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Study of Objective Evaluation of Effect of Psychological Relaxation Using Classic Music


Abstract and Figures

Objective: Some of classic musics make both relaxation and adequate stress. In brain cortex some classic musics make fruitful concentration and attention. Design: A clinical study. Materials and methods: The subjects were healthy young 1 man and 19 women. We did them Tomita's stress questionnaire. They enjoyed classic music CD with headphone. Accelerated plethysmography (APG) was performed using a pulsimeter with the sensor positioned on the tip of the ventral side of the index finger. Peripheral venous circulation was monitored with venous oxygenation index (VOI) and width of peripheral vein. Results: Tomita's stress questionnaire scores were significantly correlated with low frequency (LF) component powers (maximum entropy method (MEM) and fast fourier transform (FFT)). LF and LF/HF decreased after enjoying classic music. VOI was significantly positive correlated with LF/HF before enjoying classic music. Conclusions: These results suggest that APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein is useful for objective evaluation of psychological stress and relaxation. KEY WORDS classic music, music therapy, psychological relaxation, vessel width and venous oxygenation index of peripheral vein, spectral analysis of heart-rate variability
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International Medical Journal Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 31 - 33 , February 2017
Study of Objective Evaluation of Effect of Psychological
Relaxation Using Classic Music
Toshihide Harada1,*), Fumiko Ishizaki2), Shoji Ito2), Satomi Aoi1),
Marina Miyaguchi1), Hiromi Ikeda1), Yumiko Nitta3), Mikako Mibu1),
Tadayuki Iida1), Chiho Chikamura1), Noriko Tamura4), Kohsaku Nitta5)
Objective: Some of classic musics make both relaxation and adequate stress. In brain cortex some classic musics make fruit-
ful concentration and attention.
Design: A clinical study.
Materials and methods: The subjects were healthy young 1 man and 19 women. We did them Tomita’s stress questionnaire.
They enjoyed classic music CD with headphone. Accelerated plethysmography (APG) was performed using a pulsimeter with
the sensor positioned on the tip of the ventral side of the index finger. Peripheral venous circulation was monitored with venous
oxygenation index (VOI) and width of peripheral vein.
Results: Tomita's stress questionnaire scores were significantly correlated with low frequency (LF) component powers (maxi-
mum entropy method (MEM) and fast fourier transform (FFT)). LF and LF/HF decreased after enjoying classic music. VOI was
significantly positive correlated with LF/HF before enjoying classic music.
Conclusions: These results suggest that APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein is useful for objective evaluation of psycho-
logical stress and relaxation.
classic music, music therapy, psychological relaxation, vessel width and venous oxygenation index of peripheral vein, spec-
tral analysis of heart-rate variability
Received on July 10, 2015 and accepted on April 22, 2016
1) Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
1-1, Gakuen-machi, Mihara, Hiroshima, 723-0053, Japan
2) Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University
5-13-18, Ujina-nishi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima, 734-0014, Japan
3) Suzugamine Women's College
4-6-18, Inokuchi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-8623, Japan
4) Yasuda Women’s University,
6-13-1, Yasuhigashi, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima, 731-0153, Japan
5) Shiraki-no-sato
230 Shiraki-cho Kogoshi, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima, 739-1412, Japan
Correspondence to: Toshihide Harada
Tomita's stress questionnaire2), self-rating depression scale (SDS)
and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) have been used as evaluation
for psychological stressor4). Nevetheless these questionnaires are subjec-
tive findings of materials5). The measurement of autonomic functions is
considered to be useful as objective biomarkers of psychological stress-
or2-4,6,7). Psychological stressor decreases HF and increases LF/HF.
Peripheral vein width decreases after psychological stressor1,4,8).
Peripheral vein width negative correlated with LF/HF after psychologi-
cal stressor. Psychological stressor decreases parasympathitic nervous
function and activates sympathetic nervous function. These results sug-
gest that APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein prove useful in objec-
tive observing psychological stressor. In this study we check the psy-
chological relaxation effect of classic music on autonomic nervous sys-
tem function using APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein.
