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Temperature effects on periphyton, epiphyton and epipelon under a nitrogen pulse in low-nutrient experimental freshwater lakes

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The ongoing global climate change involves not only increased temperatures but may also produce more frequent extreme events, such as severe rainfall that could trigger a pulse of nutrients to lakes. In shallow lakes, this may affect primary producers through a number of direct and indirect mechanisms. We conducted a six-month mesocosm experiment to elucidate how periphyton (on inert substrata), epiphyton and epipelon biomass responded to a nitrogen (N) pulse, an approximately tenfold enrichment of the NO3-pool, under three contrasting warming scenarios: ambient temperature and ca. +3°C and ca. +4.5°C elevated temperatures (hereafter T1, T2 and T3). After the N pulse, we found a higher periphyton biomass at elevated than at ambient temperatures but no change in epiphyton biomass. Epipelon biomass was lower in T3 than in T1. Both periphyton and epiphyton biomasses correlated negatively with snail biomass, while epiphyton biomass correlated positively with light. Different responses to higher temperatures under short-term extreme nutrient loading conditions may be attributed to differences in the access to nutrient sources and light. Our data suggest that the biomass of periphyton in oligotrophic clear-water lakes will increase significantly under conditions exhibiting short-term extreme nutrient loading in a warmer climate.
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Temperature effects on periphyton, epiphyton and epipelon
under a nitrogen pulse in low-nutrient experimental
freshwater lakes
Yu Cao .Saara Olsen .Marı
´a Florencia Gutierrez .Sandra Brucet .
Thomas A. Davidson .Wei Li .Torben L. Lauridsen .
Martin Søndergaard .Erik Jeppesen
Received: 21 May 2016 / Revised: 19 January 2017 / Accepted: 21 February 2017 / Published online: 7 March 2017
ÓSpringer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Abstract The ongoing global climate change
involves not only increased temperatures but may also
produce more frequent extreme events, such as severe
rainfall that could trigger a pulse of nutrients to lakes. In
shallow lakes, this may affect primary producers
through a number of direct and indirect mechanisms.
We conducted a six-month mesocosm experiment to
elucidate how periphyton (on inert substrata), epiphyton
and epipelon biomass responded to a nitrogen (N) pulse,
an approximately tenfold enrichment of the NO
under three contrasting warming scenarios: ambient
temperature and ca. ?3°C and ca. ?4.5°C elevated
temperatures (hereafter T1, T2 and T3). After the N
pulse, we found a higher periphyton biomass at elevated
than at ambienttemperatures but no changein epiphyton
biomass. Epipelon biomass was lower in T3 than in T1.
Both periphyton and epiphyton biomasses correlated
negatively with snail biomass, while epiphytonbiomass
correlated positively with light. Different responses to
higher temperatures under short-term extreme nutrient
loading conditions may be attributed to differences in
the access to nutrient sources and light. Our data suggest
that the biomass of periphyton in oligotrophic clear-
water lakes will increase significantly under conditions
exhibiting short-term extreme nutrient loading in a
warmer climate.
Handling editor: Zhengwen Liu
Y. Cao (&)
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed
Ecology, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Wuhan 430074, China
Y. Cao W. Li
Hubei Key Laboratory of Wetland Evolution &
Ecological Restoration, Wuhan Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430074, China
Y. Cao S. Olsen S. Brucet T. A. Davidson
T. L. Lauridsen M. Søndergaard E. Jeppesen
Lake Ecology Section, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus
University, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
S. Olsen W. Li T. L. Lauridsen E. Jeppesen
Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research (SDC),
Beijing, China
M. F. Gutierrez
Instituto Nacional de Limnologı
Ciudad Universitaria, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
S. Brucet
Aquatic Ecology Group, University of Vic - Central
University of Catalonia, Vic, Spain
S. Brucet
ICREA, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced
Studies, Barcelona, Spain
Hydrobiologia (2017) 795:267–279
DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3140-4
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... both the water and the sediment, and to harvest light as close to the water surface as possible, whereas phytoplankton have first access to light, but rely on nutrients from the water column (Hansson 1988). If nutrient concentrations in the water increases, phytoplankton, as well as filamentous algae, generally become more abundant (Cao et al. 2017), reducing light penetration through the water column and subsequently primary production at the sediment surface becomes light-limited (Hansson 1988(Hansson , 1989. Hence, there is an ever-ongoing competition among different life-forms of primary producers which to a large extent determines water clarity (Scheffer 1990;Moss 2012). ...
