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A metrology horror story: the additive surface



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Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Nicola Senin
Manufacturing Metrology Team, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham,
NG7 2RD, Nottingham, UK
Keywords: surface metrology, additive
manufacturing, selective laser melting.
Additive manufacturing (AM) includes several
technologies, where parts are fabricated from 3D
model data by adding material in a layer by layer
manner [1]. Due to the increased freedom of
design offered by AM processes, complex and
intricate geometries can be manufactured in a
near net-shape fashion. However, without
significant post-processing, AM technologies
have not typically been capable of achieving the
design requirements of many function-critical
parts, often failing in their ability to attain the
desired structural integrity, mechanical properties
or geometric accuracy required by the designer,
in comparison to the properties expected from a
conventionally manufactured counterpart [2,3].
Surface topography investigation is widely
recognised as a fundamental tool for
improvement of process-related knowledge [4].
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of
topographic formations can help to shed light on
the physics involved in the surface fabrication
process, thus facilitating the identification of how
process and material parameters influence the
structural, mechanical and geometrical properties
of the manufactured part.
This paper focuses on the topography of the
surfaces produced using selective laser melting
(SLM) of metals; a process which belongs to the
powder-bed fusion family of AM technologies
(see [1] for details). During the SLM process,
several physical interactions take place between
the laser, the powder bed and the layers
underneath, and it is such interactions that must
be fully investigated and understood, in order to
improve the SLM process. The typical surface
features encountered on an SLM layer, and
representative of the manufacturing process
fingerprint, are summarised in figure 1. The weld
tracks are the most evident features, appearing
as ridge-like formations indicating the path
followed by the processing laser while traversing
the powder bed. Smaller-scale ripples on the
weld tracks are formed as a result of the cyclical
process of liquefaction and solidification of the
melt pool as the laser moves across the surface
[5]. Unmelted powder particles typically appear
as small, randomly distributed sphere-like
protrusions [6]. Larger, similarly sphere-like,
formations are usually an indication of spatter, i.e.
the ejection of molten droplets from the melt pool,
that solidify in mid-air and adhere to the area
surrounding the weld track [7]. Surface recesses
are indicative of multiple phenomena: localised
discontinuities of the weld tracks due to balling
effects, incomplete welding between adjacent
tracks and micro-scale porosity due to gas
entrapment [7].
FIGURE 1. Topographic features relevant to
investigation of the manufacturing process
fingerprint, as they appear on a layer of an SLM
metallic part.
All of the above topographic formations present
significant measurement and characterisation
challenges: high slopes, undercuts and step-like
transitions are frequent, as well as significant
changes of optical properties within the field of
view; for example, because of the presence of
highly reflective and opaque regions, and/or more
varied and more uniform colour patterns [8]. AM
surfaces have freeform geometry, and are a
combination of structured surface texture with
random features a veritable horror story for
metrology. In this paper, we will summarise our
work in trying to establish an infrastructure for
measurement and characterisation of SLM
surfaces. This study is part of a wider
investigation, in which we intend to rigorously
examine additive surfaces for the purpose of
designing future measurement strategies.
A portion of the top surface of an SLM artefact
was selected as representative of the typical
features encountered on a metallic surface
produced by SLM. The region of interest (ROI) is
a square of approximately (2 × 2) mm in size,
taken from the top surface of a (20 × 20 × 20) mm
cube artefact, manufactured from Ti6Al4V using
a Renishaw AM250 SLM machine from a CAD
model of a cube with nominally flat faces. The
size of the ROI ensures that the field of view
(FOV) is adequately representative of the
topographical formations expected to be found on
the top surface, in order to demonstrate the
relevant measurement challenges.
The following commercial instruments,
measurement technologies, measurement
setups and types of returned datasets were
considered. Philips XL30 scanning electron
microscopy (SEM): at 61× magnification in
secondary electron mode; 2D intensity image.
Keyence VHX-5000 digital optical microscopy
(DOM): ; 100× to 1000× variable objective at
200× (FOV 3.05 mm × 2.28 mm) with focus
stacking (FS); 2D colour map. Alicona
InfiniteFocus G5 focus variation microscopy
(FVM): 20× objective lens (NA 0.40, FOV 0.81
mm × 0.81 mm, lateral resolution 3 μm) with FS,
stitching of multiple images performed in the
Alicona software; height map and colour map.
