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The Current Status of the Ketogenic Diet in Psychiatry

Frontiers in Psychiatry

Abstract and Figures

Background The ketogenic diet (KD) has been used in treatment-resistant epilepsy since the 1920s. It has been researched in a variety of neurological conditions in both animal models and human trials. The aim of this review is to clarify the potential role of KD in psychiatry. Methods Narrative review of electronic databases PubMED, PsychINFO, and Scopus. Results The search yielded 15 studies that related the use of KD in mental disorders including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These studies comprised nine animal models, four case studies, and two open-label studies in humans. In anxiety, exogenous ketone supplementation reduced anxiety-related behaviors in a rat model. In depression, KD significantly reduced depression-like behaviors in rat and mice models in two controlled studies. In bipolar disorder, one case study reported a reduction in symptomatology, while a second case study reported no improvement. In schizophrenia, an open-label study in female patients (n = 10) reported reduced symptoms after 2 weeks of KD, a single case study reported no improvement. In a brief report, 3 weeks of KD in a mouse model normalized pathological behaviors. In ASD, an open-label study in children (n = 30) reported no significant improvement; one case study reported a pronounced and sustained response to KD. In ASD, in four controlled animal studies, KD significantly reduced ASD-related behaviors in mice and rats. In ADHD, in one controlled trial of KD in dogs with comorbid epilepsy, both conditions significantly improved. Conclusion Despite its long history in neurology, the role of KD in mental disorders is unclear. Half of the published studies are based on animal models of mental disorders with limited generalizability to the analog conditions in humans. The review lists some major limitations including the lack of measuring ketone levels in four studies and the issue of compliance to the rigid diet in humans. Currently, there is insufficient evidence for the use of KD in mental disorders, and it is not a recommended treatment option. Future research should include long-term, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover dietary trials to examine the effect of KD in various mental disorders.
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March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 431
published: 20 March 2017
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00043
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
Edited by:
Roumen Kirov,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Reviewed by:
Christian Benedict,
Uppsala University, Sweden
Jong Min Rho,
University of Calgary, Canada
Kamila C. Grokoski,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil
Emmanuelle C. S. Bostock
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Received: 02February2017
Accepted: 02March2017
Published: 20March2017
BostockECS, KirkbyKC and
TaylorBVM (2017) The Current
Status of the Ketogenic Diet in
Front. Psychiatry 8:43.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00043
The Current Status of the Ketogenic
Diet in Psychiatry
Emmanuelle C. S. Bostock1*, Kenneth C. Kirkby2 and Bruce V. M. Taylor3
1 Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 2 Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University
of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 3 Menzies Institute for Medical Research, Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
Background: The ketogenic diet (KD) has been used in treatment-resistant epilepsy
since the 1920s. It has been researched in a variety of neurological conditions in both
animal models and human trials. The aim of this review is to clarify the potential role of
KD in psychiatry.
Methods: Narrative review of electronic databases PubMED, PsychINFO, and Scopus.
Results: The search yielded 15 studies that related the use of KD in mental disorders
including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder
(ASD), and attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These studies comprised nine
animal models, four case studies, and two open-label studies in humans. In anxiety,
exogenous ketone supplementation reduced anxiety-related behaviors in a rat model. In
depression, KD signicantly reduced depression-like behaviors in rat and mice models in
two controlled studies. In bipolar disorder, one case study reported a reduction in symp-
tomatology, while a second case study reported no improvement. In schizophrenia, an
open-label study in female patients (n=10) reported reduced symptoms after 2weeks
of KD, a single case study reported no improvement. In a brief report, 3weeks of KD in a
mouse model normalized pathological behaviors. In ASD, an open-label study in children
(n=30) reported no signicant improvement; one case study reported a pronounced
and sustained response to KD. In ASD, in four controlled animal studies, KD signicantly
reduced ASD-related behaviors in mice and rats. In ADHD, in one controlled trial of KD
in dogs with comorbid epilepsy, both conditions signicantly improved.
Conclusion: Despite its long history in neurology, the role of KD in mental disorders is
unclear. Half of the published studies are based on animal models of mental disorders
with limited generalizability to the analog conditions in humans. The review lists some
major limitations including the lack of measuring ketone levels in four studies and the
issue of compliance to the rigid diet in humans. Currently, there is insufcient evidence
for the use of KD in mental disorders, and it is not a recommended treatment option.
Future research should include long-term, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled
crossover dietary trials to examine the effect of KD in various mental disorders.
Keywords: ketogenic diet, psychiatry, mental disorders, ketones, epilepsy
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
e ketogenic diet (KD) has a long-standing place in neurology
and has been used for treatment-resistant epilepsy since the 1920s
(1). KD consists of a rigidly controlled high-fat, low-protein, and
low-carbohydrate diet usually with a 4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio (fat
to protein and carbohydrate ratio) (2). Woodyatt noted that in a
normal person in a state of starvation or eating a diet contain-
ing low carbohydrate and a high percentage of fat, the ketones
acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid increase (3),
and the absence of glucose serves as alternative fuels for the body.
KD has been proven an eective treatment in dicult-to-control
seizures with its use primarily in children with epilepsy (4, 5),
particularly those with epileptic encephalopathies whereby epi-
leptic activity may contribute to severe neurological and cognitive
impairments (6). e nding that KD is benecial for epilepsy
was supported by a systematic review (7), meta-analysis (8), and
a Cochrane review (9). KD and related diets have been proven
useful in pharmacoresistant childhood epilepsy (10).
e mechanism by which KD acts is not clearly understood.
However, among the many hypotheses advanced, elevation of
brain acetone may account for the ecacy of the diet in epilepsy
as it has proven anticonvulsant eects (11). In a variation of the
diet, the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) KD increases plasma
levels of decanoic acid, which in vivo has been shown to be
anticonvulsant; although the precise mechanism remains unclear
(12). In young and adult rats, KD increases concentrations of
kynurenic acid (KYNA) in the hippocampus and striatum but
not the cortex (13). Elevated levels of KYNA in the cerebrospinal
uid have been demonstrated in patients with schizophrenia
(14) and bipolar disorder (15). Pharmacological manipulation
of kynurenines is a potential treatment strategy for psychiatric
disorders (16).
Currently, there are no international protocols guiding the
implementation of the diet, rather dietary recommendations are
based on individual treating physician’s advice. Consequently,
there exists a need for more standardized protocols for manage-
ment recommendations for clinical and research use (17). In 2006,
a group of 26 pediatric epileptologists and dieticians was convened
to create a consensus statement regarding the clinical management
of KD. ey specied the following absolute contraindications to
commencing KD “carnitine deciency (primary), carnitine pal-
mitoyltransferase (CPT) I or II deciency, carnitine translocase
deciency, beta-oxidation deciencies including medium-chain
acyl dehydrogenase deciency (MCAD), long-chain acyl dehy-
drogenase deciency (LCAD), short-chain acyl dehydrogenase
deciency (SCAD), long-chain 3-hydroxyacl-CoA deciency,
medium-chain 3-hydroxyacl-CoA deciency, pyruvate carboxy-
lase deciency and porphyria. Relative contraindications of KD
include the following: inability to maintain adequate nutrition,
surgical focus identied by neuroimaging and video EEG
monitoring, and parent or caregiver non-compliance” (18). e
possible risks of KD must be weighted against its potential value
for seizure control or its other benets (19).
Ketogenic diet has been assessed in a variety of neurological
conditions other than epilepsy in both animal models and human
trials. In an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
SOD1-G93A transgenic mice were fed KD. It was shown that
KD led to signicant alterations in the clinical manifestation
of the disease, specically a higher motor neuron count in the
lumbar spinal cord and preserved motor function (20). KD has
also been trialed in rats following controlled cortical impact
injury, a model for brain trauma, showing that the diet improves
both cognitive and motor functioning (21). In an animal model
of multiple sclerosis, the eects of KD on memory impairments
and inammation expressed by experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis were examined. In mice, it was demonstrated
that brain inammation was associated with impaired spatial
learning and memory function, and the administration of KD
exerted protective eects against these. e proposed mode of
action was through attenuation of the immune response and
increased oxidative stress observed in the mice (22).
