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Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Kesten C. Green,* Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
Phone +61-3-990-55438
J. Scott Armstrong, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone 610-622-6480
Fax 215-898-2534
October 14, 2006
* Corresponding author. Address correspondence to e-mail address or to Department of
Econometrics and Business Statistics, PO Box 11E, Monash University, Victoria 3800,
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
People often use analogies when forecasting, but in an unstructured manner. We propose a
structured judgmental procedure whereby experts list analogies, rate similarity to the target,
and match outcomes with possible target outcomes. An administrator would then derive a
forecast from the information. When predicting decisions made in eight conflict situations,
unaided experts’ forecasts were little better than chance at 32% accurate. In contrast, 46%
of structured-analogies forecasts were accurate. Among experts who were able to think of
two or more analogies and who had direct experience with their closest analogy, 60% of
forecasts were accurate. Collaboration did not help.
Key words: availability, case-based reasoning, comparison, decision, method.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
It seems natural to use analogies when making decisions or forecasts as, by definition, they
contain information about how people have behaved in similar situations in the past. One
researcher asserted that “…we may explain human behavior by assuming that decisions are
made by analogy with previous cases…” (Kokinov 2003, p. 168). Further, the use of
analogies is not a recent phenomenon; for example, analogies were commonly used for
economic and business forecasting in the 1930s and their use was described in text books of
the time (Goldfarb et al. 2005).
More recently, the use of analogies has become a popular solution to the problem of
predicting the cost of software development projects. In a field study of 598 organizations,
61% of those who reported forecasting the cost of software projects kept data on previous
projects and predicted the cost of new projects by analogy (Heemstra 1992). A Google
search using the term “software cost estimation” on February 8, 2006 yielded about 58,200
sites. Since the mid-1970s, one business has been collecting data on software projects for
the purpose of helping others make predictions (Myers 1989).
We expected that analogies would be useful in forecasting decisions in conflict situations
because analogies provide useful information for situations that are quite difficult to
forecast. This is a common belief. Khong (1992) concluded that most of the decisions made
early in the Vietnam War were based on forecasts derived from analogies. Breuning (2003)
found that one-third of testimony at the Senate hearing on proposals for the first U.S.
program for development aid was based on analogies. In the belief that analogical
information is useful, conflict management researchers have compiled databases. For
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
example, MIT professor Lincoln P. Bloomfield has assembled a historical database of post–
World War II conflicts ( in order to help policy analysts and others
identify appropriate analogies.
Kahneman and Lovallo (1993) reported an anecdote that illustrates how inducing an expert
to use analogies in a structured way can affect predictions. Kahneman had worked with a
small team of academics to design a new judgmental decision making curriculum for Israeli
high schools. He asked each team member to predict the number of months it would take
them to prepare a draft for the Ministry of Education. Predictions ranged from 18 to 30
months. Kahneman then turned to a member of the team who had considerable experience
developing new curricula and asked him to think of analogous projects. After some
consideration, the man stated that, among the many analogous situations he could recall,
about 40% of the teams eventually gave up. Of those that completed the task, he said, none
did so in less than seven years. Furthermore, he thought that the present team was probably
below average in terms of resources and potential. In the event, the project took eight years
to complete.
We agree that information about analogies should be useful for forecasting. In some
situations, such as when a real estate agent recommends a selling price for your house or a
car salesman sets the price for a second-hand Honda, the informal use of analogies is likely
to provide useful forecasts. We suspect, however, that in many situations people will often
choose inferior analogies if they do not use a structured approach. As suggested by the
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
availability heuristic (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973), people will tend to choose analogies
that are easy for them to recall. Furthermore, analogies that are easy to recall are likely to
be those that confirm their beliefs. In other, words, the use of analogies is subject to biases.
For example, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved a new oil refinery
in Eastport, Maine, decision makers relied on the analogy of Milford Haven in the U.K
(Stewart and Leschine, 1986). The EPA decision makers considered Milford Haven was the
most comparable site, and looked no further, but Stewart and Leschine observed that
Milford Haven had not been in operation long enough to provide evidence that it was safe.
They were right. The supertanker Sea Empress ran aground near Milford Haven on 15
February, 1996, spilling 70,000 metric tons of crude oil (Canada Centre for Remote
Sensing, 1996).
