
Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century.

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Prologue: In Medias Res TRAVELS Traveling Cultures A Ghost among Melanesians Spatial Practices: Fieldwork, Travel, and the Disciplining of Anthropology CONTACTS Four Northwest Coast Museums: Travel Reflections Paradise Museums as Contact Zones Palenque Log FUTURES Year of the Ram: Honolulu, February 2, 1991 Diasporas Immigrant Fort Ross Meditation Notes References Sources Acknowledgments Index

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... Contemporary literature and media are particularly rich in exploring these dynamics. For instance, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah bridges African and African-American experiences, showcasing both shared struggles and divergent cultural perspectives (6). Similarly, the works of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Toni Morrison delve into themes of racial hybridity and identity negotiation (7,8). ...
... Cultural hybridity complicates traditional understandings of cultural purity, urging the adoption of more fluid and inclusive identity frameworks (6,8). By analyzing contemporary narratives, this article highlights how hybridity fosters resilience, creativity, and solidarity within diasporic communities. ...
... Section 3 provides an in-depth textual analysis of selected literary works and media, exploring how these narratives articulate hybrid identities (6,8). Section 4 discusses the socio-political implications of these narratives, emphasizing how they challenge stereotypes and redefine cultural boundaries. ...
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Cultural hybridity stands as a defining characteristic of Black diasporic literature, reflecting the intricate blending of African and Western traditions in the lived experiences of African and African-American communities. This study examines the representation of cultural hybridity in contemporary African and African-American narratives, with a particular focus on its role in shaping complex Black identities. By analyzing novels such as Teju Cole's Open City and Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing, the paper explores how literature navigates the tensions between ancestral heritage and modernity, community and individuality, and belonging and alienation. Teju Cole’s Open City presents a protagonist grappling with the layered nuances of identity, tracing the intersections of race, class, and global migration. In contrast, Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing explores generational trauma and cultural continuity, connecting African roots to the fragmented histories of descendants scattered across the diaspora. These works highlight how hybridity serves not only as a site of conflict but also as a source of strength and renewal, enabling characters to embrace multifaceted identities. Through themes such as dual identities, displacement, and cultural negotiation, this paper reveals how Black diasporic literature serves as a lens to explore the fluidity of identity. The study argues that cultural hybridity is not merely a consequence of colonialism or migration but an evolving force that redefines what it means to be African or African-American in a globalized world. Ultimately, these narratives challenge rigid notions of identity, offering a rich tapestry of voices that affirm the resilience and creativity of the Black diaspora.
... Disse møtene er vi nysgjerrige på. Med utgangspunkt i perspektiver på utstilling som kontaktsone (Clifford, 1997;Pratt, 1991) ønsker vi å se hvilke dialoger som oppstår når besøkende møter utstillingen Tuulessa -I vinden når den blir vist i Tromsø, Nordreisa og Alta, basert på deltagende observasjoner på disse tre visningsstedene fra januar 2022 til april 2023. ...
... Bakteppet for en slik interesse i dialoger er at vi tenker oss en utstilling som et møtested, i tråd med Clifford (1997) sin ide om museer som «kontaktsoner». Begrepet kontaktsone kommer opprinnelig fra Pratts (1991) artikkel «The Arts of the Contact Zone» hvor hun refererer til et rom der kulturer som befinner seg i maktskjeve kontekster, møtes. ...
... Når det gjelder prosjekter som forholder seg til etniske minoriteter, bør man huske på at minoritetskulturer aldri er totalt frikoblet fra stereotypier, kolonial arv og maktstrukturer. Det er viktig å anerkjenne denne kompleksiteten, og reflektere over den, slik Clifford (1997) konstaterer: «The historical possibilities of contact relation -negative and positive -need to be confronted» (Clifford, 1997, s. 443). Ved å gjøre utstillingsrommet relevant for kvener kan imidlertid den kvenske minoritetens kulturelle selvbevissthet styrkes, og det kan stimulere til en kulturspesifikk programmering (Bodo, 2009(Bodo, , 2012 der utstillingen gir viktig kunnskap om kvener og kveners kulturarv. ...
... The participatory museum includes content creation and active feedback processes along with visitors as well as updated participation policies depending on social conditions and democratization approaches. Museum participation began with the definition of the action of participation as citizen power defined by Sherry Arnstein in 1969 and has become widespread with theories developed and implemented by Clifford (1997), Simon (2010), Mygind et al. (2015), and Hegenbart (2016) (Table 2). A model defining the "ladder of participation" for community participation was developed by Sherry Arnstein, an American academic, almost half a century ago (Knudsen, 2016). ...
... In this approach, the participants played a role actually affecting the museum studies. Clifford (1997) proposed the "points-of-contact" approach to facilitate and improve participation in museums. ...
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The latest definition of museum holds museums responsibility for carrying out museology with ethical and professional understanding, taking into account the participation of the society through sustainability. Sustainability focuses on practices such as being active in environmental action, preventing social isolation, developing inclusive policies and practices, and maintaining mental health. Museums frequently choose difficult subjects in order to fulfill the condition of creating meaning by using the concepts of identity, race, multiculturalism, inclusion, participation, migration and diversity. The immigrant-refugee debate is discussed together with ecological, economic and political deadlocks under the title of sustainability as the primary challenge of our time. The global dynamics of migration, and ethnic conflicts have led migration museums to place this phenomenon at the center of social life in multicultural countries of Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. Migration is the subject of many museums; however, the purpose of migration museums is to focus on this phenomenon from different perspectives at the center. The migration museum aims to present a greater understanding of how migration shapes societies. It works closely with diverse communities to ensure and present their stories and contributions and aims to highlight the encouraging contributions of migrants, challenge misconceptions and stereotypes, and promote a more informed conversation about this phenomenon. This study questions the ways of using exhibitions and activities to discuss the differences and prejudices in the handling of the migration, through the concepts addressed in the new museum definition, based on the latest examples of migration museums in Türkiye.
... For many years, anthropology contributed significantly to the reinforcement of "dominant notions of culture and identity as being closely tied to specific territories" (Jansen and Löfving 2009, p. 3). 1 However, in recent decades, the discipline has experienced a critical shift away from a 'sedentarist metaphysics' (Malkki 1992) toward what has been termed a 'nomadic metaphysics' (Cresswell 2006). This intellectual turn has yielded a substantial body of research that offers innovative frameworks for reinterpreting human experience through the lens of mobility (see Clifford 1997;Gupta andFerguson 1997a, 1997b;Rapport and Dawson 1998;Waterston 2014). By focusing on human mobilities-whether within national borders or across them-anthropologists have challenged long-standing assumptions embedded in the discipline's primary methodological practice: fieldwork. ...
