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Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video
Transitions of Places
ur Informatik and Intel Visual Computing Institute, Germany
ur Informatik, Germany
JAN KAUTZ, University College London, United Kingdom
ur Informatik, Germany
Emerging interfaces for video collections of places attempt to link similar content with seamless transitions. However, the
automatic computer vision techniques that enable these transitions have many failure cases which lead to artifacts in the
final rendered transition. Under these conditions, which transitions are preferred by participants and which artifacts are most
objectionable? We perform an experiment with participants comparing seven transition types, from movie cuts and dissolves
to image-based warps and virtual camera transitions, across five scenes in a city. This document describes how we condition
this experiment on slight and considerable view change cases, and how we analyze the feedback from participants to find their
preference for transition types and artifacts. We discover that transition preference varies with view change, that automatic
rendered transitions are significantly preferred even with some artifacts, and that dissolve transitions are comparable to less-
sophisticated rendered transitions. This leads to insights into what visual features are important to maintain in a rendered
transition, and to an artifact ordering within our transitions.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—Viewing algorithms; I.2.10
[Artificial Intelligence]: Vision and Scene Understanding—Perceptual reasoning, Video analysis
General Terms: Human factors
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Video-based rendering, video transition artifacts.
ACM Reference Format:
Tompkin, J., Kim, M. H., Kim, K. I., Kautz, J., and Theobalt, C. 2013. Preference and artifact analysis for video transitions of
places. ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 10, 3, Article 13 (August 2013), 19 pages.
For over a hundred years, audiences watching movies have become familiar with the effects of placing
video clips in sequence. The switch between clips is called a transition and, while this is most commonly
an instant transition or cut, various transitions exist to convey information and create effects in the
mind of the viewer. Transitions were an artistic introduction which allowed movies to transcend the
restrictions of space and time in theater (as well as, though unimportantly, the physical restrictions
of the amount of film in a reel). Since then, advances in physical and digital visual effects have given
movie-makers creative freedom over both discontinuous and continuous or seamless transitions.
Author’s address: J. Tompkin; email:
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ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
13:2 •J. Tompkin et al.
With the proliferation of video cameras and the rise in video sharing platforms on the Web, new
innovative interfaces for video collections are emerging which attempt to link videos of similar content
with transitions [McCurdy 2007; Ballan et al. 2010; Tompkin et al. 2012]. One particularly promising
subset of videos are those of places: with these, it is possible to automatically reconstruct the geometry
in the video and provide a virtual video-based rendering transition to seamlessly join two videos. How-
ever, it would be incorrect to assume that movie-style transitions are appropriate for this application.
For movies, the most significant goals of a transition are to drive emotion and story, whereas the least
significant goals are to maintain the two- and three-dimensional space of action [Murch 2001, p. 18].
We hypothesize that it is important to seamlessly maintain the sense of orientation in the viewer when
transitioning between video clips of a place by relating the two- and three-dimensional space of action,
else the viewer will become lost in the environment.
Cut transitions represent a change of context and are effective when visual displacement is great
[Murch 2001, p. 6], but rules for their use do not focus on maintaining the space of action [McCurdy
2007, p. 101]. Dissolve transitions suggest a change of place or the passage of time [Dmytryk 1984,
ch. 13] and likewise do not intentionally maintain the space of action. At other times, movie mak-
ers create seamless transitions by employing computer generated visual effects to create physically
implausible camera moves, such as simulating a camera moving through the lock in a door [Fincher
2002]. Recent advances in computer vision and mapping have required new photo transitions not pre-
viously seen in movies [Snavely et al. 2006, 2008; Goesele et al. 2010], and these can be adapted for
video. Which transitions are most suitable for video collections of places?
Furthermore, state-of-the-art vision-based methods are able to automatically reconstruct the static
geometry of a scene from video. This opens the door for video-based rendering transitions; however,
the door is not yet wide open. Geometry reconstruction techniques are often brittle, and cannot yet
cope with the complex dynamic scenes in daily life. This causes many different kinds of artifacts.
Some techniques attempt to overcome these problems with heuristic methods and approximations, but
again these can introduce artifacts. That said, some artifacts are more objectionable than others, and
investigating which kinds of artifacts are more perceptually off-putting would help direct future work.
This exploratory work attempts to determine suitable video transitions for exploring video collec-
tions of places, and an artifact preference order to guide future video transition work. First, we choose
and justify a selection of movie and graphics-rendered video transitions to compare in an experiment,
and categorize possible artifacts within these transitions (Section 3). Next, we assess transitions for
participant preference and present results (Section 4). With these experiment results, we generate
heuristics for good transitions, analyze the response to artifacts within transitions, and produce an
ordering of artifacts to direct future work (Section 5).