Neustadt and May (1986) described how inappropriate selection and inadequate analysis of
analogies led U.S. government decision makers to make poor forecasts of the decisions of
other governments’ leaders. Drawing on their litany of poor decisions by political leaders,
they described a structured approach to analyzing current and historical information that
they suggested should lead to a more effective use of experts’ knowledge and hence to
improved prediction. For example they suggested examining similarities and differences
between analogies and the target situation.
Research in many areas of judgmental decision making and forecasting has shown that
structured judgmental processes make more effective use of the information that people
possess. This occurs, for example, when people are asked explicitly to decompose a
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
problem (MacGregor, 2001). More generally, Armstrong (1985, Chapter 6) summarized
evidence that structured methods of judgmental forecasting are more accurate than
unstructured ones. A structured approach to forecasting with analogies, then, might
encourage experts to consider more information on analogies, and to process it in an
effective way. Although we did not study this, we expect that experts using their unaided
judgment often make forecasts then search for analogies to support them.
We propose that analogies will only improve accuracy when an objective process is used
for their identification and analysis. In order to test our principal hypothesis we examined
the predictive validity of a structured use of analogies for forecasting decisions in conflicts.
This is a difficult forecasting task: Prior research has shown that the method currently used,
unaided judgment, produces inaccurate forecasts (see, for example, Green and Armstrong
2006). We hypothesized that forecasts derived from experts’ structured analysis of
analogies would be more accurate than forecasts by experts who used their unaided
Prior evidence
We searched for evidence on methods for forecasting with analogies. Schrodt (2002)
searched for empirical evidence on the accuracy of forecasts for decisions in conflicts in the
foreign policy arena. He found no evidence on the accuracy of forecasts based on analogies
relative to that of forecasts based on any other method.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
In a marketing study, McIntyre et al. (1993) tested a procedure called case-based reasoning,
which is a way to structure analogies, for forecasting sales during sales promotions. When
tested on two products, the forecasts were no more accurate than those of an expert buyer.
Shepperd and Schofield (1997) compared forecasts of software development cost from
analogies with forecasts from models estimated using stepwise regression. The completion
costs of historical cases most similar to the target were averaged to provide analogies
forecasts. The analogies forecasts were more accurate on the basis of mean absolute
percentage errors (MAPEs) for all nine datasets they used. The software that the authors’
used to derive the analogies forecasts is available at
Using similar procedures to Shepperd and Schofield (1997), Angelis and Stamelos (2000)
found that analogies forecasts were somewhat more accurate for one data set but were
markedly less accurate for a second. The authors suggested that where there is sufficient
data and strong relationships, regression models are likely to outperform analogy methods.
Comparability analysis is a procedure developed by the US Air Force for forecasting by
analyzing analogous data. In a study on attendance at a small-town boutique movie theatre,
Klein (1998) compared the accuracy of forecasts of attendance at 35 movies from
comparability analysis with the accuracy of the theatre manager manager’s forecasts and
with the accuracy of the median forecasts of 17 locals. The correlations between the
forecasts and actual attendance were, respectively, 0.45, 0.31, and 0.17.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
We conducted a further search for evidence by using the Social Sciences Citation Index
(SSCI) for the period 1978 to August 24, 2004 using the terms “analogies” and
“forecasting,” and then “analogies” and “prediction.” We searched the Internet on August
24, 2004 using Google™ and the terms “comparative”, “forecasting,” “prediction,”
“accuracy,” and “analogies”. We conducted similar searches on JSTOR. In November
2001, we sent e-mail appeals to the 278 members of the International Institute of
Forecasters list server and to the 579 members of the Judgment and Decision Making
mailing list. We also contacted key researchers. The only relevant study we uncovered was
Buehler et al.’s (1994). They asked 123 participants to estimate how long it would take to
complete a computer assignment. Their predictions, made using unaided judgment, were
inaccurate and overly optimistic. Predictions by participants who had been asked to think of
analogous situations were less biased, especially when they described how the analogies
related to the assignment. In particular, unrealistic optimism was reduced substantially.
While modest, prior research shows that the use of analogies can provide some
improvement in accuracy relative to the accuracy of forecasts from other methods. Little,
however, has been done to identify how the use of analogies might be most effectively
structured and under what conditions their use is most beneficial.
Procedure for forecasting with structured analogies
Experts often have useful information about analogies, but they process it in ways that are
subject to biases. This is especially likely for emotionally charged topics. Thus, we
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
expected that a structured process could substantially improve the use of experts’
information and thereby improve the accuracy of forecasts.