In humans, KD has been trialed in a number of neurological
conditions. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
parallel group study in Alzheimer’s disease, an oral ketogenic
compound AC-1202 was tested on 152 patients. Regular medi-
cations were continued throughout the study. Daily dosing of
AC-1202 signicantly elevated the levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate
2h aer administration. Aer 45 and 90days, patients treated
with AC-1202 had signicant improvements on the ADAS-Cog
scale (23). In a small study of seven patients with Parkinson’s
disease, ve adhered to KD for 28 days (24). Scores on the
Unied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale improved in all ve
as did symptoms such as resting tremor, freezing, balance, gait,
mood, and energy levels. ese results should be interpreted with
caution due to the small sample size, subjective ratings, and the
lack of a control group to exclude a placebo eect. e modied
Atkins diet (a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet), which creates a
ketotic state was trialed in adolescent patients with chronic daily
headaches (25). Due to diculties adhering to the diet, the study
was terminated prematurely. ree participants reported an
improvement in headache severity and quality of life; however,
they still required pharmacotherapy to manage their condition.
In a comprehensive review of KD in diverse neurological condi-
tions, Stafstrom and Rho concluded that there are rich opportuni-
ties for further investigation of KD in both the laboratory and
clinical practice (26).
e therapeutic advantage of KD has been replicated in animal
models of neurological illnesses, and the purported underlying
mechanisms include those which improve mitochondrial func-
tion (27). Molecular, biochemical, and physiological studies
tend to support the assumption that cellular energy status is a
determinant for multiple disorders (28). Aberrant energy pro-
duction has been associated with cancer (29), heart failure (30),
aging (31), and neurological conditions such as epilepsy (32) and
Alzheimer’s disease (33). e precise pathways by which energy
disruption is related to these and other disorders are unknown.
ere are also strong indications of metabolic pathways involv-
ing energy production in the pathophysiology of some mental
disorders including bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia
(34) autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (35), and potentially atten-
tion decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (36). ere is also a
recognized comorbidity between epilepsy and mental disorders
(37), which might indicate some commonality of mechanisms.
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
Given the degree of interest in KD and neurological condi-
tions, the aim of this narrative review is to examine the eect of
the diet in mental disorders. e literature searched in anxiety,
depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ASD, and ADHD.
A comprehensive search of the electronic databases PubMed,
PsychINFO, and Scopus for peer-reviewed articles published in
English was conducted in the last week of November 2016 and
updated in January 2017. Search terms were “bipolar disorder”
“manic depress*” “depress*” “schizophren*” “autism” “ASD”
“attention decit hyperactivity disorder” “ADHD” “obsessive
compulsive disorder” “OCD” “anxiety” “anxi*” “psychiatry”
“mental disorder*” (group 1) AND “ketogenic diet” “ketosis
“ketogenesis” “ketone bodies” “high fat low carbohydrate” “diet”
“acetone” “acetoacetic acid” “beta-hydroxybutyric acid” “acetyl-
coA” “ketonemia” “ketonuria” “fatty acid metabolism” “hyper-
ketonemia” “fasting” “nutritional ketosis” “acidotic” (group 2).
ese terms were combined as follows: group 1 AND group 2. In
addition, a hand-search of the reference lists of published articles
was also conducted, and articles were assessed for their suitabil-
ity in the review. An initial search was conducted using all the
search terms listed above, and abstracts were reviewed by author
Emmanuelle C. S. Bostock. Full text publications were retrieved
for those that addressed the subject matter.
e results are discussed by mental disorders examining animal
and human studies including case reports and studies of patient
groups. e search yielded 15 studies that examined KD in men-
tal disorders, specically anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, autism, and, ADHD. ese studies included nine
animal models, and in humans four case studies and two uncon-
trolled trials. A summary of results by animal models and human
studies are presented in Tables1 and 2, respectively.
Anxiety is a common mental disorder aecting 18.1% of the
population in the United States (52). In humans, functional
magnetic resonance imaging indicates that anxiety is associated
with activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hip-
pocampal regions of the brain (53). Symptoms of anxiety and
disorders are more frequent in patients with epilepsy with one
recent study reporting a lifetime incidence of 22.8% as opposed
to 11.2% in people without epilepsy (54).
In a recent animal model study of anxiety in male rats, two
methods of administration of exogenous ketone supplement were
applied (38). In the chronic administration condition, 48 male
Sprague-Dawley (SPD) rats were fed for 83days with either a
standard diet (n=9) or standard diet plus one of four ketone
supplementation conditions. In the sub-chronic intragastric
gavage bolus condition, 39 SPD rats were fed with standard diet
and gavaged daily with water (control, n=11) or 1 of 3 levels
of ketone supplementation for 7 days; this was repeated with
32 Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rats receiving a half-dose of
supplementation. In both modes of supplementation, beta-
hydroxybutyrate was signicantly elevated indicating ketosis. All
treatment conditions resulted in reduced anxiety as assessed by
behavior on the elevated plus maze. e dependent variables of
less entries and time spent in closed arms, more entries and time
spent in open arms, more distance traveled in open arms, and
delayed entry to closed arm were used as an analog of anxiety
in humans. e authors hypothesized that the mode of action
was through the glutamatergic and/or GABAergic and purinergic
In a recent review, a number of studies suggested that depression
is associated with an increased risk of epilepsy (55). e eec-
tiveness of conventional antidepressant therapies is frequently
examined in animals. In rodents, to test current levels of depres-
sion, a methodology known as the Porsolt forced swim test is
oen employed (56) and has been used in testing the eectiveness
of new antidepressant drugs (57). In the two-part swim test,
animals are rst placed in a container from which they cannot
escape. When they then stop trying and immobility ensues, a state
of behavioral despair is shown. Second, to assess the eects of
antidepressants, the time spent immobile is used as a dependent
variable, and reductions are interpreted for signicance (56).
To examine the antidepressant properties of KD, 20 Wistar rats
given the diet (4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio) were compared to 20 fed
a standard diet (39). It was found that rats on KD spent less time
immobile than control rats thus providing some evidence for
potential antidepressant eects of the diet. e diet duration was
7days, and levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate were measured.
Brain morphology and behavior of CD-1 mice exposed
to KD (4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio) for 30days inutero and fed a
standard diet in postnatal life were examined (40). Adult mice
that were fed the diet inutero showed reduced susceptibility to
anxiety and depression and exhibited elevated physical activity
when compared with control mice fed a standard diet inutero.
Morphological dierences included cerebellar volumetric
enlargement by 4.8%, a hypothalamic reduction by 1.39%, and
a corpus callosum reduction by 4.77%, as computed relative to
total brain volume.
While animal models pave the way for future research in
humans, the conclusions that may be made are limited. e
mechanism by which KD acts in animal models of depression
is unknown; however, in children with epilepsy, KD resulted
in signicant alterations in levels of serotonin and dopamine
neurotransmitters (58), both of which are implicated in anxiety
and depression. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies
examining the eects of KD in depressed humans.
Bipolar Disorder
A diagnosis of bipolar disorder type I requires an episode of
mania, which consists of “a distinct period of abnormally and
persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting at least
1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary)” (59).
A diagnosis of bipolar disorder type II requires at least one episode
of hypomania. In a study of nutrition and exercise behavior, when
compared to patients with schizophrenia or healthy controls, it
TABLE 2 | Summary of ndings in human studies.
Reference Condition Subjects (n) Mode of administration of diet Duration of
Ketone* Result
(46) BD Human women
Ratio not mentioned in rst but in
second (70% fat, 22% protein, and
8% carbohydrate)
2 and 3years Mood stabilization
(47) BD Human woman
4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio 1month No urinary
No clinical improvement
(48) SZ Human women
Not listed 2weeks Not listed Statistically signicant decrease in symptomatology
(49) SZ Human woman
Not listed 12months Not listed No recurrence of auditory or visual hallucinations
(50) ASD Human children
30% MCT, 30% fresh cream, 11%
saturated fat, 19% carbohydrate,
and 10% protein
(intervals of
4weeks with 2
diet-free weeks)
40% non-compliance. Two children showed
signicant improvements on Childhood Autism
Rating Scale, while the rest showed mild-to-
moderate improvements
(51) ASD Human child (1) 1.5:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio Several years Score on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale
decreased from 49 to 17 (severe autism to
DEP, depression; BD, bipolar disorder; SZ, schizophrenia; *, ketone levels reported; MCT, medium-chain triglyceride; ASD, autism spectrum disorder.