As vision-based methods have only recently been applied to automatically generate video transitions,
there is little work in the literature on their analysis. However, some works exist to analyze the per-
ception of image-based rendering. Morvan and O’Sullivan [2009b] look at the effect of occluders in
transitions between panoramas, and between panoramas and 3D models. They discover that dissolve
transitions are perceptually equivalent to transitions where occluders are explicitly segmented. The
authors also assess perceptually the effect of simplifying geometry proxies [Morvan and O’Sullivan
2009a]. Vangorp et al. [2011] build on this work to assess the effect of planar proxies on the perception
of building facades, and categorize artifacts common in these cases such as static ghosting and scene
skewing (parallax distortion). In follow-up work, they experimentally measure the perception of skew
on building facade balconies, and define a perceptual model to guide the location of appropriate cam-
eras for viewing street-level image-based renderings [Vangorp et al. 2013]. Stich at al. [2011] develop
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:3
a perceptually motivated image interpolation method for image sequences. Mustafa et al. [2012] fol-
low this up with an electroencephalography method for measuring the presence of and preference for
artifacts in image-based rendered images, such as blurring, ghosting, and popping. However, none of
these methods address the important differences in video-based rendering.
For video-based rendered transition preference, some work exists: McCurdy [2007] provides evidence
to suggest that transitions in low frame-rate multi-camera situations aid scene understanding, and
that registered transitions further aid comprehension. Ballan et al. [2010] ask participants for their
preference to different transitions, and find that many might often be used but that motion-tracked
dots was rarely preferred. To our knowledge, these are the only works which assess preference for
video-based transitions, and they do not investigate specific artifact issues within rendered transitions.
We wish to study transitions commonly used in both movies and graphics-rendered applications: any
example, interactive or otherwise, in which media is digitally transitioned from one image to another.
From movies, we include cut and dissolve (or cross-dissolve) transitions. Cut transitions form a baseline
as the simplest way to join two clips. We include dissolve transitions, which commonly represent the
passage of time, as there are time differences between clips in our video collections. Other transitions,
such as wipes and reveals, are less common; we do not include them as they add nothing over a cut or
dissolve to help maintain the space of action.
With computer graphics, we can generate seamless transitions which rely on scene geometry and
a virtual camera. We call these full 3D dynamic transitions as they require full scene geometry (or
a suitable geometry proxy). They maintain the space of action and sense of orientation in the viewer
by rendering a perspective-correct view from virtual cameras that join both clips. This transition also
maintains as much as possible the motion of dynamic objects by projecting playing video clips onto the
scene geometry. We also wish to test seamless spatial transitions which do not maintain the motion
of dynamic objects during the transition. In full 3D static transitions we render a virtual view using
scene geometry as before, but do not keep playing the video as the virtual camera moves. During the
transition the world appears as if time has stopped, similar to time-slice photography [Macmillan 1980;
Debuchi 1982]. Unlike full 3D dynamic transitions, the object motions in the clips do not blend into
each other. This will test if and when it is important to maintain dynamic object motions.
Both full 3D transitions use accurate scene geometry, but many existing applications employ sim-
ple proxy geometry, such as a single plane, to represent scenes [McCurdy 2007; Snavely et al. 2006;
Vangorp et al. 2011]. Such plane transitions work well for camera rotations, but suffer artifacts if the
start and end clips are shot from different positions. This transition type is currently popular among
commercial touring and mapping applications, and is a baseline as the simplest registered graphics-
rendered approach.
If partial scene geometry is available, ambient point clouds (APC) can help fill in gaps in geometry
as an alternative to partial planar proxies. Goesele et al. [2010] introduced these transitions to provide
visual hints at motion and depth. We include APC transitions as they represent the state of the art in
automatic graphics-rendered transitions from community photo collections, where it is often the case
that only incomplete geometry is recoverable or available.
Video morph or warp transitions are often used as a special effect in movies to transform one object
into another, but recent advances in robust feature point correspondence have allowed view change
transitions as well [Lowe 2004; Lipski et al. 2010]. Warp transitions provide an alternative both to
transitions that require geometry and to plane transitions: while plane transitions can be classified
as a subset of warps with global 2D transformations (4-point correspondence), warps can also be
computed from many hundreds of points to exploit more accurate correspondence. We include these
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
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Table I.
Left: A table collating all features and artifacts for each transition type. 1: Partial, only with good regular cor-
respondence and flow correction. 2: Velocities only from feature-point tracks. 3: Ghosting is present in almost all
transitions because the plane is an inaccurate proxy to the true geometry. 4: On proxy planes only. 5: An image
forms within the APC as it appears as a noisy plane during slight view changes. 6: Not as prominent as dynamic
case as registration at anchor frames is often better than video-geometry registration. 7: APC partially reduces
empty regions; introduces pepper noise. 8: Minimized given video-geometry registration. Right: Artifacts a-e as in
Cut Dissolve Warp Plane APC Full3DDyn Full3DSta
Registered scene ••• • •
3D effect ◦1•• •
Dynamic objects •••• •
Smooth virtual camera (Fig. 6) ◦2•• • •
Common familiarity ••
Signifies change of time •
Explicit motion cues •
Frozen time •
Ghosting (static objects) ••
Ghosting (dynamic objects) •••• •
Orientation loss ••
Bad correspond. swirls (a, left)•
Edge flickering (a, right)•
Skewed scene (b)•◦
Pepper noise (c)•
Multiple scene elements (d)◦5•◦
Recovered geom. failures (d)•• •
Empty black regions (e)•◦
many-correspondence warps in our comparison as they maintain the space of action and are visually
different from other transitions.
