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Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1) 2017, 151–161
ISSN 1644-0692
Accepted: 28.09.2016
Kamil Piska, Katarzyna Sułkowska-Ziaja, Bożena Muszyńska
Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. (Basidiomycota) – known as the oyster mushroom – is a mushroom
species distributed on all continents, except for Antarctica. Since World War I it has been commercially
cultivated on a large scale. Pleurotus ostreatus is a valuable mushroom of dietary importance. It is rich in
primary and secondary metabolites and chemical elements of physiological significance. One hundred
grams of fresh fruiting bodies contains 15% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 40% of niacin,
riboflavin, and thiamin, and 0.5 mg of vitamin B12. This species is also characterized by a high content of
oleic acid (40%), linolenic acid (55%), and substances responsible for decreasing serum cholesterol levels.
High contents of lovastatin, an approved hypolipidemic drug, and pleuran, an immunomodulating polysac-
charide, have been found in fruiting bodies of this species. It exhibits antiatherosclerotic, hypoglycemic, an-
tioxidant, anticancer and immunomodulatory properties. Due to its wide spectrum of biological activities,
P. ostreatus is considered a medicinal mushroom. Fruiting bodies and extracts of P. ostreatus have found
applications in the treatment of civilization – related diseases, especially diabetes, arteriosclerosis and can-
cer. It is also a potential source of active ingredients in cosmetics and topically applied preparations.
Key words: antioxidant activity, edible mushroom, lovastatin, Pleurotus ostreatus, pleuran
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. (Basidio-
mycota), of the Pleurotaceae family, comes from
China; however, nowadays it is distributed all over
the world, except for the north-west Pacific because
of the arctic climate. Cultivation methods were de-
veloped in Germany during World War I and then
successfully applied on a large scale. This was the
result of the search for new food sources, due to the
problem of hunger in Germany. In Poland, P. os-
treatus is a common species [Wojewoda 2003].
It is found on dead wood and the branches of liv-
ing trees, especially hornbeam (Carpinus sp.), beech
(Fagus sp.), willow (Salix sp.), poplar (Populus sp.),
birch-tree (Betula sp.) and common walnut (Juglans
regia). This species produces different sized, grouped
fruiting bodies in forms resembling a colony of oys-
ters, which has led to its given name of P. ostreatus.
Fruiting bodies are pink, gray to dark-brown in color,
ranging in a size from 4 to 15 cm (phot. 1). In the
wild, its fruiting bodies generally appear in autumn
(October–November); however, they may be encoun-
tered during mild winters or in early, warm springs.
© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
Pleurotus ostreatus is tolerant of low temperatures;
however, it has high requirements for light – under
low light conditions it does not produce fruiting bod-
ies, or produces very small ones [Wojewoda 2003].
After Agaricus bisporus, P. ostreatus is the sec-
ond most cultivated edible mushroom and is of great
eco-nomic significance [Sanches 2010]. It has a bit-
tersweet smell of benzaldehyde, characteristic of
anise and almonds [Beltran-Garcia et al. 1997]. In
many countries, especially in Asia it is considered a
delicacy, while in the Czech Republic and Slovakia it
is used as a meat substitute [Beltran-Garcia et al.
1997, Sanches 2010]. It is cultivated on straw – its
mycelium is able to decompose, transform and use
biomass of lignin-cellulose crop wastes for growth.
This process also has significance in the waste bio-
This species has been shown to have a higher
yield and growth than other cultivated mushrooms.
In recent decades a great increase in the international
cultivation of P. ostreatus has been noted due to its
significant tolerance of varied agroclimatic condi-
tions [Sanches 2010, Kholoud et al. 2014].
Phot. 1. Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq.: Fr.
Kummer (Basidiomycota) – Oyster mush-
room. Photo by B. Muszyńska
Because of its contents of nutrients readily digest-
ible proteins, mineral salts, vitamins, and compounds
with potent pharmacological activities, e.g. lovastatin
and pleuran, P. ostreatus is an important mushroom
species of dietary and medical significance [Anandhi
et al. 2013, Muszyńska et al. 2014, Caz et al. 2015].