TABLE 1 | Summary of ndings in animal models.
Reference Condition Subjects (n) Mode of administration of
Duration of
Ketone* Result
(38) ANX Sprague-
Dawley (48) and
Wistar Albino
rats (32)
Exogenous ketone supplement 83 or 7days
via oral
Reduced ANX-related behavior
(39) DEP Wistar rats (20) 4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio 7days Some evidence for potential antidepressant properties
(40) DEP CD-1 mice (20) 4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio inutero
and SD in postnatal life
30days Those fed KD inutero showed reduced susceptibility to ANX
and depression and increased hyperactivity
(41) SZ C57Bl/6 mice
77.6% fat, 9.5% protein, and
4.7% crude ber, AD ber
3weeks Normalized pathological behaviors including psychomotor
hyperactivity, stereotyped behavior, social withdrawal, and
working memory decits
(42) ASD Swiss mice (16) (Lard 690g/kg, sunower oil
5g/kg, protein 250g/kg, ber
10g/kg, ash 5g/kg)
In utero
exposure to
KD (70days)
Statistically signicant social decits and stereotypies that are
common behaviors in those with ASD
(43) ASD Wistar rats (6) 6:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio 10–14days KD had a signicant effect and was able to modify complex
social behaviors in valproic acid and control rats
(44) ASD BTBR mice (?) 6.3:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio 14days Temporal cortex and hippocampus brain regions showed
improvements on autistic decits associated with myelin
formation and white matter development
(45) ASD EL mice (?) 3.0:1 or 6.6:1 lipid:non-lipid
3–4weeks Social novelty test—females fed higher KD ratio exhibited
signicant preference to the new mouse. Self-grooming
signicantly decreased in males
(36) ADHD Dogs (21) 10% moisture, 28% protein,
15% fat, 6% ash, 2% crude
ber, and MCT oil
6months Signicant improvement in ADHD-related behaviors
ANX, anxiety; DEP, depression; BD, bipolar disorder; SZ, schizophrenia; *, ketone levels reported; ?, unknown sample size; MCT, medium-chain triglyceride; ASD, autism spectrum
disorder; ADHD, attention decit hyperactivity disorder; KD, ketogenic diet.
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
was found that patients with bipolar disorder were more likely to
report risk factors for poor nutrition including diculty obtain-
ing or cooking food (60). Treatments for bipolar disorder typically
include an antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer, and many patients
are treated with adjunct anticonvulsants.
In a case study of two women with bipolar disorder type
II, the patients maintained ketosis for an extended period of 2
and 3years, respectively. e women reported subjective mood
stabilization, which exceeded that of medication as well as an
overall improvement in their condition that they related to ketosis
(measured in the urine). Both women tolerated the diet well with
few or no side eects reported (46). e ratio of KD was not
mentioned in the rst case, but in the second it was estimated to
be around 70% fat, 22% protein, and 8% carbohydrates.
In a separate case study, a woman with treatment-resistant
bipolar disorder was placed on KD (4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio) and
showed no clinical improvement (47). It should be noted that no
urinary ketones were detected, the type of bipolar disorder was
not listed (type I or type II), and treatment duration limited to
ese studies illustrate that careful attention should be paid
to the intricacies of the diet (such as measuring ketones and
calculating macronutrient ratios) to fully examine its ecacy
in bipolar disorder, as well as the need for larger well-designed
placebo-controlled studies in this area. e mechanism by
which KD may be eective in bipolar disorder is based on the
hypothesis that acidosis achieved through ketosis reduces intra-
cellular sodium and calcium, both of which are elevated in the
disorder (47). Mood stabilizers reduce intracellular sodium in
an activity-dependent manner within the context of KD; this is
hypothesized as being achieved through the acidication of the
blood (46).
Schizophrenia is associated with high levels of morbidity. e
precise pathophysiology of the disorder is unknown, and current
pharmacological treatment options are limited (61). Animal
models of schizophrenia t into four induction methods includ-
ing developmental, drug-induced, lesional, or genetic manipula-
tion (62). In a recent drug-induced (MK-801, dizocilpine) animal
model of schizophrenia in C57BL/6 mice, it was demonstrated
that 3weeks of KD (77.6% fat, 9.5% protein, and 4.7% crude ber,
AD ber 4.7%) normalized pathological behaviors (41). ese
included psychomotor hyperactivity, stereotyped behavior, social
withdrawal, and working memory decits, which reect the posi-
tive, negative, and cognitive symptoms of the disorder. Weight
loss was an observed side eect. Elevated levels of the ketone
beta-hydroxybutyrate and decreased glucose levels indicated that
metabolic adaptation had occurred.
In a 1965 study, the eect of KD was tested in 10 female
patients with schizophrenia. All participants were reported to
have a poor prognosis and were not treatment responsive at the
time. Concurrent therapies remained throughout the duration
of the diet including pharmacotherapy and electroconvulsive
therapy. e Beckomberga Rating Scale was administered to
patients three times during the diet period (2days, 2weeks, and
1week aer discontinuation), there was a statistically signicant
decrease in symptomatology aer 2weeks of established KD
(48). is was, however, a small, poorly controlled study, and in
addition, the lipid:non-lipid ratios were not detailed, and it was
not stated whether ketone levels were measured throughout the
study. A further consideration is that the study was conducted
in 1965 before the advent of atypical antipsychotics and their
metabolic side eects.
In a case study of a 70-year-old overweight woman with a diag-
nosis of schizophrenia, KD was initiated by her treating physician
(49). e patient remained on KD for 12months and reportedly
had no recurrences of auditory or visual hallucinations, and
the patient lost weight. e patient reported eating mainly lean
proteins and low-carbohydrate vegetables (the lipid:non-lipid
ratio was not listed), ketosis was not conrmed and perhaps not
established due to the lack of dietary fats listed; therefore, this case
report is of indeterminate value.
Some studies suggest that abnormal glucose and energy
metabolism may underlie the pathophysiology of schizophrenia,
which may provide some potential pointers into the hypothesized
mode of action of KD in the disorder (63, 64). Others have noted
that abnormal glucose metabolism may occur secondary to antip-
sychotic medications alongside signicant treatment side eects
such as weight gain, hyperglycemia, and diabetes (65). e high
metabolic risk associated with schizophrenia is due to genetic and
environmental factors (66).
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Features of patients with ASD include compromised social inter-
action and communication (67). It is estimated that between 5
and 40% of patients with autism will develop epilepsy (68), and
while most patients will respond to pharmacotherapy, in one
study, 34% of 170 patients had medically refractory epilepsy (69).
e precise pathogenesis of ASD remains unknown, but genetic
and environmental factors have been known to contribute to its
onset. One such factor is exposure to valproic acid (VPA) inutero,
which is associated with a 12% incidence of ASD in children (70)
and is used as an animal model of induction of ASD (42).
Using the animal model of autism induced by prenatal expo-
sure to VPA in mice, the eects of KD were examined. Pregnant
Swiss mice received a single intraperitoneal injection of 600mg/
kg of VPA (n=26) or saline (n=18) on gestational day 11. At day
21, 16 VPA treated and 16 control mice were used. Half of each
group was fed KD (lard 690g/kg, sunower oil 5g/kg, protein
250g/kg, ber 10g/kg, ash 5g/kg), while the other received a
standard diet. Ketone levels were not measured. Aer 70days
on KD, a statistically signicant result was found in mice with
VPA in behaviors such as social decits and stereotypies that are
common behaviors in those with ASD (42). It is also believed that
mitochondrial dysfunction may play a role in the onset of ASD
(35). Ahn etal. (43) aimed to determine if KD could reverse the
social decits and mitochondrial dysfunction seen in a prenatal
VPA animal model of autism using Wistar rats. On postnatal day
21, rats were placed on either KD (6:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio) or
standard diet for 10–14days. Beta-hydroxybutyrate was meas-
ured. KD had a signicant eect and was able to modify complex
social behaviors in VPA and control rats and mitochondrial
respiration (43).
