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In this paper we give a classification of special endomorphisms of nil-manifolds: Let f:N/ΓN/Γf:N/\Gamma \rightarrow N/\Gamma be a covering map of a nil-manifold and denote by A:N/ΓN/ΓA:N/\Gamma \rightarrow N/\Gamma the nil-endomorphism which is homotopic to f. If f is a special TA-map, then A is a hyperbolic nil-endomorphism and f is topologically conjugate to A.
arXiv:1702.08821v4 [math.DS] 6 Feb 2018
Classification of special Anosov
endomorphisms of nil-manifolds
Seyed Mohsen Moosavi and Khosro Tajbakhsh
Abstract. In this paper we give a classification of special endo-
morphisms of nil-manifolds: Let f:N/ΓN/Γ be a covering
map of a nil-manifold and denote by A:N/ΓN/Γ the nil-
endomorphism which is homotopic to f. If fis a special T A-map,
then Ais a hyperbolic nil-endomorphism and fis topologically
conjugate to A.
1. Introduction
Finding a universal model for Anosov diffeomorphisms has been
an important problem in dynamical systems. In this general context,
Franks and Manning proved that every Anosov diffeomorphism of an
infra-nil-manifold is topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic infra-nil-
automorphism [7, 8, 12, 13] (According to Dekimpe’s work [5], some
of their results are incorrect). Based on this result, Aoki and Hiraide
has been studied the dynamics of covering maps of a torus [2]. The
importance of infra-nil-manifolds comes from the following Conjecture
1.1 and Theorem 1.2 :
The first non-toral example of an Anosov diffeomorphism was con-
structed by S. Smale in [16]. He conjectured that, up to topologically
conjugacy, the construction in Smale’s example gives every possible
Anosov diffeomorphism on a closed manifold.
Conjecture 1.1.Every Anosov diffeomorphism of a closed mani-
fold is topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic affine infra-nil-automorphism.
Theorem 1.2 (Gromov [9]).Every expanding map on a closed
manifold is topologically conjugate to an expanding affine infra-nil-
The conjecture has been open for many years (see [6] page 48). An
interesting problem is to consider the conjecture for endomorphisms of
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 37D05, 37D20.
Key words and phrases. Hyperbolicity, Anosov endomorphisms, special Anosov
endomorphisms, TA maps, nil-manifolds.
a closed manifold. Our main theorem is a partial answer to the con-
In this paper we give a classification of special endomorphisms of nil-
manifolds. Infact, Aoki and Hiraide [2] in 1994 proposed two problems:
Problem 1.3.Is every special Anosov differentiable map of a torus
topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic toral endomorphism?
Problem 1.4.Is every special topological Anosov covering map of
an arbitrary closed topological manifold topologically conjugate to a
hyperbolic infra-nil- endomorphism of an infra-nil-manifold ?
Aoki and Hiraide answered problem 1.3 partially as follows:
Theorem 1.5 ([2] Theorem 6.8.1).Let f:TnTnbe a T A-
covering map of an n-torus and denote by A:TnTnthe toral
endomorphism homotopic to f. Then Ais hyperbolic. Furthermore the
inverse limit system of (Tn, f )is topologically conjugate to the inverse
limit system of (Tn, A).
Theorem 1.6 ([2] Theorem 6.8.2).Let fand Abe as Theorem 1.5.
Suppose fis special, then the following statements hold:
(1) if fis a T A-homeomorphism, then Ais a hyperbolic toral au-
tomorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A,
(2) if fis a topological expanding map, then Ais an expanding
toral endomorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A,
(3) if fis a strongly special T A-map, then Ais a hyperbolic toral
endomorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A.
In [17], Sumi has altered the condition ” strongly special ” (part
(3) of Theorem 1.6) to just ” special ” as follows:
Theorem 1.7 ([17]).Let fand Abe as Theorem 1.5. If fis a
special T A-map, then Ais a hyperbolic toral endomorphism and fis
topologically conjugate to A.
In [18], Sumi generalized (incorrectly) Theorem 1.5 and parts (1)
and (2) of Theorem 1.6 for infra-nil-manifolds as follows:
Theorem 1.8 ([18] Theorem 1).Let f:N/ΓN/Γbe a cov-
ering map of an infra-nil-manifold and denote as A:N/ΓN/Γ
the infra-nil-endomorphism homotopic to f. If fis a TA-map, then A
is hyperbolic and the inverse limit system of (N/Γ, f )is topologically
conjugate to the inverse limit system of (N/Γ, A).
Theorem 1.9 ([18] Theorem 2).Let fand Abe as in Theorem
1.8. Then the following statements hold:
(1) if fis a TA-homeomorphism, then Ais a hyperbolic infra-nil-
automorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A,
(2) if fis a topological expanding map, then Ais an expanding
infra-nil-endomorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A.
Dekimpe [5], expressed that there might exist (interesting) diffeo-
morphisms and self-covering maps of an infra-nil-manifold which are
not even homotopic to an infra-nil-endomorphism. Dekimpe [5] in
§4, gave an expanding map not topologically conjugate to an infra-
nil-endomorphism. And in §5, he gave an Anosov diffeomorphism
not topologically conjugate to an infra-nil-automorphism. According
to [5], Theorem 1.8 and Theorem 1.9 are true for nil-manifolds. Of
course, if in Sumi’s works, the map fhas a desired homotopic infra-
nil-endomorphism, then the theorems hold.
Since, nil-manifolds are included in infra-nil-manifolds, we consider
[18] for nil-manifolds.
In the paper, by using Theorem 1.7, we partially answer problem
1.4 of Aoki and Hiraide as follows:
Theorem 1.10 (Main Theorem).Let f:N/ΓN/Γbe a cov-
ering map of a nil-manifold and denote as A:N/ΓN/Γthe nil-
endomorphism homotopic to f(according to [5], such a unique homo-
topy exists for nil-manifolds). If fis a special T A-map, then Ais a
hyperbolic nil-endomorphism and fis topologically conjugate to A.
Corollary 1.11.If f:N/ΓN/Γis a special Anosov endo-
morphism of a nil-manifold then it is conjugate to a hyperbolic nil-
2. Preliminaries
Let Xand Ybe compact metric spaces and let f:XXand
g:YYbe continuous surjections. Then fis said to be topologically
conjugate to gif there exists a homeomorphism ϕ:YXsuch that
Let Xbe a compact metric space with metric d. For f:XX
a continuous surjection, we let
Xf={˜x= (xi) : xiXand f(xi) = xi+1, i Z},
σf((xi)) = (f(xi)).
The map σf:XfXfis called the shift map determined by f.