... As climate on Earth is rapidly changing (IPCC 2013), a major challenge is to understand and predict how interactions among primary producers will change and thereby shape future lakes and ponds. Temperature is a major factor affecting biomass development of primary producers (Mckee et al. 2002;Hansson et al. 2013;Cao et al. 2014Cao et al. , 2017Urrutia-Cordero et al. 2016;Li et al. 2017;Velthuis et al. 2017), although most studies have focused on a single group of primary producers and fail to provide knowledge on the overall, long-term outcome of the interactions among macrophytes, filamentous, and planktonic algae. Moreover, a major knowledge gap is that despite many studies address increases in the mean temperature, few have focused on how effects of heat waves (Cao et al. 2015(Cao et al. , 2017Bertani et al. 2016;Li et al. 2017), that is, a higher mean temperature delivered as stronger amplitudes in temperature than at present (IPCC 2013), may affect the biomass distribution and competitive interactions among primary producers. ...
... Temperature is a major factor affecting biomass development of primary producers (Mckee et al. 2002;Hansson et al. 2013;Cao et al. 2014Cao et al. , 2017Urrutia-Cordero et al. 2016;Li et al. 2017;Velthuis et al. 2017), although most studies have focused on a single group of primary producers and fail to provide knowledge on the overall, long-term outcome of the interactions among macrophytes, filamentous, and planktonic algae. Moreover, a major knowledge gap is that despite many studies address increases in the mean temperature, few have focused on how effects of heat waves (Cao et al. 2015(Cao et al. , 2017Bertani et al. 2016;Li et al. 2017), that is, a higher mean temperature delivered as stronger amplitudes in temperature than at present (IPCC 2013), may affect the biomass distribution and competitive interactions among primary producers. Therefore, our main aim has been to provide understanding on how the primary producers develop in climate change scenarios and to disentangle which life-forms or taxa that will likely become more dominant, alternatively decline in importance in future shallow, temperate lake ecosystems. ...
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In a future climate change perspective, the interactions among different life‐forms of primary producers will likely be altered, leading to changes in the relative dominance among macrophytes, filamentous, and planktonic algae. In order to improve the possibilities to forecast future ecosystem services and function, we therefore conducted a long‐term mesocosm study where primary producers were exposed to different climate scenarios, including both a mean increase in temperature (4°C) and a similar energy input, but delivered as “heat waves” (fluctuations 0–8°C above ambient). We show that in shallow systems, future climate change scenarios will likely lead to higher total macrophyte biomasses, but also to considerable alterations in the macrophyte community composition. The biomass of filamentous algae (Cladophora) showed no significant difference among treatments, although effect size analyses identified a slight increase at heated conditions. We also show that future climate change will not necessarily lead to more phytoplankton blooms, although a considerable alteration in phytoplankton community composition is to be expected, with a dominance of cyanobacteria and Cryptophytes, whereas Chlorophyceae and diatoms will likely play a less pronounced role than at present. In a broader context, we conclude that the total biomass of macrophytes will likely increase in shallow areas, whereas phytoplankton may not show any strong changes in biomass in a future climate change scenario. Instead, the major changes among primary producers will likely be mirrored in a considerably different species composition than at present.
... However, in the early stage of eutrophication, the water may remain clear even when nutrient levels are increasing [13]. Aquatic plants are usually strongly limited by light even in the early period of eutrophication when the water is still clear, as a result of a rapid increase in periphyton abundance leading to shading [6,[16][17][18]. In some cases, however, the increased nutrient availability has counteracted the negative effects of periphyton shading, leading to increased plant growth despite the higher periphyton biomasses [19]. ...