Our structured approach to using analogies for forecasting requires experts to identify
analogies and their outcomes, and to assess the analogies’ similarity to the target in a
structured way. The procedure involves five steps: First, the administrator (1) describes the
target situation, and (2) selects experts; the experts each (3) identify and describe analogies,
and (4) rate similarity; the administrator (5) derives forecasts.
(1) Describe the target situation
The administrator prepares an accurate, comprehensive, and brief description. To do so, the
administrator should seek advice either from unbiased experts or from experts with
opposing biases. When feasible, include a list of possible outcomes for the target situation
to make coding easier.
(2) Select experts
The administrator recruits experts who are likely to know about situations that are similar
to the target situation. The administrator should decide how many experts to recruit based
on how much knowledge they have about analogous situations, the variability in responses
among experts, and the importance of obtaining accurate forecasts. Drawing upon the
research on the desirable number of forecasts to combine, we suggest enlisting the help of
at least five experts (Armstrong, 2001).
(3) Identify and describe analogies
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Ask the experts to describe as many analogies as they can without considering the extent of
the similarity to the target situation.
(4) Rate similarity
Ask the experts to list similarities and differences between their analogies and the target
situation, and then to rate the similarity of each analogy to the target. We suggest providing
a scale against which the experts can rate the similarity of their analogies. Ask them to
match their analogies’ outcomes with target outcomes.
(5) Derive forecasts
To promote logical consistency and replicability, the administrator should decide on the
rules to derive a forecast from experts’ analogies. Many rules are reasonable to use. For
example, one could select the analogy that the expert rated as most similar to the target and
adopt the outcome implied by that analogy as the forecast.
Our structured analogies procedure is based on the assumption that while unaided experts
can provide useful information, they are not good at processing complex information
reliably. For that reason, we did not rely on the experts to make forecasts but instead used a
rule. On the other hand, perhaps experts’ understanding of their own analogies might
enable them to forecast more accurately than we could by using rules. To test this aspect of
our procedure, we asked our experts to predict the decision made in the target situation after
they had described and rated their analogies.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Does it help if experts collaborate and discuss analogies with others? Collaboration could
help experts to produce more analogies and flesh out the details, or it could hinder them by
suppressing their creativity and search. Both positions are reasonable, so we had no prior
hypothesis on collaboration. We asked some experts to collaborate with others, and all
experts were asked to report the number of people they discussed the forecasting problem
Procedures used for the study
Preparing materials
We compiled descriptions of conflicts, including brief descriptions of the roles of the
parties involved in the conflict. The conflict descriptions were accounts of real situations.
We abstracted all but one (Personal Grievance) from mass media reports or experts’
accounts. The lead author developed the Personal Grievance from information collected in
interviews and from exchanges of e-mail messages with the parties involved in the dispute.
In the case of Nurses Dispute, he gathered information from published sources (Langdon,
2000a, 2000b, 2000c, Radio New Zealand, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c) and by interviewing
representatives of the two disputant parties. When we considered it necessary, we disguised
the conflicts that had already occurred to reduce the chance that our participants would
know the outcomes. As a precaution, we asked our experts whether they recognized the
situations. In eight cases, experts correctly identified a conflict, and their responses were
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
In all, we used eight conflict situations in our research. We provided between three and six
possible outcome options for each of them (Table 1). Our descriptions were short, running
to no more than two pages. The full descriptions are provided at
[For reviewers, descriptions are attached as Reviewer Appendix 1 and outcome options as
Reviewer Appendix 2.] The materials, identity of the disguised conflicts, and descriptions
of actual outcomes are available to researchers on request.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Table 1
Conflict Situations
Artists protest: Members of a rich nation’s artists’ union occupied a major gallery and demanded generous
financial support from their government. What will be the final resolution of the artists’ sit-in? (6 options)
Distribution channel: An appliance manufacturer proposed to a supermarket chain a novel arrangement for
retailing its wares. Will the management of the supermarket chain agree to the plan? (3 options)
