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Assessing four decades of wintering crane counts in Spain, Portugal and Morocco

  • Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC)
  • Fundación Migres

Abstract and Figures

The Common crane winter counts carried out in Spain, Portugal and Morocco during the last four decades show a extraordinarily increasing trend, from the ca. 40000 birds counted in the mid 1980's to a total of 232298 birds in winter 2013/14. Such a marked increase cannot be explained as an intrinsic demographic growth alone, given juvenile productivity values measured in this species, and reasonable mortality estima­ tes based on values published for other cranes. Additional factors contributing to the trend observed have surely been: (a) an increase in survey coverage; (b) a progressively better knowledge of the surveyed areas, particularty in Spain; (c) a northward shift of the wintering range, from relatively high numbers wintering in unknown sites in Morocco in the past to higher concentrations at present in areas where birds are easier to count, like Gallocanta; (d) a possible shift of an unknown number of cranes from eastern migratory routes to the western route. In sum, an actual demographic increase has unquestionably occurred in the western European population of Common cranes over the last 40 years, which can be explained by a likely reduction in mortality favoured by the shorter migration journey and higher food availability at staging areas, and to a higher availability of nesting sites due to current protection measures at breeding areas. However, here we want to highlight that such increase has not been as pronounced as the available counts suggest. To quantify that population increase more accurately, and to understand its consequences for the species' management, we need to obtain accurate mortality rates from the database of marked birds. Using these marked birds, we can also quantify possible shifts between migratory routes.
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1 0- 14 NOVEMBER
... Its population size in western Europe could have increased since the last quarter of the 20th century (Hansbauer et al. 2014), but the mechanisms leading to the increase are not well known or appear contradictory. For example, the increase in numbers of cranes migrating and overwintering can be explained by methodological improvements for counting cranes and also by the increase in numbers of birdwatchers and wildlife managers counting them since 1975 (Alonso et al. 2016). ...
... The positive influences of extra food from agriculture, climate, habitat restoration and protection measures must have played a role in the breeding population increase (Leito et al. 2015;Prange 2014) and induced a northward shift of the wintering range in recent decades (Alonso et al. 2016 and references therein). Even a shift from eastern to western Europe, but this possibility remains unproven and there is little evidence that breeding cranes from eastern Europe become breeders in western Europe (Vegvari 2018). ...
... Population growth rates that would result from most published series of crane counts are not possible with the species' annual recruitment of c. 12% measured in the wintering grounds ) and the apparent survival rate of  = 0.85 obtained in the present study. Further refinements in calculation of  with EDB or other databases of ringed cranes could rise , but intrinsic demographic growth alone would be still unlikely even assuming a conservative survival rate of  = 0.92 (see Alonso et al. 2016). Current data on longevity does not contribute to solve the difficulties, because the moving-wall of time blocks the maximum lifespan in EDB records (27 years, Fig.1). ...
Conference Paper
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Biodiversity loss is one of the global challenges that we all encounter due to over exploitation of natural resources by human beings. The Black-crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina L.) is one of the six crane species found in Africa with population declining and considered as vulnerable species. Black-crowned Crane habitat especially wetlands are declining in many regions. Because wetlands are declining in extent and areal coverage, we suggest convincing the importance’s of wetlands for the local communities as one of the major ecosystem services is a pre-requisite actions for conservation. To minimize the over-exploitation of wetlands, understanding the knowledge, attitude and practices of local people is important for conservation actions. Human beings drive both threats to biodiversity and its conservation. In order to minimize the threat and loss of the species, the bottom-up and top-down conservation approaches was conducted in Jimma Zone, south-western Ethiopia. Both approaches are complementary and necessary components of conservation. A systematic survey research, field observation, and focused group discussions was conducted from March 2015 to January 2016 in the study area in order to identify the major threats of Black-crowned Crane and the way forward for practical conservation actions. The overall results show that the Black-crowned Crane is under threats because of habitat loss. To overcome the existing situations, various training and workshop was conducted for the communities, students at different levels and multi-stakeholders. Moreover, social media and mass media were frequently used for public awareness at large. Finally, the findings suggests that greater attention is needed to promote public awareness on Black-crowned Crane conservation using both bottom-up and top-down conservation approaches.
... During the last 40 years, the European population has experienced a significant increase (Vegvari and Tar 2002;Mewes et al. 2010;Harris and Mirande 2013), recovering from a big decline of the breeding population that took place until the 1980s, largely associated with hunting, habitat loss and habitat degradation (European Union 2019; Nilsson et al. 2019). According to the last estimates, the population along the Western European flyway, one of the two major migratory routes used by European cranes (Prange 2005) and the Baltic-Hungarian route (used mostly by north-eastern European cranes; Prange 2005), consists of about 500,000 individuals: 350,000 account for the Western European flyway and 150,000 for the Baltic-Hungarian route (Alonso et al. 2016;Prange 2016). The main reasons responsible for the population increase are the protection and management of many crucial staging, roosting and wintering sites under Natura 2000 (and other funding instruments from the European Union, such as LIFE programmes; e.g. ...