The subjects were healthy young 1 man and 19 women. Mean age at
C 2017 Japan Health Sciences University
& Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation
Harada T. et al.
examination was 21.8 ± 0.4 years. The study content and method were
sufficiently explained to all subjects, and written consent was obtained
before the study. This study was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki.
They were given Tomita's stress questionnaire. They were measured
APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein before enjoying classic music.
They enjoyed classic music CD with head phone. Classic music was
Chopan: Nocturne, Op. 9-1, Remo Giazotto (Albinoni): Adagio and
Vivaldi: four seasons-spring Allegro. They enjoyed classic music for 2
min and 40 sec. They were measured APG, VOI and width of peripheral
vein last 2 min and 20 sec. APG was performed using a pulsimeter
(Artett C, U-Medica, Osaka, Japan) with the sensor positioned on the tip
of the ventral side of the right index finger2-4,6,7). Heart-rate variability
(HRV) was determined in all subjects using the spectral analysis2-4,6,7).
MEM and FFT LF and HF component powers and LF/HF ratio were
determined. VOI and peripheral vein width were estimated using
near-infrared spectrophotoscopy of Sysmex Astrim SU with the sensor
positioned on the left middle finger2-6). In this study, we investigated
under a controlled physical condition and living environment. The room
temperature and humidity were 26 and 65%. Probability values of 0.5
or lower were regarded as statistically significant in all tests. Statistical
analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Science
(SPSS) 18.0J software (SPSS Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan).
Different spectral analysis, MEM and FFT were signifficantly cor-
related, before enjoying classic music, LF; r = 0.991, p < 0.001, HF; r =
0.999, p < 0.001, LF/HF; r = 0.985, p < 0.001, after enjoying classic
music, LF; r = 0.983, p < 0.001, HF; r = 1.000, p < 0.001, LF/HF; r =
0.988, p < 0.001, respectively. HF was negatively correlated with LF/
HF before enjoying classic music (r = -0.582, p = 0.007) and after
enjoying classic music (r = -0.542, p = 0.014). VOI and width of periph-
eral vein, LF, HF and LF/HF were signifficantly correlated before
enjoying classic music (p < 0.001) and after enjoying classic music (p =
VOI and width of peripheral vein, HF increased after enjoying clas-
sic music. LF and LF/HF signifficantly decreased after enjoying classic
music (1536 ± 1054 741 ± 414 ms2 (p < 0.001), 2.463 ± 2.15
1.139 ± 1.11 (p < 0.001), respectively) (Fig. 1). Tomita's stress ques-
tionnaire scores were significantly correlated with LF (r = 0.469, p =
0.037) (Fig. 2). VOI was significantly positive correlated with LF/HF
before enjoying classic music (r = 0.555, p = 0.011) (Fig. 3). VOI was
significantly negative correlated with HF before enjoying classic music
(r = -0.595, p = 0.006).
An autoregressive approach to spectral analysis of HRV provides
non-invasive indices of the sympathetic and parasympathetic func-
tions1,2,8). LF/HF is employed as a measure of sympathetic activity1,7,8). In
our study HF significantly negative correlated with LF/HF. Our finding
agrees that HF is parasympathitic function and LF/HF is sympathitic
function. HF decreases and LF/HF increases after psychological stress-
or. Pulsimeter can determine both MEM and FFT. In this our study there
was good correlation between MEM and FFT. Then we can analysis
autonomic function with either method.
Width of peripheral vein, VOI, LF/HF and LF/HF were significantl-
ly correlated in our study. These results suggest that APG, VOI and
width of peripheral vein is useful for objective evaluation of psycholog-
ical stress and relaxation.
Mean values of width of peripheral vein, VOI and HF and LF/HF
after enjoying classic music increased in our study. These results sug-
gest that parasympathetic activities increase width of peripheral vein
and VOI after enjoying classic music.
