
Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity.

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... But this also raises the question whether such a design includes the most vulnerable residents of a city, that is, the low-income residents. We argue that the gentri cation experience in the Philippines leads to di erent kinds of displacement: actual displacement, design displacement, and non-places displacement (the latter draws from the French anthropologist Marc Augé's [1995] concept of non-places, a place of transience which does not hold signi cance). e purpose of this paper will be to critically discuss the process of gentri cation and its impact on Metro Manila as a strategy to achieve global city status. ...
... e e ect of this overlay of urban forms is twofold: it excludes those who cannot properly participate, and it excludes also those who can participate. For the former, we mean to say that it is designed exclusively for the wealthier residents of the city, while for the latter, we use Augé's (1995) concept of non-places. ...
... We draw upon Augé's concept of non-places. He describes these non-places as anonymous areas where an individual is alone even in a crowd (Augé 1995). He identi ed these as infrastructures which are necessary to the circulation of people and capital, such as gas stations, airports, cars, airplanes, and the big hotels and supermarkets. ...
... A sense of place is created by individuals' understanding of their relationship and connection to a location "through complicities of language, local references, [and] the unformulated rules of living know-how" (Augé, 1992(Augé, /1995. It can be established through the "functional pattern of our lives" (Tuan, 1979, p. 418) as people navigate the nodes and established paths that make up their everyday routines. ...
... A sense of place is created by individuals' understanding of their relationship and connection to a location "through complicities of language, local references, [and] the unformulated rules of living know-how" (Augé, 1992(Augé, /1995. It can be established through the "functional pattern of our lives" (Tuan, 1979, p. 418) as people navigate the nodes and established paths that make up their everyday routines. ...
... Place is often understood as based on connections to personal or group identity, relations, and history, yet there has been a growth of physical locations that do not generate these connections, such as international airports, supermarket chains, and motorways. Anthropologist Marc Augé (1992Augé ( /1995 coined the term "non-place" as a way of interpreting these functionalist locales of global modernity and how societies adapt to these changes. Non-places create an environment of "solitary contractuality" (Augé, 1992(Augé, /1995. ...
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International schools are somewhat ‘place-less’ in that their denationalised educational systems and nationally diverse student bodies are typically removed from the physical context in which each school is located. However, this placeless internationalism is complicated by international schools that also affiliate themselves with a national system or enrol a significant number of students who aspire to remain in the ‘host’ country. This paper develops the example of the Global Indian International School in Singapore to illustrate how the feeling of place is impacted by its dual orientations as both ‘Global’ and ‘Indian.’ The school attempts to (re)create an Indian schooling environment in Singapore, cultivate a sense of Indian identity, and prepare students for internationally mobile futures. Drawing on qualitative interviews conducted with students and teachers at the Global Indian International School in Singapore, we explore placemaking practices in educational spaces and consider how they are impacted by the potentially conflicting goals of grounding students in their ethnic or cultural identities whilst simultaneously equipping them for internationally-oriented futures.
... Though Nomiyama and Ho engage in a pointed and thorough critique of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a limited and ill-suited institutional approach to meaningful decolonization in the piece's latter half, it is entirely unsurprising that research commons do not acknowledge or engage with the land meaningfully. As perhaps the library spaces associated with the corporatized, neoliberal university par excellence-one can picture gleaming white, glassy nonplaces (Augé, 1992(Augé, /1995 filled with the newest tech-research commons exist to incubate and accelerate knowledge production and are, therefore, concerned with information flows through globalized networks. That they would disregard the land that they occupy almost follows logically from both their design and purpose, but Nomiyama and Ho do not address this. ...
... Though Nomiyama and Ho engage in a pointed and thorough critique of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a limited and ill-suited institutional approach to meaningful decolonization in the piece's latter half, it is entirely unsurprising that research commons do not acknowledge or engage with the land meaningfully. As perhaps the library spaces associated with the corporatized, neoliberal university par excellence-one can picture gleaming white, glassy nonplaces (Augé, 1992(Augé, /1995 filled with the newest tech-research commons exist to incubate and accelerate knowledge production and are, therefore, concerned with information flows through globalized networks. That they would disregard the land that they occupy almost follows logically from both their design and purpose, but Nomiyama and Ho do not address this. ...
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Review of Zyagintseva, L, & Greenshields, M. (Eds). (2023). Land in libraries: Toward a materialist conception of education. Library Juice Press. Published in: Journal of Radical Librarianship, 10 (
... p. 189-190). Railway stations were famously declared 'non-places' by Marc Augé (1992Augé ( /1995. Olena Pohonchenkova's sequence transforms this description, and the railway station is instead visualised as a place providing shelter and security. ...
... p. 189-190). Railway stations were famously declared 'non-places' by Marc Augé (1992Augé ( /1995. Olena Pohonchenkova's sequence transforms this description, and the railway station is instead visualised as a place providing shelter and security. ...
... No se trata de suprimir la idea de territorio como un elemento monolítico del Estado, se trata, en cambio, de interpretarlo extensivamente como un componente experimental, subjetivo y flexible que puede ser vivido por los sujetos políticos a través de múltiples escenarios, tanto físicos como virtuales, y que no se reducen necesariamente a lo público. En este sentido, y retomando la propuesta antropológica de Augé (1995), la superposición extrema de lo privado sobre lo público ha dado lugar, incluso, a la creación de no-espacios, escenarios dominados, así sea relativamente, ya no por las fuerzas coercitivas del Estado, sino por las lógicas del capitalismo posindustrial y sus objetivos orientadores de homogeneización cultural. ...
... Tal como los describe Augé (1995), son escenarios sin memoria, sin historia, sin identidad y, por tanto, sin la capacidad generadora de vínculos políticos fuertes, estables y duraderos, un prerrequisito para todo proyecto estatal. La convergencia de individuos en un lugar determinado ocurre únicamente como un medio temporal, además de necesario, para la satisfacción del deseo particular; una vez que se haya satisfecho, se disuelven los vínculos creados y la función del no-espacio desaparece. ...
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La posmodernidad no se circunscribe únicamente a las profundas transformaciones de las estructuras sociales o culturales originadas en el último siglo, sino también a las de ciertas estructuras políticas tradicionales como el Estado y sus elementos constitutivos. A través de un enfoque normativo, el presente ensayo analiza los cambios del territorio ocasionados por la hegemonía de las fuerzas posmodernas representadas en el capitalismo posindustrializado, la globalización, y la revolución informática y comunicativa. Los resultados preliminares explican dichas dinámicas transformativas a partir de tres procesos interrelacionados: la producción, la organización y la orientación del espacio. En cada uno de esos niveles, el territorio deja de ser un objeto político por naturaleza, capaz de cumplir sus funciones congregacionales en torno a un ideal político comunitario para convertirse, en cambio, en una unidad política que privilegia otro tipo de intereses, ante todo, de índole económica.
... Disiplinler arası bir doğaya sahip olarak insan-yer ilişkileri 20. yüzyılda daha çok Bachelard (1964), Eliade (1959) gibi fenomenologlar, Auge (1995) gibi antropologlar ve Tuan (1974), Relph (1976) gibi coğrafyacılar tarafından tartışılmıştır. Bu tartışmalar insan ve yer arasındaki ilişkiyi benzersiz öznel deneyimler bağlamında ve zengin bir içerikle ele almıştır. ...
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This study aims to bring together and introduce quantitative measurement tools developed to measure the concepts of place attachment, place identity and place dependence as a variable. At first, in order to determine in which historical context these concepts emerged, the development of the human-environment relationship within the history of modern psychology was discussed. Presuppositions regarding human nature in psychology studies have accepted the autonomy of humans against the environment in the process. In this process, it has been accepted that humans have more and more say in the environment. The human being has ceased to be a product and an object shaped by the environment and has become a subject that mutually shapes each other with the environment. This paradigm shift in the world of psychology has been effective in the emergence of environmental psychology studies. Environmental psychology, which has developed as a separate sub-discipline, gives increasing importance to studies on the nature of the relationships between humans and places. Research conducted in this context has suggested the variables of place attachment, place identity and place addiction. However, there is no consensus on the extent to which these variables differ from each other and to what extent they are related to each other. This makes it difficult to measure all three variables. In this context, the study examines measuring scales and different measurement techniques developed to measure three variables. Keywords: Place attachment, place identity, place dependence ÖZ Bu çalışma yer bağlılığı, yer kimliği ve yer bağımlılığı kavramlarının bir değişken olarak ölçülebilmesi adına geliştirilen nicel ölçüm araçlarının bir araya getirilmesini ve tanıtılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Bu kavramların hangi tarihsel bağlamda ortaya çıktığını tespit edebimek adına öncelikle modern psikoloji tarihi içerisinde insan-çevre ilişkisinin gelişimi ele alınmıştır. Psikoloji çalışmalarında insan doğasına yönelik ön kabuller insanın çevre karşısındaki özerkliğini süreç içerisinde kabul etmiştir. Bu süreçte insanın çevre karşısında gittikçe daha fazla söz sahibi olduğu kabul edilmiştir. İnsan, çevrenin ürünü ve şekillendirdiği bir nesnesi olmaktan çıkarak çevre ile karşılıklı olarak birbirlerini şekillendiren bir özne haline gelmiştir. Psikoloji dünyasındaki bu paradigma değişimi çevre psikolojisi çalışmalarının ortaya çıkmasında etkili olmuştur. Ayrı bir alt disiplin olarak gelişen çevre psikolojisi insan ile yer arasındaki ilişkilerin doğasına yönelik çalışmalara giderek daha fazla önem vermektedir. Bu kapsamda gerçekleştirilen araştırmalar yer bağlılığı, yer kimliği ve yer bağımlılığı değişkenlerini öne sürmüştür. Ancak bu değişkenlerin ne düzeyde birbirilerinden ayrıldığı ve ne ölçüde birbirleri ile ilişkide olduğu üzerinde bir uzlaşı söz konusu değildir. Bu durum üç değişkenin de ölçülmesini zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda mevcut çalışma üç değişkeni ölçmek amacıyla geliştirilmiş ölçüm araçlarını ve farklı ölçme tekniklerini incelemektedir.
