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Abstract and Figures

p class="3">The aim of this paper is to present the learning and teaching styles using the Social Learning Environment (SLE), which was developed based on the computer supported collaborative learning approach. To avoid burdening learners with multiple platforms and tools, SLE was designed and developed in order to integrate existing systems, institutional learning, management systems, and Facebook. With SLE, a learner is exposed to instructional learning material, problem-based, project-based, and social learning. This work focuses on presenting and analyzing effectiveness of implemented teaching and learning scenarios that are used by means of SLE. This study investigates the use of SLE as a learning environment and it examines student satisfaction and online activity while using it. The aim is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of integrating SLE with online learning and to determine how using SLE effects student learning. This analysis points out the advantages and disadvantages of using SLE in online learning and provides recommendations for future improvements.</p
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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Volume 18, Number 1
February 2017
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment
with Online Learning
Miroslava Raspopovic, Svetlana Cvetanovic, Ivana Medan, and Danijela Ljubojevic
Belgrade Metropolitan University, Serbia
The aim of this paper is to present the learning and teaching styles using the Social Learning Environment
(SLE), which was developed based on the computer supported collaborative learning approach. To avoid
burdening learners with multiple platforms and tools, SLE was designed and developed in order to integrate
existing systems, institutional learning, management systems, and Facebook. With SLE, a learner is
exposed to instructional learning material, problem-based, project-based, and social learning. This work
focuses on presenting and analyzing effectiveness of implemented teaching and learning scenarios that are
used by means of SLE. This study investigates the use of SLE as a learning environment and it examines
student satisfaction and online activity while using it. The aim is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of
integrating SLE with online learning and to determine how using SLE effects student learning. This analysis
points out the advantages and disadvantages of using SLE in online learning and provides
recommendations for future improvements.
Keywords: social learning environment, online learning, collaborative learning, computer supported
collaborative learning approach, interaction
Rapid technological developments have enabled evolution of technologies used for learning. Expansion of
numerous tools has diversified educators’ options towards the implementation of the technology-supported
learning, including a heterogeneous set of tools, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), virtual
classrooms, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and serious games. One of the most important aspect
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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of using them is that they provide interaction between students, which leads to better socialization and
cooperation online.
The role of interaction in online learning is crucial for effective learning because it is not only student-
student interaction that matters. Six different forms of interaction that account for learning can be
recognized in distance learning education: student-student, student-teacher, student-content, teacher-
teacher, teacher-content, and content-content (Zornić & Hasanović, 2011).
Theories that support inclusion of new technologies in the learning process are based on the assumption
that students are active participants who seek and construct knowledge within a context that has meaning
to them. Communication and collaborative learning can be realized by means of collaborative tools (which
are generally an integral part of the learning management system, or can be applied as an application on
the network). Although there are many diverse tools, the architecture of a learning system puts a heavy task
for e-learning to be integrated into a complex system that is at the same time scalable, flexible, and, most
importantly, evolvable and capable of lasting. Using traditional LMS without any external tools, the learning
space is left under the control of the institution and instructors. As a result, this leaves little room for
learners to arrange their digital learning space, and to facilitate their activities (Väljataga & Tammets, 2011).
In our work, we propose that a social learning environment (SLE) is used to support not only learning
activities from the institutional e-learning system, but also problem solving, collaboration, and
communication with instructor and their peers. SLE is based on the computer supported collaborative
learning (CSCL) approach (Koschmann, 1996; Wang, 2009), focusing on the user experience and behavior
similar to social networks. Social networks and their activities, when used appropriately, can be viewed as
a manifestation of informal learning and a platform that allows collaboration and effective communication.
Social networks represent a common space where friends can share information that can be viewed by
others. Therefore, social networks represent a good candidate to be used as an additional source for
learning. Studies have shown that students spend a significant amount of time on social networks, checking
and engaging in a variety of activities (Junco, 2012a). Nevertheless, even though social networks have been
promoted as one of the ways to increase the interaction and communication between students (McLoughlin
& Lee, 2010), it is necessary to accompany the usage of social networks in learning along with appropriate
pedagogical methods. However, the merging of the formal and the informal learning through the use of
social networks in higher education still remains a contested topic (Donlan, 2014).
In order to explore and utilize such opportunities, and examine the usefulness of social networks in higher
education, it is necessary to build a system that will simulate social network usage by integration of
institutional e-learning system with external tools under appropriate constraints and in the controlled
learning environment. This paper explores the possibility of using such a system designed on the premises
of computer-supported collaborative learning theories and specifically on the basis of the benefits of
integrating social networks functionalities of interaction and collaboration in the learning formats.
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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Sociocultural theory and constructivism are rich soil for explaining collaborative learning, the importance
of social interaction in online social learning environments and using social networks in online learning.
Lev Vygotsky (1987) argued that children learn best in a social environment, and construct meaning
through interaction with others. He stated that “with collaboration, direction, or some kind of help the child
is always able to do more and solve more difficult tasks that he can independently” (Vygotsky, 1987, p. 2011).
Students can take an active part in the learning process if the classes are organized in a way that supports
learning through discovery (discovery learning). This type of learning requires students to independently
and inductively draw conclusions, not only to be passive listeners-receptors of the presented material but
they must process the problem set before them as part of their cognitive abilities, which leads both to an
increase in the quality of knowledge and its durability, and to the development of intellectual abilities.
Eric Mazur's idea on peer instruction is similar to the idea of Bruner’s scaffolding (Bruner, 1996). Mazur
developed his idea at the beginning of the 90s and has so far supported it by numerous studies (Fagen,
Crouch, & Mazur, 2002). Peer instruction is an interactive strategy in teaching when teachers’ lecture is
stopped periodically to pose a question (these questions are called ConceptTests). The procedure is as
1. Question posed.
2. Students given time to think.
3. Students record or report individual answers.
4. Neighboring students discuss their answer.
5. Feedback to teacher: Tally of answers.
6. Explanation of the correct answer. (Turpen & Finkelstein, 2010)
As students are mainly using Facebook for communication and interaction, including adaptation to new
school programs and cultures, discovering social activities, finding and maintaining relationships, seeking
knowledge on a variety of subjects, self-representation and self-promotion, recruitment, sharing
knowledge, academic purposes, and adhering to specific agendas, findings show that using Facebook
increases learners’ self-efficacy, motivation, and self-esteem while reducing anxiety in the teaching and
learning processes (Aydin, 2012).
