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A Comparative Study of Dust Cleaning Methods for the Solar PV Panels


Abstract and Figures

The present energy consumption scenario is clearly showing the faster depletion of fossil fuel reserves. On the other hand, energy usage index indicates the state of growth of a country. The use of renewable energy sources like solar PV, wind and such alternatives has increased in the recent years. Considerable loss in conversion efficiency of solar PV system has been noticed due to non-availability of proper insolation and accumulation of dust particles on the panels or shading. A comparative study of various cleaning methods of solar panels has been done in this article with emphasis on the innovative idea of separation of dust by electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Electrostatic precipitators uses static electricity to remove the dust from the panel by applying energy only to the particular matter being collected and therefore is very efficient in its applications unlike conventional cleaning. This increases the solar panels insolation absorption ability. The weight sensor continuously monitor the weight of the dust on the panel and Arduino controller gives the command to clean the dust when defined feedback is received from the sensors. Electrostatic precipitators work by ionizing the dust on the surface area of the solar panel and forcing dirt particles towards the electrodes which are like electrical terminals. The first electrode is charged to a very high negative voltage and other to the positive. The positively charged electrode collects the dust particles. The particles attached to the positively charged plates are expelled or removed periodically to keep the panel dust free either manually or automatically.
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ISSN: 2456-7108
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 24-29, January 2017
Copyright © 2017. The Author(s). Published by AIJR Publisher (India).
This is an open access article under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
A Comparative Study of Dust Cleaning Methods
for the Solar PV Panels
Mallikarjun G. Hudedmani*, Gita Joshi, Umayal R M, Ashwini Revankar
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KLE Institute of Technology,
Opposite to Airport, Gokul, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
The present energy consumption scenario is clearly showing the
faster depletion of fossil fuel reserves. On the other hand, energy
usage index indicates the state of growth of a country. The use of
renewable energy sources like solar PV, wind and such alternatives
has increased in the recent years. Considerable loss in conversion
efficiency of solar PV system has been noticed due to non-
availability of proper insolation and accumulation of dust particles
on the panels or shading. A comparative study of various cleaning
methods of solar panels has been done in this article with emphasis
on innovative idea of separation of dust by electrostatic precipitator
(ESP). Electrostatic precipitators uses static electricity to remove
the dust from the panel by applying energy only to the particular
matter being collected and therefore is very efficient in its
applications unlike conventional cleaning. This increases the solar
panels insolation absorption ability. The weight sensor continuously
monitor the weight of the dust on the panel and Arduino controller
gives the command to clean the dust when defined feedback is
received from the sensors. Electrostatic precipitators work by
ionizing the dust on the surface area of solar panel and forcing dirt
particles towards the electrodes which are like electrical terminals.
The first electrode is charged to a very high negative voltage and
other to the positive. The positively charged electrode collects the
dust particles. The particles attached to the positively charged plates
are expelled or removed periodically to keep the panel dust free
either manually or automatically.
Keywords: Energy scenario, Dust cleaning, Solar panel
performance, Electro static precipitator
*Corresponding Author email:
Article History
Received: 01 February 2017
Revised: 13 February 2017
Accepted: 16 February 2017
Published: 18 February 2017
Gita Joshi
Umayal R M
Ashwini Revankar
Academic Year: 2016-17, Even Semester
Course Level: Bachelor Degree
Course Name: BE (Electrical & Electronics
Course year: 4th year / VIIIth Semester
Mallikarjun G. Hudedmani
ISSN: 2456-7108
Available online at
Hudedmani et al., Adv. J. Grad. Res.;
Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp: 24-29, January 2017
1. Introduction
The use of solar PV panels is increasing in the present days due to the ever increasing energy demands,
cost of energy and non availability of continuous power supply in the energy system. Now a days wide
variety of appliances based on solar PV is increasing in the market at moderate prices namely, solar
lanterns, solar heaters, blowers, coolers or fans, networking instruments, net metering etc. The trend in
using the solarl PV is still expected increase in the near future as the research and choice of materials is
going on and could lead to solar power plants to generate sufficient electricity for the local and regional
needs. Considering the structure of the solar PV panel, it consists of transparent glass pane on its top
which traps the solar radiations and reflects the radiations into the panel but if glass transparency gets
affected by physical means then the absorption rate reduces and leads to reduced conversion efficiency
[1], [2]. Cleaning of solar panels after the installation on the roof of the house, industry, shops is very
difficult as dust particles do not allow the solar radiations to enter in the panel properly resulting reduced
conversion efficiency of the panel leading to increased charging duration of batteries. Because of the
above said effect there is a need for the proper maintenance and cleaning of solar panels to keep working
efficiently. The cleaning of solar panel by using conventional methods like, vacuum cleaning or manual
wipe/cleaning is not easy and in some cases not feasible because of typical mounting and mechanisms.
