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Abstract and Figures

Diversity studies make a central theme of study of biodiversity. Several measures of diversity have been proposed by different authors, but Shannon's, Simpson's and Brillouin's indices are the most widely used ones. At the same time, these are the least understood indices. In the present review, some of the commonly used diversity indices have been discussed with specific examples. Special emphasis has been laid to explain the derivation of diversity indices from basic concepts.
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Date of receipt : 14.12.2016, Date of acceptance : 09.02.2017
Agric Res J 54 (1) : 1-10, March 2017
DOI No. 10.5958/2395-146X.2017.00001.1
Loss of biodiversity is a global issue and an elusive
hazard. United Nations’ Earth Summit held at The Rio
de Janeiro in 1992, described biodiversity as “The variability
among living organisms from all sources, including interalia
terrestrial, marine and aquatic systems and the ecological
complexes of which they are a part: this includes diversity
within species, between species and the ecosystems”. The
totality of genes, species and ecosystems of an area constitutes
the biodiversity. Biodiversity can be studied at three dierent
levels of organization (Wikipedia, 2017a):
1. Diversity of genes within a species: Genetic diversity,
2. Diversity among the species: Species diversity,
3. Diversity at ecosystem and landscape levels: Ecosystem
With respect to the habitat, measurement of diversity can
be done at the three levels, Alpha, Beta and Gamma diversity
(Whittaker, 1972). Alpha diversity is the within habitat or
intra-community diversity. It has two components – species
richness and evenness. Beta diversity is the between habitat
or inter community diversity. It measures change in species
composition along a gradient. Gamma diversity encompasses
diversity at the landscape level.
Measurement of diversity of species is one of the most
important characteristics of phytosociology. The quantitative
characterization of communities can be done using diversity
indices. A diversity index takes into consideration the number
of species, the number of individuals of dierent species in
a sample, or habitat or a community. Change of diversity
from one community to another, or communities along an
environmental gradient, or pooled communities or at the
landscape level constitutes beta and gamma diversities. Based
on certain assumptions, several indices have been proposed
by dierent authors for measurement of diversity. Some of
the authors who have contributed to diversity studies are
Baumgartner (2005), Greig-Smith (1978), Henderson (2003),
Hulbert (1969), Jost (2006a), Keylock (2005), McIntosh
(1967), Mee et al. (2002), Magurran (1988), Parker (1979),
Ponce-Hernandez (2004), Routledge (1977), Smith (1986),
Southwood and Henderson (2000), Thukral (2010), Thukral
et al. (2006), Wilson and Mohler (1983) and many others.
Diversity indices are constrained by changes in species
composition, inux of new species with time, out ux of
species, immigration and emigration of species, dormant or
hidden species, propagules of species etc. Model assumptions,
variations in sampling techniques, time of sampling,
experimental errors during sampling add to variations in
results. The present paper describes the indices commonly
used for the quantitative measurement of species diversity at
the community and ecosystem levels.
Alpha diversity
Diversity at habitat level is the most widely used
component in the characterization of communities. It has two
components viz. species richness and equitability indices.
Heterogeneity indices combine both these components.
Species richness quanties the number of individuals per
unit area or per sample (e.g., quadrat), and species content of
the area. Species richness indices are also known as variety
indices, are higher for species rich communities. Equitability
indices give the relative abundance of dierent species
of a community in terms of their evenness of distribution.
A community, in which the species have equal number of
individuals of dierent species, will have a higher evenness
index. On the other hand, a community dominated by one or
few species in terms of the number of individuals, will have
a lower evenness index.
Species richness
As per Peet (1974), species richness is dened by the
E(S) = f (k, N)
where, E(S) = Expected value for number of species,
N = Number of individuals,
Ashwani K Thukral*
Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, Punjab
Diversity studies make a central theme of study of biodiversity. Several measures of diversity have been proposed
by dierent authors, but Shannon’s, Simpson’s and Brillouin’s indices are the most widely used ones. At the same
time, these are the least understood indices. In the present review, some of the commonly used diversity indices
have been discussed with specic examples. Special emphasis has been laid to explain the derivation of diversity
indices from basic concepts.
Key words: Biodiversity, Brillouin’s index, Chao’s index, Shannon’s index, Simpson’s index
Review Paper
k = Richness index.
Some of the commonly used richness indices are given
Species richness index
Total number of species (S) present in the community
is called species richness index. Several indices have been
developed by dierent workers to determine diversity of
species in a habitat.
Biodiversity index: The ratio of number of species (S) to
number of individuals (N) in the sample is called biodiversity
index. This index is commonly used for characterization of
forest communities (Woodwell, 1967).
Menhinick’s index: Similar to biodiversity index, this index
is dened as the ratio of number of species to square root of
number of individuals in the sample.
Margalef’s index: It is dened as
Odum’s index: Odums’s index (Odum et al., 1960) is similar
to the Margalef’s index.
Berger – Parker dominance index: Berger-Parker index is
the ratio of number of individuals of most abundant species
(Nmax) to the total number of individuals of all the species
(Ntot) in the sample.
Fisher’s a: This index is based upon the logarithmic
distribution of number of individuals of dierent species.
where, S is the total number of species and N is the total
number of individuals in the sample. The value of Fisher’s a
is computed by iteration.
Average number of species per log cycle of
Whittaker (1972) dened log cycle of importance EWI as:
where, S1 is the number of individuals of the most common
species and Sn is the number of individuals of least common
species, and S is the number of species.
Whittaker’s second richness index is based on dividing the
number of species with 4 times of the geometric standard
deviation (σgm ) of the sample.
where, pi is the proportion of the species (ni / n), and pgm is the
geometric mean of the pi values.
