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Abstract and Figures

Recently the use of dissimilar metals in spine instrumentation has increased, especially in the case of adult deformities, where rods made from Cobalt Chrome alloys (CoCr) are used with Titanium (Ti) screws. The use of dissimilar metals increases the risk of galvanic corrosion and patients have required revision spine surgery due to severe metallosis that may have been caused by corrosion. We aimed to assess the presence of corrosion in spine implant retrievals from constructs with two types of material combinations: similar (Ti/Ti) and dissimilar (CoCr/Ti). First, we devised a grading score for corrosion of the rod-fixture junctions. Then, we applied this score to a collection of retrieved spine implants. Our proposed corrosion grading score was proven reliable (kappa>0.7). We found no significant difference in the scores between 4 CoCr and 11 Ti rods (p=0.0642). There was no indication that time of implantation had an effect on the corrosion score (p=0.9361). We recommend surgeons avoid using implants designs with dissimilar metals to reduce the risk of corrosion whilst a larger scale study of retrieved spine implants is conducted. Future studies can now use our scoring system for spine implant corrosion.
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Assessment of Corrosion in Retrieved Spine Implants
V. C. Panagiotopoulou,
H. S. Hothi,
H. A. Anwar,
S. Molloy,
H. Noordeen,
K. Rezajooi,
J. Sutcliffe,
J. A. Skinner,
A. J. Hart
Institute of Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Science, University College London, Stanmore, UK
The Royal National Orthopedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK
The London Spine Clinic, London, UK
Received 8 August 2016; revised 29 November 2016; accepted 16 January 2017
Published online 00 Month 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33858
ABSTRACT: Recently the use of dissimilar metals in spine
instrumentation has increased, especially in the case of adult
deformities, where rods made from Cobalt Chrome alloys
(CoCr) are used with Titanium (Ti) screws. The use of dissimi-
lar metals increases the risk of galvanic corrosion and
patients have required revision spine surgery due to severe
metallosis that may have been caused by corrosion. We
aimed to assess the presence of corrosion in spine implant
retrievals from constructs with two types of material combi-
nations: similar (Ti/Ti) and dissimilar (CoCr/Ti). First, we
devised a grading score for corrosion of the rod-fixture junc-
tions. Then, we applied this score to a collection of retrieved
spine implants. Our proposed corrosion grading score was
proven reliable (kappa >0.7). We found no significant differ-
ence in the scores between 4 CoCr and 11 Ti rods (p5
0.0642). There was no indication that time of implantation
had an effect on the corrosion score (p50.9361). We recom-
mend surgeons avoid using implants designs with dissimilar
metals to reduce the risk of corrosion whilst a larger scale
study of retrieved spine implants is conducted. Future studies
can now use our scoring system for spine implant corrosion.
C2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Bio-
mater 00B: 000–000, 2017.
Key Words: corrosion, spinal implant, cobalt–chromium
(alloys), titanium (alloys), implant retrieval
How to cite this article: Panagiotopoulou, VC, Hothi, HS, Anwar, H, Molloy, S, Noordeen, H, Rezajooi, K, Sutcliffe, J, Skinner,
J, Hart, A 2017. Assessment of Corrosion in Retrieved Spine Implants. J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2017:00B:000–000.
Approximately 500,000 surgical procedures per year are
performed for spine instrumentation in USA,
exceeding hip
replacement surgeries by 100,000.
However, research in
retrieval analysis of spine instrumentation is surprisingly
underdeveloped compared to the research of hip retrievals.
Research on corrosion of orthopedic implants required
grading scores for: (1) corrosion on the taper interfaces
and the stem surfaces
of hip implants; and (2) wear of the
polyethylene of knee replacements.
In spine instrumenta-
tion, only one grading score exists for fretting and crevice
corrosion at the screw-rod junctions, but it applies only for
stainless steel constructs.
The use of dissimilar metals is
common in spine surgery to take advantage of the physical
and mechanical properties of different materials.
there are recent concerns raised due to corrosion and
and tissue reactions such as metallosis.
In the case of instrumentation that uses dissimilar met-
als, only preclinical testing has been performed
and nei-
ther post market surveillance studies using blood metal
ions, nor implant retrieval studies.
This is the first retrieval study of comparing similar and
dissimilar constructs at the rod-fixing junctions, focusing
both on the surface of the rod and on the surface of the
rest of the instrumentation.
Our aim was to better understand the clinical signifi-
cance of spine implants that use dissimilar metals. Our
objectives were, first to develop a visual grading method for
corrosion severity, secondly correlate surface damage on
rods to screws, nuts, hooks, and connectors; and thirdly
relate corrosion findings to clinical and implant data.
This is a study of retrieved spine implants from seven patients
and two hospitals Figure 1. We included rods, screws, set
screws, hooks, and connectors from six different manufacturers
(DePuy Synthes, Globus, K2M, Medtronic, Orthofix, and Stryker).
The cohort was composed of four females and three males
with a median age of 43 (minimum 16–maximum 64) years
at primary with a median time of implantation of 21.5 months
(minimum 4 – maximum 68) (see Table I). Patients were
revised for infection, rod fracture, fracture and loosening of
screws, correction of kyphosis, and prevention of fusion.
Correspondence to: V.C. Panagiotopoulou; e-mail:
Contract grant sponsor: British Orthopedic Association through an industry consortium of nine manufacturers: DePuy International, Zimmer
GmbH, Smith & Nephew, UK, Biomet, UK, JRI, Finsbury Orthopaedics, Corin Group, Mathys Orthopedics, and Stryker, UK.
Macroscopic inspection
All rods were visually assessed for signs of discoloration
and/or scratching on the contact areas between (1) rods
and screws; (2) rods and nuts; (3) rods and hooks; and (4)
rods and connectors. The same applied for the contact sur-
faces on the screws, setscrews, hooks, and connectors.
