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Muscle Activity in Sprinting: A Review
Róisín M. Howard12, Richard Conway1, and Andrew J. Harrison2
1Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick,
Ireland; 2Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
The use of electromyography (EMG) is widely recognised as a valuable tool for enhancing
the understanding of performance drivers and potential injury risk in sprinting. The timings of
muscle activations relative to running gait cycle phases and the technology used to obtain
muscle activation data during sprinting are of particular interest to scientists and coaches.
This review examined, the main muscles being analysed by surface EMG (sEMG), their
activations and timing, and the technologies used to gather sEMG during sprinting.
Electronic databases were searched using ‘Electromyography’ OR ‘EMG’ AND ‘running’
OR ‘sprinting’. Based on inclusion criteria, 18 articles were selected for review. While sEMG
is widely used in biomechanics, relatively few studies have used sEMG in sprinting due to
system constraints. The results demonstrated a focus on the leg muscles, with over 70% of
the muscles analysed in the upper leg. This is consistent with the use of tethered and data
logging EMG systems and many sprints being performed on treadmills. Through the recent
advances in wireless EMG technology an increase in the studies on high velocity movements
such as sprinting is expected and this should allow practitioners to perform the analysis in an
ecologically valid environment.
Keywords – Gait/Locomotion, Running, EMG, Track Events, Injury
In sports biomechanics, EMG analysis provides important information on muscle activity
which may be useful in optimising performance or reducing the likelihood of sports injuries
(Ditroilo et al., 2011; Nummela, Rusko, & Mero, 1994; Paul & Wood, 2002). This is crucial
for athletes such as sprinters, since the likelihood of injury increases with running speed
(Higashihara, Ono, Kubota, Okuwaki & Fukubayashi, 2010; Schache, Dorn, Blanch, Brown
& Pandy, 2012; Yu et al., 2008). Sports performance monitoring for injury prevention is
very important for athletes and their coaches as potentially the risk of injury may be increased
with an increase in speed and due to muscle fatigue. Identification of the specific effects of
fatigue on muscle activation may provide important insights about specific injury
mechanisms in sprinting (Thelen, Chumanov, Best, Swanson, & Heiderscheit, 2005; Yu et
al., 2008). Utilising EMG to provide information on muscle activity can be useful in
examining changes across increases in speed or muscle fatigue. Many features of the EMG
signal have been associated with fatigue or speed, especially the amplitude of the EMG
signal. Of particular importance are the average EMG (AEMG) which calculates the average
amplitude of the rectified EMG signal and the integrated EMG (iEMG) which calculates the
total accumulated activity of the muscle. An increase in either the AEMG or iEMG has been
reported to be associated with an increase in muscular fatigue (Nummela, Vuorimaa &
Rusko, 1992; Nummela et al., 1994), while also having a positive association with increasing
running speeds (Chumanov, Heiderscheit & Thelen, 2007; Higashihara et al., 2010).
While many studies have examined applications of EMG in gait, relatively few have
examined muscle activity in sprinting. This could be due to the many challenges associated
with gathering accurate EMG data in sprinting. The demands of sprinting require EMG data
to be acquired in an unobtrusive way, therefore the EMG sensor design needs to minimise
encumbrances on the athlete during sprinting. Any change in the way in which an athlete
normally performs a sprint could result in unreliable data being gathered. To reduce
discomfort and avoid invasive procedures, the majority of dynamic movements are analysed
using sEMG. With advances in technology, sEMG measurements have evolved from
tethered systems to data loggers (wireless telemetry) and more recently, to fully wireless
systems. For the analysis of sprinting, wireless systems are particularly useful since they do
not constrain the movement and facilitate ecologically valid data capture, such as the athlete
sprinting on a track rather than on a treadmill in a laboratory setting (Baur, Hirschmuller,
Muller, Gollhofer, & Mayer, 2007; Savelberg, Vorstenbosch, Kamman, van de Weijer, &
Schambardt, 1998; Van Caekenberghe, Segers, Willems, et al., 2013).