We call (Xf, σf) the inverse limit of (X, f). A homeomorphism f:
XXis called expansive if there is a constant e > 0 (called an
expansive constant) such that if xand yare any two distinct points of
Xthen d(fi(x), fi(y)) > e for some integer i. A continuous surjection
f:XXis called c-expansive if there is a constant e > 0 such that
for ˜x, ˜yXfif d(xi, yi)efor all iZthen ˜x= ˜y. In particular, if
there is a constant e > 0 such that for x, y Xif d(fi(x), f i(y)) e
for all iNthen x=y, we say that fis positively expansive. A
sequence of points {xi:a < i < b}of Xis called a δ-pseudo orbit of f
if d(f(xi), xi+1)< δ for i(a, b 1). Given ǫ > 0 a δ-pseudo orbit of
{xi}is called to be ǫ-traced by a point xXif d(fi(x), xi)< ǫ for every
i(a, b1) . Here the symbols aand bare taken as −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞
if fis bijective and as 1a < b ≤ ∞ if fis not bijective. fhas the
pseudo orbit tracing property (abbrev. POTP) if for every ǫ > 0 there
is δ > 0 such that every δ-pseudo orbit of fcan be ǫ-traced by some
point of X.
We say that a homeomorphism f:XXis a topological Anosov
map (abbrev. T A-map) if fis expansive and has POTP. Analogously,
We say that a continuous surjection f:XXis a topological Anosov
map if fis c-expansive and has POTP, and say that fis a topological
expanding map if fis positively expansive and open. We can check
that every topological expanding map is a T A-map (see [2] Remark
Let Xand Ybe metric spaces. A continuous surjection f:XY
is called a covering map if for yYthere exists an open neighborhood
Vyof yin Ysuch that
f1(Vy) = [
where each of Uiis open in Xand f|Ui:UiVyis a homeomorphism.
A covering map f:XYis especially called a self-covering map if
X=Y. We say that a continuous surjection f:XYis a local
homeomorphism if for xXthere is an open neighborhood Ux, of xin
Xsuch that f(Ux) is open in Yand f|Ux:Uxf(Ux) is a homeomor-
phism. It is clear that every covering map is a local homeomorphism.
Conversely, if Xis compact, then a local homeomorphism f:XY
is a covering map (see [2] Theorem 2.1.1).
Let π:YXbe a covering map. A homeomorphism α:YY
is called a covering transformation for πif πα=πholds. We denote
as G(π) the set of all covering transformations for π. It is easy to see
that G(π) is a group, which is called the covering transformation group
for π.
Let Mbe a closed smooth manifold and let C1(M, M ) be the set of
all C1maps of Mendowed with the C1topology. A map fC1(M, M)
is called an Anosov endomorphism if fis a C1regular map and if there
exist C > 0 and 0 < λ < 1 such that for every ˜x= (xi)Mf={˜x=
(xi) : xiMand f(xi) = xi+1, i Z}there is a splitting
xi, i Z
(we show this by T˜xM=Si(Es
xi)) so that for all iZ:
(1) Dxif(Eσ
xi) = Eσ
xi+1 where σ=s, u,
(2) for all n0
kDxifn(v)k≤ Cλnkvkif vEs
kDxifn(v)k≥ C1λnkvkif vEu
If, in particular, T˜xM=SiEu
xifor all ˜x= (xi)Mf, then fis said to
be expanding differentiable map, and if an Anosov endomorphism fis
injective then fis called an Anosov diffeomorphism. We can check that
every Anosov endomorphism is a TA-map, and that every expanding
differentiable map is a topological expanding map (see [2] Theorem
A map fC1(M, M ) is said to be C1-structurally stable if there is
an open neighborhood N(f) of fin C1(M, M) such that g N (f) im-
plies that fand gare topologically conjugate. Anosov [1] proved that
every Anosov diffeomorphism is C1-structurally stable, and Shub [15]
showed the same result for expanding differentiable maps. However,
Anosov endomorphisms which are not diffeomorphisms nor expanding
do not be C1-structurally stable ([11],[14]).
A map fC1(M, M ) is said to be C1-inverse limit stable if there
is an open neighborhood N(f) of fin C1(M, M) such that g N (f)
implies that the inverse limit (Mf, σf) of (M, f) and the inverse limit
(Mg, σg) of (M, g) are topologically conjugate. Man´e and Pugh [11]
proved that every Anosov endomorphism is C1-inverse limit stable.
We define special TA-maps as follows. Let f:XXbe a con-
tinuous surjection of a compact metric space. Define the stable and
unstable sets
Ws(x) = {yX: lim
n→∞ d(fn(x), f n(y)) = 0},
Wux) = {y0X:˜y= (yi)Xfs.t. lim
i→∞ d(xi, yi) = 0}.
for xXand ˜xXf. A TA-map f:XXis special if fsatisfies
the property that Wu(˜x) = Wuy) for every ˜x, ˜yXfwith x0=y0.
Every hyperbolic nil-endomorphism is a special TA-covering map (See
[18] Remark 3.13). By this and Theorem 1.10 We have the following
Corollary 2.1.A TA-covering map of a nil-manifold is special if
and only if it is conjugate to a hyperbolic nil-endomorphism.
ALie group is a smooth manifold obeying the group properties
and that satisfies the additional condition that the group operations are
differentiable. Let Nbe a Lie group. A vector field Xon Nis said to be
invariant under left translations if for each g, h N, (dlg)h(Xh) = Xgh,
where (dlg)h:ThNTghNand lg:NN;x7→ gx. A Lie algebra
gis a vector space over some field Ftogether with a binary operation
[·,·] : g×ggcalled the Lie bracket, that satisfies:
(1) Bilinearity: [ax+by, z] = a[x, z]+b[y, z],[z, ax+by] = a[z, x]+
b[z, y]x, y, z g,
(2) Alternativity: [x, x] = 0 xg,
(3) The Jacobi Identity: [x, [y, z]]+[z, [x, y]]+[y, [z, x]] = 0 x, y, z
Let Lie(N) be the set of all left-translation-invariant vector fields on
N. It is a real vector space. Moreover, it is closed under Lie bracket.
Thus Lie(N) is a Lie subalgebra of the Lie algebra of all vector fields
on Nand is called the Lie algebra of N. A nilpotent Lie group is a
Lie group which is connected and whose Lie algebra is a nilpotent Lie
algebra. That is, its Lie algebra’s central series eventually vanishes.
A group Gis a torsion group if every element in Gis of finite or-
der. Gis called torsion free if no element other than identity is of
finite order. A discrete subgroup of a topological group Gis a sub-
group Hsuch that there is an open cover of Hin which every open
subset contains exactly one element of H. In other words, the subspace
topology of Hin Gis the discrete topology. A uniform subgroup H
of Gis a closed subgroup such that the quotient space G/H is compact.
We bring here the definitions of nil-manifolds and infra-nil-manifolds
from Karel Dekimpe in [4] and [5].
Let Nbe a Lie group and Aut(N) be the set of all automorphisms
of N. Assume that AAut(N) is an automorphism of N, such that
there exists a discrete and cocompact subgroup Γ of N, with A(Γ) Γ.