Olympus LEXT OLS4100 confocal microscopy
(CM): 20× objective lens (NA 0.6, FOV 0.64 mm
× 0.64 mm), stitching of multiple images
performed in the Olympus software; height map.
Zygo NewView 8300 coherence scanning
interferometry (CSI): 20× objective at 1× zoom
(NA 0.40, FOV 0.42 mm × 0.42 mm), stitching of
multiple images performed in the Zygo software;
height map. Nikon MCT 225 X-ray computed
tomography (XCT) [9]: geometric magnification of
44.1×, voxel size of 4.53 µm, 3142 X-ray
projections with two frames per projection, tube
voltage of 145 kV and current of 66 µA, 0.25 mm
copper pre-filter; triangulated mesh. Data were
reconstructed in the Nikon CT-Pro software,
using a second order beam hardening correction.
Surfaces were determined in VGStudio MAX 2.2
[10], using the maximum gradient method [11].
Colour maps, height maps and triangulated
meshes were examined as acquired by the
various measurement technologies. Colour maps
are calibrated images where pixels are mapped
to (x,y) coordinates. Height maps are maps
whose pixels contain height information. Height
maps are intrinsically limited to 2.5D data (i.e. no
undercuts or vertical surfaces), while triangulated
meshes are not (i.e. they are “full 3D” geometric
models). Currently, however, triangulated
meshes must be resampled into height maps in
order for texture parameters (such as those
defined by ISO 25178-2 [12]) to be computed.
The investigation focused specifically on how
challenging topographic formations are
processed by the various measurement
solutions, analysing in particular the features
discussed above that typically make SLM
surfaces problematic to measure.
The raw data were analysed in the surface
metrology software MountainsMap by DigitalSurf
[13]. Areal topographies were levelled by least-
squares mean plane subtraction using a common
reference region, and truncated to homogenise
colour scales in height maps. Datasets were
manually aligned via visual inspection of
topographic formations, and small areas were
extracted for feature comparison.
Investigation of optical images (see figure 2)
highlights the difficulties experienced when
utilising reflected light in measurements. While
amplifying smaller-scale features, (e.g. weld track
ripples), using reflected light can lead to bright,
highly saturated regions corresponding to the
most exposed parts of the topography, strongly
contrasted with the darker, deep recesses. This
is a typical issue with optical imaging and
measurement of SLM surfaces: higher intensity
incident light is needed to illuminate recesses, but
increases the chances of saturation in more
reflective regions, with the consequent loss of
topographic detail. This issue is in stark contrast
to the output of SEM imaging, where it is
generally easier to obtain clearer images overall.
Both optical and SEM images are characterised
by artefacts specific to each measurement
technology, which the expert eye must recognise
when visually inspecting the result. Multiple
reflections, projected shadows and optical
chromatic/geometric aberrations are common for
optical imaging; while charging artefacts, smears
and bright and dark halos are typical of SEM
imaging [14]. For optical imaging, a surface can
look considerably different if imaged through
coaxial or ring light, polarised or non-polarised
light, monochromatic or polychromatic light, and
if processed with different detector settings
(saturation, contrast, etc.). Analogously, SEM
imaging is affected by multiple parameters, such
as electron beam energy and detector sensitivity.
Investigation of close-up views of height maps
and images obtained via different measurement
solutions (see figure 3), highlights some of the
features which are most challenging to measure
for each measurement solution. The large recess
in the bottom left quadrant is particularly
interesting, as the returned information varies
substantially between measurements. The
protruded singularities are also of interest, as
they result in a range of different measurement
artefacts depending on the technology used to
acquire the specific dataset. Figure 3b and figure
3e highlight the presence of an exogenous
particle removed during stylus measurement also
performed on this sample as part of a wider study
(data shown in figure 3a, figure 3c, figure 3d and
figure 3f were taken after the stylus
measurement). Figure 3a also highlights the
presence of the scratch left by the stylus, which is
barely perceptible in the CSI data (figure 3d).