To advance technical knowledge of coaches and athletes, there is a need to understand
muscle activations sequences and timing in sprinting, and wireless EMG data could augment
understanding of sprinting together with the existing kinematics and kinetic analyses of
sprinting derived from many studies. Since the muscles generate the forces required for
running there is a particular need to gain knowledge of the timings and sequencing of muscle
activity in unrestricted sprinting across the phases of the running gait cycle. With the advent
of wireless technology, an increase in studies using sEMG in overground sprinting is
expected. Therefore a review of existing knowledge of EMG in sprinting is necessary to
determine the patterns of muscle activations during sprinting as it is vitally important to
understand the muscles involved and how they act to produce an effective sprint running
action since a full understanding of the biomechanics of sprinting requires analysis of
movement, force generation and muscle action. A review of sEMG technologies and their
applications in sprint analysis is also important and could highlight how the current
knowledge base can be used most effectively in new sEMG studies of sprinting to identify
specific areas for future research. Consequently, the primary aim of this study was to
examine the various muscles analysed during sprinting highlighting where the focus has
been, which muscles are important for sprinting in terms of sequencing and timings of
activations and the changes in muscle activity levels as a function of running speed. The
secondary aim was to understand the various technologies used for sEMG in sprinting, to
identify the key features of these systems and examine their relative merits and limitations in
the analysis of sprinting.
This review was limited to articles where sEMG data was collected on participants
performing maximal sprint trials. Sprinting was defined as any distance up to and including
400 m, with only the maximal velocity part of sprinting being included in analysis (speeds
above 7 m/s). Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science were searched to identify studies
which utilised surface Electromyography in sprinting. The following keywords/combinations
were used in searches: (1) ‘Electromyography’ OR ‘EMG’ AND (2) ‘running’ OR
‘sprinting’. After the initial search results returned over 1200 citations the advanced search
option was used. The inclusion criteria was defined as (1) articles written in English, (2) the
source types were journals with books and conference proceedings being excluded, (3) the
articles were published in the period from January 2000 to December 2014 and (4) the paper
type was an article (review papers were excluded). A final search of ‘surface EMG’ was
performed on the results and this identified 418 articles. The titles of the articles were
subsequently reviewed with the inclusion criteria: (1) surface EMG measurements were
acquired, (2) sprinting was performed and, (3) participants were human. Duplicates acquired
from multiple databases were also excluded and this identified 36 articles. The reference lists
of these articles were examined to identify any important articles not found in the previous
search (28 extra articles were identified) and finally the full papers were examined of all
remaining articles. Articles needed to include surface EMG measurements on participants
while they were performing maximal sprints, those which did not meet the inclusion criteria
were excluded. Articles on the sprint start were excluded because these articles focused only
the start and acceleration phases and therefore the athletes would not have been sprinting at
maximum velocity. On completion of this process, a total of 18 articles were identified
which met all inclusion criteria. Additional databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed and
Research Gate were examined under the same search criteria. The first 50 results were
examined and no new papers satisfying the above criteria were found. A flow chart outlining
selection and exclusion of articles is provided in Figure 1.
The key phases of the running gait cycle, adapted from (Novacheck, 1998; Nummela, et al.,
1994; Pinniger, Steele, & Groeller, 2000; Yu et al., 2008) are defined as follows for this study
(see Figure 2):
1. The Early Stance (Braking) Phase: This phase begins as the foot makes initial
contact (IC) and ends at the mid-stance phase, estimated at 0 – 15% of the cycle.
2. The Late Stance (Propulsion) Phase: This phase begins at the mid-stance phase
and ends at the toe off (TO), estimated at 15 – 30% of the cycle.
3. The Early & Middle Swing (Recovery) Phase: This phase begins at TO and ends
roughly two thirds of the way through the swing phase, estimated at 30 – 77% of
the cycle.
4. The Late Swing (Pre-activation) Phase: This phase begins roughly two thirds of
the way through the swing phase and ends at the IC, estimated at 77 – 100% of the
The 18 articles were examined under two headings: (1) Muscle activations and timings in
sprinting and (2) EMG systems and specifications. The muscles activation timings were
compared across the key phases of running gait as defined above. The review papers were
analysed to compare and contrast the timings (Chumanov et al., 2007; Higashihara et al.,
2010; Kuitunen, Komi, & Kyröläinen, 2002; Kyröläinen, Avela, & Komi, 2005; Mero &
Komi, 1987; Pinniger et al., 2000; Thelen et al., 2005; Yu et al, 2008), EMG timings from the
review paper on the biomechanics of running (Novacheck, 1998) were also included to
provide more detailed results on timings of muscle activation. Ensemble means of the
muscle activation timings were derived and these were used to create a prolife of the phasic
muscle activity across the running gait cycle. Muscle groups included in the profile were
based on the muscle groups where clear data was given in the papers reviewed and only
muscles which had timings across the entire gait cycle were included.
