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Wetten über die Zukunft von Lernmaterialien



Aus dem Wettverhalten, so die Erfahrung bei Sportwetten und Präsidentschaftswahlen, lassen sich relative gute Vorhersagen für den Ausgang von Sportereignissen und Wahlen ableiten. In diesem Beitrag wird das Konzept und Erfahrungen mit einer Live-Wette beschrieben, bei der Expertinnen und Experten auf kurzfristige Entwicklungen im Bereich der Lern- und Lehrmaterialien wetten. Der Beitrag schließt mit Empfehlungen für Nachahmer/innen.
 !"#$"#%&'(&)
+) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*
*) ,#-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*
%) C6#$)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B
4) 3)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))D
:) C5E )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+;
Draft - originally published in: Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2017) Wetten über die Zukunft von Lernmaterialien. „Trendy, hip und cool“: Auf dem
Weg zu einer innovativen Hochschule?. Bücker, D., Dander, V., Gumpert, A., Hofhues, S., Lucke, U., Rau, F., Rohland, H., Van Treeck, T.
(Hrsg.). W. Bertelsmann Verlag. Bielefeld. S. 33-44. ISBN 978-3-7639-5790-3
3  E#)6 ( 9
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2.1. Konzept „L3T’s bet!“ im Überblick
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 :@ *;@ *;@ :@
 +;2 4;2 4;2 +;2
  F   # 3  @F M    
H ?F +*  +D L   @A   R  ) K W
  <M<9)$ 1# 
2.2. Zuordnung zum Ansatz der Prognosemärkte
.207 .#$ 089LF39)
   9 .0   Q$   
L0F . K0F .C L0F .6 K0F .69  L0  .K
N   2  F     M
9 F >  E 7*;++8  ,J$) H   
9L  7))\$F*;;B85$ 
$ ) C  3    $  9   7C##-8
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H  H  (<     $ 2
, )9&F
   L W #F     Q )  9 M
( 29  W  $ (   2) 3   
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   W 2-E9  7L-8 K  > 
  9   ## 2 F    Q 
]#$ 9)  M) K   W F  9   
K  C  2   9M   
 9 $  & 99)   F G
(  \   3  9 F 9 
 $ 7) 4; 28=  ### 
CE99)  K$ 2#"F ))  2
 (#  3   Q  C  ]#$ ) 
   >  LMF  3  ]-2  #
9        2 ) C 9  K 
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  9F     9) 6    2
9W 9 7#I89F  9 
3    2       $ 
2.3. Konzeptionelle Besonderheiten des Verfahrens und Überlegungen
-    M    3  (  "#<  
    @AF        $  ) ( 
C  3F    $)C
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6 N  2    $ $   Q# 
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29 JE$9.\90F LF
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2  L  9 & ) C 9 %Z
2  >99    & 7 +;   *;8
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A    9 0 7> [ EF *;+;F E) %B8) E  F   
 9  ! 9    !   &   #
LA   $ #F      $  L#
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9F   )CMF
L  F $    9) ]   3
 9  >99  #  7) ()   2 
299  9J 9 . L0
5 C  Q  3F     2#$  9
F 9  2 M) 3 E9 7*;;48    $F   
  &<  2  7) CAF *;;D85  3  L 
F       #9    C =
) C (  F M    2#$F    >
6$     L )      F 
2 9   >  F    W  - 
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  9 (= 5 C  H  "#< M  
9F      $ F     
 EI  K 9) C    N  \9F  [ 9
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9  2 9 \9F  [ 9 7*;;Z8  9 MG
J 2F    7  ?);;; L   8 )
C 9   6$   LF #9 C 
(MF  H9   KF L-3-M )  
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C     9 "#    
2# KF  78 9F&<  
    #  )  E       K
9F  )()  .0  9 9)   F     G
N  9    3   YF    
    2 #) E-E )) 7*;;48 
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#   7E-E ))F *;;4F*:;8)    9 ))
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7(    9)#2  E8 F 
 L$$ ) # M 7      8) C  
H     9  9      E# 
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3  7  F *;;B8F 9 9 )N)  O 
3 M 78F      9 ) C 9 
F  9 3  O   M 79  #9 
E#9K8FW$@:2)  MF
 3         M)   
MF&M) $  
     LM   7)() 9   
 2#  2 M F  M W$  9F   
  F97+;;X8W$M)(#9
9.69   %;)D) L9R0 9)
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Event study methodology is a powerful procedure to quantify the impact of events and managerial decisions such as new product announcements on the value of a publicly traded company. However, for many events, appropriate financial data may not be available, either because suitable securities are not traded on financial markets or confounding effects limit the insights from financial data. In such instances, prediction markets could potentially provide the necessary data for an event study. Prediction markets are electronic markets where participants can trade stocks whose prices reflect the outcome of future events, e.g. election outcomes, sports results, new product sales or internal project deadlines. One key distinction between different prediction market applications is whether they require real money investments or play-money investment with non-monetary incentives for traders. Thus, the goal of this paper is to compare prediction markets' ability to conduct event studies with respect to these two different incentive schemes. We empirically test the applicability of event study methodology in real-money vs. play-money prediction markets with two data sets. We show that event studies with prediction markets deliver robust and valid results with both incentive schemes.