FIGURE 2. Colour and intensity maps: a) DOM; b) FVM; c) SEM.
FIGURE 3. Topography details (field of view approximately 0.3 mm × 0.3 mm) captured with different
measurement solutions; a) DOM; b) SEM; c) CM; d) CSI; e) FVM; f) XCT.
Some interesting considerations can be drawn
from the available data. Firstly, when an opinion
needs to be reached about the topography of a
SLM surface, it is intrinsically unadvisable to rely
on any measurement result taken individually.
Experimental findings demonstrate that no single
measurement technology or setup is optimal for
the measurement of all notable features that need
investigation. Secondly, no measurement
technology or setup amongst those compared
can be considered “higher class” than the others
and thus act as reference; in other words, there is
no “truth” to rely upon. Incorporation of traceable
stylus measurement may be able to provide this
reference, but alignment of stylus profiles to 2.5D
height maps is non-trivial.
The work presented in this paper highlights the
main challenges in measurement of metal
additive surfaces, through visual comparison of
measurements made using a variety of
technologies. It is clear from the measurements
made during this initial phase that the features
present on these surfaces are represented in
substantially different ways by each instrument,
and, therefore, that individual measurements
may not always be able to provide the information
required. Substantial further work is, therefore,
required in quantification of these differences, as
well as in extension to a wider array of metal and
polymer AM surfaces.
The authors would like to thank Dr Peter de Groot
and Dr Jack DiSciacca from Zygo Engineering for
their assistance in the acquisition of CSI data.
A.T. and R.K.L. would like to thank EPSRC
(Grants EP/M008983/1 and EP/L01534X/1) and
3TRPD Ltd. for funding this work. N.S. and R.K.L.
would also like to thank the EC-FP7-PEOPLE-
MC METROSURF for supporting this work. The
authors would like to thank DigitalSurf for
providing the MountainsMap software.
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... The most basic height parameters were originally developed to study conventionally manufactured surfaces; i.e., formed by machining or other subtractive technologies. However, in the case of metal additive manufacturing, the geometric complexity of the created surface topographies failed to be captured by standard characterization approaches [24,25]. A potential remedy would be to describe process-specific topographic features that are inherent to their fabrication, such as pits and hills, ridges, and valleys, which are often present in the microscopic images of additively manufactured metal parts [26]. ...
... For larger scales, minimum principal curvature and corresponding parameters could not be used to differentiate between surfaces. Understanding how and at what scales the fabrication process affected the processed material required a group of individual parameters to capture all the important aspects of its geometry that resulted from the manufacturing [24,55]. This stood in opposition to what is commonly used in the industry [56] and scientific community [57], where, for the analysis of geometrically complex surface topographies, basic profile (Ra, Rz, Rq) or areal (Sa, Sq) parameters are used most often. ...
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The paper presents the results of tests aimed at evaluating the surface textures of samples manufactured from material based on 316L stainless steel. The analysis of the surface topography was conducted based on the classical approach in accordance with the current standard and with the use of multiscale methods; i.e., wavelet transformation and geometric via curvature. Selective laser melting 3D printing technology was used to produce samples for surface testing. Furthermore, additional assessment of surfaces created as result of milling was conducted. Statistical research demonstrated a differentiation in the distribution of particular morphological features in certain ranges of the analyzed scales.
... Leach et al. 2 have dubbed the difficulties in the characterization of metal additive manufactured surfaces as ''a metrology horror story'' in their paper. Various researchers [2][3][4] have addressed this issue by characterizing the surface topography of powder bed fused metal components with the help of the available standard contact, non-contact and optical measurement technologies. ...