Estimation of total number of species
The number of species present in a sample will depend
upon the size of the sample. Larger the sample size, higher
the species count. Maximum no. of species in a community
may be estimated using a species accumulation curve or
Chao’s method.
Species accumulation curve: Species accumulation curve
is a curve plotted between the cumulative numbers of species
against the sampling eort (Fig. 1). The sampling eort may
be expressed in terms of number of samples, sample size,
or the number of individuals in the sample. The slope of
the curve decreases with the sampling eort and tends to a
limiting value.
The curve follows Michaelis–Menten’s equation and
transcribes a hyperbola as per the following equation:
where S(n) = Number of species foe a sample size
Smax = Maximum no. of species in the community,
n = number of samples or maximum sample size studied,
B = Constant.
The equation may be written in the form:
The y-intercept of the double reciprocal plot between
1/S(n) and 1/n will provide the value of 1/Smax .
biod =
In N
In N
Odum =
In 1+
EIn In
W1 =
S Sn
( )
EW2 =
i gm
p P
=S( )In In 2
Fig. 1. Species accumulation curve
S n
S n
B n
( )
1 1
S n
S n S( ) .
max max
= +
Chao’s index
Chao’s index (Chao 1984, 1987) for estimation of
species richness is given by the equation:
S(max) Chao = Sobs + (a² + b²)
where, Smax = Maximum no. of species,
Sobs = Number of species observed in dierent samples,
a = Singletons (Number of species represented by one
individual each),
b = Doubletons (Number of species represented by two
individuals each).
An example for computation of Smax by Chao’s method is
given in Table 1. Let there be 3 quadrats (Q1 through Q3) and
a total of 5 species observed (A through E).
Table 1. An example to calculate Smax by Chao’s method
Sample Species
Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5
I 1* 0 4 5 0
II 0 2** 3 1 1*
III 0 0 3 4 0
Sobs = 5, a = 2 singletons ( marked by *),
b = 1 doubleton ( marked by **), Smax = 5+(4+2) = 11
Shannon – Wiener’s index
One of the most widely used diversity indices is
Shannon – Wiener index proposed by Claude Shannon
in 1948. Shannon’s index was originally developed for
communication systems and is based on information theory
that any message can be transmitted using a binary code
(Shannon, 1948). Most of the popular texts only mention the
formula for Shannon’s index without explaining the logic
behind it. In this paper Shannon’s index is explained from its
basics for purpose of understanding by biologists.
Just like in decimal system consisting of 10 digits (viz.,
0,1,2,3,…9), a number can be written as a combination of
two binary digits called “bits”, a term derived from rst two
and last two letters of the term “binary digits”, viz., 0 and
1 (Table 2). Similar to binary number system, a message in
a text can be converted to a binary code (Table 3). As for
example, if a text contains only two letters, A and B, these can
be coded as 0 and 1. The binary coding of a text containing
4 letters, 8 letters or more is given in the table. It is seen
that the number of bits required for coding a text containing
2, 4, 8 or 16 letters will be 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, and
so on. The number of bits required to transmit a message is
called as the information content. It is generally represented
by the Greek letter ‘H’ (‘ Eta’, generally italicised), which is
similar to the English alphabet H. If a message consists of 16
alphabets, each occurring only once, the information content
per alphabet will be H/ number of alphabets.
Table 4 describes the conversion of information content
of a message consisting of ‘m’ number of alphabets into
Shannon’s information measure, generally written with a
Table 2. Decimal and binary systems
Decimal number Binary number
0 0
1 1
2 1 0
3 1 1
4 1 0 0
5 1 0 1
6 1 1 0
7 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1
10 1 0 1 0
prime sign on it, viz. H. It seen from the rst two columns of
Table 2 that the message length (no. of alphabets) is related to
the information content (H) as a power function, i.e., m = 2H.
Vice-versa, H can be dened as a logarithmic function, viz., H
= Log2 m, as given in column 3. Probability (pi) of each letter
in a message consisting m alphabets, each alphabet occurring
only once, will be 1/m. Information content, H, therefore can
be written as a function of probability (columns 5 and 6).
It may be seen that the negative sign in column number 6
appears as a result of conversion of log of reciprocal of a
number and is not introduces to make the value of H positive,
as is generally misunderstood by the students. Column 7
gives information content of each letter in the message.
As for example, the total information content of a message
consisting 16 alphabets (one letter per alphabet) will be 4 bits
(column 2), and the information content per alphabet will
be 4/16 = 0.25 bit. This will be the same that we get from
column 7 of Table 4.
In actual practice, however, dierent letters in a text
occur with dierent frequencies. Table (5) gives an example
of a text consisting of ve alphabets occurring with dierent
frequencies (colums 1-4). The probability of each letter in
the text will be reciprocal of total number of letters, 16 in
this case. Columns 7 and 8 give the information content of
the message.