Study design and sample
Within the 18 selected articles, 204 participants (73 sprinters, 47 distance runners, 26
recreational runners, 12 footballers and 46 mixed sports or unknown) were tested with 11 ±5
participants per study. On average 5 ±3 trials of EMG data gathered during sprinting were
performed by each participant in each study, with a total of 60 ±55 sprinting trials completed
by all the participants in each study. A total of 1107 trials were therefore examined over all
studies. The mean maximum sprint velocity across all articles was 8.50 ± 0.89 m/s. Table 1
provides a complete summary of these data. Further information on the purpose and
outcomes of each of the studies is summarised in Table 2.
Table 1. Participant information from the selected 18 review papers
Number of participants per
Number of trials
per participant
Total number of
trials per study
Albertus-Kajee et
Ball & Scurr
Ball & Scurr
Bartlett et
Chumanov et
Higashihara et
8.50 ±0.14
Kuitunen et
Kyröläinen et
8.50 ±0.57
Mastalerz et
Mero & Komi
9.78 ±0.42
8.77 ±0.30
Nummela et
8.17 ±0.31
Nummela et
9.23 ±0.59
Nummela et
7.61 ±0.44
Pinniger et
Schache et
8.95 ±0.70
Slawinski et
7.56 ±0.41
Thelen et
Yu et al.(2008)
7.77 ±0.11
8.50 ±0.89
*Gender of participants not disclosed.
1Not specified (NS) by the authors.
Table 2. Study information from the selected 18 review papers
Participant EMG
Purpose of study
Sprint trial description
Outcome measures
Results of study
et al.(2011)
EMG of right leg
Normalisation methods
(3 Days) 2 x 20m max sprint: 140m
indoor track*
RMS and peak
Sprint and MVC most repeatable methods
Ball & Scurr
EMG of dominant
Normalisation methods for
20m sprint
(3 Days) 3 x 20m max sprint: indoor
sports hall*
RMS & peak EMG
Normalise to peak in sprint or squat jump
Ball & Scurr
Unilateral EMG
Reliability and standardisation
of normalisation methods
(3 Days) 3 x 20m max sprint: indoor
sports hall*
RMS and peak
Sprint and squat jump methods
Bartlett et
EMG of right leg
Activity of gluteal muscles in
walk, run, sprint & climb
5 x 30m max sprint:30m runway*
RMS & peak EMG
Gluteal activity changes with increased speed
Chumanov et
EMG of right leg
Effects of speed on hamstring
muscle mechanics
80%, 85%, 90%, 95% & 100% of max
velocity: treadmill
Linear Envelope
Increase in peak hamstring activity with increase
in speed
Higashihara et
Unilateral EMG
Hamstring muscle activity at
different running speeds
50%, 75%, 85% & 95% of max velocity:
high speed treadmill
RMS & peak time
of maximum
Significant difference in activation patterns as
speed increases
Kuitunen et
EMG of right leg
Examine ankle and knee joint
stiffness during sprinting
70% - 100% (4 sprints) of max velocity,
accelerate to photocells (10m apart)
Smoothed EMG (15
point average) &
Average EMG
Ankle stiffness remained constant, knee joint
stiffness increased with running speed
Kyröläinen et
Unilateral EMG
Changes in muscle activations
as speed increases
5 submaximal sprints & 3 x 30m max:
200m indoor track*
Average EMG
Increase in activity of all muscles with increase in
Mastalerz et
EMG of right &
left legs
Represent fatigue in EMG
profile across different run
4 x 400m (90s, 70s, 60s & max): tartan
athletics track
Greater fatigue in left leg compared to right
Mero & Komi
Unilateral EMG
Find relationship between
EMG and contact forces in
2 runs x 5 speeds: indoor hall*
iEMG & peak EMG
Peak activity was shown in all muscles except the
RF at braking phase of ipsi-lateral contact
Nummela et
EMG of right leg
Neural activation changes
across speed in 400m sprint
(2 Days) 20m max sprint & 400m &
200m (Day 1) & 100m & 300m (Day 2):
indoor running track (flying start for all
Fatigue in 400m running is mainly due to skeletal
muscles rather than the central nervous system
Nummela et
EMG of right leg
EMG activities in fatigued and
non-fatigued sprinting
(2 Days) 20m max sprint (40m flying
start) & 400m time trial (Day 1) & 3/4
submaximal 20m (Day 2): outdoor
running track
Average EMG
The increased neural activation was due to
muscular fatigue
Nummela et