Details about the number of components and contact areas
can be found in Table II.
Microscopic inspection
Optical microscopy was performed on all components for
signs of fretting, pitting, and/or corrosion using a Keyence
VHX-700F series (Keyence Co., Japan). The magnification
ranged from 203to 2003according to the inspected
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
We used Scanning Electron Microscope (Hitachi S-3400 N)
to determine surface changes on the areas of interest, espe-
cially to find signs of fretting and pitting on the contact
areas on both rods and the rest of the components.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDX)
In combination with SEM, we performed elemental analysis
using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (Oxford Instru-
ments) at a working distance of 10 mm, to determine
whether the black debris seeing on the components are
either biological deposits or corrosion products.
Creation and evaluation of grading score
After performing macroscopic and microscopic inspection in
all contact areas between the components, we combined the
findings in different groups. These groups served as a base-
line for the proposed grading score for rods (see Figure 2)
and for the adaptation of the score proposed for the tapers
of hip replacement by Goldberg (see Figure 3). For the eval-
uation of the objectivity of the grading scores, all compo-
nents were scored by two independent examiners with
expertise on corrosion of implants. The scores were then
compared for any statistical differences.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis, using SPSS software, was performed to
investigate (1) any significant difference or trends between
the scores for CoCr rods versus the scores for Ti rods; (2)
any correlation between score severity and time of implan-
tation; (3) the objectivity and repeatability of the proposed
grading score systems; and (4) correlation between the
score of the rod and the score of the screws, setscrews,
hooks, and connectors.
Macroscopic inspection and grading – rods
From the macroscopic inspection of the spine rods, we
noticed four main trends on the surfaces of the rods: (1) no
visible corrosion and/or fretting; (2) light discoloration
TABLE I. Demographic Data for the Patient Cohort, Including Gender, Age at Primary, Reason for Primary and Revision Sur-
geries, Months of Implantation, Material Combination, and Implant Manufacturer
Patient Gender
Age at
Reason for
Months of
Combination Manufacturer
1 F 64 Scoliosis Infection 68 CoCr/Ti K2M
2 F 69 Scoliosis Rod fracture 27 CoCr/Ti K2M
3 M N/A Fractured
Fractured Screw N/A Ti/Ti Stryker
4 M 30 Fractured
Correction of
9 Ti/Ti DP Synthes/
5 F 18 Scoliosis Infection 4 Ti/Ti Medtronic
6 F 16 Fractured
Prevent adjacent
16 Ti/Ti Orthofix
7 M 56 Fractured
Screw Loosening 5 Ti/Ti Globus
TABLE II. Number of Components and Contact Areas Per Patient. Different Patterns on the Rods Revealed Different Contact
Areas From Different Components, Thus Attributing to the Large Number of Contact Areas. Retrieved Fixtures were Less
Than the Contact Areas on the Rods, Common Side Effects of the Increased Number of Components Used in Spinal Surgery
of Rods
Number of
Number of Contact
Areas on the Rods
Number of Contact
Areas on the Fixtures
1 2 36 60 36
2 2 18 32 18
324 4 4
4 4 15 16 15
5 2 17 28 17
628 8 8
714 4 4
(affecting <30% of the junction point) but without presence
of pits or scratching; (3) moderate discoloration (affecting
>30% of the junction point), usually accompanied by the
presence of some pits, scratches and/or black debris; and
(4) severe discoloration (affecting >50% of the junction
point), accompanied by pits, scratching and/or black debris.
Using these observations, we composed a visual grading
score for the effect of screws, setscrews, hooks, and
connectors on the surface of spinal rods (see Figure 3 for
score and criteria).
Table III includes the number of junctions that share the
same score per material combination. Only 5% of junctions
on the CoCr rods showed no evidence of surface damage.
About 46% of the CoCr rod junctions were discolored, but
with no evidence of scratching, pits or black debris. We
found that 44% of junctions had evidence of moderate
FIGURE 1. Samples of components used in this study; where components labelled 1a–1d are Ti nuts, 2a–2d, 2f, and 2g are Ti rods, 2e is CoCr
rod, 3a–3c are Ti connectors, and 4a–4g are Ti screws.
FIGURE 2. Different grades of the visual scoring of the junctions on the rods, with corrosion score from 1 to 4, under macroscopic inspection
(blue circles mark the areas of interest), microscopic inspection of the areas of interest using Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Micro-
scope (SEM), as scored according to the criteria mentione d. Blue arrows identify the damaged areas with fretting.
discoloration and some scratching, pits or black debris,
while 5% of the CoCr/Ti junctions had the highest corrosion
with severe discoloration and/or increased presence
of scratching, pits, or black debris. For the Ti rods, more
than half of the junctions (67%) were discolored only (no
scratching, pitting or black debris), while the rest of the
junctions were moderately discolored (33%), with scratching,
pits or black debris. No junctions on Ti rods were severely
damaged (Grade 4).
In cases of junction scoring, where the percentage of
discoloration resulted in a score different that the one that
the percentage of surface marks proposed, the junctions
were scored according to the severity of scratching, pitting,
and black debris.
Macroscopic inspection and grading – fixtures
The macroscopic inspection of the contact areas of the rest
of the components revealed similarities with the assessment
of corrosion at the taper junctions of hip replacements.
Thus, we adopted the corrosion score proposed from Gold-
berg et al.
for the visual evaluation of the contact areas on
screws, setscrews, hooks, and connectors (see Figure 3).
From the macroscopic grading of the retrieved screws,
setscrews, hooks, and connectors by first examiner (see
Table IV), the majority of Ti components attached to CoCr
rods (88%) were either lightly or moderately discolored,
with half of them having signs of black debris too. 6% of
components were found with no apparent signs of damage,
while only 6% had severe discoloration and excess amount
of black debris. In the case of using similar materials, most
of the Ti components (48%) were moderately damaged
with <30% of their surface discolored but no black debris,
scratching, and pits. Rest of the Ti fixtures had no black
debris, with 40% being slightly discolored and 12% showed
no signs of discoloration.
