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Abstract and Figures

This study records and documents the most severe and notable instance ever reported of sudden and widespread dieback of mangrove vegetation. Between late 2015 and early 2016, extensive areas of mangrove tidal wetland vegetation died back along 1000 km of the shoreline of Australia’s remote Gulf of Carpentaria. The cause is not fully explained, but the timing was coincident with an extreme weather event; notably one of low precipitation lacking storm winds. The dieback was severe and widespread, impacting more than 7400 ha or 6% of mangrove vegetation in the affected area from Roper River estuary in the Northern Territory, east to Karumba in Queensland. At the time, there was an unusually lengthy period of severe drought conditions, unprecedented high temperatures and a temporary drop in sea level. Although consequential moisture stress appears to have contributed to the cause, this occurrence was further coincidental with heat-stressed coral bleaching. This article describes the effect and diagnostic features of this severe dieback event in the Gulf, and considers potential causal factors.
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Large-scale dieback of mangroves in Australia’s Gulf of
Carpentaria: a severe ecosystem response, coincidental
with an unusually extreme weather event
Norman C. Duke
,John M. Kovacs
,Anthony D. Griffiths
,Luke Preece
Duncan J. E. Hill
,Penny van Oosterzee
,Jock Mackenzie
Hailey S. Morning
and Damien Burrows
TropWATER Centre, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia.
Department of Geography, Nipissing University, 100 College Drive, North Bay, ON,
P1B 8L7, Canada.
Flora and Fauna Division, Department of Land Resource Management, CSIRO Complex,
564 Vanderlin Drive, Berrimah, PO Box 496, Palmerston, NT 0831, Australia.
TESS (Centre for Tropical Environment and Sustainability Sciences), James Cook University,
Cairns, Qld 4870, Australia.
BIOME5 Pty Ltd, PO Box 1200 Atherton, Qld 4883, Australia.
Corresponding author. Email:
Abstract. This study records and documents the most severe and notable instance ever reported of sudden and
widespread dieback of mangrove vegetation. Between late 2015 and early 2016, extensive areas of mangrove tidal wetland
vegetation died back along 1000 km of the shoreline of Australia’s remote Gulf of Carpentaria. The cause is not fully
explained, but the timing was coincident with an extreme weather event; notably one of high temperatures and low
precipitation lacking storm winds. The dieback was severe and widespread, affecting more than 7400 ha or 6% of
mangrove vegetation in the affected area from Roper River estuary in the Northern Territory, east to Karumba in
Queensland. At the time, there was an unusually lengthy period of severe drought conditions, unprecedented high
temperatures and a temporary drop in sea level. Although consequential moisture stress appears to have contributed to the
cause, this occurrence was further coincidental with heat-stressed coral bleaching. This article describes the effect and
diagnostic features of this severe dieback event in the Gulf, and considers potential causal factors.
Additional keywords: mangrove forests, plant–climate interactions, tidal wetlands.
Received 19 September 2016, accepted 19 December 2016, published online 14 March 2017
During the summer of 2015–16, mangroves in the sparsely
populated Gulf of Carpentaria (the Gulf) area of northern
Australia suffered a particularly severe occurrence of dieback.
News of the incident was, at first, slow to emerge from this
remote, largely unmonitored region. A small number of reports
and images (e.g. Fig. 1) from concerned community members
along the Gulf coast were followed up by ad hoc scientific
surveys during 2016 (Fig. 2) to better define the affected area.
The total area affected extended from Roper River in the
Northern Territory to Karumba in Queensland, a distance of
more than 1000 km of shoreline.
At the time, there were no coincidental anthropogenic or
natural stochastic events likely to cause severe or large-scale
stresses on mangrove forests in the Gulf, such as a large oil spill
(Duke 2016), a severe storm event, a tropical cyclone (e.g.
Cahoon et al. 2003;Paling et al. 2008; Feller et al. 2015), river
flooding (Erftemeijer and Hamerlynck 2005), frost effects (Ross
et al. 2009), locust plagues or other severe herbivory (Reef et al.
In this first report, it was useful to briefly document key
circumstances surrounding the incident, along with the range
of factors associated with conditions before and during its
occurrence. Observations presented are based on available
evidence, including photographic images, maps, location
data and field survey observations showing areas of severe
loss in tidal wetlands along the southern shoreline of the
These initial observations of the dieback included its extent,
severity, affected habitat type, the species involved, patterns of
dieback, geophysical settings, prevailing hydrological settings,
recent weather conditions and timing of the incident. Such
considerations have been, and will be, used in the development
of hypotheses that will target more rigorous inquiries and assist
Marine and Freshwater Research
Journal compilation CSIRO 2017
in identifying the cause. Based on current findings, an initial
hypothesis has been proposed concerning prevailing weather
conditions as well as other notable coincident factors.
Materials and methods
For these initial environmental surveys, a four-step rapid,
forensic assessment strategy was used, including: (1) an over-
view of the study area, with a general description, shoreline
features and notable biota; (2) validation of mapping methods,
linking satellite imagery and spatial views from available obli-
que photographs; (3) mapping of affected areas, linking satellite
imagery and spatial views from available oblique photographs;
and (4) brief (ad hoc) aerial and field surveys with continuous
image capture using the shoreline video assessment method
(S-VAM; Duke et al. 2010;Mackenzie et al. 2016), further
Fig. 1. Photograph of mangrove dieback taken during an early aerial
survey just east of Limmen Bight estuary mouth, Northern Territory on 29
February 2016 by Paul Barden (location: 1588051.5400S, 135847016.9400E).
0200 km
Bight &
Cox Rivers
G u l f
o f
C a r p e n t a r i a
Fig. 2. Photographs of mangrove dieback in five example locations (A–E) across the southern Gulf of Carpentaria
from the Northern Territory to Queensland. Locations shown in the map at the bottom right-hand corner. Location
A is the Roper River shoreline (14845026.7700S, 135823023.5500E); Location B is the Limmen Bight River shoreline
(1588050.4700S, 135847037.5900E; images taken by Tony Griffiths, 9 June 2016. Location C shows the Gangalidda
shoreline (16852040.5700S, 138855039.1900E; image taken by Roger Jaensch, 13–14 April 2016). Location D is at the
Leichhardt River mouth on 17 November 2016 (17834035.5500S, 139848056.7800E) and Location E is at Karumba,
Queensland, Norman River shoreline (1782602.1300S, 140850039.1800E) on 27 October 2016 (images from surveys
reported in this article).
BMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
validation of spatial data with specific on-ground measurements
of conditions.
Study area: the Gulf
The Gulf of Carpentaria of tropical northern Australia (Fig. 3)is
a large, shallow (,70-m depth) coastal gulf of ,330 000 km
It almost equally straddles two political jurisdictions of
Australia, the Northern Territory to the west, and the state of
Queensland to the east. Industries in the region chiefly include
mining, grazing, ecotourism and fisheries.
The Gulf itself is the receiving water body of numerous large
and small river systems that drain ,92 000 GL of water into the
Gulf each year, mainly during the north-west monsoon between
January and March (Burford et al. 2009). The coastal areas
consist of low-lying swampy, chiefly level ground that is largely
inaccessible and comparatively little affected by direct human
activity, making it globally exceptional (Halpern et al. 2008).
However, there are notable effects of livestock trampling and
grazing, as well as feral animal damage. In addition, there are
several mining operations in the region. Pressures from such
activities may have added relevance in this semi-arid region
with relatively low annual rainfalls of ,950 mm on average
(Bureau of Meteorology, see
Although mangroves are abundant in the area, the dry climate
limits their diversity, height and extent. Owing to the dry
climate, large areas of high intertidal saltpans and saltmarsh
communities cover at least two- to threefold more area than
mangroves. These wide tidal wetland expanses are spread along
shorelines and upstream verges for tens of kilometres of
meandering estuaries of rivers, creeks and back beach systems
throughout the region. The seaward margin forms a low-lying,
continuous sweeping coastline often fringed with mangroves
along with occasional stretches of sandy beaches, fronted by
shallow, broad mud flats and large patches of seagrass meadows
(Poiner et al. 1987;Roelofs et al. 2005). These Gulf habitats
support thousands of marine turtles and dugongs (Bayliss and
Freeland 1989;Kennett et al. 2004), as well as numerous other
estuarine species (Long et al. 1995).