EMG of right leg
Fatigue induced changes
3-5x 20m max sprints (15m running
start): indoor running track*
Average EMG
Fatigue in 5km running at maximum effort was
related to sprint performance
Pinniger et
Unilateral EMG
Effects of hamstring fatigue
induced by maximum effort
during maximum sprint
3 x 40m max sprint (non-fatigued); 10
maximal 40m sprints hamstring fatigue
task; 3 x40m max sprint (fatigued)*
Linear Envelope
Increased duration of hamstring activity and
earlier offset of RF during swing phase
Schache et
Unilateral EMG
Differences in each hamstring
muscle during sprint
20m sprint: 110m indoor synthetic
running track
Average EMG
Peak musculotendon force and strain for the
hamstrings occurred around the same time as
terminal swing, this may be when hamstrings are
at greatest risk of injury
Slawinski et
Unilateral EMG
Muscle activity during
inclined and level training
300m max sprint: indoor/outdoor running
A lower velocity in the inclined sprinting results in
a decrease in hamstring activity
Thelen et
Unilateral EMG
Mechanics of hamstring
during swing phase of
80% - 100% of max velocity: treadmill
Linear Envelope
Increase in excitation of BF at 70 – 80% of
running gait cycle until the end of the swing phase
Yu et al.(2008)
EMG of dominant
Mechanics of hamstring
muscle strain injuries during
overground sprinting
7 sprint trails with a 10m run up to
calibration zone
Linear envelope
across running gait
Hamstrings were active during entire running
cycle, maximum activations occurred during the
early stance phase and late swing phase.
*Partial study information; only the maximum sprint trials are accounted for
Muscle activations and timings in sprinting
Muscles analysed
The results demonstrated a focus on the hamstrings and quadriceps muscle groups in the
papers reviewed (see Table 3). 14 of the 18 articles analysed the biceps femoris (BF), seven
analysed the medial hamstrings. 12 of the 18 articles analysed the rectus femoris (RF), 10
analysed the vastus lateralis (VL) and five analysed the vastus medialis (VM). Two of the
18 articles analysed the gastrocnemius (GA), however 10 specifically analysed the medial
gastrocnemius (MG) and three analysed the lateral gastrocnemius (LG). Of the 18 articles,
five analysed the gluteus maximus (GMAX) and one analysed the gluteus medialis (GMED).
Four of the 18 articles analysed the soleus (SOL) and the tibialis anterior (TA). 77 muscles
were analysed in total across all the articles reviewed. Of these, 35% of the 77 muscles
analysed were quadriceps; 27% were hamstrings, 25% were calves, 8% were gluteal muscles
and 5% were TA. Over 70% of the 77 muscles analysed were the upper leg muscles with less
than 30% of those analysed being from the lower leg muscles.
Table 3. Muscles studied during sprinting using sEMG
Biceps Femoris (BF)
Gastrocnemius (GA)
Gluteus Maximus (GMAX)
Gluteus Medius (GMED)
Medial Hamstrings (MH) – ST & SM
Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG)
Medial Gastrocnemius (MG)
Rectus Femoris (RF)
Soleus (SOL)
Tibialis Anterior (TA)
Vastus Lateralis (VL)
Vastus Medialis (VM)
Bartlett et al.(2013)
Mastalerz et al.(2012)
Schache et al.(2012)
Albertus-Kajee et
Ball & Scurr (2011, 2008)
Higashihara et al.(2010)
Nummela et al.(2008,
1994, 1992)
Slawinski et al.(2008)
Yu et al.(2008)
Chumanov et al.(2007)
Kyröläinen et al.(2005)
Thelen et al.(2005)
Kuitunen et al.(2002)
Pinniger et al.(2000)
Mero & Komi (1987)
Muscles activation timings
The muscle activation timings of the lower limbs are presented in Figure 3. The periods of
muscle activity were identified using the timings gathered from the review papers which gave
timing details (Chumanov et al., 2007; Higashihara et al., 2010; Kuitunen et al., 2002;
Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mero & Komi, 1987; Pinniger et al., 2000; Thelen et al., 2005; Yu et
al, 2008) and the biomechanics of running paper by Novacheck (1998).
Figure 3. The muscle activation timings of the lower limbs during sprinting across the gait cycle as a percentage of time.