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
Another animal model of autism using the inbred BTBR
mouse strain that exhibits three core features of autism, includ-
ing reduced sociability, communication, and increased repetitive
behavior, was studied (71). In another study, 33 genes were
dierentially expressed in the temporal cortex and 48 in the
hippocampus suggesting decits in the stress response and in
neuronal signaling and communication in BTBR mice. Aer
14days on KD (6.3:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio), both brain regions
showed improvements on autistic decits associated with myelin
formation and white matter development (44). One study has
found that in BTBR mice, KD reduces total gut microbial and
compositional remodeling of the mouse microbiome providing a
potential explanation as to its ecacy in this model (72).
In an animal model with behavioral characteristics of ASD
and comorbid epilepsy in male and female EL mice, the eect of
KD was assessed (45). Testing occurred at 8–9weeks postpartum
following 3–4weeks of dietary treatment. Animals were fed either
a standard diet or one of two KDs (3.0:1 or 6.6:1 lipid:non-lipid
ratio). KD raised ketones in all groups, but the higher fat ratio
deepened ketosis. Both KDs signicantly increased sociabil-
ity, time spent in the chamber with another mouse, in females
and males. Social novelty, preference for a newly introduced
mouse was higher in females fed the higher KD ratio. e test of
repetitive behavior (self-grooming) was signicantly decreased
in males but was non-signicant in females. is study provides
some intriguing results regarding the eects of sex and KD in a
mouse model of ASD and idiopathic epilepsy.
e role of KD in ASD has been examined in a pilot study
of 30 children (50). e diet (30% of energy as MCT oil, 30%
fresh cream, 11% as saturated fat, 19% carbohydrates, and 10% as
protein) was administered for 6months with intervals of 4weeks
with 2 diet-free weeks. Of the total sample, 40% did not comply
or did not tolerate the diet. Urinary ketones were measured. In the
remaining sample, two children showed signicant improvements
on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, while the rest showed
mild-to-moderate improvements. As observed in patients with
epilepsy, aer the termination of KD the benets persisted, which
raise intriguing questions regarding the eects of plasticity.
In a case study of a child with autism and epilepsy, following
standard treatment non-response, the individual was placed
on KD (1.5:1 lipid:non-lipid ratio) with adjunct anticonvulsant
therapy (51). e patient was in ketosis. Aer initiation of the
diet several benets ensued including the resolution of morbid
obesity and the improvement of cognitive and behavioral features
of the disorder. Aer several years on the diet, the patient’s score
on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale decreased from 49 to 17,
a change from a rating of severe autism to non-autistic, and IQ
increased by 70 points. Fourteen months following the initiation
of the diet the patient was also seizure free.
e suggested mechanisms of action of KD in ASD include
that it may reduce pain sensitivity through the reduction
of glucose and may have anti-inammatory properties as it
reduces swelling and plasma extravasation (42). In a systematic
review of KD in ASD it was concluded that the limited number
of reports of improvements aer treatment with the diet is not
sucient to attest to the practicability of KD as a treatment for
the disorder (73).
Attention Decit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention decit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by a
lack of behavioral inhibition and by neuropsychological decits
in four areas, including working memory, self-regulation of
aect–motivation–arousal, internalization of speech, and behav-
ioral analysis and synthesis (74). ADHD is the most commonly
occurring mental disorder in children and adolescents with
epilepsy occurring in 16 (29.1%) of 78 patients (75). Children
with ADHD have a high frequency of epileptiform discharges as
observed by EEG (76). In a prospective study of children with
epilepsy (n=34) on KD it was found that aer 1year on the diet
there was a statistically signicant improvement of attention and
social functioning (77).
ere is little evidence examining ADHD and KD, but a
6-month prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-
controlled, crossover dietary trial compared the eects of
KD (10% moisture, 28% protein, 15% fat, 6% ash, 2% crude
ber, and MCT oil) or a standard diet on behavior in 21 dogs
with comorbid ADHD and idiopathic epilepsy (36). It was
hypothesized that there were three specic behaviors related to
ADHD in dogs including excitability, chasing, and trainability.
ADHD in dogs is manifested as inattention and excitability/
impulsivity, which have been likened to the disorder in humans
(78). When compared with the standard diet, KD resulted in
a signicant improvement in ADHD-related behaviors. Serum
beta-hydroxybutyrate was measured. e mechanisms of behav-
ioral improvements during KD remain unknown. e authors
postulated that alterations of energy metabolism in the brain
may contribute to behavioral changes. Research into humans
with ADHD and KD is lacking.
In neurology, KD is an established treatment option for
treatment-resistant epilepsy with evidence from a range of
studies including controlled trials. By contrast, KD research in
humans with mental disorders, though extending over a 50-year
period, has received little attention with few studies other than
case reports, small sample size open studies, and no controlled
trials. Animal studies have been more systematic, investigating
mechanisms as well as outcomes on putative disease analogs in
rodents and canines, the latter including randomized controlled
trials of KD.
With respect to mechanisms, the pathophysiology of the
mental disorders covered in this review is not clearly understood,
though impaired metabolism due to mitochondrial dysfunc-
tion has been identied as an important substrate (34). is is
congruent with ndings in neurological conditions, Stafstrom
and Rho concluding that energy metabolism changes induced
by KD in neurological conditions suggest a nal common
pathway implicating mitochondrial function (26). KD may also
inuence neuronal plasticity by modifying neural circuits and
cellular properties to normalize function (26). Mitochondrial
dysfunction may be relevant in some mental disorders including
schizophrenia, ASD, and ADHD, whereas the improvements
seen in anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder may be related
to alterations of neurotransmitters.
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
One other possible mediator of the benecial eects of KD in
mental disorders is the eect on sleep. In a study of 18 children
with treatment-resistant epilepsy, aer 3months of KD sleep was
reported to be enhanced with a pattern of signicant reduction in
total night sleep, preservation of slow-wave sleep, increased rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep, and decrease in sleep stage 2 (79).
e mechanisms by which KD aects sleep is unclear (80), and
more studies are necessary to conrm reports that certain dietary
patterns and foods improve sleep (81).
Sleep problems and mental disorders are codependent condi-
tions that exacerbate each other and lead to impaired quality
of life and increased disability (82). Impairments of sleep are a
widespread feature of mental disorders. Anxious patients have
been found to have signicantly less sleep period time, total
sleep time, percentage stage REM and percent stage 4 sleep,
shorter latency to stage REM, and greater percent stage 1 sleep
than healthy controls (83). REM sleep abnormalities including
shortening of REM latency, lengthening of the duration of the
rst REM period, and heightening of REM density are found
in patients with depression (84). In patients with inter-episode
bipolar disorder, shorter sleep onset latency and increased REM
density has been observed (85). A decrease of REM sleep latency
in schizophrenia has been described (86). Individuals with ASD
have prolonged sleep latency, more frequent nocturnal awaken-
ings, lower sleep eciency, increased duration of NREM stage 1
sleep, and decreased deeper stages of NREM sleep (87). In ADHD,
disturbed sleep architecture has been described including shorter
REM latencies, reduced REM sleep, and increased delta sleep
percentage (88). It should also be noted that sleep deprivation can
precipitate mania in bipolar disorder and seizures in epilepsy (89)
and can be used as a treatment for depression (90). e specic
eects of KD on these mental disorder-related sleep symptoms
has not been studied in detail, but interactions are likely and may
be possible mediators of a therapeutic eect.