... Leach et al. 2 have dubbed the difficulties in the characterization of metal additive manufactured surfaces as ''a metrology horror story'' in their paper. Various researchers [2][3][4] have addressed this issue by characterizing the surface topography of powder bed fused metal components with the help of the available standard contact, non-contact and optical measurement technologies. These research works infer that a single measurement technology cannot be relied on for the complete characterization of the surface texture of powder bed fused metal components. ...
he Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process based additive manufacturing has wide applications in medical, aerospace,defense, and automotive industries. To qualify the components for certain tribological applications, the characterizationof surface texture is very important. But the applicability of traditional methods and parameters to characterize the sur-face texture were under evaluation. As the nature manufacturing the components were very different and complex, theunconventional surface characterization methods also under evaluation to reveal much more meaningful information.This study demonstrates the surface characterization of Ti-6Al-4V SLM components using fractal analysis of the surfaceimages. The computed fractal dimension using the Fourier transform method showed a strong correlation of more than0.8 with the measured 3D surface roughness parameters. The change in anisotropic nature of the surface images withthe process parameter variation is studied and found that the surface textures showed a weaker anisotropic nature atlower laser power ranges, high scanning speed, and high hatch distance values. The lacunarity analysis is carried out usingthe gliding box algorithm to study the homogeneity nature of the surface texture and found that the surface texture ismore homogeneous at higher surface roughness conditions. The study results can be utilized for the development of aquick, low-cost surface monitoring system in real-time for additive manufacturing industries
... Analyzing the current state of knowledge, it should be noted that in the evaluation of additively manufactured surfaces, the classical approach based on parametric evaluation and Gaussian transformation seems insufficient [12,13]. The geometric complexity of the surface, with the formation of many defects such as overmelts, powder particles of various diameters that have not been fully sintered, the formation of additional randomly distributed morphological features, and other process errors reflected on the surface of the elements, mean that a parametric description based on statistical measures does not allow for a full picture of the surface complexity [14]. Consequently, the transfer of key information is used for diagnostic analysis of its functional, user characteristics. ...
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This paper presents the results of studies aimed at assessing the impact of the molding process on the variability of surface irregularities of casting models. This research was conducted using a selected multiscale method, i.e., wavelet transformation, in both discrete and continuous perspective. The test samples were made both based on traditional methods of manufacturing casting models, i.e., machining of aluminum and wood, as well as using three additive technologies. The impact of the forming process on the variability of the topography of the produced models was evaluated. This research comprehensively relates to the assessment of the applicability of additive technologies, which are increasingly used in various industrial areas, as well as the impact of the process on surface topography in relation to scale. The statistical assessment based on the ANOVA analysis demonstrated that it is possible to distinguish between the surfaces before and after a specific number of forming cycles. Studies have shown that the impact of the forming process is relatively small, mainly affecting the long-term irregularity components, and there are no functional dependencies in terms of the impact of the forming process on the variation in surface topography in relation to the manufacturing method or its parameters.
... The development of science and technology determined the need to develop new algorithms which allow for a more complex and comprehensive assessment of a surface, in particular those made by modern methods. Additive technologies, due to technological limitations, and in spite of the numerous advantages [36,52], are not free from disadvantages in particular in terms of surface morphology [53]. In this case, the application of a classic approach [54] often appears insufficient [55]. ...
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The article assesses the impact of data treatment on the possibility of assessing the morphological features of additively manufactured spherical surfaces. Tests were carried out on specimens manufactured by PBF-LB/M additive technology, using titanium-powder-based material (Ti6Al4V). The surface topography was assessed using one of the multiscale methods—wavelet transformation. The tests carried out on a wide spectrum of mother wavelet forms emphasized the occurrence of characteristic morphological features on the surface of the tested specimens. Moreover, the significance of the impact of specific metrology operations, measurement data processing and its parameters on the filtration result were noted. Comprehensive assessment of additively manufactured spherical surfaces with simultaneous analysis of the impact of measurement data processing is a novelty and fills a research gap relating to comprehensive surface diagnostics. The research contributes to the development of modern diagnostic systems allowing for a fast and comprehensive assessment of surface topography, taking into account the various stages of data analysis.
... Understanding the manner and scale in which a production process impacted morphological features required a comprehensive evaluation of individual processes, in order to analyse all important geometry aspects that resulted from it. A classic ISO-based perception of surface textures seems to be insufficient in these aspects [38], due to high process complexity [39]. ...