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Aquatic plants play a key role in the structuring and functioning of shallow lake ecosystems. However, eutrophication often triggers shifts in plant communities and species diversity, especially in the early stages when the water is still clear. Additionally, water depth is an important factor regulating aquatic plant communities. We conducted a 50-day mesocosm study to investigate how water depth (50 cm and 100 cm) affected the functional traits (vertical expansion versus horizontal colonisation) of 20 aquatic plants under eutrophic clear-water conditions. Among the selected species, the submerged plants Hydrocotyle vulgaris and Limnophila indica exhibited higher plant height or biomass in deeper water, while the emergent plants Myriophyllum aquaticum showed the opposite trend. Additionally, Ludwigia peploides subsp. stipulacea exhibited better vertical growth than the remaining species, and the submerged species Vallisneria denseserrulata had better horizontal colonisation. There was a positive correlation between plant height and rhizome length, indicating the absence of a trade-off between vertical growth and horizontal expansion. Our findings suggest an overall resilience of aquatic plants to varying water depths within our study range and highlight the importance of analysing functional traits when selecting appropriate species in freshwater ecosystem restoration, particularly in the face of climate change-induced water depth fluctuations.
... Previous studies elucidated that the periphyton biomass was influenced by some abiotic factors, like light availability (or transparency) and nutrient supply in the water column [16,17]. In this study, the water in mesocosms was of bottom-view transparency, and macrophytes grew in the similar nutritional state within one mesocosm, which did not support the effects on periphyton biomass from these factors. ...
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Submerged macrophyte and periphyton are main primary producers which strongly interact with each other in clear water shallow lakes. In this study, the effects of genetic variation of the macrophyte species on periphyton biomass were studied in five submerged species. A two-year mesocosm study was conducted with four levels of genetic diversity (1, 4, 8 and 16 genotypes) for each submerged macrophyte, including 1600 individuals and 320 boxes in 20 mesocosms. Of the five submerged species, only Vallisneria spinulosa showed a positive correlation between its levels of genotype richness and the periphyton biomass. The correlation between genetic distance of genotypes and periphyton biomass was tested, which varied with the difference of seasons and species. In summary, we found that in freshwater mesocosms, the genetic diversity of submerged macrophytes may play a role in regulating the periphyton biomass, but the interaction between genetic diversity of macrophytes and periphyton biomass was not straightforward. This study will provide new insights into the interaction dynamics between the two primary producers in shallow lakes.
... In addition, based on the leaf intactness, there is potentially direct grazing by snails on both species. Due to the low shading from epiphyton and the high proportion of intact and minor-damaged leaves, the direct effects of snails and epiphyton on macrophyte growth were assumed to be minor in our study compared with the studies in [37,45]. In summary, our results showed that the growth form combination of the macrophyte communities plays a more vital role in regulating the growth of rosette-like (or bottom-dwelling) species than of canopy-forming species, which supports our second hypothesis. ...
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More frequent extreme climate events (e.g., extreme precipitation) are to be expected in the future, and such events may potentially have significant effects on freshwater ecosystems. In the present mesocosm study, the effects of simulated extreme precipitation on submerged macrophytes were evaluated for three different macrophyte community (MC) treatments (MC1, MC2 and MC3). MC1 consisted of only Vallisneria denseserrulata, while MC2 and MC3 included three and six species of various growth forms. Two treatments of extreme precipitation (EP) were simulated-an extreme treatment (E) simulating a sudden increase of water level from 75 cm to 150 cm within one day and a gradual treatment (G) simulating an increase to the same water level within 3 months, combined with two control treatments. Total macrophyte community biomass was resilient to the EP and MC treatments, while species-specific variations in responses, in terms of biomass, maximum height, and sexual reproduction, were found. For instance, E led to earlier flowering of Potamogeton lucens and production of more flowers, while it had adverse effects on the flowering of Ottelia alismoides. We conclude that freshwater ecosystems with high coverage of submerged macrophytes may be overall resilient to extreme precipitation under nutrient-limited conditions, especially communities with diverse growth forms.