Units of information
Since the Shannon’s index as given above (generally
written as H’) uses binary numbers, the logarithmic function
uses 2 as the base. The units of information of H’are bits or
shannons. However, the logarithms to dierent bases are
inter-convertible. Information presented using log10 is given
in hartleys or decits. The units of information content using
loge (log natural or ln) are nats (natural digits). Thus, we
H' (shannons or bits) = – Σ pi log2 pi
H' (nats) = – Σ pi loge pi
H' (hartleys or decits) = – Σ pi log10 pi
Table 3. Information content of a message as the number of bits required to transmit a message
1 2 3 4 5
Message length
Letters Binary code Information content
content per letter
No. of alphabets I bit II bit III bit IV bit No. of bits required
for message
No. of bits required
for each letter
2 A 0 1 ½
B 1 ½
4 A 0 0 2 2/4
B 0 1 2/4
C 1 0 2/4
D 1 1 2/4
8 A 0 0 0 3 3/8
B 0 0 1 3/8
C 0 1 0 3/8
D 0 1 1 3/8
E 1 0 0 3/8
F 1 0 1 3/8
G 1 1 0 3/8
H 1 1 1 3/8
16 A 0 0 0 0 4 4/16
B 0 0 0 1 4/16
C 0 0 1 0 4/16
D 0 0 1 1 4/16
E 0 1 0 0 4/16
F 0 1 0 1 4/16
G 0 1 1 0 4/16
H 0 1 1 1 4/16
I 1 0 0 0 4/16
J 1 0 0 1 4/16
K 1 0 1 0 4/16
L 1 0 1 1 4/16
M 1 1 0 0 4/16
N 1 1 0 1 4/16
O 1 1 1 0 4/16
P 1 1 1 1 4/16
Because log2 tables or software are generally not
available, Shannon’s index is calculated either in nats or in
decits. Dierent units of diversity may be inter-converted as
Bits = 1.4427 x Nats
Bits = 3.3219 x Decits
Nats = 2.3026 x Decits
The units of the diversity index must be mentioned in the
calculations. Shannon’s information as explained above can
be used to dene the biological diversity of the communities.
In the text given above, message length can be equated with
the number of species in a community, an alphabet with
a species, and number of letters of an alphabet with the
frequency of the species. The Shannon’s index thus obtained
will be the diversity of the community as represented in the
sample. This index presumes that all the species in the sample
(or the quadrat) are represented in the proportions in a larger
community (Poole, 1974). Larger the information content
(H’), more heterogeneous the sample will be. For the analysis
of biological communities, Shannon’s index may be written
H' (nats) = – Σ loge
ni = Number of individuals of the i th species,
Table 4. Information content (H) of a message if each alphabet occurs only once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
as log of
(pi) of each
letter in
Information as log
of reciprocal of
Information as
negative log of
information of each
letter in message (bits)
No. of
(H bits)
H = log2 m piH = log2H = – log2 p1Hi = – p1 log2 p1
2 1 H = log2 2 1/2 H = log2H = – log2Hi = – log2
4 2 H = log2 4 1/4 H = log2H = – log2Hi = – log2
8 3 H = log2 8 1/8 H = log2H = – log2Hi = – log2
16 4 H = log2 16 1/16 H = log2H = – log2Hi = – log2
Table 5. Example of Shannon’s information content of a message if dierent letters occur with dierent frequencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
length (m)
Alphabets Frequency Letters Probability of
each letter
Probability of
each alphabet
Shannon’s information
content of each alphabet
No. of
ni 1/m bits
5 A 8 A 1/16
8/16 = 1/2 Hi = – log21/2
A 1/16
A 1/16
A 1/16
A 1/16
A 1/16
A 1/16
A 1/16
B 4 B 1/16
4/16 = 1/4 Hi = – log21/2
B 1/16
B 1/16
B 1/16
C 2 C 1/16
2/16 = 1/8 Hi = – log23/8
C 1/16
D 1 D 1/16
1/16 Hi = – log2
E 1 E 1/16
16 Probability 1 H' = – Σ pi log2 pi1.875
N = Total number of individuals of all the species in the
Table 6 gives the computation of Shannon’s information
measure for plotting a graph. For a probability equal to 0,
since the limit of (0 log 0) is zero, the Shannon’s index at this
point will be zero. A typical graph for Shannon’s diversity
index diversity will be a concave curve (downward). A graph
of the Shannon’s information measure is plotted by taking
the probability values on the X-axis, and the H’ values on the
Y-axis (Fig. 2).
Table 6. Shannon-Wiener’s index for 2 species communities
having dierent probabilities
0 1 0 (Limit)
0.05 0.95 0.198515
0.1 0.9 0.325083
0.2 0.8 0.500402
0.3 0.7 0.610864
0.4 0.6 0.673012
0.5 0.5 0.693147
0.6 0.4 0.673012
0.7 0.3 0.610864
0.8 0.2 0.500402
0.9 0.1 0.325083
0.95 0.05 0.198515
1 0 0 (Limit)
Fig. 2. Graph for Shannon’s information
Fig. 3. Simpson’s index for concentration
Fig. 6. Inverse Simpson’s index for diversity
The minimum value of H’ is 0 for one species community,
that is, when all the individuals in the sample belong to the
same species. The information content will be maximum (H’
= H’max = ln S), if all the species in the sample are represented
by equal number of individuals. More the heterogeneous a
sample is, larger the information content will be.
It would be pertinent to mention here that Shannon’s
index is variously refered to as Shannon-Weaver index
or Shannon-Wiener index. Spellerberg and Fedor (2003)
studied the historical perspective of the development of the
Shannon’s index. Shannon’s expression for entropy (H) was
rst published independently by Shannon in 1948. Shannon
and Weaver jointly authored a book 1949 “The Mathematical
Theory of Communication” published by the University of
Illinois. In the second part of the book Weaver developed
on the concept. Shannon had built the concept on the work
already done by Wiener (1939, 1948, 1949). The name
Shannon-Weaver came from the jointly written book and
the name Shannon-Wiener came from the several references
cited by Shannon in his work and the idea developed after
Simpson’s index
Another widely used index for community analysis is
Simpson’s index proposed by Edward Hugh Simpson (1949).