55% Pay plan: Professional sports players demanded a 55% share of gross revenues and threatened to go on
strike if the owners didn’t concede. Will there be a strike and, if so, how long will it last? (4 options)
Nurses dispute: Angry nurses increased their pay demand and threatened more strike action after specialist
nurses and junior doctors received big increases. What will the outcome of their negotiations be? (3 options)
Personal grievance: An employee demanded a meeting with a mediator when her job was downgraded after
her new manager re-evaluated it. What will be the outcome of the meeting? (4 options)
Telco takeover: An acquisitive telecommunications provider, after rejecting a seller’s mobile business offer,
made a hostile bid for the corporation. How will the standoff between the companies be resolved? (4 options)
Water dispute: Troops from neighboring nations moved to their common border, and the downstream nation
threatened to bomb the upstream nation’s new dam. Will the upstream neighbor agree to release additional
water and, if not, how will the downstream nation’s government respond? (3 options)
Zenith investment: Under political pressure, a large manufacturer evaluated an investment in expensive new
technology. How many new manufacturing plants will it decide to commission? (3 options)
Selecting experts
To select experts, we sent e-mail messages to ten public list servers, two organizations’ e-
mail lists, the faculty of a university political science department, and a convenience
sample of 15 experts. We chose lists that were likely to include high proportions of experts
on conflicts or on judgmental forecasting. We took additional steps to ensure people were
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
suitably qualified for these tasks. In our appeals, which were personalized when possible,
the lead author wrote “I am writing to you because you are an expert…” and “I am engaged
in a research project on the accuracy of different methods for predicting the outcomes of
conflicts…” (Appendix A). We sent only descriptions of conflicts that were likely to be
relevant to the particular recipients. For example, we did not send a situation dealing with a
proposed new marketing channel to experts in employment relationship disputes. Most
importantly, we counted on people to recognize when they had expertise on a topic and we
asked them about their experience.
We sent as many as three reminders. Details of the lists and participation are provided at [For the purpose of review, the details are attached as Reviewer
Appendix 3.]
Using the methods
In our e-mail appeal, we gave experts instructions on how to participate (Appendix A). For
structured-analogies participants, our one-page questionnaires asked the experts to (1)
describe each analogous situation; (2) describe their source of knowledge about it; (3) list
similarities and differences compared to the target conflict; and (4) provide an overall
similarity rating (where 0 = no similarity… 5 = similar…10 = high similarity). Finally, we
asked the experts to select (from a list of possible outcomes that we prepared for each target
conflict) the outcome closest to the outcome of their analogy. To illustrate, a completed
structured-analogies treatment questionnaire for one of the conflicts, Telco Takeover is
provided as Appendix B.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Questionnaires for unaided-judgment participants first asked them to select the outcome
they thought would occur. We gave them the same lists of possible outcomes that we gave
to the structured-analogies participants.
We varied the order in which we attached the conflict documents to our e-mail appeals. To
test our hypotheses, with our appeals we sought responses for each of the following
1. unaided judgment (no instructions on how to forecast) without collaboration,
2. unaided judgment with collaboration,
3. structured analogies without collaboration,
4. structured analogies with collaboration.
For our first appeal, we sent equal numbers of each treatment to members of the
International Association of Conflict Management mailing list. The structured-analogies
and collaboration treatments were more onerous for participants than unaided judgment, so
we obtained relatively few responses for those treatments. As a consequence, in most of our
subsequent appeals we sought responses for structured analogies with collaboration.
Finally, we sought responses for combinations of conflict and treatment for which we
needed more forecasts. Because we were seeking participants for their expertise, rather than
as part of a representative sample of some larger group, random assignment to treatments
was unnecessary. The form of collaboration was at the discretion of the participants.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Coding responses
We obtained two groups of unaided-judgment forecasts from experts. One was from the
unaided-judgment treatment (62 forecasts), and the other from experts who were asked to
use structured analogies but could think of no analogies (44 forecasts). We analyzed results
separately for each group and the forecasts were similar; the latter group’s being somewhat
more accurate. We combined the two groups under the title “unaided judgment” for our
analyses, reasoning that neither of these groups used structured analyses and that our action
favored unaided judgment relative to the structured analogies method.