LF and LF/HF significantlly decreased after enjoying classic music
in our study. These results suggest that sympathetic activities decreased
after enjoying classic music. After enjoying classic music psychological
stress decreases and makes relaxation effect. In next study, effect of
classic music therapy should be examined.
Tomita's stress questionnaire is the self questionnaire of 40 ques-
tions of last 2 weeks. Life stress stages are scored by the counts of "yes"
answers. Score 0 is no stress and score over 35 is illness with stress.
Figure 1. LF and LF/HF after enjoying classic music
LF and LF/HF significantly decreased after enjoying classic music
(1536 ± 1054 → 741 ± 414 ms2 (p < 0.001), 2.463 ± 2.15 → 1.139 ±
1.11 (p < 0.001), respectively).
Figure 2. Tomita's stress questionnaires scores and
Tomita's stress questionnaires scores were significant-
ly correlated with LF (r = 0.469, p = 0.037).
Figure 3. VOI and LF/HF before enjoying classic music.
VOI was significantly positive correlated with LF/HF before enjoying
classic music (r = 0.555, p = 0.011).
Objective Evaluation of Relaxation Using Classic Music 33
Tomita's stress questionnaire scores were significantly correlated with
LF. LF is used mainly as a measure of sympathetic activities6-8). Then
our results suggest that chronic psychological stress shows sympathetic
activities. And our results suggest LF is useful for objective evaluation
of chronic psychological stress.
VOI was significantly negative correlated with HF before enjoying
classic music. VOI was significantly positive correlated with LF/HF
before enjoying classic music. Our results suggest that VOI increases
with sympathetic activities and decreases with parasympathetic activi-
ties. And our results suggest sympathetic activities make activities of
peripferal venous ciculation and increase of oxygen metabolism.
These results suggest that APG, VOI and width of peripheral vein
are useful for objective evaluation of psychological stress and relax-
We express our deep gratitude to all people who cooperated in this
survey. This research was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientists (C, 21500673) from the Japanese Ministry of Education,
Science and culture.
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... 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is a drug known for causing irreversible parkinsonism. As for the change of dopamine receptors in MPTP-induced monkey parkinsonism, an increase of 3 H-spiperone binding sites in the striatum was observed as having been confirmed autoradiographically by us in brains of Parkinson's patients 2,24,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46] . PARK1 null mice are resistant to MPTP toxicity. ...
... Coffee drinkers, tea drinkers, and tobacco smokers are at a reduced risk. The use of ibuprofen and a decreased risk of Parkinson's development 2,24,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46] . We dramatically succeed to treat lumbago with additional Neurotropin treatment in the advanced stage of elderly PD woman 2,[47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56] . ...
... This is also rare. His stage has not reached HY stage 5; the final stage of PD (living in a bed or wheelchair without assistance) or level 3 of life dysfunction (requires full assistance in daily life, unable to stand up on his own) 2,24,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46] . Therefore, it can be said that the long-term prognosis is extremely good. ...
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... Sympathetic nervous system activities were decreased with music. When rehabilitation is done, classical music is expected additional effect on rehabilitation 1,3,[8][9][10][11][12] . In our previous studies, experiments were conducted to measure changes in pulse waves when audio stimuli output from speakers were applied 1,12-17,) . ...
... 24 and 16 bit headphone high-resolution audio activates the sympathetic nervous system without hyper-activation, because both the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions are activated. This situation appears to be both relaxing and adequately stressful [1][2][3][4][6][7][8][9][10][11] . ...
... This is the first report to describe the effects of 24 and 16 bit headphone classical music played with high-resolution audio on cardiovascular autonomic nervous function. Though we can't conclude the neural mechanisms incorporating 24 and 16 bit headphone high-resolution audio music box sound 1,[7][8][9][10][11] . And we will clarify the effect of 24 and 16 bit headphone high-resolution audio music box sound on prevention of arteriosclerosis as the possibility of music therapy with middle and elderly subjects. ...