Through social online interaction and discussion students collaboratively share messages not only relating
to their tasks and concerns that they may have about that task, but also their own strategies on how a specific
task can be solved/completed. Online learning environment that uses social networking can help
establishing online connections and minimize isolation feelings, which usually occur in online learning
where students feel isolated or lonely. Establishing these online collections through online learning
environment can develop learning communities, which in return develop positive sense contributing to
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student satisfaction (Swan & Shih, 2005), perceived learning (Richardson & Swan, 2003), and social
presence (Kehrwald, 2008). Christudason concluded from her research that peer learning activities result
in: (a) team-building spirit and more supportive relationships; (b) greater psychological well-being, social
competence, communication skills, and self-esteem; and (c) higher achievement and greater productivity
in terms of enhanced learning outcomes (Christudason, 2003).
Nowadays teachers and students use the social media as important teaching strategy for learning,
collaboration, and participation (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2012). There have been various interests in
integrating the social media in the learning process (Lewis, Pea, & Rosen, 2010), while there is evidence
that such approach can be effective, there are also some negative implications (Kreijns, Kirschner, &
Jochems, 2003). Moreover, Roblyer, McDaniel, Webb, Herman, and Witty (2010) found that students are
more prone to use social networks and similar technologies in learning, than their faculty who prefer
traditional methods. Similarly, Tess (2013) reported that universities are not proactive and agile in
introducing social media in their teaching, even though they have sufficient infrastructure and support.
However, the way technology is used is more important in predicting students’ performance than the time
spent on the technology (Wenglinsky, 2005). The inclusion of technology in teaching does not automatically
result in effective teaching practices and deep meaningful learning unless effective pedagogical use of the
technology is practiced. Technology should be regarded as enabler and not the driver.
Different learning styles have been implemented in classrooms and have been shown effective for online
learning as well, including design-based learning (Joordens, Chandrasekaran, Stojcevski, & Littlefair,
2012). Design-based learning combines both problem-based and project-based learning. Problem-based
learning is based on the instructional method used to initiate students' learning, motivation, and acquisition
of content knowledge, problem solving, and self-directed learning skills. This approach focuses on
facilitating the learning process, and not as much on providing the knowledge in the instructional form
(Kolmos, 1996). Project-based learning is perceived to be a student-centered approach, with the goal for
the learner to take the ownership of the learning through the problem solving process (Savery & Duffy,
If we think of nowadays learners that belong to the Internet generation, they value social interaction a lot:
“The Net Gen often prefers to learn and work in teams. A peer-to-peer approach is common, as well, where
students help each other. In fact, Net Geners find peers more credible than teachers when it comes to
determining what is worth paying attention to.” (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005) Through collaborative
learning a student is more prone to become reflective, think critically, and to understand concepts better
rather than studying alone (Hew & Cheung, 2013). Even though there is evidence that students are prone
to incorporate their learning through their social networks, Selwyn (2009) points out that such activity
should be initiated by students rather than educators. The implications for teaching are that a learning
platform needs to provide a socially rich environment in which students can explore their domain of
knowledge together with their peers, teachers, and outside experts. Students can play an active role in
sharing information and resources with the rest of the class that are of interest to the course, while creating
an inter-connected space for communication in which students take the initiative and become more
involved (Ventura & Quero, 2013). While students may have a positive attitude towards to use of social
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network to discuss university work, particularly in the context of group assignments, there can be some
resistance to notions of collaboration and collectivism in terms of sharing resources, with students feeling
protective over the resources they had identified and allowing them to use social networks on their terms,
where its use is student-directed and where they see a defined purpose and relevance (Donlan, 2014).
There is an evidence supported by a large number of empirical studies that social network can serve an
important role in the learning environment by supporting student class discussions, collaborative learning,
sharing educational resources, extra-curricular resources, and self-managed learning (Manca & Ranieri,
2013). Studies have shown both positive and negative effects when using Facebook in the learning
environment. Facebook can be viewed as useful educational tool and its usage has many advantages. Hurt,
Moss, Larson, and Lovelace (2012) compared students perception, attitudes, and educational outcomes
using Facebook and conventional LMS, and showed that student group using Facebook reported better
educational outcomes than the LMS group (Hurt et al., 2012). On the other hand, other authors found there
was no relation between Facebook use and student success in learning (Pasek, More, & Hargittai, 2009),
that there are no differences in GPA between students who did and did not use Facebook (Kolek & Saunders,
2008), and that even Facebook users can report a lower grade point average (GPA) (Kirschner & Karpinski,
2010). Junco (2012a) in his study showed that students spend significant amount of time on social
networks, checking and engaging in variety of activities (Junco, 2012a), but concluded that time spent on
the Facebook is a negative predictor on the GPA (Junco, 2012b).
As such, benefits of usage of social network can be used to further explore its effects in the learning setting,
formal or informal. In our research, we use the functionalities of the social network, many of which are alike
to Facebook, and integrate them in the learning process, through a custom made social network-like system,
social learning environment (SLE). In this work, we investigate in which teaching and learning setting a
student will have the most positive attitude towards learning, and what activity will motivate them the most.
SLE is an attempt to prove that social networks, and its activities, when used appropriately, can be viewed
as manifestation of informal learning and a platform that allows collaboration and effective communication.
Courses for distance learning should be created in such a way that will abound in tools that enable
discussions, collaborative work, problem solving, and support in learning. This is one of the reasons why
we started with a new SLE that would comprise all of this.