We exclude other transition types which currently require manual work, as might be generated
for a feature film. This includes any transition type which requires interactive or background-based
segmentation [Horry et al. 1997; Chaurasia et al. 2011]. As we wish to test vision-based reconstruc-
tion methods, we exclude transitions which rely on laser-scans [Morvan and O’Sullivan 2009a] and
hand-modelled geometry [Debevec et al. 1998; Oh et al. 2001], though technically these are full 3D
transitions with varying geometry accuracy and fidelity.
3.1 Transition Implementations and Artifacts in Detail
The practical creation of each of the transition types is described concisely in the appendix, with de-
tailed explanation in the supplemental material: For each transition, the explanation contains a his-
torical review of application, our technical method to achieve the transition, and an explanation of
artifacts that may appear. For referencing in this section, we collate and categorize all feature and
artifact types in each transition in Table I. We will use this table to cross-reference comments from
participants in the experiment in Section 4.3.
The identified major artifacts in our transitions and their causes are the following.
Ghosting. Static ghosting on scene objects such as buildings is caused by competing projections from
different camera poses onto incorrect proxy geometry. Dynamic ghosting on scene objects such as
pedestrians occurs as objects must fade in/out across the transition as the video source switches.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:5
End camera
Start camera
Slight view change
End camera
Considerable view change
Fig. 1. Scene 4. Left: In the slight case, the camera translates 10 meters. Right: In the considerable case, the camera translates
50 meters and undergoes a 45◦yaw rotation. Map data c
2013 Google; see acknowledgments.
Orientation loss. Caused when there is no explicit registration of the two videos and hence no virtual
camera transition.
Bad correspondence swirls. Specific to image-based warps; caused by incorrect correspondences be-
tween images, for instance, from confusing repeated building features. This creates vortices in the
output correspondence field.
Edge flickering. Specific to image-based warps; correspondence fields can vary rapidly at edges as ma-
terial is revealed/concealed by real camera motion.
Skewed scene. Parallax distortion caused by incorrect planar proxy geometry under wide baselines.
Pepper noise. Specific to APC; caused when individual pixels are not covered by the point cloud proxy
and so appear black.
Multiple scene elements. A form of static ghosting; incorrect registration of video frames to scene ge-
ometry under camera shake causes the appearance of multiple scene elements.
Recovered geometry failures. Many factors cause holes in geometry reconstructions: specular objects,
dynamic objects, and insufficient baseline are the major causes.
Empty black regions. Caused by virtual camera motions which conflict with real camera motions and
create areas with no projection, see Section 5.1.
3.2 Clip Choice
Transition preference must be tested across different clips of different scenes, as transition preference
may vary between scenes and scene elements. Beyond this, we consider that transition preference may
vary based on the view change between the start and end video clips in a transition. For instance, two
clips with no camera motion shot from the same position would transition with less ghosting in a dis-
solve than clips shot from different positions. Likewise, a full 3D transition adds very little to two clips
shot from the same position and may introduce artifacts from missing geometry, but provides a smooth
virtual camera transition that respects the parallax caused by clips shot from different positions.
To include view change as a variable in our experiment, we create pairs of transitions which show
both a slight view change and a considerable view change (Figure 1). A slight view change is a tran-
sition from one video clip to another where the visual elements in the scene, such as the buildings
and people, approximately maintain their size and position. These slight view changes can still allow
considerably different camera positions as we allow zoom to vary. All camera positions in our chosen
scenes subtend a 10◦cone (9◦average) with its apex approximately at the depth of the scene in the
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
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(a) Scene 1: County Hall, sets 1 & 2.
(b) Scene 2: Palace of Westminster, sets 3 & 4.
(c) Scene 3: Victoria Embankment, sets 5 & 6.
(d) Scene 4: Royal Albert Hall, sets 7 & 8.
(e) Scene 5: Millennium Bridge, sets 9 & 10.
Fig. 2. Left: Start frame for slight view changes. Middle: Start frame for considerable view changes. Right: End frame for both
view change conditions.
middle of the video frame. A considerable view change transition occurs between clips with camera
positions outside a 10◦cone, and in our chosen scenes this is maximally 55◦(34◦average).
For each scene, we choose one clip as the reference end clip. Then, we choose two start clips: one
each for slight and considerable view changes. The scenes contain buildings in the middle distance
(approximately 50–300 meters) along with smaller dynamic objects such as birds, boats, cars, and
pedestrians. The 5 scenes were chosen as they each display a potentially difficult situation (Figure 2):
Scene 1: dynamic objects at boundary; Scene 2: many dynamic objects with view occlusions and pan-
ning camera; Scene 3: panning cameras and dynamic objects; Scene 4: fast moving dynamic objects and
shaking camera/rolling shutter; Scene 5: complicated foreground objects and moving, shaking camera.
