on its provenance, empirical basis, and application. This paper seeks to fill this gap. It provides a critical introduction to public value and its conceptual development before presenting the main elements of the published literature. Following this, a series of key areas of disagreement are discussed and implications for future research and practice put forward. The authors argue that if the espoused aspirations for the public value framework are to be realized, a concerted process of research, debate and application is required. Although some criticisms of public value are argued to be unwarranted, the authors acknowledge ongoing concerns over the apparent silence of public value on questions of power and heterogeneity, and the difficulties in empirically testing the framework's propositions.
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Dijital çağ olarak adlandırılan bu dönemde e-devlet uygulamaları içerisinde mobil teknolojiler kamu hizmetlerinin sunumunda önemli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Mobil uygulamaların, dijitalleşme sürecinin olağan bir sonucu olarak küresel ve toplumsal bir sorun olan kadına yönelik şiddetin önlenmesini amaçlayan kamu politikaları arasında da ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu uygulamalar, kadına yönelik şiddet riskinin ve tehdit oluşturabilecek durumların önüne geçilmesinde olumlu sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Ayrıca kamu hizmetinin önemli bir parçası olan bu uygulamalar her alanda, yalnızca hizmetten yararlananlar için değil tüm toplum için değer yaratmaktadır. Devletin; hizmetleri, yasal düzenlemeleri ve diğer eylemleri aracılığıyla yarattığı bu değer ise literatürde kamu değeri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada kadına yönelik şiddetle mücadelede kamu politikası aracı olarak gerçekleştirilen mobil uygulamaların, kamu değeri ortaya koyma başarısının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda kamu politikası aktörlerinden İçişleri Bakanlığı ile Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı bünyesinde kadına yönelik şiddetle mücadelede geliştirilen Kadın Destek Uygulaması (KADES) ve ALO 183 Sosyal Destek Hattı projeleri, kamu değeri perspektifinden ele alınmıştır. Bu uygulamaların literatürde kamu değerinin ölçülmesinde kullanılan “sonuç başarısı”, “güven ve meşruiyet”, “hizmet sunumu kalitesi” ve “etkinlik-verimlilik” ölçütleri bakımından doküman analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi sonucunda ilgili politikaların kamu değeri yaratma başarısını kısıtlayan nedenler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma, politika uygulayıcılarının kadına yönelik şiddetle mücadele politikalarında değer odaklı bakış açısıyla hareket etmelerine yönelik tavsiyelere yer verilerek sonlandırılmıştır.
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This chapter argues that revisiting and revitalizing humanitarian advocacy is especially pertinent in view of three current changes in humanitarian action that can be summarized as a change towards resilience humanitarianism (Hilhorst, 2018). This comprises interwoven shifts that together de-centre classic humanitarian action: a broadening of service providers especially at national and local levels; more attention to the agency and roles of affected communities; and a focus on the nexus between humanitarian action, development and peacebuilding. It is also pertinent in view of changing practices in advocacy. First, there is a nascent practice of advocacy directed at humanitarian actors to influence their definition of who is eligible for aid and their course of action. Second, there has been an unfolding practice of humanitarian advocacy in relation to the solidarity crisis in relation to refugees and migrants in Europe. This comprises broader sets of actors, ranging from refugees, community-based initiatives, new groups of volunteer humanitarians and humanitarian actors; their advocacy is broader in scope with a focus on human rights more broadly. The chapter therefore develops a research agenda that can capture a large diversity of advocacy activities by affected communities, civil society actors, and (international) humanitarian agencies. We sketch this research agenda from five angles, providing illustrations and examples of potential questions.
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A review of future research on civil society for Africa.
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A multi-disciplinary, international perspective on a future agenda for those interested in research on civil society.
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Şiddet dünyanın her yerinde karşılaşılabilecek bir olgudur. Tek bir türden ibaret olmayan şiddetin, birçok farklı türü ve farklı etkileri bulunmaktadır. Şiddet bireyleri kişisel olarak etkilediği gibi, toplumun üzerinde de etkili olabilen bir insanlık suçu örneğidir. Şiddet hayatın normal akışında karşılaşılabilecek bir olgudur. Tamamen ortadan kaldırılamaz. Ancak onunla mücadele etme gereği de en az şiddetin kendi kadar olağan bir husustur. Çünkü şiddetin varlığından çok daha vahim olan onu normal olarak kabul etmektir. Şiddetle mücadelede farklı yöntemlere gereksinim vardır. Şiddetle mücadelede kamu kurumlarının elindeki araçlardan biri olarak kamu politikaları gösterilebilir. Kamu politikalarının başarısı ise toplumsal aktörlerin ve devlet erklerinin birlikteliği ile sağlanabilir. Kamu politikaları şiddetle mücadele ederken, onu ortaya çıkarabilecek sebepleri de göz önüne alan bir yöntem kullanabilir. Bu yöntemlerden biri kamu değeridir. Şiddet kamu değeri niteliğindeki olguların aşınmasından beslenmektedir. Kamu değeri; etik, ahlak, kültür, adalet, ekonomi ve eğitime kadar kamu düzenini sağlayıcı değer ve politikalar ile yakından ilişkilidir. Çalışmada, bir kamu politikası olarak şiddetle mücadelede kamu değerinden neden yararlanılması gerektiği konusu ele alınacaktır. Kamu değerinin aşınmasına sebep olabilecek bazı sorunlar; Overton Penceresi, Kırık Pencere Teorisi ve Şerif ve Asch deneylerinin sonuçları doğrultusunda analiz edilecektir.