Then the space of left cosets N/Γ is a closed manifold, and Ainduces
an endomorphism A:N/ΓN/Γ, gΓ7→ A(g)Γ. If we want this
endomorphism to be Anosov, Amust be hyperbolic (i.e. has no eigen-
value with modulus 1). It is known that this can happen only when
Nis nilpotent. So we restrict ourselves to that case, where the result-
ing manifold N/Γ is said to be a nil-manifold. Such an endomorphism
Ainduced by an automorphism Ais called a nil-endomorphism and
is said to be a hyperbolic nil-automorphism, when Ais hyperbolic. If
in the above definition, A(Γ) = Γ, the induced map is called a nil-
All tori, Tn=Rn/Znare examples of nil-manifolds.
Let Xbe a topological space and let Gbe a group. We say that
Gacts (continuously) on Xif to (g, x)G×Xthere corresponds a
point g·xin Xand the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) e·x=xfor xXwhere eis the identity,
(2) g·(g·x) = gg·xfor xXand g, gG,
(3) for each gGa map x7→ g·xis a homeomorphism of X.
When Gacts on X, for x, y Xletting
xyy=g·xfor some gG
an equivalence relation in Xis defined. Then the identifying space
X/ , denoted as X/G, is called the orbit space by Gof X. It follows
that for xX, [x] = {g·x:gG}is the equivalence class.
An action of Gon Xis said to be properly discontinuous if for each
xXthere exists a neighborhood U(x) of xsuch that U(x)gU (x) =
for all gGwith g6=eG. Here gU (x) = {g·y:yU(x)}.
Now we give an extended definition of nil-manifolds. Let Nbe
a connected and simply connected nilpotent Lie group and Aut(N)
be the group of continuous automorphisms of N. Then Aff (N) =
NAut(N) acts on Nin the following way:
(n, γ)Af f(N),xN: (n, γ).x =(x).
So an element of Aff (N) consists of a translational part nN
and a linear part γAut(N) (as a set Af f(N) is just N×Aut(N))
and Aff (N) acts on Nby first applying the linear part and then
multiplying on the left by the translational part). In this way, Af f (N)
can also be seen as a subgroup of Diff(N).
Now, let Cbe a compact subgroup of Aut(N) and consider any
torsion free discrete subgroup Γ of NC, such that the orbit space
N/Γ is compact. Note that Γ acts on Nas being also a subgroup of
Aff (N). The action of Γ on Nwill be free and properly discontinuous,
so N/Γ is a manifold, which is called an infra-nil-manifold.
Klein bottle is an example of infra-nil-manifolds.
In what follows, we will identify Nwith the subgroup N× {id}of
NAut(N) = Aff (N), Fwith the subgroup {id} × Fand Aut(N)
with the subgroup {id} × Aut(N).
It follows from Theorem 1 of L. Auslander in [3], that Γ Nis a
uniform lattice of Nand that Γ/N) is a finite group. This shows
that the fundamental group of an infra-nil-manifold N/Γ is virtually
nilpotent (i.e. has a nilpotent normal subgroup of finite index). In fact
ΓNis a maximal nilpotent subgroup of Γ and it is the only normal
subgroup of Γ with this property. (This also follows from [3]).
If we denote by p:NCCthe natural projection on the second
factor, then p(Γ) = Γ Nis a uniform lattice of Nand that Γ/N).
Let Fdenote this finite group p(Γ), then we will refer to Fas being
the holonomy group of Γ (or of the infra-nil-manifold N/Γ). It follows
that Γ NF. In case F={id}, so Γ N, the manifold N/Γ is a
nil-manifold. Hence, any infra-nil-manifold N/Γ is finitely covered by
a nil-manifold N/N). This also explains the prefix ”infra”.
Fix an infra-nil-manifold N/Γ, so Nis a connected and simply
connected nilpotent Lie group and Γ is a torsion free, uniform discrete
subgroup of NF, where Fis a finite subgroup of Aut(N). We will
assume that Fis the holonomy group of Γ (so for any µF, there
exists an nNsuch that (n, µ)Γ).
We can say that an element of Γ is of the form for some nN
and some µF. Also, any element of Af f (N) can uniquely be written
as a product , where nNand ψAut(N). The product in
Aff (N) is then given as
n1, n2N, ψ1, ψ2Aut(N) : n1ψ1n2ψ2=n1ψ1(n2)ψ1ψ2.
Now we can define infra-nil-endomorphisms as follows:
Let Nbe a connected, simply connected nilpotent Lie group and
FAut(N) a finite group. Assume that Γ is a torsion free, discrete
and uniform subgroup of NF. Let A:NFNFbe an
automorphism, such that A(F) = Fand A(Γ) Γ, then, the map
A:N/ΓN/Γ,Γ·n7→ Γ·A(n).
is the infra-nil-endomorphism induced by A. In case A(Γ) = Γ, we call
Aan infra-nil-automorphism.
In the definition ab ove, Γ ·ndenotes the orbit of n under the action
of Γ. The computation above shows that Ais well defined. Note
that infra-nil-automorphisms are diffeomorphisms, while in general an
infra-nil-endomorphism is a self-covering map.
The following theorem shows that the only maps of an infra-nil-
manifold, that lift to an automorphism of the corresponding nilpotent
Lie group are exactly the infra-nil-endomorphisms defined above.
Theorem 2.2 ([5] Theorem 3.4).Let Nbe a connected and simply
connected nilpotent Lie group, FAut(N)a finite group and Γa
torsion free discrete and uniform subgroup of NFand assume that
the holonomy group of Γis F. If A:NNis an automorphism for
which the map
A:N/ΓN/Γ,Γ·n7→ Γ·A(n).
is well defined (meaning that Γ·A(n) = Γ ·A(γ·n)for all γΓ), then
A:NFNF:x7→ φxφ1(conjugation in Aff(N))
is an automorphism of NF, with A(F) = Fand A(Γ) Γ. Hence,
Ais an infra-nil-endomorphism.
Let Xbe a topological space. We write Ω(X;x0) the family of all
closed paths from x0to x0. Let Ω(X;x0)/be the identifying space
with respect to the equivalence relation by homotopty. We write
this set
π1(X;x0) = Ω(X;x0)/.
The group π1(X;x0) is called the fundamental group at a base point x0
of X. If, in particular, π1(X;x0) is a group consisting of the identity,
then Xis said to be simply connected with respect to a base point x0.
Let x0and x1be points in X. If there exists a path wjoining x0
and x1, then we can define a map
w: Ω(X;x1)Ω(X;x0),by w(u) = (w·u)·w,
where uΩ(X;x1), (w·u) is the concatenation of wand uand w
is win reverse direction. For u, v Ω(X;x1) suppose uv. Then
w(u)w(v) and thus winduces a map
w:π1(X;x1)π1(X;x0),by w([u]) = [w(u)],
this map is an isomorphism (see [2] Lemma 6.1.4).