Even in slight view changes, the real camera position may vary substantially due to zooms or motion
towards/away from the scene, for instance, in Scene 5, the virtual camera moves 200 meters. Each tran-
sition will consist of 2 seconds of video, plus 1 second of transition, followed again by 2 seconds of video.
Some clips contain camera shake: if this is the end clip then the shake is present in both slight and
considerable view changes. In Scene 4, the shake is so significant as to cause rolling shutter artifacts.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:7
We hypothesized that video transition type preference depends on the severity of view change. For
instance, if the camera pose changes considerably, then transitions based on 3D scene reconstructions
might perform better than those with no geometry; if the camera pose change is slight, then warps and
dissolves might perform better.
We conducted a psychophysical experiment by ordinal ranking. We designed our experiment to quan-
tify the perceived preferences of transitions across different scenes. We then analyzed our observations
with classical multidimensional scaling [Torgerson 1958; Borg and Groenen 2010].
Stimuli. We employed seven transitions: cut,dissolve,warp,plane,ambient point cloud,full 3D
static,andfull 3D dynamic. Each transition was applied to videos of five different scenes with two
view conditions. Each stimulus contained two seconds from the start clip, one second of transition, and
two seconds from the end clip, all running at 60Hz. All stimuli can be seen in our supplemental video.
Procedure. For the transition stimuli in each set, observers ranked the transitions by preference.
Ranking order is an alternative to pairwise comparison that, with analysis, produces relative scores
and confidence intervals. While ranking produces greater dispersion than pairwise comparison, we
chose this method as, with 70 stimuli, it is more time efficient. This approach might introduce a bias
from visual familiarization with artifacts as all participants rank all sets; however, practically avoiding
this risk requires many participants and would be extreme for this exploratory work.
As such, first we explained the scenario of videos transitions to participants and two transitions were
shown as training. Then, participants were asked to rank each set of video transitions given in random
order. In each set, transitions were randomly placed into a vertical video list (Figure 3). Participants
dragged and dropped videos to reorder the list from most preferred to least preferred. Each of the
videos could be played any number of times. Of the 21 participants, twelve were self-described experts
with experience in graphics and media production, four were amateurs, and five were novices. It took
52 minutes on average to complete the experiment. Participants were interviewed to describe their
response to the transitions.
4.1 Data Analysis
Rescaling. We analyzed the data assuming the conditions of Case V in Thurstone’s Law of Compar-
ative Judgment [Engeldrum 2000], which yields psychometric scaling values in the form of a z-score of
the perceived image quality. In particular, this psychometric scaling analysis generates interval scales
of image quality by human measurement. We built a proportion-of-preference matrix of all possible
comparisons from the ranking data, and then applied a logistic psychometric model [Engeldrum 2000]
to convert the observed probability to a logit quantity. The logit was assumed to be a linear function of
the perceived image quality, of which the gain and offset constants were found by using a linear least
squares fit [Cui 2000]. Finally, we calculate the z-score of the logit as a psychometric scale by using the
inverse cumulative distribution function. See Figure 4 for the rescaled participant responses.
Statistical Significance. We tested statistical significance for transition types across all scenes by
using the Student’s t-test. Following Thurstone’s Law, we assume that the probability density function
of the perceptual discrimination process follows a normal distribution function in the psychological
continuum. We regard the standard deviation as the discrimination dispersion. Therefore, we tested
pairwise statistical significance with the Student’s t-test parametric approach, rather than with non-
parametric multiple comparison approaches like Kruskal-Walis ANOVA. See Table II for pairwise sig-
nificance tests of psychophysical rescales at the 95% confidence level.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
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Fig. 3. Screenshot of the interface for the transition ranking experiment.
Preference score
Slight view changes All view changes Considerable view changes
Full 3D staticFull 3D dynamicAPC
Fig. 4. The result of preference scores for different transition types across all scenes. The scale is in the form of z-score, of
which group mean is at 0, the y-value represents multiples of the group standard deviation as discrimination dispersion of the
perceived image quality, and higher scores indicates more preference by participants.
4.2 Results
Figure 4 shows the result of the preference scores across all scenes and view changes, with Tables IIa–
IIc showing significance values and whether these cross a positive/negative threshold of p-value <0.05.
Figure 5 plots preference scores into grouped bars. Our perceptual scale variances are computed across
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:9
Table II.
Pairwise significance tests with the p-values of the preference scores (α=0.05 each). Green cells denote signifi-
cantly preferred, and red cells denote significantly less preferred. If column Cut with row APC is red, then Cut is
significantly less preferred than APC. If column APC with row Cut is green, then APC is significantly preferred
over Cut.