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The Common Crane (Grus grus) population has experienced an unprecedented increase across Europe during the last decades. Although cranes feed mostly on invertebrates, amphibians and berries during the breeding season, they can also eat eggs and young of other birds. Therefore, conservationists have raised concerns about the potential predatory effect of cranes on wetland avifauna, but the effects of crane predation on bird numbers have so far not been investigated. We here test the relationship between the crane and peatland bird population’ abundances in Finland for five common wader and passerine species, and a set of seven less common waders, using line-transect data spanning from 1987 to 2014. We found that the population densities of two small passerines (Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis and Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava) and one wader species (Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola) were positively associated with crane numbers, probably related to a protective effect against nest predators. For the two other common species and the set of less common waders, we did not find any significant relationships with crane abundance. None of the species was influenced by the (lagged) effect of crane presence (i.e. years since crane was first observed). Peatland drainage was responsible for most species’ negative densities, indicating the need to protect and restore peatlands to mitigate the loss of peatland bird diversity in Finland. In addition, openness, wetness and area size were important peatland characteristics positively influencing most of the studied bird populations. The development in crane and other mire bird numbers in Europe should be monitored regularly to reveal any possible future predatory effects contributing to the shaping of the peatland bird community.
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This paper is a communication presented in October 1985 at the "International Crane Foundation, Working Group on European Cranes 1st meeting" held at Orosháza-Kardoskút, Hungary and later published in a special issue ot the journal "Aguila"
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Capsule: German breeding birds wintered mainly in southwest Spain and some in France. Aims: To describe migration routes and phenology, and the interannual fidelity to staging and wintering sites. Methods: A total of 93 cranes were colour-banded, and 67 of them radiotagged, at their breeding territories in northern Germany and later located at their wintering areas in Spain. Results: After a migratory trip lasting 3-28 days, most cranes arrived at Gallocanta in northeastern Spain, where they staged for 1-44 days. Some families stayed there the whole winter, but most continued to southwestern Iberia, where they dispersed over at least 13 wintering areas. Site fidelity was more marked in adult pairs than immatures, half of which used different areas in their second and third winters from those used by their parents. Conclusions: Most German cranes wintered in southwestern Spain, with smaller numbers in France. Some immatures remained in France as second- or third-year birds, after having spent their first winter in Spain with their parents, whereas none of them shifted southwards. This suggests that immatures have probably contributed more than adult pairs to the northward shift in the winter range observed during the last decades.
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La población de grulla común (Grus grus) invernante en España a finales de diciembre de 2007 fue de 151.423 individuos. Más de 250 colaboradores visitaron 144 humedales, obteniendo datos positivos en 114 (el 79%), repartidos en 21 provincias. El método de censo utilizado fue el recuento directo de las grullas en dormideros nocturnos. La cobertura se considera muy buena y las cifras obtenidas ofrecen una aproximación precisa del tamaño real de la población. Por comunidades, la grulla se distribuye en Extremadura (80.000 grullas, 53%), Castilla-La Mancha (27.500; 18%), Aragón (24.350; 16%), Andalucía (14.700; 10%) y Castilla y León (5.000; 3%). La Comunidad Valenciana y las Islas Baleares tuvieron una presencia anecdótica de sólo 25 aves entre ambas comunidades. Por provincias, las más importantes fueron Badajoz, con 41.000 grullas; Cáceres, con 39.000; Zaragoza, con 22.400, y Toledo, con 16.000. Con cifras entre 4.000 y 6.500 aves estuvieron Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Sevilla, Cuenca y Salamanca. Huesca, Cádiz y Málaga arrojaron valores entre 1.400 y 2.000 individuos. No obstante, esta división provincial debe tomarse con cierta reserva, dado que los tres dormideros más importantes, y otros menores, se encontraban sobre límites provinciales o muy cerca de ellos. Los núcleos de invernada más destacados fueron Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz y Cáceres), con 33.000 grullas en 15 dormideros; Gallocanta (Zaragoza y Teruel), con 22.000 en un dormidero; Rosarito-Valdecañas (Cáceres y Toledo), con 16.000 en 9 dormideros; y La Mancha (Toledo, Cuenca y Ciudad Real), con 13.000 en 10 dormideros. Sólo 3 dormideros acogieron más de 5.000 grullas: laguna de Gallocanta (Zaragoza) con 22.361 aves, regadíos de Casas de Hitos (Cáceres) con 11.325 y embalse de Rosarito (Toledo) con 6.912. Otros 3 ofrecieron cifras entre 4.000 y 5.000 grullas: río Guadamatilla (Córdoba), Casas de Don Pedro (Badajoz) y embalse de El Borbollón (Cáceres). El tamaño medio de dormidero se situó en 1.328 aves, estando todos ellos, excepto tres en dehesas, ubicados en humedales. Por tipo de humedal, el 36% de las grullas utilizó embalses, el 