Research Design
For the purpose of this research, a software environment for implementation of computer-based,
collaborative learning called Social Learning Environment (SLE) was developed. This tool was designed in
such a way to support problem- and project-based learning, while increasing the involvement of students
and their interaction with the course instructor. Having students use the existing LMS and Educational
Management System (EMS), in order to minimize student confusion with the introduction of a new tool,
SLE was designed so that students can access the instructional learning content posted on LMS from the
SLE. In a way, SLE is a social network software tool that integrates a collaborative learning platform
designed for student and teacher interactions. Furthermore, it has the accessibility to the instructional
content on LMS and the features of a social network so that integration with Facebook as an external social
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network is seamless from the learners’ perspective. SLE bridges the connection between these technological
solutions integrated into a single system.
SLE was designed to test:
1. How social network-like learning environment that is integrated with institution instructional
learning design can help improve and increase interaction with students encouraging discussion
on topics of interest.
2. How SLE usage can facilitate problem-based and project-based learning through group work and
In this research, SLE was used in two teaching models:
1. As a tool for blended learning teaching model.
2. As a tool for online learning teaching.
In both scenarios, the teacher created and posted learning materials as a set of learning objects on LMS. As
soon as the learning content is available on LMS, the interactive learning space on SLE is created. The
teacher initiates the discussion with questions, assignments, tasks, or problems, which are used for student
interaction and the problem-based learning approach. Students would participate in the discussion by
either providing an answer, or asking a question to clarify a certain topic. In a blended learning model, the
teacher had reading assignment given before the class, while in the class students were grouped and worked
on solving different problems which were posted on SLE. In the online learning model, students were given
questions for discussion and assigned different problems to work on SLE. Both teachers and students can
initiate discussions or problems on SLE with an additional option to share this as an announcement on the
SLE-Based Teaching and Learning Activities
This section describes possible SLE usage scenarios in different types of classrooms. Even though SLE is
designed to provide flexible teaching, its foundation lies on the problem- and project-based learning, hence
the scenarios that are presented here support these forms. The flexibility given by SLE lies in the fact that
the student is given an option to start learning either by accessing the instructional design first, through
LMS, or by accessing posted assignments on SLE. Two models of activities are described: teaching activities
that include creation of learning content and learning activities as seen by students.
Model of Teaching Activities
When using SLE, teaching activities include not only activities that take place in-class, but also the
preparation of learning content and planning of in-class, and/or online active learning strategies. The
model of teaching activities is presented in Figure 1. Instructional teaching material is created in the forms
of LOs, in order to have better flexibility in teaching design. Each LOs is created as a modular unit,
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presenting a good base for problem and task assignment. Once the content and self-assessments are
created, they are published. Publishing of a lesson on LMS automatically creates interactive learning space
in SLE, where each lesson has its own discussion space. Before the announcement about lesson creation is
published, the teacher can create initial problems, tasks, discussion questions, and/or resources that are
posted on SLE. It is left to the instructor to decide on the structure and timing of the activities posted on
SLE. These could be posted for a discussion prior to class, or even for the usage during the class time. Initial
interactive space created on SLE is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. Model of teaching activities.
Figure 2. Initial interactive learning space in SLE.
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Model of Learning Activities
SLE provides an option to students to either start learning through lesson content or to start by solving
problems and tasks initially posted by the instructor. Once the lesson content is created and published,
student receives an announcement that the activity on SLE is available. The learning activities on SLE
include the following:
1. The student accesses the SLE and chooses whether he/she wants to access the learning content first
or the assigned problems in the interactive space in SLE.
2. If the student decides to read learning content, he/she is prompted to go through the sequence of
assigned LOs for that lesson.
3. If the student decides to attempt assigned problems and tasks on SLE, he/she can either partake in
the discussion and problem solving, or he/she can share useful resources needed for successful
completion of a problem by the rest of the group.
4. Students are encouraged to share resources or even post their own problems or tasks relating to
that lesson.
5. The teacher serves as a moderator throughout this learning process, and can post additional tasks
and resources needed to gauge students’ progress and continuation of their engagement.
It should be noted here that previously stated steps are not necessarily sequential and could occur in
parallel, or in different order. The student can at any time access learning content posted on LMS.
The groups’ discussions and problem solving can be conducted in different manners. Here, as an example,
we provide two scenarios that were used during the evaluation of SLE teaching and learning approach.
Scenario 1 - Blended Classroom Model
Our blended classroom model was inspired by the active learning strategies. In this model, students initially
read their instructional learning material at their own pace. Students were given a set of questions relating
to these materials, and answered these questions prior to coming to class. Student answers were used to
help the instructor to gain an overview of students' progress, understandings, and misconceptions about
the learning content. The beginning of the class would start with addressing these misconceptions in t he
discussion format, and if necessary, a mini lecture on the complex or misunderstood concepts was given.
By reading the learning content prior to class, students were able to actively engage in this discussion. Once
the instructional material was discussed, students were organized in groups, and were given a set of
problems to solve. Problem assignments were posted on SLE interactive space, and students posted their
solution as reply to original post. Once the group solved their problems, their next assignment was to go
through the problem of another group and to evaluate whether their problem was solved correctly (in-class
peer assessments). In-class agreement, between teacher and students, was to "like" a solution if the problem
was correct, or post a comment if there were any errors. Students were also encouraged to post additional
problems they liked and to share them with the class. At any moment, students were able to access their
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learning content for that particular lesson through SLE. Figure 3 represents one of the problems posted for
the group activities in the Computer Networks class, where the task was to determine a routing table for the
simple network.
Figure 3. Example of a solved and discussed problem by a group of students in a blended classroom model.
Scenario 2 - Online Classroom Model
Once the lesson is published on LMS and the SLE interactive space is created, the learning process begins
in the online classroom model of SLE usage. Just like in the blended learning model, students have a choice
to either access instructional learning material first, or to access activities on SLE. In both cases, students
collaborate directly with the instructor and other students on SLE, they use resources that are posted by
other participants in the learning process, answer and solve tasks and problems, and take part in the
discussion. The social network-like functionalities in SLE, such as “like” and “share” options, are there to
encourage students to assess their peers’ work. The instructor role in the collaboration is to gain an overview
of students' progress and to moderate students’ discussions. Based on the students’ post, instructors can
adjust tasks, problems, and additional resources in order to improve students’ current knowledge level, and
moreover, to keep students engaged in their online learning process. It can be said that in this model,
problem solving and inquiry based learning through the search for the solution of the problem is an integral
component of the learning process. Figure 4 displays a segment of one of the discussions relating to
determining an SQL quarry in the Database course.