If there are k species consisting of n individuals, distributed
among dierent species as n1, n2, n3, …nk, then the
probability (p1) of the rst individual belonging to a species
will be
Fig. 4. Simpson’s index for diversity
Fig. 5. Relation between Simpson’s
concentration and diversity indices.
Probability (p1,2) that the second individual drawn from the
sample without replacement also belongs to the same species
will be
The sum of such probabilities for all the species is a measure
of the concentration (or abundance) (C) of the species.
If the sample size is quite large, then the probability (p1,2)
that the second individual drawn from the sample with
replacement also belongs to the same species (C’) will be
Simpson’s index for abundance (concentration) is a typical
convex curve as shown in Fig. 3. The maximum value of
Simpson’s concentration is one when all the individuals in
the sample belong to the same species. Gini-Simpson’s index
of diversity (D) is dened as
The graph for Gini-Simpson index of diversity is a
typical concave curve (Fig. 4). Simpson’s concentration and
diversity indices are inversely related to each other as shown
in Fig. 5. Another index of diversity is inverse Simpson’s
diversity index (D’) (Fig. 6):
Brillouin’s index
Let ni be the number of individuals of the ith species,
N be the total number of individuals of all the species (k)
present in the sample, then the Brillouin’s index (H), will be:
The units of information for Brillouin’s index will be
the same as those for Shannon-Wiener’s index. Minimum
value of H will be 0 for communities consisting of a single
species. This index is also widely computed for diversity
studies. Brillouin’s index is derived from the probability that
all the individuals drawn from a sample will belong to the
same species. Computation of Brillouin’s index is given in
Table 7. Let there be 3 species consisting of 10 individuals.
The probability of drawing an individual of species A, out
of 10 individuals is 1/10. The probability of drawing second
individual of species A, out of remaining 9 individuals will
be (1/10)(2/9). Given in the table are the steps to understand
the derivation of Brillouin’s index.
The negative logarithm of the equation thus derived (or
the logarithm of reciprocal of probability) may be used as
Brillouin’s information measure.
Good’s Series of Indices
Following generalized equation can be used to derive
some important indices:
where dierent values of m and n (0, 1, 2, 3) give dierent
indices. For example,
For species richness index (S), (m, n) = (0, 0)
For Simpson’s index (S pi2 ), (m, n) = (2, 0)
For Shannon’s index (H’), (m, n) = (1, 1)
Variance as a measure of diversity
Generally diversity is measured for discrete variables
which give the numbers of individuals of dierent species
in the community. Diversity indices can also be obtained
for all discrete data including non-living objects. Parkash
and Thukral (2010) proved that sample statistics such as
standard deviation, variance, standard error, coecient of
variation, quadratic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean,
quadratic mean, power mean, exponential mean, log mean,
moments etc. may be used to derive information measures
which can be used as measures of concentration or diversity.
Two of the statistics frequently used to characterize a sample
are arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Given these
statistics we can dene the species abundance or diversity of
a community. Variance (σ2) of a discrete variable (X) with n
number of observations is dened as
In terms of community analysis, let the community
consist of n species, with the numbers individuals of each
species represented as xi. We can convert this equation into a
probability equation. We know that
Squaring both sides,
1 2
1 1
Cn n
n n
( )
( )
C p n
Simpson i
= =
D p
Gini Simpson i
Inverse Simpson
' =
H nats n n
( ) ! !... !
n !n
1 2 3
H nats individual N n n
( / ) ! !... !
n !n
1 2
H p p
Good i
( )In
2 2
= ==
( ) ( )x x
i i
( )
Table 7. Calculation of probability of drawing an individual from a community consisting 3 species and 10 individuals
Sp. No. of ind.
Names of
No. of ind.
No. of ind. of sp. drawn Probability of drawing individuals upto the
i th individual
A 5 A1 10 1
A2 9 2
(1st, 2nd)
A3 8 3
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
A4 7 4
(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
A5 6 5
(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
B 3 B1 5 1
B2 4 2
B3 3 3
(5 ind of A and 3 of B)
C 2 C1 2 1
C2 1 2
(5 ind of A, 3 of B and 2 of C)
Total 10 All 10
. .
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
1 2 3
! ! ! ! ! !
n n n
The authors proved that for a population or for a large
sample, the sum of squares of probabilities, i.e., Gini-
Simpson’s concentration (C’) will be given as
where M is the mean of the sample. Thus variance can be
used as a measure of heterogeneity of data for a continuous
variable such as length, height, weight, concentration etc.
The relation between the variance of a small sample (S2) and
a population or large sample (σ2) is,
Therefore, for a small sample, the Simpson’s index will be
Same way Simpson’s index can be found for standard error
(SE) and coecient of variation (CV).
Information Measures via Matrix Methods
Sarangal et al. (2012) proved that in several cases a
probability matrix can be produced by multiplication of
a column vector ƒ1 (p1) with a row vector ƒ2 (p2). Either
diagonal or non-diagonal elements, or both of these elements
of the probability matrix can be used to derive the information
measures which can be used as measures of diversity.
The probability matrix generated will be
In the above matrix if both the row and column matrices
comprise of pi elements, the sum of diagonal elements will be
produce Simpson’s concentration, which is Simpson’s index
of diversity.
Similarly, non-diagonal elements of this probability
matrix can also be used to derive new information measures
2 2
=S n
( )
S n
( )
pSE n M
2 2
= +( )
I f p f p
i i
1 2 2
( ) ( )
C p p p
Simpson i i
'= =
= =
which gives Gini-Simpson’s index
Similarly, in the matrix given above, if either the row
or the column vectors comprises of pi and the other vector
comprises of ln pi elements, the negative sum of diagonal
elements will be produce Shannon’s index of diversity.