Microscopic inspection and grading – rods
From the microscopic inspection of the rods, we found that
the more severe the visual score, the more severe signs of
fretting and pitting were present under the microscope. In
the case of CoCr, Grade 1 was accompanied with initial
marks of intergranular corrosion. Grade 2 and Grade 3
FIGURE 3. Different grades of the visual scoring on the contact areas on the fixtures. Screw with corrosion score 1, showed no signs of fretting
during macroscopic inspection, while under the optical microscope and SEM the area of interest (blue circles) showed slight fretting perpendicular
to the manufacturing lines. Nuts with corrosion score 2 and 3 presented some circular marks (blue arrows), resulting to discoloration affecting less
or more than 30% of the contact area, respectively. Both optical microscope and SEM confirmed circular fretting, probably during implantation.
Connector with corrosion score 4, had signs of black debris, which was confirmed to be of biological origin from Energy Dispersive X-ray
TABLE III. Summary of Scores for the Spinal Rods in
Constructs with Similar or Dissimilar Materials
CoCr/Ti Junctions
Ti/Ti Junctions
1 5 (5%) 0
2 42 (46%) 40 (67%)
3 41 (45%) 20 (33%)
4 4 (4%) 0
shared signs of fretting and pitting, as well as severe signs
of intergranular corrosion. The severity of fretting and pit-
ting escalated with the severity of visual scoring grade. On
the Ti rods, Grade 1 showed no signs of damage, while fret-
ting and pitting was present in Grades 2 and 3. The higher
the grade of the junction, the more fretting and pitting was
observed under the microscope.
Microscopic inspection and grading –fixtures
In all Ti components, microscopic inspection of grade 1
showed no signs of fretting or pitting. In components scored
as grade 2, fretting was present, while in grades 3 and 4,
severe fretting was combined with some level of pitting.
Scanning electron microscope and grading – rods
Similarly, as the microscopic inspection, SEM revealed that
the severity of the visual score was accompanied by the
severity of fretting, pitting, and presence of black debris. As
seen in Figure 2, in Grade 1 for CoCr rods there is presence
of intergranular corrosion initiation, although not visible
during macroscopic inspection. For grades higher than 2,
fretting and pitting are present. The more severe the fret-
ting and pitting, the higher the grade. Black debris were
also found while performing SEM.
Scanning electron microscope and grading – fixtures
We performed SEM on Ti components from both CoCr/Ti
constructs and Ti/Ti constructs. Fretting and pitting corro-
sion were present on moderately damaged fixtures, while
fixtures with score 1 showed no significant signs of fretting
(see Figure 3). In fixtures with grade 4, a large surface of
the contact area was covered with black debris.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope and
grading – rods
On the junctions of CoCr rods, elemental analysis on the
black debris revealed transfer from the Ti components to
the CoCr rods. The severity of the grade was reflected on
the presence of oxygen, as well as titanium, aluminum, and
vanadium elements from the Ti components. Corrosion
debris also included sulphur and phosphorus.
On the contrary, black debris on the junctions of Ti rods
were of biological origin, since the elemental composition
revealed potassium, calcium, sodium, chloride, iron, and
oxygen among the elements detected.
Comparing EDX analysis data between CoCr rods and Ti
rods, the amount of oxygen was increased on the CoCr rods
(27% on average) compared to Ti rods (17% on average).
However, we were not able to confirm whether galvanic
coupling accelerated the corrosion process.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope and
grading – fixture
Elemental composition analysis on Ti components from
both CoCr/Ti and Ti/Ti constructs revealed that black
debris was mostly biological, rather than corrosive debris.
This was suggested by the presence of oxygen with sodium,
potassium, chloride, and iron. No transfer from CoCr rods to
Ti fixtures was observed.
Evaluation of corrosion grading score – rods
All rod junctions were evaluated independently by two
examiners, expert in corrosion of medical devices. We then
performed kappa analysis in order to assess the agreement
of the two examiners, and thus determine the repeatability
and objectivity of the proposed score for corrosion on rod
junctions. Analysis in SPSS revealed that kappa was 0.737
for the scoring of CoCr rods, while in the case of Ti rods
kappa was 0.775. Both values are described as substantial
agreement between the two examiners in grading the junc-
tions of the rods.
Evaluation of corrosion grading score – fixtures
Same principal was applied to the scoring of the fixtures.
Once agreed to the adaptation of the already published
Goldberg score to the contact areas of the fixtures, the two
examiners scored the areas independently. SPSS analysis
TABLE IV. Summary of Scores for the Retrieved Screws,
Nuts, Hooks, and Connectors in Constructs with Similar or
Dissimilar Materials
Visual Score CoCr/Ti Ti/Ti
1 3 (6%) 6 (12%)
2 23 (44%) 19 (40%)
3 23 (44%) 23 (48%)
4 3 (6%) 0
Total number of contact
areas of retrieved fixtures
52 48
TABLE V. Mean Values of Scores Per Rod and Fixtures Per
Component Mean Score
Patient 1 Rod 1 2.5
Rod 2 2.3
Fixtures 2.5
Patient 2 Rod 1 2.8
Rod 2 2.4
Fixtures 2.5
Patient 3 Rod 1 2.0
Rod 2 2.0
Fixtures 2.5
Patient 4 Rod 1 2.0
Rod 2 2.0
Rod 3 2.3
Rod 4 2.3
Fixtures 1.8
Patient 5 Rod 1 2.3
Rod 2 2.8
Fixtures 2.9
Patient 6 Rod 1 2.0
Rod 2 2.0
Fixtures 2.1
Patient 7 Rod 1 2.5
Fixtures 2.0
revealed that the kappa coefficient was 0.753 suggesting
substantial agreement between the examiners.