... In Hitchhiking: Cultural Inroads, Patrick Laviolette seems to be encouraging us to "see" less like a state anthropologist with fixed colonising intent and embrace the role of the translator who "goes native", understands the "hau" (or spirit of material transactions), learns to sing the local songs and to tell their jokes. The book is therefore an enchanting dialogue between the formal academic world and the life, times, and culture of those who hang out around in the "no places" (Augé 1995) of motorway service stations, on-ramps, and underpasses. Each chapter provides a themed snapshot of what might be involved in those exchanges and how the artefacts and associations encountered en route inform new forms of communitarian identity. ...
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Patrick Laviolette 2020: Hitchhiking: Cultural Inroads . London: Palgrave Macmillan.
... Drawing upon Walter Benjamin's work, the twentieth-century megamalls are designed to express spatial unity and temporal stability that contrasts with dynamic, discontinuous reality. Akshardham temple in Delhi is an excellent example where culture meets modernity to offer an experience of inner vs. outer world (Auge, M. 1995. It beautifully introduces historical perspectives from India through a modern lens. ...
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A Call for Livable Spaces:With the ever changing, ever evolving paradigm shifts in urban landscape, change seems to be the only constant. Urban environments are undergoing rapid transformation due to technological advancements and shifting socio-cultural dynamics. This article delves into the critical role of socio-cultural anthropology in shaping livable abodes and city spaces. By examining the impact of factors such as increased polarization, temporal pressures, and cognitive implications, this study underscores the need for a holistic approach to urban design. The findings highlight the importance of considering ecological balances, cultural nuances, social interactions, and psychological well-being in creating sustainable and inclusive urban environments, through a contextual study of contemporary Delhi with not history but a living heritage of over four hundred years. The study also explores other geographies in correlation, however the growing urbanization and neoliberalization has its own merits. Sense of lost identity, breakfree moments of gratification, placelessness in non-places, conspicuous consumption with were found liberating. The methodological approach was archival research and visual ethnography, wherein the research identifies the need for a holistic approach that balances ecological extremities and cultural diversities alongside offering urban space and place. Ultimately, this research advocates for a future-oriented design philosophy that prioritizes human experience and fosters a sense of community, belonging and resilience in the face of constant change.
... Scholars have argued, for instance, since Gluckman's (1940) ethnographic account of the opening ceremony of a road bridge in Zululand, that urban infrastructures embody not just material but also social and affective significance (Giles-Vernick, 1996;Larkin, 2008;Lamont, 2013;Lee, 2012;Main, 2012;Melly, 2013) and are thus not archetypal non-places (Auge, 1995). From the ways images of roads and places are used to re-enact connections to the past among the Banda people of the Central African Republic (Giles-Vernick, 1996), or how the people of eastern Africa (Lamont, 2013;Main, 2012), southern Africa (Lee, 2012), and western Africa (Larkin, 2008;Melly, 2013) respond to road accidents, or the inconvenience of road construction, or roadblocks during sacrificial rites and funeral practices, whether they make sense of them as costs for development or as demonstrations of the gap between present realities and future fantasies, roads have been shown to manifest more than the material significance of mobility. ...
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Owing to Nigeria's poor road maintenance culture, informal road menders (IRMs) have emerged who fill potholes on urban and sub‐urban roads in exchange for money from road users. This article interrogates the micropolitics of this phenomenon as a relatively new means of informal livelihood within the context of the ethnography of road infrastructure, informal agency and the everyday struggle for socioeconomic survival. Conceiving informal road mending as a livelihood offers a promising lens for discussing how IRMs gain and retain access to space, navigate risks, and harness relationships with other road users and state institutions along the road. Drawing on conversations with drivers and commuters during ‘go‐alongs’ in public transport and on interviews with IRMs, private car owners and state regulatory agents, the article shows how IRMs and other road users appropriate the risks and opportunities associated with potholes as socioeconomic resources through which they leverage the precarious road transport experience in the country. This contributes to the literature on the ethnography of road infrastructures and the micropolitics of informal work in urban Africa.
... 11 This finding confirmed the known formula that space now is not just where things happen, since art makes space happen, see O'Doherty (1976). 12 The idea of non-places derives from historian Michel de Certeau (his book "The Practice of Everyday Life" was first published in French, "L'invention du quotidien" in 1974), and was developed further by anthropologist Marc Augé, see: Augé (1995). ...
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The paper discusses the utilization of digital maps and an encyclopedia platform, hosted by the Center for Urban History in Lviv, to delve into the history of artistic milieus and practices within the spatial context of Lviv during the late 1980s. The digital project’s objective was to present the lives and artistic practices of alternative artists in Lviv through various mediums such as video walks, stories, digitized collections, analytical texts, and a digital map. By combining visual anthropology, art history, urban studies, and oral history through the Lviv Interactive platform and digital storytelling tools like ArcGIS and Storymaps, the project addressed the question: How did the city shape contemporary art in Lviv? The authors argue that integrating digital tools, web interfaces, and established academic concepts in our daily lives represents the emergence of digital history, a convergence that scholars employ to interpret our surroundings. However, the concept of a purely digital history may only materialize when our cognitive abilities are digitized, potentially merging with the domain of artificial intelligence rather than traditional analog historians. The experiences and uncertainties encountered during the City and Art on the Edge project further reinforced the notion of digital hermeneutics as an intermediary state, emphasizing the inherent tensions between the tangible analog world and the digital realm.
... In the situation of ethnic translation, one should speak about the traces of "alien" culture contained in the original text and preserved in the translation. Following Berman's ideas about translation as a test by the alien and using the concepts of "far" and "near" anthropology proposed and massively used by sociologists and anthropologists in France [Augè, 1997], let us define ethno-cultural information, containing an ethno-cultural code and packaged in an ethnic text, as culturally "alien", but at the same time "close" (in terms of localisation) information for representatives of other ethnic groups living in Siberia in direct proximity to indigenous ethnic groups. In the context of the concept of "near anthropology", it should be specified that, with regard to the languages of the indigenous ethnic groups of Siberia, ethnic translation in most cases involves the "meeting" of ethnic languages with the Russian language, which then fulfils the role of an intermediary language when translating Siberian ethnic texts into foreign languages. ...
The collection of articles The Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication. The collection includes papers from Russia, Сhina, Kazakhstan, France, and Japan. The collection reflects the position of modern linguists on the development of traditional problems of language and cross-cultural communication, the role of translation in the context of globalization, extensive information exchange, and the interaction of languages and cultures. The collection may also attract the attention of researchers in intercultural communication, language methodology, particularly the methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes, and of a wider audience interested in modern trends in these areas.
... Boyer (1996) ise, gösterinin mekânının, tüketim için metalaştırılmış bir mekân olduğunu belirtmekte; miraslaştırma uğruna kolektif hafızanın tehlikeye atıldığını vurgulamaktadır. Anti-coğrafi bir mekân olarak yeniden biçim-lendiren modernist ütopya olarak da tanımlanan "yeni" mekân, Auge (1995)'e göre, ekonomik büyümeden başka anlamı olmayan, anlamı bulunduğu mekândan kopuk olan çevreye gönderme yapan "yer-olmayandır". Süreç, zamansallık, gösterge ve imge özellikleri üzerinden yeniden şekillenirken, bu özelliklere uygun olarak üretilen mekân, yerin ve coğrafyanın sahip olduğu gerçeklikten bağımsızdır. ...