... Intriguingly, the intellectual turn toward mobility draws on modernist thinkers such as Alfred Schütz and his notion of "the stranger" (1944) and Walter Benjamin's (1999) concept of the flâneur. It has also been influenced by more contemporary works, including Michel de Certeau's (1984) writings on the pedestrian, Deleuze and Guattari's (1987) reflections on the nomad, and James Clifford's (1997) examination of the shift from roots to routes. For instance, Benjamin's concept of flânerie-idle, aimless wandering-offers an alternative way of conceptualizing urban experiences. ...
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For many years, anthropology contributed significantly to the reinforcement of “dominant notions of culture and identity as being closely tied to specific territories” (Jansen and Löfving 2009, p [...]
... Il s'agirait même dans certains cas d'un transnationalisme qui fait l'apologie des racines et des routes, des déplacements et du croisement. Les diasporas en seraient la figure emblématique, démontrant l'importance des circuits et des réseaux, la crise de l'État-nation et de la modernité ainsi que de la culture comme espace imaginaire (voir Appiah et Gates, 1998 ;Bhabha, 1994 ;Canclini, 1995 ;Clifford, 1997 ;Gilroy, 1993 ;Hannerz, 1996 ;Töltöyan, 1996). Penser la culture en mouvement, dans un entre-deux permanent, comme le préconisait Clifford (1997), peut être interprété comme une stratégie de réécriture et de traduction de la globalité ou, au contraire, un assujettissement. ...
... Les diasporas en seraient la figure emblématique, démontrant l'importance des circuits et des réseaux, la crise de l'État-nation et de la modernité ainsi que de la culture comme espace imaginaire (voir Appiah et Gates, 1998 ;Bhabha, 1994 ;Canclini, 1995 ;Clifford, 1997 ;Gilroy, 1993 ;Hannerz, 1996 ;Töltöyan, 1996). Penser la culture en mouvement, dans un entre-deux permanent, comme le préconisait Clifford (1997), peut être interprété comme une stratégie de réécriture et de traduction de la globalité ou, au contraire, un assujettissement. C'est ce dernier argument qu'invoque Badiou (1998 : 11), qui récuse la communautarisation de l'espace public : ...
... Este proceso de resistencia cultural no implica un rechazo frontal, sino una integración creativa que permite a las comunidades mantener su identidad.AlfredoTorero (1974) aporta una perspectiva histórica al analizar cómo la lengua quechua, como herramienta intercultural, ha sido un vehículo clave para resistir la homogenización cultural y preservar la memoria colectiva en los Andes. En el caso de Chumbivilcas, las narrativas orales y los relatos míticos desempeñan una función similar, actuando como reservorios de identidad en un contexto de cambio constante.JamesClifford (1997), desde un enfoque etnográfico contemporáneo, refuerza la importancia de las tensiones interculturales como generadoras de nuevas formas culturales híbridas. Estas tensiones no deben entenderse como conflictos, sino como oportunidades para la creatividad cultural, lo que explica la pervivencia de las danzas tradicionales en Chumbivilcas, incluso en un entorno globalizado.Cosmología y espiritualidad andinaLa cosmología andina ha sido otro concepto clave para entender las dinámicas culturales en los Andes. ...
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This article analyzes the cultural and social dynamics of Chumbivilcas, located in the Peruvian Andes, highlighting its historical evolution and adaptation to globalization. It focuses on the role of the ayllu, a traditional organizational unit that remains central to social and economic management, fostering values such as solidarity and resource balance. Cultural practices, including festivals and rituals particularly the Chumbivilcas Carnival are emphasized as spaces of cultural resistance and the transmission of historical memory. The study of reciprocity practices, such as ayni and mink’a, underscores community cohesion. Additionally, the transmission of ancestral knowledge ensures cultural continuity. The impacts of migration and globalization are addressed, with special emphasis on the crucial role of women and youth in preserving and reinterpreting traditions. The article concludes with a call for inclusive public policies to strengthen cultural identity and social cohesion in a globalized context. Keywords: Chumbivilcas, Peruvian Andes, ayllu, reciprocity, Andean festivals, oral traditions, cultural resilience, globalization.
... Como sostiene Clifford (1997), "The staging of cultural spectacles can thus be a complex contact process with different scripts negotiated by impresarios, intermediaries and actors" (p. 199). ...
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Los documentales Buscando a “Isla de Pascua”. La película perdida (Chile, 2014) y Apenas el sol (Paraguay, 2020) abordan historias coloniales situadas en el siglo XX en dos regiones en la periferia latinoamericana, legibles ambas en términos de colonialismo interno. Las respectivas historias se (re)construyen mediante el recurso a archivos audio/visuales –precarios y frágiles–, producidos en un caso previamente, en el otro simultáneamente con la producción del documental. El artículo analiza el uso del archivo que técnicamente aparece como remediación y políticamente se revela como parte de un proyecto de descolonización.
... Instances of crossing reflect complex regional and transregional histories which, since 1900, have been powerfully inflected by three connected global forces: the continuing legacies of empire, the effects of unprecedented world wars, and the global consequences of industrial capitalism's disruptive, restructuring activity… (Clifford 1997, 6-7) This article deals with the production of nonfiction films covertly sponsored by two of the largest Italian automotive firms, Alfa andFiat, between 1950 and1952. As they depicted cars traversing Africa from Tripoli to Mogadishu and from Algiers to Cape Town, they were commonly referred to as "motor raid films." ...
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This essay explores a series of sponsored Italian nonfiction films representing trans-African car crossings, made after the dismantling of Italy’s colonial empire following World War II. I focus on two significant examples of what are commonly referred to as “motor raid films”—that is, film works shot during the Tripoli-Mogadishu and the Algiers-Cape Town crossings, produced by the main national nonfiction film companies, and sponsored by the major automotive firms between 1950 and 1952. Their production histories are traced using the film materials preserved by the Istituto Luce’s Archive and Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa, with reference to the corporate sources in Fiat’s and Alfa’s documentation centers. I investigate how cinema navigated the end of fascist territorial imperialism to become useful to the continuation of economic imperialism in the postwar free-market economy. Taking a cue from the scholarship on useful cinema and adopting an “infrastructural disposition,” I read these films as material and discursive manifestations of broader configurations of power and extraction. Their “usefulness” is then rethought in reference to what has been called the “automobility system” or “regime,” retracing how their production processes intersected the car companies’ extractive interests toward African lands. I argue that, while contributing to expand their markets, the motor raid films supported the car manufacturers’ arguments in favor of the extraction of labor in former Italian colonies and of raw materials in parts of the continent still dominated by other European powers. Ultimately, the films advocated an audiovisual and discursive “reframing” of Africa by representing it as a place of transit and of resource extraction, a mere testing ground for Western industries.