Sig. Cut Dis. Warp Pla. APC 3D-d 3D-s
Cut 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dis. 0.00 0.06 0.43 0.56 0.06 0.01
War p 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.81 0.18
Pla. 0.01 0.43 0.02 0.68 0.07 0.01
APC 0.00 0.56 0.08 0.68 0.03 0.01
3D-d 0.00 0.06 0.81 0.07 0.03 0.03
3D-s 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.03
(a) All scenes (10 sets)
Sig. Cut Dis. Warp Pla. APC 3D-d 3D-s
Cut 0.01 0.00 0.27 0.07 0.01 0.03
Dis. 0.01 0.00 0.66 0.48 0.14 0.16
War p 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.36 0.99
Pla. 0.27 0.66 0.01 0.93 0.19 0.13
APC 0.07 0.48 0.01 0.93 0.07 0.14
3D-d 0.01 0.14 0.36 0.19 0.07 0.37
3D-s 0.03 0.16 0.99 0.13 0.14 0.37
(b) Slight view change (5 sets)
Sig. Cut Dis. Warp Pla. APC 3D-d 3D-s
Cut 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dis. 0.00 0.85 0.55 0.96 0.31 0.00
War p 0.02 0.85 0.59 0.88 0.52 0.04
Pla. 0.03 0.55 0.59 0.59 0.26 0.01
APC 0.00 0.96 0.88 0.59 0.07 0.02
3D-d 0.00 0.31 0.52 0.26 0.07 0.02
3D-s 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.02
(c) Considerable view change (5 sets)
Slight Consid. Slight Consid. Slight Consid. Slight Consid. Slight Consid. Slight Consid. Slight Consid.
Cut Dissolve Warp Plane APC Full 3D Dynamic Full 3D Static
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Preference score
Fig. 5. The result of preference scores for transition types across scenes. Higher scales are better. We can see that cut is disliked,
warp is liked for slight cases, full 3D static is generally liked, and that scene-specific artifacts can alter a score significantly.
scenes only, but after rescaling the participant responses to the scale for fair comparison. Changes in
preference scale correspond to percentages of observers as per the standard deviation in a normal
distribution. As we only have a small number of scenes, we might have been fortunate to find signifi-
cances and further experiments to verify these would be necessary. However, our interview responses
are consistent with the ranking data and help corroborate our findings.
Comments from the experiment provided by participants are summarized in Tables III and IV. The
first table collates comments by transition, noting positive and negative feedback; the second table
collates comments by feature/artifact as in Table I.
4.3 Discussion
The results show that there is an overall preference for full 3D static transitions (Figure 4). This is not
surprising as the video frames are projected onto actual 3D geometry and this provides the strongest
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
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Table III.
Numbers of positive and negative comments from participants
for each transition type. §: All of these positive comments were
referenced when artifacts in other transitions became over-
whelming, making the fallback transitions preferred.
Transition # Positive # Negative Difference
Cut 6§2+4
Dissolve 5§1+4
War p 3 0 +3
Plane 2 1 +1
Ambient Point Clouds 6 6 0
Full 3D Dynamic 5 3 +2
Full 3D Static 20 2 +18
Table IV.
Collated comments relating to specific features and artifacts
identified in Table I.
# Liked (# unique participants)
Registered scene 0 (0)
3D effect 6 (5)
Dynamic objects 1 (1)
Smooth virtual camera 5 (5)
Common familiarity 1 (1)
Signifies change of time 0 (0)
Explicit motion cues 2 (2)
Frozen time 3 (2)
# Disliked (# unique participants)
Ghosting (static objects) 6 (3)
Ghosting (dynamic objects) 3 (3)
Orientation loss 3 (3)
Bad corresp. swirls 0 (0)
Frame edge flickering 0 (0)
Skewed scene 1 (1)
Pepper noise 3 (2)
Multiple scene elements 2 (1)
Recovered geom. failures 4 (1)
Empty black regions 4 (3)
spatial cues of all transitions. From the comments of participants (Table IV), we also know that the
3D transitions not only have smooth camera motion but also provide the effect of being spatially im-
mersed in the scene: these features were positively noted most often when compared to other features.
Surprisingly, full 3D dynamic transitions where both videos continued playing were preferred less, and
this is also reflected in the comments as frozen time was positively noted more often than the presence
of dynamic objects. Looking at the per-scene results, we hypothesize that this is due to ghosting which
stems from inaccurate camera tracks in the difficult shaky cases.
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Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:11
The warp is preferred for slight view changes, and is significantly better than plane and APC tran-
sitions when considering slight view changes only (p-value <0.05, t-test, Table IIb). While it is not
significantly preferred over full 3D transitions, opinion on the warp transition in slight cases was con-
sistent, with a very small variance and the highest mean score of any transition (Figure 4). The static
3D transition is among the top 3 transitions for all sets, and overall is significantly better than all other
transitions for considerable view changes (p-value <0.05, t-test, Table IIc). This justifies the computa-
tional cost of reconstructing and rendering such a transition. In almost all cases, cut transitions were
significantly unpreferred—only plane and APC slight view cases were similarly so.