Preliminary validation of satellite image interpretation
Given the remoteness of the area, the extent and character of
mangroves and the recent dieback were mostly described and
mapped using satellite imagery. Field investigations were used
to validate and confirm interpretations made from satellite
imagery. Ten oblique aerial photographs were assessed in spe-
cific validation trials (e.g. Fig. 4). Dieback was readily identified
using available satellite imagery and all affected areas were
Mapping of the affected area from satellite imagery
A preliminary scientific visualisation of historical Landsat
products (Fig. 5) was conducted for the southern coast of the
Gulf to determine whether the die-off of the mangroves was a
unique event. All imagery was acquired from the USGS Earth
Explorer website (, last accessed
3 August 2016). Because the months of March, April and May
were found to have the least amount of cloud cover, a time
series based on Landsat 4, 5, 7 and 8 (30-m pixel resolution)
scenes collected from these three months were acquired from
1984 onwards for each of the six locations. For two of these
areas, namely the Nicholson River (path 100/row 72) and the
Limmen Bight (path 102/row 71), older Landsat Multispectral
Scanner (MSS) imagery (79-m pixel resolution) was also
examined dating back to 1972 and 1978 respectively. The
scientific visualisation of these historical records indicated
that the recent die-off was a unique event, occurring between
2015 and 2016. Consequently, a monthly series of Landsat 8
imagery was then created between 2015 and 2016 in order to
identify as much as possible the timing of the effects on the
To determine the extent of mangrove loss between 2015 and
2016, a quantitative binary change detection approach (Kovacs
et al. 2001) was conducted on recent Landsat 8 Level 1 products
(Table 1). Specifically, a near anniversary date comparison was
conducted between these years. Of the 12 Landsat 8 scenes used,
10 were acquired in April and, due to cloud cover, 1 each was
acquired from late March and early May.
The affected area occurs across two Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) zones. Therefore, the imagery covering
Queensland was left projected in UTM Zone 54, whereas the
Northern Territory imagery was left projected to UTM Zone 53.
Each image was first radiometrically corrected to surface
reflectance using PCI Geomatica’s (PCI Geomatics, Richmond
Hill, ON, Canada) atmospheric and terrain correction (ATCOR)
module. The surface reflectance images were then mosaicked
for each year and UTM zone, resulting in four separate mosaic
0 500 km
Fig. 3. Catchment areas of the Gulf of Carpentaria (yellow shading)
between the Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia, where
,1000 km of the southern shoreline (grey shading) was affected by severe
dieback of mangroves in late 2015. Crosses mark the locations of five local
Australian Bureau of Meteorology Stations (
referred to in the present study. Note also the locations of ad hoc aerial
surveys (red lines) conducted during 2016, including the western shoreline
from Roper River to Borroloola on 9 June (A), the eastern shoreline north of
the Norman River mouth and Karratha on 27 October (B) and the eastern
shoreline east and west of the Albert and Leichhardt Rivers near Burketown
on 17 November (C).
Severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf Marine and Freshwater Research C
To set the baseline extent of mangrove coverage for 2015, an
iterative per-pixel unsupervised classification approach using an
iterative self-organising data analysis technique (ISODATA)
algorithm based on all but the cirrus band of Landsat 8 was used
to classify the mangroves at a spatial resolution of 30 m. Using
ancillary data (e.g. Google Earth;,
accessed 3 August 2016), on-screen manual editing was then
performed to remove any erroneouslyclassified mangrove pixels.
A normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) was pro-
duced from each of the four surface reflectance mosaics. The
NDVI was calculated using the following formula:
NIR þredðÞ
For Landsat 8, the near-infrared (NIR) spectral band and the red
spectral band are collected within the wavelength range of 0.845–
0.885 mm and 0.630–0.680 mm respectively. For each UTM zone,
a NDVI difference image was then created by subtracting the
2016 NDVI image from the 2015 image. To identify areas of
13540E 13542E
Dead mangrove Limmen Bight River
02 km
Mangrove loss
Camera position
Aerial oblique photo taken June 2016
13542E 13544E
April 2015 April 2016
Fig. 4. An example of the current mangrove dieback recorded in satellite imagery of the Limmen Bight (Cox) River estuary mouth and shorelines
in the Northern Territory. The camera view (1584059.6300S, 135842012.7000E) was compared with change detection imagery comparing Landsat 8
April scenes for 2015 and 2016 (top panel) showing healthy vegetation in natural green colours and areas of dieback as dark purple–brown colours.
The bottom two images show yellow patches for the dieback (left), whereas the oblique aerial view shows the location with dieback patches in June
2016 (right).
0 200 km
103 / 70 102 / 70
102 / 71 101 / 71
100 / 72 99 / 72
UTM Zone 53
UTM Zone 54
UTM Zone 53
UTM Zone 54
G u l f
o f
C a r p e n t a r i a
Fig. 5. Southern coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria showing the coverage of
the Landsat scenes (Path/Row; see also Table 1). UTM, Universal Trans-
verse Mercator.
DMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
mangrove loss, thresholding of the NDVI differenced image was
performed for areas identified as mangrove from the aforemen-
tioned 2015 classification procedure. The threshold value was
determined using visual inspection of the original imagery
(see Fig. 4). Full imagery and enlarged scenes presented in Fig.
6 are available in the Supplementary material.
Aerial and field survey of affected shorelines
Aerial and field surveys of shorelines and mangrove areas were
conducted on three occasions during 2016 (Fig. 3): (1) on 9 June,
of the shoreline from Roper River to McArthur River in the
Northern Territory (1484504200S, 13582303800Eto158440900S,
13683304800E) supported by Northern Territory Government
and JCU TropWATER Centre; (2) on 7 October, in the vicinity
of Karumba in Queensland (17826049.6500S, 14085004.6400E
to 17817042.7800S, 140854011.8900E) supported by WWF, The
Ocean Agency and Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal
Corporation (CLCAC); and (3) on 17 November along the
shoreline around the Nicholson, Albert and Leichhardt
rivers (17822050.6000S, 139826013.2600Eto1783704.3000S,
14083205.9200E) supported by CLCAC.
In each case, aerial helicopter surveys were conducted along
significant portions of affected shorelines as both a fact-finding
mission and an opportunity to further validate interpretations made
from satellite imagery. The aircraft used were Robinson 44
helicopters, operated by either North Australian Helicopters
( (1 above) or Cloncurry
Mustering Company (
(2 and 3 above). Concurrent on-ground field inspections were
undertaken to evaluate selected mangrove sites during each flight.
In each case, a number of key features were observed, including the
species of trees and shrubs affected, the impact status (classified
primarily as lethal or sublethal), the presence of canopy foliage
(living and dead), the impact on saltmarsh plants, the presence of
leaf litter on the sediment surface and the presence of fauna.
Mapping areas of mangrove dieback
Areas of shoreline and estuaries mapped extended from the
Walter and Roper rivers in the Northern Territory to the Norman
River and Brannigans Creek in Queensland (Fig. 5). Selected
scenes from along this shoreline are shown in Fig. 6 displaying
examples of the patterns of dieback observed, along with the
extent and severity of the dieback.
Three notable observations were apparent from the NDVI
difference images: (1) the dieback of mangroves was severe and
widespread; (2) the patches of mangrove dieback were often
quite large (100–200 m wide); and (3) there were distinctive
patterns associated with the dieback areas, for example man-
groves along estuarine water courses were less affected.