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The article discusses experimental studies assessing the possibility of mapping surfaces with a characteristic distribution of irregularities. Tests involved surfaces produced using the L-PBF additive technology, using titanium-powder-based material (Ti6Al4V). An evaluation of the resulting surface texture was extended to cover the application of a modern, multiscale analysis, i.e., wavelet transformation. The conducted analysis that involved using selected mother wavelet enabled production process errors and involved determining the size of resulting surface irregularities. The tests provide guidelines and enable a better understanding of the possibility of producing fully functional elements on surfaces, where morphological surface features are distributed in a characteristic way. Conducted statistical studies showed the advantages and disadvantages of the applied solution.
... In many mechanical engineering applications, this issue plays a primary role [43,44]. In additive manufacturing, surface topography is considered an important feature of functional character [45,46]. The possibilities of mapping the surface by means of various techniques are analyzed, in addition to those originating from the geometry measurements in the macro scale [47]. ...
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Robotic-directed energy deposition has attracted the attention of the research community and industry as a process capable of producing large metallic parts. The selection of the manufacturing conditions is a critical step in improving the process efficiency and quality of the produced parts. The present work aims at analyzing the geometry and surface topography of walls built using several conditions and inclination angles, without additional supports except for the substrate. The walls were made of AWS A5.18. ER70S-6 steel using the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing process. The study used both dimensional and 3D topography measurements to analyze the results. As findings, the travel speed played an important role in the size of the cross-section due to the heat input to the welding zone. Heat accumulation was a critical factor in the size and accuracy of the beads. Moreover, intermediate cooling provided structures with more uniform dimensions, smaller width, and higher layer growth. The inclination of the pieces influenced the width and uniformity of the beads, generating minor imperfections on the downside of the pieces because of gravity.
... There are technological limitations associated with the component fabrication process, such as layer thickness and minimum laser beam diameter, preventing the formation of small features on the surface. The difficulties associated with mapping a designed component using AM technology are related to a number of physical processes between the laser, the powder bed, and the layers underneath [51]. Moreover, when considering metrological aspects, it should be noted that real and measured surfaces are not the same due to a series of technological components affecting the measurement process. ...
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This paper presents the results of an experimental study to evaluate the possibility of using SLM additive technology to produce structures with specific surface morphological features. Qualitative and quantitative tests were conducted on samples fabricated by 3D printing from titanium (Ti6Al4V)-powder-based material and analysed in direct relation to the possibility of their use in medicine for the construction of femoral stem and models with a specific degree of porosity predicted by process-control in the self-decision-making 3D printing machine. This paper presents the results of the study, limitations of the method, recommendations that should be used in the design of finished products, and design proposals to support the fabrication process of 3D printers. Furthermore, the study contains an evaluation of how the printing direction affects the formation of certain structures on the printed surface. The research can be used in the development of 3D printing standardization, particularly in the consideration of process control and surface control.
... Different and highly detailed standards have been developed over the years to analyse the roughness and waviness of conventionally manufactured surfaces [23][24][25] . However, the applicability of these standard surface roughness measurement parameters to additively manufactured complex surfaces is still limited [26] . The use of areal surface roughness measurements, texture analysis methods, and techniques in spectral domain seems to be more appropriate for such purposes [27][28][29] . ...
Low surface quality of as-deposited laser metal deposition (LMD) parts is one of the main drawbacks of this additive manufacturing technology that prevents direct use without the implementation of costly and time consuming post-processes. An in-process surface finishing operation without the need of auxiliary equipment is highly appealing to overcome such issues. For this reason, laser re-melting performed with the same laser equipment used for the deposition process is a promising technology capable of redistributing the deposited material onto a smoother surface. Combined with a robotic manipulation system used for both the LMD and laser re-melting phases, complex geometries can potentially be produced in near net-shape conditions. An important issue concerning development of this process development regards the use of standardized roughness and waviness parameters, which can fail to address the texture specific to the LMD process. Indeed, the laser re-melting process can produce new texture formation under non-optimal conditions. Hence, an analysis of the surface topography in the frequency domain along with the standard surface roughness and waviness parameters would be more appropriate. In this work, laser re-melting is applied to AISI 316L thin walled structures right after the deposition process. An experimental campaign aimed at finding the process parameters and re-melting strategy capable of improving the surface quality was carried out. Areal surface profile measurements were used for characterizing the effect of the process parameters. The surface power spectrum on the S-F surface was calculated to point out the presence of periodical components in the surface structure and a transfer function calculation was performed to define the surface quality improvement in the frequency domain compared to the LMD as-deposited surface. The acquired surface areal data was assessed at two different spatial frequency regions corresponding to the S-L and L-F surfaces. The arithmetic average of the filtered surface areal data was used to calculate Sa, SF and Sa, LF analogously to the average roughness and waviness parameters of linear measurements respectively. Results showed, in the optimized conditions, a reduction of up to 79% in Sa, SF corresponding to the roughness related frequency range. On the other hand, the Sa, LF parameter corresponding to the waviness realted frequency range was reduced up to 58% due to the low effectiveness of laser re-melting in reducing the amplitude of the lowest frequency components. The overall improvement in terms of process capability was evaluated as mean ± 3 times the sample standard deviation values (µ±3σ). The average surface roughness Sa, SF could be reduced from 10.35±0.42 µm to 1.92±0.11 µm and average surface waviness Sa, LF from 9.57±0.48 µm to 4.04±0.20 µm.