Beyond these results, it is hard to make strong statements with statistical significance about our
scenes and transition types. Rigorously testing for specific features and artifacts, or testing for specific
scene objects and effects, would be a much larger experiment and is beyond the scope of this exploratory
work. However, it is still worthwhile to discuss these issues based on per-set and per-transition results
and on participant comments to deduce as much as possible about transition preference. This is in-
cluded in supplemental material, and informs the following analysis.
Many factors may have contributed to the preference of participants, but we find with significance that
slight vs. considerable view changes are a key factor. Warp transitions are the perceptually preferred
transition type for slight view changes: warps are significantly preferred over all other transitions
except the full 3D transitions and, vs. full 3D, warps have a higher perceptual score and a much smaller
variance (Figure 4). As such, our results indicate employing warps if the view rotation is slight, that
is, equal to or less than 10◦. Slight view change transitions that have good geometry reconstructions
and do not suffer shake (similar to Scene 3, see supplemental video) will also provide high-quality
results when using the static or dynamic full 3D transitions. In general, the success of the full 3D
transitions is more scene dependent than the warp with the possibility of geometric errors and empty
regions caused by matching or conflicting camera motions. The static full 3D transition is significantly
preferred for considerable view changes. If video-geometry registration were always accurate then
dynamic 3D transitions should be at least competitive, but often small registration errors in the video
lead to static ghosting.
Our results also show that a dissolve is preferable to a cut. Should any geometry fail to reconstruct,
either from insufficient context or a failure of camera tracking, then it is always preferable to fall back
to a dissolve instead of a cut. Further, as there is no significant difference between plane/APC and
dissolve transitions, our results suggests that for at least some cases it is not worth the computational
effort to perform a video-based rendering transition.
We describe outcomes that were not tested for explicitly, but from the per-transition and per-set
analysis merit discussion.
—Participants did not seem to notice or care about the dynamic objects in our scene transitions. If
other artifact-causing issues are solved then this might increase in importance, but as it stands it
does not appear to be a major factor. This might also change if dynamic objects are the focus of the
—APC works better with considerable view changes and not zooms, that is, large angular view changes
or large translations. Slight view changes tend to cause double images as the geometry contrasts
with an image formed from a slightly different view within the point cloud.
—Good video registration is imperative but difficult to achieve under camera shake with rolling shutter
distortion. Scene 2 (considerable) shows that inaccurate video registration can turn a convincing
transition (as full 3D static) into one that is perceptually equivalent to a dissolve (full 3D dynamic).
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
13:12 •J. Tompkin et al.
Start clip End clip
Interpolated virtual camera
at 10% transition length
Start clip End clip
Interpolated virtual camera
at 20% transition length
Start clip End clip
Interpolated virtual camera
at 35% transition length
Start clip End clip
Interpolated virtual camera
at 50% transition length
Fig. 6. Progression of interpolated virtual camera pose (green) for start and end clips with contrasting pans, in Western order.
Frames iand jare the middle frames of the transition, where we assume visual content similarity. Transition progression
beyond frames iand j(+1,+2,+3, etc.) is not shown.
—Clip content can be a cue as to where a participant expects the camera to be after a transition. In
Scene 5 (considerable), the first video pans from a riverbank to view a bridge, then the transition
moves the camera to the second clip which was taken on the bridge—first, the bridge is presented
as a destination; then, the viewer is taken there. These ‘storytelling’ cues may affect preference, but
their exploration is beyond our scope.
5.1 Camera Motion Effects on Empty Regions
Camera motions in the start and end clips can cause empty areas to appear in the rendered tran-
sition due to the difference between the real camera pose and the virtual interpolated camera pose.
Figure 6 explains our camera interpolation method, which linearly interpolates positions and spher-
ically linearly interpolates rotations between scene-registered camera poses for every video frame in
the transition. Empty regions are a large detrimental factor in transition quality because they break
seamlessness. As such, we explain the creation of empty regions in common pan and zoom cases with
diagrams. These present ideal results: pans are assumed to move only in the horizontal direction and
at equal velocities with no wobble or shake (Figures 7 and 8); zooms are assumed to have constant ve-
locity (Figure 9). Real-world cases are more complicated, but these ideal results can be used to predict
areas of empty regions. The diagrams also explain the camera motions which cause full 3D dynamic
transitions to be preferred over their static counterparts when other artifacts are not prominent: the
static case has larger empty regions (slight cases, Scenes 2 and 3, Figure 5).
Reducing empty regions presents a trade-off. Our current interpolation method provides smooth
camera motions that blend between the real camera motions. However, under the conditions outlined
in the figures, this leads to empty areas where the dominant video projection in the cross-dissolve
is not aligned to the virtual camera motion. One solution is to always strongly weight the camera
interpolation factor towards the camera with the dominant projection. This would reduce the size
of empty areas by requiring the virtual camera to more closely follow the real camera paths; however,
this reduces the smoothness of the virtual camera motion and causes a more abrupt change of direction
in the virtual camera. Further, a linear interpolation of real cameras also provides smooth blending
between any “stylistic” motions such as shake (Scenes 4 and 5). In these cases, providing a weighted
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:13
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections matches virtual camera direction, so
no empty regions.