For each conflict, we derived a structured-analogies forecast from each expert’s analogy
information, where the information was available. It is trivial to derive a forecast from
analogies information when an expert provides a single analogy. On the other hand, many
mechanical schemes could be used to derive a forecast when an expert provides
information on more than one analogy. To obtain a forecast, we selected the target conflict
outcome implied by the analogy given the highest similarity rating by the expert. Our
reasoning was that predictive validity should increase with relative similarity. Where there
was a tie, we selected the outcome that had the most support from the expert’s analysis of
analogies. (Details on the rules for determining support are provided at [For the purpose of review, details of the rules are attached as
Reviewer Appendix 4.] Given our uncertainties about the best procedure, we subsequently
analyzed other mechanical schemes.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
We asked a convenience sample of five people who knew the actual outcomes of the
conflicts to rate the outcome options we provided to the research participants. The raters
were told that an option that matched the actual outcome of a conflict should be given a
rating of 10. Forecasts were counted as accurate if the outcome option chosen by our rule
was the option that had been given the highest median rating by our raters. Outcome
options were unconditional statements of decisions and did not specify timing, for example,
“Expander’s takeover succeeded at, or close to, their August 14 offer price of $43-per-
As Tetlock (1999) demonstrated, it is difficult for experts to forecast decisions made in
conflicts situations. He found that forecasts by 20 experts of the outcomes of foreign-policy
conflicts were no more accurate than could be expected from chance. Our results were
similar. Our 66 unaided experts were correct for 32% of predictions in an unweighted
average across the eight conflicts (Table 2).
As we hypothesized, forecasts from structured analogies were more accurate. They were
more accurate for seven of the eight conflicts. Averaging the accuracy figures across the
conflicts, structured-analogies forecasts were 46% accurate. We used the permutation test
for paired replicates to compare the differences in the percentage of correct forecasts
between the two methods for each conflict (e.g., for Artists Protest, the difference between
structured analogies and unaided judgment was 17%) and found the differences were
unlikely to have arisen by chance (P = 0.04, one-tailed permutation test for paired
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
replicates; Siegel and Castellan, 1988). Viewed another way, structured analogies reduced
the average forecast error by 21% compared to unaided judgment forecasts (where forecast
error is the percentage of forecasts that were wrong)1.
Table 2
Accuracy of structured-analogies
and unaided-judgment forecasts by experts
Percent correct forecasts a (number of forecasts)
Telco Takeover
Artists Protest
55% Pay Plan
Personal Grievance
Zenith Investment
Distribution Channel
Water Dispute
Nurses Dispute
Averages (unweighted)
a Bold figures denote the most accurate forecasts for each conflict, and overall.
1 We calculate average error reduction figures as {(100 – AC) – (100 – AX)} / (100 – AC) * 100,
where AC is the unweighted average percentage accuracy across conflicts of the comparison
forecasts (or chance) and AX is the corresponding figure for the forecasts of interest.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Value of experts’ experience
We tested whether structured-analogies forecasts were more accurate when they came from
experts with more experience than when from those with less. We used two measures: (1)
we asked our experts how many years experience they had as “a conflict management
specialist,” and (2) we asked them to rate their experience (on a scale from 0 to 10) with
situations similar to the target conflict.
Structured-analogies forecasts from experts with five or more years experience as conflict
management specialists were less accurate (average across conflicts) with 21% error
reduction compared to chance, than those with less experience (26% error reduction).
Furthermore, where experts gave high ratings to their experience with similar conflicts their
forecasts were less accurate (16% error reduction) than where they gave themselves lower
ratings (31%). Our findings suggest that conventional measures of experience are not useful
for selecting experts for forecasting using structured analogies. It seems unreasonable to
suppose that experience harms forecast accuracy, but this is something that needs further
2 Initial results from an extension currently being undertaken with the intelligence community found that the
forecasts of middle-ranked reserve officers and trainees were less accurate than could have been achieved by
choosing a decision at random from the alternatives. We will continue to conduct research on the effect of
experience on forecast accuracy, as we find our results on the topic baffling.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Effect of number of analogies
We found that forecasts based on data from experts who could think of two or more (plural)
analogies were more accurate than those based on data from experts who recalled a single
analogy for six of the eight conflicts. Accuracy averaged 38% for forecasts derived from
single-analogy data, but 56% for those derived from plural-analogy data (P = 0.02, one-
tailed permutation test for paired replicates).
All else being equal, conflicts with more outcome options are more difficult to forecast than
those with fewer options. To control for this, we examined the reduction in error versus
chance. Forecasts based on recall of a single analogy reduced error by an average of 15%
compared to chance, while forecasts derived from plural analogies reduced error by 39%
(Table 3). The difference in error between single-analogy forecasts and plural-analogy
forecasts is P = 0.02 using the one-tailed permutation test for paired replicates. The error
was reduced by 42% versus chance by accepting data only from experts who described
three or more analogies. Thus the usefulness of an individual expert was related to the
number of analogies he described.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Table 3
Accuracy of forecasts by number of analogies
Percent error reduction versus chance a (number of forecasts)
None b
One only
Two or more
Telco Takeover
55% Pay Plan
Distribution Channel
Artists Protest
Personal Grievance
Water Dispute
Zenith Investment
Nurses Dispute
Average error reduction
Average % correct
a Bold figures denote the most accurate forecasts for each conflict, and overall.
b Forecasts from experts we asked to use the structured-analogies method, who
were unable to think of analogies. We classified these forecasts as unaided-
judgment forecasts in all our other analyses.