Additive techniques become more and more common in manufacturing processes. Among metallic materials an interesting technique for depositing metallic layers is the use of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing process, where 3D metallic structures are created using welding technologies, i.e. Gas Metal Arc Welding. In the paper an analysis of measurement devices for surfaces after that kind of manufacturing was presented. A computer tomograph as well as two types of scanners were used, respectively with a high and low resolution. For dimensional measurements the results showed that a CT is a good option, enabling to properly represent the real work piece. The results obtained with a high resolution scanner were usually pretty close, except for few cases. On the other hand, a low resolution scanner due to a large distance between points was not able to show good dimensions. Pores in structures were also inspected. The biggest problems with pores occurred where path of a robotic arm was the most complicated.KeywordsWire Arc Additive ManufacturingScannerComputed tomography
The increase in the use of metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes in major industries like aerospace, defense, and electronics indicates the need for maintaining a tight quality control. A quick, low-cost, and reliable online surface texture measurement and verification system are required to improve its industrial adoption. In this paper, a comprehensive investigation of the surface characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V selective laser melted (SLM) parts using image texture parameters is discussed. The image texture parameters extracted from the surface images using first-order and second-order statistical methods, and measured 3D surface roughness parameters are used for characterizing the SLM surfaces. A comparative study of roughness prediction models developed using various machine learning approaches is also presented. Among the models, the Gaussian process regression (GPR) model gives an accurate prediction of roughness values with an R2 value of more than 0.9. The test data results of all models are presented.
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Many applications that exploit the manufacturing flexibility of additive manufacturing (AM) produce surfaces, primarily internal features, which cannot be measured using conventional contact or line-of-sight optical methods. This paper evaluates the capability of a novel technique to extract areal surface data from micro-focus x-ray computed tomography (XCT) from AM components and then generate surface parameter data per ISO 25178-2. This non-destructive evaluation of internal features has potential advantages during AM product research and commercial production. The data extracted from XCT is compared with data extracted using a focus variation instrument. A reference dimensional artefact is included in all XCT measurements to evaluate XCT surface determination performance and dimensional scaling accuracy. Selected areal parameters generated using the extraction technique are compared, including Sa, for which the nominal difference between the value obtained using XCT and used the focus variation method was less than 2.5%.
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Additive manufacturing (AM), also commonly known as 3D printing, allows the direct fabrication of functional parts with complex shapes from digital models. In this review, the current progress of two AM processes suitable for metallic orthopaedic implant applications, namely selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM) are presented. Several critical design factors such as the need for data acquisition for patient-specific design, design dependent porosity for osteo-inductive implants, surface topology of the implants and design for reduction of stress-shielding in implants are discussed. Additive manufactured biomaterials such as 316L stainless steel, titanium-6aluminium-4vanadium (Ti6Al4V) and cobalt-chromium (CoCr) are highlighted. Limitations and future potential of such technologies are also explored. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a radiographic scanning technique for visualising cross-sectional images of an object non-destructively. From these cross-sectional images it is possible to evaluate internal dimensional features of a workpiece which may otherwise be inaccessible to tactile and optical instruments. Beam hardening is a physical process that degrades the quality of CT images and has previously been suggested to influence dimensional measurements. Using a validated simulation tool, the influence of spectrum pre-filtration and beam hardening correction are evaluated for internal and external dimensional measurements. Beam hardening is shown to influence internal and external dimensions in opposition, and to have a greater influence on outer dimensions compared to inner dimensions. The results suggest the combination of spectrum pre-filtration and a local gradient-based surface determination method are able to greatly reduce the influence of beam hardening in X-ray CT for dimensional metrology.