Remark 2.3.If Xis a path connected space then we can remove
the base point and write π1(X;x0) = π1(X).
Let f, g :XYbe homotopic and Fa homotopy from fto g(f
g(F)). Then for x0Xwe can define a path wΩ(Y;f(x0), g(x0))
w(t) = F(x0, t)t[0,1],
and the relation between homomorphisms f:π1(X;x0)π1(Y;f(x0))
and g:π1(X;x0)π1(Y;g(x0)) is: g=wf(see [2] Lemma 6.1.9).
Let Xand Ybe topological spaces and f:XYa continuous
map. Take x0Xand let y0=f(x0). It is clear that f u =fu
Ω(X, y0) for uΩ(X;x0). Thus we can find a map
f: Ω(X;x0)Ω(Y;Y0),by f(u) = fu,
where uΩ(X;x0). If uv(F) for u, v Ω(X;x0), then we have
fu f v (fF), from which the following map will be induced:
f:π1(X;x0)π1(Y;y0),by f([u]) = [f(u)] = [fu],
It is easy to check that fis a homomorphism. We say that fis a
homomorphism induced from a continuous map f:XY.
Lemma 2.4 ([2] Remark 6.7.9).Let f, g :N/ΓN/Γbe continu-
ous maps of a nil-manifold and let f(x0) = g(x0)for some x0N/Γ.
Then fand gare homotopic if and only if f=g:π1(N/Γ, x0)
π1(N/Γ, f (x0)).
Theorem 2.5 ([2] Theorem 6.3.4).If π:YXis the universal
covering, then for each bY
(1) the map α7→ α(b)is a bijection from G(π)onto π1(π(b)),
(2) the map ψb:G(π)π1(X, π(b)) by α7→ [πuα(b)]is an
isomorphism where uα(b)is a path from bto α(b).
Furthermore, the action of G(π)on Yis properly discontinuous and
Y/G(π)is homeomorphic to X.
Theorem 2.6 ([2] Theorem 6.3.7).Let Gbe a group and Xa
topological space. Suppose that Gacts on Xand the action is properly
discontinuous. Then
(1) the natural projection π:XX/G is a covering map,
(2) if Xis simply connected, then the fundamental group π1(X/G)
is isomorphic to G.
Corollary 2.7.Let N/Γbe an infra-nil-manifold and π:N
N/Γbe the natural projection. Then
Proof. Since Γ acts on Nproperly discontinuous, the natural pro-
jection π:NN/Γ is a covering map. Since Nis simply connected,
by Theorem 2.6 we have Γ
On the other hand, since Nis simply connected and Γ acts on N
properly discontinuous the natural projection π:NN/Γ is the
universal covering map. So by Theorem 2.5 we have Γ
From now on we only consider N/Γ as a nil-manifold.
Lemma 2.8.Let f:N/ΓN/Γbe a continuous map of a nil-
manifold, and A:N/ΓN/Γbe the unique nil-endomorphism homo-
topic to f, then f=A: Γ Γ.
Proof. By corollary 2.7, fand Aare two maps on Γ. For [e] =
{xN:γ(x) = γ.x =efor some γΓ}, we have
f([e]) = fπ(e) = πf(e) = π(f(e)) = π(e) = [e] = A([e]).
So according to lemma 2.4, f=A.
Lemma 2.9 ([18] Lemma 1.3).Let f:N/ΓN/Γbe a self-
covering map of a nil-manifold and A:N/ΓN/Γdenote the nil-
endomorphism homotopic to f. If fis a TA-covering map, then Ais
Lemma 2.10 ([18] Lemma 1.5).Let f:N/ΓN/Γbe a self-
covering map and let f:NNbe a lift of fby the natural projection
π:NN/Γ. If fis a TA-covering map then fhas exactly one fixed
For continuous maps fand gof Nwe define D(f, g) = sup{D(f(x), g(x)) :
xN}where Ddenotes a left invariant, Γ-invariant Riemannian dis-
tance for N. Notice that D(f, g) is not necessary finite.
Suppose that f:N/ΓN/Γ is a TA-covering map. Let A:
N/ΓN/Γ be the nil-endomorphism homotopic to f, and let A:
NNbe the automorphism which is a lift of Aby the natural
projection π. Since DeAis hyperbolic by Lemma 2.9, the Lie algebra
Lie(N) of Nsplits into the direct sum Lie(N) = Es
eof subspaces
eand Eu
esuch that DeA(Es
e) = Es
e) = Eu
eand there are
c > 1,0< λ < 1 so that for all n0
||DeAn(v)|| ≤ n||v|| (vEs
||DeAn(v)|| ≤ n||v|| (vEu
where || · || is the Riemannian metric. Let Lσ(e) = exp(Eσ
e) (σ=s, u)
and let Lσ(x) = x·Lσ(e)(σ=s, u) for xN. Since left translations
are isometries under the metric D, it follows that for all xN
Ls(x) = {yN:D(Ai(x), Ai(y)) 0 (i→ ∞)},
Lu(x) = {yN:D(Ai(x), Ai(y)) 0 (i→ −∞)}.
Lemma 2.11 ([10] Lemma 3.2).For x, y N,Ls(X)Lu(y)con-
sists of exactly one point.
For x, y Ndenote as β(x, y) the point in Ls(X)Lu(y) .
Lemma 2.12 ([10] Lemma 3.2).(1) For L > 0and ǫ > 0there
exists J > 0such that for x, y Nif D(Ai(x), Ai(y)) Lfor all i
with |i| ≤ J, then D(x, y)ǫ.
(2) For given L > 0, if D(Ai(x), Ai(y)) Lfor all iZ, then
x=y(x, y N).
Lemma 2.13 ([18] Lemma 2.3).Under the assumptions and nota-
tions as above, there is a unique map h:NNsuch that
(1) Ah=hf,
(2) D(h, idN)is finite,
where idN:NNis the identity map of N. Furthermore his
surjective and uniformly continuous under D.
In addition, if fis not an expanding map then his a homeomor-
phism i.e. his D-biuniformly continuous. (See [2]Proposition 8.4.2)
Lemma 2.14 ([18] Lemma 2.4).For the semiconjugacy hof lemma
2.13, we have the following properties:
(1) There exists K > 0such that D(h(), h(x)γ)< K for xN
and γΓ.
(2) For any λ > 0, there exists LNsuch that D(h(), h(x)γ)<
λfor xNand γAL
(Γ) .
(3) For xNand γT
i=0 Ai
(Γ) , we have h() = h(x)γ.
(4) For xNand γΓ, we have h()Ls(h(x)γ).
Remark 2.15.By part (2) of theorem 2.13, there is a δK>0 such
that D(h(x), x)< δKfor xN, we have (see [2] page 270 (8.5))
Ws(x)UδK(Ls(h(x))) and Wu(x;e)UδK(Lu(h(x))).