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Figure 4. Example of a solved and discussed problem by a group of students in an online classroom model.
Platform Architecture
The entire integrated system includes: Institutional Learning System (ILS), Educational Management
System (EMS), Social Learning Environment (SLE), and Facebook (Figure 5). As each system represents
individual software component, each system is integrated by its set of web services, allowing for a smooth
and seamless communication between the systems. This feature is important, as it avoids burdening learner
with more information, passwords, and multiple logins. EMS, SLE, and ILS are integrated with a single-
sign-on feature, allowing a learner to have a feeling of a single system.
Figure 5. Platform architecture of the integrated systems.
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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The main functionality of the ILS is to allow creation and storage of the learning content, which is
designated for the instructional design. ILS represents already existing institutional system that is not prone
to changes and it lacks flexibility. In this architecture, ILS is composed of three technological solutions:
Authoring tool, Enterprise management system (ECMS), and Learning Management System (LMS). In our
work, the complex structure of ILS is the result of the need that ILS should support implementation and
presentation of learning materials through series of learning objects (LOs). LOs modularity allows for
implementation of adaptive and collaborative teaching models, as each LO can be individually discussed
and elaborated through interaction between teacher and students.
Each of the presented subsystems that constitute ILS has its own purpose. The Authoring tool allows
creation of LOs and structuring LOs content according to a structured ontology (in this work DITA
ontology). ECMS primary serves as a repository of LOs, but ECMS also enables LOs to be arranged as
appropriate sequences, and published to LMS. Each LOs’ sequence, prepared in ECMS and published on
LMS, presents a lesson or course. For the purpose of this work as LMS, Learning Activities Management
System (LAMS) was used.
LAMS does not only allow LOs’ sequences to be published, but it also provides graded and non-graded
assessment activities. There are two types of LAMS’s activities: student self-assessments (tests containing
open questions, true/false, single select or multiple answer type questions, task), and activities that enable
communication and interaction (chat, wiki, forum, etc.). Even though such systems provide great tools in
an online teaching, they have certain shortcomings. Shortcomings are a result of lack of flexibility of LAMS.
For instance, students cannot directly collaborate with their peers and teachers during solving their tasks
or assignments. In other words, these systems allow for collaborative and interactive learning to some
extent, but there is a need for their improvement.
EMS supports university’s business processes. It is based on the relational database containing data about
students, their exams, and grades, courses from academic major curriculum, teachers, and teacher course
assignments. The integration of EMS with LMS enables that all necessary information about students,
teachers, and courses are provided and shared with LMS.
In order to make student interaction and collaboration more effective and to fully enable collaborative
education, the social networks are added in learning platform. The exploitation of social networks is an
attempt to enrich currently used technologies with an innovative, value added components, which can be
used to increase student motivation, interaction, and satisfaction. In this architecture, social networks are
not directly integrated with LMS. The integration is realized by adding new a SLE component that accesses
both LMS and Facebook. Every time a lesson and its learning activities are published on LMS, the same
content and structure is imported from LMS and published on SLE. In SLE, the instructo r can manage
lesson/course activities by posting discussions, tasks, and problems relating to the published material, or
by sharing additional learning material that are used for continuous interaction with students. Any
announcements about new learning events in SLE and posted comments can be shared on Facebook.
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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The evaluation of SLE was conducted in four different courses, for the duration of a month. This evaluation
included 72 students. After one month of SLE exploitation, students were asked to rank satisfaction about
SLE usage through a survey. Each response to survey question was scaled based on the 5-point Likert scale
with the following approach: 1-very dissatisfied, 2-dissatisfied, 3-neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4-
satisfied, 5-very satisfied. Fifty-five participated in providing the feedback through the designed
questionnaire. Out of 55 students, 39 (70.9%) were male and 16 (29.1%) were female.
The analysis of research questions was specially focused on analyzing whether the students have been
satisfied with SLE as a component that:
i. Influence the student learning and motivate them to further research the lesson topic by sharing
the resources and collaborating with peers.
ii. Increase student interaction and communication with teacher and peers.
The intent was to use this analysis to plan future improvements of the SLE components, both in the aspect
of teaching and learning design, as well as the functionalities offered by the SLE as a software tool. The
integration and implementation of SLE were examined by analyzing the following:
How much students have been satisfied with SLE in mastering the learning content and in
establishing better communications with course instructor, teaching assistant, and peers.
If student have been satisfied with SLE usefulness for sharing additional resources during the
problems solving.
If student have been satisfied with SLE as an effective component for accessing learning material
on LMS.
If students have been satisfied with SLE learning experience and if they would appreciate using SLE
in other courses.
In order to be able to address future improvements and better predict which parameters will increase
collaboration, communication, and effectively improve learning experience for students, dependence
between all parameters was analyzed using Spearman correlation method. In this analysis we have taken
into account positive correlation, when r is greater than 0.5.
The analyses of results are divided into two parts: (i) the analysis of student usage and satisfaction with the
SLE, and (ii) the analysis of correlation between the questions about students’ satisfaction in order to
address the future improvements of SLE.
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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Analysis of Student Satisfaction with the SLE
Based on the average marks given on answers shown in Table 1, students were most positive about wanting
to be alerted when new activity was available; however, they preferred notification via email, 3.491.59
(with the median 4.00) and not by Facebook, 2.36±1.66 (with the median 1.00). Furthermore, students did
not show a high level of interest on further integrating SLE with Facebook, 2.60 ±1.64 (with median 2.00).
Students’ comments in the survey suggested that posting individual push notifications to their private
Facebook walls may not be very effective. It is our assumption that they view their wall as a private space.
However, they suggested that creation of a Facebook page for the course may be something that they are
prone to: “Do not use the Facebook. If you have Facebook, just have on group that will make
It can be concluded that future improvements of SLE should not emphasize Facebook notifications, but
keep this as an optional functionality that the instructor can use to post announcement to the Facebook
dedicated page for that particular course.