Timings gathered from Chumanov et al. (2007), Higashihara et al. (2010), Kuitunen et al. (2002), Kyröläinen et al. (2005),
Mero and Komi (1987), Novacheck (1998), Pinniger et al. (2000), Thelen et al. (2005), and Yu et al. (2008). The light grey
areas represent periods where there is muscle activity. The error bars in the plot represent the SD of the mean onset and
termination times which were gathered.
Muscle activation timings in the stance phase
Figure 3 shows that the hamstrings were active through the stance phase (Higashihara et al.,
2010; Pinniger et al., 2000; Yu et al, 2008). An earlier peak activation of the BF than the ST
during the stance phase was found (Higashihara et al., 2010). The quadriceps muscle group
were also active in the stance phase, which was consistent with Pinniger et al. (2000). Peak
activity of the gluteus maximus (GMAX) was found at foot strike, with activity in the early
stance phase (Bartlett, Sumner, Ellis, & Kram, 2013; Kyröläinen et al., 2005). It can also be
observed in Figure 3 that the GA was active in stance phase (Kuitunen et al, 2002;
Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mero & Komi, 1987; Pinniger et al., 2000) and the SOL was active
in the braking (early stance) phase, with the peak activity occurring after the initial contact
(Kuitunen et al, 2002). The TA also produced activity in the early stance phase in Figure 3
(Kuitunen et al., 2002; Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mero & Komi, 1987).
Muscle activation timings in the swing phase
Figure 3 also shows the hamstrings are active in the late swing phase (Chumanov et al., 2007;
Higashihara et al., 2010; Pinniger et al., 2000; Thelen et al., 2005; Yu et al, 2008). It can be
observed from Figure 3 that the RF had two clear bursts of activity, one in the early swing
phase and a second in late swing phase. The VL was also active in the late swing phase
(Pinniger et al.; 2000). Muscle activity was observed in the GMAX in the late swing phase
(Kyröläinen et al.; 2005) and as outlined in Figure 3 the GA and the SOL were active in the
pre-activation (late swing) phase (Kuitunen et al, 2002; Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mero &
Komi, 1987). Figure 3 showed activity beginning in the mid-swing phase for the TA
(Kuitunen et al., 2002; Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mero & Komi, 1987).
Muscle activity levels
Seven articles found increases in muscle activity with increases in speed (Albertus-Kajee,
Tucker, Derman, Lamberts & Lambert, 2011; Bartlett et al., 2013; Higashihara et al., 2010;
Kuitunen et al., 2002; Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Mastalerz, Gwarek, Sadowski, & Szczepanski,
2012; Nummela et al., 1994). The maximum activations of the BF and semimembranosus
(SM) were found in the late swing and early stance phases, with the activation in the late
swing phase being two to three times greater than the late stance and early swing (Yu et al,
2008). Similarly, Kuitunen et al. (2002) found the highest EMG activity of the BF in the pre-
activation (late swing) phase. The ST showed greater activity than the BF during the mid-
swing phase, with the earlier peak activation of the ST than the BF during the late swing
phase (Higashihara et al., 2010). In an inclined sprint, the root mean square (RMS) of the BF
and ST was decreased compared to level sprinting during the early stance phase (Slawinski et
al., 2008). Slawinski et al. (2008) found the RMS of the VL and the SOL was also lower in
inclined sprinting compared to level sprinting. Ball and Scurr (2011) showed higher RMS
EMG in Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) and SOL compared to Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG).
Mastalerz et al. (2012) found greater fatigue in the left BF to the right BF on bend running.
EMG systems and specifications
The range of EMG systems used within the studies included in the review is described in
Table 4. Of the 18 articles reviewed, 14 used telemetry (of which four were also data logging
systems), two used data logging and two used wired systems. Four of the articles mentioned
the use of transmitter devices attached to the participants back, either strapped (Albertus-
Kajee et al.,2011; Pinniger et al. 2000) or attached to a belt (Nummela, et al., 1992;
Nummela, et al., 1994; Nummela, et al., 2008). Two articles mention taping cables back to
avoid motion artefacts (Higashihara et al., 2010; Thelen et al., 2005). Similar specifications
were seen between each of the systems used (see Table 5). Typically a 12 – 16 bit Analog to
Digital Converter, and a gain of 500 – 1000 was used. The most common sampling
frequency was 1000 Hz. The bandwidth was generally from 10 to 500 Hz and the input
impedance was set below 100 MΩ. Five articles also mentioned the use of a ground or
reference electrode attached to the wrist (Ball & Scurr, 2008; Ball & Scurr 2011; Thelen et
al., 2005) or the tibia (Pinniger et al., 2000; Schache et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2008).
