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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017
53 | P a g e
Security and Privacy Risks Awareness for Bring Your
Own Device (BYOD) Paradigm
Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, Chen Wai Chan and Zakiah Zulkefli
School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Abstract—The growing trend of BYOD in the higher
education institutions creates a new form of student learning
pedagogy in which students are able to use the mobile devices for
their academic purposes in anywhere and anytime. Security
threat in the paradigm of BYOD creates a great opportunity for
hackers or attackers to find new attacks or vulnerabilities that
could possibly exploit the students’ mobile devices and gains
valuable data from them. A survey was conducted in learning the
current awareness of security and privacy importance in BYOD
for higher education in Malaysia. Based on the analysis of this
survey, it demonstrates that the trend of BYOD in Malaysia has
begun. Thoroughly, the survey results have been proven that the
current basic fundamental security and privacy awareness and
knowledge on mobile devices or applications is important in
order to protect their mobile devices or data.
Keywords—Mobile Computing; BYOD Higher Education;
Security; Privacy; Malicious Software; Risk
A tremendous growth in lightweight, portable computing
devices and wireless communications has made mobile
computing becomes a next-generation computer technology
that would transform the way of people interact with each
other not just in their daily life, even in their student life.
Smartphones, tablets, PDAs, USB memory drives are the
perfect examples of mobile computing devices. These devices
are equipped with services such as file transfer, internet
browsing, mailing services and web-based applications, where
these services allow the users to access data or information
and collaborate with each other on the move [1]. Thus, there is
an increasing use of mobile computing devices among
students for their higher education purposes as these devices
provide an opportunity for better productivity, performance,
convenience and also a promise of mobility [1]. This
phenomena leads to a trend which is known as Bring Your
Own Device (BYOD) Higher Education, where students are
allowed to bring their own devices into their study place and
they can perform their educational activities through their own
The increasing use of mobile devices or apps among the
students and the growing popularity of the BYOD Higher
Education have led to a serious security and privacy attacks
towards the campus data and network as well as student’s
personal information stored on their devices such as student’s
records, grades, financial and research information and etc.
For example, spear phishing [2], Advanced Persistent Threat
(APT) attack [3, 4] and malware [4] are the potential attack
vectors for BYOD models. Other than that, most of the
educational institutions have allowed some form of BYOD
trend onto their campus via Network Access Control (NAC)
without implementing any organized BYOD policies. This
approach poses risk towards the institution’s networks as well
as student devices such as unauthorized access, attacks of
malware and viruses, loss of data and etc. [5].
Thus, the main aim of this study is to observe the
awareness of BYOD paradigm and the security and privacy
threats that occur within this environment. The objectives of
the survey are 1) to investigate the growing trend of BYOD
Higher Education and 2) to examine the student’s security and
privacy knowledge and awareness on mobile devices or
applications. The significance of the survey is to understand
the perception of the current generation Y on the concept of
BYOD and its security challenges that comes with it.
The remainder of the paper is structured as the following.
Section 2 covers the background study of BYOD and its
security and privacy issue in higher education. Section 3
focusing on BYOD survey conducted to increase the user
awareness. Section 4 and 5 are respectively provided a
discussion on the survey and the conclusion thoroughly.
This chapter comprised of three parts included BYOD in
higher education, m-learning adoption and security and
privacy risks on BYOD.
A. BYOD in Higher Education
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Higher Education refers
to the practice of higher education students using their own
mobile computing devices in their lecture hall or classrooms.
Traditionally, BYOD devices include laptops, PDAs, but
recently the growing usage of smartphones and tablets have
become a part of BYOD devices which offers a high degree of
mobility and flexibility. Yu [6] observed that there are three
major ways where smartphones were being used in higher
education, such as using inbuilt web browsers to access
educational materials through online, and using mobile
applications to access and interact with a course or lecture
content. There also have other uses of smartphones such as
recording lectures and seminars, participating in-class polls,
logging academic data, taking notes, scanning documents and
etc. Tablets such as Apple iPad, Amazon’s Kindle, and
Samsung Galaxy Tab offer students and lecturers a portable
tool by expanding the connectivity and mobility of
smartphones through a larger screen and processing power.
