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Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon. Philosophical and Neurobiological Aspects


Abstract and Figures

Neurobiological aspects of synaesthesia are discussed from the perspective of the broader philosophical topic of “syn-aisthesis” and the basic fundamentals of a neuropsychological understanding of perceptual inter-modal integration. Herein, the predominance of conceptualization processes in regard to top-down functions of the brain appears as a prerequisite for perception. Functional Magnet Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data of synaesthetes compared to controls are discussed, providing evidence for the theory that prefrontal and parietal conceptualization processes by themselves exert transmodal functions and thus contain properties of “binding”. A partial hyperactivity of such processes in synaesthesia may thus be a causal factor of this condition.
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Christopher Sinke*, Janina Neufeld*, Markus Zedler,
and Hinderk M. Emrich
Hannover Medical School; Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
* C. Sinke and J. Neufeld contributed equally to this paper
Correspondence to:
Janina Neufeld
Hannover Medical School;
Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
Phone: 0049 511 532 6658
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-)
Philosophical and Neurobiological Aspects
Abstract. Neurobiological aspects of synaesthesia are discussed from the perspective
of the broader philosophical topic of “syn-aisthesis” and the basic fundamentals
of a neuropsychological understanding of perceptual inter-modal integration. Herein,
the predominance of conceptualization processes in regard to top-down functions
of the brain appears as a prerequisite for perception. Functional Magnet Resonance
Imaging (fMRI) data of synaesthetes compared to controls are discussed, providing
evidence for the theory that prefrontal and parietal conceptualization processes by
themselves exert transmodal functions and thus contain properties of “binding”.
A partial hyperactivity of such processes in synaesthesia may thus be a causal factor
of this condition.
Keywords: synaesthesia; syn-aisthesis; unitarity of consciousness; binding;
Immanuel Kant; bottom-up and top-down functions; prefrontal and parietal
Ed. Nicolaus Copernicus University 2013
38 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
Aisthesis and synthesis
Neurobiology of consciousness represents one of the most challenging
research topics in natural science – as regards the relationship between
neuronal realities and mental life which takes place within our minds. Herein,
one central question is how the different modalities are integrated during
the process of “aisthesis” (Greek = perception) in order to give rise to the
unied percepts we experience in our mind. This unication process is also
termed “synthesis” or “binding”. For example, we do not see a car and hear
the sound of its engine separately but we perceive a car as an integral object
(“Gestalt”) (Wertheimer 1938) with visual and acoustical qualities.
At the neuronal level, we know since the elegant pioneering work
of Hubel and Wiesel (Hubel and Wiesel 1979) that the primary visual data
are analysed step by step by highly specialized neuronal assemblies which
detect, e.g., the direction of a movement, a contour, the colour or another
quality of retinal excitation/inhibition patterns. This parallel processing
of different aspects of sensory data also takes place in other modalities, e.g.,
in audition (Merzenich and Brugge 1973). While it enables us to analyse
parts of the signal, this process results in fragmentation of the sensory
data, leading to the famous computer-brain analogy which ts in with our
everyday understanding of perception: From a naive point of view, one
assumes that outer reality is strictly constituted in precisely that fashion
in which it appears to the subject. This is as if it is sufcient to photograph
or lm outer objects; and subjective experience represents nothing else than
the function of a computer which calculates from sensory data outer reality
(Fig. 1a). The brain would – in this metaphor – be a pure ‘sink’, no ‘source’
of information (and meaning).
Here, one main question arises which has to do with the problem
of ‘unitarity of consciousness’, namely the problem of the so called
‘intermodal integration’, the ‘binding’ problem: How does it come that
we observe in perception not an addition of elements of percepts but
a type of holisms, i.e., ‘perceptual gestalts’? The mechanism by which our
consciousness integrates different aspects of a perceived object is, as a matter
of fact, not yet elucidated.
However, as Immanuel Kant already pointed out, an interpretation
of reality is possible only if a leading conceptualization (a ‘world model’)
is applied to the raw material of sensory inputs (Fig. 1b). Before sensory
data can be calculated and interpreted, a set of working hypotheses about
possible outer realities is required. This is presented philosophically –
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
in Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ (Kant 1974) – as conceptualization and
in psychological terms of the ‘accompanying world model’ by Prinz (Prinz
2006). Wolfgang Welsch (Welsch 1992) has formulated this referring to
Immanuel Kant enunciating “we can cognize of things a priori only what
we ourselves have put into them” (Kant, ‘Kritik der reinen Vernunft’; quote
translation as per Allen W. Wood (1998)) and these are primarily aesthetic
preconditions of, namely, the recognition-categories of space and time.’