Statistical analysis
Using SPSS software, we performed statistical analysis in
order to find any significant differences between the use of
different materials and the time of implantation. We calcu-
lated the mean value for all junctions per rod and the mean
value for all contact areas of fixtures per patients (see Table
V for the values). Using the ANOVA non-parametric test, we
found no significant difference for the corrosion scores
between using similar or dissimilar materials (p50.0642).
We also tested whether there is correlation between time of
implantation and corrosion score of the rod junctions, but
the non-parametric ttest showed no significant difference
(p50.9361). Comparison of the scores between fixtures
from different patients, revealed no significant difference
when correlated with time of implantation.
In this study, we describe grading scores and criteria for the
assessment of fretting, pitting, and corrosion on rod junc-
tions and contact areas of fixtures used in spinal implants.
Statistical kappa analysis showed the scoring systems to be
reproducible between different examiners. These scoring
methods may now be used in future studies investigating
retrieved spinal implants.
Our findings suggest that there is no significant differ-
ence in the severity of corrosion between the CoCr and Ti
rod junctions investigated in this study. It is of note howev-
er that only the CoCr components showed evidence of
severe corrosion (grade 4), in the case of rods revised for
fracture. This difference between the two metal alloy combi-
nations was however only marginally insignificant
Comparing the results from the forensic analysis of the
different materials, similar macroscopic patterns between
the two different types of constructs with the same score
resulted in similar trends during the microscopic inspection,
highlighting the similarities due the implantation damage
regardless the material. The use of different materials in
spine instrumentation self-indicates the importance of a uni-
versal score, which can be used regardless material combi-
nation or material consistency. Based on the hip retrieval
research, the widely-used Goldberg score
has been estab-
lished by comparing fretting and corrosion on both retriev-
als made of CoCr and Ti alloys.
We did not find a significant correlation between time of
implantation and overall rod score, suggesting that some
indentations and marks on the rod junctions might occur
during the fixing process of the implantation rather than
during use in situ. The mean corrosion scores for CoCr rods
revised for fracture were higher than the mean corrosion
scores for CoCr rods revised for infection, but no significant
difference was documented. This finding might suggest that
metallosis is rather a patient specific factor instead of a
result of combining different materials. However, it is
acknowledged that this study may be under-powered and
future studies involving great numbers of retrievals are
Ti fixtures had similar levels of fretting and pitting
regardless of whether they were fixed with CoCr or Ti rods.
Black debris on the contact areas of the fixtures were most-
ly biological, while no transfer from the CoCr rods to Ti
fixtures was observed. Comparing the mean values of corro-
sion scores between rod junctions and fixtures of the same
patient showed that both components were almost equally
damaged, revealing no significant difference on the surface
damage between the more active metal part and the more
noble part of the junction. This suggests that galvanic cou-
pling of the metals in this instance did not accelerate the
corrosion process and was rather stable, similar to that sug-
gested by preclinical testing.
Up-to-date, most spine retrieval papers used compo-
nents made of Stainless Steel and Ti alloys,
both of
which have been used for several years in treating spine
deformities. Evidence of corrosion and wear has been docu-
mented, including case reports of metallosis, which is linked
to surface deterioration of the implanted devices.
ever, there are more recent suggestions that the physical
and mechanical properties of CoCr rods are more appropri-
ate for the increased correctional forces of the deformed
spine than rods made of different material.
This resulted
in the introduction and promotion of CoCr rods from sever-
al manufacturers, especially in the cases of extensive adult
deformities. Based on the relevant published research on
retrieved hip replacements, there is evidence of increased
corrosion in mixed materials, putting the galvanic corrosion
into the spot light. The presence or not of this phenomenon
needs to be determined, in order to secure the safety of the
material combination used in spine surgery.
This work is the first retrieval study including compari-
son between similar and dissimilar use of materials on rod-
screw junctions, using components made of CoCr and Ti
alloys. This is a first step toward investigating and deter-
mining the in vivo performance of spine instrumentation;
future work will involve correlating the material loss and
change of surface roughness of the contact areas with the
corrosion scores described here. Equally important is the
correlation of the junction score in relation to the location
at the spine column in order to evaluate whether increased
loading results in increased corrosive damage. Finally, the
inclusion of more material combinations will offer a better
understanding of the processes that are taking place during
the implantation of spine instrumentation in the cases of
similar or dissimilar material combination.
We have described corrosion scores for the assessment of
retrieved spinal implants. Using this score, we found no evi-
dence of increased corrosion when two different materials
are galvanically coupled in spine instrumentation. This sug-
gests that metallosis may due more than just implant risk
factors, and the impact of the patient and surgeon should
be considered.
We are grateful for the support of the theatre staff at the Royal
National Orthopedic Hospital, Anna Di Laura, Arianna Cerqui-
glini, Ilona Swiatkowska, and Akramul Hoque for their coordi-
nation of the retrieval center, Tom Gregory, SEM technician, at
UCL Archaeology Institute, Amir Amiri, Ali Najefi, and Adam
Benton for providing patient details and consents.
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... Spinal metallosis has been described in studies that involved titanium or stainless steel implants [3]. Spinal instrumentation of different metals is commonly used in combination as each metal has a particular mechanical and physical property; for example, cobalt chromium rods have been described to provide stronger correctional forces for scoliotic curves as compared to rods made of other materials [17]. Titanium may be more resistant to crevice corrosion than stainless steel but it has less mechanical resistance and may even stimulate osteolysis [4]. ...
... However, the study was unable to account for the actual inflammatory environments present in the human body. Panagiotopoulou et al's study on retrieved spinal implants demonstrated that the risk of corrosion was not increased when two dissimilar metals, namely, cobalt chromium alloy rods and titanium screws, were used in combination [17]. The authors suggested that metallosis may be more dependent on patient factors rather than the corrosiveness of the metals. ...