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Dominant floating and submerged rootless vegetation can be regarded as alternative stable states world-wide. The competition between these two vegetation types can be strongly influenced by epiphytic algae. These algae, on the other hand, are partially controlled by grazers like snails. However, how this interaction between snails and epiphyton affects the competition between floating and submerged rootless vegetation remains rather unclear. Here, we investigate this interaction. Floating (Lemna gibba) and submerged rootless (Ceratophyllum demersum) plants were co-cultured with the presence and absence of the grazing snail Radix labiata. Biomass and nitrogen uptake of algae were strongly reduced in the presence of grazing snails. Ceratophyllum-epiphyton complex without snails reduced N and P concentration of the medium faster and had higher pH values than with the presence of grazing snails. These changes resulted in more unfavourable conditions for free-floating plants. The presence of snails indirectly increased the growth, tissue N concentration and N uptake for both Lemna and Ceratophyllum. Submerged plants together with epiphyton caused 20% more growth limitation on Lemna than Ceratophyllum alone. Structural equations modelling together with experimental results revealed that grazing snails seem to weaken the negative impact of macrophyte-epiphyton complex on Lemna. Large-scale field observations showed that the abundance of L. gibba negatively correlated with Ceratophyllum cover. Abundance of C. demersum and L. gibba negatively correlated with algal biomass; however, correlated positively with the group of larger sized grazing snails. Our findings strengthen the hypothesis that under a certain nutrient range, epiphytic algae stabilize the submerged vegetated state preventing colonization of lentic ponds by free-floating plants.
Warming, eutrophication, and increased omnivory by small-sized fish are global change processes that induce major effects on the food web structure and primary producers of shallow lakes. Despite the key relevance of phytoplankton and periphyton in freshwaters, the combined and potential synergistic effects of fish omnivory, warming and eutrophication, especially on periphyton, remains little addressed, particularly for subtropical shallow lakes. We experimentally tested the food web effects on phytoplankton and periphyton induced by small visually feeding omnivorous fish (Rhodeus ocellatus), high nutrient enrichment and warming (+4.5 °C) in thirty-two 1000 L-mesocosms simulating littoral conditions of subtropical shallow lakes. We aimed at analysing the mechanisms and responses of periphyton and phytoplankton to these experimental factors. All mesocosms included the submerged macrophytes Vallisneria denseserrulata and Potamogeton lucens and artificial plants at 50% plant volume inhabited, plankton and macroinvertebrates. Small-sized visually feeding omnivorous fish enhanced phytoplankton dominance and periphyton loss. These changes coincided with a decrease in zooplankton biomass and a diversity loss of both zooplankton and macroinvertebrates as well as an increase in snail abundance. Fish presence led to a collapse of cladocerans, thereby releasing the grazing pressure on phytoplankton, and predator and collector macroinvertebrates were replaced with small snails (Radix peregra < 0.5 cm) resulting in enhanced grazing on periphyton. Eutrophication reinforced the fish effects, while warming had weak or no effects. Our results indicate that omnivory by small-sized visually feeding fish may induce stronger effects on the food webs of shallow lakes, towards phytoplankton-dominated states, than the combined effect of nutrient enrichment and warming under the present experimental conditions.
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Warming and higher nitrogen loading induced by increasing precipitation are expected scenarios in north temperate regions as consequence of global climate change, with potential effects on the functional traits of submerged macrophytes and periphyton. Using an experimental heating facility we investigated the responses of three-week growth of two submerged macrophytes (Potamogeton crispus Linn. and Elodea canadensis Michx.), and periphyton on these plants and their artificial mimics. Analysis was based on IPCC climate scenarios A2 (ca. + 3°C) and A2 + 50% (called A3 in our study) relative to ambient conditions, across warming in spring and early summer (summer showed higher nitrogen loading). Some functional traits of plants showed species-specific responses to warming: A3 promoted the growth of E. canadensis in both seasons, while for P. crispus warming reduced the leaf number in spring but enhanced the turion production in early summer. Periphyton biomass was lower in A3 in early summer, but not in spring. Our results further show that the growth of E. canadensis and the asexual reproduction of P. crispus might increase in a warmer future. Moreover, we found a complex response of periphyton to the temperature increase and substrate type, varying with season and nutrient state.