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Objective: Music makes the expansion of the range of the attention and concentration of the attention. The quality of digital high-resolution audio has increased since 2010. Design: A clinical study. Materials and Methods: The present study used a spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) to determine the effects of 24 and 16 bit headphone high-resolution music box audio. Results: The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous function was activated more by 24 than 16 bit headphone high-resolution audio. Conclusions: The effects of high-resolution audio on the activation of attention and concentration in relaxed humans are excellent. KEY WORDS 24 and 16 bit headphone high-resolution audio, autonomic nervous function, spectral analysis, variation of a-a interval
... Listening to music as a cost-effective and non-invasive method has become one of the most frequent models of care delivery for reducing psychological responses to the stressors in healthy and unhealthy individuals. 27 However, different studies are still controversial about the effectiveness of music and its different kinds on relaxation in different situations. As our results showed, although listening to Pop, Western Classical, Persian Traditional genres, increased relaxation, they had no extra effect on relaxation compared with each other and even with Silence. ...
... In line with our results, Harada et al. reported that compared with prerecorded verbal relaxation exercise group, receiving live music had no greater effect on the physical and cognitive tensions of healthy adults. 27 In contrast with our results, in some studies, music has reduced patients' anxiety compared with the control group (not listening to music). 10,17 In addition, in Khan and Ajmal study, listening to Classical Turkish Music was more effective than listening to Western Music or natural sounds in decreasing anxiety. ...
High stress and anxiety in healthy individuals may lead to use different pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. The study aimed to investigate the effect of different genres of music on anxiety and relaxation in healthy participants. This study was a randomized controlled trial with a cross-over design. Forty-six healthy undergraduates participated in the study and randomly received different genres of music (Pop, Rock, Western Classical, and Persian Traditional) and silence for five consecutive days between February and June 2018. Each participant was her/his own control. Relaxation and the State Anxiety were checked with Smith Relaxation States Inventory 3 and The State Anxiety Inventory before and after listening to 15 minutes of music or laying down in silence. None of the five procedures were preferred for a more relaxing effect (P > 0.05). Also, none of the interventions were preferred for reduction of the state anxiety (P > 0.05). Although different genres of music, i.e., Pop, Rock, Western Classical, Persian Traditional, could reduce state anxiety and improve relaxation, they had no extra effect compared to Silence.
... Among the array of psychological and pharmacological strategies available to help cope with situations of stress are those that endeavour to regulate by means of distractors, such as listening to music. Music diverts the subject's attention from the source of stress boosting a relax state (Goethem & Sloboda, 2011;Harada, Ishizaki, Ito, Aoi, et al., 2017). These techniques have been useful to the cardiovascular recovering and the cortisol level (Lai & Li, 2011). ...
... Then, listening to music would be a mediator, involved with other processes such as the working memory (Blais-Rochette & Miranda, 2016) or the interacting with context. Other factor could be the attention that is called to explain the relaxing musical effect by several authors (Harada, Ishizaki, Ito, Aoi, et al., 2017). On the other hand, the emotional response to music model, by Juslin and Västfjäll (2008) may give a satisfactory explanation about how people evaluate a piece of music as pleasant. ...
Objective: Analyzing if listening to pleasant music after a stressful event helps to relax a group of highly stressed. Method: A clinical study was conducted The subjects were healthy young adult 1 man and 23 women. Participants did a stressful task. Then , they were assigned to one of the three experimental conditions: 1) pleasant music listening; 2) Natural sound listening; 3) White noise listening. An ad-hoc scale of five Likert items was conducted to measure arousal. Results: pleasant music listening condition showed the highest arousal decreasing. While, noise condition recorded a huge increase of arousal. Conclusion: listening to pleasant music is a good strategy to regain a calm state after stressful events. Nevertheless, the music works as a mediator in a complex process where memory working, attention and emotional processes are involved.