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The public value theory argues that a social benefit should occur as a result of the policies, actions and operations of public administrations. However, the production of social benefit is possible by bringing together various and different actors, factors and interests in a certain harmony. For this reason, it is important to determine whether a value is formed as a result of all policies, actions and operations of public administrations. The “public value failure model” and the “public value mapping approach” included in the model were also created for this purpose. As a policy analysis method, the public value mapping approach allows to determine whether public value is formed within the framework of certain criteria. The biggest problem of the global community in the current period is the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments and international organizations are implementing various policies to combat the COVID-19 and its negative consequences. Vaccine studies are the most important part of these policies. In this study, global vaccine policies were tried to be analysed using the public value mapping approach. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that there is injustice and inequality on a global scale in terms of access to and vaccination, and therefore, public value cannot be created in the current situation.
The public broadcasting governance system has been facing the challenge of transformation and adaptation to the Internet era for decades by trying to adopt governance mechanisms that can help update its values, principles, and Public Service Media offer for the digital society. This approach is the starting point for tracing the genealogy of the origin, regulation, structure, governing system, and governance landscape of the different management models of European public service broadcasting.
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Public value is an approach put forward in order to produce alternative solutions at the points of criticism brought to traditional public management and new public management approaches. Bureaucratic, centralized and bulky structure of traditional public administration; the new public management's view of the citizen as customers and the excessive emphasis on economic efficiency cannot respond to new needs, especially in the public sphere, public interest and public service areas. The public value approach reveals a new role distribution and management understanding of these three main areas within a network of public administrations, politicians, citizens and other stakeholders. Public value is a result of public service and is produced for the public interest with the participation of all stakeholders in the public sphere. Although it has been generally accepted in the field of public administration since the day it was first introduced, discussions on the concept continue. These discussions focus especially on the definition and measurement of public value. There is no agreed definition and measurement method in the literature. Therefore, the field of public value exhibits a fragmented structure. In this study, it is aimed to introduce approaches to measuring public value in the context of “public value” and "public values” concepts' meanings and differences and thus guide the further studies that intended measuring public value in Turkey.
The chapter considers leadership in public value settings. It examines public leadership practice in and for the creation of public value through exploring drivers and barriers in leadership action. Public value leadership is viewed through the competing lenses of leadership and public administration and set in context in relation to studies of health and social care integration and service co-production. It is argued that public value leaders operate within a complex environment where there is a need to manage the service expectations of actors and stakeholder relationships within and between various organisations, sectors and publics. The chapter concludes through forwarding hallmarks of public value leadership as a route-map for leadership development that may enhance the sustainability of leadership itself and, through such impact, the outcomes of public value service provision.
This chapter reflects on the previous chapters and provides an assessment of what the evidence from the British context tells us about the debate regarding whether we are living in a time of post-new public management, whether public value management fills a conceptual vacuum, or whether this represents the ‘emperors new clothes’. It concludes that there has not been a paradigmatic shift away from new public management ideas but that there has been an incremental shift in terms of how public value outcomes are being considered by policy-makers. What has been missing is a comprehensive reform agenda that allows public value management to be a consistent and integral part of British governance. However, the twin crises of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic may offer a springboard for reform in the medium to long term.
This book is composed by the papers accepted for presentation and discussion at The 2019 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS'20), held at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in Bogotá, Colombia, on 5th to 7th February 2020. ICIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent findings and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information technology and systems research, together with their technological development and applications. The main topics covered are: information and knowledge management; organizational models and information systems; software and systems modelling; software systems, architectures, applications and tools; multimedia systems and applications; computer networks, mobility and pervasive systems; intelligent and decision support systems; big data analytics and applications; human–computer interaction; ethics, computers & security; health informatics; information technologies in education.
As non-governmental organizations (NGOs) become increasingly involved in international affairs, they face a growing deficit of confidence due to opacity of information environment. This opacity not only affects NGO financing, but also decreases public confidence in NGOs, affecting negatively their sustainability. Due to the crucial role of transparency in NGOs, the present study performs a bibliometric analysis of the research on accounting transparency. The bibliometric, conceptual and normative analysis performed shows that accounting transparency of NGOs is a broad concept. Study of the accounting transparency of NGOs is thus neither well-developed nor very saturated.