Figure 1. The computer-brain analogy
a) An object (tree) is lmed by a camera and the data are transferred to a computer
where they are processed. b) In contrast to a computer, the human brain needs
concepts to explain the sensory data, coming from sensory receptors, e.g., the eyes
This leads to the comparison between expected and real reality and
includes the subjective experience which may be described in the terms:
‘This occurs actually now’. In his Historical Anthropology Carl Friedrich
von Weizsäcker claims, under the title ‘As to the biology of subjects’: “From
empiricism one accepts sensory data as given [. . .] it is not recognized that
sensory data, already according to our biological constitution, can only
be given under the prerequisite of a simultaneously perceived concept”
(Weizsäcker 1982).
40 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
The thinking of constructivism has – in opposition to empiricism – led
to the concept that the term ‘reality’ has lost tremendously in its impact and
unity, leading to a scientic climate in which we nd ourselves in a ‘reality-
relativism’ which may be characterized in terms like ‘ctional reality’ and
internal ‘reality-censorship’.
As a consequence, we can construe an interactive circuit in which
interpretation of sensory data is possible only on the basis of conceptualizing
hypotheses about possible realities; so to speak, nuclei of pre-categories which
are – in a probational fashion – used to test the applicability of hypothetical
world-models. The ‘top-down components’ might also be interpreted as the
manifestation of a conctructivistic part within the neuronal basis of aisthesis.
Thus, aisthesis incorporates at least two components: bottom-up analysis
of data with top-down categorization.
The neurobiology of aisthesis, so to speak, the neuroscience of ‘sensory
cognition’, represents an enterprise which has not yet reached a stable position
of knowledge. It rather tries, within an iterative asymptotic approximation,
to establish some innovative ideas how – due to a complex interaction
of subcomponents within the plumbable brain – the subjective experiences
in sensory cognition are generated (cf. Gregory 1970; 1980).
The interaction of top-down and bottom-up components of aisthesis
under normal and altered circumstances is the main subject of our group’s
basic research in (psychiatric) cognitive neurosciences. Desimone has
published a diagram (Fig. 2) in which the superimposition of bottom-up and
top-down components is conceptualized as a manifestation of two streams
of excitation, antagonizing each other (Gazzaniga et al. 2002). This function
is related to a third component, relevant in processes of conceptualisation
of ‘reality’, namely internal ‘censorship’. This component is also attributed to
plausibility control, to stabilization of internal data processing, if ambiguity
and instability of perception occur, e.g., in emergency situations. It is attributed
to a component which may work over incongruences in perception and thus
may induce a predominance of ctional internal reality in comparison to the
intricate, un-assimilated raw material of information about outer reality. This
censorship is comparable to Gazzaniga´s ‘interpreter’ (Gazzaniga 2000),
a module which coordinates and integrates the computations (the ‘votes’)
of other modules, and the result of such an ‘interpreter’-related computation
apparently has the subjective quality of being ‘granted’, being ‘true’, being
‘real’. The function of this module is to stabilize ‘reality ctions’ and one may
anticipate that especially this system is disturbed or, to an increased extent,
‘vulnerable’ in psychosis. To be more precise, in hallucinations, one may
argue that it is the equilibrium between ‘conceptualizations’ and ‘censorship’
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
which is disturbed by relative censorship impairment. It appears to be possible
to perform a type of illusion research on the basis of constructivism in which
the ctional character of subjective reality can be elucidated and especially
the perceptual disturbances in schizophrenic psychoses can be characterized.
The basic concept herein is the contention, that perception does not represent
one single procedure but is due to a complex interactive internal ‘dialogue’
between partial components of the system. And, interestingly, our research
group has recently succeeded in demonstrating in such experiments that
schizophrenia seems to be a result of a reduced ability to perform integrative
aisthesis processes due to an inhibited connectivity between neuronal
assemblies (Dima et al. 2011; Dima et al. 2010).
Concerning censorship, it has certainly great demands regarding
long-term memory, since the question of what is ‘plausible’, ‘sensible’,
‘biologically meaningful at present’ can only be resolved on the basis
of experience of failures and successes which are stored over longer periods.
Thus, hippocampal structures may play a prominent role herein. Hippocampal
structures may work as ‘comparators’ (Gray and Rawlins 1986) and calculate
meaningful expectations in relation to sensory input.
Thus, the censorship systems described above may be characterized
as such ‘comparators’. This concept ts in with the idea that to have
‘consciousness’ means to ‘compare’ world models with actual (sensory or
imagined) data (Emrich 1998) and further to have the opportunity to correct
an obviously wrong intention – by a type of servo-mechanism – within the
“last moment” (Gray 2004). Thus, an adequate denition of censorship may
be the comparison of actual data with sets of acquired world models as the
function of stabilizing ‘reality ctions’: and it is this that appears to be so
highly developed in human mental life and which also appears to be so
vulnerable and obviously impaired during psychotic states.