(at 50% in
Start clip End clip
Pan right Pan right
50% %001%57%0%52
Matching pans, full 3D dynamic:
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections differs from virtual camera direction.
25%: Empty regions to right.
75%: Empty regions to right.
(at 50% in
Start clip End clip
Pan right Pan left
50% %001%57%0%52
Converging pans, full 3D dynamic:
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections differs from virtual camera direction.
25%: Empty regions to left.
75%: Empty regions to left.
(at 50% in
Start clip End clip
Pan left Pan right
50% %001%57%0%52
Diverging pans, full 3D dynamic:
Fig. 7. Horizontal pans in start and end clips affect empty areas in full 3D dynamic transitions. Right: Start and end clip
camera positions and rotations are interpolated to create the virtual camera (Figure 6). Video content is projected onto the
scene, with the dominant content direction shown as a green arrow to the left (as projections are dissolved across the transition,
save the middle of the transition, there is always one video clip which dominates). The difference in angle between the dominant
content direction and the virtual camera direction notes the location of empty areas in the view. Relative pan speeds affect the
size of the empty area, where larger differences in pan speeds equals larger empty areas.
interpolation would cause a more abrupt change in style. This competition between content is unique
to video transitions which involve real and virtual camera motion and, in general, demands future
work to explore potential solutions.
5.2 Artifact Ordering
We would like to produce an order of artifacts to resolve their perceptual importance. Our experiment
does not directly support the quantitative creation of such an ordering: an experiment that did, across
different scene types, is beyond the scope of this exploratory work. Nevertheless, we can present a
qualitative ordering for our scenes from our per-transition and per-set analysis (see supplemental
material) and corroborate this with the comments of participants.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
13:14 •J. Tompkin et al.
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections matches virtual camera direction,
so no empty regions.
(at 0% and
100% resp.)
Start clip End clip
Pan right Pan right 50% %001%57%0%52
Matching pans, full 3D static:
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections differs from virtual camera direction:
50%: Maximal empty area on left.
(at 0% and
100% resp.)
Start clip End clip
Pan right Pan left 50% %001%57%0%52
Converging pans, full 3D static:
Dominant content direction from dissolved
projections differs from virtual camera direction:
50%: Maximal empty area on right.
(at 0% and
100% resp.)
Start clip End clip
Pan left Pan right 50% %001%57%0%52
Diverging pans, full 3D static:
Fig. 8. Horizontal pans in start and end clips affect empty areas in full 3D static transitions. Right: Still image content is
projected onto the scene from the transition start and end frames, so the dominant content direction shown as a green arrow
differs from the full 3D dynamic case (Figure 7) and is consistently between frames.
Ghosting on objects which should be static has a large effect on preference. This is exemplified in
Scene 2 (considerable), where a large perceptual difference exists between the static and dynamic
full 3D transitions which we argue is caused by static ghosting from errors in video registration. We
include skewing and geometry errors in this artifact as all have similar causes. Surprising to us was
the effect of empty regions. In Scenes 1 and 3, this was the major difference between full 3D static
and dynamic transitions, and in each case the transition with smaller empty regions was preferred.
APC pepper noise received many negative comments. These artifacts can be reduced by using more
points, or by implementing a morphological open post process. Image-plane artifacts in the warp, such
as bad correspondence swirls and undulating or flickering parts, seem not to be important in slight
view change cases. In considerable view change cases, where the warp is perceptually less preferred
and correspondence is harder to find, it is more difficult to judge whether these artifacts have an effect
because, relatively, more of the resulting transition image is different.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:15
Fig. 9. Zooms in start and end clips affect empty areas. Camera frusta are simplified to circle segments. If the dominant content
projection has a larger field of view than the interpolated virtual camera, then there will be no empty areas.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
13:16 •J. Tompkin et al.
Given these findings, we order the artifacts. While the evidence supporting this ordering is somewhat
anecdotal, it should help direct the effort in correcting artifacts in these and other transitions.
Ghosting on static objects ≈empty regions
>pepper noise
>swirls ≈temporal flickering
>ghosting on dynamic objects.
Many of these artifacts are caused by failures in computer vision systems to accurately find correspon-
dence or reproduce scene geometry, and these techniques are active research areas.
We performed an experiment comparing seven video transition types in ten scenes of places over slight
and considerable view changes to study which transitions were preferred by participants. We discov-
ered that there was a strong preference for full 3D static transitions in the considerable view change
case, and a preference for warp transitions in the slight view change case. We categorized artifacts
within the tested transitions, analyzed comments from participants to identify which artifacts caused
the most objections, and suggested an ordering of artifact importance. It is clear that in some cases
particular transitions are preferred; however, no transition is universally applicable: under difficult
conditions, such as shake or incomplete geometry reconstruction, vision-based graphical transitions
are preferentially equivalent to dissolves.