... 8 Manjak sredstava, nedovoljne naknade kojima mora pokriti cijeli niz troškova i honorara posadi, guraju ga prema poznatoj terrafermi iz koje je vrlo rado, štoviše, s veseljem otišao. Njegovi su roots i routes (Clifford 1997:3), korijeni i rute, zato premreženi na zaseban način te čine širi, i možda na prvi pogled ne toliko uočljiv, kontekst putovanja. Vjerojatno će baš iz tih razloga oplovljivanje i imati karakteristike sportskoga, ubrzanoga, kretanja morima i lukama, ali uz istovremen mjestimičan "gubitak vremena". ...
U radu se kroz nekoliko dominantnih značajki interpretiraju aspekti putopisa Jože Horvata "Besa: brodski dnevnik". Nastao kao niz članaka objavljenih u Vjesniku u srijedu od 1965. do 1967., ovaj putopis u narativnom i sadržajnom aspektu karakterizira nekoliko specifičnosti poput „antiherojskoga“ i „samoironijskoga“ tona u kojima je pisan, ali i pitanja Drugosti, koje se šezdesetih godina, kada je brodski dnevnik pisan, artikuliraju dvostruko. Posada „Bese“ i sama biva gdjekad interpretirana „Drugom“, budući da dolazi iz socijalističke zemlje, no zasade takvoga društvenoga uređenja istovremeno su interpretacijski okvir u koji autor smješta niz odnosa i situacija kakvima svjedoči.
... En la actualidad el archipiélago de Chiloé se encuentra bien conectado y orientado al mundo mediante el comercio, la migración, el turismo, y las importaciones bióticas, culturales y materiales. Sin ello, las islas y las formas de vida que contienen simplemente no sobrevivirían (Baldacchino 2004;Clifford 1997). En el contexto de esta constelación, la movilidad de los chilotes pasa a ser una movilidad ubicada en los tiempos más rápidos de la modernidad, ocupando más tecnología y más dependiente de factores externos. ...
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Tomando como punto de partida el concepto de constelación propuesto por Cresswell, y por medio de una investigación realizada en el archipiélago de Chiloé, sur austral de Chile, se plantea identificar distintos tipos de constelaciones de movilidad que varían desde formas tradicionales regidas por ritmos atmosféricos y estacionales, expresadas en lo colectivo y recíproco, hasta movilidades más proletarizadas, rápidas y urbanas. Se discutirá la hipótesis de que existen diferentes constelaciones de movilidad que entran en tensión y que constituyen “el habitar chilote actual”. En definitiva, la movilidad cotidiana de los habitantes de Chiloé se comprenderá desde sus cambios, tensiones y permanencias como reveladores de las transformaciones políticas, económicas y sociales acaecidas en las últimas décadas en el territorio insular.
... Mens flere har forsøgt at adressere disse problematikker i en udstillingsmaessig kontekst (Poehls 2011, Bjork et al. 2021, Spiessens & Decroupet 2022, har få rettet opmaerksomhed mod spørgsmålet om, hvilken rolle museers forpligtigelse til at indsamle kan spille i forhold til at inkorporere transnational bevaegelse i museers forskning og formidling. Ved at drage inspiration fra antropologiske vaerker, der anser rejse som et epistemologisk og metodologisk udgangspunkt for studiet af socialt liv (Marcus 1995, Clifford 1997, undersøger denne artikel netop dette spørgsmål. I artiklen bruges erfaringer fra indsamlingsarbejdet langs knudepunkter for ukrainernes flugt gennem Polen som udgangspunkt til at demonstrere, hvordan museer -ved at følge flygtninge og deres historier (Marcus 1995) på tvaers af tid og sted -kan indsamle immaterielle vidnesbyrd, der giver en kropslig fornemmelse for de deterritorialiserede oplevelser og bevaegelser, som kendetegner tvungen mobilitet. ...
Based on a fieldwork that follows Ukrainian refugee routes through Poland, the article discusses methodological potentials of letting museum workers follow the trajectories of forced mobility beyond national borders. The article demonstrates how museums – by “following the people” across time and space - can collect testimonies which provide a corporeal sense of the deterritorialized movements and experiences of displacement. Using sensory methods, the multi-sensoriality of these movements can be captured and elongated to future scholars and museum visitors. Similarly, museum objects collected along refugee routes yield affective force and, thus, an ability to move researchers and visitors emotionally and corporeally. Accordingly, the article argues that transborder documentation can place transnational and constantly changing movements at the core of their collection, research, and communication on migration – thus challenging museal tendencies to affirm nationalist narratives of migration as unidirectional processes with permanent settlement and assimilation as ultimate goals.
... Since the late twentieth century, the objectives and public engagement strategies of museums have undergone significant transformations, reflecting broader changes in their societal roles. Originally mere custodians of art and heritage, these spaces have become what James Clifford (1997) termed "contact zones"; places that spatially and temporally unite subjects previously separated by geographic and historical disjunctions. They prioritise interactive and improvisational dimensions, emphasising the construction of identity and reciprocal relationships. ...
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This article addresses the need to bring the museum environment closer to the students of the Faculty of Education at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). The motivation for this stems from an observed lack of artistic education among these students, specifically evidenced by a lack of familiarity with the resources and learning opportunities offered by museums. To address this issue, a mixed quantitative-qualitative methodological design was chosen, with a focus on the factors that define artistic education. The research was conducted with a population cohort of UCM students ( N = 476) including future teachers, pedagogy professionals and social education professionals. The results confirm the initial hypothesis, as 82.2% of the students reported having limited knowledge of museums and their resources. Additionally, 48.3% of the participants considered their artistic education during compulsory education to have been inadequate, and of these, 78.6% stated that their teaching staff lacked the necessary knowledge. In UCM’s Laboratorio Pantono innovation project (PID), 88.6% of the students of the Faculty of Education considered museum educational resources to be relevant to their education and recognised their usefulness at all educational stages. This is because these resources facilitate the acquisition of learning related to didactics and curriculum (63.3%), recreation (92.99%), expression (63.30%), and cross-cutting issues (90.3%). Based on these findings, this study underscores the need to integrate museum resources in teacher training programmes.
