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Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games


Abstract and Figures

Retaining players over an extended period of time is a long-standing challenge in game industry. Significant effort has been paid to understanding what motivates players enjoy games. While individuals may have varying reasons to play or abandon a game at different stages within the game, previous studies have looked at the retention problem from a snapshot view. This study, by analyzing in-game logs of 51,104 distinct individuals in an online multiplayer game, uniquely offers a multifaceted view of the retention problem over the players' virtual life phases. We find that key indicators of longevity change with the game level. Achievement features are important for players at the initial to the advanced phases, yet social features become the most predictive of longevity once players reach the highest level offered by the game. These findings have theoretical and practical implications for designing online games that are adaptive to meeting the players' needs.
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Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention
Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games
Kunwoo ParkMeeyoung Cha∗∗ Haewoon KwakKuan-Ta Chen
Graduate School of Web Science Technology, School of Computing, KAIST, South Korea
∗∗Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, South Korea
Qatar Computing Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Retaining players over an extended period of time is a long-
standing challenge in game industry. Significant effort has
been paid to understanding what motivates players enjoy
games. While individuals may have varying reasons to play
or abandon a game at different stages within the game, pre-
vious studies have looked at the retention problem from a
snapshot view. This study, by analyzing in-game logs of
51,104 distinct individuals in an online multiplayer game,
uniquely offers a multifaceted view of the retention prob-
lem over the players’ virtual life phases. We find that key
indicators of longevity change with the game level. Achieve-
ment features are important for players at the initial to the
advanced phases, yet social features become the most predic-
tive of longevity once players reach the highest level offered
by the game. These findings have theoretical and practical
implications for designing online games that are adaptive to
meeting the players’ needs.
Player retention; virtual life trajectory; player level; online
multiplayer games; longevity
Player retention is a critical and long-running quest in
online game industry. What makes players stay happy in
a game and follow through its scenario? What makes them
continue the game even after having reached the highest level
offered? To answer these questions, researchers have studied
the motivations of game players for over a decade [7,24,25].
Studies based on theoretical investigations, user surveys,
and log data analyses have identified several factors that
are critical to retention. For example, players are known to
find enjoyment in games from completing missions, empow-
ering through growth and level ups, forming communities,
competing against other players, discovering plots and char-
acters, and more.
2017 International World Wide Web Conference Committee
(IW3C2), published under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License.
WWW’17 Companion, April 3–7, 2017, Perth, Australia.
ACM 978-1-4503-4914-7/17/04.
Previous studies have tried to group these motivating fac-
tors and measure their relative strengths in retaining play-
ers. Researchers have found that players can be grouped
into a few set of clusters based on their game motivations as
action-social (i.e., players who enjoy fast-paced scenario with
player interaction), mastery-achievement (i.e., players who
indicate interests in narrative, expression, and world explo-
ration), and immersion-creativity (i.e., players who appeal
to strategic game plays, taking on challenges, and becom-
ing powerful). Game designers carefully implement reward
mechanisms of each motivation type throughout game sce-
narios to meet the needs of different players. Existing work
has assumed that the relationship between players and mo-
tivations is rigid (e.g., does not change over time) and is
irrespective of the players’ virtual life phases.
This study brings a multifaceted aspect to this important
question by examining retention over various phases of indi-
vidual lifetime. We assume that one’s potential and capacity
to enjoy a game changes over time, and hence the need and
the ability to achieve higher levels quickly and to socialize
within games for cooperative shifts must be different for each
individual. By observing in-game behavior logs throughout
various phases of real game players, this paper sets out to
answer the following research questions:
For each phase within an online multiplayer game,
what are the characteristics of players who achieve the
next higher levels and get retained?
Why do some individuals continue to play even after
having reached the max level?
We utilize logs gathered from one of the oldest massively
multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) in the
world, Fairyland Online in Taiwan. We gained access to the
complete set of actions of 51,104 individuals, describing their
achievement logs (quests and level ups), financial logs (gain-
ing wealth), as well as social logs (chats among players).