The accumulated dust forms a layer on the panel due to which the solar radiations cannot reach properly
into the PV panel receiver even though sufficient exposure to the sun is made resulting an inefficient
conversion. In this regard, electrostatic precipitator (ESP) consisting of fixed electrodes can be used to
remove the dust particles accumulated. The ESP is placed on the sides of the panel and the PV panel is
mounted with weight sensor which regularly senses the dust thickness in terms of change in weight of the
panel. If the weight of dust goes more than the predefined value, then the Arduino micro controller signal
the ESP to start separating the dust and collect at positively charged electrode for the final disposal. In
the ESP, the first electrode is charged to a very high negative voltage as the dirt particles move to the
vicinity acquire negative charge and the second electrode charged to high positive voltage to attract the
negatively charged dust particles. The dust particles which are accumulated at the positively charged
electrode are further disposed by vibrating mechanism or a necessary brushing mechanism or cleaned
manually. The common practices are,Vacuum suction cleaning, Manual wipe or cleaning which are
difficult to practice and some time inefficient. Arduino based electrostatic precipitation method cleans the
panel at periodic intervals intelligently whenever the panel is covered with the dust and exceed the
predifined level [3], [4]. EPS is mainly used in those dusty atmosphere like cement industry, ceramic
industry and fertilizer or powder industries etc where human operator can not perform cleaning due to
various reasons. The EPS is used to collect the dust particles and the smoke particles and then the gases
fumes are liberated to the atmosphere. This concept of absorbing the dust particles can be applied to
remove the dust particles which are accumulated upon the solar panel. As the precipitator electrodes
forms a field around it, the dust particles get charged and it get collected at postive electrode [4], [5].
2. Comparative Study of Different Cleaning Methods
Solar Photovoltaic panels are constantly exposed to various types
of weather conditions throughout the year and are thus the target
for dirt, dust, industrial residues, atmospheric pollution, algae,
mosses, bird droppings etc. The agents and chemicals used during
cleaning of the surfaces attract dirt and accelerate the deterioration
process with negative repercussions on the appearance and mainly
on the function of the PV panel as shown in Figure 1. The
presence of these elements on the panel’s surface prevents the
sun’s rays from filtering onto the panel’s photovoltaic cells
completely, reducing the solar performance and therefore efficiency. Figure1: Solar PV panel
ISSN: 2456-7108
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A Comparative Study of Dust Cleaning Methods for the Solar PV Panels
2.1 Manual Cleaning
This method require human operator to clean manually with the help of mopp or any wipers with
suitable support structures as shown in Figure 2. The quality of cleaned surface is judged by visual
method by the operator himself for the satisactory level or till the dust particles get wiped out
completely.The process is found to be very tedious and challeging as the solar power plants consists of
numbers of panels installed at a height of 12 to 20 feet or more from the ground. The time required and
safety of the person and panel is in threat. To clean the panels manualy the fluids like cleansers or gels has
to be used which act upon the panel and reduces the surface transparency if cleaning is not proper. There
are quite chances of physical damages to the PV panels which cannot be avoided.
Figure 2: Manual cleaning Figure 3: Cleaning using vaccum suction
2.2 Vacuum Suction Cleaning
A vacuum suction cleaner is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and
dirt, usually from floors,window panes etc.In general the electrical supply is given to the vacuum cleaner
motor which creates the suction pressure. The power consumption of the vacuum cleaner is in watts and
it doesnot justify the effectiveness of the cleaner. The input power is converted into airflow at the end
and is measured in air watts.The vacuum cleaner can clean the panel properly only on the surfaces other
than the corners and this has to be handled manually as shown in Figure 3. The proper training to the
operator is necessary as the physical movements on the panel with cleaner is inevitable. Over a period of
time scratches and accumulated dust cause inefficient absorption of solar insolation.