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Barıș içinde adil ve eșit bir yașam özlemi ile girdiğimiz XXI. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğini tamamlarken dünyada doğa ve insan kaynaklı afetlerin ve çatıșmaların sayısının giderek artmakta olduğunu ve söz konusu felaketlerin sonucunda geri dönüșü mümkün olmayan can kayıplarının yanı sıra insanlığın geçmișten bu yana ürettiği tarihi çevrelerin de tahrip edildiği bir durumla karșı karșıyayız. ICOMOS (Uluslararası Anıtlar ve Sitler Konseyi), 2001 yılından itibaren yıllık Risk Altındaki Kültür Mirası (Heritage@Risk) raporu ile ilișkili olarak özellikle yitirilme riski tașıyan bir miras türüne dikkat çekilmesi amacıyla belirlenen bir tema çerçevesinde genellikle 18 Nisan Uluslararası Anıtlar ve Sitler Günü’nde bașlayarak yıl boyunca süren etkinlikler gerçekleștirmektedir. Son yıllarda doğa ve insan kaynaklı afetlerin yol açtığı büyük yıkımlar karșısında ICOMOS, “afet ve çatıșmalara dirençli miras” için kapasite geliștirmeye yönelik bir yol haritası geliștirmeyi hedeflemiș ve bu çerçevede 2024 yılı temasını “Venedik Tüzüğü Merceğinden Afetler ve Çatıșmalar” olarak belirlemiștir. Prof. Dr. Cevat Erder’in “Bir Tarihi Anıt Gibi Korunmalı” dediği Venedik Tüzüğü’nün kabul edilișinin 60. yılında ICOMOS, koruma kamuoyunu; (i) tüzükten bu yana koruma uygulamalarının gelișimini değerlendirmeye; (ii) tüzüğün dünya çapında koruma uygulamaları üzerindeki etkileri üzerine düșünmeye ve (iii) iklim acil durumu, çatıșmalar ve doğal afetlerin zorluklarını ele almak için tüzüğün uygunluğunu tartıșmaya davet etmektedir. 1964 tarihli Venedik Tüzüğü’nde tarihi anıt kavramının yalnızca mimari bir eserle sınırlı olmadığı bunun yanında önemli bir uygarlığın, gelișmenin ya da tarihi bir olayın tanıklığını yapan kentsel veya kırsal bir yerleșmeyi de kapsadığı belirtilmektedir. 19. yüzyılda tek yapı odaklı olarak gelișen koruma kuramının kapsamı, Venedik Tüzüğü’yle genișlemiș ve günümüze dek çeșitlenerek malzeme bilimini, kültürel peyzajları, arkeolojik mirası, hak temelli koruma yaklașımlarını, endüstri ve yakın geçmișin mirasını, somut olmayan mirası ve ortak/paylașılan değerleri de kapsayacak açılımlar gerçekleșmiștir. Venedik Tüzüğü’nün 60. yılında korumanın genișleyen kapsamına yanıt vermek üzere ortaya konan ilkesel metinlere odaklanan Dergisi’nin bu sayısında; Zeynep AHUNBAY, “Arkeolojik Mirasın Korunmasına Yönelik Uluslararası İlkeler”, Pınar AYKAÇ, “İnsan Hakları Odaklı Kültürel Miras Yaklașımının Gelișimini Uluslararası İlkesel Metinler Üzerinden Okumak”, Melis BİLGİÇ ve Aylin AKÇABOZAN, “Dünya Barıșı için Kültürel Miras: Uluslararası İlkesel Metinlerde Paylașılan/ Ortak Miras Kavramı”, Özgün ÖZÇAKIR, “Yeniden İșlevlendirme Praksisini Venedik Tüzüğü’nden Günümüze Uluslararası Belgeler Üzerinden Okumak”, Ebru OMAY POLAT, “Venedik Tüzüğü Sonrası Modern Mimarlık Mirasının Korunmasına Yönelik Tartıșmalar ve İlkesel Metinlere Özgünlük ve Bütüncül Koruma Bağlamında Bir Bakıș”, İlke ALATLI ve Demet BİNAN, “Yakın Geçmișin Mirasının Korunmasına Yönelik Güncel Kuramsal Tartıșmalar”, Özlem KARAKUL, “Venedik Tüzüğü’nden Günümüze Somut ve Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirasın Bütüncül Korunmasına Yönelik Kavramsal Gelișim”, Z. Ece ATABAY ve Z. Gül ÜNAL, “21. Yüzyılın Değișen Tehdit ve Risk Ortamında Afet ve Çatıșmalarda Kültürel Mirasın Korunmasına Yönelik İlkesel Yaklașımlara Yeniden Bakıș”, Ișıl POLAT PEKMEZCİ, “Venedik Tüzüğü’nden Günümüze Kültürel Mirasın Korunmasında Malzemenin Önemi ve Korunması Üzerine İlkesel Açılımlar”, Zeynep GÜNAY, “Venedik Tüzüğü’nün 60. Yıldönümünde Mirasın Metalaștırılmasına Karșı Koruma Kuramının Açılımları” ve Emine Çiğdem ASRAV, “Venedik Tüzüğü’nden Günümüze Tarihi Kırsal Peyzajların Korunmasına Yönelik İlkelerin Gelișimi” konularını ele almıș- lardır. Venedik Tüzüğü’nden günümüze korumanın genișleyen kapsamını çeșitli miras türleri üzerinden ele alan bu dosyanın dileği ve umudu; insanlığın yüzlerce yıllık birikiminin yansıması olan somut ve somut olmayan kültürel mirasın doğa ve insan kaynaklı afetlere dirençli hale geleceği ve barıș içinde eșit ve adil bir dünyada yașayacağımız günlere ulașabilmek…
... Whereas place is predominantly seen to represent a real location; one which is physical and bounded, space is thought to exist outside the borders of place; a more symbolic and imaginative arena, defined by meanings and interpretations rather than location. Auge (1995), for instance, refers to how the development of advanced and sophisticated communications technologies such as satellites and computers, has allowed individuals to become witnesses to events that are happening on the other side of the planet, all from the comfort of their own living rooms. Auge argues that this has led to the development of spaces which he terms non-places, or 'places of memory' in which no organic social life is possible. ...
Cairo, a divided city home to many numerous worlds within, is part of the global condition which characterizes cities of the developing South. While a new network of 'global spaces' (Oncu & Weyland, 1997: 1) occupied by five-star hotels, multinational companies and world-class shopping malls has invaded its metropolitan life, beyond the sleek facade of Cairo's urban skylines, an altogether different story subsists. Although its modern 'global spaces' have become zones of "first world" sophistication and global belonging for some, for the vast majority, they are unattainable zones of exclusion and segregation which bar them from taking part in these acts of belonging. Thus, Cairo looked at from ‘below’ reveals a gloomier yet increasingly more dynamic and unpredictable narrative of struggle: a daily struggle for space, identity and recognition. Such juxtapositions and inconsistencies, characteristic of contemporary cosmopolitan cities, have become a backdrop against which fresh possibilities for new and unusual forms of imagination and belonging are constantly being created and re-created. By understanding cosmopolitanism not as westernization, but as a form of internal heterogeneity, where through personal strategies and performance we incorporate the global into our own local repertoires, this paper is arguing that it is lower middle class Egyptian youth who are more deserving of the cosmopolitan label owing to their ability to undergo a careful and inclusive negotiation between alternative cultural repertoires. It is important to note that in the Egyptian context, the lower middle class have many characteristics that the west would associate with the working class.
... Tarih 4 ve hafıza 5 arasındaki bu diyalektik ilişkiyi, Auge (1995)'un "yok-yer" kavramsallaştırmasındaki, hem daha önce görmediği yabancı bir yeri hem de her şeyin tanıdık bildik gelme paradoksu olarak tanımlar. Çünkü burada "yer"e ait tüm kodların tanınması karşısında, zaman boyutuna referans verilmemesinin sorunsalı yaşanır (Koçyiğit, 2018). ...