At present, microplastics (MPs) have gradually become a hot issue in marine environmental pollution and may pose a potential threat to marine ecosystems. Since MPs are not easily biodegradable, they can provide the attachment substrates for various organisms, which will affect their floating and transport, and may also lead to the invasion of harmful microorganisms. In this study, polypropylene, polyethylene, polylactic acid pellets, and glass particles were exposed for 6 weeks in different seasons at three stations in the Yellow Sea, China. The results showed that the total amounts of biofilms significantly varied among seasons and functional zones and that the temperature of seawater was the main influencing factor. A variety of biological communities (especially diatoms and bacteria) and extracellular polymeric substances were observed on the MP surfaces using scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Sequencing analysis indicated that the structure and composition of microbial communities on MPs mainly varied with seasons and locations. In addition, most of the microorganisms were generally attached to the surface and were not any specific selection of plastic by different chemical compositions. However, the bacteria inhabiting microplastics harbored distinct metabolisms. Our results suggest that low-density MPs may settle quickly in summer in some eutrophic areas.
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Macrophytes play a key role in stabilizing clear‐water conditions in shallow freshwater ecosystems. Their populations are maintained by a balance between plant grazing and plant growth. As a freshwater snail commonly found in shallow lakes, Radix swinhoei can affect the growth of submerged macrophytes by removing epiphyton from the surface of aquatic plants and by grazing directly on macrophyte organs. Thus, we conducted a long‐term (11‐month) experiment to explore the effects of snail density on macrophytes with distinctive structures in an outdoor clear‐water mesocosm system (with relatively low total nitrogen (TN, 0.66 ± 0.27 mg/L) and total phosphorus (TP, 36 ± 20 μg/L) and a phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chla ) range of 14.8 ± 4.9 μg/L) based on two different snail densities (low and high) and four macrophyte species treatments (Myriophyllum spicatum , Potamogeton wrightii , P. crispus , and P. oxyphyllus ). In the high‐density treatment, snail biomass and abundance (36.5 ± 16.5 g/m² and 169 ± 92 ind/m², respectively) were approximately twice that observed in the low‐density treatment, resulting in lower total and aboveground biomass and ramet number in the macrophytes. In addition, plant height and plant volume inhabited (PVI) showed species‐specific responses to snail densities, that is, the height of P. oxyphyllus and PVI of M. spicatum were both higher under low‐density treatment. Thus, compared with low‐density treatment, the inhibitory effects of long‐term high snail density on macrophytes by direct feeding may be greater than the positive effects resulting from epiphyton clearance when under clear‐water conditions with low epiphyton biomass. Thus, under clear‐water conditions, the growth and community composition of submerged macrophytes could be potentially modified by the manual addition of invertebrates (i.e., snails) to lakes if the inhibitory effects from predatory fish are minor.
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Microbialites are microbial communities that create a carbonate structure. They are abundant in the Great Salt Lake, a hypersaline lake in the arid Great Basin of the USA, where they contribute to overall primary production, seasonally up to 55%. While the microbial diversity of microbialites has been investigated, how abiotic factors affect the abundance of their primary constituents is not well understood. We examined how microbialite primary producers respond to varying levels of temperature, salinity, and nitrogen within ranges observed in the Great Salt Lake. All abiotic factors and their interactions significantly affected the maximum chlorophyll-a abundance, suggesting that these factors co-limit microbialite primary producers in the Great Salt Lake. Maximum chlorophyll-a concentrations increased with nitrogen additions and showed a parabolic relationship with salinity and temperature with peaks around 60 ppt and 20°C, respectively. While salinity had a strong effect on microbialite primary producers, we found that temperature and nitrogen were more impactful, accounting for 40 and 30% of the variance in maximum abundance, respectively, while salinity contributed just 15%. Our results show the importance of the interplay of abiotic factors on Great Salt Lake microbialites and highlight the need for increased study of benthic communities in inland saline lakes.