Chemical composition of Pleurotus ostreatus
The content of water in fresh fruiting bodies of
Pleurotus ostreatus is about 80–90% similarly as is
the case in other fungi. From 100 g mushrooms, 10 g
dried fruits are obtained, consisting of 2.5 g proteins
and about 5 g polysaccharides – mainly starch and
others such as mannitol and trehalose. The mycelium
of P. ostreatus has great nutritional value, due to the
presence of high contents of amino acids (arginine,
alanine, glutamine, glutamic acid). In 100 g of fresh
mycelia, the level of vitamin C represents 15% of the
recommended daily intake for humans. This species
also contains 0.1–0.2 g fats, including oleic acid
(40%), linolenic acid (55%), and other compounds
with hypocholesterolemic action. The content of
saturated fatty acid is relatively small (≈10%) [Barros
et al. 2007].
One of the most important compounds in P. os-
treatus is lovastatin – an approved to market drug
used in the treatment of dyslipidemia – that acts as an
inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase (see section Bio-
logical activity of P. ostreatus). The highest content
of lovastatin was found in lamella of mature mush-
rooms [Gunde-Cimerman and Cimerman 1995]. Var-
iable amounts of lovastatin have been demonstrated
for samples coming from different countries. Pleuro-
tus ostreatus from Japan, Taiwan, and Korea con-
tained 606.5 µg, 216.4 µg and 165.3 µg (per 1 g of
DW), respectively. Variability was found in terms of
the contents of ergothioneine (944.1–1829 µg) and
γ-aminobutyric acid – GABA (0–23.6 µg) [Shin-Yu
et al. 2012]. Ergothioneine was detected in cultivated
P. ostreatus from Ethiopia: 3.78 µg g-1 DW [Wolde-
giorgis et al. 2014]. Ergothioneine is a compound
which is accumulated in animal cells and tissues
exposed to oxidative stress; however, it is not endog-
enously synthetized. It plays a role not only as an
antioxidant, but also as an antimutagenic, chemo- and
radioprotective agent; hence, ergothioneine is consid-
ered a compound suitable in adjuvant treatment of
strokes, neurodegeneration, and cardio-vascular dis-
eases [Cheah and Halliwell 2012, Woldegiorgis et al.
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
In extracts of P. ostreatus, researchers have found
an active β-glucan, named pleuran (fig. 1). This is
characterized as an immunomodulatory agent with
potential applications in the treatment of cancer, in-
fections and immune system disorders [Devi et al.
2013, Devi et al. 2015]. Pleuran is a branched poly-
saccharide, where the backbone consists of β-D-
glucopyra- nosyl linked with (1→3) bonds, and every
fourth residue is substituted with a (1→6) D-
glucopyranosyl group [Karácsonyi and Kuniakb
1994]. It may contain a small proportion of interior
(1→6) and (1→4)-linked residues [Karácsonyi and
Kuniakb 1994, Fričová and Koval’akovà 2013].
Fig. 1. Pleuran (author: B. Muszyńska)
High contents of mineral salts of potassium,
phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium,
and selenium were found in mycelium of P. ostreatus
[Muszyńska et al. 2016]. Because of the increasing
interest in mushrooms as a source of macro- and
microelements, release of zinc ions (ZnII) from
P. ostreatus to artificial gastric juice was determined,
using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry.
The amount of zinc in artificial saliva, stomach and
intestinal juices, ranged from 1.88 to 2.83 mg, 1.14–
8.33 mg and 0.41–1.59 mg per 100 g DW, respective-
ly. Fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus after thermal pro-
cessing imitating culinary preparation were extracted
in artificial saliva, stomach and intestinal juices, with
zinc contents recorded at: 0.41–4.95 mg, 0.78–
2.65 mg and 2.18–2.23 mg per 100 g DW, respective-
ly [Muszyńska et al. 2016]. This microelement is
essential for protein synthesis, insulin homeostasis
and it acts as a cofactor of over 300 enzymes, includ-
ing superoxide dismutase. Its beneficial effects in
humans include acceleration of wound healing, an
increase in mental performance, protection of eye
yellow macula against degeneration, and antioxidant
properties [Powell 2000, Noormagi et al. 2010].
Among the phenolic content, flavonoids and phe-
nolic acids have been found. The phenolic com-
pounds include p-hydroxybenzoic, synapic, ferulic,
p-coumaric, protocatechuic, vanillic, caffeic, gallic,
homogentisic, gentisic and chlorogenic acids
[Meetoo et al. 2007, Kim et al. 2008, Alam et al.