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Tarihyazımsal boyuttaki coğrafi “yer” ve mekân ilişkileri, toplumsal hafızanın mayalandığı yerlerdir. Toplumsal hafızanın nasıl oluştu(ruldu)ğunu, bugün gelinen yerden anlamak oldukça güçtür. Pierre Nora’nın “Artık hafıza yok” (2022:19) aforizması, tarihin hafızanın yerine geçmesi, hafızanın da tarih olarak hatırlanmasıyla ifadeyi güçlendirir. Tarih ile yeni hafıza arasındaki zaman boşlukları ile kurulan kolektif bellekler, uzun zamanda toplumsal hafızayı meydana getirir. Bu bağlam ile çalışmanın amacı, İstanbul Galataport/Karaköy-Galata Limanı’nın tarih/kalıntı ve yeni hafızasının kronolojik haritasını çıkarmak ve, “yer”de yaşanan mesafeler üzerinden toplumsal hafızanın önemli kırılma noktalarını bulmaktır. Bu kırılmalar “yer” ile mekânlar arasındaki “mesafe” boşluğunun getirdiği ve toplumsal belleğin inşa edildiği noktalardır. Yerin toplumsal hafızada tarih ile mi, yeni hafızayla mı, mesafe kesitinde mi sürdürülebilirliğini/sürdürülemezliğini devam ettirdiği sorusu çalışmanın çıkış noktasıdır. Çalışma, “tarih/kalıntı” ve “yeni hafıza” kavramları ile alınan tarihi kronolojik kesitlerin sonucu ulaşılan “mesafe” ile ortaya çıkan çerçeveler, toplumsal hafızanın kırılma noktalarını verir” hipotezine dayandırılmıştır. Çalışmanın yöntemi iki aşamalı olup birinci aşamasında, tümdengelim keşfedici örnek olay araştırması, ikinci aşamasında görsel etnografya yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bulgularda, yeni hafızası ile Galataport olarak adlandırılan tarihi Karaköy-Galata Limanı’nın, tarih ve yeni hafıza ile oluşan mesafelerin “yer”e bağlamsal olarak bir değişiklik sağlamadığı gibi, her dönemde mesafe çerçevesi daha da büyüyerek, tarihin bu çerçevede bir alt küme elemanı haline geldiği görülmüştür.
... People's perceptions change over time to enjoy a pleasant environment and view. Research studies have worked towards fostering awareness of the visual quality of the place in the built environment [5]. In Europe, during the 1990s, social movements like "Reclaim the Streets" held demonstrations to highlight the factors influencing people's understanding of public spaces. ...
Rapid growth of infrastructure facilities has seen the growth of small and big cities at a very fast pace, neglecting the growth potential of the respective areas. This has affected areas that should be preserved and not disturbed for any development work. These areas are oddly growing, which is not good, especially given the case of hills, where ecological aspects are of prime importance. Such development also degrades the visual quality aspects of hill towns, which define the urban-scape and overall image of a region. In the hilly region of Dharamshala, located in the north-western Himalayas, India; the structuring and designing of urban spaces has become a difficult task for city planning. Present research work is aimed at identification and analysis of degraded visual place quality aspects of the hilly town of Dharamsala for the purpose of suggesting appropriate remedial measures for improving the visual aesthetics of the area to enhance tourist potential and quality of life for residents alike. For this purpose, questionnaire-based surveys and visual place quality measurements were taken and then analysed for problems and problematic areas by the Analytic Hierarchy Process technique. The study included examination of different physical and non-physical parameters of specific areas in Dharamshala town like ISBT, Kotwali Bazar, Chilgari, Depot Bazar, and Sheela Chowk/Dari by making an analytic hierarchy process comparison decision matrix for criteria and using a consistency index involving priority ranking. Results revealed appropriate solutions like address of street square, street sidewalk and street width in addition to amendments in existing acts and byelaws pertaining to planning and development, etc. These solutions, if adopted, would be helpful for upgrading overall aspects related to the degradation of the visual place quality of Dharamshala town. These results can be advantageously applied to other similar hilly regions.
... In media studies, in the context of traditional media, the term "recipient" is used, and in relation to new media-prosumer, consumer, user. New media, often called social media or interactive media, provide endless opportunities for users to act as both consumers and creators of media(Auge, 1995). ...
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The aim of the article is to present the relationship between cyberpsychology and media studies in the perspective of common research fields, main concepts and paradigms as well as analysis methods of selected phenomena related to the media sphere and cyberculture. Cyberpsychology is described in the article as a transdiscipline in the context of (new) media studies and media cultural studies. It has been also presented as a sub-discipline of media psychology and communication. Cyberpsychology represents “media-user based approaches”, because research on main types of media is conducted in relation to their impact on human behaviour. The features of new media, the transition to the interactive network media paradigm and immersive technological environments in the 1980s and 1990s require the use of psychological methods by media experts. Cyberpsychologists, on the other hand, are obliged to use media-based approaches in their research. Within the framework of cyberpsychology focused on the study of digital media user, the mainstream of theoretical and applied research has been distinguished. Its links with other sub-disciplines of psychology and the relevant direction of contemporary research on digital media and cyberculture 3.0 have been indicated.
... Concerning the consumption sector, the ever-expanding "imperial network of power" (Hardt & Negri, 2004, p. xii) scales up its localised landscapes into translocal and transcalar planetary assemblages. The translocal production of the thick territorial insertions in the form of distributed, networked and deindividuated spatial reduplications, of which the airport malls are the prime exemplars, was already identified in the early 1990s by Appadurai (1995), Auge (1995) and Koolhaas (1995) in their works on locality, place and cities as the distinctive "neutralising" character of "supermodernity." Facilitated by neoliberal regimes keen on attracting transnational capital investment, they have pervaded the contemporary urban space, transforming the "generic city" into a global "elemental city" (Viganò, 1999) where the external network of power "extends a specific formulation of economic values, practices, and metrics to every dimension of human life" (Brown, 2015, p. 30). ...
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Pastarųjų dviejų dešimtmečių laikotarpiu Vilniuje filmuotų kino projektų skaičiaus augimas rodo miesto gebėjimą varžytis pasaulinėje rinkoje siūlant filmų statytojams vietas, pritaikomas įvairių scenarijų įvaizdinimui. Nepaisant Vilniaus erdvinių ir vaizdinių išteklių intensyvaus naudojimo kino gamyboje, pačios filmavimo aikštelės dėl jų laikinumo ir ribotos prieigos yra beveik nematomos. Šią vizualinę stoką sustiprina reiškinio kritinės refleksijos trūkumas, nes Vilniaus, kaip kitų pasaulio miestų kinematografinio dublerio, atvejis iki šiol netapo ir sistemingesnių tyrimų objektu. Šio straipsnio tikslas ir yra, pasitelkus įvietintos kino gamybos reikšmę vizualinei, sociokultūrinei miesto tapatybei atskleidžiančių tyrėjų analizės idėjas, ištirti Vilniaus filmavimo aikštelių poveikį miestovaizdžių kūrimui 2011–2024 metais. Tyrimo šaltiniai – nematerialūs bei materialūs kino pramonės pėdsakai: Vilniaus kino biuro ikonografinis archyvas, kino įkvėptos ekskursijos po miestą, filmavimus nušviečiantys pranešimai žiniasklaidoje, artefaktų ir scenografijų intervencijos miesto aplinkoje. Tyrimas parodė, jog filmavimo aikštelė yra veikėjų-aktantų sąveikos sistema, lemianti miesto regimybės ir įsivaizduojamybės kismą, taip pat ir pastangas paslėpti kino pramonės dalyvavimą miesto tapatybės fikcionalizavime. Vilniaus filmavimo aikštelių atvejų analizė atskleidė kinematografinio ir kasdieninio erdvės naudojimo, formos ir socialinės vertės nesutapimus, atveriančius jų santykio modeliavimo ir kaitos galimybes, skatinančias kino gamybos pėdsakų miesto architektūroje, vaizdinijoje ir kultūroje paiešką, kritinį permąstymą bei meninį rekonstravimą. Rekonstrukcijos principo svarba Vilniaus kaip kino aikštelės prasmių tyrimui pagrįsta ir autorinio meninio kūrinio – videofilmo „Vitrine Morte“ (2022) – pavyzdžiu.
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The manuscript is a response to the pressing challenges of contemporary education for future architects. It underscores the importance of architects perceiving their spatial interventions as part of a more extensive, layered, and complex system. Designing/operating within existing urban fabric, whether historically protected or not, necessitates architects to recognize meaningful spatial relationships, urban and architectural matrices, and possess sensitivity to unique environmental contexts. This understanding is not just beneficial, but crucial for their professional growth and success. For a long time, the study of architectural theory and history has been based on familiarizing students with the chronological development and emergence of different architectural styles. The manuscript does provide this through a concise and straightforward overview of historical epochs. What sets this manuscript apart is the framework in which such a historical overview is placed. It begins in the first part with definitions and considerations of critical milestones for a deeper understanding of architectural history, starting with concepts of place, non-place, typology development, materials, structures, and aesthetics. Following the central historical overview, a synthesis outlines modalities of active knowledge application. From the study of architectural history, it is possible to conclude that historical objects, entities, and cities possess inherent sustainability, adaptability, and resilience qualities, which are imperative for contemporary action. Centuries of human interaction, environmental adaptation, and cultural evolution have developed a spatial logic that is often disregarded. This logic, if embraced, can help address modern-day challenges.
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This study investigates the convergence of Actor-Network Theory ANT, AI-driven insights tools and Extended Reality XR technologies within the urban renewal process of the Setif historical market in Algeria. After a devastating fire in 2022, there was an urgent need for innovative strategies to reshape this culturally significant site. This research addresses the controversies and opportunities in reshaping the market, focusing on the transformative socio-material impact of XR technology. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the study integrates ANT and AI-driven insight tools based on Generative Pre-trained Transformers GPT to explore the complex socio-material network influencing this renewal process. The findings demonstrate XR's potential to enhance community engagement, preserve cultural identity, revitalize the economy, and foster collaboration between local authorities and stakeholders. The research also offers a methodological framework that urban planners and architects can apply to future historical market renewal projects, presenting a balanced approach to modernization and cultural preservation.