... The authors suggested that metallosis may be more dependent on patient factors rather than the corrosiveness of the metals. However, the main limitation of that study was its small sample size, whereby a combination of metals was employed only in two out of seven patients [17]. Vieweg et al[19] in an early study on the corrosion of the internal spinal fixator system described that corrosion occurred due to not only the metallurgical composition but the specific construction of the instrument as well. ...
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Background: Spinal metallosis is a rare complication following spinal instrumentation whereby an inflammatory response to the metal implants results in the development of granulomatous tissue. Case summary: We describe the case of a 78-year-old woman who had recurrence of back pain 5 years after lumbar spine posterior decompression and instrumented fusion. Lumbar spine radiographs showed hardware loosening and magnetic resonance imaging showed adjacent segment disease. Revision surgery revealed evidence of metallosis intraoperatively. Conclusion: Spinal metallosis can present several years after instrumentation. Radiography and computed tomography may demonstrate hardware loosening secondary to metallosis. Blood metal concentrations associated with spinal metallosis have yet to be established. Hence, metallosis is still an intraoperative and histopathological diagnosis. The presence of metallosis after spinal instrumentation likely indicates a more complex underlying problem: Pseudarthrosis, failure to address sagittal balance, infection, and cross-threading of set screws. Hence, identifying metallosis is important, but initiating treatment promptly for symptomatic implant loosening is of greater paramount.
... Several case reports have been published on revision of spine components where the reason for revisions was strongly linked with corrosion and wear of the implants [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Medical complications included unexplained pain, neurological effects, implant loosening, implant failure, swelling and metal staining of the skin. ...
... A retrieval study by Kirkpatrick et al. [16] identified three common modes of corrosion and wear that appear to happen simultaneously in vivo; fretting wear, crevice and galvanic corrosion. In a retrieval study conducted by Villarraga et al. [17] and Panagiotopoulou et al. [18] wear and corrosion were the most common types of damage seen on retrieved spinal hardware and they concluded that revision spine constructs contribute to this type of damage because of the additional segments and mobile pieces added. ...
... In the case of instrumentation that uses dissimilar methods, only preclinical testing has been performed [82] and neither post marker surveillance studies using blood metal ions, nor implant retrieval studies. Panagiotopoulou et al. [18] described corrosion scores for the assessment of retrieval spinal implants with two types of material combinations: similar (Ti/Ti) and dissimilar (CoCr/Ti). Using this score, Authors found no evidence of increased corrosion when two different materials are galvanically coupled in spine instrumentation. ...
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Biologic reactivity to implant debris is the primary determinant of long-term clinical performance. The metallic implants placed in human bodies can exhibit electrochemical or mechanical corrosion that yields in the liberation of metallic products. Such implants-derived metal wear products can be present in the form of metal ions and particulate metal debris with still unknown effects on human health. In situ generation of metallic wear particles, corrosion products and in vivo trace metal ions release from metal and metallic alloys implanted into the body in spine surgery is becoming a major cause for concern regarding the health and safety of patients. In vivo clinical studies addressing the adverse local tissue reaction effects of metallic wear products on surrounding soft tissues and bodily fluids are less numerous. Although numerous studies have focused on the clinical significance of corrosion and wear of hip and knee replacements, research involving spine instrumentation is not well documented. This review explores how migration of metallic wear nanoparticles and trace metal ions in the area of metallic spinal implants influences the surrounding tissues and bodily fluids, and what the clinical consequences of this process may be.
... Additionally, this continuous slight movement destroys the oxide film on the surface of the titanium alloy, causing direct exposure of the metal to body fluids and ultimately causing corrosion. This corrosion, also known as fretting corrosion, is the most prevalent type of corrosion in spinal implants [16][17][18] . Additionally, mild scratches and wear were observed in the middle part of some rods, and subsequent evaluation of these rods showed no signs of corrosion. ...
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To investigate the wear and corrosion of titanium alloy spinal implants in vivo, we evaluated removed implants and their surrounding scar tissues from 27 patients between May 2019 and April 2021. We performed scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and histological analysis. The results revealed metal-like particles in the soft tissues of seven patients, without any considerable increase in inflammatory cell infiltration. Patients with fractures showed lower percentages of wear and corrosion compared with other patients (42% and 17% vs. 59% and 26%). Polyaxial screws exhibited higher wear and corrosion percentages (53% and 23%) compared with uniaxial screws (39% and 3%), although in patients with fracture, the reverse was observed (20% and 0% vs. 39% and 3%). We found that titanium alloy spinal implants experience some degree of wear and corrosion in vivo. The titanium alloy particles formed by wear exhibited good histocompatibility, not causing inflammation, foreign body reactions, or osteolysis. Therefore, spinal implants should be removed cautiously when treating titanium alloy spinal metallosis. The wear and corrosion of the implants increase with the increase in implantation time, although the screw structure does not significantly affect these changes.
... On the other hand, mixing dissimilar metals in spinal implants brings with it an increased risk of inducing galvanic corrosion [40,42,44]. However, biomechanical studies conducted in 0.9% sodium chloride at 37 • C and retrieval analyses of spinal instrumentation have shown no evidence of galvanic corrosion in spinal constructs made of different metals [42,45,46]. After the literature review, we compared breakdown potential to assess corrosion resistance of each discussed metal alloy (Table 1). ...