... In light of the international debate about the colonial heritage (e.g., Clifford 1997;Dias 2007;Bragard 2011;Sarr and Savoy 2018), we recognise the need to contextualise and present the collection of plaster casts housed in the Sergi Museum. ...
... Comprender los museos desde la perspectiva de «zona de contacto» (Clifford, 1997) facilita la apertura de espacios colaborativos, participativos y horizontales en los que distintos públicos, incluyendo los nna, puedan aprender a participar desde experiencias en las que se vivencien las implicaciones de este ejercicio ciudadano. Por supuesto, sin perder de vista que la promoción de la participación es una labor que supone altas inversiones de tiempo y recursos (De Gouveia, 2016). ...
A partir del movimiento de la Nueva Museología y de la consolidación de la perspectiva de derechos, los museos como instituciones sociales están llamados a ser cada vez más participativos e involucrar a sus comunidades, aunque en la práctica no siempre logra materializarse como una realidad. Niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) representan un amplio porcentaje de sus visitantes anuales, sin embargo rara vez se les incluye en las decisiones sobre su funcionamiento y el diseño de los programas. Desde un paradigma construccionista, un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño de estudio de casos, llevamos a cabo un estudio en el que nna participaran, a través de la estrategia fotovoz, en la generación de exposiciones temporales en tres museos de la región Caribe colombiana. Entre los hallazgos de la investigación se resalta que, en el entorno adecuado, NNA exploran materiales y técnicas para encontrar su voz y manifestarse de múltiples formas, siendo la estética una de las más evidentes. Estas estéticas alternativas, no siempre van en la misma dirección de las de los museos pero pueden complementar el lenguaje de las exhibiciones y permitir a los NNA visibilizar sus voces, silencios, aportes y ausencias, que generan influencia en la toma de decisiones y dinámicas propias de las organizaciones museales.
... Kültür, "Dini yaratmanın başlıca antropolojik aracıdır (Abu-Lughod, Fox 1991: 147;ayrıca bkz. Appadurai 1996;Clifford 1997;Hulsether, 2005;492-493). Yani insanların betimledikleri, şekillendirdikleri ve uyguladıkları bir sistemler bütünüdür (Şekil1). ...
... Beyond the dense hybridisms and intersections that exist between tourism and migrations (Bloch and Adams 2022), the links between the two fields also extend to systemic relationships of reciprocal causality that contribute to cultural itinerancy (Clifford 1997;Rojek and Urry 1997) and the formation of transnational spaces and communities. Williams and Hall (2002) analysis suggests that different types of flows tend to produce a double spillover effect: they generate more of the same and, simultaneously, stimulate the emergence of new flows with different characteristics. ...
... Musical practices thus provide frameworks for organizing the diasporic experience, including the historical consciousness of having come from somewhere else, and identifying with other people in other places who also share this origin. The complex relationship between a sense of origin in another place, and the awareness of being displaced from that place, is frequently encapsulated in the homophonous pair of terms roots and routes (Gilroy 1993, Clifford 1997, Kalra, Kaur and Hutnyk 2005: 29, Negus 1996. ...
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This article sketches out a synthesis of issues that have emerged in the study of diaspora and music. The author identifies two broad approaches in the literature: 1) diaspora as social formation and 2) diaspora as metaphor. By “diaspora as social formation” is meant approaches that stress a sociological definition of diaspora and that emphasize the historical facts and material conditions of diasporas, with empirical enquiry focused on the social networks that maintain diasporic communities and the role of music in articulating such networks. In contrast, approaches that evoke “diaspora as metaphor” emphasize the interpretive possibilities that the idea of diaspora enables in regard to the historical and contemporary global flows of music. The article ends with a brief discussion of the metaphor of the rhizome as a way of thinking about the non-hierarchical nature of diasporic networks, and of the way music may articulate the different nodes of these networks while providing a vehicle for the imagination and performance of diasporic consciousness.
... (Shafak, 2021, p. 22) . As James Clifford (1997) clarifies in his book, Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century, the spectrum of alienation within diaspora subjects is manifest in 'the mix of coercion and freedom in cultural (dis)identifications, and the pain of loss and displacement." (p. ...
Au Canada, les Peuples autochtones représentent une minorité à part ayant subi des politiques d’assimilation culturelle et des discriminations. Aujourd’hui, ces Peuples victimes de pertes culturelles considérables se réunissent dans des mouvements communs dans lesquels ils déploient une iconographie protestataire singulière. Le but de cet article est de comprendre les logiques et les fonctions sous-jacentes de cette iconographie à travers l’étude de trois évènements qui se sont tenus à Montréal et Ottawa, à l’automne 2023. L’iconographie protestataire autochtone s’inscrit dans les codes de communication de la société majoritaire, tout en portant une signification pour les Autochtones. Les symboles visibles s’imposent comme des dispositifs de sensibilisation empreints d’une forte dimension émotionnelle permettant de maximiser les soutiens externes tout en contribuant à une mémoire collective autochtone.
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This paper problematizes, from an ethnographic perspective, the temporal aspects of Eastern Adriatic travelogues published in the first half of the 20th century. By employing the concept of ‘time routes,’ the author analyzes diverse temporal fragments emerging along the itineraries of travel writers such as Maude Holbach, Alice Lee Moqué, Frances Kinsley Hutchinson, and Rebecca West. Their descriptions of local cultures and specific locations in the Eastern Adriatic open a debate about the shifting boundaries between the West and the East and between the past, present, and future. Furthermore, the predominantly spatial aspect of travelogues is supplemented by an analysis of diverse non-linear temporal modalities and phenomena, such as anticipation, expectations, idleness, boredom, timelessness, and waiting. The paper explores the spatiotemporally fluid nature of ‘time routes’ in representations of the Eastern Adriatic and how they discursively constitute heterogeneous temporal regimes and practices. The emergence of diverse temporal modalities is examined within the broader, at times overlapping, context of the Mediterranean and Southeastern European regions, raising the question of how Western ideas of linear progress are entangled with processes of temporal othering.
