Sawai Jai Singh, the statesman astronomer of 18th century India, designed instruments, built observatories, prepared Zīj, and sent a fact-finding scientific mission to Europe. His high-precision instruments were designed to measure time and angles with accuracies of ± 2 second, and ±1’ of arc respectively. The Ṣaṣṭhāmsa, a meridian dial with aperture, can still measure angles with precision of ±
... [Show full abstract] 1’ of arc. In the age of Newton and Flamsteed, Jai Singh and his associates remained medieval, in the tradition of Ulugh Beg, and did not initiate the new age of astronomy in the country. A complex interaction of poor communications, religious taboos, theological beliefs, national rivalries and plain simple human shortcomings are to be blamed for the failing.