... In the context of selfbiofeedback to support self-regulation processes, it is interesting to note that sound researcher Hans Jenny was indicated to teach deaf children to improve their pronunciation by having them look at the cymatic patterns emerging from their own voice, hence seeing the dissonances in false pronunciation and the symmetry created by correct pronunciation [22]. Other documented positive efects of sound and music on various healing processes include improvement in physiologic and psychologic coping mechanisms [29] stress, depression and anxiety relief [30][31][32], advantageous efect on mood [33,34], energy and physical state [35,36], enhancement of RBC longevity [37], synchronization of brain waves [38][39][40], and enhancement of structural and cellular reaction of supporting hearing mechanisms in mice [41]. In accordance, medical sound and music interventions were found to positively improve various mechanisms such as hormone secretion [42], post-neurotrauma physiological and emotional symptoms [43][44][45][46], and support stress, and pain relief mechanisms [35,47]. ...
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This study introduces Geometric Sound as a subfield of spatial sound featuring audio stimuli which are sonic holograms of mathematically defined 3D shapes. The effects of Geometric Sound on human physiology were investigated through EEG, heart rate, blood pressure, and a combination of questionnaires monitoring 50 healthy participants in two separate experiments. The impact of Geometric Sound on Faraday wave pattern morphology was further studied. The shapes examined, pyramid, cube, and sphere, exhibited varying significant effects on autonomic nervous system markers, brainwave power amplitude, topology, and connectivity patterns, in comparison to both the control (traditional stereo), and recorded baseline where no sound was presented. Brain activity in the Alpha band exhibited the most significant results, additional noteworthy results were observed across analysis paradigms in all frequency bands. Geometric Sound was found to significantly reduce heart rate and blood pressure and enhance relaxation and general well-being. Changes in EEG, heart rate, and blood pressure were primarily shape-dependent, and to a lesser extent sex-dependent. Pyramid Geometric Sound yielded the most significant results in most analysis paradigms. Faraday Waves patterns morphology analysis indicated that identical frequencies result in patterns that correlate with the excitation Geometric Sound shape. We suggest that Geometric Sound shows promise as a noninvasive therapeutic approach for physical and psychological conditions, stress-related disorders, depression, anxiety, and neurotrauma. Further research is warranted to elucidate underlying mechanisms and expand its applications.
... If the original music tracks were less than 15 min, they were repeated to cover the 15-min intervention. The duration of music was chosen as a mean duration in some previous studies in this field which had chosen shorter and longer length for their music tracks [19,27,28]. Songs from four different musical genres were selected for this study: Three of a Kind by Kenny (1986) for pop [29], Orion by Metallica (1986) for rock [30], Symphony No. 35 Haffner Symphony by Mozart (1782) for western classical [31], and Vanooshe by Hamid Motebassem (1990) for Persian Traditional [32]. ...
Background Listening to music has psychophysiological effects on individuals’ body and emotions, and it is known as one of the most influential stimuli to create emotions. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of different music genres on some physiological parameters and emotion.Methods This was a randomized controlled trial. For 5 days, forty-six healthy undergraduate students were randomly assigned to several types of music (pop, rock, western classical, and Persian traditional), as well as silence. Physiologic parameters were checked five times (before, during, immediately, 15, and 30 min after the interventions). Before and after the interventions, the Self-Assessment Manikin questionnaire was completed.ResultsThere was no statistically significant difference in heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, temperature, silence, or other approaches between the groups. Silence and other ways did not reduce systolic blood pressure as much as listening to the pop. Peripheral oxygen saturation increased significantly only when listening to Persian traditional music, and when there was silence however, the differences were not statistically significant. In terms of valence, arousal, and dominance, none of the five treatments were shown to be more effective.Conclusion The results of the present study showed that statistically and clinically, there was no difference between silent music and other types of music, including pop, rock, western classical, and Persian traditional, in reducing physiological parameters. Different genres of music had no additional impact on emotion when compared to silence.