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This work presents a case study that examines a complex web of cultural documentation that spans multiple record formats and creators with varying, and sometimes conflicting, perspectives. We show how recent efforts to expand and refine the archival concept of provenance may carry practical benefits for a broad range of cultural heritage professionals as they seek to organize and interpret collections that cut across distinct personal, social, institutional, and disciplinary boundaries. The case explores provenance as an interdisciplinary framework that might be applied by archives, museums, and libraries as a means to inform restitution for cultural heritage representing non-Western cultures. The case shows how an archival approach to provenance research can be an effective means through which cultural heritage professionals may evaluate the actions and underlying perspectives of record creators and subjects, hopefully leading to richer, more complete accounts of how objects have been collected by individuals as well as the communities to which they belong.
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Recenzja: Caroline Dodds Pennock, On Savage Shores. How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe, Wedenfeld-Nicolson, London 2023.
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It's a review paper on select Indian authors and their works on diaspora.
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Buku ini membahas seputar Pengantar pendidikan karakter, konsep dasar pendidikan karakter, tingkatan dalam karakter, model pendidikan karakter, sumber-sumber nilai pendidikan karakter, budaya dan karakter bangsa, komponen karakter yang baik, proses pembentukan karakter, mengenal karakter beberapa tokoh dunia, pembudayaan pendidikan karakter bangsa, tantangan pembangunan karakter bangsa, mengenal karakter bangsa di beberapa negara, dan hubungan karakter dan kemajuan bangsa.
תיק הדוקומנטה נפתח במסה שכתבה נורה שטרנפלד במיוחד לתיאוריה וביקורת. שטרנפלד, חוקרת ומרצה באקדמיה לאמנויות בהמבורג, כיהנה כפרופסורית הדוקומנטה באקדמיה לאמנות בקאסל כאשר אנשי הקולקטיב האינדונזי רוּאַנְגרוּפָּה נבחרו לאצור את דוקומנטה חמש־עשרה, ומאז הייתה בקשרים הדוקים עם כמה מהם. במסה היא מתארת את השינויים העקרוניים שהובילו רואנגרופה במבנה הדוקומנטה: עשייה קולקטיבית, עיסוק בתשתיות, יצירה שיתופית והתערוכה כנחלת כלל. היא עומדת על המעבר מתערוכה המבוססת על ייצוג של עמדות חברתיות לתערוכה המובילה ארגון מחודש של המרחב החברתי, שכבר אינו מנוסח דרך הקונפליקטים המאפיינים אותו. אולם מה קורה, שואלת שטרנפלד, כאשר בתערוכה כזאת מתעורר קונפליקט שמארגן את השיח סביבה? כזאת הייתה שערוריית האנטישמיות, ובה שטרנפלד דנה במבט היסטורי רחב – מהדוקומנטה הראשונה בשנת 1955, שביקשה להשיב את גרמניה לחיק התרבות ולהיפרע מעברה הנאצי אבל למעשה נותרה אחוזה בו באופנים רבים, ועד לשאלה שריחפה מעל דוקומנטה חמש־עשרה: האם גם כעבור שמונים שנה, וגם כאשר אוצר את התערוכה קולקטיב אמנים מאינדונזיה, רוחות הרפאים האנטישמיות ממשיכות לפקוד אותה? שטרנפלד כותבת על האפשרות שלא לברוח מן הקונפליקט אלא לחיות אותו, אבל בדרך לא אגוניסטית, אלא באופן שמתרגם את העימותים לאזורי מגע מתוחים. את זאת היא עושה כשחקנית פעילה בשדה האמנות בגרמניה שנדרשה לכך ביתר שאת בשנה שאחרי הדוקומנטה.
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Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat (2016) by Veeraporn Nitiprapha, Thailand’s first female who receives Southeast Asian Writers Award (S.E.A. Write Award) twice, is a novel on the overseas Chinese in Thailand that can also be classified as a work in the Magical Realism tradition. Inspired by the author’s own biographical elements along with her interpretation of masterpieces of Latin American literature, the author fictionalizes a tragedy based on Chinese “outsiders” in Thai society through the saga of the Tang family from a ghostly perspective, based on local beliefs that bring up the subject of memory derived from Pedro Páramo (1955) by Juan Rulfo and One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) by Gabriel García Márquez. This article uses Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat as a case study that exemplifies the influences of Latin American literature in Thai contemporary literature. The Thai novel is, therefore, studied through the dialogue and interaction with its Mexican and Colombian models: a fictionalization of the “forgotten” history of the ethnic “outsiders,” a creation of ghost characters, as well as a labyrinthic and “haunting” narrative. The analysis employs psychological and socio-historical dimensions to discover both parallelism and disparity in contemporary history and ancestral faiths between these two antipodes.