A wireless IoT communication architecture is proposed that takes advantage of RLNC recording properties on natives packets of Core network. The platform aims to cover the shortcomings of the TCP/UDP/IP internet protocol for a traffic streaming intrasession sensitive to the delay in wireless networks since the current systems in native mode do not differentiate between transmission failures due to bottlenecks caused by congestion or by the characteristics of the random medium. The system establishes a mapping of the population of packets to be transmitted over an RLNC coding system based on Finite fields (Galois field), which allows forwarding nodes to eliminate redundant information on the network to decrease communication times and increase throughput. Moreover, thanks to its configuration, the model takes advantage of a Cross-Layer communication, to define a dynamic trade-off between the parameters that define the performance of the system, which translates into a coding density in a reduction of the delay in each of the transmissions. The communication platform is presented under a simulation scheme supported by (KODO and NS3) and is compatible with the Multicast, Unicast, and Broadcast transmission types established under a channel with erasure effect.
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Public value (PV) refers to the tangible and non-tangible outputs and outcomes produced by an integrated public service system (IPSS), its purpose being the improvement of the quality of life of citizens. Generating PV entails harnessing resources, capacity and information in an efficient, effective and economic manner. PV postulates and criteria emerge from epistemological and axiological values which are necessary for effective social development, i.e. the recognition of local demands, needs and expectations made by the public or publics to government bodies. PV generation utilises human and material resources which span the micro, meso and macro spheres of socioeconomic interactivity, examples being, i.e. public assets, improvement in the quality of life of citizens and an enabling environment for public choice. Generating PV relies on an IPSS, envisioned as a governmental system which is stakeholder driven, constituting stakeholder networks and subscribing to the principles of nonlinearity, self-organisation and deliberative democracy. The operability of an IPSS and the generation of PV are dependent upon the elements of collaborative and networked governance, cooperation, coordination, a common set of objectives and vision, a people-centred focus, participatory (multi-agency) stakeholder engagement and effective communication. This article defines PV generation, provides the theoretical bases for further understanding and explores means for its application and evaluation. It is argued that PV cannot be generated in a rigid bureaucratic and hierarchical system, as PV generation is determined by deliberation, participation, commonality of purpose and collaborative relations between stakeholders. Effectiveness, efficiency, equity and efficacy are the key drivers of PV generation. 2
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In this paper, the authors aim to answer the question of which model of public management—Public Administration, New Public Management, or Collaborative Public Management—is conducive to achieving better results in the public-social partnership. We understand public–social partnership as an activity undertaken in collaboration between organizations operating both in the public and social sectors. We also claim that Collaborative Public Management fosters sustainability in partnerships and should therefore be preferred in partnerships that are focused on delivering social services. In particular, we aim to find out how management practices that are used in the public-social partnership contribute to the co-creation of public value. The article brings together theoretical insights and empirical data. First, we integrate insights from different strands of literature. Next, empirical data are derived from two main sources: first, a specific case of the public-social partnership established by 18 institutions and organisations, followed by quantitative research that was conducted in 173 partnerships in Poland. Based on the presented case study, analysis of the survey results and in-depth interviews (IDIs) conducted with the 18 leaders of the organisations constituting the partnership, the observed pattern revealed the dominance of the Collaborative Public Management model contributing to the success of the partnership. It was also identified what actions were taken by the manager of the partnership in order to maintain links between the partners, build trust, and win their support and legitimisation in public space—all of which are necessary to create public value, which in turn contributes to the sustainability of the partnership.
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The recent growth of new governance indicators requires a discussion about the misconceptions of transposing means and goals from business administration into the public sphere. For this purpose, Public Value theory can provide a neutral perspective for the current studies of public governance, which implies the need for reassessment of some of the former indicators. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of this theoretical construction and propose a quantitative multidimensional indicator for state-level public finance in Brazil. Based exclusively on attendance of legal requirements, a 15-year sample for all Brazilian States brought different results from the previous findings, revealing that the quality of governance is uncorrelated with the wealth, breaking the inequality assumption that the richer states perform better than the poor ones. Palavras-chave Governança Pública; Finanças Públicas; Índices de Governança; Valor Públic
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This article goes beyond a conventional content-centric approach to public service broadcasting (PSB), to argue that the distinctiveness of the BBC as a public servicecommunications provider lies in its historical role in delivering public policy. Unlike commercial broadcasters, who may and often do choose to ignore economic and other incentives, the BBC is relied upon to respond to government calls for assistance in implementing key policies. Broadcasting history in the United Kingdom demonstrates the crucial involvement of the corporation in pioneering and at times even rescuing policy initiatives, ranging from the introduction of the very first broadcasts, to the on-going push towards wholesale digitalization. The particular focus of this article is on the historical role that the BBC has been playing in order for digitalization policies to be implemented in the United Kingdom. At risk to its autonomy and public support, it is in this context that the BBC may be considered indispensable.