Low satisfaction with Facebook integration was a surprise for the faculty, but what was even more
interesting was the additional comments students added to their survey answers, stating that they would
like to have a mobile application that would give push notifications and alert them about the new content
and SLE posts: “I think it would be ideal to create mobile application, which would include push
notifications when new problem is posted or when a professor or teaching assistant comments on our
Table 1
Survey Questions for Evaluation of Students’ Survey Answers
Q1. How much have activities on SLE helped you with mastering the
learning content?
Q2. How much have activities on SLE helped you in establishing better
communications with your course instructor?
Q3. How much have activities on SLE helped you in establishing better
communications with teaching assistant?
Q4. How much have activities on SLE helped you in establishing better
communications with your peers?
Q5. Would you like to use SLE in other courses?
Q6. Do you think it would be useful to use SLE throughout the
semester in the course?
Q7. How much have you shared additional resources with your peers
on SLE, which helped you with solving problems?
Q8. Have you used lessons on LAMS while solving problems on SLE?
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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Q9. Have you used other resources more, than the ones on LAMS,
while working on solving problems on SLE?
Q10. Do you think it will be useful for SLE to send you email
announcement that new activity is available?
Q11. Do you think it will be useful for SLE to send you a Facebook
notification that new activity is available?
Q12. Do you think that further integration with Facebook would help
you to increase interaction with your peers?
Additional comments suggested that even though students responded positively to SLE, they were also open
to use SLE in other courses as well: “It would be very useful to use SLE throughout the entire year and in
more courses.”
Moreover, students had general feedback of the functionalities and user interface of SLE: “Allow for deletion
and editing of posted answers, “Teachers post should be darker, so it can be noticed easier, and “It should
allow for sorting of teacher and student messages, or at least open a new thread for new assignment. All in
all, it is great.”
Additional comments suggested that students find SLE useful and motivating in their group assignments,
which can lead to a conclusion that SLE can be used as an effective tool for group collaboration : “SLE is
useful for problem assignment and to assign group to different problems to solve” and “I think that this
system should not be a requirement, but a tool of great help in the interaction between teacher, teaching
assistant and students.”
This feature should be further analyzed in future research and team collaboration in online social
environment should be further explored.
Analysis of Correlation between the Questions about Students’ Satisfaction
In order to be able to address the future improvements and predict future results, correlation between the
survey questions was analyzed. As shown in Table 2, it is evident that a statistically significant positive
correlation exists between most questions. The degree of correlation was classified as follows: small (from
0.10 to 0.29), moderate (from 0.30 to 0.49), and high (from 0.50 to 1).
The results in the Table 2 show that students who consider that activities on SLE helped them with
mastering the learning content also think that activities on SLE helped them in establishing better
communications with their course instructors and their peers (Q1 and Q2, p<0.001;Q1 and Q4, p<0.001).
Similar to the previous conclusion, students who think that SLE helped them in establishing better
communications with course instructor, also consider that SLE lead to a better communication with their
peers (Q2 and Q4, p<0.001). Students who were satisfied with learning activities in SLE, were also satisfied
with better overall communications with all participants in SLE, which lead to their preference to continue
on using SLE in other courses. This can be seen from the high correlation between questions 1-6 (Q1 and
Q5, p<0.001; Q1 and Q6, p<0.001; Q2 and Q5, p<0.001; Q2 and Q6, p<0.001; Q3 and Q5, p<0.001; Q4 and
Q5, p<0.001; and Q4 and Q6, p<0.001).
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, and Ljubojevic
Students who have a positive opinion about the idea of using SLE in other courses throughout the semester
also consider that it would be useful for SLE to send them email announcement when new activity is
available (Q5 and Q10, p<0.001; Q6 and Q10, p<0.001), which goes in line with students requirement to
have push notifications either by email or mobile application. On the other hand, correlation between Q8
and Q12, p<0.001, as well as Q11 and Q12, p<0.001, can present one more confirmation about low student
satisfaction with Facebook integration. These results cannot conclusively rule out the usage of Facebook in
the learning process. This may indicate that students are not yet aware of the Facebook possibilities in the
learning process, as the evaluation of SLE was not conducted the entire semester. Also, by setting clear rules
of Facebook usage and announcement, and setting up class culture with using all of its options may increase
student satisfaction and utilize full potential of using Facebook in the learning process. However, this
should be introduced carefully, as the evaluation shows that Facebook private walls may be viewed as
private space, and not additional classroom resource. Further usage of Facebook in SLE learning activities
should be further analyzed in order to be able to conclude of its effectiveness in this learning environment.
What remains unclear from this analysis is the level of usage of instructional learning material on LMS and
its correlation with level and communication experience of students. Even though previous analysis showed
that students have marked high their LAMS learning materials and other resources, it should be further
analyzed how these materials contribute to the learning process, and if their inclusion in SLE should be
Table 2
Correlation between the Survey Questions
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, and Ljubojevic
***p<0.001 **p<0.01, *p<0.05
Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presented the usage of the Social Learning Environment tool, which was designed in line with
the concepts of computer supported collaborative learning approach and socio-constructivist theory. Even
though SLE has a feel of a social network, it was the intent of this tool to serve as a connecting interactive
learning space for increasing the communication between students and the teacher, and to motivate
students for active learning through collaborative problem solving tasks. SLE presents an attempt of
integration social networks functionalities in the learning formats, but under control of appropriate
pedagogical methods. As such platform, SLE is not meant to substitute LMS and instructional teaching, but
rather to increase the interaction and collaboration. Through this interaction and collaboration, the
analyses have shown that the quality of learning activities on SLE lead to higher student satisfaction with
communication with teachers and their peers, but also that this collaboration contributed to their better
understanding of the course topics. Through a presented sample scenarios, it was presented that SLE gives
teachers greater flexibility, and that they can through analysis of students’ work follow up on their progress
and adjust their tasks and discussions in order to maintain their interest and to clarify misconceptions.