By lemma 2.10 if f:N/ΓN/Γ is a T A-map and f:NNa lift
of it, then there exists a unique fixed point say bsuch that f(b) = b.
For simplisity we can suppose that b=e. Indeed, we can choose a
homeomorphism ϕof Nsuch that ϕ(π(b)) = e. Then ϕfϕ1is a
T A-covering map such that ϕfϕ1(e) = e.
Let xN, we define the stable set and unstable sets of xfor fand
Aas follow (for more details see [2]):
Ws(x) = {yN: lim
i→∞ D(fi(x), f i(y)) = 0},
Wu(x, e) = {yN: lim
i→−∞ D(fi(x), f i(y)) = 0},
Where e= (. . . , e, e, e, . . .).
Remark 2.16.By lemma 2.13, since his D-uniformly continuous
then h(Ws(x)) = Ls(h(x)) and h(Wu(x;e)) = Lu(h(x)).
Lemma 2.17.The following statements hold:
(1) Ws(x)γ=Ws()for γΓand xN,
(2) Wu(x;e)γ=Wu(;e)for γΓand xN,
Proof. It is an easy corollary of lemma 6.6.11 of [2]. According
to corollary 2.7, in the mentioned lemma put Γ instead of G(π) and N
instead of X.
Lemma 2.18.The following statements hold:
(1) Ls(x)γ=Ls()for γΓand xN,
(2) Lu(x)γ=Lu()for γΓand xN,
Proof. Proof is the same as in lemma 2.17.
Lemma 2.19 ([18] Lemma 5.4).Let N/Γbe a nil-manifold. If f:
N/ΓN/Γis a T A-covering map, then the nonwandering set Ω(f)
coincides with the entire space N/Γ.
Lemma 2.20 ([2] Lemma 8.6.2).For ǫ > 0there is δ > 0such that
if D(x, y)< δ, x, y Nthen Ws(x)Uǫ(Ws(y)) and Wu(x;e)
Uǫ(Wu(y;e)). Where for a set S, Uǫ(S) = {yN:D(y, S)< ǫ}.
3. Proof of Main Theorem
In this section we suppose that f:N/ΓN/Γ is a special T A-
covering map of a nil-manifold which is not injective or expanding, and
A:N/ΓN/Γ is the unique nil-endomorphism homotopic to f.
Sketch of proof. By lemma 2.13, there is a unique semiconju-
gacy h:NNbetween fand A, such that by proposition 3.2.(3),
h() = h(v)γ, for each γWu(e;e)Γ and vWu(e;e). Through
proposition 3.3 to proposition 3.13 we show that for all γΓ and
xN,h() = h(x)γ. Based on this result, hinduces a homeomor-
phism h:N/ΓN/Γ which is the conjugacy between fand A.
To prove the main theorem we need some consequential lemmas
and propositions.
Lemma 3.1.The following statements hold:
(1) Let Dbe the metric of Nas above. for each xN,D(x1, e) =
D(x, e).
(2) If xWu(e;e), then Wu(x;e) = Wu(e;e).
(3) If xLu(e), then Lu(x) = Lu(e).
Proof. (1)
D(x1, e) = D(x1e, x1x)
(Dis left invariant) = D(e, x)
=D(x, e)
(2) Since xWu(e;e), we have D(fi(x), f i(e)) 0 as i→ −∞. Let
yWu(e;e), then D(fi(y), fi(e)) 0 as i→ −∞. We have,
D(fi(y), fi(x)) < D(fi(y), f i(e)) + D(fi(e), fi(x)) 0 as i→ −∞.
So, yWu(x;e), i.e. Wu(e;e)Wu(x;e). Conversely, if y
Wu(x;e) then D(fi(y), fi(x)) 0 as i→ −∞, and
D(fi(y), fi(e)) < D(fi(y), f i(x)) + D(fi(x), fi(e)) 0 as i→ −∞.
So, yWu(e;e), i.e. Wu(x;e)Wu(e;e).
(3) Its proof is the same as part (2).
For simplicity, let Γf=Wu(e;e)Γ and ΓA=Lu(e)Γ.
Proposition 3.2.The following statements hold:
(1) ΓAand Γfare subgroups of Γ.
(2) ΓfΓA.
(3) h() = h(v)γ, for each γΓfand vWu(e;e).
(4) If Wu(γ1;e) = Wu(γ2;e), for some γ1, γ2Γ, then we have
2)γ2,for xWu(γ1;e).
Proof. (1) Let γ1, γ2ΓA. Since Γ is a group we have γ1γ1
Now consider that γ1, γ2Lu(e), since Ai(e) = e, for all i, then by
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ1), e) = lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ1), Ai(e)) = 0
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ2), e) = lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ2), Ai(e)) = 0.(3.1)
As Dis left invariant we have
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ1γ1
2), Ai(e)) = lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ1)Ai(γ1
2), e)
= lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ1)Ai(γ2), Ai(γ1)Ai(γ1))
(D is left invariant) = lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ2), Ai(γ1))
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ2), e) + D(e, Ai(γ1))
(Lemma 3.1.(1) and (3.1)) = lim
i→−∞ D(Ai(γ2), e) + D(Ai(γ1), e) = 0
Thus γ1γ1
2Lu(e) and Lu(e) is a subgroup of N. So Lu(e)Γ is a
subgroup of Γ.
For the second part, Let γ1, γ2Γf. Since Γ is a group we have
2Γ. Now consider that γ1, γ2Wu(e;e). Then,
(Lemma 2.17) = Wu(1;e)
(Lemma 3.1) (2) = Wu(e;e).
Similarly, Wu(e;e)γ2=Wu(e;e). So we have Wu(e;e)γ1=Wu(e;e)γ2
and then γ1γ1
2Wu(e;e), and we have the result.
(2) Take γΓf, such that γ /ΓA. So, γ /Lu(e) and for each
nZ, n 6= 0, γn/Lu(e). On the other hand, by part (1), remark
2.15 and the fact that h(e) = e, for all nZ, we have γnWu(e;e)
UδK(Lu(e)), which is impossible.
(3)Let γΓfand vWu(e;e). We have
(Lemma 2.17) = Wu(;e)
(Lemma 3.1 (2)) = Wu(e;e),
(Remark 2.16) = Lu(e).
By part (2), γΓA, Thus
(Remark 2.16) = Lu(e)γ
(Lemma 2.18) = Lu()
(Lemma 3.1 (3)) = Lu(e).
Again by Lemma 3.1 (3) and last part of the above relation, Lu(h(v)γ) =
Lu(e), and
h()Lu(e) = Lu(h(v)γ).
On the other hand, by part (4) of lemma 2.14, h(vγ)Ls(h(v)γ).
Since Lu(h(v)γ)Ls(h(v)γ) = {h(v)γ}(see [18] Lemma 2.1), then
h() = h(v)γ.