H' (nats) = – Σ pi loge pi
Using matrix methods we can derive several other
measures of information which can be used as measures of
concentration or diversity.
Evenness indices
The evenness (equitability) of a sample implies equality
in the number of individuals of species (Pielou, 1975). Some
of these indices are given below. These are:
where S is the number of species, H is the Shannon-Wiener’s
index, Dmax and Dmin represent the maximum and minimum
values of Simpson’s reciprocal diversity index.
Eective number of species: The number of equally
common species in a sample is called eective number
of species. This index characterizes the true diversity of a
community (Jost 2006b).
Eective no. of species = e H'
For example if the Shannon’s index is 2 nats, this implies
that the true diversity is 7.39 species. For information in bits,
the eective number of species can be calculated with base
2, that is (2H').
Alpha diversity indices are extensively used in
characterisation of communities in biology (Chawla et al.
2008, 2012) and other research elds such as to describe
the vertical structure of forest ecosystems, succession
of communities (Petrere Jr. et al., 2004), rainfall data
(Bronikowski, 1996), language studies, water and energy
studies (Singh 2013) and many other research elds. Since
diversity indices are not well explained in the texts, their use
in literature has been reduced to just a convention. This paper
may help researchers to understand the fundamentals of
measurement of diversity and to apply their research results
for characterization of plant communities more justiably.
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... The alpha diversity was analyzed based on Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson indexes to understand each medium's bacterial community's richness and evenness (Thukral 2017). The results (Figure 2) show that the topsoil medium had more bacteria species than sandy soil medium treatments. ...
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Wening S, Setiowati RD, Pratiwi DR, Pangaribuan IF, Ginting EN. Bacterial diversity in different growing mediums of oil palm seedlings associated with potassium use efficiency. Biodiversitas 25: 3386-3393. Plant genotype, environmental conditions, and agronomical practices influence nutrient use efficiency. Understanding whether specific microbial communities support the nutrient use efficiency of specific genotypes is very important. This study aimed to understand the bacterial diversity in three different growing mediums of oil palm seedlings with potassium-use efficient characters. The three kinds of medium were medium 1 (sandy soil, recommended dose of fertilizer except for potassium (75% of a recommended dose of potassium)); medium 2 (sandy soil, recommended dose of fertilizer except for potassium (0% of potassium)); and medium 3 (topsoil, recommended dose of fertilizer at five months after planting). A metagenomic approach was conducted using a long-read sequencing platform, allowing the full-length 16S rRNA gene to be sequenced. The alpha diversity analysis showed that medium 3 had the most identified species, while medium 2 had the lowest. Based on the relative abundance, Lactobacillus helveticus was the most abundant species, and Lactobacillus was the most abundant genus in medium 1. Ralstonia pickettii was the most abundant species, and Dyella was the most abundant genus in medium 2. For medium 3, Chujaibacter soli was the most abundant species that dominated the bacteria community, and Lactobacillus was the most abundant genus. These findings were related to the bacteria's function in the respective medium for plant nutrient uptake or utilization. The number of shared species between medium 1 and medium 3 was the highest compared to other medium compositions. It suggested the specific relationship of the potassium-use efficient seedling with the characteristic of the growing medium and the most abundant species or genus of bacteria found. Further research is needed to understand the interactions and influences of bacteria and other microorganisms in the mediums, and the specific genus or species found in potassium-use efficient oil palm seedling mediums.
... For intra-sample diversity (alpha diversity) [35], we used the following metrics: Observed OTUs (for different taxa observed in a sample at the taxonomic level), Chao1 (for the estimation of diversity through abundances), Simpson (based on the probability that two species taken from the sample at random are different) and Shannon index (estimator for both species richness and evenness, but with weight on the richness) [36]. These metrics were calculated using the vegan and phyloseq packages in Rstudio version 4.1.3. ...
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In the context of food transition, the agrifood sector has experienced increasingly strong demand for horticultural products. Fresh fruits and vegetables are mainly vehicles of microorganisms, including pathogens that cause human infections. Food safety and compliance with health standards in the fruits and vegetable value chain are significant concerns and multiple challenges, given the prevalence of foodborne pathologies in Southern countries, particularly in Senegal. This study aimed to describe the bacterial community and assess the microbiological quality of a range of fruits and vegetables sold on street stalls and open-air markets in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal. Samples purchased in seven sites were analyzed to isolate Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella spp. and Vibrio spp. Some primary samples with a positive microbiological culture were subjected to DNA extraction and subsequent metagenomic analysis. A total of 240 fresh fruit and vegetable samples were collected, including lettuce (n = 40), tomatoes (n = 40), mango slices (n = 40), onion slices (n = 40), mint leaves (n = 40), strawberries and grapes (each n = 20). Of these samples, 50.83% (122/240) and 60.41% (145/240) were contaminated with E. coli and Vibrio spp., respectively, while Salmonella was not isolated in any product. E. coli and Vibrio spp. contamination levels, 1.3 10³ to 6 10⁶ Colonies Forming Units per gram of sample (CFU/g) and 4.55 10² to 8.73 10⁶ CFU/g, respectively, were significantly above the thresholds acceptable for human consumption. The most contaminated samples were lettuce, with a prevalence of 98% (39/40) for E. coli and Vibrio spp. followed by mint leaves with 100% (40/40) and 93% (37/40) of the samples containing E. coli and Vibrio spp. respectively. Out of 46 samples sequenced, the metagenomic analysis revealed high contamination rates for E. coli, Vibrio spp. and Salmonella spp., with 100%, 67.39% and 93.47% of prevalence, respectively. On the other hand, the alpha diversity analysis shows high bacterial diversity in lettuce and mint leaf samples, while the beta diversity analysis highlighted the presence of two major clusters. Our results stress the need for a surveillance system that extends this investigation to a national scale while increasing the number of sampling sites and products analyzed.