2010, Palacios et al. 2011, Muszyńska et al. 2013,
Woldegiorgis et al. 2014, Gąsecka et al. 2015], while
the flavonoids are myricetin, naringenin, hesperidin,
formononetin and biochanin A [Alam et al. 2010,
Palacios et al. 2011, Muszyńska et al. 2013, Wolde-
giorgis et al. 2014, Gąsecka et al. 2015]. The levels
of individual phenolic compounds are presented in
Table 1. Indicated differences among studies may be
the result of different methods of mushroom cultiva-
tion, preparation, extraction, as well as geographical
variability [Alam et al. 2010, Palacios et al. 2011,
Muszyńska et al. 2013, Woldegiorgis et al. 2014,
Gąsecka et al. 2015].
Biological activity of P. ostreatus
Pleurotus ostreatus showed a wide spectrum of
biological activities, among which its hypoglycemic
properties are the focus of great interest. Diabetes
mellitus is one of the most common civilization –
related diseases, found both in developed and devel-
oping countries. Prognoses indicate an increase in
morbidity from year to year [Meetoo et al. 2007].
Disease progress is associated with a number of
complications, and leads to premature death.
Many drugs are available on the market, including
compounds derived from nature, e.g. the recently
approved dapagliflozin, an inhibitor of sodium-
glucose transport proteins (SGLT2), the structure of
which is based on phlorizin. Diabetes leads to choles-
terol and lipid disorders; therefore, patients are forced
to treat both ailments [Nesto 2008]. Pleurotus os-
treatus has shown beneficial activity not only in
regulating blood glucose levels, but also in regulating
lipid metabolism. This direction of action is associat-
ed with the occurrence in this species of many types
of compounds; however, one of the most significant
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
chemicals found is lovastatin, a drug approved in
1987 by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) and
widely used in current therapy of dyslipidemia. It acts
as an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase an enzyme
catalyzing reduction of 3-hydroxy-3-methylgluta-
ryl-CoA to mavalonate, which is the first step in the
endogenous synthesis of cholesterol. Inhibition of
Table 1. Levels of phenolic compounds in P. ostreatus mycelium
Phenolic compound
Levels of phenolic compounds among various studies
et al. [2014]b
et al. [2013]a
et al. [2008]b
et al. [2011]b
et al. [2015]b
et al. [2010]b
Synapic acid
Cinnamic acid*
Ferulic acid
p-coumaric acid
Protocatechic acid
Vanillic acid
Caffeic acid
Gallic acid
Homogentisic acid
Chlorogenic acid
Genstisic acid
Biochanin A
a – mg/kg DW, b– μg/g DW; * precursor of selected phenolic compounds
this process leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels
in the liver, and an increase in the expression of low-
density lipoproteins receptors on hepatocyte cell
membranes and finally to an increased uptake of
LDL and VLVD from the blood [Bobek et al. 1995].
Beyond their specific mechanism of action, statins
exhibited pleiotropic activities, including stabilization
of artherosclerotic plaque, as well as anti-inflamma-
tory, anticoagulation, immunomodulatory, and prolif-
eration inhibiting properties with regard to the muscle
of the left ventricle [Kavalipati et al. 2015]. However,
this hypolypidemic effect in P. ostreatus is also asso-
ciated with the presence of other compounds, e.g.
chrisin, or β-glucans [Anandhi et al. 2013, Caz et al.
2015]. Another aspect of P. ostreatus activity is its
antioxidant action – this mushroom beneficial effects
in preventing progression of diabetes associated with
oxidative stress [Kaneto et al. 2010].
Hypoglycemic activity of P. ostreatus. The hy-
poglycemic activity of P. osteratus has been indicat-
ed in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Ethanolic extract
decreased serum glucose levels, improved serum
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
lipid profiles and kidney function [Ravi et al. 2013].
In the same model of diabetes hypoglycemic activity
was shown in rats fed with 500 mg kg-1 BW of pul-
verized mushroom. The efficacy of P. ostreatus was
comparable with that of metformin or glibenclamide
[Jayasuriya et al. 2012]. Pleurotus ostreatus also
showed hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and hypocho-
lesterolemic activity in streptozotocin-induced diabe-
tes in rats [Chorváthová et al. 1993]. Hypoglycemic
efficacy has also been studied in human subjects.
In 27 patients with diabetes and hypertension,
3-month supplementation of their diet with 3 grams
of pulverized mushroom lead to a decrease in diastol-
ic and systolic blood tension, fasting glucose level
and glycated hemoglobin (HbAc1) [Choudhury et al.