Johnson, et al. [7] have defined the uses of tablets in education
with this statement: “… have gained traction in education
This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
(FRGS) of Universiti Sains Malaysia.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017
54 | P a g e
because users can seamlessly load sets of apps and content of
their choosing, making the tablet itself a portable personalized
learning environment”.
B. M-Learning Adoption
According to Akour [8], there are various important
factors that influence the acceptance of mobile learning among
university students, such as student readiness, ease of access,
quality of services, extrinsic influences and institutional
commitment. In Lippincott [9], it's believed that the increased
capabilities of mobile devices could lead to a new form of
engagement with student learning pedagogy. The author also
states her belief that student use of mobile devices in higher
education correlates to their major area of study as well.
Nowadays, mobile services are provided widely in many
universities, for example Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Harvard University
and etc. Besides, the use of mobile learning (m-learning)
services in higher education are also becoming one of the
active topics in research [10]. In Alzaza and Yaakub [11], the
authors explain that the concept of m-learning is considered as
the next form of e-learning using mobile technologies so that
teachers and learners are able to conduct their learning process
in anywhere and anytime. In addition, the authors also
conducted a study on the students’ awareness and
requirements of mobile learning services among Malaysian
students in the higher education environment. The results
indicate that the students have adequate knowledge and
awareness to use the mobile technologies as their choice of the
learning environment. M-learning also provides various
advantages including freedom to study, low cost, timely
application [12], authentic and reliable learning situations,
ease of use, support in learning situations [13] , fast
production of digital learning materials and flexibility of
learning [14].
M-learning could provide lecturers to encourage students
to use their devices and some collaborative tools that they
support in order to work together on assignments in both
physical and virtual learning environments [15]. Other than
that, some of the mobile applications could increase the
interaction between students and lecturers through an in-class
tasks, where it allows students to learn in their preferred
places and foster a student-centered learning approach [16].
C. Security and Privacy Risks on BYOD
In this section, security and privacy list will be discussed
1) Installation of malicious software on BYOD
According to Bandara, Ioras, and Maher [17], university
and college students are the biggest user of social media or
social networking apps such as Facebook, Twitter and
YouTube. However, this can lead malwares and viruses such
as Wildfire, hosting and spreading throughout the student’s
personal devices. Bradley, Loucks, Macaulay, Medcalf, and
Buckalew [18] explained that an accidental malware
downloads not only infects the device itself, it also can easily
spread to an entire organization’s network within a few
seconds. A common mobile malware attack such as Dream
Droid [19] and DroidKungfu [20] are luring users to click on
malicious web links from their smartphones’ web client and
install malicious payloads. Moreover, BYOD can easily
targeted by hackers to break into someone’s devices by
sending malicious software through email or application
download [21] , for example, hackers always lookout for an
opportunity to fool the students through using email or web
accounts to spoof the official school mailings as well as bank
Therefore, students may be encountered the risk of being
the victim of a phishing scam that will result in malware or
ransomware downloads [22]. As a result, once the student has
download and execute malware, the possibility of leakage of
student's personal information will increase and the ability of
the attacker to steal sensitive information by installing
backdoor on the campus network will become possible.
2) Use of untrusted mobile OS and applications
With a “hacker” culture has arisen among young adults,
especially when the majority of them are considered as “tech-
savvy” nowadays, some of the students used to play with their
mobile devices and they able to disable the native OS security
feature through the techniques which commonly known as
“jailbreaking” or “rooting”. By jailbreaking or rooting their
mobile devices, they allow installing or upgrading their
mobile OS and applications for free that are restricted by
default [23]. However, jailbreaking or rooting enables
unauthorized programs to be installed on mobile devices,
which could probably introduce malware into their devices.
This might cause students’ devices to be compromised as well
as the campus network if student connects his or her devices
to the campus network. Besides, some students intend to
bypass the institution’s proxy servers and access to blocked
sites through the mobile VPN and some of them may install
some applications such as games, entertainment apps, and P2P
video streaming apps which has been restricted by the
university. In this instance, it potentially opens up a security
threat to the campus network as well as the student’s personal
data [24].