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Over the last decade, pedicle fixation systems have evolved and modifications in spinal fusion techniques have been developed to increase fusion rates and improve clinical outcomes after lumbar interbody fusion (LIF). Regarding materials used for screw and rod manufacturing, metals, especially titanium alloys, are the most popular resources. In the case of pedicle screws, that biomaterial can be also doped with hydroxyapatite, CaP, ECM, or tantalum. Other materials used for rod fabrication include cobalt–chromium alloys and nitinol (nickel–titanium alloy). In terms of mechanical properties, the ideal implant used in LIF should have high tensile and fatigue strength, Young’s modulus similar to that of the bone, and should be 100% resistant to corrosion to avoid mechanical failures. On the other hand, a comprehensive understanding of cellular and molecular pathways is essential to identify preferable characteristics of implanted biomaterial to obtain fusion and avoid implant loosening. Implanted material elicits a biological response driven by immune cells at the site of insertion. These reactions are subdivided into innate (primary cellular response with no previous exposure) and adaptive (a specific type of reaction induced after earlier exposure to the antigen) and are responsible for wound healing, fusion, and also adverse reactions, i.e., hypersensitivity. The main purposes of this literature review are to summarize the physical and mechanical properties of metal alloys used for spinal instrumentation in LIF which include fatigue strength, Young’s modulus, and corrosion resistance. Moreover, we also focused on describing biological response after their implantation into the human body. Our review paper is mainly focused on titanium, cobalt–chromium, nickel–titanium (nitinol), and stainless steel alloys.
... Regardless of the great progress of medical implants technology and it is suffered from a set of limitations to restrict the success rate up to some extent. Frequent issues related to orthopedic implants like corrosion, loosening of the device; due to poor mechanical strength, infection, non-integration of implant with host tissue and wearing are the prime factors of concerns [19,31,87]. The far most characteristic of an orthopedic implant is integration to host tissue to boost the success rate by resisting the colony formation of microbes and corrosion [23]. ...
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Implants are frequently administered devices to provide mechanical support to restore the function of diseased tissues and supports the natural healing process. The new concept of coated implants come to exist after 1980s to overcome the limitations related to prosthetic failures. The hurdles such as corrosion, infection and lack of bone integration of implant are the primary culprits for the failures. The present review provides a deep insight about the carbon nanomaterials (CBNs) as potential candidates for implant coatings. Additionally, the document highlights the limitations of pristine materials and discusses the different modalities to resolve the issues. The unique structural, thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of CBNs have been presented in detail to understand the significant utilization of CBNs in biomedical sciences and technology. The review may provide an opportunity for researches to develop novel materials for futuristic applications.
Study design: Case-report and literature review. Objective: To depict main features of a potentially deleterious postoperative spinal fixation complication. Summary of background data: Tisular deposit of metal particles from prosthetic systems -metallosis- is an uncommon complication of spinal fixation surgery. Manifestations as chronic post-operative pain, instrumentation failure, infection or neurological impairment can be developed, but metallosis often appears as an unexpected intraoperative finding. Methods: A 70 y.o. female underwent several spinal fixation procedures due to progressive degenerative adult scoliosis, who developed instrumentation failure. Unexpected metallosis was evidenced extensively surrounding the dislodged construct due to vertebral osteolysis. Instrumentation replacement and debridement of metallotic tissue was performed. We also conduct a literature review for the terms "spinal metallosis" and "spinal corrosion" on the PubMed/MEDLINE database. Previous publications depicting black/dark staining, discoloration and/or fibrotic tissue, as well as histopathological metal particle deposits, or merely metallosis, were reviewed. Articles reporting individual cases or case-series/cohorts with patient-discriminated findings were included. Results: The histopathological analysis of our patient revealed dense fibroconnective tissue with black metallic pigment associated. She evolved with great pain relief in the immediately postoperative period. The patient achieved pain-free standing with significant pharmacotherapy reduction and independent ambulation. The literature search retrieved 26 articles for "spinal metallosis" and 116 for "spinal corrosion"; 16 articles met selection criteria. Approximately 60% of the reported cases accounted for patients younger than 30 y.o., mainly related to expandable fixation system (65%) for idiopathic scoliosis. Usually, the symptoms were correlated with abnormal radiological findings: instrumentation breakage, dislodgement, loosening, expandable systems fracture. All the reviewed patients evolved free of pain and neurologically recovered. Conclusion: Instrumentation removal and metallosis debridement seems to be useful for symptomatic patients, but remains controversial on fixed asymptomatic patients. If solid fusion has not been achieved, extension and reinforcement of the failed fixation could be required. Level of evidence: 4.
Titanium (Ti) and alloys thereof are commonly utilized in biomedical settings owing to their desirable mechanical properties and good biocompatibility. However, when exposed to biological systems for extended periods of time, Ti still undergoes corrosion. In the present study, we therefore explore the impact of osteoclasts (OC) on the surface characteristics and corrosion of commercially pure Titanium (cpTi) in the context of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation. We utilized tartrate resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP) and fluorescence staining to assess OC properties, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), optical profilometer, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic polarization tests, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) were used to evaluate metal microstructure, surface composition and roughness, electrochemical corrosion properties, and metal ion release. SEM findings demonstrated that the surface of cpTi exhibited micro-pitting as well as the presence of viable OCs. Correspondingly, cpTi that had been exposed to OCs exhibited reduced levels of Ti, oxygen, and oxides within the corroded regions relative to smooth Ti as measured via EDS and XPS. OC exposure was also associated with significant changes in cpTi surface roughness, a significant decrease in corrosion resistance, and a significant increase in the release of Ti ions into the surrounding medium. In summary, these findings indicate that OC culture on the surface of cpTi can directly corrode titanium and lead to the release of Ti ions.