2013]. Pulverized P. ostreatus administered to
22 healthy persons decreased fasting glucose levels
after oral administration of glucose solution. A simi-
lar effect was observed in 14 diabetic patients, with
an additional increase in insulin level. No changes in
aminotransferase activity or creatinine levels were
observed, indicating a lack of hepato- or nephrotoxic
effects [Jayasuriya et al. 2015]. The hypoglycemic
activity of P. ostreatus seems to be a complex pro-
cess including many mechanisms. Jayasuriya et al.
[2015] showed a potential for decreasing glycemia
using P. ostreatus through the activation of glucoki-
nase, stimulation of insulin burst and inhibition of
glycogen synthase kinase, resulting in increased gly-
cogen synthesis [Jayasuriya et al. 2015].
Hypolipidemic activity. This mode of action of
P. ostreatus has been studied in in vitro models in
rodents, as well as human subjects. In rats with Tri-
ton WR-1339-induced hypercholesterolemia, etha-
nol extract at a daily dose of 500 mg kg-1 BW (body
weight) significantly decreased levels of VLDL,
LDL, total cholesterol, aminotransferases, lactate
dehydrogenase and glucose, while increased HDL
levels were observed. [Anandhi et al. 2013]. A diet
consisting of 10% of dried mushroom, and 1% cho-
lesterol in rabbits resulted in a 65% decrease in
serum cholesterol levels and in some animals pre-
vented the development of arteriosclerosis, com-
pared to the control group not supplemented with
P. ostreatus [Bobek and Galbavý 1999]. In similar
studies including rats, results were analogous
[Bobek et al. 1998, Alam et al. 2009]. In studies
comparing the hypolipidemic effect of three Pleuro-
tus species (P. ostreatus, P. sajorcaju, and
P. florida), P. ostreatus showed the greatest influ-
ence on the reduction of blood cholesterol and tri-
glyceride levels, while in terms of decreasing
LDL/HDL ratios, P. sajor-caju was shown to be
more effective [Alam et al. 2009].
An eight-week study with 20 patients treated with
an antiretroviral therapy, which results in dyslipidem-
ia as an adverse drug reaction, showed a positive
effect of P. ostreatus on lipid profiles only in 3 sub-
jects [Abrams et al. 2011]. However, Slovak re-
searchers indicated a significant effect from six-week
supplementation with pulverized P. ostreatus on
a decrease in triglyceride and cholesterol levels in
dyslipidemic patients, without any influence on HDL
[Kajaba et al. 2008]. A study including 30 diabetics
showed the influence of a diet containing mushrooms
on a decrease in glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol
levels, combined with an additional blood pressure
reducing effect. No adverse effects to the liver or
kidneys were recorded [Khatun et al. 2007].
The mechanism of hypolipidemic activity of the
species probably also includes many pathways. One
possible mechanism is the decrease in lipid absorp-
tion from the gastrointestinal tract and their increased
elimination with feces [Bobek et al., 1996 Alam et al.
2009]. Another mechanism is connected with the
inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase by lovastatin
[Bobek et al. 1995]. More recent studies have also
shown an influence on the expression of genes asso-
ciated with lipid metabolism. Water extract standard-
ized for β-glucans affected expression of Dgat1 (di-
glyceride acyltransferase), which is responsible for
triglyceride synthesis. In mice fed with P. ostreatus,
an increase in the expression of genes associated with
lipid transport and β-oxidation was observed [Sato et
al. 2011].
Antineoplastic activity. Among the medical
properties of mushrooms, anticancer activity is one of
the most attractive for researchers. Neoplasms pose
a significant civilizational – related problem and also
leading causes of death globally. Currently available
drugs and therapy methods have not been sufficiently
efficacious to significantly decrease the scale of prob-
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
lem; therefore, the search for novel anticancer agents
is continuing [Siegel et al. 2015]. From fungi, nu-
merous compounds of varied chemical structures
have been isolated and shown to possess desirable
activities. Special significance is given to polysaccha-
rides which are used in standard cancer treatments,
e.g. lentinan [Patel and Goyal 2012]. The anticancer
activities of P. ostreatus extracts and isolated com-
pounds have been studied in cancer cell lines and in
Water extract from pulverized P. ostreatus showed
cytotoxicity against colon cancer cell lines COLO-205,
with an IC50 of 81.2 µg ml-1. The extract decreased
cells ability to form colonies and alters cell migra-
tion. Moreover, induction of apoptosis is observed in
treated cells. Increased expression of Bax, caspases 3
and 9, and decreased Bcl-2 mRNA was recorded, and
cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 was demonstrated [Arora
and Tandon 2015]. Intracellular and extracellular
polysaccharide fractions from P. ostreatus cultivated
in conditions of submerged fermentation, inhibited
proliferation of HCT15, HCT116, RL 95, and SW480
cell lines [Silva et al. 2012]. Pleurotus ostreatus glu-
can at a dose of 10 mg and 20 mg per kg BW de-
creased Sarcoma 180 tumor weight by 37.30 and
51.89%, respectively. No cytotoxic effect has been
observed in vitro; however, increased proliferation of
lymphocytes has been shown, which may suggest
immunomodulatory properties as a possible anti-
tumor mechanism [Devi et al. 2013]. Devi et al.