... in the indigenous Rarámuri language), corresponds to a continuous and permanent research plot located in the Sierra Tarahumara in the Southeast of (Thukral, 2017). The systematic sampling at 50 m presented minimum variance; however, it underestimated the variables BA, Vol, AGB, C, and SDI. ...
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This study characterizes the dasometric and structural parameters of a permanent research plot in northern Mexico. From a total census, 2165 trees (n) were recorded in an area of 1.4 ha-1 and, through the application of various sampling schemes, dasometric variables, and diversity indices were estimated for comparison with the census of a reference plot. We calculated the following dasometric measurements, Quadratic Mean Diameter (QMD)= 12.16 cm, Crown Area (CA)= 61.6%, Reineke's Stand Density Index (SDI)= 668 individuals, Basal Area (BA)= 25.16 m2, Total Volume (Vol)= 158.83 m3 ha-1, aboveground biomass (AGB= 142.78 Mg ha-1) and Carbon (C= 71.39 Mg ha-1). Ecologically, the species with the highest importance value index (IVI) were P. engelmannii and J. deppeana (50.8% and 35%, respectively). The Simpson's dominance index (δ)= 0.39 and diversity (λ)= 0.61 were low, as was the Shannon-Weaver index of diversity (H'= 1.3), which is in agreement with the Margalef index (DMg= 1.04). The value of Pielou's evenness (J'= 0.53) confirmed low abundance. Equidistant systematic sampling at 40 m was closer to the reference census, presenting lower values in the mean and variance estimators compared to the other sampling methods. The results can be included in management portfolios to improve decision-making. Although further studies on site size, inclusion of additive indices, and operational costs are required.
... The sediment core age-depth model was constructed based on six charcoal sample dates, where the 182 more superficial at 41 cm corresponds to 75 ± 32 cal years BP, and the deepest found at 94 cm corresponds to an age value of 183 505 ± 22 cal years BP. Based on the age-depth model constructed, the sediment core of Inka-Coya Lake analyzed had 630 184 years of age ( The variation in diversity within the sample was measured to determine the changes in the microbial community along the 194 sediment core by calculating the Shannon, Simpson, Chao, and Phylogenetic indices as standard measures of the taxonomic 195 diversity within a sample (Thukral, 2017). The microbial community observed along the core was diverse, based on the DNA 196 samples analyzed. ...
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Lacustrine sediments are natural archives for the surrounding area's biogeochemical dynamics; in particular, the isolation and extreme conditions in which desert lakes are located make them ideal study models for studying perturbations in the ecosystem. Specifically, Inka-Coya Lake is in the Atacama Desert, where the presence of metals and metalloids associated with the active geological activity and local mining industry is a crucial driver for the biological dynamics in this ecosystem, as have been suggested for macroinvertebrates and plankton communities in the lake. In this study, we aimed to characterize the microbial communities that inhabit deep lacustrine sediments and their interaction with the surrounding environment. The results show that the microbial community from lacustrine sediments contains over 70 % unclassified organisms, highlighting this ecosystem's microbial taxonomic novelty. Our results indicate that the microbial communities cluster in three distinct zones: a superficial community, an intermediate and mixed community, and a more specialized anaerobic community in the deeper sediments. The microbial composition is dominated by chemoheterotrophic bacteria strongly associated with methane metabolism. Additionally, there is statistical evidence of strong correlations between particular taxa such as Sulfurimonadaceae, Metanoregulaceae, and Ktedonobacteroceae with elements like Cu, As, Fe, Ni, and V, and magnetic properties of the surrounding environment. Further detailed studies of the metabolic repertoire of these communities are necessary to understand the complex dynamics between microbial life and geochemical composition in this fragile and extreme environment.
... The microbiome diversity is often measured using alpha diversity which refers to diversity on a local scale. (Thukral, 2017). Here, we compute diversity using the Shannon-Wiener index Shannon (1948). ...
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Data increasingly take the form of a multi-way array, or tensor, in several biomedical domains. Such tensors are often incompletely observed. For example, we are motivated by longitudinal microbiome studies in which several timepoints are missing for several subjects. There is a growing literature on missing data imputation for tensors. However, existing methods give a point estimate for missing values without capturing uncertainty. We propose a multiple imputation approach for tensors in a flexible Bayesian framework, that yields realistic simulated values for missing entries and can propagate uncertainty through subsequent analyses. Our model uses efficient and widely applicable conjugate priors for a CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) factorization, with a separable residual covariance structure. This approach is shown to perform well with respect to both imputation accuracy and uncertainty calibration, for scenarios in which either single entries or entire fibers of the tensor are missing. For two microbiome applications, it is shown to accurately capture uncertainty in the full microbiome profile at missing timepoints and used to infer trends in species diversity for the population. Documented R code to perform our multiple imputation approach is available at .
... After obtaining the OTU abundance table for algal OTUs, we used non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to ordinate the community in each lake. Then, we calculated Shannon diversity as a primary index of alpha diversity, as it indicates both richness and evenness and reflects different aspects of diversity, Shannon diversity and, for example, species richness typically correlate quite strongly based on earlier literature (Stirling & Wilsey, 2001;Thukral, 2017). Beta diversity was calculated by Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, which is appropriate for abundance data (Cook et al., 2018). ...