Even though SLE provided an option for students to share their posts on Facebook, and for Facebook to
send them announcements about new posts, the analyses showed that students had a low interest in further
integration of SLE and its connection with Facebook. However, these results cannot conclusively exclude
Facebook from future use with SLE, but should be further analyzed and examined. Setting up certain rules
and methodology for how Facebook should be used in different class scenario, may lead to different results,
as Facebook was only moderately used with the early adoption group. This work explores usage of Facebook
in formal or informal learning setting; however, the results do not point out on the exact response about
Facebook’ usefulness. In order to more precisely define the Facebook’s role and compare Facebook usage
with other tools for communication and collaboration, future work, and improvements of SLE should focus
on functionalities improvements that can include:
Integration of the graphical user interface of ILS, SLE, and EMS.
Improvement of the graphical user interface so that teacher and student posts can be easily
identified, differentiated, and navigated.
Development of the announcement system which may include email announcements, mobile
announcements, and/or Facebook announcements for a dedicated Facebook course page.
The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, and Ljubojevic
As the few student comments begin to indicate, a qualitative approach such as focus groups with staff and
students using the new tool should be included in future analysis and that would provide a much richer
picture. Also, as it remains unclear how student satisfaction with learning materials on LMS related to their
learning process, future work should analyze this relation and identify how to better include instructional
learning material with SLE activities. As LAMS allows for learning materials to be presented as the sequence
of LOs, future work should address how to utilize individual LOs with SLE activities.
The work presented here was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
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The Effects of Integrating Social Learning Environment with Online Learning
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... In 2004, Song et al. (2004) suggested that this medium's common problems revolve around insufficient technical understanding of the platform and inadequate community building. Yet the need to promote social interaction through virtual meeting spaces persists (Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, & Ljubojevic, 2017). Such requirements encompass informal learning within shared communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991) or through more formal means between teacher and student (Raspopovic et al., 2017). ...
... Yet the need to promote social interaction through virtual meeting spaces persists (Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, & Ljubojevic, 2017). Such requirements encompass informal learning within shared communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991) or through more formal means between teacher and student (Raspopovic et al., 2017). Recently cited models (Tannenbaum et al., 2010) also show the complex ways that informal learning takes place through subdivision into feedback, intention, direct experience, and reflection. ...
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Using the metaverse can impact how information is interacted with in educational settings. However, despite extensive research on the topic, there is still a lack of understanding of how learners perceive and experience this technology. To design learning experiences, designers must know the current landscape of metaverse implementation and digestion by student users. This article provides an overview of metaverse implementation examples to address this gap and then examines learners' perceptions of using the metaverse in education. Through a qualitative study, we aim to explore the potential advantages and obstacles of applying the metaverse to learning from an informal learning perspective, as perceived by learners. Compared to current implementation strategies, student feedback suggests a diversity of motivations and experiences in valuing the Edu-metaverse. Therefore, our study provides valuable insights into how the metaverse learning design can enhance learner engagement, interaction, and collaboration while identifying potential challenges and limitations. Ultimately, this research helps designers and educators better understand how metaverse technology can impact and improve learning experiences.
... There are several studies showing that teaching processes enhance student motivation through social media in the respective literature (Sobaih, Moustafa, Ghandforoush, & Khan, 2016;Mao, 2014;Raspopovic, Cvetanovic, Medan, & Ljubojevic, 2017;). There are also experimental studies showing that teaching by the flipped classroom method enhances motivation. ...
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The flipped classroom method, where in-class and non-class activities are translocated, is accepted as one of the new generation teaching models. The aim of this study is to reveal students' views on the use of social media in the teaching process based on the flipped classroom approach. This study is a qualitative action research and opinions of the participants were taken through semi-structured individual interviews. The study found that although the initial thoughts of the students about the social media supported flipped classroom method were negative, the final and the general thoughts were positive, that it improved in-class/ non-class communication and interaction, facilitated learning and increased motivation. The negative aspects of this method were found to be distractibility stemming from advertisements and notifications on social media, irrelevant negative comments, need for internet connection or excessive use of internet and feeling of being under constant surveillance. Video ads uploaded on YouTube and the students' consuming up their mobile data plans come to the fore as a disadvantage. The majority of the students expressed Kahoot activity as an incentive for watching videos.
... necessary learning resources, strategies, and feedback through specific academic assistance (Federici & Skaalvik, 2014). Previous studies have pointed out various benefits brought by educational support in elearning (Raspopovic et al., 2017;X. Wu & Wang, 2020). ...
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In the context of the digital era, e-learning has become an innovative and indispensable component of the educational sector. With the continuous advancement of technology and the widespread adoption of the internet, e-learning has demonstrated its key role in maintaining educational continuity and supporting remote teaching. However, despite the extensive applications and significant advantages of e-learning, the willingness of college students to continue using e-learning platforms is not always high, presenting a challenge for educators and technology developers. Based on the Expectation Confirmation Model, this study examines the influence of perceived educational and emotional support on the continuance intention of e-learning among college students. The researchers conducted a survey using a structured questionnaire randomly among 379 university students from three universities in Henan Province to measure their self-reported responses on six constructs: perceived educational support, perceived emotional support, perceived usefulness, confirmation, satisfaction, and continuance intention. The study uses the Structural Equation Modeling—Artificial Neural Network (SEM-ANN) method to elucidate the non-compensatory and non-linear relationships between predictive factors and e-learning continuance intention. Except for the direct effects of perceived educational support and perceived emotional support on perceived usefulness, which were not significant, all other hypotheses were confirmed. Moreover, according to the normalized importance obtained from the multilayer perceptron, satisfaction (100%) was found to be the most critical predictive factor, followed by confirmation (29.8%), perceived usefulness (28.2%), perceived educational support (22.7%), and perceived emotional support (21.8%). All constructs together accounted for 62.0% of the total variance in college students’ e-learning continuance intention. This study’s adoption of a two-stage analysis approach improved the depth and accuracy of data processing and expanded the methodological scope of educational technology research. It provides direction for future in-depth studies in various environments and cultural contexts.
... Maintaining motivation in an online course is another drawback for online learners. Students who lack motivation may easily lose sight of their original goals, quickly become lost in the course material, and eventually drop out [78] [79]. Although using YouTube to learn has many advantages, it has several drawbacks. ...