A comprehensive analysis of literature pertaining to surface texture metrology for metal additive manufacturing has been performed. This review paper structures the results of this analysis into sections that address specific areas of interest: industrial domain, additive manufacturing processes and materials; types of surface investigated; surface measurement technology and surface texture characterisation. Each section reports on how frequently specific techniques, processes or materials have been utilised and discusses how and why they are employed. Based on these results, possible optimisation of methods and reporting is suggested and the areas that may have significant potential for future research are highlighted.
This paper reviews published data on the mechanical properties of additively manufactured metallic materials. The additive manufacturing techniques utilized to generate samples covered in this review include Powder Bed Fusion (e.g. EBM, SLM, DMLS, etc.) and Directed Energy Deposition (e.g. LENS, EBF3, etc.). While only a limited number of metallic alloy systems are currently available for additive manufacturing (e.g. Ti-6Al-4V, TiAl, Stainless Steel, Inconel 625/718 and Al-Si-10Mg), the bulk of the published mechanical properties information has been generated on Ti-6Al-4V. However, individual summary tables for published mechanical properties and/or key figures are included for each of the alloys listed above, grouped by the additive technique utilized to generate the data. Published mechanical properties obtained from hardness, tension/compression, fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth, and high cycle fatigue are included for as-built, heat treated and/or HIPped conditions in the tables and figures, when available. The effects of test orientation/build direction on properties are also provided, when available, along with discussion of potential source(s) (e.g. texture, microstructure changes, defects, etc.) of anisotropy in properties. Recommendations for additional work are also provided.
This book covers in detail the various aspects of joining materials to form parts. A conceptual overview of rapid prototyping and layered manufacturing is given, beginning with the fundamentals so that readers can get up to speed quickly. Unusual and emerging applications such as micro-scale manufacturing, medical applications, aerospace, and rapid manufacturing are also discussed. This book provides a comprehensive overview of rapid prototyping technologies as well as support technologies such as software systems, vacuum casting, investment casting, plating, infiltration and other systems. This book also: Reflects recent developments and trends and adheres to the ASTM, SI, and other standards Includes chapters on automotive technology, aerospace technology and low-cost AM technologies Provides a broad range of technical questions to ensure comprehensive understanding of the concepts covered.
The influence of selective laser melting (SLM) process parameters (laser power, scan speed, scan spacing, and island size using a Concept Laser M2 system) on the porosity development in AlSi10Mg alloy builds has been investigated, using statistical design of experimental approach, correlated with the energy density model. A two-factor interaction model showed that the laser power, scan speed, and the interaction between the scan speed and scan spacing have the major influence on the porosity development in the builds. By driving the statistical method to minimise the porosity fraction, optimum process parameters were obtained. The optimum build parameters were validated, and subsequently used to build rod-shaped samples to assess the room temperature and high temperature (creep) mechanical properties. The samples produced using SLM showed better strength and elongation properties, compared to die cast Al-alloys of similar composition. Creep results showed better rupture life than cast alloy, with a good agreement with the Larson-Miller literature data for this alloy composition.
The creation of an object by selective laser melting (SLM) occurs by melting contiguous areas of a powder bed according to a corresponding digital model. It is therefore clear that the success of this metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology relies on the comprehension of the events that take place during the melting and solidification of the powder bed. This study was designed to understand the generation of the laser spatter that is commonly observed during SLM and the potential effects that the spatter has on the processing of 316L stainless steel, Al-Si10-Mg, and Ti-6Al-4V. With the exception of Ti-6Al-4V, the characterization of the laser spatter revealed the presence of surface oxides enriched in the most volatile alloying elements of the materials. The study will discuss the implication of this finding on the material quality of the built parts.