In epilepsy, KD acts dierently to antiepileptic drugs (AED)
in seizure prevention. While AED act directly on ion channels
and synaptic processes, KD acts through intermediary metabolic
pathways (91). Chang etal. showed that an MCT (palm oil and
coconut oil) diet, a variation of KD, reduces seizures in children
via inhibition on AMPA receptors (12, 92, 93). e questions
posed by the literature indicate that the mechanism of action
is still unknown, and there may be many potential pathways
involved. e mechanism of action appears dierent from AED
and therefore probably psychiatric drugs also, which opens
potential avenues for treatment in a manner that may supplement
conventional pharmacological treatment approaches. e exact
mechanism of action of KD is unclear, and for detailed discussion,
see Rogawski etal. (91). us, present knowledge indicates that
KD exerts its eects on seizure control by mechanisms dierent
from conventional AED and therefore, in psychiatry, this may
also be the case although as yet unproven.
ere are a number of reasons why the eectiveness of KD
in mental disorders remains unproven. In addition to the low
number of human studies, the quality of the studies has some
signicant limitations. Sample sizes are small, there is no control
for placebo eects, and the establishment of ketosis is generally
lacking with no conrmatory measurement of ketones in three
human studies. ere are also signicant limitations associated
with the diet itself including the detailed regimen, unpalatable
food choices, side eects, and duration of diet required. ere are
also no enforced standards as to what constitutes KD in humans
with variable lipid:non-lipid ratios reported. KD monotherapy is
used in animal models of mental disorders but remains unexam-
ined in human studies. Ten adult patients with epilepsy followed
KD monotherapy, and it was concluded that it may be feasible,
well tolerated, and an eective long-term alternative (94).
To comply with KD, patients who may be acutely unwell are
required to measure food portions to ensure that the macronutri-
ent targets associated with the diet are met, and they may nd
it dicult to adhere to such a demanding diet (47). is is par-
ticularly so for patients with mental disorders where symptoms
such as impulsivity in mania, apathy, and reduced appetite in
depression, food cravings, and binge eating associated with antip-
sychotic medications may variously interfere with compliance
with KD (95). A mitigating factor to the outcomes in children
with epilepsy may be that the diet is typically administered in a
hospital setting initially and subsequently, by caregivers.
El-Mallakh and Paskitti have outlined the adverse conse-
quences of KD including constipation, menstrual irregularities,
elevated serum cholesterol and triglycerides, hypoproteinemia,
hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, and gall stones (96).
Kidney stones have been noted to occur in 1 of 20 children on the
diet (97). In a period of almost 2years, prospective monitoring of
52 children with pediatric epilepsy was conducted. Ten percent
of children experienced serious adverse events associated with
the diet 1month aer initiation (98). is included presacral and
periorbital edema, developmental impairment, and unwanted
weight loss in an infant, renal tubular acidosis, viral gastroen-
teritis, abnormal liver function, and thrombocytopenia. It should
be noted that all patients were being treated with concomitant
VPA. It was reported in a retrospective study of 158 children
with intractable epilepsy that, in 80% emesis, food refusal and
hypoglycemia occurred (99).
By denition, KD is conrmed by the production of ketones
measured in the blood or urine. In the reviewed literature cover-
ing KD in mental disorders, four studies did not report ketone
levels, which severely limit comparability across studies and the
ability to invoke any consistent mechanism. One study compared
whether measuring serum beta-hydroxybutyrate or urinary
ketones was superior to monitor KD (100). In humans, it was
found that beta-hydroxybutyrate correlated more strongly with
a reduction in seizures than urinary ketones; therefore, future
studies should measure ketones in the blood. Another issue is
that the lipid:non-lipid ratios used were dierent (see Tables 1
and 2). In a study that compared the ecacy and tolerability of
the 3:1 versus the 4:1 lipid:non-lipid ratios, the latter was shown
to have a higher seizure-free outcome (2).
One issue when interpreting the results is the levels of evi-
dence in the evidence-based hierarchy. Animal models of mental
disorders are considered valuable preclinical tools to investigate
the neurobiological basis of a disorder (62). While this may be
true, they are nonetheless subject to a number of limitations. One
such limitation is the issue of validity, and their use is based on the
assumption that humans and animals share basic neurobiological
Bostock et al. KD in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry | March 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 43
mechanisms associated with the complex behaviors that mimic
mental disorders in animals (101).
Another diculty posed to practitioners is that there are cur-
rently no international protocols guiding the administration of
the diet; this is something that may be established from future
research into KD. ere was only one case study that detailed
what the participant, diagnosed with schizophrenia, ate, and it
was not established whether this individual was in ketosis. In the
various studies in humans, outcomes were assessed following
dietary durations that varied from 7days to 2years.
Further research into the neural correlates of KD is needed to
help explain the mechanisms by which it acts. Some suggestions
regarding methodologies, provided by Fusar-Poli are elaborated
below. Changes in glucose metabolism seen in KD could be
examined using positron emission tomography uorodeoxy-
glucose. To observe the neural correlates of KD, a combination
of electrophysiological measures including EEG and magne-
toencephalogram and fMRI/PET to combine the high temporal
resolution of the former with the high spatial resolution of the
latter may be used (102).
In the neurological literature, a single study, in Alzheimer’s
disease, used a synthesized ketogenic compound AC-1202 rather
than a KD. AC-1202 is an MCT composed of glycerine and
caprylic acid (23). It is not yet clear what role ketogenic pharma-
cotherapy options might play alongside or as a substitute for KD.
While these animal studies are placing research into KD on a
rm footing and identifying some promising leads, on balance
the evidence in humans is insucient to form an opinion as to the
ecacy or lack thereof of this intervention in the mental disorders
reported. Further basic research to clarify the specics of dietary
manipulation or supplementation required to produce optimum
ketosis in specic models is an obvious intermediate step toward
studying the eectiveness of the diet in human mental disorders
using conventional phases of research including open-label stud-
ies and randomized controlled trials.
EB derived the concept of the article from which she received
supervision and expert advice in the area of psychiatry from KK
and neurology from BT.
EB’s research is supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award
and the Goddard Sapin-Jaloustre Trust.
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... The combined efficacy rates of all types of ketogenic diet, a classical ketogenic diet, and a modified Atkins diet are 42%, 52%, and 34% respectively with a corresponding combined compliance rate of 45%, 38%, and 56% according to Ye et al. [26]. Similar results have been presented by Kumar et al. [65]. These relatively low numbers are not perhaps surprising. ...
... In this context, Adjibade et al. [72] went as far as to say (i) adherence to national dietary guidelines together with adequate nutrient intakes may be useful to prevent depressive symptoms through modifiable factors in the general population and (ii) diet in accordance with national or international guidelines may have beneficial effects with regard to mental health. Kumar et al. [65] reported that of patients who drop out of the classical ketogenic diet, 60% do due to psychosocial, fatigue, and weight loss reasons. With respect to the modified Atkin's diet, almost half were discontinued due to inability to adhere. ...
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The so-called ‘ketogenic diet’ aimed to limit energy derived from carbohydrates, has many variations which cause confusion in the literature and beyond. For ‘intractable’ epilepsy (when seizures cannot be managed completely by drug therapy, also referred to as ‘refractory’, ‘uncontrolled’ or ‘drug-resistant’ epilepsy) the dietary fat to carbohydrate plus protein ratio is held at a ratio of 4:1 or 3:1. Thus promoting fat metabolism to ketone bodies as a primary energy source. This intervention limits glucose availability and consequently neural ‘excitability’ and seizures. Overall, the diet is high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and restricted protein in design. This generally accepted clinical approach (which is based on essentially fasting, historically) was applied and recorded back to the 1920s (for a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis). That observation (and others) initiated the diet applications for epilepsy and thereafter (or perhaps in parallel with) for both (i) weight management (especially the ‘Atkin’s diet) and (ii) enhanced sport performance. Products for weight loss tend to be high-fat but not in the ratios anticipated for seizure management, where, perhaps, brands have been developed that are more cognisant of consumer demands for desirable sensory characteristics than specific nutrient ratios. Whilst ketogenic type diets have been discussed in the context of different applications within the literature, the challenges associated with making and utilising ketogenic products for different applications/needs (with associated compliance) tend not to be addressed. This review addresses some of the challenges associated with creating and consuming ketogenic products, especially for seizure management, which restrict and control energy derived from carbohydrates. It aims to contextualise the issues faced with making and consuming this type of diet with significance generally to individuals interested in this approach to dietary energy regulation, most especially health professionals and people involved in sport nutrition.