26% lagunas y encharcamientos naturales y el 22% arrozales. El 17% restante se repartió en ríos, balsas artificiales y marismas. Con anterioridad, se han realizado otros tres censos nacionales de grulla común en España, con resultados de 14.721 aves en 1980, 39.573 aves en 1988 y 93.241 grullas en 2004. Entre ellos se aprecia una tendencia muy positiva y constante que se mantiene hasta el presente, con cifras que se han triplicado en los últimos 20 años. La población española de grulla común queda incluida dentro de la denominada ruta migratoria europea occidental, con áreas de cría en Noruega, Suecia, Alemania, Finlandia, Polonia, países bálticos y oeste de Rusia, y cuarteles de invernada en España, Francia, Alemania, Portugal y Marruecos. Teniendo en cuenta el resultado del presente censo en España, 152.000 aves, y los datos publicados para los otros países de invernada (Francia 50.000 aves, Alemania 7.000, Portugal 6.000 y Marruecos 1.000), se estima una población invernante de 220.000 grullas en el conjunto de esta ruta migratoria. Esta cifra triplica la estimada en 1992, hace tan sólo 15 años, a un ritmo medio de 9.000 grullas más por año. Este aumento es paralelo al detectado en las zonas de reproducción, que no deja ser sorprendente para una especie con baja productividad reproductora. La grulla común no cumple en España ninguno de los criterios que definen las categorías de amenaza de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). Por tanto, la grulla común presenta un estado de conservación favorable en nuestro país.
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The numbers of common cranes (Crus grus) staging and wintering at Laguna de Gallocanta, northeastern Spain, have increased throughout the period 1970-90. Consequently, we modeled the use of this area by cranes using Box-Jenkins Time Series Analysis to evaluate the influence of local food availability, duck hunting, and habitat and food conditions at other more traditional crane wintering areas in southwestern Spain on Gallocanta crane numbers. Food availability was not correlated with crane numbers at Gallocanta except during mid-winter. However, restrictions on duck hunting in 1973 and its total prohibition in 1981 correlated with increased crane numbers, and probably provided the most immediate reason for this increase. Habitat and food conditions at other Wintering areas had no apparent influence upon crane numbers at Gallocanta. Because annual productivity figures were not correlated with the observed increase, we suggest that a northward shift in the wintering range associated with food provided by agriculture, together with a possible decline in mortality due to legal protection along the species' migratory route, probably have been major long-term factors contributing to the increase in cranes wintering at Gallocanta.
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A survey of wintering cranes in the Tangier region (northern Morocco) was carried out in January 2009. Surveying combined census on foot or on vehicle with observations from strategic observatories. As a result of this effort a minimum of 983 and a maximum of 1,078 cranes were recor- ded, gathered in Tahadart and El Hachef valleys. Comparing with earlier censuses (in the seventies and eighties) there is an increase in the number of birds wintering in this area. We provide two possible explanations: a population increase related to the trends on European populations or a northern shift of the southernmost wintering cranes in Morocco. Palabras clave censo invernal; grulla; Marruecos.
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The influence of distribution and abundance of food (maize) on Common Crane behaviour and distribution patterns in time and space was analysed in the farmlands of south-western France. The maize stock most likely to be exploited by cranes gradually decreases from November to March because of autumnal germination, seed mass loss during winter, and burial during tilling of the soil. The variation of crane numbers over time does not depend on seed stock changes. The feeding behaviour of these birds does not change with decreasing seed availability, whereas gregariousness increases. The plots most likely to be selected by cranes offer accessibility to seeds and the best food supplies: crushed maize, in the first instance, and when this is not available, pulverized maize. Feeding behaviour and gregariousness do not vary with plot quality.
Survival rates and mortality factors of Florida Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensispratensis) were studied in the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia, during 1986-1988. Mean annual survival was 0.89 and varicd from 0.82 for adult malcs to 0.94 for subadults (sexes combined). In spring, adult males exhibited the lowest seasonal survival rate among sex and age classes (0.80,_P <0.05): survival was 1.00 in winter. Bobcats (Fells ruf • ') were responsible for 5 of 7 deaths attributcd to prcdation. There are no published studies on survival rates of migratory or nonmigratory Sandhill Cranes. Annual survival of Whooping Cranes (G. americana) has aver-aged 0.89, 1939-85 (Boyce 1985), but in recent years, 1978-88, has ranged from 0.91 to 0.94 (Doughty 1989). The status of migratory Sandhill Crane populations is currently based upon surveys of adult-juvenile ratios in fall (Lovvom and Kirkpatrick 1982, Tacha and Vohs 1984), and population surveys on breeding and staging areas (Bcnning and Johnson 1987, Harris and Knoop 1987). However, these techniques require long-term monitoring and arc of limited effectiveness on nonmigra-tory populations that inhabit remote wetlands or arc difficult to survey.