Prediction markets are viewed as the most accurate instrument for collective forecasts. However, empirical studies, mostly based on political elections, deliver mixed results. An experimental study was conducted to avoid certain biases and problems and to better control conditions of eliciting information from individuals. One typical problem is for example comparing prediction markets that focus on judging the public opinion in the future with polls asking for individual election preferences at a certain point of time. Therefore, our study compared forecast accuracy between prediction markets and a simple survey for the same forecasting item. The results showed roughly the same accuracy for all employed methods with the survey delivering slightly better results at lower costs, which was surprising. The experiments demonstrated also that it is possible to gain highly accurate forecasts with a relatively small number of participants (6-17) taking part continuously.
The main objective of this research is to design and operate a prediction market inside an R&D community, to assess the emergence and the evolution of mobile technologies. To support this research, we iteratively developed and evaluated several prototypes. We intend to demonstrate the successful use of prediction markets for predicting the impact of a research activity. Furthermore, following a design science paradigm, we illustrate the design of our artifacts using build-and-evaluate loops supported with a field study, which consisted in operating the prediction markets in different settings.
While there has been a lot of discussion about prediction markets, including several articles in Foresight, the empirical record of their use in corporations (CPM) is meager, with hardly a handful of cases published. Robert and Ramona look at the track record of CPM with a skeptical eye, pointing out a number of difficulties that stand in the way of corporate implementation of a prediction market. Understanding these will give insight into what managers should avoid and what they should look for in order to bring about a successful CPM. Copyright International Institute of Forecasters, 2011
In the last three years, Google has conducted the largest corporate experiment with prediction markets we are aware of. In this paper, we illustrate how markets can be used to study how an organization processes information. We document a number of biases in Google’s markets, most notably an optimistic bias. Newly hired employees are on the optimistic side of these markets, and optimistic biases are significantly more pronounced on days when Google stock is appreciating. We find correlated trading among employees who sit within a few feet of one another and employees with social or work relationships. The results are interesting in light of recent research on the role of optimism in entrepreneurial firms, as well as recent work on the importance of geographic and social proximity in explaining information flows in firms and markets.
This paper discusses a series of prediction markets created and operated in the summer of 2006 to measure calibration and behaviour of small-scale prediction markets. The research finds that small markets are very well calibrated and determines a potential minimum threshold of participation to ensure well-calibrated results. The results also established the markets as very efficient at predicting small probabilities. Behavioural aspects of markets are also examined. Trader behavioural types are assessed and categorised; while a small group of traders were extremely active, over half of all traders rarely traded. Market manipulation is examined and found to be occasionally effective, though only in very small markets. Finally, incentives to trade are discussed; these markets were effective with no incentives for trading at all.
The results of recent studies on prediction markets are encouraging. Prior experience demonstrates that markets with different incentive schemes predicted uncertain future events remarkably accurately. In this paper, we study the impact of different monetary incentives on prediction accuracy in a field experiment. In order to do so, we compare three groups of traders, corresponding to three treatments with different payment schemes, in a prediction market for the FIFA World Cup 2006. Somewhat surprisingly, our results show that performance-related payment schemes do not necessarily increase the prediction accuracy. Due to the risk aversion of traders the competitive environment in a rank-order tournament leads to the best results in terms of prediction accuracy.
While prediction markets have attracted considerable attention as potential forecasting systems, very little has been written about the challenges of implementing them. Carol addresses this need here, making her case that successful implementation requires predictions worth making, an active community of participants, and real reward incentives for participating. Copyright International Institute of Forecasters, 2008