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Technology has become a dominant force in today’s 21st-century education landscape. One of the innovative new technologies in computer-supported collaborative learning that many educators have adopted is game-based learning. This approach optimizes student learning outcomes and ignites enthusiasm, especially in monotonous subjects. This paper investigates the perceived usability of traditional textbook learning and teaching with Game-based learning and teaching in Geosocial science education. We conducted a comprehensive investigation involving thirty seventh-grade junior high school students and ten expert teachers. Participants were assigned to teach and learn both with and without gamification. Data on perceived usability scales were collected through standardized assessments using a 5-point Likert scale. The analysis employed descriptive statistics, independent sample tests, and effect size analysis to evaluate the results. Research shows that game-based learning can significantly improve student and teacher satisfaction and overall learning efficiency. Students using the game-based approach demonstrated substantially higher engagement and learning outcomes than traditional approaches. Although the impact on teaching effectiveness was not significantly different, overall satisfaction and usability evaluations were markedly higher for game-based teaching methods. The findings suggest that the game-based learning and teaching approach greatly enhances learning outcomes and student satisfaction in educational settings for monotonous subjects.
... Virtual classrooms use multiple media to recreate a physical classroom's structure and a learning experience [24]. The virtual classroom is a unique application of social learning [25]. So-cial learning involves understanding by interacting with other people [26]; [27]; [28]. ...
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Education is progressing faster than at any other time in history. Educators are becoming increasingly conscious that today's learning media are developing to match future realities. Education must establish new approaches in the learning process by employing virtual classrooms and tools and technology. The virtual classroom concept offers a solution for today's and tomorrow's educational needs. To prepare for future employment, students require a holistic education that combines practical occupational skills, communication methods, and leadership development. This paper will give a bibliometric analysis of the term virtual classroom as a learning media, focusing on future research trends in vocational education. The articles were obtained with the help of the Publish or Perish software and the Scopus database. With a search period spanning 2013 to 2022, 405 articles were evaluated (9 years period). The desktop version of the Mendeley program is used to handle the references. VOS Viewer software was used to classify the articles by generating six clusters. The main keywords from the six groupings are virtual reality, e-learning, teaching, education, augmented reality, and improved classroom instruction.
Background In recent years, the method of assessment in universities has been rapidly changing, shifting from entirely in‐person evaluations to a blended evaluation approach (b‐Learning). Purpose To effectively implement this type of assessment, it is necessary to create numerous similar problems with different data sets. In structural engineering courses, this entails a significant amount of work for the lecturers. Therefore, this work introduces a novel teaching and evaluation strategy leveraging technology to automate tasks, aiming to enhance student monitoring and alleviate lecturer workload. Method The digital platform Moodle has been used combined with the FastTest PlugIn to create computer coding to develop different problems. These problems, maintaining consistent structures but varying data, served both instructional and evaluative purposes in two structural engineering courses. As a novelty, these problems are automatically evaluated and created following the coding routine created. Some drawbacks have been identified while applying the method. Scientifically validated quizzes have been used to assess the efficacy of the method in engaging students and enhancing their confidence and satisfaction. Results Findings suggest that while initial setup requires additional time, the investment pays off in the grading efficiency, benefiting educators and students alike. The method has facilitated the creation of additional exercises for practice, and the inclusion of automatically corrected diagrams was appreciated by students. The results have indicated that this method has improved the motivation, attention, and confidence among students, leading to significant enhancements in academic performance, up to 40%. Conclusions This methodology has achieved positive responses from students. Hence, it is concluded that the time invested in developing structural engineering problems using MS Excel and the FastTest PlugIn in Moodle is worthwhile, as it motivates students to improve their academic performance. Furthermore, as the main outcome, it is shown that the time invested by the lecturer in developing the problems is amortized in subsequent academic years since the problems are graded automatically. For courses with many students, it is amortized sooner.
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This research aims to develop a multilingual-based Learning Management System (LMS) to increase the accessibility of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning resources for Indonesian diaspora residents in Japan. Limited access to PAI materials and language barriers are the main challenges for the diaspora in maintaining religious education in foreign countries. Therefore, the development of this LMS is expected to provide practical solutions through the provision of an accessible and user-friendly platform, which can be operated in multiple languages, including Indonesian, English, and Japanese.The research method used is a development research (R&D) method with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model. At the analysis stage, a survey of user needs related to PAI learning resources and the language challenges faced was carried out. At the design stage, the LMS is designed to support multilingual use, equipped with features that facilitate distance learning. The LMS prototype was then developed and tested on a number of diaspora users in Japan. Implementation is carried out through an evaluation of the use of LMS directly, followed by data collection to measure the effectiveness of the platform.The results show that this multilingual-based LMS significantly improves the accessibility and understanding of users of PAI materials. as many as 85% of respondents reported that they experienced a significant increase in understanding of religious materials after using the LMS, successfully overcoming language barriers and providing practical solutions for diaspora users in Japan to access religious education more easily and flexibly. This study concludes that the development of multilingual LMS is an effective strategy in supporting the sustainability of religious education for diaspora communities abroad.
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Blended Learning is an undisputedly useful and effective pedagogical approach for the 21st-century classroom. However, its adoption in many state universities in Kenya is worryingly low. This study aimed to develop a pedagogical model that would accelerate the adoption of blended learning in public universities in Kenya. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory was used to understand students’ perception, self-efficacy, and previous experience variables in a blended learning environment. The methodology used was exploratory sequential mixed research design. Third-year bachelor of education students (N=7385) in public universities in Kenya formed the population for the study. The researcher used multiple-stage sampling and the Nassiuma formula was used to select 3rd-year education students (n=218). Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to design an appropriate pedagogical model out on institutional characteristics. The study revealed three significant paths: 1) University preparedness and students’ perception (regression estimate = .399; P<.05; 2) university preparedness and students’ self-efficacy (regression estimates = .389; P<.05); and 3) blended learning adoption and students’ perception (regression estimates = .55; P<.05). Students and lecturers responded that “Poor internet connection,” and “Lack appropriate infrastructure and equipment,” as the main barriers. In conclusion, the implementation of blended learning highly depends on the interaction of students’ perceptions and universities’ preparedness. The study suggested that universities should focus on promoting an environment that focuses on university preparedness and perception/attitudes. Further studies should be done on appropriate BL models for TVET and secondary schools in Kenya.