The scheme (adapted from Desimone 1995) shows the direction
of (visual) bottom-up processing (right to left) from sensory cortex areas
to higher associative cortex areas, especially in the temporal and prefrontal
cortex. In contrast, top-down processing (left to right) is initiated by
associative cortex areas, owing in the opposite direction.
42 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
Figure 2. Top-down and bottom-up processing in the human brain
Three-Component Model of Perception / Aisthesis
Taking into account all the considerations advanced above, one may propose
a model describing three hypothetical components of aisthesis:
1. Sensuality (‘bottom-up’)
2. Constructivity (‘top-down’)
3. Censorship (‘interpreter’)
The three-component model of perception assumes that perception
is principally made up of three functional domains: rstly, sensory input
(‘sensualistic’ bottom-up component); secondly, the internal production
of concepts (‘constructivistic’ top-down component); and thirdly, control
(‘censor’ component). It also assumes that special interaction between these
three components is responsible for a biologically fruitful and efcacious,
conscious internal representation of the external world during perception
and that the equilibrium between these three components may be disturbed
in psychosis.
The constructivistic component can also be termed ‘phantasy component’,
‘hypothesis-generating component’, or ‘conceptualization component’.
Its representation in the present model takes the fact into account that
processing of data is possible only on the basis of conceptualization which
has to be applied to sensory data, before successful interpretation is possible.
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
The ‘censor’ function can also be termed a ‘correcting’ function and may
be qualied as a partially ‘erasing’ and partially ‘suppressing’ or ‘rejecting’
system. In the aisthesis process, a great difculty arises: The more elaborate
and complicated a ‘private conscious world’ is, the more prominent two
problems become, which interact in an intrinsic antinomy: on the one hand,
the ctional reality has to be so exible that it can be adapted to the changing
requirements of the external world; and, on the other hand, this private world
has to be stabilized so far that it is not continuously in danger of losing
its stability, i.e., to ‘decompensate’. This means that both the exibility
of creativity and, on the other hand, the stability of the subjective world
are required. To full these two opposing requirements, intricate equilibria
between neuronal networks have to be established. Disequilibrium of these
neuronal components of the aisthesis-networks has been observed by our
group in patients with schizophrenia and subjects under the condition of sleep
deprivation and cannabinoid intoxication (Emrich et al. 1991; Emrich et al.
1997; Schneider et al. 1996; Schneider et al. 2002; Sternemann et al. 1997).
Our group further demonstrated that, in schizophrenic patients, this is due
to disturbed top-down connectivity, especially between the inferior parietal
cortex and earlier sensory areas (Dima et al. 2009).
Synaesthesia appears to be a special case of aisthesis, which makes
it possible to investigate the phenomenon more precisely in healthy subjects:
normally synaesthesia does not impair every day life and therefore is not
listed in common classication systems for neurological disorders (DSM-IV
or ICD-10; Hubbard 2007).
Synaesthesia (Greek: syn = together; aesthesis = perception) represents,
for everybody who comes in contact with this phenomenon for the rst
time, a very peculiar, astonishing and challenging process of intermingling
of sensual percepts in which stimulation of one sensory modality or
cognitive event leads to another internally generated perceptual experience.
For example, hearing a tone or word may result in a subjective experience
of seeing coloured shapes.
Synaesthetic experience can formally be divided into an inducing stimulus
(‘inducer’) and an elicited perception (‘concurrent’) (Grossenbacher and
Lovelace 2001). Most synaesthetes report to perceive synaesthesia for ‘as long
as they can remember’ (Cytowic 2002). Its main characteristics are consistency
(Baron-Cohen et al. 1987; Simner and Logie 2007) and automaticity (Mills et
44 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
al. 1999). Consistency is actually used as a ‘gold standard’ in order to determine
whether someone is a synaesthete or not (Baron-Cohen et al. 1987; Eagleman
et al. 2007). There is evidence that conscious perception is necessary to elicit
synaesthesia: Mattingley and colleagues showed that colour priming with
letters is only possible when the letter is consciously perceived (Mattingley
et al. 2001). Another study from Johnson et al. used the ‘attentional blink’
paradigm in which they found that some synaesthetes are able to report the
colour of unconsciously perceived letters, whereas others are not (Johnson et
al. 2007), underlining the importance of individual differences in synaesthesia
(see also Laeng et al. 2004).