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Better understanding of the responses of algal biodiversity to multiple pressures, such as climate warming and eutrophication, is a key issue in aquatic ecology. Alpha and beta diversity may have various patterns over temporal scales, especially in the Anthropocene, when external pressures became more multifaceted. However, the limited availability of historical data hampers the exploration of algal biodiversity through time. Recently, sediment DNA has emerged as a potential tool for elucidating temporal patterns in algal communities. Here, we used sediment DNA to reconstruct temporal turnover and diversity of algal communities in four remote lakes in northern China over the past 200 years. Furthermore, to distinguish the contributions of possible influencing environmental factors, we conducted structural equation modelling. Our results revealed that algal communities have experienced rapid shifts since the Anthropocene, characterized by increased alpha diversity and decreased temporal beta diversity. Warmer climate and eutrophication were associated with changes in alpha diversity, while temporal environmental variation was associated with temporal beta diversity. This study revealed opposing patterns in alpha and beta diversity for algal communities, possibly caused by warming, eutrophication and lower temporal environmental variation, respectively. While climatic factors played a major role in remote lakes with a natural environment, lakes that are more human impacted may be more structured by nutrient‐related factors. Under climate warming and intensified human activities, remote lakes may encounter complex pressures in the near future. Our findings offer valuable insights into patterns in aquatic biodiversity and possible factors underlying multiple pressures.
... Chao1 index of gut microbiota from LZ, which was significantly influenced by habitats, the rest indexes were only significantly affected by geographical locations. The reasons probably were that Chao1 index mainly reflects the number of microbial species in the intestines of P. canaliculata, while the Shannon and Simpson index consider both the richness and evenness of gut microbial communities (Thukral, 2017). Moreover, the Shannon index puts more weight into richness and the Simpson index puts more weight into evenness. ...
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Gut microbiota is related to host fitness, and influenced by geographical locations and habitats. Pomacea canaliculata is a malignant invasive alien snail that threatens agricultural production and ecosystem functions worldwide. Clarifying the general rules of the gut microbial community structure and function of the snails in different geographical locations and habitats is of great significance for understanding their invasion at different spatial scales. This study used high‐throughput sequencing technology to compare and analyze the differences in community structure and function of gut microbiota in P. canaliculata from five geographical locations (Liuzhou, Yulin, Nanning, Wuzhou, and Hezhou) and three different habitats (pond, paddy field, and ditch) in Guangxi Province. The results showed that intestinal microbial alpha diversity of P. canaliculata was higher in Liuzhou, Yulin, lower in Nanning, Wuzhou, Hezhou, and higher in ponds compared with paddy fields and ditches. The dominant phyla of gut microbiota in snails were Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Fusobacteriota, Bacteroidota, and the dominant genus was Lactococcus. The community structure of gut microbiota in snails varied significantly across different geographical locations and habitats, and the phyla Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria had significantly higher relative abundance in snails collected from Nanning and Yulin, respectively. Moreover, the relative abundance of gut functional microbiota associated with human disease in P. canaliculata was significantly affected by geographical locations and habitats, and with the highest abundance in ponds. However, the relative abundance of functional microbiota related to metabolism, genetic information processing, organizational system, environmental information processing, and cellular processes were only significantly affected by geographical locations. Collectively, geographical locations and habitats had significantly different effects on the community structure and function of gut microbiota in P. canaliculata, and the greater differences were caused by geographical locations rather than by habitats.
Sugarcane is a key crop for sugar and energy production, and understanding the diversity of its associated microbes is crucial for optimizing its growth and health. However, there is a lack of thorough investigation and use of microbial resources in sugarcane. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of culturable microbes and their functional features in different tissues and rhizosphere soil of four diverse sugarcane species using metagenomics techniques. The results revealed significant microbial diversity in sugarcane’s tissues and rhizosphere soil, including several important biomarker bacterial taxa identified, which are reported to engage in several processes that support plant growth, such as nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and the production of plant hormones. The Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) studies identified unique microbial communities in different parts of the same sugarcane species, particularly Burkholderia , which exhibited significant variations across the sugarcane species. Microbial analysis of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) indicated that genes related to sucrose metabolism were mostly present in specific bacterial taxa, including Burkholderia , Pseudomonas , Paraburkholderia , and Chryseobacterium . This study improves understanding of the diversities and functions of endophytes and rhizosphere soil microbes in sugarcane. Moreover, the approaches and findings of this study provide valuable insights for microbiome research and the use of comparable technologies in other agricultural fields. IMPORTANCE This work utilized metagenomics techniques for conducting a comprehensive examination of culturable microbes and their functional characteristics in various tissues and rhizosphere soil of four distinct sugarcane species. This study enhances comprehension of the diversity and functions of endophytes and rhizosphere soil microbes in sugarcane. Furthermore, the methodologies and discoveries of this work offer new perspectives for microbiome investigation and the use of similar technologies in other agricultural fields.