... In the context of selfbiofeedback to support self-regulation processes, it is interesting to note that sound researcher Hans Jenny was indicated to teach deaf children to improve their pronunciation by having them look at the cymatic patterns emerging from their own voice, hence seeing the dissonances in false pronunciation and the symmetry created by correct pronunciation [22]. Other documented positive efects of sound and music on various healing processes include improvement in physiologic and psychologic coping mechanisms [29] stress, depression and anxiety relief [30][31][32], advantageous efect on mood [33,34], energy and physical state [35,36], enhancement of RBC longevity [37], synchronization of brain waves [38][39][40], and enhancement of structural and cellular reaction of supporting hearing mechanisms in mice [41]. In accordance, medical sound and music interventions were found to positively improve various mechanisms such as hormone secretion [42], post-neurotrauma physiological and emotional symptoms [43][44][45][46], and support stress, and pain relief mechanisms [35,47]. ...
This study introduces Geometric Sound as a subfield of Spatial Sound by presenting auditory stimuli that are mathematically defined 3D Geometric Sound projections representing virtual sonic geometric objects. The study proposes a new and non-invasive method for the treatment of various illnesses of both physical and psychological characteristics, with emphasis on stress related conditions and neurological impairments. The effects of Geometric Sound projections on Faraday waves propagation, brain waves, physiological measurements and emotional well-being have been investigated. Identical sound frequencies projected in different geometric shapes were found to result in correlating Faraday waves patterns to the geometric sound projection. Geometric Sound was found to significantly affect brain waves topology, power amplitude and connectivity patterns compared to recorded baseline of participants where no sound was presented and stereo (control). Geometric Sound was found to improve sense of relaxation according to behavioral response and as measured by heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, Geometric Sound may have the potential to be used as a tool for treatment of various illnesses and disabilities such as depression, anxiety, stress related dysfunctionalities and neurotrauma impairments.
... It has already been known in the 19th century that metabolic increase, the muscle power increase with music. Music changes blood pressure, breathe, the pulse, and various sense thresholds 1,7,[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] . Music brings a change in the autonomic nerve function such as a metabolism, perspiration, blood pressure, pulse. ...
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Objective: Music makes the expansion of the range of the attention and concentration of the attention. The quality of digital high-resolution audio has increased since 2010. Design: A clinical study. Materials and Methods: The present study used a spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) to determine the effects of high-resolution audio on the autonomic nervous function. Results: The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous function was activated more by high-resolution than high-cut audio. Conclusions: The effects of high-resolution audio on the activation of attention and concentration in relaxed humans are excellent. KEY WORDS high-resolution audio, autonomic nervous function, spectral analysis, variation of a-a interval
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Infrared thermography provides a non-invasive and dynamic measure of heat. The thermal preservability effects of a salt footbath were evaluated by the infrared thermography technique. The subjects were 23 healthy college students. Feet were soaked for 10 min in a 40-42 degrees C normal footbath. Room temperature was set at 26.5-28 degrees C. At the same time on another day within 3 days of the normal footbath experiment, the same feet were soaked for 10 min in a 40-42 degrees C salt footbath. We measured blood pressure, heart rate and temperatures of the feet, second toes, hands and middle fingers, just before and after immersion and at 10-min intervals thereafter. Mean blood pressure changes showed no difference between the normal and the salt footbath. Mean heart rate changes were higher during the normal footbath than at 0, 15 and 20 min during the salt footbath, respectively (p < 0.05). Mean thermal preservability of the feet tended to be lower after the normal footbath than at 20 and 30 min, respectively, after the salt footbath, but these differences did not reach a statistical significance. Mean thermal preservability of the hands and middle fingers was significantly lower after the normal footbath than at 20 and 30 min, respectively, after the salt footbath (p < 0.05). The results suggest that stimulation by a salt footbath affects surface skin temperature, and that stimulation aimed at increasing skin thermal preservability shows a significant difference between normal and salt footbaths.