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The aim of this article is to review the present model of governance in education, develop a proposal based on co-responsibility, describe (within the framework of the proposal) the application of the Catalonia School Autonomy Plan, evaluate the results and provide conclusions. The article is divided into four parts. The first points out signs that bureaucracy has reached the end of its road as the dominant model of public governance in education; it has been outweighed by the need to improve students’ educational success in line with EU objectives. The second part submits an alternative approach based on co-responsibility. The approach factors in the development of mainstream ideas in public management theory and accumulated experience in public policies and in the management of education at the system-wide level and the individual school level. The proposed approach incorporates the autonomy of schools, distributed pedagogic leadership, the programme contract, strategic planning, self-assessment and accountability. The third part presents the experimental plan that has been running in Catalonia since 2005, which goes by two names, the School Autonomy Plan (PAC) and the Plan to Improve the Quality of Schools (PMQCE). This plan is in alignment with the proposed model of education management based on co-responsibility. Management of the change, the plan’s characteristics and stages, the contents of the co-responsibility agreement, the information system for monitoring the plan and accountability are briefly explained. The fourth part uses the available data to evaluate the development and implementation of the plan by the Education Department, the degree of plan implantation and the improvements observed in participating schools. Certain lines of research are proposed for better implementation of the co-responsibility model.
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Public values are moving from a research concern to policy discourse and management practice. There are, though, different readings of what public values actually mean. Reflection suggests two distinct strands of thinking: a generative strand that sees public value emerging from processes of public debate; and an institutional interpretation that views public values as the attributes of government producers. Neither perspective seems to offer a persuasive account of how the public gains from strengthened public values. Key propositions on values are generated from comparison of influential texts. A provisional framework is presented of the values base of public institutions and the loosely coupled public propositions flowing from these values. Value propositions issue from different governing contexts, which are grouped into policy frames that then compete with other problem frames for citizens’ cognitive resources. Vital democratic commitments to pluralism require public values to be distributed in competition with other, respected, frames.
It has been two decades since the ‘public value’ idea emerged. In this paper we ‘take stock’ of the concept itself and its development. We set out the basics of the public value approach as articulated by Moore (1995) and then we investigate the ways in which his ideas have been interpreted, extended, appropriated and critiqued. In reviewing these we seek both to clarify Moore’s approach and to engage with the current debate around the validity of his ideas. Based on this review we argue that there is an emerging excitement in public value and, using the life-cycle model set out by Hirsch and Levin (1999), we situate the developing critique of public value as part of a predictable battle in the development of new ideas in public sector management.
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Part I of the paper presented at the Facing the Future Conference was entitled 'What Role for Citizens in Developing and Implementing Public Policy?' The paper offered a critical overview of the current state of the Australian Governments' engagement with citizens in Australia? Also discussed was the why, when and how of citizen participation, using the OECD's three stage proposed model of citizen engagement: information provision, two way consultation leading to direct involvement in policy development and implementation. The third stage of the OECD's model proposes the active participation of citizens in policy-making based on a partnership relationship. This means that governments acknowledge the role of citizens in proposing policy options and shaping the policy dialogue. However, it is also accepted that the final decision on policy or policy formulation rests with government.
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Political scientists have long relied on organization theory as their foundation for understanding public bureaucracy. This approach makes good sense, but so far the payoffs have been rather limited. The surface problem is that organization theory, as the creature of sociologists, social psychologists, and, in more recent years, economists, has developed around explanatory concerns having little or nothing to do with government. The more fundamental problem is that political scientists have allowed this to happen by largely abandoning the field of organizations.
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Media research that uses the concept of a public sphere in order to measure distortion against its ideal standard of dialogic democracy tends to concentrate upon the cognitive aspects of news and either ignores or disdains affective communications. Jurgen Habermas’s original formulation distinguished between the literary and the political public spheres. While everyday news was a feature of the political public sphere, the literary public sphere was not so constrained journalistically by current events and provided an arena for deeper reflection. This article updates the notion of a literary public sphere into an expanded concept of the cultural public sphere, including the whole range of media and popular culture. This concept refers to the articulation of politics, public and personal, as a contested terrain through affective (aesthetic and emotional) modes of communication. Three typical political stances in relation to the cultural public sphere are identified and evaluated: uncritical populism, radical subversion and critical intervention.
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Although interest in organizational learning has grown dramatically in recent years, a general theory of organizational learning has remained elusive. We identify re- newal of the overall enterprise as the underlying phenomenon of interest and organ- izational learning as a principal means to this end. With this perspective we develop a framework for the process of organizational learning, presenting organizational learning as four processes-intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and institutionaliz- ing-linking the individual, group, and organizational levels.
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Argues that user involvement can provide the best basis for reforming the internal and external relationships of local government, supporting both the reinvigoration of public accountability and providing the only secure foundation for improvements in operational effectiveness. Considers and criticizes other models for improving public management. Focuses particularly on the core processes of local government - the democratic, management and service delivery processes - and the primary interactions with politicians and service users, through which managers must function. Examines survey evidence on the extent of quality initiatives in local authorities and goes on to speculate about the organizational arrangements needed to support a user-involvement approach. Concludes that the fundamental problem of public management centres on the alienation of the public and that public managers have a critical responsibility in reconstructing the public through reforms of service delivery.