Mangrove extent mapping and NDVI difference images were
used to estimate the total area of dieback. This was then
compared with our estimate of the total area of mangroves in
each of the 14 catchment areas. The total areas of mangrove
dieback and total mangrove cover observed in 2015–16 satellite
imagery are listed in Table 2. These data show that most losses,
up to ,5500 ha, were in the Northern Territory, amounting to
,9% of mangroves in the area. Losses in Queensland were less,
but still amounted to more than 3% of affected mangroves in that
area of the state. Overall, this amounted to more than 7400 ha of
mangrove loss across the southern Gulf. This figure represents
,6% of mangroves across the entire region.
Patterns and features of mangrove dieback
At least three primary response patterns were observed in veg-
etation affected by dieback based on mapping and aerial surveys
(see Fig. 7), including: (1) more or less complete loss of the
shoreline fringing zone (Fig. 7a); (2) upper margin loss of
mangroves bordering saltpans and saltmarsh flats (Fig. 7b); and
(3) mostly intact, healthy fringes along estuarine channel mar-
gins and upstream riverine stands (Fig. 7c), even where these
enter the sea.
A key notable feature of this recent mangrove dieback
incident was its synchronous occurrence along more than
1000 km of shoreline. At smaller scales, there are several
alternative drivers also likely to cause dieback (Duke 2014).
These include disturbances, dieback and loss of mangrove
vegetation like: the common presence of small circular light
gaps (50–100 m wide) attributed to lightning strikes (Duke
2001;Amir 2012); shoreline erosion from severe cyclonic
storms (Baldwin et al. 2001); shoreline erosion associated with
Table 1. Landsat 8 image products used in the mangrove change detection procedure (see Fig. 5)
WRS-2, Worldwide Reference System; UTM, Universal Transverse Mercator
Scene ID WRS-2 path/row Acquisition date Projected UTM zone
LC81010712015112 LGN00 101/71 22 April 2015 53
LC81020702015119 LGN00 102/70 29 April 2015 53
LC81020712015119 LGN00 102/71 29 April 2015 53
LC81030702015094 LGN00 103/70 15 April 2015 53
LC81030702016081 LGN00 103/70 21 March 2016 53
LC80990722015114 LGN00 99/72 24 April 2015 54
LC81000722015121 LGN00 100/72 1 May 2015 54
LC81010712016115 LGN00 101/71 24 April 2016 53
LC81020702016106 LGN00 102/70 15 April 2016 53
LC81020712016106 LGN00 102/71 15 April 2016 53
LC80990722016117 LGN00 99/72 26 April 2016 54
LC81000722016108 LGN00 100/72 17 April 2016 54
Severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf Marine and Freshwater Research E
0 250 km
round ima
: Landsat 8 OLI B and 4 (Red) collected April 2015
Fig. 6. Seven example scenes (A–G) distributed across the southern Gulf, as indicated on the map at the bottom right,
showing areas of mangrove loss (red) detected in Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) difference images of
Landsat 8 scenes from April 2015 to April 2016. Also shown are the surviving mangrove areas (green). Central locations
for respective views were as follows: Location A, 14820017.0800S, 135842012.6100E; Location B, 14842046.0000S,
135822055.9200E; Location C, 1586053.9500S, 135844011.0300E; Location D, 15844036.0900S, 136833019.5000E; Location E,
15854047.2300S, 136852034.3300E; Location F, 17831010.3300S, 139829038.4600E; and Location G, 17828050.9700S,
140847017.2200E. Operational Land Imager (OLI). Note: enlarged versions of these scenes (Figs S1–S7), and difference
images of the entire affected shoreline (GIS shape files), are available in Supplementary material to this article.
FMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
sea level rise (Lovelock et al. 2015; and, depositional gain with
mangrove islands and mud banks forming at river mouths
(Asbridge et al. 2016). Still other drivers include impoundment
with blockages to tidal drainage resulting in altered hydrology
and root burial from rapid sediment deposition.
An understanding of such indicators and their associated
drivers of change underpinned our interpretation of the current
dieback. One key pattern was ubiquitous across the affected
area, shown in the example image (Fig. 7b) of dieback along an
inner stand margin. This appears to be an instance of ecotone
shift (Duke 2014). In such a case, mangrove loss appears to have
progressed in a unidirectional contraction of the inner mangrove
zone margin, matched by a corresponding expansion of the
lower elevation margin of saltmarsh and saltpan. This was
consistent with the progressive loss of mangroves attributed to
unusually low moisture levels associated with tidal inundation.
There were also other distinctive features of this incident. For
example, there was a concurrent loss of vegetation from two
species zone ecotones at the same time. Two dominant species
zones within several mangrove stands in the Gulf each showed
signs of ecotone shift with the dieback (Fig. 8). This was shown
further by an unusual co-occurrence of dieback along two
parallel fronts: one for Avicennia marina and another for
Rhizophora stylosa. Judging by the zone of sublethal damage
(yellowed and partially defoliated canopies) at the lower profile
margins, there appeared to be a unidirectional loss (contraction)
towards the water’s edge margin.
These observations show that multiple mangrove species
were affected by the dieback and each had retreated from its
respective intertidal profile position (Fig. 9). In this way,
mangrove losses followed distinct patterns consistent with the
contraction of species zones away from their inner and higher
elevation margins.
In more extreme instances, notable sections of seaward
shoreline mangrove stands were completely lost. This explains
the instances (such as Fig. 7aand almost the case in Fig. 8b)
where either the zone or the entire shoreline margin had died
Furthermore, although mangroves are predominantly
restricted to coastal areas, they are known to be influenced by
conditions within upstream catchment areas (cf. Duke et al.
1998). It was considered useful for ongoing assessments to
quantify mangrove dieback within individual catchments
across the affected region. These regional variations in man-
grove canopy loss are shown in 14 catchment areas across the
assessment region (Fig. 10). A minimal level of 0.4% was
measured for Groot Eylandt (Catchment area 1) compared with
a maximal level of ,26% within the Robinson River (Catch-
ment area 8). Dieback severity was greatest (,8–25%) in
mangrove areas of the catchments of the Rosie (Catchment
area 6), McArthur (Catchment area 7), Robinson (Catchment
area 8) and Calvert (Catchment area 9) rivers. It is an important
question as to why the severity levels were highest in these
Table 2. Summary of mangrove vegetation cover within the Gulf of Carpentaria and along its southern shoreline
The Gulf shoreline extends across two regional jurisdictions of Australia, namely the Northern Territory (NT) and the state of Queensland (Qld). The National
Vegetation Information System (NVIS) was accessed in June 2016 (National Vegetation Information System 2016). Note, although there were notable
differences between NVIS mapping estimates and those made in the present study for the southern Gulf areas, these are likely to be methodological errors
(Rogers et al. 2016) rather than actual measures of change in mangrove vegetation cover. UTM, Universal Transverse Mercator
Gulf section Feature and image source Mangrove/saltmarsh vegetation cover (ha)
UTM Zone 53 (NT) UTM Zone 54 (Qld) Total zones (NT and Qld)
Total Gulf Mangrove: extrapolated/NVIS mapping 74 405/49 203 131 780/172 441 206 185/221 644
Saltmarsh/saltpan: NVIS mapping 233 002 182 731 415 733
Tidal wetland: extrapolated/NVIS mapping 282 205/308 399 355 172/354 931 637 377/663 330
Southern Gulf Mangrove: Landsat 8 April 2015/NVIS mapping 58 139/38 452 64 364/85 263 122 503/123 715
Dieback loss: Landsat 8 April 2015–16 5493 1912 7405
Percentage loss 9.4 3.0 6.0
Fig. 7. Indicative patterns in vegetation zones relate to the severity of mangrove dieback, including (a) the more-or-less entire dieback of the shoreline
zone, (b) the dieback of the inner edge bordering saltmarsh and saltpans and (c) dense normal fringing vegetation along tidal channels. Images were taken
during the aerial survey on 9 June 2016 between Centre Island and the mouth of Limmen Bight River, Northern Territory.
Severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf Marine and Freshwater Research G
Timing of this occurrence of severe dieback
The timing of the mangrove dieback event in the Gulf appears to
have been more or less synchronous along the entire affected
shoreline. Evidence of the timing was first observed by con-
cerned locals around mid to late November 2015. Just north of
Karumba in Queensland, ,10-km section of mangrove seaward
fringing shoreline was observed to be undergoing dieback. This
was confirmed as a widespread response from satellite images
taken over the period (e.g. see Table 3). It seems that mangrove
areas were notably affected during November–December 2015,
the end of the unusually long dry season. Based on anecdotal
observations from community members, there may also have
been concurrent losses of seagrass during the month earlier in
November. However, this needs to be confirmed.
The extent and severity of mangrove dieback in Australia’s
southern Gulf of Carpentaria appears to be unprecedented.
There had been no previous reports of mangrove dieback at this
scale or within such a short time frame. The respective factors,
along with observations of spatial patterns described at local
(Figs 8,9) and regional (Fig. 10) scales, combined with temporal
Elevation Profile, Zonation and Patterns of Mangrove Dieback
Tidal wetland
Saltmarsh–saltpan Mudflat
Highest water
Mangrove Mangrove-all species
Mean sea
High tide
sea level
Fig. 9. Cross-section view of mangrove zonation with two species dominants (Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa) having different fronts, or
ecotones, of dieback patterns observed in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Rhizophora Rhizophora
Fig. 8. Two views of mangrove zonation showing the sea edge Avicennia marina, then Rhizophora stylosa, and backed by
another A. marina zone bordering the saltpan with saltmarsh (a) on the mainland shoreline west of Centre Island (Northern
Territory) and (b) near the Leichhardt River estuary mouth (Queensland). The two mangrove species show separate dieback
fronts at their respective higher elevation margins in several locations along the southern Gulf of Carpentaria coast.
Percentage mangrove loss
1. Groot Eylandt 8. Robinson River
9. Calvert River
10. Settlement Creek
11. Mornington Island
12. Nicholson–Leichhardt Rivers
13. Morning Inlet
14. Flinders–Norman Rivers
500 km
2. Walker River
3. Roper River
4. Towns River
5. Limmen Bight River
6. Rosie River
7. McArthur River
Fig. 10. Proportional losses of mangroves for 14 catchment areas border-
ing the southern shorelines of the Gulf of Carpentaria. For the loss groupings
(interval classifications), we used the Jenks natural breaks approach (Jenks
1967). The question raised by these differences is why were Catchments 8
and 9 more severely affected than the others?
HMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
observations (Table 3), are each considered potentially influ-
ential and indicative of the likely cause.
Although this incident of mangrove dieback in the Gulf also
coincided with effects of hot water on corals in north-eastern
Australia (Normille 2016;Pratchett and Lough 2016), we
suspect additional factors were responsible for the severe
dieback of mangroves in the Gulf. The most likely factors
appeared to be those consistent with severe moisture deficit
and the extreme weather conditions at the time.
Monthly satellite imagery was used to show changes to
mangrove areas before November 2015 and after mangroves
had died back significantly. The timing of peak dieback
appeared to be synchronous with the end of the extreme weather
conditions (e.g. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine 2016). Significantly, the region was affected by
above-record air temperatures, as well as high sea temperatures.
Although there may have been some link with higher sea
temperatures on Australia’s north-east coast (Wolanski 2016),
this was not the only factor likely to have caused mangrove
dieback. In addition, the bulk of mangrove dieback occurred in
relative unison towards the end of the unusually extended dry
season that affected southern parts of the Gulf of Carpentaria
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015). Based on such
observations, a working hypothesis is that mangroves died from
localised moisture stress.
Was this severe dieback the first instance of climate change-
induced ‘longer, hotter droughts’ affecting mangrove forests by
moisture stress? The likelihood of stress-related dieback from
such weather conditions leading to extended water deficit within
mangroves is very concerning, because the frequency of severe
drought reportedly increased worldwide (Dai 2013;Trenberth
et al. 2014;Moise et al. 2015;Clark et al. 2016). In addition,
these droughts have also become hotter (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change 2014). Concerns remain about anthro-
pogenic effects where climate change-induced drought has
reportedly caused increased forest tree mortality (McDowell
and Allen 2015), as well as degradation of forest structure and
function generally (Clark et al. 2016).
Large-scale mangrove retreat at high intertidal saltmarsh–
mangrove ecotones, referred to as ecotone shift (Duke 2014),
has been reported for longer periods of drying in eastern
Australia (e.g. Eslami-Andargoli et al. 2013). However, these
have occurred over decadal periods (N. C. Duke, A. Basile,
C. Field, J. R. Mackenzie, J.-O. Meynecke and A. L. Wood,
unpubl. data), rather than the rapid, sudden loss reported for the
current incident.
Comparable incidents and functional processes
To further understand the reasoning behind our conclusions, it is
useful to briefly evaluate the various types of condition states in
mangrove and tidal wetland ecosystems around the world.
Overall, the dominant vegetation type in temperate tidal
wetlands is saltmarsh (Duke et al. 1998). In contrast, mangroves
dominate wet tropical and subtropical tidal wetlands where
saltmarsh plants and saltpan microphytes are also present
coexisting in varying proportions with mangroves, depending
on longer-term rainfall conditions (N. C. Duke et al., unpubl.
In semi-arid tropical locations, like Australia’s Gulf of
Carpentaria, the habitat types co-occur, with mangroves occu-
pying less than 50% of the tidal wetland niche, and tropical
saltmarsh and saltpans occupying the rest. In such drier tropical
and subtropical situations, these habitat states appear con-
strained by moisture (rainfall) conditions, rather than by tem-
perature (N. C. Duke et al., unpubl. data). This is a globally
significant distinction (Osland et al. 2016;Ward et al. 2016).
Overall, the case studies of changes of mangrove dieback
observed can be grouped into three types of incidents coinci-
dental with extreme weather events, other than severe storms or
large waves. These incidents result in often notable responses as
shifts between alternative tidal wetland vegetation state types.
However, not all have been consistent with reported longer-term
trends in weather conditions (see Alongi 2015). Overall, these
incident types include the following.
1. Temperature-dominated changes to mangrove v. saltmarsh
vegetation at mangrove higher latitude limits, because man-
grove expansion is linked to warmer conditions (Gilman
et al. 2008;Osland et al. 2013,2016;Saintilan et al. 2014)or
the alternative, mangrove dieback or retreat, is linked to
severe frosts (Kao et al. 2004;Ross et al. 2009;Feller et al.
2010;Saintilan et al. 2014).
2. Rainfall-dominated changes to mangrove v. saltmarsh vege-
tation within the latitudinal limits of mangroves, because
Table 3. Observations of the onset and timing of severe mangrove dieback
Satellite images were used to quantify the timing of impacts on mangrove dieback along the shoreline north of the Norman River mouth near Karumba, Gulf of
Carpentaria. Reference data include regional rainfall and the duration of the 2015 dry season. nv, not visible
Date Tide level Seagrass intertidal Mangrove seaward zone Mangrove landward
rainfall (mm)
Number of dry
season months
30 August 2015 Mid nv Intact, full and dense Intact, sparse, patchy 0.7 7
1 October 2015 Low Intact, full and dense Intact, full and dense Intact, sparse, patchy 0.1 8
2 November 2015 Very
Mostly absent, some patches Intact, full and dense Intact, sparse, patchy 0.4 9
4 December 2015 Low Mostly absent, some patches Reduced canopies, sparse,
Sparse, patchy 28.4 10
5 January 2016 Low Mostly absent, some patches Mostly absent, sparse, patchy Mostly absent, sparse,
257.9 Wet season
Severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf Marine and Freshwater Research I
mangrove expansion is linked to wetter conditions (Duke
et al. 2003;Gilman et al. 2008;Eslami-Andargoli et al. 2013;
Duke 2014;Osland et al. 2014,2016) or the alternative,
mangrove losses or retreat, are linked to drought and
decreased precipitation (Duke et al. 2003;Gilman et al.