(4) Let xWu(γ1;e) = Wu(γ2;e). For γ1, γ2Γ, we have γ2
Wu(γ2;e) = Wu(γ1;e) = Wu(e;e)γ1. Thus, γ2γ1
1Wu(e;e), and
then γ2γ1
1Γf. Similarly, 1
1, xγ1
2Wu(e;e). Now, by part (3),
According to part (4) of proposition 3.2, we can define a map h:
SγΓWu(γ;e)SγΓLu(γ), by
h(x) = h(1)γ x Wu(γ;e) (γΓ).
Next lemma shows some properties of h:
Proposition 3.3.The following statements hold:
(1) Ah=hfon SγΓWu(γ;e),
(2) D(h, id|SγΓWu(γ;e))<,
(3) h(γ) = γfor γΓ,
(4) if xWu(γ;e) (γΓ), then h(x)Lu(γ)and h(x)
(5) if yWs(x)for x, y SγΓWu(γ;e), then h(y)Ls(h(x)).
Proof. (1) Suppose that xWu(γ;e) = Wu(e;e)γ, for some
γΓ. Then
(3.2) 1Wu(e;e).
By [2] page 205, we have fWu(γ;e)=Wu(f(γ); e). Here f(γ) means
f(γ) which by lemma 2.8 is equal to A(γ) and A(γ)Γ. Therefore,
f(x)fWu(γ;e)=Wu(A(γ); e) = Wu(e;e)A(γ)
(3.3) (f(x))(A(γ))1Wu(e;e).
Thus we have
Ah(x) = Ah(1)γ
((3.2) and proposition 3.2.(3)) = Ah(1γ)
(lemma 2.13) = hf(x)
((3.3) and proposition 3.2.(3)) = h(f(x))(A(γ))1(A(γ))
(2) Let xWu(γ;e), for some γΓ, and let δK>0 be satisfying
D(h, idN)< δK. Then
D(h(x), x) = Dh(1)γ , x
=Dh(1)γ, xγ1γ
(D is Γ-invariant) = Dh(1), xγ1
< δK.
(3) For any γΓ, by definition we have
h(γ) = h(γγ1)γ=h(e)γ==γ.
(4) Let xWu(γ;e), for some γΓ. We have
h(x) = h(1)γh(Wu(γ;e)γ1)γ
(lemma 2.17) = h(Wu(e;e)γγ1)γ
(remark 2.16) = Lu(e)γ
(lemma 2.18) = Lu(γ),
h(x) = h(1)γ
(lemma 2.14.(4)) Ls(h(x)γ1)γ
(lemma 2.18.(1)) = Ls(h(x))γ1γ
(5) By the second part of proof of (4), we have
Ls(h(y)) = Lsh(y)=h(Ws(y)) = h(Ws(x)) = Lsh(x)=Ls(h(x)),
so, h(y)Ls(h(x)).
Lemma 3.4 ([18] Lemma 7.6).For each u, v N,Wu(u;e)Ws(v)
is the set of one point.
According to the above lemma, define ι(u, v) = Wu(u;e)Ws(v).
Lemma 3.5.For ǫ > 0, there is δ > 0such that
D(u, v)< δ max{D(ι(u, v), u), D(ι(u, v), v)}< ǫ (u, v N)
Proof. Let ǫ > 0 be given. Since his D-biuniformly contiuous
there exists ǫ>0 such that
D(x, y)< ǫD(h1(x), h1(y)) < ǫ (x, y N).
By [2] theorem 6.6.5 or [18] lemma 7.2, since Nis simply connected,
Ahas local product structure (for definition and details, see [2]), and
then for ǫ > 0 there exists δ>0 such that
D(u, v)< δmax{D(β(u, v), u), D(β(u, v), v)}< ǫ(u, v N)
Again since his D-biuniformly continuous, there exists δ > 0 such that
D(u, v)< δ D(h(u), h(v)) < δ(u, v N).
We know that hι(u, v)=β(h(u), h(v)) therefore
D(u, v)< δ D(h(u), h(v)) < δ
max{D(β(h(u), h(v)), h(u)), D(β(h(u), h(v)), h(v))}< ǫ
max{D(h(ι(u, v)), h(u)), D(h(ι(u, v)), h(v)) < ǫ
max{D(ι(u, v), u), D(ι(u, v), v)}< ǫ.
Proposition 3.6.his D-uniformly continuous.
Proof. Suppose that the statement is false. So there is ǫ0>0, for
all δ > 0, there are x, y SγΓWu(γ;e) such that
(3.4) D(x, y)< δ and D(h(x), h(y)) > ǫ0.
By definition of Lσ(x) (xN, σ =s, u), for wLs(v) there is ǫ1>0
such that
(3.5) D(v, w)< ǫ0/2D(Lu(v), Lu(w)) > ǫ1.
Take n > 0 and δ1>0 such that ǫn2δKand δn
By Lemma 2.20, there exists δ2>0 such that
(3.6) D(v, w)< δ2Wu(w, e)Uδ1Wu(v, e).
Since his continuous, take δ3>0 such that
(3.7) D(u, v)< δ3D(h(u), h(v)) < ǫ0/2.
By lemma 3.5, there is 0 < δ < δ2such that
D(x, y)< δ D(1
y, ι(y, x)γ1
y) = D(y, ι(y, x)) < δ3(x, y N).
Now consider x, y SγΓWu(γ;e) satisfy (3.4). There exist γx, γy
Γ such that xWu(γx,e) and yWu(γy,e). We have
Dh(x), h(ι(y, x))Dh(x), h(y)Dh(y), h(ι(y, x))
(by (3.4)) ǫ0Dh(1
y)γy, h(ι(y, x)γ1
(D is Γ-invariant) = ǫ0Dh(1
y),h(ι(y, x)γ1
(by (3.7) and (3.8)) > ǫ0ǫ0/2 = ǫ0/2.(3.9)
By proposition 3.3.(4)
ι(y, x)Wu(γy,e)h(ι(y, x)) Lu(γy).
Thus by proposition 3.3.(5), (3.9) and (3.5) we have
DLu(γx), Lu(γy)> ǫ1.
Suppose γ=γyγ1
x. We have
γγx=γy6∈ Uǫ1Lu(γx)γ6∈ Uǫ1Lu(γxγ1
γn(e)6∈ Uǫn
On the other hand,
Wu(γγx;e) = Wu(γy;e)
(yWu(γy;e)) = Wu(y;e)
(by (3.6)) Uδ1Wu(x;e)
(xWu(γx;e)) = Uδ1Wu(γx;e)
Now we have
(by induction) Wu(γn;e)Uδ1Wu(γn1;e)
Finally, (3.10) and (3.11) make a contradiction.