... This diet mediates the neuroprotective function through the attenuation of oxidative stress and induction of antioxidant protein expression (149), as well as the modulation of the levels of neurotransmitters such as GABA, monoamine and glutamate [150,151]. Therefore, a ketogenic diet can provide beneficial health effects, improving the symptoms of some neurological conditions, including autism, depression, epilepsy, cancer, as well as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease [152][153][154]. However, the role of the microbiome has recently emerged, considering that the ketogenic diet increases the abundance of Akkermansia spp, Parabacteroides spp, Sutterella spp, and levels of Erysipelotrichaceae spp. in the intestinal microbiota in mice compared to the control group [154]. ...
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Purpose of Review This review explores the intricate relationships among the gut microbiota, dietary patterns, and mental health, focusing specifically on depression. It synthesizes insights from microbiological, nutritional, and neuroscientific perspectives to understand how the gut-brain axis influences mood and cognitive function. Recent Findings Recent studies underscore the central role of gut microbiota in modulating neurological and psychological health via the gut-brain axis. Key findings highlight the importance of dietary components, including probiotics, prebiotics, and psychobiotics, in restoring microbial balance and enhancing mood regulation. Different dietary patterns exhibit a profound impact on gut microbiota composition, suggesting their potential as complementary strategies for mental health support. Furthermore, mechanisms like tryptophan metabolism, the HPA axis, and microbial metabolites such as SCFAs are implicated in linking diet and microbiota to depression. Clinical trials show promising effects of probiotics in alleviating depressive symptoms. Summary This review illuminates the potential of diet-based interventions targeting the gut microbiota to mitigate depression and improve mental health. While the interplay between microbial diversity, diet, and brain function offers promising therapeutic avenues, further clinical research is needed to validate these findings and establish robust, individualized treatment strategies.
... This review highlights metabolic and related alterations in OCD that can be targeted by lifestyle interventions, with a focus on well-supported changes identified through high-quality studies. It emphasizes the ketogenic diet (KD) as a promising intervention in psychiatry [10,[12][13][14][15], supported by evidence linking diverse physiological alterations to its multipronged effects [16]. The evidence is synthesized to provide a strong rationale for studying the KD in OCD, encouraging further research and clinical trials in this critical area with significant unmet needs. ...
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The substantial evidence supporting the ketogenic diet (KD) in epilepsy management has spurred research into its effects on other neurological and psychiatric conditions. Despite differences in characteristics, symptoms, and underlying mechanisms, these conditions share common pathways that the KD may influence. The KD reverses metabolic dysfunction. Moreover, it has been shown to support neuroprotection through mechanisms such as neuronal energy support, inflammation reduction, amelioration of oxidative stress, and reversing mitochondrial dysfunction. The adequate intake of dietary nutrients is essential for maintaining normal brain functions, and strong evidence supports the role of nutrition in the treatment and prevention of many psychiatric and neurological disorders. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neuropsychiatric condition marked by persistent, distressing thoughts or impulses (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors performed in response to these obsessions (compulsions). Recent studies have increasingly examined the role of nutrition and metabolic disorders in OCD. This narrative review examines current evidence on the potential role of the KD in the treatment of OCD. We explore research on the KD’s effects on psychiatric disorders to assess its potential relevance for OCD treatment. Additionally, we identify key gaps in the preclinical and clinical research that warrant further study in applying the KD as a metabolic therapy for OCD.
... 73 DEHB'nin tıbbi beslenme tedavisinde ketojenik diyetler de gündeme gelmiştir. 74 Sıçanlarda yapılan bir araştırmada, ketojenik diyetin bağırsak mikrobiyotasını düzenleyerek DEHB'deki davranış bozukluklarını hafifletebileceği öne sürülmüş olmakla birlikte, DEHB'li hastalarda etkinliğini değerlendirmek için klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. 75 SONUÇ Sonuç olarak psikiyatrik hastalıklardan korunmada ve bu hastalıkların yönetiminde karbonhidratların rolünün araştırıldığı çalışmalar çoğunlukla yüksek şeker alımının hastalık belirtilerine katkıda bulunabileceğini göstermektedir. ...
Psikiyatrik hastalıklar, dünya çapında yaygın olarak görülen ve bireylerin işlevselliğini önemli ölçüde etkileyen hastalıklardır. Beslenmenin psikiyatrik hastalıkların gelişiminde ve semptomlarının yönetiminde rol oynadığı bilinmektedir. Karbonhidratlar, beynin temel enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılmalarının yanı sıra nörotransmitterlerin sentezi ve bağırsak-beyin eksenindeki rolleri gibi çeşitli mekanizmalarla beyin fonksiyonları ve ruh hâli üzerinde önemli etkiler göstermektedir. Araştırmalarda sağlıklı karbonhidrat kaynaklarının tüketimi ve posa alımının artırılmasının olumlu etkileri bildirilmiş, eklenmiş şeker tüketimi ise nöroinflamasyon ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Özellikle önemli bir eklenmiş şeker kaynağı olan şekerle tatlandırılmış içecek tüketiminin psikiyatrik hastalıklara bağlı semptomlar ve metabolik bozukluklarla ilişkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca son yıllarda psikiyatrik hastalıklarda ketojenik diyet gibi yeni tedavi yaklaşımlarının kullanılması da gündeme gelmiştir. Bu derlemede, anksiyete, depresyon, bipolar bozukluk, şizofreni ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğunun beslenme tedavisinde karbonhidrat ve posa alımının etkileri incelenmiştir.
... In addition, the administration of EKSs does not induce strong adenosinergic peripheral or central nervous system side effects in animal models or human patients (e.g., side effects are mainly mild gastrointestinal problems) [165,166,169,170,213]. Nevertheless, the ketogenic diet can cause more severe adverse effects, such as the alteration of menstruation, growth retardation, weight loss, nausea, gastritis, constipation, nephrolithiasis, hyperlipidemia, hypoglycemia, and hyperuricemia [214][215][216]. Of potential relevance is the observation that both the ketogenic diet and ketone esters are able to decrease not only seizure activity, but also the plasma levels of the "hunger hormone" and anti-seizure molecule ghrelin [217][218][219]. ...
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Approximately 30% of patients with epilepsy are drug-refractory. There is an urgent need to elucidate the exact pathophysiology of different types of epilepsies and the mechanisms of action of both antiseizure medication and metabolic therapies to treat patients more effectively and safely. For example, it has been demonstrated that exogenous ketone supplement (EKS)-generated therapeutic ketosis, as a metabolic therapy, may decrease epileptic activity in both animal models and humans, but its exact mechanism of action is unknown. However, it was demonstrated that therapeutic ketosis, among others, can increase adenosine level, which may enhance activity of A1 adenosine receptors (A 1 Rs) in the brain. It has also been demonstrated previously that adenosine has anti-epileptic effect through A 1 Rs in different models of epilepsies. Thus, it is possible that (i) therapeutic ketosis generated by the administration of EKSs may exert its anti-epileptic effect through, among other mechanisms, increased adenosine level and A 1 R activity and that (ii) the enhanced activity of A 1 Rs may be a necessary anti-epileptic mechanism evoked by EKS administration-generated ketosis. Moreover, EKSs can evoke and maintain ketosis without severe side effects. These results also suggest that the therapeutic application of EKS-generated ketosis may be a promising opportunity to treat different types of epilepsies. In this literature review, we specifically focus on the putative role of A 1 Rs in the anti-epileptic effect of EKS-induced ketosis.
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Recent research highlights a significant link between the gut microbiome and mental health, particularly regarding depression. Termed the 'second brain,' the gut is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms that regulate neurotransmitters and produce compounds impacting emotional well-being. This complex interplay between gut microbes and the brain influences mood, anxiety, and depression. Studies suggest probiotics and dietary changes as potential therapeutic strategies for managing depression by fostering a healthy gut microbiome. This emerging field emphasizes the gut microbiome's crucial role in mental health, offering new avenues for treating depression and enhancing overall well-being.