Table 4. The frequency of use of the EMG systems from the 18 review papers
EMG system
16 DelSys
Datalog EMG
Bartlett et
Mastalerz et
Schache et
et al.(2011)
Ball & Scurr
(2011, 2008)
Higashihara et
Nummela et
al.(2008, 1994,
Slawinski et
Yu et al.(2008)
Chumanov et
Kyröläinen et
Thelen et
Kuitunen et
Pinniger et
Mero & Komi
Table 5. Specifications of Electromyography systems reviewed
EMG devices specifications
Analog to
Common Mode
Rejection Ratio
Bartlett et al.(2013)
1 kHz
>100 dB
>100 MΩ
Mastalerz et al.(2012)
1 kHz
>130 dB
2 - 500 Hz
Schache et al.(2012)
1.5 kHz
>100 dB
>100 MΩ
Albertus-Kajee et al.(2011)
2 kHz
>100 dB
>100 MΩ
10 - 500
Ball et al.(2011, 2008)
1 kHz
>96 dB @ 60 Hz
> 100 MΩ
20 - 450
Higashihara et al.(2010)
2 kHz
50 - 500
Nummela et al.(2008, 1994, 1992)
1 kHz
Slawinski et al.(2008)
1 k Hz
8 -500 Hz
Yu et al.(2008)
2.4 kHz
>100 dB
>100 MΩ
10- 800 Hz
Chumanov et al.(2007)
2 kHz
> 84 dB @ 60 Hz
> 100 MΩ
20 - 450
Kyröläinen et al.(2005)
1 kHz
0-360 Hz
Thelen et al.(2005)
2 kHz
> 84 dB @ 60 Hz
> 100 MΩ
20 - 450
Kuitunen et al.(2002)
833 Hz
Pinniger et al.(2000)
1 kHz
>100 dB
>100 MΩ
0 - 340 Hz
Mero et al.(1987)
1 kHz
Discussion & Implications
The primary aim of this study was to examine the various muscles analysed during sprinting,
highlighting where the focus has been, which muscles were important for sprinting in
sequencing and timings of activations and the changes in muscle activity levels as a function
of running speed. Analysis of the hamstring muscle mechanics and fatigue during sprinting
were two of the most common themes emerging from this review. This focus on hamstring
muscle sEMG in many of the studies reviewed is reasonable given the important role that the
hamstrings play in generating forward ground reaction forces during the propulsive part of
stance in sprinting. This muscle group is also the most commonly injured during sprinting
(Chumanov et al., 2007; Thelen et al., 2005) which emphasises the importance of evaluating
the hamstring muscle activity during sprinting. Yu et al., (2008) examined the kinematics
and activations of the hamstrings during over-ground sprinting using sEMG wireless
telemetry. Differences in running biomechanics and onset times of muscle activations have
been observed between treadmill and overground running (Baur et al., 2007; Wank et al.,
1998), since treadmills have limited ecological validity and therefore analysis of over-ground
sprinting is more appropriate and valid (Van Caekenberghe, Segers, Willems, et al., 2013).
Higashihara et al. (2010) and Schache et al. (2012) analysed the BF and ST and compared
their muscle activity over trials of increased running speed, a potentially greater risk of
hamstring strain as sprint speed increased was proposed, however it must be noted that
although the authors suggest an increased risk it was not directly observed or measured.
Understanding the specific muscle activations of the hamstring and gluteal muscle groups is
useful for coaches and practitioners as this knowledge may provide vital insights on injury
risk factors and muscle loadings during the various phases of the sprint action. Hamstring
strain injuries are likely to occur at the muscle belly during the late swing phase (Best,
McElhaney, Garrett, & Myers, 1995; Yu et al., 2008). Yu et al. (2008) observed that the peak
eccentric contraction speeds of the hamstring muscle were significantly greater during the
late swing phase than the late stance phase, which could explain why 90% of hamstring strain
injuries occur in the muscle belly (Askling, Tengvar, Saartok, & Thorstensson, 2007;
Koulouris, Connell, Brukner, & Schneider-Kolsky, 2007). Early identification of injury
risks in athletes will highlight the possibility of muscle imbalances or incorrect running
biomechanics. This in turn, may help prevent the risk of a more serious injury or
reoccurrence due to non-optimal running biomechanics or training methods.