Although synaesthesia is believed to be a highly idiosyncratic
phenomenon, there seem to be some general rules in synaesthetic perceptions,
at least in grapheme-colour synaesthesia: frequently used letters are often
coupled with frequently used colours (Simner et al. 2005) and tend to be
brighter and more saturated (Beeli et al. 2007). These ndings indicate that
implicit learning mechanisms play a role in the development of inducer-
concurrent couplings.
Recent eld studies concerning the prevalence of synaesthesia revealed
a prevalence of 4% (Simner et al. 2006). As synaesthesia runs more often within
families (Baron-Cohen et al. 1996), there is evidence for a genetic component
of synaesthesia and some gene regions have been recently identied to be
involved in synaesthesia (Asher et al. 2009; Tomson et al. 2011).
Models of synaesthesia
In order to explain the neural mechanisms of synaesthesia particularly, two
models gained recognition within the last years, which are not necessarily
mutually exclusive. The model of ‘local cross-activation’, which is for
instance supported by Hubbard and colleagues, proposes a direct linkage
between an area referred to as ‘visual word form area’ and an adjacent
region which has been shown to be involved in colour processing (hV4)
in grapheme-colour synaesthesia (Hubbard et al. 2005). A possible reason
for this linkage could be a failure of pruning in prenatal pathways (Hubbard
and Ramachandran 2005; Maurer and Mondloch 2004). Other researchers
suggested that synaesthesia might be due to a `long-range disinhibited
feedback´ from a ‘multisensory nexus’ such as the temporo-parietal-occipital
junction, so feedback connection that are usually inhibited (Grossenbacher
and Lovelace 2001).
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
Interestingly, synaesthetes commonly report that there is an apparent non-
separability of the semantic content of an inducer and the concurrent percept.
This leads to the concept of ‘hyperbinding’ in synaesthesia (Esterman et al.
2006; Robertson 2003), which is in line with the concepts of cross-activation
or disinhibited feedback: concurrent representation areas could be activated
by cross-activation or disinhibited feedback mechanisms and additionally be
bound to the inducer representation as the next step (Hubbard 2007).
Neural correlates of synaesthesia: evidence
from neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies
Neuroimaging studies indicate that colour processing areas may play a role
(as concurrent representation areas) at least in grapheme-colour synaesthesia,
which is the most investigated form: Many studies revealed increased brain
activation in these areas (Brang et al. 2010; Hubbard et al. 2005; Nunn et al.
2002), while others did not (Paulesu et al. 1995; Weiss et al. 2005; Rich et
al. 2006). This has to be interpreted with caution. First, there is evidence that
individual differences between synaesthetes determine the areas involved:
A recent investigation in which synaesthetes were differentiated according
to where they perceive their synaesthesia – projected to the written letter
(projectors) or on an inner screen in their ‘mind’s eye’ (associators) – found
that visual areas showed increased activation only in projectors, while
associators had additional activation and structural differences in limbic
(especially hippocampal) brain areas (Rouw and Scholte 2010). Second,
most investigations had only a rather small number of subjects (<10) and
it has been shown that, in neuroimaging studies, the results strongly depend
on the number of investigated subjects (Thirion et al. 2007).
Further, there is strong evidence for an involvement of the parietal
cortex in synaesthesia: Studies concerning different types of synaesthesia
revealed increased parietal activation in synaesthetes compared to non-
synaesthetic controls when perceiving inducers (Rouw and Scholte 2010;
Tang et al. 2008; Weiss et al. 2005; van Leeuwen et al. 2010), structural
differences in the parietal cortex between synaesthetes and controls (Rouw
and Scholte 2007; Weiss and Fink 2009) and a disruption of synaesthesia by
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) over parietal sites (Esterman et al.
2006; Muggleton et al. 2007; Rothen et al. 2010). Recent investigations with
fMRI by our own group (unpublished data) also found increased activation
in the left inferior parietal cortex in grapheme-colour as well as auditory-
visual synaesthetes. As this area is a multimodal integration area which is also
46 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
involved in non-synaesthetic binding (Robertson 2003), these ndings speak
in favour of an enhanced binding mechanism in synaesthesia. The parietal
cortex may further be involved in synaesthesia as a sensory nexus area,
leading to disinhibited feedback (Grossenbacher and Lovelace 2001). As
this area is involved in auditory-visual, grapheme-colour and number-form
(Tang et al. 2008) synaesthesia, it is likely that all types of synaesthesia share
a common mechanism.