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The ketogenic diet (KD) originated in the 1920s. It is a dietary model that is low in carbohydrates, adequate in protein, and high in fat content. The diet mimics starvation and increases the production of ketone bodies, leading to ketosis in metabolism. KD is used as an anticonvulsant treatment approach in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. In addition, it is thought that a KD may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Numerous recent studies have demonstrated that a KD can improve behavioural parameters in individuals with ASD. This review aims to address the potential mechanisms of action of the KD and to examine the effects of the KD on individuals diagnosed with ASD. It is likely that this role is mediated through improvements in energy metabolism, reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, control of neurotransmitters, gene expression and modulation of the gut microbiota. Based on the available evidence, a KD appears to be a safe and effective treatment for ASD.
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Background/Objectives Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder influenced by genetic and environmental factors, including dietary habits. Oxidative stress and inflammation play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Emerging research suggests that diet may affect schizophrenia through different biological mechanisms beyond oxidative stress and inflammation. In particular, epigenetic changes may alter the expression of genes related to neurodevelopment and neurotransmitter systems, while neuroplasticity plays a crucial role in brain adaptation and resilience to psychiatric disorders. Methods The literature search included the main available databases (Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar), considering the English language, and our screening was performed based on several words such as “schizophrenia”, “diet”, “nutrients”, “obesity”, “oxidative stress”, “inflammation”, “antioxidants” and “prenatal nutritional deficiency”. The review focused specifically on studies examining the relevance of diet in schizophrenia, as well as prenatal nutritional deficiency, obesity, oxidative stress, and inflammation associated with this disorder. Results Following a review of the literature, it was found that nutritional deficiencies, including lack of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, and B, during the prenatal and postnatal periods can have a negative impact on neurodevelopment and increase the risk of schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia have imbalances in antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and reduced levels of antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C). These biochemical changes lead to an increase in markers of oxidative stress, including malondialdehyde (MDA). In addition, cytokine-mediated inflammation, microglial activation, and intestinal dysbiosis are associated with the onset of schizophrenia and the severity of schizophrenia symptoms. Currently, there is no universally accepted dietary regimen for control. However, various diets and nutritional methods are being researched and applied to alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and improve the overall health of patients, including the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet, the gluten-free diet, and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. Conclusion A healthy diet, rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients and antioxidants, may help manage schizophrenia by reducing oxidative stress, preventing complications, and improving quality of life. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and B vitamins are particularly important for brain development and function. In this review, we aim to analyze the literature on the influence of diet on schizophrenia, focusing on the role of prenatal nutritional deficiencies, obesity, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
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Background Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe and pervasive mental disorder, and patients experience numerous distressing symptoms and impairments that significantly impact their lives. In addition to being a mental disorder, PTSD is strongly associated with a wide range of metabolic abnormalities that affect the entire body. Existing treatment options of psychotherapy and medications are often ineffective. Exploring other potential treatments is necessitated. The ketogenic diet has shown potential as a metabolic therapy in certain neurological and mental disorders and is a promising intervention in the treatment of PTSD. Aim This study aimed to examine if a 4-week ketogenic diet intervention supplemented with exogenous ketones (KD-KS) was feasible in adult patients with PTSD, to what extent it was possible to recruit patients, attain and maintain ketosis (plasma concentration of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ≥ 0.5 mmol/L), the occurrence of serious adverse reactions and adverse reactions to KD-KS, and acceptance of treatment. Our exploratory aims were changes in PTSD symptoms and health-related quality of life (QoL) from baseline to 4 weeks. Methods Patients 18 ≤ 65 years old, diagnosed with PTSD, and receiving outpatient treatment for PTSD at Southern Oslo District Psychiatric Centre (DPC), Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, were included. The intervention consisted of a ketogenic diet supplemented with β-hydroxybutyrate salt to obtain ketosis. PTSD symptoms were measured with the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) and QoL was measured with the RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0. Results During a 21-week inclusion period, three of four eligible patients (75% [95% CI: 30 to 95%]) were included. Two patients (67% [95% CI: 21 to 94%]) completed the 4-week intervention and one patient (33% [95% CI: 6 to 79%]) completed 2 weeks of intervention before discontinuing. Ketosis was achieved on day 1 in one patient, and on day 2 in two patients, and was maintained in 87% of the intervention. There were no serious adverse reactions. Adverse reactions were reported in a total of 70% of intervention days, the most frequent being headache followed by fatigue. The participant-perceived degree of adverse reactions was low to moderate. The treatment was accepted by patients on all intervention days. PCL-5 decreased by 20 points (70 to 50) in patient 1 and by 10 points (50 to 40) in patient 2, from baseline to 4 weeks, which is a reliable and clinically meaningful improvement. QoL improved in six of eight RAND-36 subscales in patient 1 and three of eight in patient 2. Patient 3 did not complete assessments after week 2. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this feasibility study is the first study examining a ketogenic diet intervention in patients with PTSD. Three of four predefined feasibility criteria were achieved. Ketosis was attained fast and maintained, patients were compliant and there were clinically meaningful improvements in PTSD symptoms and QoL. Despite the small sample size, the knowledge obtained in this study is important for the planning of future studies with ketogenic diet interventions in this patient group. It is a first step for potential dietary and metabolic therapies in PTSD. Further feasibility and pilot studies with larger sample sizes are needed to determine feasibility and safety before planning future randomised controlled trials investigating an effect. Clinical trial registration, identifier NCT05415982.
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Nutritional ketosis has been proven effective for seizure disorders and other neurological disorders. The focus of this study was to determine the effects of ketone supplementation on anxiety-related behavior in Sprague-Dawley (SPD) and Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk (WAG/Rij) rats. We tested exogenous ketone supplements added to food and fed chronically for 83 days in SPD rats and administered sub-chronically for 7 days in both rat models by daily intragastric gavage bolus followed by assessment of anxiety measures on elevated plus maze (EPM). The groups included standard diet (SD) or SD + ketone supplementation. Low-dose ketone ester (LKE; 1,3-butanediol-acetoacetate diester, ~10 g/kg/day, LKE), high dose ketone ester (HKE; ~25 g/kg/day, HKE), beta-hydroxybutyrate-mineral salt (βHB-S; ~25 g/kg/day, KS) and βHB-S + medium chain triglyceride (MCT; ~25 g/kg/day, KSMCT) were used as ketone supplementation for chronic administration. To extend our results, exogenous ketone supplements were also tested sub-chronically on SPD rats (KE, KS and KSMCT; 5 g/kg/day) and on WAG/Rij rats (KE, KS and KSMCT; 2.5 g/kg/day). At the end of treatments behavioral data collection was conducted manually by a blinded observer and with a video-tracking system, after which blood βHB and glucose levels were measured. Ketone supplementation reduced anxiety on EPM as measured by less entries to closed arms (sub-chronic KE and KS: SPD rats and KSMCT: WAG/Rij rats), more time spent in open arms (sub-chronic KE: SPD and KSMCT: WAG/Rij rats; chronic KSMCT: SPD rats), more distance traveled in open arms (chronic KS and KSMCT: SPD rats) and by delayed latency to entrance to closed arms (chronic KSMCT: SPD rats), when compared to control. Our data indicates that chronic and sub-chronic ketone supplementation not only elevated blood βHB levels in both animal models, but reduced anxiety-related behavior. We conclude that ketone supplementation may represent a promising anxiolytic strategy through a novel means of inducing nutritional ketosis.