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Published as part of EDERA - The Ethos of Dialogue and Education, streamlining the themes Negotiating between objectivity and stereotypes. American correspondents in Romania (T3) and Embodying the American Feminine Ethos: Renegotiating Romanian Women’s Identity from Hollywood to Rockefeller (T6). Trailblazers of the Press. American War Correspondents in Interwar Romania analyzes the portrayals of Romania shaped by the American war correspondents’ who visited the country during the interwar era. These representations illustrate the cultural and identity negotiation process between the observers and the observed and among the many prevalent identities in this space. The historical and political analysis of America’s stance towards Romania in the context of the world wars has been thoroughly addressed in both the American and Romanian academia. This book emphasizes the historical context of Romanian-American relationships and negotiations and the cultural, social, gender and identity dimensions reflected in the American correspondents’ representations of significant historical events, especially from 1939 to 1940, when they arrived in Romania in considerable numbers. Trailblazers of the Press explores a topic often neglected in Romania’s historical narrative. It highlights the crucial role of American journalists in documenting social, cultural, and historical events in Romania during World War II within a European context. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the Romanian people’s cultural and social aspects by offering valuable historical, military, and diplomatic insights. “This book challenges the accepted belief regarding the irrelevant influence of the United States in interwar Romania, providing significant knowledge for a detailed analysis of the way America portrayed Romania. The book aims to remedy the information deficiencies about foreign war correspondence, diaries, and accounts of those who visited or lived for a time in interwar Romania, proving the special American interest in this cultural and identity space.” Cornel Sigmirean, author of Istoria formării intelectualităţii româneşti din Transilvania şi Banat în epoca modernă. Studenţi români la universități din Europa Centrală şi de Vest “This book analyzes the intricate Romanian-American relations in the inter-war era through the lenses of American war correspondents in Romania (while investigating their diaries, memoirs and other testimonies), with a view to showing that the evolution of such relations, influenced by the US political and economic interests in the region, can shed novel light on the inherent power dynamics of the Romanian-American exchanges.” Mariana Neț, author of Once Upon Two Cities: A Parallel Between New York City and Bucharest by 1900 “This is a must-read book for anyone who seeks to understand how American war reporting in interwar Romania negotiated the ebb and flow of information transmission in order to uncover the power dynamics between the two countries. Trailblazers of the Press provides a fascinating multidisciplinary account of Romania’s diplomatic and cultural exchanges with America, which is central to our contemporary history.” Elena Butoescu, author of Literary Imposture and Eighteenth-Century Knowledg
This chapter analyses the paradigm shift regarding the cultural construction of national identity in Spanish theatre that thematises the immigration boom in the late twentieth century. It studies the development of recurrent dramatic motifs in plays published from the 1990s to the first decades of this century. At first, the dramaturgies of the final decade of the last century revisit the theme of the historical antagonist, the American Indian, and opt for a postmodern deconstruction of colonial history through theatrical metalanguages that allow for the subversion of the concept of identity and cultural otherness (e.g. Sanchis Sinisterra 1992; Morales [1995] 2000; etc.). At the same time, other authors begin to address the social polarisation caused by growing immigration, emphasising its marginal and disruptive character as a threat to the monolithic national system (Del Moral 1992; López Mozo 1997; etc.). However, the first decade of the twenty-first century introduces new approaches in which intercultural contact begins to generate a positive change in the development of society (Alvear 2005; Belbel 2006; etc.). Likewise, social theatre projects (Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo 2010; etc.) start to promote the collective dramatic creation of post-national identities that are flexible and resistant to the changes of the globalised world. In addition, the concept of the border as a line that separates and breaks the homogeneity of migrant history is transformed into the symbol of a contact zone and a dynamic social element in constant movement across ethnicities, genders, races and classes. In this study, we do not limit ourselves to analysing the dramatic text as a mere reflection of the social situation, but we explore the mutual interaction between artistic production and social reality in both directions. From a social and anthropological perspective (Turner 1982; Schechner [2002] 2013; Fischer-Lichte 2008), we observe the reciprocal influence between theatrical creation and the rituals inherent in social movements and their public representations that are transforming the binary concept of identity/otherness towards a cross-cultural representation of the common cultural heritage in today’s world.
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Autorka poddała analizie dynamiczne zmian w obrębie polityki historycznej i pamięci kulturowej na przykładzie Muzeum Pozostałości Wojennych w Ho Chi Minh, skupiając się na jego roli w ciągłej ewolucji wietnamskiej narracji historycznej i zbiorowej pamięci o wojnie 1945-1975. Poprzez analizę dostosowania muzeum do zmieniających się krajobrazów politycznych i międzynarodowych percepcji, badanie ujawnia, jak zmiany w krajowej i zagranicznej polityce Wietnamu wpłynęły na dyskurs muzeum. Autorka, podkreśliła interakcję między państwową polityką historyczną, globalną geopolityką a oczekiwaniami odwiedzających, prowadzących do zniuansowanej rekonfiguracji ekspozycji muzealnych. Ta reewaluacja reprezentuje szerszy wysiłek zrównoważenia tożsamości narodowej z globalnymi narracjami, odzwierciedlając złożony proces pamiętania i interpretacji dziedzictwa wojny.
Immaterielles Kulturerbe im Rahmen des 2003er Übereinkommens der United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ist eine Kategorie von Kulturerbe, die oft nur von bestimmten Personen an bestimmten Orten und zu bestimmten Zeiten ausoder aufgeführt wird. Viele Menschen kommen weder in Institutionen noch in ihrem Alltag in Berührung mit diesem Erbe; dies betrifft besonders Kinder. Der an Sachlernprozessen mit Sammlungsobjekten orientierte, didaktische Beitrag setzt hier an. Am Beispiel von Kontaktzonen für Grundschulkinder in historischen Sammlungen wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob und wie sich Kinder aus der Bedeutungsvielfalt von materiellem Kulturerbe (Hahn 2016) immaterielles Kulturerbe erschließen können und wie das Immaterielle Kulturerbe für Perspektiven von Kindern und eine Gestaltung von Zukunft geöffnet werden kann.
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Aliando conceitos e questionamentos presentes nos estudos críticos do patrimônio e da Nova Museologia, este artigo propõe uma refl exão sobre diferentes estratégias de salvaguarda do patrimônio marítimo das Caxinas, comunidade piscatória de Vila do Conde (Portugal). A recente movimentação feita pelo poder público, agentes culturais, acadêmicos e membros da comunidade no sentido da produção coletiva de um museu evidenciou a relevância de um diálogo com a população nas tomadas de decisão acerca da preservação (institucional ou não) dos patrimônios. Refl ete-se, por fi m, sobre o papel da História Oral aquando da produção de fontes históricas que não apenas podem ser utilizadas para expor os patrimônios imateriais num contexto museológico, como também têm o potencial de suscitar reivindicações e questionamentos dentro de uma comunidade.