3) Use of untrusted networks
According to Paullet and Pinchot [25], the mobile devices
can be used on both secure and unsecure environments. When
users connect their devices to an unsecure network such as
public Wi-Fi, the devices will open for a variety of security
and privacy attacks such as Wi-Fi hijacking, Bluejacking and
etc. For example, Wi-Fi hijacking occurs when a hacker is
able to intercept the communications between smartphones
and unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots, which allows hackers to gain
access to someone’s usernames, passwords if a user logs in to
certain mobile apps or web site. Therefore, students should be
alarmed of the potential risk as many mobile devices have
settings to allow the device to automatically connect to
available rogue wireless access point that might controlled by
hackers [26]. Other than that, forward emails to public Web
mail services over the cellular network via BYOD,
synchronize academic documents using public cloud-based
storage services like Dropbox, iCloud and Google Docs, and
interact smartphones through voice in the public place may
lead to sensitive data leakage [27].
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017
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4) Lack of physical security controls
Since the BYOD adoption in the higher education allows
students to bring their personally-owned devices into their
study place, there is a risk of loss of student personal data will
be occurred due to BYOD devices are easy to lose or steal
within the campus or in the public. Furthermore, it also places
an additional risk to the educational institutions as BYOD
devices could contain student’s credentials to access sensitive
institution’s resources or data and also could lead to these data
being compromised or malicious activities executed via
mobile devices that could gather or corrupt data as well [28].
There's also a possibility that an attacker could configure
another device to be a duplicate of a legitimate device which
appeared to be authentic to the campus network and steal all
the information once the cloned device able to access into the
network [23].
5) Privacy risks on BYOD
In term of BYOD, the privacy aspect always refers to the
concerns that the private data such as personal emails, photos,
videos, bank statements, social security numbers, chat
histories, usernames, passwords and other credentials are
exposed to outsiders. While in the context of BYOD Higher
Education, sensitive data such as student’s personal details
and communications, confidential information about students,
assessment data, and confidential institutional data and even
the personal credentials for certain educational mobile apps or
social networking apps could be exposed to various privacy
issues. In Ismail et al. [29], the author states that students are
concerned about their privacy and security when they are
using m-learning or educational applications, they are worried
that their confidential information such as assessment results
might be revealed to others.
Besides, the issues of mobile bullying or cyber bullying
exist within the educational institutions as the mobile devices
can be used for bullying other students and teachers. Some
mobile bullying examples like photographing or videotaping
other students or teachers and publicly posting, sending or
forwarding their photos and videos on the social networking
site, websites, emails or message boards in order to harass or
humiliate them. Some people even get access and copy or
delete someone’s information like electronically submitted or
stored assignments and homework, or important emails. In
addition, some bullies also try to impersonate or pretend to be
someone where his or her account has been hacked in order to
send abusive calls, texts or images through a mobile phone.
This would properly pose a privacy threat to students and
teachers personal mobile data.
Other than that, the device location tracking issues also
one of the serious privacy issues for the context of BYOD.
Although location tracking via a mobile device’s geolocation
service or GPS are useful for locating lost devices, but
illegitimate tracking can cause a serious privacy concern for
mobile users. Mobile device tracking or location snooping
may expose a threat for students as their location has been
recorded and potential criminals will spy on the targeted
student’s daily activities and perform their crimes. Nowadays,
many legitimate or third-party mobile apps provide not just
the capability of device tracking, it also allows the tracking of
mobile usage behavior tracking via the installed application.
This means that the installed apps allow the tracking of
selected events occurred on mobile devices and recording
every action taken by mobile users [23]. This probably poses
another privacy threat to the student if they installed a variety
of third party apps.