2008;Duke 2014).
3. Rainfall-dominated saltmarsh dieback at, or beyond, higher
latitudinal limits of mangroves linked to drought, decreasing
rainfall and sea level changes (McKee et al. 2004;Silliman
et al. 2005).
Although mangrove dieback in the Gulf had seemingly
similar associated factors to those described for saltmarsh in
Incident type 3 above, they were distinctive and different
because the dieback affected saltmarsh plants only, and not
mangroves. This was not the case in the first two incident types.
In contrast, these types showed a shift between mangrove-
dominated and saltmarsh-dominated vegetation communities
within the same tidal wetland niche. Each involved the expan-
sion of one state–type at the expense of the other. This created a
seemingly common feature of ecotone shift between the alter-
native vegetation states. The shift direction appeared primarily
dependent on trends within the chief influencing factors of
temperature and rainfall.
Accordingly, where there had been mangrove expansion at
mangrove poleward limits, like the eastern coast of North
America (Osland et al. 2013), this involved a corresponding
replacement or loss of saltmarsh habitat. It was significant that
the Gulf dieback occurred well within the latitudinal range of the
species affected. Therefore, it seems more likely that the Gulf
dieback corresponds to a Type 2 incident, influenced mostly by
rainfall. In addition, this implies that there may have been a
severe moisture deficit.
Extreme weather conditions associated with mangrove
dieback in the Gulf
It was significant that the Gulf instance of severe mangrove
dieback was more or less coincidental with unusually hot water
temperatures observed off the Australian north-east coast
(Normille 2016;Wolanski 2016). Although mangroves are
known to be reasonably heat tolerant (Medina 1999), there
were exceptionally high temperatures recorded at the time
when mangrove dieback peaked (Bureau of Meteorology 2015;
Hope et al. 2016). Record high temperatures were recorded
during the preceding 5–6 months of the extended dry season
(Fig. 11a).
But also present, there were at least two additional severe
weather and hydrological conditions likely to affect mangrove
vegetation. These included an unusually prolonged severe
drought, and a temporary drop in sea level during the latter
months of that drought period. The low rainfall conditions
experienced in November 2015 are shown in Fig. 11b. These
dry season conditions prevailed for an unusually long period of
,10–11 months.
A third factor, sea level, was observed to have dropped
temporarily by up to 20 cm in the Gulf at the time of the severe
dieback. This is shown in the map of Pacific Ocean seawater
levels during October 2015 (Fig. 11c). Although there remain
questions about how the mean drop would have interacted with
tidal levels, it is likely that upper areas of mangroves would have
been less inundated during normal high tide periods of the
critical months when these upper zone plant habitats were both
heat stressed and in moisture deficit.
It is highly likely that the combination of these three factors
at least contributed to the severe dieback observed. It is further
significant that all these parameters were each correlated with
the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the El Nin
Oscillation (ENSO) cycle for this region (Becker et al. 2012;
Hilbert et al. 2014). Although it is difficult to be sure about the
exact trigger causing this severe mangrove dieback, it is under-
stood that it had not occurred on such a scale before. In addition,
although it was also synchronous with the late 2015 period, it is
also apparent there was more than one variable involved.
All things considered, it appears that stresses on mangrove
plants were not only present, but also would likely have been
cumulative. For instance, we have looked closely at the duration
of contiguous days where monthly rainfall had not reached
recognised ‘wet season’ levels. Such climate variables were
analysed for each of the five local Bureau of Meteorology
stations ( with averaged data extending back
up to ,30 years. This assessment has shown the period up to
October–November 2015 as unusual.
In a further line of inquiry, the patterns and distribution of
dieback were assessed from the mapping. The occurrences of
severe dieback along mostly upper elevation contour zones
(Figs 8,9) were consistent with circumstances of severe mois-
ture stress along vegetation zone margins. Given the hot, dry
weather conditions at the time, coupled with lower sea levels,
each of these factors would have contributed to a decrease in soil
moisture, with stresses on the plants extending down the tidal
profile from higher and inner mangrove zones. In addition,
given the synchronicity of drought conditions with the timing of
peak dieback, this implies that a lack of moisture was a likely
trigger, occurring at the end of an unusually prolonged drought
These longer-term changes describe the unusual congruence
of key detrimental growth factors towards the end of the long
2015 dry season (Fig. 12). Key evidence for the likely cause of
this occurrence of severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf, are
summarised as follows:
unprecedented large patches of dead and defoliated mangrove
vegetation adding up to more than 7400 ha spread across
1000 km of shoreline
dieback areas matched zonation contours, extending down
profile from mostly higher elevation contour levels
dieback involved key dominant species present (A. marina,
R. stylosa and Ceriops tagal) and at their respective higher
zonation ecotones along upper tidal profile elevations
dieback was synchronous with the end of the unusually long
dry season of ,9–10 months in November–December 2015, a
period of unusually extended high evapotranspiration
dieback occurred when regional annual rainfall levels were
low, temperatures were high (see also Bureau of Meteorology
2015) and sea levels were notably lower at the time.
the severity of dieback was variable across coastal catchment
areas, with up to 25% mangrove losses in the more-or-less
central subcatchment area (Fig. 10).
JMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
Based on the present findings, it is concluded that the most
likely cause of this unusual and unprecedented incidence of
severe mangrove dieback was the unusually long duration of
arid, hot conditions in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria region
towards the end of the 2015 dry season. These conditions
(Bureau of Meteorology 2015) were synchronous with local
high temperatures, low rainfall, extended drought period, and a
temporary fall in sea level. A notable correlate of these weather
and sea level variables was the SOI.
Implications of severe dieback in mangrove ecosystems
This incident of severe and extensive dieback has immediate
implications with likely consequences for the ecosystem ser-
vices previously provided by the damaged mangrove habitat.
The areas most likely affected by the loss of mangrove area and
health are those associated with fisheries and fishing, with the
Gulf also being an extremely popular area for recreational
fishing. The total value of the Gulf fishery is worth ,A$30
million per annum (Dambacher et al. 2015;QDEEDI 2011). The
Gulf is also the hub of the northern prawn fishery, one of Aus-
tralia’s most valuable and iconic commercial fisheries, targeting
banana prawns and tiger prawns. The long-term average annual
catch is valued at ,A$12 million (Dambacher et al. 2015). In
addition, the total commercial harvest of mud crabs, Scylla
serata,is,1190 tonnes (Mg), worth ,A$19 million, with
recreational fishers harvesting at least 50% of the total catch
(Queensland Department of Employment Economic Develop-
ment and Innovation 2011).
Commercial fisheries in the Queensland section alone
grossed a total value of A$14 million in 2006 with ,2300 Mg
(Greiner and Gregg 2010). The largest of the commercial
fisheries, the Queensland Inshore Fin Fish Fishery, had a total
harvest of 2365 Mg, worth ,A$15.5 million in 2012, with
recreational fishers taking in less than 10% of the catch
(Queensland Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry
2014). Popular finfish in the fishery include barramundi Lates
calcarifer, blue salmon Eleutheronema tetradactylum, grunter
20 10 10 200
100 150 200
Monthly Msla without cycles referenced ot 1993–2013 (cm)
Percentage of Mean
Rainfall percentages (AWAP HiRes)
Max. Temp. Deciles (AWA grds 1911-pres.)