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We studied the role of natural (common reed) and artificial substrata (bamboo) in structuring the abundance and taxonomic composition of periphyton assemblages. Investigations were conducted in a shallow, hypertrophic lake situated in the area of Polesie Lubelskie (Eastern Poland). Periphyton communities (algae, ciliates, small metazoa and chironomids) on both types of substratum were sampled monthly, from May to November of 2007. Water samples for chemical analysis were collected together with biological samples. We selected the group of ten environmental variables which are the most important in determining the habitat conditions in highly eutrophic lakes: temperature, Secchi disc visibility, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, periphytic chlorophyll-a, N-NO3, N-NH4, TP, P-PO4 and total organic carbon (TOC). The abundances of periphytic algae, ciliates, metazoa and chironomids were significantly affected by season and substrate. On natural substrata, in all studied months, periphyton communities showed higher abundances. The results of PCA analysis confirmed the distinction between periphyton communities on natural and artificial substrata. The Monte Carlo permutation test showed that the periphyton communities on common reed were the most significantly affected by temperature, N-NO3, Secchi disc visibility and TOC. The communities on artificial substrata were significantly influenced by temperature, P-PO4 and TOC. On natural substrata biomass of periphytic algae was significantly negatively correlated with abundances of all groups of potential grazers (ciliates, metazoa, chironomids). On artificial substrata the relations between components of periphytic food web were stronger; correlation coefficients between algae, protists and chironomids were significant at P
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The global climate change may lead to more extreme climate events such as severe flooding creating excessive pulse-loading of nutrients, including nitrogen (N), to freshwaters. We conducted a 3-month mesocosm study to investigate the responses of phytoplankton, zooplankton and Vallisneria spinulosa to different N loading patterns using weekly and monthly additions of in total 14 g N m−2 month−1 during the first 2 months. The monthly additions led to higher phytoplankton chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton biomass than at ambient conditions as well as lower leaf biomass and a smaller ramet number of V. spinulosa. Moreover, the biomass of cyanobacteria was higher during summer (August) in the monthly treatments than those with weekly or no additions. However, the biomass of plankton and macrophytes did not differ among the N treatments at the end of the experiment, 1 month after the termination of N addition. We conclude that by stimulating the growth of phytoplankton (cyanobacteria) and reducing the growth of submerged macrophytes, short-term extreme N loading may have significant effects on shallow nutrient-rich lakes and that the lakes may show fast recovery if they are not close to the threshold of a regime shift from a clear to a turbid state.
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We studied nutrient limitation of periphytic algae (henceforth periphyton) in 24 mesocosms simulating shallow lakes with two nutrient levels, enriched (with added nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P) and unenriched (control), and three temperature scenarios, ambient, A2 from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) and A2 + 50%. Periphyton growth (measured as chlorophyll a ) was investigated four times in situ using nutrient‐diffusing substrata. The effect of grazing was also manipulated using exclusion cages. We found that periphyton responded differently to nutrient addition bioassays (N and P) depending on the background nutrient concentration and warming scenario. Our results indicate that single‐nutrient limitation prevailed for periphyton in our experimental temperate shallow lakes. The responses were season sensitive. Periphyton in the unenriched mesocosms were P‐limited in early summer in the ambient and A2 scenarios, N‐limited in late summer in these two climate scenarios, not nutrient‐limited in autumn and P‐limited in spring in all climate scenarios. Periphyton in the A2 + 50% scenario showed a positive response to N and P added together in early summer. In contrast, periphyton in the enriched mesocosms showed no clear nutrient limitation, except for short‐term periods of P limitation in the warmer systems. Grazers did not affect the quantitative response of periphyton to nutrient addition, and the concentrations of P and N as well as mean monthly temperature were the main environmental factors driving P or N limitation. We conclude that warming in low‐productivity lakes affects the seasonality of N limitation and changes the single‐nutrient limitation of periphyton into NP co‐limitation. This last observation suggests that warming reduces the sensitivity of temperate shallow lakes to bottom‐up perturbations.