The effects of fatigue on muscle activation can also provide vital insights about specific
injuries during sprinting (Thelen et al., 2005; Yu et al., 2008). These studies noted that there
was increased muscle activation due to muscle fatigue in submaximal conditions. Fatigue in
the muscles was also correlated with an increase in the duration of the muscle activation, an
increase in the AEMG or an increase in the iEMG. For coaches and practitioners, there is a
need for early recognition of the onset of fatigue levels that may precede injury and therefore
place an athlete at risk. Recognising the onset of fatigue through EMG monitoring during
sprinting may be helpful in providing early warnings of elevated injury risk.
Pinniger et al. (2000) noted that in a fatigued sprint, the duration of the muscle activation in
the ST muscle increased significantly with an earlier onset and a later termination of the
activation. Similarly, there was a difference in the RF in the fatigued condition: the first burst
of activity terminated significantly earlier and the second burst turned on significantly earlier
(Pinniger et al., 2000). Pinniger et al. (2000) also observed that fatigue measured during the
20 m sprint and during the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) measurement was not
related to the fatigue which caused the decrease in velocity during the endurance task.
Longer, endurance sprints, such as the 400 m, were performed in some studies to consider the
effects of fatigue (Mastalerz et al., 2012; Nummela et al., 1994; Nummela et al., 1992;
Slawinski et al., 2008). These studies observed that EMG activity increased as the sprint
progressed. Increased contact times in the latter half of the run could be as a result of the
increasing number of slow-twitch fibres involved as the fast-twitch fibres fatigued (Nummela
et al., 1992). The left limb had a greater fatigue compared to the right limb due to a
considerable load on the BF of the inner leg, which could be caused from the curve on the
track (Mastalerz et al., 2012). Understanding the differences in fatigue between long and
short sprinters is very important to allow coaches observe the signs of fatigue in their athletes
during speed or endurance specific training session.
Several studies observed changes in the EMG data across various running speeds, which
showed that the activity of the muscles increased with an increase in speed (Nummela et al.,
1994; Kuitunen et al., 2002; Bartlett et al., 2013; Mastalerz et al., 2012; Albertus-Kajee et al.,
2011; Kyröläinen et al., 2005; Higashihara et al., 2010). Nummela et al. (1994) observed a
significant difference in the RF in the braking (early stance) phase; this was most likely due
to the important role the RF plays in tolerating impact loads. Kuitunen et al. (2002)
examined a variety of speeds as a percentage of maximum speed which showed that there
was an increase in muscle activation of the plantar flexors (TA) and the knee extensors (RF)
in the pre-activation (late swing) phase as the speed increased, the VM showed earlier peak
activation in the late swing phase in higher speeds and there was significant differences found
in the BF with increased speeds. Another study found a large increase in EMG amplitude in
sprinting compared to the walking condition, the RMS mean normalised to walking showed a
significant difference of four to seven times greater during sprinting (Bartlett et al., 2013).
The greatest changes in muscle activity were found in the BF and RF as speed increased
(Albertus-Kajee et al., 2011). Kyröläinen et al. (2005) found that the MVC is not a good
indicator of the activation potential, since some muscles recorded amplitudes greater than the
MVC recorded.
The timings of muscle activations provide important insight into the functions the muscles
perform throughout the gait running cycle. Figure 3 shows that during the braking (early
stance) phase, agonistic and antagonistic muscles co-contract to facilitate stabilisation. It can
be observed from Figure 3 that there are temporal overlaps of muscle activity in agonist and
antagonist groups. For example, the calves and the hamstrings in the braking (early stance)
phase contract simultaneously with the TA and RF respectively. During the flight phase
when the knee is in a flexed position there is minimal activity observed in the hamstrings and
the calves. Figure 3 shows RF is active in the early swing phase and contracts eccentrically
for hip extension and knee flexion. There is no activation of the RF during the concentric
contraction in the forward flexion of the thigh, however in the late swing phase there is
activation in the RF as the leg extends in preparation for the ground contact (see Figure 3).
Mero and Komi (1987) concluded that the RF had a more important role as a hip flexor than a
knee extensor. The TA is also active earlier in the swing phase to keep the foot in a
dorsiflexed position throughout mid swing to late swing phase. It is then activating in
preparation for the ground contact when it takes on a stabilisation role alongside the calves
muscle group in the braking phase. All of the muscle groups shown are active in the late
swing phase in preparation for ground contact and then in the early stance phase in a
stabilisation role.
