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(The Role of Tax Havens in the Avoidance of Taxation on the International Level)

  • Egyptian minister of finance


Arabic Abstract: بالرغم من أن الحجة الرئيسية لجنات الضريبية هي جذب الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر، إلا أن نتائج الدراسات التطبيقية تشكك فى هذا الهدف، وخاصة في ظل انخفاض مستوى البنية التحتية والمؤسسية. لذلك يجب على الدول أن توحد قواها لمكافحة هذه الظاهرة، لما لها من آثار سلبية على الفقر وعدم المساواه، كما يجب على الدول المتقدمة أن تشجع الاستثمار في البلدان النامية التي تشارك معها في مكافحة هذه الظاهرة، وأخيرا يجب على الدول النامية أن تركز أكثر على توفير بنية تحتية ومؤسسية جيده لجذب المزيد من الاستثمار الاجنبى المباشر بدلا من خفض الضرائب وإضاعة مزيد من مصادر تمويل الاستثمارات العامة. English Abstract: Although the main argument for the tax havens are countries attract foreign direct investment, but the results of applied studies cast doubt on this target, especially in existence the decrease of level infrastructure and institutional. So States must join forces to combat this phenomenon, because of their negative effects on poverty and lack of equivalence, as the developed countries should encourage investment in developing countries which are involved with them in fight against this phenomenon, and finally the developing countries should focus more on the provision of infrastructure and institutional structure Good to attract more investment rather than lowering taxes and wasting more sources of financing public investment.
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The Role of Tax Havens in the
Avoidance of Taxation on the
International Level
Haitham Mohamed Nasr El-din
Although the main argument for the tax havens are countries attract foreign direct
investment, but the results of applied studies cast doubt on this target, especially in
existence the decrease of level infrastructure and institutional.
So States must join forces to combat this phenomenon, because of their negative
effects on poverty and lack of equivalence, as the developed countries should encourage
investment in developing countries which are involved with them in fight against this
phenomenon, and finally the developing countries should focus more on the provision
of infrastructure and institutional structure Good to attract more investment rather than
lowering taxes and wasting more sources of financing public investment
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Electronic copy available at:
The Role of Tax Havens in the Avoidance of Taxation on the
International Level
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The taxes is the mainly source of public revenue in many country and
in with the of the spread multinational companies that have become more
able to reduce what it pay in taxes through what is known as tax Havens, and
in spite of the multiplicity of definitions for tax Havens but they all focus on
reduction tax rate and confidential financial information, as This
phenomenon is found in the developing and developed countries. Among the
most important methods of avoidance tax scattered Transfer Pricing Despite
the spread of this phenomenon and attempts it has several studies estimate
the total avoidance of tax, but it was focused on one of his ways or just
measured by in one country and then there is no overall estimate of the size
of the avoidance of tax in all his ways in the world
Although the main argument for the tax havens are countries attract
foreign direct investment, but the results of applied studies cast doubt on this
target, especially in existence the decrease of level infrastructure and
institutional. So States must join forces to combat this phenomenon, because
of their negative effects on poverty and lack of equivalence, as the
developed countries should encourage investment in developing countries
which are involved with them in fight against this phenomenon, and finally
the developing countries should focus more on the provision of
infrastructure and institutional structure Good to attract more investment
rather than lowering taxes and wasting more sources of financing public
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             
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        
            
         
         
            
            
            
             
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          
   
   
Tax Haven
tax shelterssecrecy jurisdictionsoffshore
financial centers  international financial centers
States Without Taxation(Larissa B, 2014, 79-80; Ana M, R,
and Paulo R, M, 2013, 313).
 (OECD)
OECD, 1998,
20           
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 
Larudee, 2009, p 344
        
           
Justice Network UK, 2008)
(Di Nicola, 2006, 3)
            
    
           
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   Nil-tax havens     Foreign
source exempt havensLow-tax havens(Hadnum,
2013, 2-5)
 Nil-tax havens
 
  
Foreign source exempt havens
     
   Low-tax havens  
  
          
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            
(Jane G. 2009, 728)
  
       
       
         
  
  
- Jane G. G. (2015), “Tax Havens: International Tax Avoidance and Evasion”, Congressional
Research Service, R40623. P 4. at
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(Jane G. 2009, 730-731)
 
             
             
          
(Jane G. 2015, 1)
(Mihai-Bogdan A. 2013, 151)
 (Jane G. 2015, 1)
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Jane G. Gravelle
(Jane G. 2015, 10 - 16)
   Allocation of Debt and Earnings
          
            
  
Transfer Pricing
           
    
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Contract Manufacturing
Check-the-Box, Hybrid
Entities, and Hybrid Instruments:
          
             
         
      
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Cross - Crediting
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            
   
   
(Mihai-Bogdan A.
2013, 152) Jane G. Gravelle
(Jane G. 2015, 1)
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     
  
Peter Schwarz
 
(Peter S. 2011)
 Shafik Hebous        
          
  
            
(Shafik H. 2011)
           
             
(Patrice P. et, al. 2011, 21)
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  
Torvik, 2009
         
           
   
 
           
Torvik, 2009
           
  
   
           
            
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           
        
           
           
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  
            
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