This latest Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will again form the standard reference for all those concerned with climate change and its consequences, including students, researchers and policy makers in environmental science, meteorology, climatology, biology, ecology, atmospheric chemistry and environmental policy.
Microbial succession and changes in photosynthetic rate attendant on the film development of periphyton were investigated using artificial substrata in a shallow eutrophic region of the midstream of the Tamagawa River. Bacteria played the role of pioneer colonizer in the periphyton development. Algae joined the community after formation of bacterial colonies on substrata and dominated in the mature stage. Algae accounted for about 80 percent of the periphyton community in maximum and 50-70 percent in carbon weight under ordinary conditions in spring. Total numbers of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria were 107-109 cells/cm2 and 1010-1012 cells/gC in the mature stage. A number of sulfate-reducing bacteria were also found in that stage. Photosynthetic rates of sessile algae varied widely with film development of periphyton. They showed 3-20mg·O2/mg·chl.-a·hr in the early stage and 1-3mg·O2/mg·chl.-a·hr in the mature stage. An extremely low photosynthetic rate was found just before the exfoliation of periphyton occurred.
Artificial substrata are increasingly used to study periphyton, but their ability to reproduce natural substrata remains controversial. Although many studies have made contemporaneous comparisons of periphyton assemblages on artificial and natural substrata at one or a few sites, no broadly based comparison exists. We therefore surveyed the literature to establish conditions under which artificial substrata satisfactorily mimic both the quantity and the quality of natural periphyton assemblages. In general, epilithon was underestimated by the artificial substrata; epiphyton was overestimated, but less severely. These trends were significantly affected by the time available for colonization of the artificial substrata before sampling, site trophy, ambient temperature, and whether the study was conducted in a lake or in running water. Neither the composition of the substratum nor its orientation appeared important. Natural diatom assemblages were usually well simulated by those on artificial substrata, whereas both epilithic and epiphytic green and bluegreen algae were severely underrepresented on the artificial substrata. Since artificial substrata often misrepresent both the quantity and the quality of natural periphyton, they should be used with more caution, especially in intersite and interseason surveys.
Limitations of linear regression applied on ecological data. - Things are not always linear additive modelling. - Dealing with hetergeneity. - Mixed modelling for nested data. - Violation of independence - temporal data. - Violation of independence spatial data. - Generalised linear modelling and generalised additive modelling. - Generalised estimation equations. - GLMM and GAMM. - Estimating trends for Antarctic birds in relation to climate change. - Large-scale impacts of land-use change in a Scottish farming catchment. - Negative binomial GAM and GAMM to analyse amphibian road killings. - Additive mixed modelling applied on deep-sea plagic bioluminescent organisms. - Additive mixed modelling applied on phyoplankton time series data. - Mixed modelling applied on American Fouldbrood affecting honey bees larvae. - Three-way nested data for age determination techniques applied to small cetaceans. - GLMM applied on the spatial distribution of koalas in a fragmented landscape. - GEE and GLMM applied on binomial Badger activity data.
Global warming may affect snail–periphyton–macrophyte relationships in lakes with implications also for water clarity. We conducted a 40-day aquaria experiment to elucidate the response of submerged macrophytes and periphyton on real and artificial plants to elevated temperatures (3�C) under eutrophic conditions, with and without snails present. With snails, the biomass and length of Vallisneria spinulosa leaves increased more at the high temperature,and at both temperatures growth was higher than in absence of snails. The biomass of periphyton on V.spinulosa as well as on artificial plants was higher at the highest temperature in the absence but not in the presence of snails. The biomass of Potamogeton crispus (in a decaying state) declined in all treatments and was not affected by temperature or snails. While total snail biomass did not differ between temperatures, lower abundance of adults (size [1 cm) was observed at the high temperatures. We conclude that the effect of elevated temperature on the snail– periphyton–macrophyte relationship in summer differs among macrophyte species in active growth or senescent species in subtropical lakes and that snails, when abundant, improve the chances of maintaining actively growing macrophytes under eutrophic conditions,and more so in a warmer future with potentially denser growth of periphyton.