Identifying the origins of biological traces is critical for the reconstruction of crime scenes in forensic investigations. Traditional methods for body fluid identification rely on chemical, enzymatic, immunological, and spectroscopic techniques, which can be sample-consuming and depend on simple color-change reactions. However, these methods have limitations when residual samples are insufficient after DNA extraction. This study aimed to develop a method for body fluid identification by leveraging bacterial DNA profiling to overcome the limitations of the conventional approaches. Bacterial profiles were determined by sequencing the hypervariable region of the 16 S rRNA gene, using DNA metabarcoding of evidence collected from criminal cases. Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were analyzed to identify significant microbial patterns in different body fluid samples. The bacterial profile-based method demonstrated high discriminatory power with a machine learning model trained using the naïve Bayes algorithm, achieving an accuracy of over 98% in classifying samples into one of four body fluid types: blood, saliva, vaginal secretion, and mixture traces of vaginal secretions and semen. Bacterial profiling enhances the accuracy and robustness of body fluid identification in forensic analysis, providing a valuable alternative to traditional methods by utilizing DNA and microbial community data despite the uncontrollable conditions. This approach offers significant improvements in the classification accuracy and practical applicability in forensic investigations.
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Oceans' absorption of human-related CO 2 emissions leads to a process called ocean acidification (OA), consisting of the decrease of the seawater pH with negative consequences for many marine organisms. In this study, we investigate the microbial community of two species of polychaetes found in naturally acidified CO 2 vents: the nereid Platynereis massiliensis complex and the syllid Syllis prolifera. Animals were collected in the CO 2 vents of Castello Aragonese (Gulf of Naples, Ischia, Italy) in three zones at decreasing pH. For the analysis of the microbiome, the V3-V4 hypervariable region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene of 40 worm samples was sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform. No difference in the microbial alpha diversity of both species was highlighted. On the contrary, the microbial composition of worms collected in the site at normal pH was different from that of the individuals obtained from the sites at lower pH. This effect was evident also in samples from the site with a slight, but relevant, degree of acidification. Amplicon sequence variants showing a significant variation among the groups of samples collected from different pH zones were reported for both polychaetes, but no common trend of variation was observed. The present study deepens our knowledge about the composition of polychaete microbiome in marine naturally acidified sites. Our results stress the importance of future investigations about the connection between the variation of environmental and polychaete microbial communities induced by OA and about the effect of these variations on polychaete key biological and ecological traits.
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In the present communication, we have generated some new information theoretic measures through the diagonal and non-diagonal elements of the matrix of probability terms obtained by post multiplication of a column vector by a row vector. The elements of columns of such a matrix consists of linear function whereas the row elements are in the form of linear, power, exponential , trigonometric and hyperbolic function. The concept will find application in measurement of diversity in biological systems and in other disciplines using information theory.
Entropy Theory and its Application in Environmental and Water Engineering responds to the need for a book that deals with basic concepts of entropy theory from a hydrologic and water engineering perspective and then for a book that deals with applications of these concepts to a range of water engineering problems. The range of applications of entropy is constantly expanding and new areas finding a use for the theory are continually emerging. The applications of concepts and techniques vary across different subject areas and this book aims to relate them directly to practical problems of environmental and water engineering. The book presents and explains the Principle of Maximum Entropy (POME) and the Principle of Minimum Cross Entropy (POMCE) and their applications to different types of probability distributions. Spatial and inverse spatial entropy are important for urban planning and are presented with clarity. Maximum entropy spectral analysis and minimum cross entropy spectral analysis are powerful techniques for addressing a variety of problems faced by environmental and water scientists and engineers and are described here with illustrative examples. Giving a thorough introduction to the use of entropy to measure the unpredictability in environmental and water systems this book will add an essential statistical method to the toolkit of postgraduates, researchers and academic hydrologists, water resource managers, environmental scientists and engineers. It will also offer a valuable resource for professionals in the same areas, governmental organizations, private companies as well as students in earth sciences, civil and agricultural engineering, and agricultural and rangeland sciences. This book: Provides a thorough introduction to entropy for beginners and more experienced users. Uses numerous examples to illustrate the applications of the theoretical principles. Allows the reader to apply entropy theory to the solution of practical problems. Assumes minimal existing mathematical knowledge. Discusses the theory and its various aspects in both univariate and bivariate cases. Covers newly expanding areas including neural networks from an entropy perspective and future developments.
A quick dip into the literature on diversity reveals a bewildering range of indices. Each of these indices seeks to characterize the diversity of a sample or community by a single number. To add yet more confusion an index may be known by more than one name and written in a variety of notations using a range of log bases. This diversity of diversity indices has arisen because, for a number of years, it was standard practice for an author to review existing indices, denounce them as useless, and promptly invent a new index. Southwood (1978) notes an interesting parallel in the proliferation of new designs of light traps and new permutations of diversity measures.
It is shown that Cole's (1949) coefficient of interspecific association (C"7) is biased in that it is influenced by the species' frequencies. The formulas given by Cole (1949) for the calculation of C"7 all can be written in the form: C"7 = ad - bc / @?ad - bc@? @? @ / @oObs @g^2/Max @g^2@? where a, b, c, and d refer to the four cells of a 2 x 2 contingency table. Obs @g^2 is simply the value of @g^2 associated with the observed values of a, b, c, and d. Max @g^2 is the value of @g^2 when a is as large (if ad @? bc) or as small (if ad
The frequency distribution of the distance from a randomly selected point to the rth nearest organism contained in a variable area transect is described. Estimators of density and variance are derived for both randomly distributed and aggregated populations. For randomly distributed populations exact confidence intervals are available. On an effort-precision criterion the method is more useful than other spatial distribution based density estimators. Under the condition where effort is a linear function of distance covered and numbers of organisms counted, the effort expended in achieving a desired level of precision is the same as that for quadrats; the variance of effort depends on the difficulty in counting and in covering the distance. An example using pismo clams (Tivela stultorum) is given: the density of clams was found to be 1 per 2.87 m2. The method was found to be superior to that of other distance-measures and quadrats.