The aims of designing this survey are:
To investigate the growing trend of BYOD Higher
To examine the student’s security and privacy
knowledge and awareness on mobile devices or
Fig. 1 provides an overview of the survey samples,
methods and variables used in this research work:
Fig. 1. Survey sample, variable and methods
In this research, a data collection method has adopted:
Observation. Observation is the method that the compilation
of data collected through questionnaires or survey. For
example, an online survey will be generated, conducted,
distributed and get responses through online. As a result, a
total of 60 university students of different courses from the
University Sains Malaysia (USM) have taken part in this
survey regarding the security and privacy of BYOD Higher
Education, where 39 of them are males and 21 of them are
In this section, the survey findings will be displayed.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017
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A. Investigate the Growing Trend of BYOD Higher Education
Fig. 2. Use of mobile devices for academic purposes
This survey examines the use of mobile devices for
academic purposes among the university students as well as
the adoption of a BYOD trend throughout the higher
education. A single choice closed question will be asked about
how often the participants on using mobile devices for
academic purposes. Based on the survey result as shown in
Fig. 2, there are 32 participants (54%) use their mobile devices
for academic purposes every day, 14 participants (23%) use
their mobile devices once a week, 3 participants (5%) use their
mobile devices once every two weeks, 6 participants (10%)
use their mobile devices once a month and 5 participants (8%)
not using their mobile devices for academic purposes.
Fig. 3. Use of BYOD-related mobile apps for academic purposes
Next, a multiple choice question will be asked on which
BYOD-related mobile apps that the participants used the
MOST for their academic purposes. Based on the survey result
from Fig. 3, there are two BYOD-related mobile apps that our
participants used the most for their academic purposes:
Google Drive (73%) and Dropbox (72%), followed by a note
taking app, Evernote (10%) and other mobile apps such as
OneNote, Notepad, WPS. Apparently, participants are not
using Skype mobile app (0%) for their academic purposes.
However, there are 5 participants are not using any mobile
apps for their academic purposes as well.
B. Examine the Student’s Security and Privacy Awareness
and Knowledge on BYOD Mobile Device and Apps
In this survey, participants also tested on several questions
that are related to the security and privacy awareness on
downloading the BYOD-related mobile apps as well as their
opinions on how to secure their personal mobile data after
installing and using these mobile apps for their learning
process. From the survey result shown in the Fig. 4, there are
58% of the participants answered that they are viewing on the
reviews of the BYOD-related mobile apps before they
download and install them, while the rest of the participants
(42%) are not viewing on the reviews before they download
and install the apps.
Fig. 4. View on reviews of the BYOD-related mobile apps
From the survey result shown in Fig. 5, there are 89% of
participants answered that they have not read and understand
the BYOD-related mobile app’s “Privacy Policy” before they
download and install the app, while there are only 12% of
participants answered that they have read and understand the
“Privacy Policy” before they download and install.
Fig. 5. View on privacy policy of the BYOD-related mobile apps
From the survey result shown in Fig. 6, there are 43% of
participants answered that they have checked and read the app
permissions that the BYOD-related mobile app could be
accessed before they accept and install the app, while 57% of
participants answered that they have not read the app
permissions before they accept and install the app. So, there
are still a lot of mobile users not checking on the app
permissions to access sensitive information, such as mobile
data, such as identity, contacts, location and device id.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 2017
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Fig. 6. Check the permissions of the BYOD-related mobile apps
For the next question, the participants are required to
provide their opinions on how they feel that is it reasonable
for an app to access too much personal data such as identity,
contacts, location and device id through the stated app
permissions before they decide to install the app. From the
survey result shown in Fig. 7, almost 92% of participants
answered that it is not reasonable for a mobile app to access
too many personal data through the stated app permissions.
Whereas, only 8% of participants answered that it is
reasonable for an app in order to access these personal data by
providing several reasons such as: (a) some mobile apps can
be more reliable and useful once the apps accessed these
personal data, (b) some mobile apps will automatically setup
the app account with syncing the personal data, (c) personal
data which accessed by the mobile apps will not easily expose
to someone else.
Fig. 7. Opinions on accessibility of mobile apps through permissions
From the survey result shown in Fig. 8, there are 85% of
participants answered that they do not feel secure when they
are signing in their BYOD-related mobile app’s accounts
when the app does not have any indication of SSL connection
or a visible HTTPS indicator. Whereas, there are 15% of
participants answered that they are feeling secure when
signing in the BYOD-related mobile app’s accounts even
though there is no HTTPS indicator.