[2015] also showed a lack of direct cytotoxic activity
of glucan against Dalton lymphoma cells. Glucan
exhibited immunomodulating activity via an increase
in lymphocytes proliferation and macrophages activa-
tion. Also, induction of the cytotoxicity of NK cells
and macrophages against cancer cells was shown.
After administration of glucan to Dalton lymphoma
bearing mice at a dose of 20 mg kg-1 BW, inhibition
of tumor growth was more than 70%. Moreover,
rodents’ survival period increased. An isolated poly-
saccharide POMP2 of 29 kDa molecular weight in-
hibited proliferation and migration and decreased
formation of colonies in BGC-823 cell lines, while in
rodents it significantly decreases the volume and
weight of tumors [Cao et al. 2015]. Sarangi et al.
isolated three fractions of proteoglycans, which at
a concentration range of 10–100 µg ml-1 showed
cytotoxicity against sarcoma 180 cells. Also, an in
vitro immunomodulatory effect was observed – pro-
teoglycans increased proliferation of splenocytes and
activated macrophages and NK cells [Sarangi et al.
A protein complex isolated from P. ostreatus in-
duced apoptosis in a SW480 cell line, probably
through induction of oxidative stress, decrease in
intracellular glutathione and a reduced mitochondrial
transmembrane potential [Wu et al. 2011]. A protein
complex obtained by another method at a dose of 5
and 10 mg per kg BW reduced growth of tumors in
Dalton lymphoma bearing mice by 35.68 and
51.43%, respectively. The above doses also pro-
longed survival time of Dalton lymphoma, Sarcoma-
180 and B16F0 melanoma bearing mice. Induction of
apoptosis was observed in cancer cells [Maiti et al.
2011]. Another isolated antineoplastic compound was
dimeric lectin, with subunit weights of 40 and
41 kDa. Lectin prolonged survival time of mice bear-
ing sarcoma S-180 and hepatoma H-22 and reduced
tumor growth [Wanga et al. 2000 a].
The results of studies have shown the anticancer
potential of P. ostreatus. This species contains vari-
ous compounds with such modes of action; however,
especially important is the presence of polysaccha-
rides, including glucans, and proteins with cytotoxic
properties. Divergent results in terms of the cytotoxic
activity of glucans in vitro suggest a different mecha-
nism of action of P. ostreatus glucans. Some may act
by direct cytotoxicity against cancer cells, while oth-
ers may act by immunomodulatory properties, or by
a combination of both mechanisms.
Antioxidative properties. A significant role in
the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications,
arteriosclerosis, carcinogenesis, neurodegeneration
diseases and numerous other diseases, is played by
oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species
(ROS). Therefore, antioxidants are considered as
compounds preventing disease development, but also
with potential application in treatment [Hajhashemi
et al. 2010]. Extracts from P. ostreatus showed direct
antioxidant properties comparable with BHA and
vitamin C, in DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, and β-carotene
bleaching assays [Yim et al. 2010, Arbaayah and
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
Kalsom 2013, Chowdhury et al. 2015]. Elbatrawy et
al. [2015] examined antioxidant properties of seven
extracts obtained with seven different solvents.
In DPPH assays, the most potent was the water ex-
tract. This mode of action of P. ostreatus may be
related to the content of phenolic acids, flavonoids,
vitamins C and E and polysaccharides [Yim et al.
2010, Muszyńska et al. 2013]. However, the species
not only has the capacity for direct interaction with
ROS, but can also increase the activity of antioxidant
enzymes in tissues. In rats treated with ethanolic
extract of P. ostreatus an increase in CAT (catalase)
gene expression was observed in the liver and kid-
neys with a simultaneous decrease in protein car-
bonylation in these organs [Jayakumar et al. 2010].