Effect of experts’ familiarity with their analogies
We expected that the information experts provided would be more useful the more closely
involved they had been in the analogous situations they identified, because they would be
likely to know more about the situations. For example, someone who was an adult during
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
the Vietnam War is likely to know more about that situation than someone born since, and
someone who fought in the war is likely to know more again. To examine this, we
identified forecasts that had been based on analogies from either experts’ own experiences
(45) or that of close others (5 forecasts based on the experiences of, for example, a wife or
brother-in-law). In an unweighted average across the eight conflicts, these direct-experience
forecasts were more accurate (49%) than the 45 forecasts based on analogies from third-
party accounts (37%); P = 0.07, one-tailed permutation test for paired replicates. Viewed
another way, the forecasts based on analogies from experiences close to experts reduced the
average error across conflicts by 31% (compared to chance) while forecasts that were based
on indirect experience provided only 13% error reduction.
Familiarity and plural analogies
The ideal situation when forecasting with structured analogies is to find experts who can
think of many analogies with which they have had direct experience. When our experts
were able to think of two or more analogies and they had direct experience with the
analogy that was most similar to the target, structured-analogies forecasts were 60%
accurate (23 forecasts). In other cases, 72 forecasts were 39% accurate (P = 0.04, one-tailed
permutation test for paired replicates).
Mechanical schemes to derive forecasts
We wondered whether experts who had used the structured analogies process then provided
forecasts that were more accurate than unaided experts. They did. Their predictions were on
average 42% accurate (94 forecasts) compared to 32% for unaided-judgment forecasts (P =
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
0.06, one-tailed permutation test for paired replicates). As we anticipated, however, a
structured mechanical process was more effective for deriving forecasts from the experts’
analogies information than experts’ own judgments. As we have seen, structured-analogies
forecasts were 46% accurate. Why the difference when experts derived their own forecasts?
Analogies are only useful if they are used. In 22 cases, experts made forecasts that were
inconsistent with the outcomes of their own analogies; of these, 25% were accurate. When
the mechanical rule was used to derive forecasts from these experts’ analogies, 45% were
When experts thought of more that one analogy, our mechanical scheme did not use all of
the analogical information to make predictions. We tested four alternative approaches in
order to determine whether we would improve accuracy further if we derived combined
forecasts from all of the 210 analogies with similarity ratings and implied decisions. For
example, if an expert provided information on three analogies, for the purpose of testing
our four combining alternatives we effectively derived three forecasts instead of the one we
would have derived using the structured analogies method.
For our first alternative, we used the outcome implied by the most analogies, and obtained
an average accuracy of 40% across all conflicts, compared to 46% for the approach we had
adopted. For the second, instead of assuming that the analogies were all of equal value as
we did for the first alternative, for each conflict we chose the option with the highest total
similarity rating as our forecast (39% accurate). For the third alternative, each expert’s
analogies were allocated to decision options in proportion to the option’s share of the sum
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
of the expert’s similarity ratings. The option allocated the most analogies weighted in this
way was our forecast for the conflict (40% accurate). The fourth alternative was like the
third, except that we weighted each expert’s analogies by the average similarity rating for
the option as a proportion of his total average similarity ratings (39% accurate). In sum, all
of these alternatives provided forecasts that were less accurate than those derived by
applying the mechanical scheme that we had specified prior to testing the accuracy of
structured analogies.
Effect of collaboration
While we had no directional hypothesis about collaboration, we analyzed the data to see
whether collaboration among experts was useful. When experts using structured analogies
collaborated with others, their median working time was 45 minutes compared to 30
minutes for those who worked alone. (We do not know how much time the collaborators
spent on the task, nor do we know the nature of their collaboration.) As it happened, those
who collaborated claimed to have had much more experience with conflict-management
(median of 14 years versus 5 years) and experience with similar conflicts (a median self-
rating of 4.0 out of 10, versus 2.8). Despite the greater investment of resources by more
knowledgeable experts, collaboration produced no gain in accuracy: forecasts from solo
experts were on average 44% accurate across conflicts (75 forecasts), compared to 42% for
forecasts by collaborating experts (22 forecasts).