Fig. 8. Opinions on SSL connection for BYOD-related mobile apps
The reasons of some participants answered that they are
feeling secure when they sign in their BYOD-related mobile
app’s accounts even though there is no indication of SSL
connection are: (a) some of the participants believed that there
have many researchers around the world focus on these
mobile app security, (b) some of the participants assume that
these mobile apps have a strong security since these mobile
apps developed by well-known developers, (c) some
participants assume these mobile apps are secured based on
the stated policy, (d) mainstream mobile apps from Google or
Dropbox are generally secure and there will no security issues
should be worry about.
In Fig. 9, there are 83% of participants do not share their
BYOD-related mobile app’s personal login credential to their
family or someone who close to them, whereas there are only
13% of participants are sharing their login credential to their
family or people who close to them. However, only 4% of
participants did not know their login credentials have been
shared with someone else.
Fig. 9. Sharing login credential of the BYOD-related mobile apps
In Fig 10, nearly 38% of participants did not know the
security feature of two-step verification for mobile apps, and
36% of participants did not use two-step verification for their
BYOD-related mobile apps. On the other hand, 26% of
participants are using two-step verification to verify their
BYOD-related mobile apps.
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Fig. 10. Use of two-step verification for BYOD-related mobile apps
For the next question, participants will be asked for the
opinion on how to create a strong and complex password for
the login credentials of mobile apps. Most of the participants
have provided similar answers, which is a strong and complex
password can be created by the combination of capital and
small letters, mixture of alphabetic, numeric and special
characters/symbols, password length should be at least 8
characters, passwords should not relate to any personal
information such as phone number, IC number and date of
birth. Besides that, different accounts should have different
passwords. Some of the participants also recommended the
implementation of both password and biometric credentials.
In Fig. 11, there are 60% of participants are not syncing or
sharing their personal files through BYOD-related mobile
apps while accessing the public network or open area Wi-Fi.
On the other hand, 40% of participants are accessing the open
area Wi-Fi from any locations (ie: coffee shops and airport)
when they are syncing their BYOD-related mobile apps’ files.
Fig. 11. Access BYOD-related mobile apps through public Wi-Fi
From the survey result shown in Fig. 12, there are nearly
60% of participants are not setting up any passcode/pin-code
or add an encryption option in order to keep their personal
files in a mobile encrypted and safe. Whereas, there are 34%
of participants are adding passcode or encryption option to
protect their valuable files on their mobile devices. In
addition, there also have 6% of participants did not know the
security feature of passcode or encryption option.
Fig. 12. Set passcode/encryption options for mobile files
Next, we will let the participants proceed to the questions
related to the rating of several security and privacy concerns
that will impact the mobile devices. For the security concerns,
the research has listed out several concerns, such as:
Lost or stolen mobile devices with personal data
Malicious applications downloaded to the mobile
Connected mobile devices to unsecured Wi-Fi or
Accessed to insecure web browsing
Lack of security patches on mobile apps
High rate of users changing or upgrading their mobile
Lack of efficient encryption methods on mobile apps
In the Fig. 13, for the first security concern: Lost or stolen
mobile devices with personal data, where there are 33
participants or more than 50% of participants rated this
security concern that can provide 100% of the impact of the
security of mobile devices. For the second security concern:
Malicious applications downloaded to the mobile devices,
where most of the participants are rating this security concern
that provides 80-100% of the impact (40 participants in total)
to the security of mobile devices. Whereas for the third
security concern: Connected mobile devices to unsecured Wi-
Fi or networks, where the majority of the participants (20
participants) rated this security concern can provide 50% of
the impact of the mobile devices.