Ethanol extract in diabetic rats increased the activity
of catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and gluta-
thione peroxidase (GPx). It also increased the levels
of vitamins C and E in the liver and decreased the
levels of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) [Tahrani and
Barnett 2010]. Antioxidative and protective effects
were also observed against toxicity induced by para-
cetamol (acetaminophen) and carbon tetrachloride
[Jayakumar et al. 2006, 2008, Naguib et al. 2014].
Antiviral activity. There are individual reports
concerning the antiviral properties of P. ostreatus.
Wanga and Ng [2000 b] found a protein of 12.5 kDa
which inhibited translation in a rabbit reticulocyte
lysate system and exhibited low ribonuclease activity
toward yeast tRNA. It also inhibited reverse transcrip-
tase of the HIV-1 virus. Laccase (58 kDa) inhibited
entry of the hepatitis C virus into peripheral blood
cells and hepatoma cells. The enzyme also had the
ability to inhibit intracellular replication of a virus in
HepG2 cell lines at concentration of 0.75–1.5 mg ml-1
[El-Fakharany et al. 2010]. Water extract of
P. ostreatus exhibited antiviral activity against influ-
enza A virus and herpes simplex virus 2 in cell lines
infected by the above viruses [Krupodorova et al.
2014]. Water and methanolic extracts as well as poly-
saccharide fractions were assayed against HSV-1.
The highest potency was shown by a polysaccharide
fraction with IC50 = 4.80 µg mL-1. Acyclovir was
used as a reference agent, and this showed IC50 =
0.20 µg mL-1 [Santoyo et al. 2012].
Antimicrobial activity. Water and alcoholic ex-
tracts from P. ostreatus mycelium have been used in
studies on antimicrobial activities against numerous
types of microbes. The highest potency was shown
by water extract, especially towards fungi: Candida
albicans, Cryptococcus humicola, Trichosporon cu-
taneum; and bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli. In the extract the active substance
was identified as 3-(2-aminophenyl-1-thio)-3-hydro-
xypropanoic acid, with MIC 30 µg mL-1 and
20 µg mL-1, against fungi and bacteria, respectively
[Younis et al. 2015]. Methanolic extract from
P. ostreatus mycelium showed activity against gram
positive and negative bacteria with MIC in the range
of 4–8 µg mL-1 [Chowdhury et al. 2015]. Ethanolic
extract inhibited growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus
subtilis, Bacillus atropaeus, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
and at the highest potency level: Candida albicans
and Agrobacterium tumifaciens [Ahmad et al. 2014].
Additionally, ergosterole peroxide was found in the
species and it acted in a toxic manner against Trypan-
somona cruzi as well as showed an amoebicidal ef-
fect [Ramos-Ligonio et al. 2012, Meza-Menchaca et
al. 2015]. The above studies clearly showed the anti-
microbial activity of P. ostreatus; however, due to
the high concentration required to achieve it this
effect seems to be insignificant in comparison to
other activities of the mushroom.
Pleurotus ostreatus as a potential source of ac-
tive substances in cosmetology. The fruiting bodies
are a good source of previously described antioxidant
and antiageing substances such as ergothioneine,
phenolic compounds, and the indole compounds:
melatonin, serotonin, and selenium [Kim et al. 2008,
Muszyńska et al. 2011, Mohamed and Farghaly 2014,
Woldegiorgis et al. 2014]. The selenium content was
determined to be 58.24 mg kg-1 and 100.31 mg kg-1
in fresh and dried mushroom, respectively [Mohamed
and Farghaly 2014]. Moreover, fifty five aroma com-
pounds were demonstrated in mycelium, including
27 esters, 9 ketones, 7 thiols, 5 alcohols, 4 terpe-
noids, 2 phenols and 1 aldehyde [Mohamed and Far-
ghaly 2014]. Aroma compounds play a significant
role in the perfume industry and in the production of
cosmetics. A cream based on β-glucans, and also
Piska, K., Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B. (2017). Edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) – its dietary
significance and biological activity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 16(1), 151–161.
containing pleuran, showed a significant positive
effect in supportive therapy for atopic dermatitis in
a study including 105 patients, of which 80 complet-
ed the trial [Jesenak et al. 2015].
Pleurotus ostreatus is a widely distributed and
cultivated mushroom with medical significance.
It has a broad spectrum of biological activities and
potential in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Due to the high contents of mineral salts and organic
compounds essential for humans, it is of great dietary
importance. Its activity is especially confirmed in
decreasing blood sugar levels and in improving lipid
profiles. Additionally, it has antiatherogenic, antioxi-
dant and antineoplastic properties. Detection of
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