1 February to 30 September 2015
Distribution Based on Gridded Data
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
October 2015
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Temp. Decile Ranges
Highest on
Lowest on
Very much
above average
Very much
below average
Above average
Below average
October 2015
Issued: 14/07/2016
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016,
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
ID code: IGMapAWAPPercentagesHighRes
Issued: 14/07/2016
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016,
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
ID code: IGMapAWAPDeciles
Australian Government
Bureau of Meteorology
Australian Government
Bureau of Meteorology
Fig. 11. Three notable factors (Bureau of Meteorology 2015) concurrent with the severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf include (a) maximum temperature
levels (February–September 2015 in Australia), coincident with the hottest March days on record, (b) low rainfall percentages for October 2015 in
Australia, coincident with an unusually prolonged dry season, and (c) the temporary sea level anomaly for October 2015 in the Pacific region, coincident
with a temporary drop of 20 cm in sea level that was consistent with the El Nin
˜o–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle affecting subsurface heat across the
Pacific Basin. The top images were supplied by Andrew Watkins with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The lower image was found on the
Aviso website ( AWAP HiRes, Australian Water Availability (BOM) Project High Resolution imagery; AWA grds, Australian
Water Availability grids; CLS/CNES, Collecte Localisation Satellites Group, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (French Space Agency).
Severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf Marine and Freshwater Research K
Pomadasys kaakan, king salmon Polydactylus macrochir and
mangrove jack Lutjanus argentimaculatus. All these species
have close associations with, if not specific dependencies on,
mangrove habitat, making the extent of dieback of mangroves of
immense concern to commercial and recreational fisheries of the
Gulf region.
The impacts on mangrove ecosystem services in the Gulf
region also affect shoreline protection and carbon capture. There
is a high risk of further losses of carbon to the atmosphere should
there be more dieback or there is interrupted recovery of the
7400 ha of currently affected mangroves. For example, damage
would be greatly exacerbated within the next 10 years should the
area be struck by a tropical cyclone (Paling et al. 2008) while
shoreline vegetation re-establishes exposed shoreline fringing
stands. These points raise serious concerns for the future of
mangroves and other habitats across the region, especially
because they co-occur with the threats of sea level rise contrib-
uting to ongoing accelerated shoreline erosion and retreat.
Climate projections over the next several decades show
higher temperatures, increased evaporation rates and warmer
oceans (Moise et al. 2015). Accordingly, there is an increased
likelihood of future severe and extended droughts across parts of
Northern Australia (Dai 2013). This dieback incident revealed a
previously unrecognised sensitivity and vulnerability of man-
grove tidal wetland ecosystems to fluctuations in climate. A
greater understanding of specific catchment-scale drivers of
drought and other dieback effects is needed urgently to assist
targeted management strategies for enhancing the resilience of
mangrove shorelines faced with climate change. Such well-
informed strategies are essential to government agencies at all
levels needing to effectively manage longer-term adaptation
goals. This incident is a wake-up call for the improvement of
social and economic resilience of remote communities, along
with the health of natural environments along Australia’s
northern shorelines.
Author contributions
N. C. Duke led the investigation, the compilation of data and
writing the document. J. M. Kovacs, D. J. E. Hill and H. S.
Morning were responsible for the satellite image change detec-
tion component of the investigation. A. D. Griffiths assisted with
the aerial field survey and the writing. L. Preece assisted with the
writing and searching for resources. P. van Oosterzee assisted
with the writing and searching for resources. J. Mackenzie
assisted with the writing and searchingfor resources. D. Burrows
assisted with the writing and research support.
Supplementary material
Detailed imagery are available as Supplementary material to
this paper, including enlarged versions of the seven image plates
displayed in Fig. 6, plus GIS files of mangrove loss areas along
the entire affected coast.
Early imagery and observations of the severe mangrove dieback in the Gulf
were generously provided by Paul Barden (29 February 2016), Gavin
(‘Groover’) New (Carpentaria Barra and Sport Fishing Charters; 1–3 March
2016) and Roger Jaensch (Jaensch Ornithology & Conservation; 13–14
April 2016). Project works were supported by TropWATER Centre, James
Cook University. Support for aerial surveys are acknowledged in the article,
but especially include that provided by the Parks and Wildlife Commission
1998 2000
Dry season duration
(number of months of high
Annual rainfall (mm)
Mean air
temperature (C)
SST (C)Sea level rise (m)SOI
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 1996
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Fig. 12. Six factors likely to have influenced mangrove condition at the time include dry season duration, annual rainfall, mean air temperature, sea surface
temperature (SST), sea level and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Values were averaged for the region (where possible) for the 18-year period from 1998
to 2016. Data were sourced from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, including stations ( at Normanton, Burketown, Borroloola,
McArthur River and Centre Island (also see Fig. 3).
LMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.
of the Northern Territory with the Department of Land Resource Manage-
ment, and the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. J. M.
Kovacs acknowledges financial support through the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (Grant #RGPIN-2014-06188).
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NMarine and Freshwater Research N. C. Duke et al.

Supplementary resource (1)

... In tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mangrove forests can be found in the intertidal zones between the sea and the land (Mcleod et al. 2011). These forests can be found from the mean sea level to the highest spring tides, and they thrive in extreme environmental conditions like high salinity, high temperature, erratic tidal patterns, high sedimentation, and muddy anaerobic soils (Duke et al. 2017). However, the mangrove forests around the world are estimated to be less than 50% of what they were in the 1900s, and much of what is left is in a deteriorated state. ...
... As for low vegetation, the level of vegetation increased from 1980 to 1990 period but then in 2021 it came down to only 6.99%. These drastic vegetation changes impact the biodiversity of Sundarbans (Duke et al. 2017). In the scenario of barren land, it has increased by almost 5% between 1980 to 2021. ...
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Land use change is a global issue, and different regions of Bangladesh are experiencing land use changes at different scales. The Sundarbans is one of the largest mangrove forests that provide resources to the local communities, act as a sink for CO2, and protect the coastal zone from natural disasters. Sundarbans is also being affected by land use change and deteriorating rapidly, posing a threat to mangroves and wildlife. This is mainly driven by the unplanned expansion of open land, deforestation, and filling up the water bodies. Evaluating the shoreline food web and the interaction of water and land necessitates quantitatively assessing shoreline movement patterns over time. This study aimed to understand the spatial–temporal changes in shoreline and vegetation from 1981 to 2021 considering the mangrove cover along the Sundarbans in Bangladesh. To fulfill the objectives, the Digital Shoreline Analysis System was used to measure the shoreline change, and the vegetation changes were assessed by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using Landsat satellite data. The analysis of NDVI revealed that the mangrove stress level is increasing rapidly. In the last 20 years, the high-level vegetation has decreased by 5.01%, the moderate level by 9.61% & the low level by 6.99%. Moreover, the shoreline change analysis found that from 1980 to 1990 the erosion was 143.95 sq. km and the accretion was 110.9 sq. km. The findings of this study may help policymakers make informed decisions, and improve their plans for the sustainable development of the region.
... However, the mangrove forests of Bahia Phosphorescent were found to have significant dieback and mortality. Duke et al. (2017) Marina's native woodlands did WLS occur. ...
... Finally, our findings support the need, for all governance types and IUCN categories, to improve preparation to deal with natural-driven losses in mangrove PA from cyclones and coastal erosion. Natural losses, which are outside of regulatory controls (Duke et al., 2017), were ubiquitous across all types of governance and IUCN categories. Private PAs and IPLCs, for example, lost considerable amounts of mangroves due to erosion and extreme weather events across all regions. ...
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Despite increasing efforts and investment in mangrove conservation, mangrove cover continues to decline globally. The extent to which protected area (PA) management effectively prevents mangrove loss globally across differing management objectives and governance types is not well understood. We combined remote sensing data with PA information to identify the extent and the drivers of mangrove loss across PAs with distinct governance types and protection levels based on categories developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Mangrove loss due to storms and erosion was prevalent across all governance types and most IUCN categories. However, the extent of human‐driven loss differed across governance types and IUCN categories. Loss was highest in national government PAs. Private, local, shared arrangement, and subnational government agencies had low human‐driven mangrove loss. Human‐driven loss was highest in PAs with the highest level of restrictions on human activities (IUCN category I) due to mangrove conversion to areas for commodity production (e.g., aquaculture), whereas PAs that allowed sustainable resource use (e.g., category VI) experienced low levels of human‐driven mangrove loss. Because category I PAs with high human‐driven loss were primarily governed by national government agencies, conservation outcomes in highly PAs might depend not only on the level of restrictions, but also on the governance type. Mangrove loss across different governance types and IUCN categories varied regionally. Specific governance types and IUCN categories thus seemed more effective in preventing mangrove loss in certain regions. Overall, we found that natural drivers contributed to global mangrove loss across all PAs, whereas human‐driven mangrove loss was lowest in PAs with subnational‐ to local‐level governance and PAs with few restrictions on human activities.