But also other multimodal areas have to be considered to be involved
in synaesthetic binding: A neurophysiological investigation by our group
in 1999 found in synaesthetes a more positive waveform of event related
potential (ERPs) evoked by visual presentation of graphemes, especially
over frontal and prefrontal sites (Schiltz et al. 1999), which was interpreted
as prefrontal deactivation in synaesthesia. This was discussed as leading
to increased distractibility, causing a leakage between modalities. Also,
increased frontal brain activation due to synaesthesia has been detected
using fMRI by other groups (Rouw and Scholte 2010; Tang et al. 2008;
Paulesu et al. 1995). Therefore, prefrontal cortex areas seem to play a role
in synaesthesia – although it still remains unclear which function they full
Is synaesthesia a top-down phenomenon? Is Immanuel Kant’s
concept of synthesis erroneous?
As we have pointed out above, synaesthesia can be regarded as a special
case of aisthesis, an essential question is at which stage synaesthetic effects
occur. Are they more bottom-up or top-down driven? At the rst glance,
synaesthesia seems to be a bottom-up phenomenon, as sensory perceptions
are involved and mingled. But there is growing evidence for the involvement
of top-down processes in synaesthesia. First, the synaesthetic concurrent
depends on the interpretation of the inducer (Dixon et al. 2006; Bargary et
al. 2009). Second, when grapheme-colour synaesthetes learn a new alphabet,
the colour of a corresponding letter in the old alphabet transfers to the new
letter (Mroczko et al. 2009) and is therefore rather concept-driven instead
of depending on the letter’s shape. Third, synaesthetic colours do not behave
like real colours (van Leeuwen et al. 2010). All these ndings speak in favour
of the idea that synaesthesia is more a top-down phenomenon than an altered
bottom-up processing. Further, the involvement of multimodal integration
areas such as the parietal and the frontal cortex in synaesthesia, mentioned
above, speaks against the idea of a direct (bottom-up) cross-activation
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
of visual areas of concurrent representation. The parietal cortex is known
to be involved in cross-modal integration (Calvert 2001), spatial processing
(Colby and Goldberg 1999) and non-synaesthetic feature-binding (Robertson
2003), while the prefrontal cortex is thought to be the highest instance for
executive functions, decision making and cognitive control (Miller 2000;
Tanji and Hoshi 2001; Fuster 2001; Sakagami and Pan 2007). Further, both
brain structures are part of a network involved in attention guidance and
visuo-motor control (Grefkes et al. 2004; Astaev et al. 2003; Corbetta and
Shulman 2002). Therefore, both structures might work together during the
formation of synaesthetic experience.
How might the concept of aisthesis help us to understand synaesthesia?
If synaesthesia is a top-down phenomenon, it involves conceptualization.
In synaesthetes, the concept of the inducer incorporates the concurrent
dimension in addition to the normal dimensions of the concept. The bottom-
up analysis of the incoming signals activates the concept (top-down).
The interpreter recognises the match, and the perception is formed through
mingling the concept with the signals. As the concept incorporates the
concurrent in addition, the overall perception is the fusion of both components
(inducer and concurrent); the concurrent is additionally perceived.
The additional quality (e.g., colour) may be bound to the concept via
a hyperbinding process (Esterman et al. 2006). Alternatively, it may be that
synaesthetes afford additional complex categories (e.g., “A-red” in addition
to “A” and “red”), forming an additional “reality-hypothesis”. This would be
in contrast to Kant’s theory of synthesis, as it would mean that besides the
pure concepts of reason there are also complex ones, as Hermann Schmitz has
pointed out (Schmitz 1994) (personal communication, 2011). From this point
of view, depicted within the scheme (Fig. 3), a modication of the concept
of Desimone, categories in the sense of Kant appear, neurobiologically, to
be not primary conditions of mind, but secondary conditions. Consequently,
reality-hypotheses, appearing within the prefrontal cortex, are generated
not as categorically partialized entities but primarily holistic ones (integral
conceptual world), whereas the ‘simple’ categories might rather be represented
by parietal cortex areas. One might further assume that, if a complex concept
is activated, the corresponding ‘simple’ contexts are recalled via top-down
But here the question remains, why synaesthetes have these enriched
concepts. One explanation would be that it is a strategy to cope with problems
with abstract thinking by concretizing abstract concepts with sensorial
content like, for example colours, shapes, sounds. It is also thinkable that it is
not a problem-solving strategy but a style of thinking: synaesthetes may be
48 Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich
more sensorially orientated than the general population and use their senses
to a higher degree in order to contextualize/make ‘sense’ of the world.
What does synaesthesia research tell us about aisthesis? Synaesthesia
makes it very clear that aisthesis is not just a process of analysing sensory
data and nding the corresponding concept to be able to interpret them but
that concepts are also able to shape our perception.