Let ˜u= (ui)Nfand for each iZ,fui,ui+1 be the lift of fby π
such that f(ui) = ui+1 and define
fui1,ui...fu0,u1for i > 0,
(fui,ui+1 )1...(fu1,u0)1for i < 0,
idNfor i= 0.
We define a map τ˜u=τf
τ˜u(x) = (πfi
i=−∞ (xN).
Since f(e) = e, then τe(e) = τ˜e(e) = (π(e))
Lemma 3.7 ([2] Lemma 6.6.8 (1)).If xXand ˜uNfthen
π(Wu(x; ˜u)) = Wu(τ˜u(x)).
Let Xbe a compact metric set and f:XXa continuous
surjection. A point xXis said to be a nonwandering point if for any
neighborhood Uof xthere is an integer n > 0 such that fn(U)U6=.
The set Ω(f) of all nonwandering points is called the nonwandering set.
Clearly Ω(f) is closed in Xand invariant under f.
fis said to be topologically transitive (here Xmay be not necessarily
compact), if there is x0Xsuch that the orbit O+(x0) = {fi(x0) :
iZ0}is dense in X. It is easy to check that if Xis compact,
a continuous surjection f:XXis topologically transitive if and
only if for any U, V nonempty open sets there is n > 0 such that
A continuous surjection f:XXof a metric space is topologically
mixing if for nonempty open sets U, V there exists N > 0 such that
fn(U)V6=for all n > N. Topological mixing implies topological
For continuing, we need next theorem for which proof one can see
[2] Theorem 3.4.4.
Theorem 3.8 (Topological decomposition theorem).Let f:X
Xbe a continuous surjection of a compact metric space. If f:XX
is a T A-map, then the following properties hold:
(1) (Spectral decomposition theorem due to Smale) The nonwan-
dering set, Ω(f), contains a finite sequence Bi(1 il)of
f-invariant closed subsets such that
(i) Ω(f) = Sl
i=1 Bi(disjoint union),
(ii) f|Bi:BiBiis topologically transitive.
Such the subsets Biare called basic sets.
(2) (Decomposition theorem due to Bowen) For Ba basic set there
exist a > 0and a finite sequence Ci(0 ia1) of closed
subsets such that
(i) CiCj=(i6=j), f(Ci) = Ci+1 and fa(Ci) = Ci,
(ii) B=Sa1
i=0 Ci,
(iii) fa
|Ci:CiCiis topologically mixing,
Such the subsets Ciare called elementary sets.
Lemma 3.9 ([18] Lemma 5.4).Ω(f) = N/Γ.
Lemma 3.10.N/Γis indeed an elementary set.
Proof. By lemma 2.10, let f:NNbe the lift of fsuch that
f(e) = e. By the commuting diagram:
we have,
f([e]) = f(π(e)) = π(f(e)) = π(e) = [e].
Therefore, [e] is a fixed point of f.
By lemma 3.9, Ω(f) = N/Γ. As Nis connected and πis a con-
tinuous surjection then N/Γ is connected. In the proof of part (1) of
spectral decomposition theorem, they prove that basic sets are close
and open. Hence by connectedness of Ω(f) = N/Γ, it consists of only
one basic set, say B. On the other hand, by part (2) of spectral de-
composition theorem, N/Γ = Bis the union of elementary sets. There
is an elementary set, say C, such that [e]C. Since elementary sets
are disjoint, by condition f(Ci) = Ci+1,N/Γ = Bconsists of only one
elementary set.
Lemma 3.11 ([2] Remark 5.3.2 (2)).Let f:XXbe a T A-map
of a compact metric space and let Cbe an elementary set of f. If
˜u= (ui)Nfand xiCfor all iZthen Wu(˜x)Cis dense in C.
Lemma 3.12.SγΓWu(γ;e)is dense in N.
Proof. By lemma 2.17 and lemma 3.7 we have
(3.12) [
Wu(γ;e) = [
We have τe(e) = π(e)
i=−∞ (N/Γ)f. On the other hand, Since
by lemma 3.10, Ω(f) = N/Γ is an elementary set, say C, and for
i=−∞ we have π(e)N/Γ = Cfor all iZ, by lemma 3.11 we
Wu(τe(e)) = Wu(τe(e)) (N/Γ) = Wu(τe(e)) C
is dense in C=N/Γ. By relation (3.12), we have the desired result.
By lemma 3.6, his extended to a continuous map ˜
From proposition 3.3 (1), (2) and (3), and lemma 2.13, we have h=˜
and h(γ) = γfor all γΓ.
Proposition 3.13.For all γΓand xN,h() = h(x)γ.
Proof. According to lemma 2.14.(4), we have
(3.13) h()Ls(h(x)γ).
Suppose that xSγΓWu(γ;e). Then there is γxΓ such that
xWu(γx;e). For each γΓ we have
(by Remark 2.16) = Luh(γxγ)
On the other hand,
(by Remark 2.16) = Lu(h(γx))γ
(by Lemma 2.18) = Lu(γxγ).(3.15)
By (3.15), we have Lu(γxγ) = Luh(x)γ. Therefore, by (3.14) we have
(3.16) h()Luh(x)γ.
By (3.13) and (3.16) we have
(3.17) h()Luh(x)γLsh(x)γ={h(x)γ}.
Thus for each xSγΓWu(γ;e) we have h() = h(x)γ. Since h
is continuous and SγΓWu(γ;e) is dense in N, we have the desired
The end of main theorem’s proof: According to proposition
3.13, hinduces a homeomorphism h:N/ΓN/Γ such that hπ=
πh. i.e. the following diagram commutes:
his the conjugacy between fand A. For if xN/Γ then there is
yNsuch that x=π(y) and
hf(x) = hf(π(y)) = h(fπ(y)) = h(πf(y))
=hπ(f(y)) = πh(f(y)) = π(hf(y))
=π(Ah(y)) = πA(h(y)) = Aπ(h(y))
=A(πh(y)) = A(hπ(y)) = Ah(π(y))
So the Main Theorem is proved.
Proof of Corrollary 1.11. As mentioned in section 2, every endo-
morphism of a compact metric space is a covering map. Every Anosov
endomorphism is a T A-map (see [2] Theorem 1.2.1). Every diffeo-
morphism is special (since it is injective). For every diffepmrphism or
special expanding map of a nil-manifold, by (repaired for nil-manifolds)
Theorem 1.9, it is conjugate to a hyperbolic nil-automorphism or an
expanding nil-endomorphism, respectively, which are hyperbolic nil-
endomorphisms. In Theorem 1.10, we prove the case that fis not
injective or expanding. So in this case fis conjugate to a hyperbolic
nil-endomorphism too.
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Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-134, Iran
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-134, Iran
... Although an Anosov endomorphism may not be structurally stable, it is conjugated to its linearization if and only if each point has only one unstable direction [2,19]. We then transfer the conjecture to this context: what properties may we require on the stable or unstable directions of a special Anosov endomorphism to get some regularity for this conjugacy? ...