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Published as part of EDERA - The Ethos of Dialogue and Education, streamlining the themes Negotiating between objectivity and stereotypes. American correspondents in Romania (T3) and Embodying the American Feminine Ethos: Renegotiating Romanian Women’s Identity from Hollywood to Rockefeller (T6). Trailblazers of the Press. American War Correspondents in Interwar Romania analyzes the portrayals of Romania shaped by the American war correspondents’ who visited the country during the interwar era. These representations illustrate the cultural and identity negotiation process between the observers and the observed and among the many prevalent identities in this space. The historical and political analysis of America’s stance towards Romania in the context of the world wars has been thoroughly addressed in both the American and Romanian academia. This book emphasizes the historical context of Romanian-American relationships and negotiations and the cultural, social, gender and identity dimensions reflected in the American correspondents’ representations of significant historical events, especially from 1939 to 1940, when they arrived in Romania in considerable numbers. Trailblazers of the Press explores a topic often neglected in Romania’s historical narrative. It highlights the crucial role of American journalists in documenting social, cultural, and historical events in Romania during World War II within a European context. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the Romanian people’s cultural and social aspects by offering valuable historical, military, and diplomatic insights. “This book challenges the accepted belief regarding the irrelevant influence of the United States in interwar Romania, providing significant knowledge for a detailed analysis of the way America portrayed Romania. The book aims to remedy the information deficiencies about foreign war correspondence, diaries, and accounts of those who visited or lived for a time in interwar Romania, proving the special American interest in this cultural and identity space.” Cornel Sigmirean, author of Istoria formării intelectualităţii româneşti din Transilvania şi Banat în epoca modernă. Studenţi români la universități din Europa Centrală şi de Vest “This book analyzes the intricate Romanian-American relations in the inter-war era through the lenses of American war correspondents in Romania (while investigating their diaries, memoirs and other testimonies), with a view to showing that the evolution of such relations, influenced by the US political and economic interests in the region, can shed novel light on the inherent power dynamics of the Romanian-American exchanges.” Mariana Neț, author of Once Upon Two Cities: A Parallel Between New York City and Bucharest by 1900 “This is a must-read book for anyone who seeks to understand how American war reporting in interwar Romania negotiated the ebb and flow of information transmission in order to uncover the power dynamics between the two countries. Trailblazers of the Press provides a fascinating multidisciplinary account of Romania’s diplomatic and cultural exchanges with America, which is central to our contemporary history.” Elena Butoescu, author of Literary Imposture and Eighteenth-Century Knowledge
These were the sociologists from the Frankfurt School, Theodor Adorno (1903–1969), and Max Horkheimer (1895–1973) (Adorno & Horkheimer, 1944), who coined the term “cultural industries.” They were worried about commercialization, mechanical production, and trade in cultural products. However, by 1970s, the culture became an accepted commodity to be traded and produced. The rise of the electronic and digital industry further provided a flip to it, and music, plays, cinemas, arts, designs, etc., started being produced and traded on a mass scale. Added to it were instrumental music, video games, and virtual reality shows. Since the 1990s, with the commercialization of the Internet, e-commerce has led to sizeable trade in cultural and creative goods and trade.
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With its rich history as a center for commerce, cultural interactions, and a tapestry of spiritual traditions, Singapore has evolved into a vibrant amalgamation of diverse ethnic and religious heritages. Various communities have harmoniously woven themselves into the fabric of Singaporean society, each enriching it with their distinct influences. Throughout history, the rich and varied tapestry of the Indian community has often been underestimated by external observers. In a parallel manner, the distinct identity of the Singaporean Indian community frequently remained in the shadows, eclipsed by the prevailing presence of the Tamil Hindu population. The Jain community in Singapore, though a small minority, has played a notable role in the nation’s growth and the enhancement of its diverse cultural landscape. This article draws upon ethnographic materials collected by the author through comprehensive fieldwork in Singapore. It unveils the multifaceted nature of identity within the Jain community, even though they represent a modest presence in Singapore. The Jains in Singapore exemplify the complex interactions of their multiple identities as they engage with the rich tapestry of Singapore’s diverse and multicultural landscape, where global viewpoints and local traditions intertwine. By engaging actively and adapting to diverse social contexts within Singaporean society, the Jain community has skillfully navigated the complexities of spatial dynamics, and vividly demonstrated the notion of “religious hybridity”.
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Hafıza inşası, kolonyal süreçlerin ve yeni kolonyal formların işleyişinin ayrılmaz bir parçasını teşkil eder. Mekanın, ritüelin, bedensel pratiklerin ve tarih anlatısının şekillendirilmesi suretiyle, kolonyal toplumların kolektif hafızasını biçimlendirmeye devam eder. Bu noktada, sosyal bilimlerin iki farklı alanı; hafıza inşası ve neokolonyalizm ilişkisi, yeni bir tartışma alanı açmaktadır. Bu ilişki, çalışmamız bağlamında karşılığını, neokolonyal hafıza kavramsallaştırmasında bulmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın konusunu, Fransa ve Cezayir’in ortak kolonyal dönem tarihinin ve direnişin sembol şahsiyetinin konu edildiği Abd el-Kader müze sergisi oluşturmaktadır. 2022 yılında Fransa’nın Marsilya şehrinde, Avrupa ve Akdeniz Medeniyetler Müzesi’nde düzenlenen Abd el-Kader Sergisi, çalışmanın katılımcı gözlem ile gerçekleştirilen sahasını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, Abd el-Kader müze sergisi üzerinden okuyarak, başta dönemselleştirme olmak üzere tarih yazımı, anlatı inşası, seçici hatırlatma ve unutturma gibi çarpıtma dinamiklerini içeren hafıza inşasının neokolonyal süreçler ile ilişkisine dair bir tartışma yürütmektir. Bu bağlamda, neokolonyal hafıza inşasının, bir taraftan kolonyal dönemin sorunlu geçmişini yatıştırma çabalarının bir parçası, diğer taraftan kolonyal mirasın ve güç eşitsizliklerinin sürdürülmesini içeren kültürel etki mekanizmasının aracı olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Abd el-Kader’in hayat serüvenini; direniş, tutsaklık, sürgün ve mirası olarak dönemselleştiren sergi, onun monografisini mağlup, tutsak, pasif; aynı zamanda lider, uyumlu, barış insanı, din adamı olarak sunmaktadır.
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En este artículo me ocuparé de la siguiente pregunta ¿Qué consecuencias tiene para la antropología social tomar en serio las demandas de escucha de grupos incómodos? Para responder a esta pregunta me valdré del material etnográfico construido entre los años 2005 y 2008 entre oficiales historiadores del Ejército Nacional de Colombia. Sostendré que, si se asume que en la etnografía la empatía y el respeto a las demandas de escucha, son condiciones de las que no se puede prescindir, detenerse en la comprensión del ‘otro incómodo’ tiene como consecuencia la ampliación de los horizontes disciplinares, la multiplicación del conocimiento de las formas de estar en el mundo.