For the fourth security concern: Accessed to insecure web
browsing, where there are 19 participants (32%) rated it as it
can provide 50% of the impact of the mobile devices instead
of 100% of the impact of the mobile devices. The fifth
security concern: Lack of security patches on mobile apps is
quite similar to the fourth security concern, where there are 23
participants (38%) rated it as it can provide 50% impact of the
mobile devices. On the sixth security concern: High rate of
users changing or upgrading their mobile devices, where the
majority of the participants (19 participants) have rated this
security concern as it can provide 50% of the impact of the
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mobile devices. For the last security concern: Lack of efficient
encryption methods on mobile apps, where the majority of the
participants (24 participants) also rated this security concern
as it can provide 50% of the security impact of the mobile
Fig. 13. Severity of security concerns that impacting mobile devices
For the privacy concerns, the research has listed out
several concerns such as:
Mobile data/information leakage
Mobile user’s location has been tracked and collected
Collection on user identity by service providers
Lack of transparency on mobile app permission
Sniffing and snooping on mobile phone sensors
Losing access of ownership of mobile data
In Fig. 14, for privacy concern, such as mobile
data/information leakage, there are 29 participants rated it as it
can provide 100% of the impact to the mobile devices. For the
second privacy concern: Mobile user’s location has been
tracked and collected, there are also have 25 participants rated
it, as it can provide 100% of the impact of the mobile devices.
For the third privacy concern: Collection on user identity by
service providers, there are 22 participants rated this privacy
concern can provide 80% of the impact of the mobile devices
rather than it can provide 100% of the impact of the mobile
Next, for the fourth privacy concern: Lack of transparency
on mobile app permission, there have a majority of 20
participants rated it as it can provide 80% of the impact rather
than 100% of the impact to the mobile devices. For the fifth
privacy concern: Sniffing and snooping on mobile device
sensors, there has a majority of 22 participants rated this
privacy concern as it can provide 80% of the impact of the
mobile devices. For the last privacy concern: Losing access of
ownership on mobile data, there has a majority of 21
participants rated it as it can provide 100% of the impact of
the mobile devices.
Fig. 14. Severity of privacy concerns that impacting mobile devices
In order to improve the student awareness on the security
and privacy issues inherent on different types of BYOD-
related mobile apps, there are a set of defined security controls
such as: Authentication, Authorization, Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability and Non-Repudiation are taken into
account to determine which security controls will be the most
important for protecting the mobile data.
In Fig. 15, there are 67% of participants rated that
Authentication is the most important security control for
mobile user to protect their mobile data. Whereas, there are
23% of participants also indicated that Authentication is a
very important security control which is needed for mobile
Fig. 15. Security controls for mobile data: Authentication
In Fig. 16, there are 52% of participants rated that
Authorization is one of the most important security controls
for mobile devices followed by 35% of participants also rated
it as it is very important.
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Fig. 16. Security controls for mobile data: Authorization
Similar to previous two security controls, there are more
than half of participants rated the security control:
Confidentiality (as shown in Fig. 17) as the most important
security control for mobile devices followed by 30% of
participants rated it as a very important security control.
Fig. 17. Security controls for mobile data: Confidentiality
For Integrity security control (see Fig. 18), there also have
62% of participants rated this security control as the most
important security control for protecting the mobile data and
30% of participants rated it as very important.
Fig. 18. Security controls for mobile data: Integrity
Unlike the previous security controls, there have only 43%
of participants rated Availability (see Fig. 19) as the most
important security control of mobile devices while 37% of
participants rated it as very important and 20% of participants
rated it as important.
Fig. 19. Security controls for mobile data: Availability
For the last security control: Non-repudiation (see Fig. 20),
there have about 55% of participants rated it as the most
important security control of mobile devices and 30% of
participants rated it as very important and the rest of
participants rated it as important.
Fig. 20. Security controls for mobile data: Non-Repudiation
Survey discussion is given in this section.
A. Growing Trend of BYOD Higher Education
Based on the survey results stated from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, it
could be concluded that the trend of BYOD is starting to adopt
into the higher education system since there are quite a
number of USM students started to use their own mobile
devices for their academic purposes instead of their personal
usage. Statistics have been proven that many USM students
started to use some of the popular mobile applications such as
Google Drive, Dropbox as their educational apps in order to
use these apps throughout their student life in university.
B. Security and Privacy Awareness on BYOD Mobile Apps
In this survey, the participants are being tested on several
questions that are related to the security and privacy
awareness when downloading the BYOD-related mobile apps.