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Robert Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard has played an important and welcome role in the nonprofit world as nonprofit organizations have struggled to measure their performance. Many nonprofit organizations have taken both general inspiration and specific operational guidance from the ideas advanced in this important work. Their pioneering efforts to apply these concepts to their own particular settings have added a layer of richness to the important concepts. Given the great contribution of this work to helping nonprofits meet the challenge of measuring their performance, it seems both ungracious and unhelpful to criticize it. Yet, as I review the concepts of the Balanced Scorecard, and look closely at the cases of organizations that have tried to use these concepts to measure their performance, I believe that some systematic confusions arise. Further, I think the source of these confusions lies in the fact the basic concepts of the Balanced Scorecard have not been sufficiently adapted from the private, for-profit world where they were born to the world of the nonprofit manager where they are now being applied. Finally, I think a different way of thinking about nonprofit strategy and linking that to performance measurement exists that is simpler that and more reliable for nonprofit organizations to rely upon. The purpose of this paper is to set out these contrarian ideas.
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One element of the debate over New Public Management concerns public-sector entrepreneurship. Critics see entrepreneurs as people prone to rule breaking, self-promotion, and unwarranted risk taking, while proponents view them as exercising leadership and taking astute initiatives. This article examines two samples of the best applications to the Ford Foundation—Kennedy School of Government innovation awards, one between 1990 and 1994 and the other between 1995 and 1998, to see whether they are more consistent with the critics' or proponents' views. The second sample closely replicates the first, and the evidence from both strongly supports the proponents' views. Innovators are creatively solving public-sector problems and are usually proactive in that they deal with problems before they escalate to crises. They use appropriate organizational channels to build support for their ideas. They take their opponents seriously and attempt to win support for their ideas through persuasion or accommodation.
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The familiar market-failure model remains quite useful for issues of price efficiency and traditional utilitarianism, but it has many shortcomings as a standard for public-value aspects of public policy and management. In a public-value-failure model, I present criteria for diagnosing values problems that are not easily addressed by market-failure models. Public-value failure occurs when: (1) mechanisms for values articulation and aggregation have broken down; (2) “imperfect monopolies” occur; (3) benefit hoarding occurs; (4) there is a scarcity of providers of public value; (5) a short time horizon threatens public value; (6) a focus on substitutability of assets threatens conservation of public resources; and (7) market transactions threaten fundamental human subsistence. After providing examples for diagnosis of public-values failure, including an extended example concerning the market for human organs, I introduce a “public-failure grid” to facilitate values choices in policy and public management.
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The New Public Management has championed a vision of public managers as the entrepreneurs of a new, leaner, and increasingly privatized government, emulating not only the practices but also the values of business. Proponents of the New Public Management have developed their arguments largely through contrasts with the old public administration. In this comparison, the New Public Management will, of course, always win. We argue here that the better contrast is with what we call the “New Public Service,” a movement built on work in democratic citizenship, community and civil society, and organizational humanism and discourse theory. We suggest seven principles of the New Public Service, most notably that the primary role of the public servant is to help citizens articulate and meet their shared interests rather than to attempt to control or steer society.
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In this paper we want to briefly illustrate the ways in which technical, ethical and political judgements of various kinds are interwoven in the processes of healthcare decision-making in the UK. Drawing upon the research for the "Choices in Health Care" project we will borrow the notion of the hidden curriculum from education to illuminate the nature of resource allocation decision processes. In particular we will indicate some of the fundamental but largely hidden political factors in play in these processes and the importance of the inchoate and implicit notion of "NHS values" in shaping UK resource allocation policies. We suggest that these more diffuse, holistic and system level value judgements are both central to understanding priority setting and at the same time difficult to reduce or abstract out into lists of single values/principles.
Managing for Results is a model of organizational reform that utilizes performance indicators, strategic planning, and benchmarks. The model focuses on linking these systems to improve performance and public accountability. This book studies the implementation of Managing for Results on six states identified by the U.S. General Accounting Office as leaders of internal reinvention efforts. Government and business practitioners, as well as scholars and researchers of public administration and policy, will find this book useful in assessment, selection, and measurement of state-level reform efforts.
The state has, since its origins, been characterized both by the production of public goods and a competition for the surplus benefits generated by the creation of those goods. Holmstrom's (1982) analysis of an impossibility result leads to the conclusion that this problem is logically inescapable. There is no process for exactly allocating the benefits of an interdependent social process that eliminates moral hazard. Furthermore, morally hazardous behavior can undermine the efficiency of the processes that generate the benefits. In both firms and states, therefore, the credible constraint of morally hazardous behavior is a fundamental concern. In both forms of social organization, delegation to bureaucracy can enhance efficiency by creating barriers between those actors with moral hazard and the producers of the benefits. The characteristics of Weberian bureaucracy, including rational/legal constraints and autonomous professional norms, serve to insulate bureaucrats from efficiency-undermining political pressures. This perspective provides support for concerns of the century-old Progressive reform tradition, which wanted to place bureaucrats "above politics" - and stands in contrast to the more recent principal/agency perspective, which argues that the fundamental problem is the creation of incentive systems that make bureaucratic subordinates increasingly responsive to the preferences of political superiors.