2.3 Automatic Wiper Based Cleaning
The automatic wiper based cleaning incorporate a
rubber wiper and water pot for the spray of water
with additives and cleaning. The process is exactly
like vehicle glass cleaning and require a automatic
mechanism to operate and complete the task.
Mechanism is battery operated as shown in Figure 4.
This method is simillar to earlier one and operated
automatically by the suitable control mechanism but
the impacts are simillar to those earlier ones. Figure 4: Automatic cleaner
3. Electrostatic Precipitator
Considering the impacts of different cleaning methods for solar PV panels the mechanical damages,
scratches and scars like marks the electrostatic precipitator work with non-contact mechanism. It cleans
efficiently and protects the top surface of the panel without any physical contact. An electrostatic
precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine dust particles from the surface of the solar PV
panel using the force of an induced electrostatic charge. The mechanism consists of the electrodes which
ISSN: 2456-7108
Available online at
Hudedmani et al., Adv. J. Grad. Res.;
Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp: 24-29, January 2017
are charged suitably as shown in Figure 5. The electrodes of the ESP obtain power through relay when
the Arduino controller signals after obtaining weight of the PV panel after the comparison with preset
value. The negative electrodes of the electrostatic precipitator induces the negative charge on the dust
particles which are present on the surface of the panel. The dust particles are accumulated at the positive
electrode after being attracted. In this way, a non-contact dust cleaning technique helps in improving the
efficiency of solar panel.
3.1 Working Principle of ESP
The plate precipitator is one of
the types of electrostatic
precipitators because of its
compact size and its suitability
to place it on the PV panel.
The ESP consists of electrodes
which are connected to the
voltage source as shown in
Figure 5. The power supply and
converters for obtaining higher
voltage are not shown and
discussed in this article. The
electrodes are fixed in nature
and create field in the vicinity
to ionize the dust particles. Figure 5: ESP block diagram
The negative electrode charges the dust particles with the negative charge on the surface of the solar
panel. Due to the attraction of unlike charges dust particles are collected at positive electrodes. This
principle of ESP is used in the present work where the electrodes are placed on the opposite sides of the
panel as shown in Figure 5. Whenever the dust particles accumulate on the panel and based on the weight
of the dust on the panel which is sensed by the weight sensor fitted. The Arduino controller enables the
signal to ESP supply to be applied to the electrodes for the collection of dust. The predetermined level of
weight signal is always verified by the controller as and when it receives the signal.
3.2 Electrostatic Precipitator Based Solar PV Panel Cleaning
The ESP concept is configured with Arduino micro controller with necessary hardware. Figure 6
represents the overall block diagram and Figure 7 represents the Arduino interface with weight sensor.
Figure 6: Block diagram of Arduino based ESP
Solar panel
Load cells
ISSN: 2456-7108
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A Comparative Study of Dust Cleaning Methods for the Solar PV Panels
Figure 7: Arduino interface to ESP
3.2.1 Arduino Microcontroller
It is the intelligent controller used in the ESP. When the weight of panel increases due to accumulation of
dust the weight sensor activates the Arduino as shown in Figure 7. The Arduino energizes the electrodes
of precipitator by applying power input to the electrodes to ionize the dust particles and attract them.
Later with suitable method collected dust particles are disposed from the electrodes. The picture of the
Arduino controller is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Arduino UNO kit
3.2.2 Weight Sensor
The tare weight of solar PV panel is input to the Arduino controller for its reference. The accumulated
dust on the solar panel increases the panel weight. The continuous monitoring of the weight of the solar
panel by the Arduino controller using load cell enables the working program for ESP to collect the dust
particles at the electrodes. The load cell is mounted below the panel and supported by mounting plate.