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The concept of place quality emerged from the social indicators movement, which emphasizes the significance of social issues. Accordingly, place quality encompasses not merely the quality of the physical environment but also the quality of the social environment. However, sets of indicators to measure quality in urban spaces mostly focus on the quality of the physical environment. In this context, the aim of the present study is to create a place quality indicator set, which includes indicators about the relationship of society with the urban space emphasizing the social dimensions of place quality. For this aim, a two-stage process was conducted in the study. In the first stage of the study, a conceptual reading was performed on place to be able to identify the social dimensions of place quality. According to the results of this study, the social dimension of place is associated with the concepts of "experience", "identity" and "belonging". In this context, in order to be able to discuss place quality, it is necessary to talk about the indicators that will promote spatial experience, sustain continuity of identity in space, and ensure spatial belonging. In this scope, in the second stage, in studies which contain quality indicators in the urban space, those regarding the social dimension of place were sought. A systematic literature review was performed in the Web of Science database for the selection of studies to be examined. Sixteen sources with the highest association with the subject were determined among the 209 sources. Content analysis was used in evaluating the sources. As a result of the content analysis conducted by the MAXQDA 2022 software, a total of 30 indicators were created under the themes of "experience", "identity" and "belonging". The value of the study lies in the creation of a set of indicators that assess the quality of place based on the concepts of experience, identity and belonging. Moreover, the indicator set is a valuable contribution to the field as it can be utilized by both research and local government entities and is open to ongoing improvement
В статье рассмотрен подход к анализу эмоционального восприятия городской среды как одной из задач построения “умного города”, ориентированного на горожан; представлены теоретические основания анализа эмоций горожан как показателя качества городской среды. Описан метод цифрового соучаствующего картирования эмоций как целесообразный для сбора эмоциональных оценок городских территорий от горожан и представлен авторский веб-сервис для такого картирования - Imprecity. На основании 2142 эмоциональных меток, локализо­ванных в 700 городских местах, полученных от пользователей веб-сервиса за 2018-2019 годы, проведен анализ эмоционального восприятия Санкт-Петербурга. Эмоциональные рейтинги городских мест показывают, что “очагами радости” являются открытые зеленые рекреа­цион­ные зоны, а также пешеходные улицы; местами сосредоточения злобы - районы массового нового жилого строительства с отсутствующим благоустройством, тяжелые для пересечения пешеходами перекрестки и неблагоустроенные берега малых рек. В результате выделены те аспекты развития городских территорий, которые могут быть определены с помощью анализа эмоций. Средства цифрового соучаствующего картирования и геопривязанные данные о восприятии горожанами городской среды представлены как расширение арсенала методов внедрения “умного города”.
Doktora araştırmamın ilk aşaması olan bu çalışma, toplumsal mimarlık tartışmalarına “toplum” kavrayışının eleştirisi üzerinden eklemleniyor. İzmir’de, Karşıyaka ve Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tınaztepe Kampüsü arasında 290 otobüs hattıyla yaptığım gündelik seyahatlerimden yola çıkan çalışmada, toplum kavramı yerine “çokluk” kavramını önererek “çokluğun mekânlarını” deşifre etmeyi amaçlıyorum. Çokluğun mekânlarını kamusal-özel ikiliğinde değil, bedenin diğer bedenlerle ilişkilendiği ve çoğullaştığı mekânlarda arıyorum. Bedenlerin gündelik güzergâhlarının araçsallaştırılmasıyla, çokluğu oluşturan tekilliklerin öznel, bedenlenmiş ve konumlu olan mekânsal bilgisinin açığa çıkarılabileceğini, bu mekânsal bilginin (olası) toplumsallaşma mekânlarını işaret edebileceğini ileri sürüyorum. Araştırmamın argümanlarını feminist bir bakışla ve otoetnografik bir saha denemesiyle kendi bedenim ve kullandığım otobüs güzergâhı üzerinden tartışıyorum. 2022 yılında Nisan ve Mayıs aylarında gerçekleştirdiğim saha çalışmamda çokluğu oluşturan tekilliklerin bir araya gelme ve çoğullaşma pratiklerini “minör pratikler” olarak tanımlıyorum. Mimarlığın doğrudan konusu ve sahası olan minör pratiklerin gerçekleştiği mekânları “minör mekânsallıklar”, minör mekânsallıkları açığa çıkardığım öznel güzergâhları “minör güzergâhlar”, minör mekânsallıkların bilgisini haritalandırarak elde ettiğim mekânsal ağları “minör kartografiler” olarak kavramsallaştırıyorum. Toplumsal mimarlık alanındaki feminist çalışmalar için kavramsal, epistemolojik ve metodolojik bir yaklaşım sunuyorum.
Este artigo explora o desaparecimento de corpos dentro da burocracia da morte na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, focando na cumplicidade entre o aparato de repressão durante o período militar e as normas da administração pública, que visavam dar uma aparência de “legalidade” aos casos de desaparecimento forçado dentro das instituições estatais do país. Ao longo do trabalho se evidencia como a burocracia da morte despe os corpos e os despersonaliza, na qual a falta de cuidado com o registro dos detalhes tornase estratégia para negar identidade ao cadáver de uma pessoa classificada como uma vida que importa menos. Fazendo uso de relatórios de autópsias de corpos de pessoas não identificadas em São Paulo na década de 1970 como categoria analítica, demonstro que uma perspectiva arqueológica pode mostrar como um “estado de exceção” opera sobre tais indivíduos. Em particular, mostro como a presença ou a ausência de detalhes sobre o vestuário é um fator significativo na despersonalização dessas pessoas.
Este estudio examina el impacto de la Kings League en la comunicación deportiva y su atractivo para la Generación Z en España comparándola con las ligas de fútbol tradicionales. El enfoque de "sportainment" de la Kings League, que combina deporte y entretenimiento con una transmisión digital innovadora, resuena entre el público joven. Sus elementos clave son la espontaneidad, el espectáculo y la participación de figuras carismáticas. La investigación subraya la necesidad de nuevos formatos y métodos de comunicación deportiva para atraer a las generaciones más jóvenes, destacando la importancia de la personalización, la inmediatez y la innovación en el deporte para mantener la relevancia cultural y la participación de la audiencia.
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This study investigated patterns of activities in urban green spaces (UGSs) in downtown Shanghai. UGSs are essential public infrastructure, contributing to urban sustainability, quality of life, and social cohesion. Although widely studied, there is a gap in the literature regarding Chinese UGSs when the object of study is the nature the activities. In this sense, we aimed to investigate the activities from the perspective of appropriation of the space, considered here as different from the use of space. This study addressed this by analyzing user demographics, frequency, and spatial activity patterns to assess how these activities could be classified and scored according to a varying levels of appropriation. Through a mixed-methods design based on non-participant observation and behavior mapping, the study was conducted across three comprehensive parks in Shanghai, divided into nine observation zones. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, IBM SPSS, and qualitative coding, revealing, as the main findings, sixty distinct activity types, a soft to moderate level of appropriation, and notable variations in demographic presence and temporal trends. This research underscores the effectiveness of observational methods, validates appropriation as an analytical category, and emphasizes the importance of structured classification systems for improving the understanding of UGSs’ socio-spatial performance and their societal role.
Without going too deep into Japanese history, but giving at least an overview of the first settling of foreigners in Japan and the development of an externally induced foreigners’ ghetto in the nineteenth century, this chapter opens the empirical parts of the book by discussing the so-called gaijin ghetto of today which appears to have developed endogenously. The leading question is how this area was selected to become a foreigners’ residential area at first, how it has further developed as an exclusive expatriates’ “ghetto” and what impact it has on the urban development and society nowadays. Interestingly enough, the socio-spatial concentration of transnational professionals in present-day Tokyo has a long history reaching back to the nineteenth century.