Can city or county managers take an active role in policy making and still have grounds to keep council politics out of the administrative hierarchy? Montjoy and Watson agree that the old dichotomy of policy and administration is untenable as a guide to behavior. Yet, they argue, that conclusion does not require the city/county management profession to forego a dichotomy of politics and administration as a professional standard. In order to make this point, they return to the writings of Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow to show that the two dichotomies can be interpreted as distinct concepts, both of which fit into a coherent theory of democratic accountability and both of which are relevant to council-manager government today. They interpret the policy-administration dichotomy as an analytical construct used to justify legislative supremacy, which council-manager government has. They interpret the politics-administration dichotomy as an institutional ban on particularism, one which managers can still use to draw a clear line against certain forms of council involvement in the administrative hierarchy. They conclude that a reinterpreted politics-administration dichotomy should be supported as a professional standard in council-manager government.
Abstract The use of public procurement to achieve social outcomes is widespread, but detailed information about how it operates is often sketchy and difficult to find. This article is essentially a mapping exercise, describing the history and current use of government contracting as a tool of social regulation, what the author calls the issue of ‘linkage’. The article considers the popularity of linkage in the 19, century, initially to include the provision of employment opportunities to disabled workers. During and after World War II, the use of linkage became particularly important in the United States in addressing racial equality, in the requirements for non-discrimination in contracts, and in affirmative action and set-asides for minority businesses. Subsequently, the role of procurement spread both in its geographical coverage and inthe subject areas of social policy that it was used to promote. The article considers examples of the use of procurement topromote equality on the basis of ethnicity and gender drawn from Malaysia, South Africa, Canada, and the European Community. More recently, procurement has been used as an instrument to promote human rights transnationally, also by international organizations such as the ,International Labour Organisation. The article includes some ,reflections on the relationship between ‘green’ procurement, ‘social’ procurement, and sustainable development, and recent attempts to develop the concept of ‘sustainable procurement.’ Keywords: Public procurement; Targeted procurement; Green procurement; Sustainable development; Disabled workers; Affirmative action; Equal rights;
A persistent criticism of policy analysis is that it undermines basic democratic institutions and processes by replacing public participation with expert analysis. Many decision makers shun broader participation because of the complexity of an issue or the cost, uncertainty, and delay often associated with public involvement. This article presents a model for the systematic inclusion of public input into relatively complex public policy decisions. It outlines two determinants of success in public participation efforts: the purpose for public involvement and the nature of the issue; furthermore, it applies the model to two issues in recent Utah history that have involved public participation. Using these principles, decision makers should be able to design and implement public participation strategies that both inform the public about substantive policy questions and improve the quality of the final decision.
A number of studies throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s were able to highlight economic gains from the policy of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) in the UK. Claims have been made that this economic gain was achieved by financial savings brought about by deterioration in the terms and conditions of employees. Far less is known about the impact of CCT on the occupational health and safety of direct and subcontracted employees engaged in public service provision. Much of the literature which does exist on the impact on occupational health and safety of privatization generally, asserts that its effect has been negative. This article addresses the question of the impact of CCT on occupational health and safety on the basis of triangulation of three methodological approaches. Although the current UK government has abandoned the CCT process, it has replaced it with a policy of ‘Best Value’, a policy which will apply to all local authority services. Best Value does not contain the same element of compulsion, but it is likely that many of the organizational and commercial pressures introduced by CCT will continue. Against that back-drop, it is concluded that CCT may have exposed pre-existing deficiencies in local authority health and safetysystems. Strategies have been developed to address many of these deficiencies in CCT services. Services previously not subject to CCT will now be required to address these problems and solutions as a consequence of the Best Value regime.
Citizens ’ juries have become established in the UK in a remarkably short space of time. They are an approach to public participation which appears acceptable both to policy makers and to people in communities. The
Governance structures constrain and enable the actions of public managers. Principal-agent theory has played a dominant role in our understanding of governance structures. This theory suggests that politicians create relatively static governance structures in a top-down fashion and hold man- agers accountable for mandated results. In other words, public managers are influenced by gov- ernance structures but do not affect governance structures. However, we argue that public manag- ers do affect governance structures, and, in order to understand how this influence takes place, we need a new way of thinking about governance structures. We propose thinking about governance structures as relationships created through the interactions of people in different and reciprocal roles that are relatively dynamic. Public managers are an important source of the multiple, recip- rocal, and dynamic interactions that produce governance (relationship) structures. As such, man- agers are accountable not only for policy outcomes, but also for the appropriateness of the rela- tionships they create and support.
This study uses a survey of 1,135 city managers to evaluate the contemporary city manager role and to evaluate its consistency with principal-agent theory. The findings are mixed. It appears that city councils can control city managers as principal-agent theory suggests, but that most city councils opt for less complex solutions involving trust and role sharing with the city manager. In other words, principal-agent theory does not fully explain the council-manager relationship. In an effort to understand this relationship more thoroughly, this study develops a typology of city manager roles based on the extent of their involvement in policy and the degree of autonomy exercised.