ISSN: 2456-7108
Available online at
Hudedmani et al., Adv. J. Grad. Res.;
Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp: 24-29, January 2017
4. Conclusions
As the scarcity of energy is increasing and decline of energy resource result an opportunity to incorporate
new and renewable energy systems in practice. In this regard use of solar PV system is becoming
promising as availability of PV solar based devices is increasing in the market. Considering the dust
accumulation problem of solar PV panel a comparative study of different cleaning techniques is done.
Electro static precipitator with Arduino controller enhances the efficiency of solar panel and thus helps in
utilizing the solar energy effectively and efficiently. Further, as a scope of improvement; a movable
electrodes mechanism can be worked out in which electrode roll over the solar panel like a computer
scanner head movement to collect and clean the dust particles to the greater extent.
How to cite this article:
Hudedmani, M., Joshi, G., M, U., & Revankar, A. (2017). A Comparative Study of Dust Cleaning Methods for the Solar PV
Panels. Advanced Journal of Graduate Research, 1(1), 24-29. doi:
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[2] D. Singh Rajput and K. Sudhakar, “Effect Of Dust On The Performance Of Solar PV Panel,” Int. J. ChemTech Res., vol. 5, no. 2,
pp. 10831086, 2013.
[3] G. Librandi, J. Narain, and H. Yu, “Autonomous Photovoltaic Panels Cleaning System,” Brooklyn, NY, 2012.
[4] A. Mizuno, “Electrostatic precipitation,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 615624, 2000.
[5] N. Grady B. and O. J. Sabert M, “Method of charging an electrostatic precipitator,” US5972076 A, 1999.
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... The typical method for restoring the power production of PV modules involves manual cleaning since it effectively removes tough stains like avian droppings and construction dirt from the modules' surface using human workers. 130,131 Generally, the workers use visual observation to evaluate the cleanliness of the surface until they are satisfied. The technique is considered time-consuming and difficult since solar power plants comprise several panels erected at least 12-20 feet above the ground. ...
... The technique is considered time-consuming and difficult since solar power plants comprise several panels erected at least 12-20 feet above the ground. 130 Improper manual cleaning may harm the solar panel's surface, like surface scratches and cracking of the cells, which can be prevented by using a soft-bristled brush and softer dusting cloths. 132 Moreover, manual cleaning is unsuitable for solar systems deployed at high altitudes or offshore solar installations. ...
Photovoltaic modules have emerged as a crucial technology for generating electricity from renewable sources to advance toward achieving neutrality in carbon emissions. Nevertheless, the efficacy and overall effectiveness of solar PV cells are significantly affected by various aspects, including ecological conditions and operation and maintenance practices. These factors directly impact the outcome, energy utilization efficacy, productivity, and lifespan of the PV cells, ultimately influencing the economic aspects of power generation. A highly effective method for mitigating ecological factors is applying a self-cleaning and antireflective coating, which utilizes micro–nano structures and surface wettability to facilitate cleaning and enhance light transmission. This study investigates the influence of ecological and operational factors on solar PV cell effectiveness. Further, a brief summary of the basic principles and development of self-cleaning and antireflective coating is presented by examining recent research. The review reveals that soiling, humidity, and temperature negatively influence the performance of PV modules. In humid conditions, dust deposition leads to the formation of adhesive mud on PV cells, resulting in a reduction of power generation by as high as ~ 70%. In addition, it is also suggested that the application of self-cleaning and antireflection coating on PV modules enhances its efficiency by ~ 11% compared to uncoated modules. Lastly, a comparative analysis of hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings, various coating methods, and their durability and life expectancy are summarized, and a few effective processes are highlighted for their promising research outcomes.
... At present, the main soiling removal methods for PV panels include natural soiling removal [13], manual cleaning [14], spray cleaning [15], use of smart devices [16], self-cleaning coatings [17], and electrostatic soiling removal [18]. These soiling removal methods have been proven to be effective, but problems and drawbacks continue to emerge at the same time. ...
... Manual cleaning is the most traditional way of soiling removal for PV panels, and the soiling removal effect can be guaranteed, but the low soiling removal efficiency and high labour cost are difficult to ignore [20]. In addition, spray cleaning need to consume a large number of water resources [21], the feasibility of the use of smart devices needs to be further analyzed [22], and the aging resistance of superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic coatings is usually poor [23], and the manufacturing cost and difficulty of electrostatic soiling removal equipment are high [18]. This suggests that the above soiling removal methods are not universally applicable due to the local environment, terrain, and other conditions. ...