... The effects of climate extremes pose a real threat to mangrove soil health and to the permanence of their high carbon stocks. Droughts, storms, and cyclones lead to massive forest loss worldwide, which may alter soil GHG emissions (Duke et al., 2017;Servino et al., 2018;Sippo et al., 2018;Jeffrey et al., 2019). There are few studies worldwide showing that the death of mangrove forests rapidly reduces their total ecosystem carbon stocks (Gomes et al., 2021), and lead to massive release of GHG to the atmosphere through decomposition of the remaining C pools (Jeffrey et al., 2019). ...
Mangroves forests may be important sinks of carbon in coastal areas but upon their death, these forests may become net sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. Here we assessed the spatial and temporal variability in soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes from dead mangrove forests and paired intact sites in SE-Brazil. Our findings demonstrated that during warmer and drier conditions, CO2 soil flux was 183 % higher in live mangrove forests when compared to the dead mangrove forests. Soil CH4 emissions in live forests were > 1.4-fold higher than the global mangrove average. During the wet season, soil GHG emissions dropped significantly at all sites. During warmer conditions, mangroves were net sources of GHG, with a potential warming effect (GWP100) of 32.9 ± 10.2 (±SE) Mg CO2e ha−1 y−1. Overall, we found that dead mangroves did not release great amounts of GHG after three years of forest loss.
... However, mangroves are substantially influenced by climatic changes 2,6,7 . For example, mangrove forests along the northern coast of Australia experienced a pronounced dieback in 2015 due to water scarcity induced by an El Niño-driven drought and extremely low sea levels in conjunction with changing lunar cycles 8,9 . Climate change impacts on mangroves are expected to increase further in the future if current emissions trajectories are maintained 6 . ...
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Mangrove forests are a highly productive ecosystem with important potential to offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Mangroves are expected to respond differently to climate change compared to terrestrial forests owing to their location in the tidal environment and unique ecophysiological characteristics, but the magnitude of difference remains uncertain at the global scale. Here we use satellite observations to examine mean trends and interannual variability in the productivity of global mangrove forests and nearby terrestrial evergreen broadleaf forests from 2001 to 2020. Although both types of ecosystem experienced significant recent increases in productivity, mangroves exhibited a stronger increasing trend and greater interannual variability in productivity than evergreen broadleaf forests on three-quarters of their co-occurring coasts. The difference in productivity trends is attributed to the stronger CO2 fertilization effect on mangrove photosynthesis, while the discrepancy in interannual variability is attributed to the higher sensitivities to variations in precipitation and sea level. Our results indicate that mangroves will have a faster increase in productivity than terrestrial forests in a CO2-rich future but may suffer more from deficits in water availability, highlighting a key difference between terrestrial and tidal ecosystems in their responses to climate change.
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Increases in the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme climate events (ECEs) are already impacting ecosystems, with many of the strongest effects associated with high‐elevation areas. Most research on the ecological impacts of climate change has focused on climatic averages, which might differ from ECEs. Rhododendron, a diverse genus of alpine and subalpine woody plant, plays a crucial role in ecosystem stability and biodiversity in the biodiversity hotspots of the Himalayas and Hengduan Mountains. Here, we compared the predicted impacts of average climate with those including ECEs on 189 Rhododendron species in China for the historical period (1981–2010) and the future period (2071–2100) under two emissions scenarios (SSP2‐4.5 and SSP5‐8.5). We analyzed changes in suitable habitat and patterns of species richness, weighted endemism, and phylogenetic diversity, identifying areas of coinciding high‐risk as priority conservation areas. Inclusion of ECEs altered the projected areas of suitable habitat across all species from an increase of over 3% to a decrease exceeding 10%, with the distribution of most Rhododendron species strongly influenced by extremes of drought and high temperatures. We found fewer than 18% of high‐risk areas of diversity loss were currently protected, with priority conservation areas mainly located in the Daxue, Daliang, Wumeng, and Jade Dragon Snow Mountains, as well as in the Nyingchi. We suggest inclusion of ECEs is critical when projecting changes in alpine and subalpine species distributions for effective conservation planning for climate change.
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Plans for habitat restoration will benefit from predictions of timescales for recovery. Theoretical models have been a powerful tool for informing practical guidelines in planning marine protected areas, suggesting restoration planning could also benefit from a theoretical framework. We developed a model that can predict recovery times following restoration action, under dispersal, recruitment and connectivity constraints. We apply the model to a case study of seagrass restoration and find recovery times following restoration action can vary greatly, from <1 to >20 years. The model also shows how recovery can be accelerated when restoration actions are matched to the constraints on recovery. For example, spreading of propagules can be used when connectivity is the critical restriction. The recovery constraints we articulated mathematically also apply to the restoration of coral reefs, mangroves, saltmarsh, shellfish reefs and macroalgal forests, so our model provides a general framework for choosing restoration actions that accelerate coastal habitat recovery.
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Mangrove forests are valuable resources in tropical and subtropical regions, which have been faced dieback due to various human activities including rapid expansion of shrimp farming, urban development, and pollution, as well as natural factors such as rising sea level, increasing air temperature, drought, and sharp decrease in rainfall. However, the mechanisms of dieback of mangrove forests are not well understood. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the vegetative, chemical, and physiological status of grey mangrove (Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.) forests at different intensities of dieback in the Hormozgan Province, Iran. A total of 40 plots categorized into four dieback intensities (severe, medium, low, and control) were randomly selected for monitoring, and various parameters related to vegetative, chemical, and physiological status of grey mangrove forests were examined. The results revealed that the control group had the highest tree density, seedling density, vitality levels, aerial root density, and aerial root height. Generally, as dieback severity increased, a decrease in demographic and vegetative parameters of trees and seedlings was observed in the dieback treatments. The amounts of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and nickel) in the sediment, roots, and leaves of grey mangrove trees at different dieback levels indicated that lead levels were the highest in the sediment, roots, and leaves in the severe dieback treatment. At the same time, the control had the lowest values. Cadmium concentrations in the sediment followed the pattern of severe dieback>moderate dieback>low dieback>control with no significant differences in the roots and leaves. Nickel amounts in all three parts, i.e., sediment, roots, and leaves showed the highest levels in the severe dieback treatment. Furthermore, metal level analysis in the organs of grey mangrove trees at different dieback levels revealed that lead and nickel were more abundant in the root organ compared with the leaves. In contrast, the leaf organ exhibited the highest cadmium levels. Dieback significantly impacted water electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon (SOC), and chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll contents, with the highest values observed in the severe dieback treatment. However, no significant differences were observed in acidity and carotenoid levels. In conclusion, sediment erosion and heavy metal accumulation were critical contributors to dieback of grey mangrove trees, affecting their physiological, vegetative, and plant production characteristics. As the ability of these plants to rehabilitate has diminished, effective management planning is imperative in dieback-affected areas.
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Coping with water stress depends on maintaining cellular function and hydraulic conductance. Yet measurements of vulnerability to drought and salinity do not often focus on capacitance in branch organs that buffer hydraulic function during water stress. The relationships between branch water relations, stem hydraulic vulnerability and stem anatomy were investigated in two co‐occurring mangroves Aegiceras corniculatum and Rhizophora stylosa growing at low and high salinity. The dynamics of branch water release acted to conserve water content in the stem at the expense of the foliage during extended drying. Hydraulic redistribution from the foliage to the stem increased stem relative water content by up to 21%. The water potentials at which 12% and 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductivity occurred decreased by ~1.7 MPa in both species between low and high salinity sites. These coordinated tissue adjustments increased hydraulic safety despite declining turgor safety margins at higher salinity sites. Our results highlight the complex interplay of plasticity in organ‐level water relations with hydraulic vulnerability in the maintenance of stem hydraulic function in mangroves distributed along salinity gradients. These results emphasise the importance of combining water relations and hydraulic vulnerability parameters to understand vulnerability to water stress across the whole plant.