Based on the survey results obtained from Fig. 4, it can be
proven that there are quite a number of participants that are
still considering the security and safety of downloading and
installing certain mobile apps that might be harmful for their
mobile devices and their personal mobile data by determining
the positivity or negativity of the user reviews posted on
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Google Play Store or other sources. But, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
show that most participants are often just skipped the security
precautions such as checking and reading “Privacy Policy”
and app permissions before they want to download and install
the mobile apps. This probably came out an assumption that
most of the mobile users do not really want to spend their time
on reading and understanding the policies and app permissions
that written by the app developers in order to notify mobile
users that what kind of data that could be collected by the app
Next, Fig. 8 shows that there are quite a number of
participants (85%) are aware the importance of SSL
connection or a visible HTTPS indicator for signing in the
mobile app’s accounts, which probably suggest that many
participants take the security of their mobile app’s account
seriously. Fig. 11 shows that most of the participants are not
syncing or sharing their files stored in BYOD-related mobile
apps while accessing to the public network or Wi-Fi, this
indicates that many participants aware of the danger of sharing
or sync any mobile data through public Wi-Fi.
Besides, Fig. 10 and Fig. 12 show that most of the
participants are still did not know how to configure several
security features such as two-step verification, pin codes and
encryption option in order to protect their mobile data and
applications. It could be concluded that mobile user education
and awareness programs are needed for educating the mobile
users on how to configure several basic security features for
their mobile devices or applications. In addition, Fig. 9
indicates that there has a very high percentage of participants
are not sharing their login credentials as well.
Based on the survey results from Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, many
participants realized there are several security and privacy
concerns that will probably cause a serious impact to their
mobile devices. Some of these results are supported by the
study of Obodoeze, et al. [30] which demonstrated the various
forms of challenging security concerns, including losses of
mobile devices, virus and malware attacks and etc., and also
the study of Kambourakis [26] that discussed the security and
the privacy challenge of m-learning. Furthermore, survey
results from Fig. 15 to Fig. 20 show that most of the
participants also believed that there should be a list of defined
security controls such as Authentication, Authorization,
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Non-repudiation
used to enhance the security and privacy strengths of the
mobile devices or applications.
As a conclusion of this survey, it has been proven that
most of the USM students have a fundamental knowledge or
awareness about the security and privacy of the mobile
devices or applications, which probably indicates that many
students nowadays start concerning the security and privacy
risks that could be happening on their mobile devices. The
survey conducted here with a small focus group of students in
one of the higher educational centers in Malaysia may project
results and finding that is closely correlated to the samples
size and background. However, to our knowledge, there is yet
for a BYOD in higher education research to be done in
Malaysia. Thus, the survey results and findings can be
generalized as the perception of higher education students or
as the viewpoint of the Y generation as a whole.
This research start with collecting and studying different
approaches on BYOD Higher Education, M-Learning
adoption within higher education institutions as well as the
security and privacy vulnerabilities and attacks that will be
happened on BYOD Higher Education environment in order
to find out an effective solution for solving the research
problem. Hence, this research moves on to conduct the survey
to investigate the security and privacy awareness among
university students in BYOD Higher Education. Based on the
analysis of this survey, it shows that the trend of BYOD is
started among the USM students as many students started to
move towards the trend of BYOD where they are using mobile
devices or applications for their academic tasks. Besides, the
survey results have been proven that the current USM students
have a basic or fundamental security and privacy awareness
and knowledge on mobile devices or applications where most
of the students start concerning the security and privacy
controls or services in order to protect their mobile devices or
Besides that, the growing trend of BYOD in higher
education institutions eventually creates a new form of student
learning pedagogy where students able to use the mobile
devices for their academic purposes anywhere and anytime.
However, this also creates a great opportunity for hackers or
attackers to find new attacks or vulnerabilities that could
possibly exploit the students’ mobile devices and gains
valuable data from them. Hence, a further research in finding
new attacks or vulnerabilities on BYOD Higher Education is
still necessary in order to increase the security and privacy
awareness among the security specialists and university
students. Besides, the existing case studies still require some
additional research in order to improve the details of the case
studies as well as its impacts towards the assets or systems in
terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability. This could
probably make the case studies more concise, detailed and
easy to evaluate using a standardized security metrics
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