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Photovoltaic (PV) power generation has become a key area for investment worldwide. Solar PV panels are the core components of PV power generation systems, and the accumulation of soiling on their surfaces has numerous adverse effects on power generation. This paper provides an overview of the soiling accumulation on PV panels and the existing soiling removal methods. Firstly, the sources of soiling particles and the mechanism of soiling fall are analyzed, based on which the accumulation of soiling on the surface of the PV panels is described in detail, and then the effect of the surface soiling on the PV panels is investigated in the order of optics‐thermology‐electrical, with the necessary semiempirical formulas provided to assist in more in‐depth analyses. In addition, the principles, status quo, effects, costs, advantages, and disadvantages of existing soiling removal methods are specifically described, thus providing a reference for the selection of soiling removal methods in different regions. The paper also analyses the soiling accumulation and removal challenges of PV panels in different regions of China. The results of the study are important for the improvement of the effectiveness of soiling removal and the rational optimization of the soiling removal scheme.
... As an illustration, it is well known that higher tilt angles minimize soiling losses [54] and that various orientations with respect to the wind can alter the rates of deposition and accumulation [55]. Many authors have suggested various cleaning methods to prevent soiling loss, like natural cleaning with wind and rain [56,57], manual cleaning, sprinklers [58,59], automatic cleaning with robots, and electrostatic cleaning [60]. Applying a coating to a PV panel's surface will enable the panel to self-clean by deflecting dust particles. ...
... Overall, it can now be said with certainty that natural cleaning, manual cleaning, and surface coating are the best methods to clean dust off solar panels in Abu Dhabi or regions with similar climate conditions. Such findings concur with similar findings in other studies, for example 3,4,7,8,15,17 . ...
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Solar power is a promising source of energy that is environmentally friendly, sustainable, and renewable. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are the most common and mature technology used to harness solar energy. Unfortunately, these panels are prone to dust accumulation, which can have a significant impact on their efficiency. To maintain their effectiveness, solar photovoltaics s must be cleaned regularly. Eight main techniques are used to clean solar panels: natural, manual, mechanical, robotic, drone, coating, electrical, and acoustic. This study aims to identify the best cleaning method using multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques. Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarities to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS), and Preference Selection Index (PSI), this research evaluates all eight cleaning methods based on several criteria that are categorized under cost, performance, resource requirement, and safety in Abu Dhabi. The data are collected from surveys completed by experts in solar and sustainable energy. The AHP, QFD, and PSI results identified natural, manual, and surface coating as the best and most effective cleaning methods. Natural cleaning involves using rainwater primarily to remove dirt and dust; manual cleaning requires cleaning agents and wiping clothes; and surface coatings involve applying a layer of hydrophobic material to the panels to repel dust. Identifying the most effective cleaning method for dust removal from solar panels can ensure optimal efficiency recovery at minimal costs and resources.
... Consequently, regular cleaning of solar panels becomes imperative, presenting a significant challenge. While various cleaning methods exist, such as vacuuming, robotic cleaning, or manual cleaning, they often prove impractical due to their high costs, time-consuming processes, and reliance on human labor [5,6]. As a result, self-cleaning technology has emerged as the preferred technique due to its non-intrusive and sustainable approach to maintaining the cleanliness of solar panel surfaces [3,7]. ...
The effectiveness of commercial solar panels is directly correlated with the amount of light absorbed. The purpose of this study was to create a spray-coated self-cleaning coating utilizing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for glass surfaces. The coated substrates were thoroughly analyzed using several techniques, such as contact angle, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmittance measurements. The AFM analysis substantiated the presence of flake-like particles, contributing to a surface roughness of 0.052 µm (root-mean-square roughness, Rq = 0.069 µm). The findings demonstrated that the concentration of PDMS solutions had a direct impact on the hydrophobicity and self-cleaning properties of the coated surfaces. As the concentration of PDMS varied from 0 to 1.5%, there was a corresponding increase in the contact angle from 74.8° to 135.58°. Throughout this concentration range, the transmittance exhibited consistent behavior. The coating underwent rigorous UV exposure and peel tests, affirming its excellent stability and durability on glass substrates. The peel test indicated a slight decrease in the contact angle from 133 to 131°.