Figure 3. Advanced scheme of top-down and bottom-up processing
Sensory data (blue) coming from primary sensory cortex areas (here
exemplarily from the occipital cortex) are processed to associative cortex
regions, e.g., in the temporal cortex (TC), until they nally reach the prefrontal
cortex (PFC). This leads to an excitation of complex concept-representations
within the PFC, which are compared via top-down connections (red) to
simple concepts, represented, e.g., by the inferior parietal cortex (IPC),
and nally to sensory information. The world-model is represented by
a network including PFC and IPC, which is related to sensory information
by comparator functions, e.g., represented by limbic (temporal) structures.
Synaesthesia: a Conceptualization (‘Synthesis’-) Phenomenon
As a consequence of the current examinations, aisthesis appears as the result
of complex, dynamical non-linear interaction of subcomponents of the
brain, in which ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ components interact in a fashion
yielding another component, a component of ‘internal censorship’, which
apparently is partially hindered in conditions of psychoses and altered
states of consciousness induced by drug intoxication or sleep deprivation.
In contrast, in synaesthesia the top-down component may partially be
enhanced, leading to additional complex context-categories and therefore
to additional sensual experiences. The top-down component may be
represented by a network of prefrontal and parietal structures which is also
involved in attention guidance. This component may further represent
a neuropsychological feature which also implies ‘binding’ properties.
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... Top-down and bottom-up attentional processing in the human brain (Sinke, Neufeld, Zedler, & Emrich, 2014). ...
Biased attention toward threatening facial expressions is an important maintaining and possibly aetiological factor for social anxiety. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. To develop our understanding of this threat bias, the relative contributions of top-down attention, bottom-up attention, and selection history were differentiated across four studies. In Study One, the roles of top-down attention, bottom-up attention, and selection history were tested in an unselected sample using a modification of the dot-probe task, in which participants were cued to attend to a happy or angry face on each trial. Results showed that attentional orienting toward facial expressions was not exclusively driven by bottom-up attentional capture as some previous theories suggest; but instead, participants could shift attention toward emotional faces in a top-down manner. This effect was eliminated when the faces were inverted, demonstrating that top-down attention relies on holistic face processing. Study One found no evidence of selection history (i.e., no improvement on repeated trials or blocks of trials in which the task was to orient to the same expression). Study Two tested whether this ability to use top-down attention to orient to emotional faces is impaired for individuals with social anxiety. Using the same task as Study One, Study Two found that participants with higher levels of social anxiety were selectively impaired in attentional shifting toward a cued happy face when it was paired with an angry face, but not when paired with a neutral face. These results indicate that high social anxiety is associated with deficits in top-down control of attention, which are selectively revealed in the presence of non-task-relevant threat. The results of Study Two could be explained by bottom-up attention to threat or a top-down set for threat that could not be overcome by the instruction to attend to a happy face. To test this, Study Three utilised a modified dot-probe task in which participants were presented with an upright face paired with an inverted face (displaying a disgust or neutral expression) and engagement with and disengagement of attention from threatening faces were measured separately. The task was performed under no, low, and high working-memory load conditions. Since working-memory load draws on the same resources as top-down attention, interference from increasing working-memory load on attentional orienting would point to a role for top-down attention. Social anxiety was not associated with delayed disengagement from threat. However, surprisingly, high social anxiety was associated with an engagement bias away from threat, while low social anxiety was associated with a bias toward threat. These results were unaffected by the working-memory load manipulation. However, some methodological issues were identified with the study. Study Four overcame these methodological issues by using a paired angry and neutral face under no, low and high working-memory load conditions. Higher levels of social anxiety were associated with increased engagement with threat under no-load, but not under low- and high-load conditions. Thus, this body of research provides evidence that social anxiety is associated with an engagement bias to threat, which is driven by top-down attention.
... Synesthetic experiences have had over the centuries far-reaching sociocultural implications. They prompted philosophical debates on the nature of perception, consciousness and even talent and creativity, and significantly impacted the course of art history, notably at the turn of the 20th Century [3][4][5][6]. Moreover, favored by the emergence of sophisticated tools for functional brain exploration, they have generated a considerable interest among neuroscientists [6,7]. ...
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Synesthesia is an extraordinary perceptual phenomenon, in which individuals experience unusual percepts elicited by the activation of an unrelated sensory modality or by a cognitive process. Emotional reactions are commonly associated. The condition prompted philosophical debates on the nature of perception and impacted the course of art history. It recently generated a considerable interest among neuroscientists, but its clinical significance apparently remains underevaluated. This review focuses on the recent studies regarding variants of color synesthesia, the commonest form of the condition. Synesthesia is commonly classified as developmental and acquired. Developmental forms predispose to changes in primary sensory processing and cognitive functions, usually with better performances in certain aspects and worse in others, and to heightened creativity. Acquired forms of synesthesia commonly arise from drug ingestion or neurological disorders, including thalamic lesions and sensory deprivation (e.g., blindness). Cerebral exploration using structural and functional imaging has demonstrated distinct patterns in cortical activation and brain connectivity for controls and synesthetes. Artworks of affected painters are most illustrative of the nature of synesthetic experiences. Results of the recent investigations on synesthesia offered a remarkable insight into the mechanisms of perception, emotion and consciousness, and deserve attention both from neuroscientists and from clinicians.