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Given our findings, we saw no need to distinguish between solo and collaborative forecasts
in our analysis. In view of the time savings, we recommend that structured analogies be
done by individuals.
The structured analogies method is useful only in cases in which experts can think of
analogies. This limitation can be overcome in many situations by identifying people with
relevant expertise. While this may be difficult to know in advance of receiving their
structured analogies analysis, one can gauge people’s expertise from that analysis—i.e.
how many analogies did they provide and did they have direct experience with those
situations? Such an assessment of expertise can be made before knowing whether the
forecasts derived from their analogies are accurate.
Using structured analogies is more costly than using unaided judgment. However, relative
to the costs of making bad decisions in many conflict situations, such as selecting strategies
to achieve peace in the Middle East or to deal with threatening behavior by the North
Korean government, the costs are negligible.
Further research
Our conclusions are based on a sample of only eight situations and this is the first published
study on the use of structured analogies. One should be wary of little-replicated studies, as
the findings may turn out to be of limited applicability (Armstrong 2006). Our results seem
extreme to us and so we would like to see replications and extensions of the research to
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
identify conditions under which structured analogies fails and the conditions under which
the method is most effective. Research using additional situations would also help to better
assess how to improve the procedures.
More research needs to be done to develop the operational procedures for the method. For
example, what is the best way to frame the issues for the experts so that they provide more
and better analogies? Would a more structured approach to rating analogies’ similarity to a
target help administrators derive forecasts that were even more accurate? To what extent
might improvements in accuracy be obtained, in the case of well-documented analogies, by
checking the facts of the situation and correcting any errors in experts’ matching of analogy
outcomes with potential target outcomes?
It seems plausible that the Delphi technique could be used to improve assessments of
analogies’ similarity to a target, potentially increasing accuracy further at a low cost. Rowe
and Wright (2001) provide evidence on the value of Delphi, and software for implementing
of Delphi is provided at Experts’ confidence ratings may be
useful for weighting structured-analogies forecasts in a combination (Arkes, 2001).
We have examined conflict situations because of their importance and the difficulty of
obtaining useful forecasts. Structured analogies might also improve forecasting for
situations other than conflicts. We expect that it would be most useful where situations are
complex and where there are plural analogies.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Research is needed on how to encourage adoption of structured analogies. Currently,
people use unaided judgment, a method that is little better than chance, to decide whether to
go to war, get a divorce, make a hostile takeover bid, go on strike, or mount a competitive
pricing campaign. Better forecasts would aid decision making in such situations.
It is difficult to forecast decisions made in conflict situations. On average, unaided experts
were correct for only 32% of their predictions. This was little better than chance at 28%.
For our structured analogies method, the two key criteria for identifying an expert were the
number of analogies generated, and the presence of direct knowledge about those analogies.
When experts produced two or more analogies from experience, forecasts from structured
analogies were correct for 60% of the predictions. Given the importance of forecasts in
conflict situations and in other arenas, such improvement could have considerable benefits.
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Appendix A
E-mail message appeal and instructions: Structured analogies / collaboration
Subject: Using analogies to predict the outcomes of conflicts
Dear Dr _____________
I am writing to you because you are an expert on _____. I am engaged on a research project
on the accuracy of different methods for predicting decisions made in conflicts. At this
stage, I’m investigating the formal use of “analogies” for forecasting. That is, forecasting
on the basis of the outcomes of similar conflicts that are known to the forecaster.
What I would like you to do is to read the attached descriptions of some real (but disguised)
conflict situations and to predict the outcome of each conflict. If you can’t read the
attachments, please let me know and I’ll send the material in your preferred format if I’m
Each attached file contains a conflict description and a short questionnaire. Please follow
these steps for each conflict:
1/ Read the description and
2/ try to think of several analogous situations and
3/ about how similar your analogies are to the conflict.
4/ Fill-in the questionnaire (electronically if you can)
a) describe your analogies
b) rate your analogies
c) make your prediction (either pick an outcome or assign probabilities)
d) record the total time you spent on all tasks
e) return the questionnaire.