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ABSTRACT Objective: This study was performed to retrospectively compare changes in the levels of seasonal changes in peripheral venous circulation, arteriosclerosis and physical characteristics in middle and elderly females. Design: A clinical study. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 52 middle and elderly females during June and December. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure, height, weight, % body fat mass (%FM), body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (BMR), lean body mass (LBM), width of small vein and venous oxygenation index (VOI) were studied in June and December. Results: The levels of baPWV in June showed significantly lower than those of December. The levels of DBP in June were significantly higher than those in December. These results may suggested the progress of the arteriosclerosis by aging. The levels of %FM in June decreased significantly than those in December. The levels of LBM and BMR in June increased significantly than those in December. These results were considered aging changes rather than seasonal changes. The levels of VOI in June showed significantly higher than those in December. However, no significant difference was seen in the levels of width of small vein. These results may suggest that peripheral venous metabolic change occurred, even if morphological change of the peripheral vein was not seen in December. Conclusions: It is necessary to study VIO among middle and elderly females from the viewpoint of analyzing peripheral venous metabolic change.
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ABSTRACT Objective: To compare changes in physical characteristics, peripheral venous circulation, and arteriosclerosis among women in different age groups. Design: An observational study. Materials and Methods: This study involved 91 women. Of these, 28 were designated as young (21.1±0.8, years old) and the other 63 were designated as middle aged and elderly (63.7±7.1, years old). Physical characteristics included height, weight, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure, percentage of body fat mass (%FM), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and basal metabolic rate (BMR). Arteriosclerosis was studied using brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV). Peripheral venous circulation was monitored using venous oxygenation index (VOI) and width of peripheral veins. Results: Physical characteristics were different among the groups. Specifically, baPWV of all young women was less than 14.0 m/s compared with that of 38 (60.3%) middle aged and elderly women, which was greater than 14.0m/s. This was an indication of arteriosclerosis due to aging. VOI of middle aged and elderly women tended to be lower than that of younger women (p = 0.095). Width of peripheral veins was not significantly different in each group. Conclusions: In this study, baPWV proved to be a better marker of age-related arteriosclerosis than VOI or width of peripheral veins among women of different ages.
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The relationship of bone mineral density (BMD) and bone metabolic markers in women is an interesting field of research. In this study, we aimed to clarify the relationship of body weight, bone metabolic markers and BMD. The subjects were 72 women. The levels of serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP), serum type I collagen-cross-linked peptide (s-NTx) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (u-DPD) were measured. The associations between dependent variables (BMD changes/1 or 4 years in the lumbar spine and femoral neck) and explanatory variables (body weight changes/1 or 4 years, the levels of BAP, s-NTx, u-DPD) were evaluated using multiple regression analysis. Changes in the lumbar spine BMD were significantly correlated with changes in height over a year, and those of the femoral neck were significantly correlated with changes in weight over a year. Changes in the lumbar spine BMD over 4 years were significantly correlated with age, BAP and the changes of weight over 4 years. Changes in the femoral neck BMD over 4 years were significantly correlated with the changes in weight for 4 years. These results suggest that BMD changes of different bones correlate with different explanatory variables and that, to predict BMD changes from bone metabolic markers in women, it is necessary to measure BAP levels.
Influence of music stimulation on heartbeat fluctuation
  • T Aoki
  • Y Adachi
Aoki T, Adachi Y. Influence of music stimulation on heartbeat fluctuation. Journal of International Society Life Information Science 2009; 27: 48-54.
Study of objective evaluation of response to a psychological stressor using peripheral circulation monitoring devices
  • R Koide
  • T Harada
  • S Aoi
Koide R, Harada T, Aoi S, et al. Study of objective evaluation of response to a psychological stressor using peripheral circulation monitoring devices (in Japanese). Medical Consultation New Remedies 2012; 49: 1333-1338.