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The deposition of dust particles on solar panel modules constitutes a significant challenge, leading to a potential reduction in solar cell performance. This work tackles this issue by investigating the surface modification of a layer of transparent indium tin oxide (ITO), with a detailed analysis of the influence of its characteristics via different annealing conditions/processing. The ITO layer has been studied to enhance its characteristics for dust removal applications. Of particular note is that the developed ITO layer can be applied to dust removal using electrostatic or magnetic-based approaches. Thus, the correlation between annealing gas (using Argon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen), annealing temperature, and annealing ramping rate is explored with the obtained surface topography, as well as electrical and optical properties. The developed ITO layers annealed in the Argon medium at 600°C with an annealing ramping rate of 50°C/s showed smooth surface roughness, the highest electrical conductivity, and a relatively low refractive index. Such findings can play a crucial role in the future implementation of using the enhanced ITO layer for dust mitigation in solar panels, thus improving their long-term performance.
This review offers a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the dust soiling research, including critical observations on dust soiling effects and dust removal techniques for solar energy harvesting applications. The efficiency of a solar energy harvesting system is highly dependent on the incident solar radiation that reaches the active surfaces. Optical characteristics of the protective layer of solar panels, including high transmittance and low absorption, are crucial for efficient solar energy harvesting. Environmental dust reduces the optical transmittance of such surfaces, consequently lowering the device’s performance. Therefore, the removal of dust particles becomes critical for efficient energy production. Dust-removal technologies mainly involve natural processes, electrostatic, mechanical, and self-cleaning surface Nano-films. Some of the adopted cleaning techniques require expensive external power, such as pumping/compression, due to the high repelling forces needed to remove such particles. This review evaluates and compares the existing dust removal strategies while focusing on the environmental, technical, and economic perspectives. The findings presented in this study remain crucial toward enlightening the PV scientific world regarding the soiling impact on solar energy harvesting and dust mitigation strategies to maintain high-performance solar PV operations.
Research and development in photovoltaic (PV) systems has usually been concentrated in studies on radiation availability,efficient operating strategies ,design ans sizing of these systems. On the other hand, the influence of dust on the performance of PV systems has not been given much attention. In this work, electrical performances of Photo-voltaic panels are studied experimentally for the effect of deposited dust particles. The experimental data are used for the calculation of the energy efficiency and power output of the PV systems. It was concluded that dust significantly reduces the efficiency of solar photo voltaic panel.
Electrostatic precipitators have been used widely in industry, and play an important role in environmental protection. An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) can be operated with a high collection efficiency and a low pressure drop. Recently, an ESP also has been used for cleaning indoor air. In this review, principles of electrostatic precipitation, such as particle charging, migration velocity of charged particles and collection efficiency, are described. The performance of the ESP deteriorates by abnormal phenomena, including back corona for treating high resistivity dust, abnormal re-entrainment for low resistivity dust, and corona quenching for fine dusts. To cope with these phenomena, new technologies have been developed. Pulsed energization is a technique which copes with high resistivity dusts, and this results in lower power consumption. Using pulsed energization, non-thermal plasma can be generated and chemical reactions can be promoted for treating gaseous pollutants such as NO and volatile organic compounds. Wet ESP can also remove dusts and gaseous pollutants simultaneously. These new advancements will widen the field of application of electrostatic precipitation. Some novel applications of ESP, such as removal of dioxin from incinerators, are also included in this review
Autonomous Photovoltaic Panels Cleaning System
  • G Librandi
  • J Narain
  • H Yu
G. Librandi, J. Narain, and H. Yu, "Autonomous Photovoltaic Panels Cleaning System," Brooklyn, NY, 2012.
Method of charging an electrostatic precipitator,” US5972076 A
  • O J Sabert
N. Grady B. and O. J. Sabert M, "Method of charging an electrostatic precipitator," US5972076 A, 1999.