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Jalan Cikini Kramat, which was once famous as a flower paradise in Jakarta, now has a different face. Currently, this market operates on the side of the road, neatly lined up in an alley with partitions separating the stalls. The market atmosphere used to be increasingly lively with the presence of parcel traders selling their wares on the sidewalk, although this often made the market area look less neatly organized. Rather than the famous flowers, nowadays, street food in this area is better known even though it is a flower market. Unfortunately, the presence of these traders can make the area around Cikini Station look slummer than it should. The physical changes to this area are able to eliminate the initial character that formed on Jalan Cikini Kramat. The aim of this research is to revive the face of Cikini as an area with floral characteristics in Jakarta. This research was carried out through surveys, analysis and interviews with the perpetrators involved on Jalan Cikini Kramat. The results of the research are the redevelopment of the flower market and the development around the market with flower characters that can attract visitors. The main finding of this research is the change in Cikini public space into an area with a floral character with relationships between local residents and visitors. The new aspect that is expected is to reshape the face of Jalan Cikini Kramat into an area with character. Keywords: character; flower; market Abstrak Pasar Bunga Cikini yang dahulu terkenal sebagai surga bunga di Jakarta, kini hadir dengan wajah berbeda. Saat ini, pasar ini beroperasi di pinggir jalan, berjajar rapi di satu gang dengan sekat-sekat yang memisahkan antar kiosnya. Suasana pasar yang dulu semakin semarak dengan kehadiran para pedagang parsel yang menjajakan dagangannya di pinggir trotoar, meskipun tak jarang membuat kawasan pasar terlihat kurang tertata rapi. Daripada kembangnya yang terkenal, justru di masa kini, kuliner kaki lima di daerah ini lebih dikenal padahal merupakan pasar kembang. Sayangnya, keberadaan para pedagang ini mampu membuat sekitar Stasiun Cikini terlihat lebih kumuh dari yang seharusnya. Perubahan fisik dari kawasan ini mampu menghilangkan karakter awal yang terbentuk dari Pasar Bunga Cikini yang dulunya adalah penguasa di Jalan Cikini Kramat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membangkitkan kembali wajah Pasar Bunga Cikini menjadi pasar dengan edukasi tentang bunga yang ada di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan survey, analisis, serta wawancara terhadap pelaku-pelaku terlibat di Pasar Bunga Cikini. Hasil dari penelitian adalah pembangunan kembali pasar kembang dan pengembangan sekitar pasar dengan karakter dari bunga yang dapat menarik para pengunjung. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah perubahan ruang publik Cikini menjadi kawasan berkarakter bunga dengan hubungan antara warga lokal dan pengunjung. Aspek baru yang diharapkan adalah membentuk kembali wajah Jalan Cikini Kramat menjadi kawasan berkarakter.
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Стаття присвячена осмисленню Землі у добу глобалізації як складного багатовимірного феномену, буття якого супроводжується появою нових соціокультурних практик людини-дієвця. Відбувається переосмислення традиційних уявлень про сенс Землі. Земля виступає простором, де відбувається посилення взаємодії акторів світової спільноти, що загострює проблему збереження політичного суверенітету та національної ідентичності. Це потребує врахування можливих наслідків переформатування ідеї кордонів: від визнання Землі як єдиної батьківщини для усього людства до можливості виникнення простору, де може відбудитися формування нових форм тоталітаризму (економічного, політичного, культурного тощо). Людина стає спів-дієвцем Землі, поступово усвідомлюючи неможливість уникнення відповідальності за власні дії. Глобалізація засвідчує впровадження нових моделей поведінки, зразків культури, шляхом посилення їхньої трансляції, виводить проблему діалогу на новий, раніше невідомий рівень. Образ туриста, використаний З. Бауманом, постає метафорою сучасного інтеркультурного індивіда, який перебуває на перетині глобалізаційних потоків, проте «не зупиняється» в певній точці простору Землі. Ця нова реальність має значні соціокультурні, політичні, економічні, екологічні, тощо наслідки. Відкритість кордонів послаблює соціально-культурні та національні системи. Земля постає мережею, яка відтепер визначає межі щодо можливостей людей, створюючи нові цінності. Постає питання щодо можливості існування довготривалих зобов’язань. Земля втілює собою простір трансформаційних змін сучасних спільнот. Усунення кордонів або їх ілюзорність формують нову об’єктивну реальність тут-буття. Виникає нова конфігурація взаємозалежності людства: редукція кордонів посилює постійні зміни і трансформації, відкриті кордони сприяють інтенсивності поширення зв’язків. Національна або територіальна належність нівелюється; головними виступають схильності та загальні інтереси. Земля виступає мережевою організацією людства, простором нової інформаційно-комунікативної реальності, простором наднаціональних та транснаціональних утворень, діяльність яких не можна ігнорувати. Людство втягнуто в цей інтенсивний процес, який пришвидшується з кожним роком. Земля постає відкритим простором, який репрезентує множинні конфігурації, провокуючи значні зміни на всіх рівнях буття людини. Ця ситуація впливає на розуміння історичної тяглості світу, який постає лише теперішнім, що провокує значні виклики для прийдешніх поколінь.
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Overall, the cultural and artistic practices that continue to surround hitchhiking subcultures are largely untapped by serious scholastic research. This paper, deliberately non-linear, explores the haptic dimensions of hitchhiking. We use this mode of travel to make certain observations about our late-modern, or cosmopolitan age, as well as about some of the subcultures surrounding adventurous, competitive, and alternative transport. The piece is grounded in a form of duo-auto-ethnography, inspired by the experiences of two authors who are well-versed in this practice, but who have still not met in person. The paper argues that one of the main lessons to arise from the era of mass hitchhiking during the mid-twentieth century is that the types of sensory knowledge acquired and passed on by hitchhikers themselves are unique in their spatio-temporal potential for being imaginatively transformed into tools for shaping wider socio-political projects.
In the face of the Planetary Emergency it feels like we spend a lot of time trying to sense make and make sense of speculative futures. Climate predictions, ramifications of 1.5 degree tipping points, and even a youth climate movement who dedicated their Fridays to reclaim their Future. It feels like our zeitgeist is playing a game of time travel. And as we collectively attempt to define and enact sustainability, there’s an inherent question we are learning to ask — what are the consequences of today on tomorrow? But time, just like space, is understood from different view points. In this article I offer some insights from collaborations between myself, Penan activists, musicians, communities and the camera — “the motor that allows you to see”. I want to explore how time is perceived, and how that can shift our notion of sustainability. Where dominant notions of linearity, mean we start at the beginning in order to reach an end, I’m interested in discussing alternate models of time, for not all of us view the land for its resources that can be exploited and accumulated for later use.Often in media coverage and academic representation, the Penan are recognised as the last nomadic peoples of South East Asia and I’m interested in what aspects continue, linger and inform the relationship between people and their ecology according to nomadic subsistence after the deforestation. When a culture does not permanently shift or alter the land, there are no infrastructural relics equating that there is “no evidence” of historic lineage of the first nation people’s claim to the land. Such is the case for Penan peoples in Sarawak, Malaysia who’s territories continue to be unrecognised. When so much has been destroyed, damaged or changed, what has been left behind?
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While contemporary culture seems to valorize unbounded mobility as the cornerstone of a transnational and borderless world, both social and individual experience continue to be dominated by the impulse for borders and restrictions. Leila Aboulela explores this discrepancy by interrogating the spatial organization of social reality both to show the prevalence of border logic and to suggest pathways for resurgence. This paper examines how the deployment of spatial tropes in Aboulela’s early novels The Translator (1999) and Minaret (2006) is aimed at demonstrating that conceptions of space as orderly and static often serve to maintain certain power configurations. At the same time, these tropes counter the discursive drive for order by tapping into the potential for resistance that inhabits these hegemonic narratives of space. I argue that by mobilizing such tropes as border-crossing, journeying, and carnivalesque chaos, the texts in question advocate a more fluid and chaotic notion of space.
This chapter, thematically, reviews the notion of place defined by philosophers and thinkers of different disciplines. The overall intention of this reviewing is to learn to what extent these scholars’ definitions of place are in parallel or in contrast with ordinary people’s definitions of their living places. In this chapter, general meanings of the term place initiate discussion. The chapter then investigates the ancient Iranian prophet Zoroaster’s thoughts about the notion of Being and its effects on the ideas of the classical Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle about the notion of place. The chapter continues with the knowledge of Martin Heidegger’s notion of dwelling and its effects on the contemporary understanding of place. Subsequently, the chapter reviews certain contemporary definitions of place, which are similar in subject matters to those of participants’ significant factors in defining their living places and neighbourhoods of Yazd. After this thematic review, the chapter lays out how place experienced its transition through modernity followed by the notion of placemaking within the realm of urban design, and using the shoe as a symbol of place.
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This paper investigates the dichotomy between Dismaland, a dystopian inversion of Disneyland, and Disneyland as an enduring bastion of joyous illusion. Through the lenses of heterotopia, non-places, and chiasmus, it explores how their coexistence authentically grounds one while estranging the other. Banksy's inadvertent use of а chiastic structure in transforming Dismaland is analyzed for its reorganizational logic, and challenging norms. Drawing on Lefebvre, Foucault, Rancière, and Nikolchina, the paper examines cultural representations, spaces, and social relations. The analysis extends to non-places vs. heterotopias, emphasizing Dismaland's resistance to non-place classification. The paper advocates for heterotopias, like Dismaland, to challenge norms andfoster alternative cultural production, critiquing interpretations of Situationist theories and proposing Rancière's spatial occupation. The conclusion explores how chiastic structure and heterotopian thinking fuel Dismaland's revolutionary potential, challenging predetermined environments, and underscores art's transformative role in societal evolution towards a renewed existence.