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The core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are poorly treated with current medications. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are frequently comorbid with a diagnosis of epilepsy and vice versa. Medically-supervised ketogenic diets are remarkably effective nonpharmacological treatments for epilepsy, even in drug-refractory cases. There is accumulating evidence for beneficial effects of ketogenic diets against core symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in animal models and limited reports of benefits in patients. This study tests the behavioral effects of ketogenic diet feeding in the EL mouse, a model with behavioral characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and comorbid epilepsy. Male and female EL mice were fed control diet or one of two ketogenic diet formulas ad libitum starting at 5weeks of age. Beginning at 8weeks of age, diet protocols continued and performance of each group on tests of sociability and repetitive behavior was assessed. A ketogenic diet improved behavioral characteristics of autism spectrum disorder, and results depended on sex and type of test; ketogenic diet never worsened relevant behaviors. Ketogenic diet feeding improved multiple measures of sociability and reduced repetitive behavior in female mice; effects in males were more limited. Additional experiments in female mice showed that a less strict, more clinically-relevant diet formula was equally effective in improving sociability and reducing repetitive behavior. Taken together these results add to the growing number of studies suggesting that ketogenic and related diets may provide significant relief from the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, and suggest that in some cases there may be increased efficacy in females.
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Ten adults were treated with ketogenic diet monotherapy for epilepsy. Four patients were naïve to antiseizure drugs(ASD) and six previously tried and stopped ASDs. Of four treatment-naïve participants, two(50%) were free from disabling seizures on Modified Atkins Diet(MAD) monotherapy for > one year. Two(50%) stopped. Four of six patients(67%) who had previously tried ASDs became seizure-free on diet monotherapy and two experienced > 50% seizure reduction. Side effects included amenorrhea, weight loss, osteoporosis, and hyperlipidemia. Diet monotherapy may be feasible, well-tolerated, and effective for adults with epilepsy who refuse pharmacotherapy and those for whom lifelong diet therapy is recommended.
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There is much emerging information surrounding the impact of sleep duration and quality on food choice and consumption in both children and adults. However, less attention has been paid to the effects of dietary patterns and specific foods on nighttime sleep. Early studies have shown that certain dietary patterns may affect not only daytime alertness but also nighttime sleep. In this review, we surveyed the literature to describe the role of food consumption on sleep. Research has focused on the effects of mixed meal patterns, such as high-carbohydrate plus low fat or low-carbohydrate diets, over the short term on sleep. Such studies highlight a potential effect of macronutrient intakes on sleep variables, particularly alterations in slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep with changes in carbohydrate and fat intakes. Other studies instead examined the intake of specific foods, consumed at a fixed time relative to sleep, on sleep architecture and quality. Those foods, specifically milk, fatty fish, tart cherry juice, and kiwifruit, are reviewed here. Studies provide some evidence for a role of certain dietary patterns and foods in the promotion of high-quality sleep, but more studies are necessary to confirm those preliminary findings.
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Background Gastrointestinal dysfunction and gut microbial composition disturbances have been widely reported in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study examines whether gut microbiome disturbances are present in the BTBRT + tf/j (BTBR) mouse model of ASD and if the ketogenic diet, a diet previously shown to elicit therapeutic benefit in this mouse model, is capable of altering the profile. FindingsJuvenile male C57BL/6 (B6) and BTBR mice were fed a standard chow (CH, 13 % kcal fat) or ketogenic diet (KD, 75 % kcal fat) for 10–14 days. Following diets, fecal and cecal samples were collected for analysis. Main findings are as follows: (1) gut microbiota compositions of cecal and fecal samples were altered in BTBR compared to control mice, indicating that this model may be of utility in understanding gut-brain interactions in ASD; (2) KD consumption caused an anti-microbial-like effect by significantly decreasing total host bacterial abundance in cecal and fecal matter; (3) specific to BTBR animals, the KD counteracted the common ASD phenotype of a low Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio in both sample types; and (4) the KD reversed elevated Akkermansia muciniphila content in the cecal and fecal matter of BTBR animals. Conclusions Results indicate that consumption of a KD likely triggers reductions in total gut microbial counts and compositional remodeling in the BTBR mouse. These findings may explain, in part, the ability of a KD to mitigate some of the neurological symptoms associated with ASD in an animal model.
Schizophrenia is a highly heritable disorder. Genetic risk is conferred by a large number of alleles, including common alleles of small effect that might be detected by genome-wide association studies. Here, we report a multi-stage schizophrenia genome-wide association study of up to 36,989 cases and 113,075 controls. We identify 128 independent associations spanning 108 conservatively defined loci that meet genome-wide significance, 83 of which have not been previously reported. Associations were enriched among genes expressed in brain providing biological plausibility for the findings. Many findings have the potential to provide entirely novel insights into aetiology, but associations at DRD2 and multiple genes involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission highlight molecules of known and potential therapeutic relevance to schizophrenia, and are consistent with leading pathophysiological hypotheses. Independent of genes expressed in brain, associations were enriched among genes expressed in tissues that play important roles in immunity, providing support for the hypothesized link between the immune system and schizophrenia.
Purpose of review: To review some aspects of the relationship between epilepsy and depression that have recently received increasing attention and may become major research topics in the near future. Recent findings: Epidemiological studies show that depression and suicide are, in some cases, premorbid symptoms preceding the onset of the epilepsy. Suicide is also three times more frequent in epilepsy than in the general population. Reliable screening instruments for depression and suicidality in patients with epilepsy are now available but data from real life clinical settings are needed to develop shared clinical pathways between neurology and psychiatry. Data in children with epilepsy are still limited although it is well known that, outside epilepsy, almost 50% of adult patients with mood and anxiety disorders have a previous history during childhood. Despite increasing attention to the problem, the additional stigma associated with mental health problems still represents one of the major barriers to prompt diagnosis and treatment. Summary: New studies will focus on the development of shared clinical pathways between neurology and psychiatry for mood disorders and suicide prevention. New global campaigns on the double stigma will support this process in areas where psychiatric comorbidities are still underdiagnosed and undertreated.
Background: Many centers still admit children for several days to start the ketogenic diet. The exact incidence of adverse effects during the admission and their potential later impact on seizure reduction has not been widely studied. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of children with intractable epilepsy electively admitted for ketogenic diet initiation at our institution from 2011 to 2016. Charts were reviewed for adverse effects during the admission period and then examined for seizure reduction and compliance at three months. A rating scale (1 to 4) was created for severity of any adverse events. Results: A total of 158 children were included, with the mean age 4.6 years. Potentially attributable adverse effects occurred in 126 (80%) children, most commonly emesis, food refusal, and hypoglycemia. Seventy-three (46%) children received some form of intervention by the medical team, most commonly the administration of juice (24%). Younger age was correlated with an increased likelihood of moderate to severe adverse effects during admission, often repeated hypoglycemia (3.6 versus 4.9 years, P = 0.04). Fasting was more likely to result in lethargy and a single blood glucose in the 30 to 40 mg/dL range, but it was not correlated with emesis, repeated hypoglycemia, or higher adverse effect scores. There was no statistically significant correlation between the severity of adverse effects and the three-month seizure reduction. Conclusions: Mild easily treated adverse effects occurred in most children admitted for the ketogenic diet. Younger children were at greater risk for significant difficulties and should be monitored closely. Because fasting led to more lethargy and hypoglycemia, it may be prudent to avoid this in younger children.
Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a prevalent and heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hallmark behavioral features. The spectrum of disorders that fall within the ASD umbrella encompass a distinct but overlapping symptom complex that likely results from an array of molecular and genetic aberrations rather than a single genetic mutation. The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat low-carbohydrate anti-seizure and neuroprotective diet that has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of ASD-like behaviors in animal and human studies. Methods: We investigated changes in mRNA and gene expression in the BTBR mouse model of ASD that may contribute to the behavioral phenotype. In addition, we sought to examine changes in gene expression following KD treatment in BTBR mice. Results: Despite significant behavioral abnormalities, expression changes in BTBR mice did not differ substantially from controls; only 33 genes were differentially expressed in the temporal cortex, and 48 in the hippocampus. Examination of these differentially expressed genes suggested deficits in the stress response and in neuronal signaling/communication. After treatment with the KD, both brain regions demonstrated improvements in ASD deficits associated with myelin formation and white matter development. Conclusions: Although our study supports many of the previously known impairments associated with ASD, such as excessive myelin formation and impaired GABAergic transmission, the RNAseq data and pathway analysis utilized here identified new therapeutic targets for analysis, such as Vitamin D pathways and cAMP signaling. Autism Res 2017, 10: 456-471. © 2016 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.