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Cerebral plasticity induced by visual loss represents a poorly understood field of neuroscience, with numerous questions that don’t yet have an answer. Central and peripheral vision, the evolutionary compromise between spatial resolution and the sampled space volume, are processed in distinct areas of the brain. Understanding the impact of vision loss in theses regions, is of utmost interest for the study of visual brain. Herein, in two models of retinal disorders affecting central and peripheral vision (namely Stargardt macular dystrophy and retinitis pigmentosa), we specifically investigated the effects of the central and peripheral visual loss on brain morphology and its functional connectivity. 1. Morphological plastic changes induced by central and peripheral visual loss. We explored the effects of visual loss on cortical thickness (CoTks) and cortical entropy (CoEn, marker of synaptic complexity) in the cytoarchytectonic regions of the occipital lobe. Central visual loss associated thinning in dorsal stream regions, while peripheral visual loss in early visual cortex (EVC) and regions belonging both to dorsal and ventral stream. Theses effects were unpredicted by the canonical view “central vision – ventral stream”, “peripheral vision – dorsal stream”. Normal CoEn in theses areas suggests that synaptic complexity is preserved in the remaining networks. Only central visual field loss presented CoEn alterations, namely an increase in areas involved in object recognition, that likely reflects a synaptic complexity enhancement in response to the loss of the high spatial resolution of central vision. The gain in synaptic complexity could mask neuronal loss due to deafferentation and may account for the CoTks normality. 2. Plastic changes in the functional connectivity of central and peripheral EVC. We explored and compared to normally afferented EVC, the functional connectivity of afferented and deafferented parts of EVC and found that central and peripheral visual loss induce different patterns of reorganization. Residually afferented early visual cortex reinforce local connections presumably to enhance the processing of altered visual input, while deafferented EVC strengthen long-range connections presumably to assist high-order functions. Combined structural and functional data indicate that areas with reduced CoTks superpose with several areas presenting reduced functional connectivity with the peripheral EVC and that areas with increased CoEn superpose with several areas presenting increased functional connectivity with afferented peripheral EVC. These data point that alterations of the sensory input to the peripheral field are more prone to induce plastic changes. Overview : Data in the current work provide an interesting perspective about the plasticity following central or peripheral visual field loss and show that it is more complex than the canonical model would have let to presume.
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Application of lighting effect into water purifying systems was studied to achieve the emotional interaction between users and products. This study involves two groups of experiments. First, the water quality scale corresponding to colours was scored by each subject, and then the colours were classified. Second, the impacts of lighting effect on heart rate, skin temperature, skin electrical signal, and other psychological indices in emotion experiments were studied, which validate that light effect plays a non-negligible role in the emotions of the subjects. By collecting System Usability Scale (SUS) scores, average heart rate, average skin temperature, and skin electrical signal, we compared the results before and after the addition of lighting effect, and validated the influences of lighting effect on human emotions. This study theoretically underlies the application of lighting effect into smart home.
Owing to its bizarre nature and its implications for understanding how brains work, synesthesia has recently received a lot of attention in the popular press and motivated a great deal of research and discussion among scientists. The questions generated by these two communities are intriguing: Does the synesthetic phenomenon require awareness and attention? How does a feature that is not present become bound to one that is? Does synesthesia develop or is it hard wired? Should it change our way of thinking about perceptual experience in general? What is its value in understanding perceptual systems as a whole? This volume brings together a distinguished group of investigators from diverse backgrounds--among them neuroscientists, novelists, and synesthetes themselves--who provide fascinating answers to these questions. Although each approaches synesthesia from a very different perspective, and each was curious about and investigated synesthesia for very different reasons, the similarities between their work cannot be ignored. The research presented in this volume demonstrates that it is no longer reasonable to ask whether or not synesthesia is real--we must now ask how we can account for it from cognitive, neurobiological, developmental, and evolutionary perspectives. This book will be important reading for any scientist interested in brain and mind, not to mention synesthetes themselves, and others who might be wondering what all the fuss is about.