Technical Report
The ongoing Israeli architectural - sociological dialogue taking place among architects, gerontologists, psychologists, and others, focuses on the cross - influence of people and spaces and touches upon typologies, housing patterns, and social trends. Due to this ongoing dialogue, it w as therefore expected to find a variety of residential typologies that meet the changing human needs from birth to death. Surprisingly, the housing typologies currently existing in Israel offer inter-community solutions to most phases of human life, i.e., from birth to old age. However, for reasons unknown, it created a segregated typological ecosystem for the last phase of life, suiting some, but leaving many others dissatisfied and feeling excluded. Consequently, baby boomers, known to be opinionated, well- off financially, proactive, and hedonistic, began independently developing private initiatives of their own. This study will pose in-depth questions about the architectural profession and its disciplinary role in housing in the context of aging baby-boomers, their needs, desires, and expected longevity. It aims to identify how this excluded ecosystem was formed. Was it a proactive decision, or was it the result of neglect? What are the costs and benefits of forming this parallel typological system, who stands to gain from this situation, and who stands to lose? What opportunities does the "parallel ecosystem" provide for its inhabitants, what does it restrict them from doing, and how can architecture diversify and refine the typological options? For analysis purposes, the research question was defined as follows: How can the field of architecture enhance the knowledge base enabling the development of new typological varieties that bridge the gap between aging baby boomers’ lifestyle demands and available typologies? This question will be researched through several sub-questions such as: 1. Does the separate ecosystem described above properly cater to the unique needs of the aging baby-boomer generation? 2. How does it affect the existing heterogeneous residential typologies, or how does the absence of adequate typologies affect the housing options for aging baby boomers? 3. How do private initiatives created by aging baby-boomers change the typological map, and what is the social price we pay for such initiatives? And lastly: 4. How can a better housing policy support and direct such private initiatives in the best interests of the general public? In order to answer these questions, the research requires a complex process of characterization and analysis of residential typologies for the elderly, the characterization of their needs, and the identification of gaps between desired and existing solutions. The review of literature relevant to these research questions deals with three main fields of knowledge: (1) Old age, the elderly, and baby-boomers. (2) The fingerprints of baby-boomers in the planning and design of architectural spaces. (3) The historical development of housing solutions for the elderly, focusing on the collection of academic information about the trends,needs, and housing options of adult housing. The research will identify and illuminate the unique needs, desires, and demands of aging baby-boomers, as well as define the role of policymakers and the place of architectural design in the context of planning future typologies for the elderly. It will do so by focusing on the "social aspects of architecture," which will help define third-age residential typologies and support home typologies for the general population. Lastly, the research will address the ethical questions of architectural practice and the role and responsibility of the architect in the inclusion or exclusion of the elderly population from realm of general housing. These issues carry importance in both the architectural and sociological domains, and the contribution of the research to both is critical for future work relating to baby boomers. This interdisciplinary study will use the mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative inputs, for the following purposes: (1) Decoding and mapping residential typologies in which aging baby boomers reside today. (2) Mapping and characterizing gaps between desirable and existing typologies for various economic levels of society. (3) Establishing ethnographic research and providing more profound knowledge in the fields of human-space interaction and latent and overt needs of aging baby boomers from residential typologies. (4) Using case studies to identify housing parameters affecting private and public spaces. (5) Cross-linking personal, political and social data to identify nodes that can influence future residential typology planning. (6) Examining ways for fruitful interaction between regulation and private entrepreneurship. The research findings were mapped in four knowledge areas: a) global and local mapping of existing adult residential typologies; b) push and pull factors of aging baby boomers in their decision to change their place of residence; c) comparative view of case studies; and d) identification of gaps between desired and existing typologies through the decision process. a) Global and local mapping of existing adult residential typologies Typologies for the elderly are traditionally divided in the professional literature into three main groups: institutional housing; age-oriented community housing; and home housing. This research revealed the incoherence of such a division, mainly in view of the fact that the "home" and "institutional" categories are both from the architectural field, while the "age-oriented housing" category is from the sociological field. This creates difficulty in deciphering the structural qualities of the category "age-oriented housing". The incoherence is felt both in the gerontological field, in which there is difficulty in defining criteria for sheltered housing (Doron & Lazar. 2014), and in the architectural field, which seeks to define a minimum standard for senior housing. The new division formulated in the study (domestic or institutional only), enabled a remapping that revealed a typological gap in Israel. This gap, referred to in the research as a "missing piece", was defined as follows: A domestic and independent living space that provides a comprehensive support envelope and age-oriented social association. b) Push and pull factors of aging baby boomers in their decision to change residence. The study examined pull and push factors, which were divided into two main categories, namely: Adults who decided to move into sheltered housing, and adults who decided to move into an alternative apartment in the heterogeneous community. The findings regarding main push factors, which motivate baby boomers to leave an existing apartment, were found to be similar for both defined groups: Difficulties in maintenance, accessibility needs and lacking a "sense of s ecurity". On the other hand, significant differences were found between the two groups regarding pull factors, i.e., the factors influencing the choice of the new place of residence. While the "sheltered housing" group defined future medical needs, social needs, and the possibility of aging in place (remaining in the same place of residence for the duration of their lives), as pull factors (i.e., silencing future fears), the "housing in the community" group defined building quality, family and a familiar living environment as the main pull factors (i.e., current quality of life). c) Comparative view of case studies The study examined four existing residential typologies for the elderly in Israel: (1) public sheltered housing, 1960; (2) private sheltered housing, 1980; (3) housing in a luxury tower, 2017; and (4) housing in a residential cooperative, 2020 (the first and such arrangements in Israel to date). A comparative view of the above case studies will be presented in chronological order and catalogued into three main categories: The human aspects, the planning aspects, and the economic aspects. The discussion regarding the human aspects reveals significant gaps between the old typologies and the new ones; the findings show that the new domestic typologies attract adults who are in their third age. That said, it is important to note that these typologies (despite their precise fit and their availability in a multi-age environment) remain unavailable for the entire Israeli elderly population, probably because the y are private initiatives of tenants, (aging and wealthy baby boomers). In the context of the old residential typologies (public and private sheltered housing), the study found that the dwellers of both are elderly residents who are either in the third age (after middle age and before old age, when they are still active) and f ourth age (when they are no longer active and often require care). The study found that the public housing typology alleviates existential fears and keeps adults in the third age, while the private sheltered housing typology accelerates the transition to the fourth age, if only because it is a homogeneous and isolated environment. The discussion on the planning aspects also indicates a division between new and old. While the two old typologies offer plans based on architectural principles of institutional structures, the new typologies were found to be "domestic" in all the planning resolutions that were studied. Based on these two aspects (human and planning) the domestic typologies are rated highest, followed by the public sheltered housing, and lastly, the private sheltered housing, which is known for its high, and probably unjustified cost. The economic aspects are studied according to availability to the adult population in Israel. The findings indicate an uneven distribution, with housing solutions available only to those who are at both ends of the spectrum: To those belonging to the low socioeconomic echelon, the residential option of public housing for adults is offered; while at the opposite end–the upper class, the residential options of private sheltered housing and luxury towers are available. Consequently, the needs of most of the elderly in Israel remain unanswered, and they are forced to find solutions on their own. The findings emphasize the urgent need to develop new housing solutions, which should preferably be led by the state, since only regulatory bodies, free of economic interests, are able to define the end users’ needs as the primary goal. The study reveals the critical role that housing plays in delaying the transition from the third age to the fourth, and moreover, it refines the understanding that architecture, beyond being a planning methodology, is a fundamental tool for shaping the behavior and preserving adults in the third age. d) Identification of gaps between desired and existing typologies through the decision process Mapping the decision-making process enabled deciphering critical elements in it. It revealed that this process begins in the sociological/psychological field, which defines the call for action factors (catalyst), the hierarchy of decision makers and the pull/push factors, and continues by adding the architectural layer, which examines the supply of existing housing. While mapping these fields: The sociological/psychological, and the architectural, we found one overl apping point. This point, defined as "motivations for spatial change", leads to three paths: Voluntary transition, transition out of fear, and transition due to necessity. Transition due to necessity refers to “no choice” situations that usually characterize persons who experience sharp physical, cognitive, or mental decline. Unequivocally defined in the research as being in the fourth age, they are forced to find a place of residence based on medical/functional needs, which are the top priority. In such cases, the decision is usually made by default rather than free choice. Since this study focused on the free choice of elderly baby boomers, it did not map the needs and desires of this segment, and therefore, is unable to provide information from user testi monies. Voluntary transition: Characterized in the research as a transition to improve the quality of life, it usually applies to older baby boomers who are in their third age. They do not consider themselves old, and therefore reject residential options which emphasize age indicators, as such places clearly imply or "remind" them of their chronological age. The study found that this segment of the population prefers domestic residential typologies, despite knowing that they might need to make another transition in the future. The study indicates that they are able to find adequate solutions within the domestic typologies. Lastly, transition due to fear: This is the core of this study, which discusses the choices of older baby boomers, and offers multiple in sights that help understand the process. The findings reveal that people who "transition due to fear" are usually older people who have unexpectedly experienced some kind of shock in certain areas of life, such as illness, sudden loss, a sense of danger or loneliness. This disruption, when experienced by baby boomers who had led a carefree life on one end of the pendulum, and are suddenly flung to its other end, causes many fears, anguish and distress. This unexpected event influences the course of their life and decisions, from defining their subjective age, and continuing with the decision to change their living space. The study found that at this point in their lives, people are willing to accept many compromises, including living in institutional typologies, living in marginalized heterogeneous spaces, and even accepting excessively high market prices, all in order to alleviate future fears that do not necessarily materialize in reality. This architectural study illuminated turning points, which provoke thoughts and questions about the hierarchy of decision makers, owners of funds, users and architects, and especially about the ability and responsibility of the various stakeholders to address the needs of a growing generation that seeks an effective change in planning systems. The research sought to raise public and professional awareness, and above all, to serve as the wake-up call, or even the "panic button" of older baby boomers who desperately need architecture to return to its literal "home turf".