The secondary aim was to understand the various technologies used for sEMG in sprinting, to
identify the key features of these systems and examine their relative merits and limitations in
the analysis of sprinting. Examinations of EMG systems and their specifications in sprinting
show that the main issues were with the data transmission rather than the specification of the
acquisition features. System specifications were very similar across the devices, with data
acquisition and analysis steps performed to similar standards. Many of the systems used
were data logger technologies, which required long wires when evaluating sEMG on distal
body segments were required. The quadriceps and hamstring muscles are prime movers in
sprinting. Logically the majority of papers analysed these muscles, however the convenience
in measuring the upper leg muscles (see Table 3) may have also been a factor resulting in
these muscles being the most analysed in sprinting, results show over 70% of the muscles
analysed were the upper leg muscles. Less emphasis has been placed on the analysis of the
lower leg muscles. Less than 30% of those analysed were the lower leg muscles which may
be due to technology constraints. Longer wires would cause increased noise artefact or
movement encumbrance if the data logger was mounted on the distal segment. Clearly, there
is a bias on the muscles analysed which may be a consideration due to the limitations of
devices. The use of fully wireless sEMG systems could facilitate the effective analysis of a
wider range of muscles used in sprinting (Howard, Conway & Harrison, 2016).
There appears to be a historic trend which dominates sEMG measurements. Several studies
in this review reported the use of a tethered sEMG system for analysing gait and running
performance. However, these studies all involved the athlete running or walking on a
treadmill (Chumanov et al., 2007; Higashihara et al., 2010; Thelen et al., 2005). Very few
treadmills allow athletes to reach maximum sprint speed and this limits the ecological
validity of treadmill running since sprinting or jogging on a treadmill is not identical with
overground sprinting or jogging (Baur et al., 2007; Van Caekenberghe, Segers, Willems, et
al., 2013; Wank et al., 1998). There may also be potential changes in the muscle activation
timings and magnitudes as motorised treadmills also contribute to hip extension, as the belt
moves the foot of the participant backwards (Van Caekenberghe, Segers, Aerts, Willems, &
De Clercq, 2013). As a result a tethered sEMG system is likely to cause the athlete to
moderate the way they run due to the fact sprints need to be performed on a treadmill. The
use of data loggers and telemetry also required the participants to wear a transceiver pack
connected via wires to the electrodes while sprinting which could cause changes in the sprint
movement pattern.
For coaches, monitoring sports performance it is important that the results accurately reflect
the activity in an ecologically valid environment. Technologies were initially quite bulky and
limited the amount of data that could be captured. The majority of sampling rates of the
systems in the papers reviewed were 1 kHz which is an appropriate sampling rate (SENIAM).
More recently higher sampling rates are being used (Albertus-Kajee et al., 2011; Higashihara
et al., 2010; Schache et al., 2012; Thelen et al., 2005; Yu et al., 2008). The issues associated
with tethered systems highlight the need for wireless based sEMG devices. The system
selected for analysis of sprinting needs to ensure many of the same specifications necessary
for any other application, while also allowing real time data streaming. By exploiting
wireless technology the data gathering process will be simplified for the practitioner (Howard
et al., 2016). Advances in technology have facilitated smaller wireless devices which can
sample at higher rates and stream large data sets wirelessly across a long distance.
Companies have invested in low power wireless technology with a huge emphasis on
wearable wireless sensor technologies. Technologies from other sectors can be easily
transferred into the area of sports performance and sprinting aiding the analysis of sprint
performance for both the coach and practitioner.
This review presented information on muscle activations during maximal sprinting such as
timings and activity levels across the running gait cycle. The composite of muscle activity
timings across the running gait cycle provides a summary of timings from previous research
and could aid future researchers. It is important that more research is done in the area of
injury prevention utilising data from muscle activations during sprinting, allowing a greater
insight into the causes of injury and the times at which athletes are at a greater risk. This will
aid coaches and facilitate more analysis in the area of sports performance for practitioners.
This review also highlights the current technologies used in the analysis of sEMG in sprinting
and will provide a useful reference for future studies. Due to the limitations of sEMG
devices, there are relatively few articles on sprinting using sEMG. EMG systems used
throughout these studies tended to be tethered or data logging systems giving a bias to the
muscles analysed and the way in which sprints were performed. There is a need to utilise
wireless technology to facilitate the analysis of all lower limb muscles during sprinting and
allow practitioners to perform the analysis in an ecological valid environment.
Disclosure statement
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Funding for this research was provided by the Irish Research Council [grant number
EPSPG/2013/587, Analog Devices Inc [grant number EPSPG/2013/587].
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