Study design: This was a retrospective cohort study. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare implant-related complications between mixed-metal and same-metal rod-screw constructs in patients who underwent posterior fusion for adult spinal deformity. Summary of background data: Contact between dissimilar metals is discouraged due to potential for galvanic corrosion, increasing the risk for metal toxicity, infection, and implant failure. In spine surgery, titanium (Ti) screws are most commonly used, but Ti rods are notch sensitive and likely more susceptible to fracture after contouring for deformity constructs. Cobalt chrome (CC) and stainless steel (SS) rods may be suitable alternatives. No studies have yet evaluated implant-related complications among mixed-metal constructs (SS or CC rods with Ti screws). Methods: Adults with spinal deformity who underwent at least 5-level thoracic and/or lumbar posterior fusion or 3-column osteotomy between January 2013 and May 2015 were reviewed, excluding neuromuscular deformity, tumor, acute trauma or infection. Implant-related complications included pseudarthrosis, proximal junctional kyphosis, hardware failure (rod fracture, screw pullout or haloing), symptomatic hardware, and infection. Results: A total of 61 cases met inclusion criteria: 24 patients received Ti rods with Ti screws (Ti-Ti, 39%), 31 SS rods (SS-Ti, 51%), and 6 CC rods (CC-Ti, 9.8%). Median follow-up was 37-42 months for all groups. Because of the limited number of cases, the CC-Ti group was not included in statistical analyses. There were no differences between Ti-Ti and SS-Ti groups with regard to age, body mass index, or smokers. Implant-related complications did not differ between the Ti-Ti and SS-Ti groups (P=0.080). Among the Ti-Ti group, there were 15 implant-related complications (63%). In the SS-Ti group, there were 12 implant-related complications (39%). There were 3 implant-related complications in the CC-Ti group (50%). Conclusion: We found no evidence that combining Ti screws with SS rods increases the risk for implant-related complications.
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Purpose To document a rarely reported complication associated with spinal instrumentation and to evaluate the current literature on spinal metallosis and spinal metalloma. Methods A local case report is presented. EBSCOhost, PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were used to conduct a systematic review for articles describing spinal metallosis and spinal metalloma. Results A total of 836 articles were identified using the terms “metalloma” or “metallosis”. Exclusion of arthroplasty-related abstracts retrieved 46 articles of which 3 full text articles presenting spinal metalloma as a causative pathological finding responsible for neurological signs and symptoms in patients with previous spinal fusion instrumentation were reviewed. Our case is the first described with titanium-composed posterior instrumentation and fifth reported, demonstrating the phenomena of neurological symptoms and signs attributed directly to neural tissue compression by spinal metalloma after spinal instrumentation. Conclusion Spinal metallosis can present weeks to years after spinal instrumentation surgery and is a potential cause of neural compression. This process appears to be independent of the instrument composition as metallosis has now been demonstrated in both titanium and stainless steel constructs.
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Implantation of a total hip replacements (THR) is an effective intervention in the management of arthritis. Modularity at the taper junction of THR was introduced in order to improve the ease with which the surgeon could modify the length of the taper section and the overall length of the replacement. Cobalt chromium (Co-28Cr-6Mo) and titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloys are the most commonly used materials for the device. This study investigates the fretting behaviour of both CoCr-CoCr and CoCr-Ti couplings and analyses their damage mechanisms. A reciprocating tribometer ball on plate fretting contact was instrumented with in situ electrochemistry to characterise the damage inflicted by tribocorrosion on the two couplings. Fretting displacements amplitudes of 10, 25 and 50 mm at an initial contact pressure of 1 GPa were assessed. The results reveal larger metallic volume loss from the CoCr-CoCr alloy compared to the CoCr-Ti alloy, and the open circuit potential indicates a depassivation of the protective oxide layer at displacement amplitudes > 25 μ m. In conclusion, the damage mechanisms of CoCr-CoCr and CoCr-Ti fretting contacts were identified to be wear and fatigue dominated mechanisms respectively. © 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and W.S.Maney and Son Ltd.
Spinal implants are made from a variety of materials to meet the unique mechanical demands of each application. However, the medical device community has raised concern about mixing dissimilar metals in an implant because of fear of inducing corrosion. There is a lack of systematic studies on the effects of mixing metals on performance of spinal implants, especially in fretting corrosion conditions. Hence, the goal was to determine whether mixing stainless steel (SS316L), titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) and cobalt chromium (CoCrMo) alloy components in a spinal implant leads to any increased risk of corrosion degradation. Spinal constructs consisting of single assembly screw-connector-rod components were tested using a novel short-term cyclic fretting corrosion test method. A total of 17 alloy component combinations (comprised of SS316L, Ti6Al4V-anodized and CoCrMo alloy for rod, screws and connectors) were tested under three anatomic orientations. Spinal constructs having all SS316L were most susceptible to fretting-initiated crevice corrosion attack and showed higher average fretting currents (∼25 - 30 µA), whereas constructs containing all Ti6Al4V components were less susceptible to fretting corrosion with average fretting currents in the range of 1 - 6 µA. Mixed groups showed evidence of fretting corrosion but they were not as severe as all SS316L group. SEM results showed evidence of severe corrosion attack in constructs having SS316L components. There also did not appear to be any galvanic effects of combining alloys together. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2016.
Description STP 1301 is the first publication of its kind to present a complete compilation of research on testing methods of potential use in orthopedic implant product development. 18 comprehensive peer-reviewed papers are divided into 3 key categories: Clinical Relevance; • Issues of Concern; • and State of the Art in Properties Testing.