Scholars have often remarked that Congress neglects its oversight responsibility. We argue that Congress does no such thing: what appears to be a neglect of oversight really is the rational preference for one form of oversight--which we call fire-alarm oversight--over another form--police-patrol oversight. Our analysis supports a somewhat neglected way of looking at the strategies by which legislators seek to achieve their goals.
Measuring the value of a public service broadcaster (such as the BBC) is particularly pertinent today given the growing pressures on public service broadcasting. The opportunities offered by digital technologies, increasing demands for accountability, and the upcoming UK Charter Review have all brought public service broadcasting into scrutiny. However, the complexities of measuring the service delivered to the public are immense. First, there are the challenges in defining and meeting the expectations of the public as consumers, and as citizens. These challenges are then multiplied when considering the full range of expectations and requirements imposed on a public service broadcaster by their diverse set of other stakeholders (ranging from regulators to independent producers). This article discusses some of these challenges and provides suggestions as to the measures and approaches to be considered.
Draws upon detailed empirical work undertaken with elected members and senior officers from a sample of 30 UK local authorities. Its focus is on the ways in which authorities have responded to rapid changes in the economic, social and political contexts and the profound challenges which these present to traditional modes of policy making and public management. Suggests that existing theoretical frameworks give insufficient attention to implications of changing local governance for the roles of elected members and that, in practice, most councillors feel ill-equipped to respond to these changes. Local authorities need therefore to develop training and support for local politicians in fulfilling their rapidly changing and increasingly demanding roles. In particular they should look at ways of supporting elected members in working with external agencies so that they bring the “added value” of locally accountable political leadership to the work of partnerships involving public, private and voluntary sectors agencies. This will require them to embrace new forms of communication and methods of learning which are likely to be one of the key ingredients in attempts to revitalize local democracy.
English This article argues that the UK Best Value regime is rooted in a ‘rational’ model of strategic planning that privileges performance management and external inspection and implicitly denigrades traditional forms of representative democracy. This poses important questions about how and by whom Best Value is to be defined. Central government has stressed the need for political leadership of and public involvement in Best Value. However,the regime suggests a managerial role for elected members that many councillors find unattractive. Current reforms also assume a much greater degree of public engagement than many authorities are achieving. As a result, key decisions about local public service provision may increasingly be driven by centrally determined priorities and the judgements of external inspectors whose local accountability is unclear and whose claim to superior technical knowledge remains unproven.
This article tests a wide range of government activities against requirements for public accountability. The article explores the incentives for ethical behaviour by public officials; the need for more outcome focused performance indicators, tensions between parliamentary and managerial accountability; the standards of accountability applied to public providers of services can be applied to private providers; the utility of spelling out service requirements in advance; the impacts on accountability of the convergence of the public and private sectors; the need, where responsibility for programs is collaborative, for a clear governance framework, tensions between representative and participative democracy, and trends towards more participative and collaborative leadership.
The current UK government emphasizes the importance of mechanisms of accountability that involve the planning and public reporting of performance. One example of this is the Best Value performance plan. However, there has been little evaluation of the quality of the information provided in this type of document. This paper draws on literature on stakeholding and user needs to identify the data required for accountability. It then assesses whether the plans produced by Best Value pilot authorities in Wales provide appropriate information. The analysis shows that very few of the plans contained the relevant material. Interviews in the pilot authorities highlighted two key reasons for the poor level of data: a lack of performance indicators prior to Best Value and limited staff expertise in performance measurement. The evidence suggests that documents such as performance plans currently make little contribution to the accountability of public organizations.
There has been a growing trend in the federal government toward reliance on organizations that commingle legal attributes of the government and private sectors. These hybrid organizations now constitute a quasi government that occasions both interest and concern by political leaders, practitioners, and scholars alike because these organizations touch the very heart of democratic governance: To whom are these hybrids accountable? How well is the public interest being protected against the interests of private parties? In this article, the author seeks to define the quasi government and place these hybrid entities into manageable categories from which legal and behavioral generalizations may be drawn. Are hybrid organizations a problem or a solution? Looking critically at this question, the author suggests the answer may depend in large measure on which of two management paradigms the reader accepts: the constitutionalist management paradigm or the entrepreneurial management paradigm, both of which are defined and discussed. The author concludes that the increasin reliance on hybrid organizations constitutes a threat not only to accountable management within the government, but to the fundamental values of democratic governance as well.
  Public sector organizations have recently come under increasing criticism for placing too much emphasis on financial control as well as suffering from excessive proliferation of performance indicators. A solution to both these problems has been presented in the form of various strategic, goal-directed and multidimensional models for performance measurement (PM), such as the Balanced Scorecard. Whilst originally developed in the private sector, there are growing signs of such models diffusing to the public sector. In the present paper, we interpret changes such as those outlined above in terms of emerging and declining organizational myths and draw on institutional theory and the organizational learning literature to discuss how such myths may impinge on organizational action. It is concluded that PM myths based on goal-directed, multidimensional models may gradually replace the myth that public service provision may be improved by heavy reliance on financial control and come to affect operating-level action. However, such models may be ‘corrupted’ or prevail alongside seemingly incompatible PM myths depending on differences in implementation processes and the rhetoric invoked to legitimise a goaldirected, multidimensional PM approach.