This study explores the significant changes in how urban youth in Dhaka, Bangladesh spend their leisure time, prompted by technological advances and socio-economic factors. The research highlights a shift from traditional leisure activities among the children and youth to digital gaming, influenced by concerns about safety, parental focus on academic and career success, and the overall pressures of urban living. Using the Theory of Attainment, the study suggests this shift is an adaptive response to the modern urban environment, meeting essential needs for connectivity, entertainment, and security. Additionally, drawing on Benedict Anderson’s concept of “imagined communities,” the research shows how digital platforms create new forms of social interaction and community among youth, even as physical communal activities decline. The findings indicate that while traditional leisure activities are being replaced by digital ones, these virtual spaces offer alternative ways for socializing and playing, which are crucial in Dhaka’s changing urban landscape. This shift points to a broader cultural move towards digital engagement, changing how leisure and social interactions are understood and experienced. The study also explores the impact of family dynamics, where the decline of extended families and the rise of nuclear families, along with urban safety concerns, lead parents to favor digital solutions for their children’s leisure. This research sheds light on global trends in urban leisure practices, highlighting the social and cultural effects of digital leisure and its role in modern family life.
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En el siglo III a. C. Alejandría puso nombre a la morada de las Musas: el Mouseion. Desde ese momento y hasta el día de hoy el Templo de las Musas ha sido un pilar esencial en nuestras sociedades. No por ello, hemos dejado de criticarlo, deconstruirlo y sacarlo de sus recios y sacrosantos muros para expandirlo al territorio y a toda la sociedad. Hemos modificado sus coordenadas constantemente, sobre todo en la revolución museológica que se produjo con la Nueva Museología en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En el museo empezaba a primar lo social, se humanizaba. El objeto y el objetivo de la institución ahora eran las personas y sus necesidades y problemáticas sociales. En el primer cuarto del siglo XXI el museo sigue mutando sus coordenadas. Ahora, bajo el paraguas de la denominada Museología Social, se le pide que afronte nuevos retos: justicia social, subalternidad, descolonización, sostenibilidad, etc. En este artículo, desde una metodología historiográfica y de los postulados del posthumanismo, se pretende trazar esa evolución y apuntar cómo la visión social de la museología es capaz de potenciar un museo más humano, que consiga afrontar los retos de este milenio.
Rezumat: Călătoriile se înscriu în conceptul mai larg de „mobilitate” (Clifford, 1997), raport cu spațiul și cu timpul caracterizat de fluiditate (rătăcire, nomadism), sau lichiditate(vagabond, turist), în opoziție cu „pelerinul modern, condus de un proiect de viață” (Bauman, 2000). Neo-nomazii, conform lui MacCannell, călătoresc cu credința că experiența turistică e creată din dialogul cu cei întâlniți pe drum (1992). Noile tipuri de călători, fie einomazi,liberi (free-travellers), hitchhikers, backpackers, sau chiar globetrotterii se afla într-un raport special cu norma socială stabilităîn cazul experienței de călătorie (stabilită de instituțiile „savante” - ghidurile turistice, de exemplu)și cu practicile de turism (Urry, 1997). Cercetarea are la bază o analiză etnografică a spațiului virtual al grupurilor din mediul de socializare online Facebook (de exemplu “Nomads. A Place Where Travellers Share Tips and Stories”, “Nomads: A Life of Cheap/Free Travel”, “Nomads”, “True Nomads”, “Traveleri Romania”, “Backpacking”, “Tribe of Hitchikers. The Global Hitchhiking Family”, etc.). Aceste grupurisusțin ieșirea din normă a unui număr tot mai mare de călători, înscrierea în noi spații de socialitateși de interacțiune în mediul on-line si în spațiul off-line, conform unor valori care definesc spații heterotope (Foucault, 1967). Cuvinte cheie: călătorie, neo-nomadism, heterotopie, comunități online
Based on pilot experiences in Argentina, this chapter proposes empowering ELT practitioners as creative materials designers capable of developing sustainable materials with a focus on expressing local cultures and students’ needs. Whatever job openings may exist in future will demand competences related to dealing with diversity, primarily through digital media. Thus, teachers need to develop a transcultural competence that can transcend cultural categories, empowering language users to express their fluid identities and fostering the ability to perceive what all human beings have in common. Literature from various contexts where the target language is used, particularly texts dealing with the context in which the language is taught, are potentially rich resources to develop innovative, customized materials, especially to question stereotypes. This approach does not overlook the notion of authenticity often held against materials designed by non-native users of the target language with a focus on their context. The chapter also explores issues of translanguaging and multilingualism in the classroom. It suggests meaningful collaborative activities that help students to visualize and construct their future selves as competent linguistic and cultural mediators.
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L'objectif principal de cet article est d'interroger la place du médium photographique comme moyen de visibilisation des peuples autochtones aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Plus spécifiquement, il s'agit de voir comment les artistes contemporains autochtones se saisissent de l'appareil photographique pour déconstruire le mythe du vanishing Indian sur lequel ont reposé la colonisation et les politiques assimilationnistes en Amérique du Nord. A cette fin, nous étudierons les œuvres Native Americans : Keeping the Traditions Alive de l'artiste Zoe Marieh Urness (Tlingit/Cherokee) et Project 562 de Matika Wilbur (Swinomish/Tulalip).
В исследовании обозначена линия эволюции научных воззрений на природу музейной политики в системе взаимоотношений государство–музей–общество и выявлены основания, которые определяют значимость этих взаимоотношений для современной музеологии. Материалом для научных изысканий послужили работы в области теории и методологии музеологических исследований. Статья представляет собой аналитический обзор методологических подходов к исследованию взаимоотношений власти, музея и общества. Рассмотрено появление и развитие данной области музейных исследований, определено, как менялись представления о взаимодействии элементов изучаемой триады. Определены возможности применения различных методов для уточнения понятия «музейная политика». Охарактеризованы сменявшие друг друга подходы к пониманию основной социальной роли музея. Установлены два основных направления, повлиявшие на развитие научных исследований музейной политики (концепция политической власти М. Фуко и акторно-сетевая теория Б. Латура).
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We live in an era of interconnectivity, in which political borders and cultural boundaries are blurring and connecting numbers of people from all walks of life across the globe, experiencing the effects of dislocation, deterritorialization and cross-cultural acculturation. A hybrid culture has emerged, and multiculturalism appears to have progressed beyond simply combining and cohabiting different cultures to describe the growing phenomenon of cultural annihilation, which occurs when cultures collide, resulting in the first signs of a future universal culture. The writers of Indian roots put the world in a single frame by presenting multiple cultures through alien characters with different socio-economic, cultural, religious, and political background. The frequent journeys by characters to different places absorb the cultures of that places that arise multiple cultures conflicting ideologies. The research studies focus on mapping of transnational identity, transcultural encounters, and contradictory ideologies. The figuration of multiple displaced identities is to key to question of cultural borders and linguistic perturbed articulations.
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