In situ degradation of metal-alloy implants is undesirable for two reasons: the degradation process may decrease the structural integrity of the implant, and the release of degradation products may elicit an adverse biological reaction in the host. Degradation may result from electrochemical dissolution phenomena, wear, or a synergistic combination of the two. Electrochemical processes may include generalized corrosion, uniformly affecting the entire surface of the implant, and localized corrosion, affecting either regions of the device that are shielded from the tissue fluids (crevice corrosion) or seemingly random sites on the surface (pitting corrosion). Electrochemical and mechanical processes (for example, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, and fretting corrosion) may interact, causing premature structural failure and accelerated release of metal particles and ions. The clinical importance of degradation of metal implants is evidenced by particulate corrosion and wear products in tissue surrounding the implant, which may ultimately result in a cascade of events leading to periprosthetic bone loss. Furthermore, many authors have reported increased concentrations of local and systemic trace metal in association with metal implants1,4,5,9-11,14,18,25,26,28,29,47,49-55,58,71,72,75-77,87,90,108-110. There also is a low but finite prevalence of corrosion-related fracture of the implant. This review focuses on electrochemical corrosion phenomena in alloys used for orthopaedic implants. A summary of basic electrochemistry is followed by a discussion of retrieval studies of the response of the implant to the host environment and the response of local tissue to implant corrosion products. The systemic implications of the release of metal particles also are presented. Finally, future directions in biomaterials research and development …
This paper presents the failure analysis of cemented metal on metal (MoM) total hip replacements (THR) from a single centre cohort. In this paper all retrieved femoral stems were implanted and revised at the Norfolk and Norwich University hospital by three specialist hip surgeons. All patients were subjected to the same combination of metallic implants, operative and follow up procedure. Between 1997 and 2008, 652 Ultima TPS™ femoral stems with the Ultima MoM articulation (DePuy International, Leeds) were implanted. At 2–9 years follow up, 90 revisions had been performed. Upon removal extensive fretting-corrosion of the cemented portions of the femoral stems was seen, resulting in high metal ion levels. In order to fully understand the factors resulting in failure of these cemented MoM THR optical light microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy with integrated Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) and X-ray Photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) were utilised in order to assess the surface morphology and chemistry of retrieved MoM THR and surface chemistry of the films found on the surface. Gross slip, plastic deformation and directionality of the surface were extensively seen on the proximal surfaces of the retrievals. A more corrosive phenomenon was in the distal regions of the stem, demonstrating a seemingly inter-granular attack. SEM/EDX analysis demonstrated that black films present commonly seen on the highly worn regions of the cemented portions of the femoral stem were a complex mixture of chromium oxide, protein and amorphous carbon. XPS demonstrated films were Cr, O rich, mixed with organic material.
Study design: Comparative in vitro, biomechanical study. Objective: Compare the effect of rod curvature and material properties on rod flattening and correctional forces. Summary of background data: Traditional methods of correction for large progressive deformities involve 3-dimensional correction, performed with an attempt to reach a balanced correction in all planes, spinal instrumentation, and fusion. Increasing attention to the transverse plane correction has developed after the introduction of segmental pedicle screws into the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. Approximation of the spine (pedicle screws or hooks) to the rods remains the heart of many deformity procedures. Therefore, it is crucial that the instrumentation used provide and maintain the initial correction of the spinal deformity while minimizing potential intraoperative failures. Methods: Two experiments were performed using 80 rods made from 4 different materials namely: stainless steel (SS), titanium (Ti), cobalt chromium (CoCr), and ultrahigh strength stainless steel (UHSS). Half of the rods were contoured to 20 degrees, whereas the reaming contoured to 30 degrees. Half of the rods were approximated to a synthetic spine models to measure the flattening of the rods when approximated to highly rigid spine. The other half was used to measure the correctional forces produced by each rod type and curvature. Results: For the 20-degree pre-bend rods, Ti was the best in maintaining its original shape followed by UHSS, SS, and CoCr of 90%, 77%, 62.5%, and 54.4%, respectively. The 30-degree pre-bend showed exactly a similar trend with 80.7% for Ti, 71% for UHSS, 54.6% for SS, and 48.1% for the CoCr rods. For 30-degree pre-bend CoCr and UHSS rods, the intraoperative reduction forces were almost 42% and 10% higher than the Ti and SS rods, respectively. The correctional force produced by the Ti 30-degree pre-bend rod was approximately 67% that of a CoCr and UHSS rods. Conclusions: CoCr and UHSS rods have the ability to produce the highest correction forces, however, both can plastically deform in a very rigid curves. Therefore, it is critical to have sense of the quality of the bone fixation as well as the curve flexibility when selecting for appropriate rod size material and contouring the rod to the desired shape.
A technique for the classification and quantification of damage in retrieved total knee prostheses is presented and applied to the examination of 48 removed total condylar-type knee replacements. The technique involves inspection of all metallic and polyethylene components for evidence of gross deformation, fracture, and damage to articulating surfaces. A grading system was developed to quantitate surface damage on polyethylene components. Results of the examinations are combined with patient variables (weight, activity level, radiographic findings, time of implantation, and results of histology performed on surrounding tissue) to determine correlations between clinical variables and the mechanical damage experienced by the prostheses. For the 48 total condylar-type prostheses, significant positive correlations were found for the surface damage correlated with the patient's weight and the time the prosthesis was implanted.
Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of revision total hip and knee arthroplasties performed in the United States. The purpose of this study was to formulate projections for the number of primary and revision total hip and knee arthroplasties that will be performed in the United States through 2030. The Nationwide Inpatient Sample (1990 to 2003) was used in conjunction with United States Census Bureau data to quantify primary and revision arthroplasty rates as a function of age, gender, race and/or ethnicity, and census region. Projections were performed with use of Poisson regression on historical procedure rates in combination with population projections from 2005 to 2030. By 2030, the demand for primary total hip arthroplasties is estimated to grow by 174% to 572,000. The demand for primary total knee arthroplasties is projected to grow by 673% to 3.48 million procedures. The demand for hip revision procedures is projected to double by the year 2026, while the demand for knee revisions is expected to double by 2015. Although hip revisions are currently more frequently performed than knee revisions, the demand for knee revisions is expected to surpass the demand for hip revisions after 2007. Overall, total hip and total knee revisions are projected to grow by 137% and 601%, respectively, between 2005 and 2030. These large projected increases in demand for total hip and knee arthroplasties provide a quantitative basis for future policy decisions related to the numbers of orthopaedic surgeons needed to perform these procedures and the deployment of appropriate resources to serve this need.