This paper offers some suggestions on, and encouragement for, how to be better at risk communication in times of agricultural crisis. During the foot and mouth epizootic, the British public, having no precedent to deal with such a rapid and widespread epizootic, no existing rules or conventions, and no social or political consensus, was forced to confront the facts of a perceived "economic disease. Foot and mouth appeared as an economic disease because the major push to eradicate it was motivated exclusively by trade and economic reasons and not because of threats it posed to the lives of human beings and livestock. The British public deferred responsibility to their elected officials for a speedy end to this non-life threatening viral epizootic. The latter, however, did not have a contingency plan in place to tackle such an extensive outbreak. The appeal to an existing policy, i.e., mass eradication, as the exclusive strategy of containment was a difficult pill for the public to swallow well before the end of the 226-day ordeal. Public outcry reflected (in part) serious misgivings about the lack of effective communication of risk-informed decisions between government agents and all concerned. The government''s handling of the matter underestimated concerns and values about animal welfare, public trust, and the plight of farmers and rural communities. A general loss of trust by some segments of the public was exacerbated by perceived mismanagement and early fumbles by government agents.Public moral uneasiness during the crisis, while perhaps symbolic of growing discontent with an already fractured relationship with farmed animals and the state of animal farming today, arguably, also reflected deep disappointment in government agents to recognize inherently and conditionally normative assumptions in their argument as well as recognize their narrow conception of risk. Furthermore, broader stakeholder participation was clearly missing from the outset, especially with respect to the issue of vaccination. A greater appreciation for two-way risk communication is suggested for science-based public policy in agriculture, followed by suggestions on how to be more vigilant in the future.
This article discusses: the doctrinal content of the group of ideas known as ‘new public management’(NPM); the intellectual provenance of those ideas; explanations for their apparent persuasiveness in the 1980 s; and criticisms which have been made of the new doctrines. Particular attention is paid to the claim that NPM offers an all-purpose key to better provision of public services. This article argues that NFM has been most commonly criticized in terms of a claimed contradiction between ‘equity’ and ‘efficiency’ values, but that any critique which is to survive NPM's claim to ‘infinite reprogrammability’ must be couched in terms of possible conflicts between administrative values. The conclusion is that the ESRC'S Management in Government’ research initiative has been more valuable in helping to identify rather than to definitively answer, the key conceptual questions raised by NPM.
During the 1990s, in what has become known as the ‘new public sector’, many services in advanced economies, such as those of the U.K. and Scandinavia, have come under pressure to become more efficient and effective, so as to reduce their demands on taxpayers, while maintaining the volume and quality of services supplied to the public. To achieve this, they have been subjected to the introduction of various ‘private sector’ management techniques and the frequent adoption of some form of neo-market system in which the purchasers and providers of public services have been split and are frequently required to contract with each other. In this paper, we explore the implications of institutional theory for the successful implementation of multidimensional performance measurement and management in the public sector. In particular, broadening the two-party funders and professional service providers framework of traditional institutional theory to include purchasers of public services allows us to analyse the likely impact of purchaser–provider splits on multidimensional performance measurement systems in the public sector. We show that the differing nature of the interrelationships between these three key stakeholders will influence the extent to which performance measurement in the focal service-provider organizations will be balanced and integrated. We also discuss the influence of these core concepts on the possibilities of achieving some balance between the stakeholder interests examined in the overall control of provider organizations. Five research propositions are advanced, three relating to the relationships between the focal organizations, funders and professional service providers, respectively, and two concerning the focal organization’s links with purchasers. Future empirical research in this area should take the form of longitudinal case studies to track differing paths of development and their effects through time.
In the face of widespread dissatisfaction with contemporary democratic practice, there has been a growing interest in theories of deliberative democracy. However theorists have often failed to sufficiently address the question of institutional design. This paper argues that recent experiments with citizens' juries should be of interest to deliberative democrats. The practice of citizens' juries is considered in light of three deliberative democratic criteria: inclusivity, deliberation and citizenship. It is argued that citizens' juries offer important insights into how democratic deliberation could be institutionalized in contemporary political decision-making processes.
Listening to the Public? The infl uence of opinion polls on MPs' , paper presented at Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) fi fteenth annual conference, Department of Politics and International Relations
  • T Acton
  • D Lilleker
Acton T and Lilleker D, 'Listening to the Public? The infl uence of opinion polls on MPs', paper presented at Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) fi fteenth annual conference, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, 10-12 September 2004
Generating and Sharing Better Practice: Reports from the Better Value Development Programme Workshops
  • Allison M Hartley
Allison M and Hartley J, Generating and Sharing Better Practice: Reports from the Better Value Development Programme Workshops, April-October 1999, London, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2000
On Target: The practice of performance measures
Audit Commission, On Target: The practice of performance measures, London, Audit Commission, 2000