Our exploratory work has only a narrow focus and there are many issues to consider such as large
dynamic objects, geometry coverage, and other scene categories. One clear direction for future work is
how to reduce the effect of video camera motion on empty areas across transitions. We find that pausing
in-camera motion can often produce a better result due to reduced artifacts but, with no artifacts, a
dynamic video can be just as effective. Finally, camera motions when joined have an implicit semantic
meaning, and it may be possible to categorize and exploit this for narrative purposes.
Our complementary website contains all supplemental material and experiment stimuli videos.
We concisely describe how each of the transition types is created; please see the supplemental ma-
terial for full details. Cut transitions are simply a swap from one video to the other at the required
frame. Dissolve transitions pixel-wise linearly interpolate the RGB values of two video clips across the
transition length of frames. The other five transition types are more involved.
A.1 Plane
Plane transitions follow the method of Snavely et al. [2006] with adaptions for video. We begin by
finding SIFT feature-point correspondences [Lowe 2004] between two anchor frames, one in each video
clip, which we assume to have strong visual overlap. From these correspondences, we robustly find a
fundamental matrix using RANSAC [Fischler and Bolles 1981] and the eight point algorithm [Hartley
and Zisserman 2004]. We estimate the pose of the cameras with bundle adjustment [Lourakis and
Argyros 2004], which also produces 3D points for each 2D feature point. A common plane is estimated
from the 3D points. This is the best fitting plane in the least-squares sense to the point set observed in
both views, and is estimated robustly using RANSAC.
Next, we track each video individually using the Voodoo KLT tracker [Thorm¨
a hlen 2006]. We match
SIFT and KLT feature locations and re-optimize a camera pose for each frame of the input videos. This
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.
Preference and Artifact Analysis for Video Transitions of Places •13:17
produces a temporally consistent set of pose parameters in the same coordinate space for both video
sequences. To render the transition, we project two frames, one from each video, from their respective
camera poses onto the plane. As the transition progresses, we linearly interpolate the contributions
from each video to dissolve from the start clip to the end clip. The plane is viewed from a virtual
camera which is interpolated from the two video camera poses for that timestep (Figure 6).
A.2 Warp
Warp transitions use the same information as in the plane transition: correspondences between an-
chor frames in each video, and correspondences from each video frame to this anchor frame. The warps
themselves are computed using moving least squares image warping [Schaefer et al. 2006]. A warp
is computed from the correspondences between anchor frames; each video frame is warped to its cor-
responding anchor frame; and finally these two warps are accumulated. The transition is created by
linearly interpolating these accumulated warps across the transition time.
To improve the 3D effect and to remove some of the minor ghosting due to the sparse nature of
the correspondences, we introduce an additional step and use dense optical flow in a similar way to
Eisemann et al. [2008]. Flow vectors are computed between the two approximately registered video
frames for each timestep. The flow vectors are then interpolated across the transition length such that
ghosting on static objects is reduced.
A.3 Full 3D
We begin by recovering whatever geometry possible: first, we estimate camera poses from many views
of the scene [Snavely et al. 2006]; next, we compute appropriate multiview stereo clusters [Furukawa
et al. 2010]; then, for each cluster we compute a multiview stereo point cloud [Furukawa and Ponce
2010]. We compute the union of the point cloud clusters, and form a mesh from the union with Poisson
reconstruction [Kazhdan et al. 2006]. We clean the mesh reconstruction by removing faces which are
far from any points in the original cloud.
Automatic geometry recovery methods cannot currently recover full scene geometry and certain
areas such as the sky will likely always need special treatment. For these regions, we use planes as
proxy geometry: we place one sky plane just behind all existing geometry, and one ground plane below
all existing geometry. The transition proceeds to project video frames onto this geometry from the
recovered video camera poses (computed as per the plane transition), and dissolve their contribution
across the transition time. The only difference between static and dynamic full 3D transitions is that,
in the static case, the projection is frozen at the anchor frame.
A.4 Ambient Point Clouds
APC is a recent technique developed by Goesele et al. [2010] to fill holes in recovered geometry and
provide motion cues during transitions. It starts by computing the minimum and maximum depths
of any recovered geometry in the two views between which to transition. For each pixel in each view,
APC generates points at random positions between the minimum and maximum depths along the
ray through the center of projection of the camera and the pixel. Typically, five points are generated
along each ray, with the colour of each point taken from the respective pixel in the image. When the
virtual camera interpolates between the two views, the APC is drawn in the empty spaces between the
recovered geometry. The points in the cloud splay out in the direction opposite to the camera motion,
and so provide strong motion cues to the virtual camera direction of motion.
Points along the ray are perturbed very slightly by random offsets in x and y to reduce aliasing and
e-like patterns at the beginning and end of the transition (when the point cloud almost represents
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the original image). A plane is rendered at the very beginning and end of the transition to smooth the
introduction of the point cloud.
Thanks to Christian Kurz, Thorsten Thorm¨
ahlen, and Gunnar Thallin for transition rendering help.
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Received June 2013; accepted July 2013
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 10, No. 3, Article 13, Publication date: August 2013.