Philosophers concerned with perception traditionally consider phenomena of perception which may readily be verified by individual observation and a minimum of apparatus. Experimental psychologists and physiologists, on the other hand, tend to use elaborate experimental apparatus and sophisticated techniques, so that individual observations — even one’s own observations — are no longer the stuff of discussion. By considering such experimental results the study of perception may come to look quite like physics. This has led to emphasis of certain aspects and features of perception: generally features which can be readily measured with laboratory techniques. Measures of ‘sensory’ and of ‘motor’ performance can provide parameters for theories of how sensory and the control aspects of the nervous system might function. Concepts and terminology then tend to be drawn from the physical sciences and from engineering. For example the sense organs may be described as ‘transducers’, converting information transmitted by one kind of energy into a different kind of energy.
Synaesthesia is a condition in which a mixing of the senses occurs; for example, sounds trigger the experience of colour. Previous reports suggest this may be familial, but no systematic studies exist. In addition, there are no reliable prevalence or sex-ratio figures for the condition, which is essential for establishing if the reported sex ratio (female bias) is reliable, and if this implicates a sex-linked genetic mechanism. Two independent population studies were conducted in the city of Cambridge, England (studies 1 and 2 here), as necessary background to the family genetic study of synaesthesia (study 3). Studies 1 and 2 arrived at an almost identical prevalence rate for synaesthesia: approximately 1 case in 2000. The sex ratio found was 6:1 (female:male). A third of cases also reported familial aggregation. In study 3 six families were examined, and first-degree relatives were tested for genuineness of the condition. All six families were indeed multiplex for synaesthesia. Alternative modes of inheritance are discussed.
Two experiments tested the effect that synaesthesia has on the processing of digits for a single participant, a 22-year-old female college student, who experiences colour mental images (photisms) for digits, music, sounds, etc. The experiments used Stroop-type materials that were digits in the colours of her photisms for two tasks: colour naming and digit naming. For colour naming, the hypothesis was that when the colour of the actual print of the digit mismatched the colour of the participant's digit photism, colour naming times would be slower than when the print and digit photism matched, or when the digit was in black print. For digit naming, it was predicted that naming the digit corresponding to a coloured circle (that corresponded to one of her photisms for digits) would take longer than naming digits printed in any colour. ANOVAs and Tukey tests supported these hypotheses (P Document Type: Research Article DOI: Publication date: March 1, 1999 (document).ready(function() { var shortdescription = (".originaldescription").text().replace(/\\&/g, '&').replace(/\\, '<').replace(/\\>/g, '>').replace(/\\t/g, ' ').replace(/\\n/g, ''); if (shortdescription.length > 350){ shortdescription = "" + shortdescription.substring(0,250) + "... more"; } (".descriptionitem").prepend(shortdescription);(".descriptionitem").prepend(shortdescription); (".shortdescription a").click(function() { (".shortdescription").hide();(".shortdescription").hide(); (".originaldescription").slideDown(); return false; }); }); Related content In this: publication By this: publisher In this Subject: Anatomy & Physiology By this author: Mills, Carol Bergfeld ; Boteler, Edith Howell ; Oliver, Glenda K. GA_googleFillSlot("Horizontal_banner_bottom");
Die für das Verständnis mentaler Prozesse zentrale Frage nach dem ,,Bewußtsein" wird einerseits in quantifizierenden wahrnehmungspsychologischen Experimenten über ,,interne Zensur", die Wirkung von intrapsychischen Wahrnehmungsüberarbeitungsmechanismen, her aufgerollt, zum anderen von der Warte neuerer Theorien über interindividuelle Affekt- und Bedeutungsübertragung im Sinne der von R. Girard aufgestellten ,,Mimesis"-Theorie des psychosozialen Wertetransfers zwischen Menschen. Es wird gezeigt, inwieweit diese beiden Ansätze konvergieren in einem Konzept, das ,,Bewußtsein" als intrapsychische ,,Übersetzung" interpretiert zwischen kognitiven und bewertenden emotionellen Leistungen.
How does conscious experience arise out of the functioning of the human brain? How is it related to the behaviour that it accompanies? How does the perceived world relate to the real world? Between them, these three questions constitute what is commonly known as the Hard Problem of consciousness. Despite vast knowledge of the relationship between brain and behaviour, and rapid advances in our knowledge of how brain activity correlates with conscious experience, the answers to all three questions remain controversial, even mysterious. This book analyses these core issues and reviews the evidence from both introspection and experiment. To many its conclusions will be surprising and even unsettling: (1) The entire perceived world is constructed by the brain. The relationship between the world we perceive and the underlying physical reality is not as close as we might think. (2) Much of our behaviour is accomplished with little or no participation from conscious experience. (3) Our conscious experience of our behaviour lags the behaviour itself by around a fifth of a second: we become aware of what we do only after we have done it. (4) The lag in conscious experience applies also to the decision to act: we only become aware of our decisions after they have been formed. (5) The self is as much a creation of the brain as is the rest of the perceived world.