Questions addressed in this project are concerned with issues of photographic representation and the ways in which, through extended walks with a camera, the medium might reflect upon the problematic coexistence of nature and a cultural progressive drive towards limitless manufacturing within the context of the broader geo-political issues that affect the planet. Specifically, the images respond to problems such as the human exploitation of natural resources, urban expansion and our reliance on fossil fuels in an era in which climate change is threatening our existence.
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Partycypacja społeczna w praktyce planowania przestrzennego jest szeroko wykorzystywana od lat 60 XX w., niemniej nie został ustalony spójny sposób oceny tego zjawiska. Powodem jest złożoność zagadnienia, a także długi horyzont czasowy potrzebny do oceny procesów planistycznych i rewitalizacji. Celem artykułu jest zestawienie wybranych modeli i wytycznych zarządzania przestrzenią a następnie stworzenie z nich kategorii do analizy przedstawionych w artykule przypadków partycypacji społecznej. Ocena poziomu zaangażo-wania w proces planistyczny wraz z waloryzacją skutków partycypacji społecznej w planowaniu przestrzennym i rewitalizacji ma stanowić podstawę do określenia wstępnych mierników efektywności partycypacji społecznej. Rezultaty badań mogą posłużyć do stworzenia w przyszłości narzędzia oceny efektywności partycypacji społecznej, pomocnego przy określaniu sposobu i zakresu angażowania społeczności w procesy planistyczne. W wyniku analizy zostały określone kategorie oceny partycypacji: innowacja, zgoda społeczna, inkluzywność, tożsamość, sprawczość, świadomość.
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In the early twenty-first century, the concept of citizenship is more contested than ever. As refugees set out to cross the Mediterranean, European nation-states refer to »cultural integrity« and »immigrant inassimilability,« revealing citizenship to be much more than a legal concept. The contributors to this volume take an interdisciplinary approach to considering how cultures of citizenship are being envisioned and interrogated in literary and cultural (con)texts. Through this framework, they attend to the tension between the citizen and its spectral others - a tension determined by how a country defines difference at a given moment.
This article is based on studies conducted at Polis University of Tirana on the “Urban Planning Theory and Laboratory” course organised during the academic year 2017-2018. This research aims to treat the historical analysis of one of the peripheral settlement of Prishtina: Old Ulpiana. The work aims to underline the influence that can have the old Ulpiana in the city of Prishtina, and on the same time the objective is to open a possible point of view on which the future development of Prishtina can be based on the historical culture that is found in his periphery. The purpose of the article is to emphasize the potential of Prishtina as a new capital not so much in the content of the city itself, but in its "periphery" made up by elements of historical value and archaeological finds on the surrounding of the city. These “satellite cities” can be the devices that can increase a touristic economy and can, also, make the inhabitants aware of an operational schedule of architectural and urban elements. The methodology is based on emphasizing the geographical, historical, cultural and traditional potentials of the historic settlement of Ulpiana. Starting from this case, further studies can be deepened on all the other old settlements that surround Prishtina in order to highlight the historical and cultural potential of the entire Prishtina’s region.
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Counter commonplace associations with superficial mediation and networked flatness, the digital seems to have its own peculiar depths, which range from the infrastructural (deep sea cables, deep packet inspection, crawl depth) to the metaphorical (Deep Web, deep learning, deepfakes). This article reviews recent discussions of digital depth and argues that this concept is central to understanding multiple aspects of digital media ranging from folk theorizations to technical expertise. What is digital depth? What is deep about digital media? How does this depth interface with volumes and scales beyond the digital? Through this effort, depth emerges as an underlying feature of deeply mediatized societies.
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Soon after independence in Mozambique (1975), the country´s toponymy changed with the aim of decolonizing the past. The article consists of a chapter of an ongoing thesis entitled "The influence of ethnicities in political conflicts in African states: the case study of Mozambique (1976-2019)". The article aims to analyse the use of anthropological places in a context of political conflict. Three research questions were raised: How does the name of a place shape the behaviour of people living or visiting that place? How does the name transform a space into an anthropological place with a sacral meaning? How does political power use anthropological places? Preliminary results show that, during transformation of anthropological places, the new names have a meaning of local events and figures; there are some names with national impact. Therefore, Anthropological places cannot be seen as a potential for conflict emerging. However, the way politics uses public spaces is more propagandistic. Therefore, it creates an environment of political parties’ divisions leading to political conflicts, in addition to other factors. Methodologically, the chapter is a result of a literature review. The study is important because it approaches conflict beyond armed or political ones, but anthropologically.
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Sociolinguistic research has begun to critique the generalised view of cosmopolitanism as indexed by the use of global and non-local languages and urge us to explore its variety and complexity as situated and dialogical practices. This article answers this call by examining how cosmopolitanism is localised in place talk. Drawing from a larger ethnographic study of language, space, and cosmopolitanism in Shanghai, the analysis focuses on how participants evoke, compare, and evaluate the semiotic landscapes of this Chinese megalopolis. While competing notions of cosmopolitanism emerge during the research interviews, stances taken towards them also perform divergent relationships to the city. This article thus demonstrates how, instead of being a binary opposition, cosmopolitan landscape is discursively reappropriated for the construction of local identities. It contributes to our understanding of how cosmopolitanism is reterritorialised in urban space. (Cosmopolitanism, semiotic landscape, stance, place talk, place-identity, Shanghai)*
20.yy da modernleşme hareketinin başlaması mimarlık ve kentleşme alanlarında sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel koşulların değişiklik göstermesine neden olmuştur. Modernleşme ile birlikte dünya kentlerinde çok yönlü gelişim süreci yaşanmış, modernizmin etkisiyle küreselleşme kavramının ortaya çıkmasıyla toplumun ve kentlerin rolü değişmiştir. Bu değişime bağlı olarak insanların yer ile kurduğu ilişkiler etkilenmiş, yer ‘e özgü değerler yitirilmeye başlamış, yer – zaman- mekân kavramları birbirinden kopmuştur. Böylece kentlerin ve mimari ürünlerin herhangi bir bölgeye, coğrafyaya, zamana ait olmaması kimlik sorununa neden olmuş ve yersizleşme kavramını doğurmuştur. Yersizleşme ile birlikle mimari tasarımı yönlendiren verileri ve özgün mekânları yer yapan niteliklerin ortadan kalktığı, kavramsal bütünlüğün olmadığı, fiziksel çevre – kültürel ve tarihi değerler arasında kopmaların yaşandığı bir döneme girilmiştir. Özellikle küreselleşme ile birlikte bilgi teknolojilerindeki yaygınlaşma kentlerde mekânsal ve zamansal kopmalara neden olmuş, kente ve mimariye özgü alanlar görsel tüketim alanlarına dönüşen yerler olmuştur. Bu durum ise ‘’meta’’ kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Böylece insanlar geçmişin ve kültürün sahip olduğu değerlere sahip çıkmadan yaşanılan mekânları tüketim nesnesi olarak görmeye başlamıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, kentlerin ve mimarlığın kimliği üzerinde, modernleşme ve küreselleşmenin yarattığı etkiye bağlı olarak, yer, zaman ve mekân kavramlardaki değişimin önemini tartışmaktır. Çalışmada, yer kavramının yeni yapım teknikleri ile çoğaltılarak kopya haline getirilmesi, yerlerin aynılaşması ve yersizleşme sorunu örnekler üzerinden açıklanmıştır. Bu nedenle araştırma, mimari kimliğin zaman içindeki değişimini anlamak, yersizleşen mekânların nasıl ‘’meta’’lar haline dönüştüğünü ifade etmek açısından önemlidir.
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