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Leveraging the UTAUT model, this study dissects the multifaceted influences of social media on individual and societal integration for learning and academic performance among Indian university students. Employing a quantitative survey approach, the research assesses how key UTAUT constructs, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and perceived playfulness, impact students' adoption of SM for educational purposes and its subsequent effect on academic outcomes. The findings reveal that social and peer influence significantly contributes to positive attitudes toward using SM for learning. However, concerns are raised regarding potential misuse, prompting recommendations for parental or institutional management intervention if necessary. Additionally, the study expands the original UTAUT model by introducing two additional variables: peer pressure and conditions of social media platforms. Results indicate that peer pressure positively influences SM adoption for learning, while specific platform features and functionalities are crucial in determining its effectiveness. Moreover, the study highlights the potential drawbacks of solely using SM for non-academic activities like entertainment and social interactions, which could negatively impact the student experience. This study sheds light on the crucial relationship between social media integration, learning processes, and student success in Indian universities.. It offers vital considerations for educational institutions and policymakers seeking to harness the potential of SM while mitigating potential risks associated with its misuse. Introduction The rapid integration of social media (SM) platforms into academic settings has sparked intense debate about their potential to enhance learning and academic performance. While SM offers unparalleled access to information, collaboration tools, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities, concerns remain regarding its potential for distraction, academic procrastination, and inappropriate content exposure. Understanding the factors influencing students' adoption and use of SM for learning is crucial to navigating this complex landscape. This research applies the UTAUT framework to explore the factors influencing how SM adoption impacts academic outcomes for Indian university students. For a deeper understanding of why users take to new technologies, UTAUT offers a powerful toolbox, with key constructs like performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and perceived playfulness providing valuable insights.. Building upon this framework, we incorporate two additional variables- peer pressure and conditions specific to SM platforms to understand student motivations and behaviors better.
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blockquote> Research findings in recent years provide compelling evidence of the importance of encouraging student control over the learning process as a whole. The socially based tools and technologies of the Web 2.0 movement are capable of supporting informal conversation, reflexive dialogue and collaborative content generation, enabling access to a wide raft of ideas and representations. Used appropriately, these tools can shift control to the learner, through promoting learner agency, autonomy and engagement in social networks that straddle multiple real and virtual learning spaces independent of physical, geographic, institutional and organisational boundaries. As argued in this article, however, in order for self-regulated learning to come to fruition, students need not only to be able to choose and personalise what tools and content are available, but also to have access to the necessary scaffolding to support their learning. Emerging practices with social computing technologies, a number of examples of which are showcased in this article, signal the need for pedagogies that are more personal, social and participatory. The authors conclude with a discussion of some of the key implications for practice, including an outline of the current challenges faced by tertiary educators. </p
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This article describes a case study of the use of the social networking site Facebook as a means of interacting with students at the University of Malaga. Using Facebook has allowed teachers to interact more with students, moving away from traditional one- way communication towards a multi-way communication, with students taking on an active role. This experience has shown that using social networks can help to improve the set of competences reflected in dissertations written by students studying Economics or Business Studies. The experimental nature of this initiative has also made it possible to identify advantages of communicating through Facebook.
This chapter presents the findings from an experimental postgraduate student-centered course using social media tools and services to support learning. The main aim of this research was to evaluate a course design that was heavily supported by social media. The main aspects of this course design were that students were granted the freedom to select social media tools and services and use them in a personalized way, construct personal and distributed learning spaces, and visualize their conceptual understanding of these environments and their activities. Students' perceptions of the social media they used was used to evaluate the overall course design. Their perception of the affordances of social media are presented by noting conceptual changes in how they represented the structure of their personal and distributed environments, and by how they rated their learning experience with social media. This chapter concludes with the most important aspects of course design that need to be taken into account in higher education learning environments seeking to integrate Web 2.0 tools.
“Social presence,” the degree to which participants in computer-mediated communication feel affectively connected one to another, has been shown to be an important factor in student satisfaction and success in online courses. This mixed methods study built on previous research to explore in greater depth the nature of social presence and how it develops in online course discussions. The study combined quantitative analyses of survey results from students enrolled in four online graduate courses, and qualitative comparisons of students with the highest and lowest perceptions of social presence. Quantitative results revealed significant correlations between perceived social presence and satisfaction with online discussions, and teased apart the respective influences of the perceived presence of instructors and peers. The findings indicate that the perceived presence of instructors may be a more influential factor in determining student satisfaction than the perceived presence of peers. Correlations with other course and learner characteristics suggest that course design may also significantly affect the development of social presence. Qualitative findings support the quantitative results. In addition, they provide evidence that students perceiving the highest social presence also projected themselves more into online discussions,and reveal meaningful differences in perceptions of the usefulness and purpose of online discussion between students perceiving high and low social presence.
This study advances our knowledge of students’ online self-disclosures by examining a random sample of students’ Facebook profiles at a large, public research University in the Northeast. A quantitative content analysis revealed that the vast majority of students had a Facebook account and very small proportions restricted access of their profile to University staff. Substantial proportions of students’ profiles contained contact information, course schedules, positive references to the University, and pictures of students’ consuming alcohol. Detailed implications for practice are discussed.
Facebook use among students is almost ubiquitous; however, its use for formal academic purposes remains contested. Through an online survey monitoring student use of module Facebook pages and focus groups, this study explores students’ current academic uses of Facebook and their views on using Facebook within university modules. Students reported using Facebook for academic purposes, notably peer–peer communication around group work and assessment – a use not always conceptualised by students as learning. Focus groups revealed that students are not ready or equipped for the collaborative style of learning envisaged by the tutor and see Facebook as their personal domain, within which they will discuss academic topics where they see a strong relevance and purpose, notably in connection with assessment. Students use Facebook for their own mutually defined purposes and a change in student mind- and skill-sets is required to appropriate the collaborative learning benefits of Facebook in formal educational contexts.