One of the objectives of this research is to assess the effect of collaboration on forecast
accuracy. You have been allocated to the collaboration treatment, so please do discuss these
forecasting problems with colleagues. Do not, however, discuss them with other people
who have received this material as I want independent responses from participants.
Although I intend to acknowledge the help of all of the people who assist with this
research, my report will not associate any prediction with any individual.
Your prompt response is very important to the successful completion of my project. Please
help me to prove the sceptics wrong about the level of cooperation I get!
Best regards,
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Appendix B
Telco Takeover Bid
1) (A) In the table below, please briefly describe
(i) your analogies,
(ii) their source (e.g. your own experience, media reports, history, literature, etc.), and
(iii) the main similarities and differences between your analogies and this situation.
(B) Rate analogies out of 10 (0 = no similarity… 5 = similar… 10 = high similarity).
(C) Enter the responses from question 2 (below) closest to the outcomes of your analogies.
(i) description, (ii) source, (iii) similarities & differences
a. Bank takeover Personal Issue same, industry different
b. Govt Agency merger Personal Takeover same, government, but
ordered takeover
c. Facility Merger Personal/family Combine similar operations
2) How was the standoff between Localville and Expander resolved? (check one ü, or %)
a. Expander’s takeover bid failed completely [__]
b. Expander purchased Localville’s mobile operation only [__]
c. Expander’s takeover succeeded at, or close to, their August 14 offer price of $43-per-share [X_]
d. Expander’s takeover succeeded at a substantial premium over the August 14 offer price [__]
3) If you have not given a prediction, please state your reasons:
4) Roughly, how long did you spend on this task?
{include the time you spent reading the description and instructions} [_1__] hours
5) How likely is it that taking more time would change your forecast?
{ 0 = almost no chance (1/100) … 10 = practically certain (99/100) } [_0_] 0-10
6) Do you recognise the actual conflict described in this file? Yes [__] No [X__]
If so, please identify it: [_________________________________________________]
7) How many people did you discuss this forecasting problem with? [_2___] people
8) Roughly, how many years experience do you have as a conflict management specialist? [20+] years
9) Please rate your experience (out of 10) with conflicts similar to this one [6____] 0-10
When you have completed this questionnaire, please return
either this document as an email attachment to…
or this questionnaire (with your initials at right) by fax to… Your initials: [_XYZ_]
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We thank the experts who participated in the research reported here. They included Roderic
Alley, Barry Anderson, Don Baker, Corrine Bendersky, Constant Beugre, Doug Bond,
Michelle Brackin, José Ramón Cancelo, Nihan Cini, David Cohen, Ike Damayanti, Serghei
Dascalu, Nikolay Dentchev, Ulas Doga Eralp, Miguel Dorado, Erkan Erdil, Jason Flello,
Paul Gaskin, Andrew Gawith, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Joshua Goldstein, David
Grimmond, George Haines, Claudia Hale, Ragnar Ingibergsson, Patrick James, Michael
Kanner, John Keltner, Daniel Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Oliver Koll, Rita Koryan, Talha
Köse, Tony Lewis, Zsuzsanna Lonti, Dina Beach Lynch, David Matz, Bill McLauchlan,
Kevin Mole, Ben Mollov, Robert Myrtle, W. Bruce Newman, Randall Newnham,
Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Glenn Palmer, Dean G. Pruitt, Perry Sadorsky, Greg Saltzman,
Amardeep Sandhu, Marlies Scott-Wenzel, Deborah Shmueli, Mike Smith, Marta
Somogyvári, Harris Sondak, Dana Tait, Scott Takacs, Dimitrios Thomakos, William
Thompson, Ailsa Turrell, Bryan Wadsworth, James Wall, Daniel Williams, Christine
Wright, Becky Zaino. We received useful comments from delegates at the 2003 and 2004
International Symposia on Forecasting and at the Institute of Mathematics and Its
Applications’ Conference on Conflict and Its Resolution, and from attendees at talks at
RAND Organization, Warwick Business School, University College London, Monash
University, and Melbourne Business School to whom we presented elements of the work
reported here. We also thank Lisa Bolton, Nikolay Dentchev, Don Esslemont, Stanley
Structured Analogies for Forecasting
Feder, Paul Goodwin, Clare Harries, Rob Hyndman, Oliver Koll, and Tom Yokum for
providing pre-submission peer review. We also received helpful suggestions from Daniel
Kahneman and Gary Klein. Editorial assistance was provided by Mary Haight, Marian Lee,
and Catherine Morgan.