... More recently, Moosavi and Tajbakhsh [19] proved, very similarly to Aoki and Hiraide, that the hypothesis of density on the stable set is not required, and extended this result to topological Anosov maps on nil-manifolds. As a consequence, we have the following. ...
... As a consequence, we have the following. Proposition 2.6 ( [19]). An Anosov endomorphism f : T n → T n is special if and only if it is conjugate to its linearization by a map h : T n → T n homotopic to Id. ...
We give, on the 2-torus, a characterization of smooth conjugacy of special Anosov endomorphisms with their linearizations in terms of some regularity on the unstable foliation of its lift to the universal cover. This regularity condition is known as the UBD property (uniform bounded density property), and we may think of it as the uniform version of absolute continuity for foliations
... We say that an Anosov endomorphism is special if each point has only one unstable direction. Although an Anosov endomorphism may not be structurally stable, it is conjugated to its linearisation if and only if it is special [3,28,32]. ...
... In the same year, Sumi proved that the hypothesis of density on the stable set is not required [32]. More recently, Moosavi and Tajbakhsh [28], very similarly to Aoki and Hiraide and to Sumi, extended this result to topological Anosov maps on nil-manifolds. As a consequence, we have the following. ...
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We provide sufficient conditions for smooth conjugacy between two Anosov endomorphisms on the two-torus. From that, we also explore how the regularity of the stable and unstable foliations implies smooth conjugacy inside a class of endomorphisms including, for instance, the ones with constant Jacobian. As a consequence, we have in this class a characterisation of smooth conjugacy between special Anosov endomorphisms (defined as those having only one unstable direction for each point) and their linearisations.
... Now we can give the sketch of the proof of Proposition 2.2. We refer readers to [33] for more details. Note that when f is special, the fact that n∈Z dF u (n) is dense in R d is also needed in [33] where the authors get it by different methods from Proposition 2.9. ...
... We refer readers to [33] for more details. Note that when f is special, the fact that n∈Z dF u (n) is dense in R d is also needed in [33] where the authors get it by different methods from Proposition 2.9. ...
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Let f be a non-invertible irreducible Anosov map on d-torus. We show that if the stable bundle of f is one-dimensional, then f has the integrable unstable bundle, if and only if, every periodic point of f admits the same Lyapunov exponent on the stable bundle as its linearization. For higher-dimensional stable bundle case, we get the same result on the assumption that f is a C1C1C^1-perturbation of a linear Anosov map with real simple Lyapunov spectrum on the stable bundle. In both cases, this implies if f is topologically conjugate to its linearization, then the conjugacy is smooth on the stable bundle.
... The works [8] and [13] show that all Anosov diffeomorphism of torus T n is conjugated to a linear Anosov. A similar result there is for Anosov endomorphism, In [16] and [23] show that an Anosov endomorphism f of torus T n is conjugated to a linear Anosov if, and only if, f is special. ...
... Since φ does not change the direction E s , we have λ s A = λ s f , in particular λ s A (p) = λ s f (p) for all p ∈ Per( f ), using Theorem 1.1 of [1], it implies that f is special. By [16] we get that f and A are conjugated by h. ...
This work is addressed to study Anosov endomorphisms of Td,\mathbb{T}^d, d3.d\geq 3. We are interested to obtain metric and topological information on such Anosov endomorphism by comparison between their Lyapunov exponents and the ones of its linearization. We can characterize when a weak unstable foliation of a special Anosov endomorphism near to linear is an absolutely continuous foliation. Also, we show that in dimension d3,d \geq 3, it is possible to find a smooth special Anosov endomorphism being conservative but not Lipschitz conjugate with its linearization, in contrast with the smooth rigidity in dimension two.
... The term endomorphism is ever used in the non-invertible setting. Theorem 1.4 [19] An Anosov endomorphism f : T n → T n is conjugated with its linearization if and only if f is special. ...
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We found a dichotomy involving rigidity and measure of maximal entropy of a CC^{\infty }-special Anosov endomorphism of the 2-torus. Considering m~\widetilde{m} the measure of maximal entropy of a CC^{\infty }-special Anosov endomorphism of the 2-torus, either m~\widetilde{m} satisfies the Pesin formula (in this case we get smooth conjugacy with the linearization) or there is a set Z, such that m~(Z)=1,\widetilde{m}(Z) = 1, but Z intersects every unstable leaf on a set of zero measure of the leaf. Also, we can characterize the absolute continuity of the intermediate foliation for a class of volume-preserving special Anosov endomorphisms of T3\mathbb {T}^3.
... On the other hand, by Theorem 1.2.2 of [1], we know that the converse is not true. Of course, in [11,21,22], they showed that there are smooth TA-maps that are conjugate to an hyperbolic one, without being hyperbolic themselves. In this paper we show that under C 1 -stable shadowing property (i.e. ...
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In this paper we show that smooth TA-endomorphisms of compact manifolds with c-expansivity (that is, expansive in the inverse limit) and C1C^1-stable shadowing are Axiom A.
We show that if a closed smooth n-manifold M admits a u-dimension one special Anosov endomorphism f, then M is homeomorphic to Tn and f is topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic toral endomorphism. Moreover, any u-dimension one special Anosov endomorphism is transitive and the stable foliation is minimal.
In this paper, we give a complete topological and smooth classification of non-invertible Anosov maps on torus. We show that two non-invertible Anosov maps on torus are topologically conjugate if and only if their corresponding periodic points have the same Lyapunov exponents on the stable bundles. As a corollary, if two CrC^r non-invertible Anosov maps on torus are topologically conjugate, then the conjugacy is CrC^r-smooth along the stable foliation. Moreover, we show that the smooth conjugacy class of a non-invertible Anosov map on torus is completely determined by the Jacobians of return maps at periodic points.
We found a dichotomy involving the unstable Lyapunov exponent of a special Anosov endomorphism of the torus induced by the conjugacy with the linearization. In fact, either every unstable leaf meets on a set of zero measure the set for which is defined such unstable Lyapunov exponent or the endomorphims is smoothly conjugated with its linearization. Also we are able to characterize the absolute continuity of the intermediate foliation for a class of volume preserving special Anosov endomorphisms of $\mathbb{T}^3.
Let f be a non-invertible irreducible Anosov map on d-torus. We show that if the stable bundle of f is one-dimensional, then f has the integrable unstable bundle, if and only if, every periodic point of f admits the same Lyapunov exponent on the stable bundle with its linearization. For higher-dimensional stable bundle case, we get the same result on the assumption that f is a C1C^1-perturbation of a linear Anosov map with real simple Lyapunov spectrum on the stable bundle. In both cases, this implies if f is topologically conjugate to its linearization, then the conjugacy is smooth on the stable bundle.
The purpose of this paper is to give necessary conditions on the map induced by an Anosov diffeomorphism of a nilmanifold on its fundamental group.