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Climate change with human direct pressures represent significant threats to the resilience of shoreline habitats like mangroves. A rapid, whole-of-system assessment strategy is needed to evaluate such threats, better linking innovative remote sensing with essential on-ground evaluations. Using the Shoreline Video Assessment Method, we surveyed around 190 km of the mostly mangrove-fringed (78%) coastline of Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. The aim was to identify anthropogenic drivers of degradation, establishing baseline for specific rehabilitation and protection strategies. Fish traps occupy at least 87% of shoreline mangroves, around which there were abundant human activities – like fishing, crabbing, farming, plus collecting firewood and foliage. Such livelihoods were associated with remnant, fringing mangrove that were largely degraded and threatened by erosion retreat, herbivory, and excessive cutting. Our assessment quantified associated threats to shoreline stability, along with previous rehabilitation intervention measures. The method offers key opportunities for effective conservation and management of vulnerable shoreline habitats.
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Inter-related and spatially variable climate change factors including sea level rise, increased storminess, altered precipitation regime and increasing temperature are impacting mangroves at regional scales. This review highlights extreme regional variation in climate change threats and impacts, and how these factors impact the structure of mangrove communities, their biodiversity and geomorphological setting. All these factors interplay to determine spatially variable resiliency to climate change impacts, and because mangroves are varied in type and geographical location, these systems are good models for understanding such interactions at different scales. Sea level rise is likely to influence mangroves in all regions although local impacts are likely to be more varied. Changes in the frequency and intensity of storminess are likely to have a greater impact on N and Central America, Asia, Australia, and East Africa than West Africa and S. America. This review also highlights the numerous geographical knowledge gaps of climate change impacts, with some regions particularly understudied (e.g., Africa and the Middle East). While there has been a recent drive to address these knowledge gaps especially in South America and Asia, further research is required to allow researchers to tease apart the processes that influence both vulnerability and resilience to climate change. A more globally representative view of mangroves would allow us to better understand the importance of mangrove type and landscape setting in determining system resiliency to future climate change.
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Across their range, mangroves are responding to coastal environmental change. However, separating the influence of human activities from natural events and processes (including that associated with climatic fluctuation) is often difficult. In the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia (Leichhardt, Nicholson, Mornington Inlet, and Flinders River catchments), changes in mangroves are assumed to be the result of natural drivers as human impacts are minimal. By comparing classifications from time series of Landsat sensor data for the period 1987-2014, mangroves were observed to have extended seawards by up to 1.9 km (perpendicular to the coastline), with inland intrusion occurring along many of the rivers and rivulets in the tidal reaches. Seaward expansion was particularly evident near the mouth of the Leichhardt River, and was associated with peaks in river discharge with LiDAR data indicating distinct structural zones developing following each large rainfall and discharge event. However, along the Gulf coast, and particularly within the Mornington Inlet catchment, the expansion was more gradual and linked to inundation and regular sediment supply through freshwater input. Landward expansion along the Mornington Inlet catchment was attributed to the combined effects of sea level rise and prolonged periods of tidal and freshwater inundation on coastal lowlands. The study concluded that increased amounts of rainfall and associated flooding and sea level rise were responsible for recent seaward and landward extension of mangroves in this region.
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We synthesize insights from current understanding of drought impacts at stand-to-biogeographic scales, including management options, and we identify challenges to be addressed with new research. Large stand-level shifts underway in western forests already are showing the importance of interactions involving drought, insects, and fire. Diebacks, changes in composition and structure, and shifting range limits are widely observed. In the eastern US, the effects of increasing drought are becoming better understood at the level of individual trees, but this knowledge cannot yet be confidently translated to predictions of changing structure and diversity of forest stands. While eastern forests have not experienced the types of changes seen in western forests in recent decades, they too are vulnerable to drought and could experience significant changes with increased severity, frequency, or duration in drought. Throughout the continental United States, the combination of projected large climate-induced shifts in suitable habitat from modeling studies and limited potential for the rapid migration of tree populations suggests that changing tree and forest biogeography could substantially lag habitat shifts already underway. Forest management practices can partially ameliorate drought impacts through reductions in stand density, selection of drought-tolerant species and genotypes, artificial regeneration, and the development of multistructured stands. However, silvicultural treatments also could exacerbate drought impacts unless implemented with careful attention to site and stand characteristics. Gaps in our understanding should motivate new research on the effects of interactions involving climate and other species at the stand scale and how interactions and multiple responses are represented in models. This assessment indicates that, without a stronger empirical basis for drought impacts at the stand scale, more complex models may provide limited guidance.
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Mangrove ecosystems are threatened by climate change. We review the state of knowledge of mangrove vulnerability and responses to predicted climate change and consider adaptation options. Based on available evidence, of all the climate change outcomes, relative sea-level rise may be the greatest threat to mangroves. Most mangrove sediment surface elevations are not keeping pace with sea-level rise, although longer term studies from a larger number of regions are needed. Rising sea-level will have the greatest impact on mangroves experiencing net lowering in sediment elevation, where there is limited area for landward migration. The Pacific Islands mangroves have been demonstrated to be at high risk of substantial reductions. There is less certainty over other climate change outcomes and mangrove responses. More research is needed on assessment methods and standard indicators of change in response to effects from climate change, while regional monitoring networks are needed to observe these responses to enable educated adaptation. Adaptation measures can offset anticipated mangrove losses and improve resistance and resilience to climate change. Coastal planning can adapt to facilitate mangrove migration with sea-level rise. Management of activities within the catchment that affect long-term trends in the mangrove sediment elevation, better management of other stressors on mangroves, rehabilitation of degraded mangrove areas, and increases in systems of strategically designed protected area networks that include mangroves and functionally linked ecosystems through representation, replication and refugia, are additional adaptation options.
Mangrove tidal wetland habitats are recognized as highly vulnerable to large and chronic oil spills. This review of current literature and public databases covers the last 6 decades, summarising global data on oil spill incidents affecting, or likely to have affected, mangrove habitat. Over this period, there have been at least 238 notable oil spills along mangrove shorelines worldwide. In total, at least 5.5 million tonnes of oil has been released into mangrove-lined, coastal waters, oiling possibly up to around 1.94 million ha of mangrove habitat, and killing at least 126,000 ha of mangrove vegetation since 1958. However, there were assessment limitations with incomplete and unavailable data, as well as unequal coverage across world regions. To redress the gaps described here in reporting on oil spill impacts on mangroves and their recovery worldwide, a number of recommendations and suggestions are made for refreshing and updating standard operational procedures for responders, managers and researchers alike.
Sea-level rise can threaten the long-term sustainability of coastal communities and valuable ecosystems such as coral reefs, salt marshes and mangroves. Mangrove forests have the capacity to keep pace with sea-level rise and to avoid inundation through vertical accretion of sediments, which allows them to maintain wetland soil elevations suitable for plant growth. The Indo-Pacific region holds most of the world's mangrove forests, but sediment delivery in this region is declining, owing to anthropogenic activities such as damming of rivers. This decline is of particular concern because the Indo-Pacific region is expected to have variable, but high, rates of future sea-level rise. Here we analyse recent trends in mangrove surface elevation changes across the Indo-Pacific region using data from a network of surface elevation table instruments. We find that sediment availability can enable mangrove forests to maintain rates of soil-surface elevation gain that match or exceed that of sea-level rise, but for 69 per cent of our study sites the current rate of sea-level rise exceeded the soil surface elevation gain. We also present a model based on our field data, which suggests that mangrove forests at sites with low tidal range and low sediment supply could be submerged as early as 2070.