Myriads of action logs on tens of thousands of individuals
who ultimately achieved different levels and played the game
for different amounts of time allow us to design a natural ex-
periment on the lifetime retention problem. We identify the
factors attributing to game longevity through the detailed
log analysis and make the following observations:
1. Achievement features are important for players dur-
ing the initial to advanced phases; players who are
achievement-oriented and gather large amounts of rare
items and virtual money are more likely to be retained
and succeed in achieving the next levels.
arXiv:1702.08005v1 [cs.SI] 26 Feb 2017
2. Achievement-related traits, however, are no longer as
important for players who reach the max level. So-
cial features become the most predictive of success and
longevity beyond this point.
3. Having strong social relationships (measured by the
number of friends) is a good indicator of player re-
tention and their effect continues to show significance
through virtual life phases of players.
Our findings bring theoretical and practical implications
for studying and designing online games. The finding that a
player’s needs vary over one’s virtual life trajectory needs to
be carefully addressed by further research and game designs.
In particular, findings on longevity of the max level players
is new. This finding is particularly important as their be-
haviors have not been studied much, even though expert
players are valuable to the user ecosystem.
Since Bartle [3] defined the four-type player taxonomy
based on motivation in text-based games, there have been
numerous efforts to understand why people join and con-
tinue to play online games. Among them is Yee’s findings on
three motivational components—achievement, social, and
immersion—based on factor analysis of survey results on
Bartle’s player types. This study also identified that motiva-
tions can vary across different demographics. While general
MMO players are found to be achievement-oriented [24], fe-
males were more likely to play online games to have social
relationship with other players. The reason that players’
motivation has been studied for decades is partly because of
its ultimate connection to player retention.
Among recent findings, Debeauvais et al. [7] asked World
of Warcraft players about their motivation for play and game
usage patterns through questionnaire surveys and found that
socially-motivated players are more likely to discontinue games
while achievement-oriented players tend to continue. Borbora
et al. [5] built a prediction model of player motivation from
log data. From data mining experiments using player ac-
tivity logs from Everquest II, they found achievement is a
dominant motivation for predicting player churn (i.e., oppo-
site of player retention). Above studies consistently report
that achievement is a major motivation for retention in on-
line games. On the other hand, some studies found social
activity to be more important for retention. Based on the
log data of EverQuest II, a study showed social influences
from peers help predict player retention better [11].
Most recently, another group of researchers observed that
game interactions such as interacting with toxic players can
have negative impacts on retention in League of Legends [19].
As cyberbullying has been considered as one of the factors
that make players annoyed, feel fatigued, and even leave the
game [15], there have been much efforts to define, detect, and
prevent toxic playing in online games [4,13, 14]. However, in
this work, we do not investigate the effect of cyberbullying
on player engagement due to the limitation of our dataset.
While many studies have put efforts to contribute to un-
derstanding player retention, much of the findings have been
drawn from a snapshot view—players aggregated by demo-
graphic features yet not considering how they grow over time
within a game. Like human life itself, players face differ-
ent challenges and engage in specific actions depending on
Figure 1: A screenshot of Fairyland Online [1]
their levels. For example, Ducheneaut et al. [8] observed
that online game players are more likely to play alone in an
early stage, but become socially active at higher level. Play-
ers need to collaborate with one another to defeat strong
monsters or complete difficult quests as their level elevates.
Moreover, players enjoy an entirely different in-game experi-
ences once they achieve the maximum level, as they become
socially active without consuming much game content [9].
This means that factors leading to higher levels or being
retained may be different across the entire player lifetime
within online games.
However, little attention has been paid to characteristics
of churners over different phases of players. To the best of
our knowledge, only one study by Shores et al. [19] inves-
tigated how indicators of player retention compare between
new-joiners and experts in a MOBA (multiplayer online bat-
tle arena) game, and there is room for improvement. First,
churn types can be examined for more than two groups.
Player behaviors continuously change with level, and hence
it is more natural to observe the whole picture of player
life trajectories. Second, comprehensive data provide richer
views. While the study relied on add-ons to gather data,
the kinds of data that could be gathered externally is lim-
ited. Utilizing in-game logs provide full picture of player
behaviors that might be important for predicting retention.
Third, the studied game is a specific type that does not
capture the growth of players naturally. MOBA game is
repeated matches of the ground which have importance on
team formations [12], yet MMORPG allows characters to
explore and grow as individuals.
Fairyland Online is one of the longest serviced MMORPGs,
which has been played in Taiwan and other nearby countries
since its launch in 2003. As depicted in Figure 1, the game
is set on a virtual world that sets on fairy tales. Players can
create their own avatars by choosing a race among human,
elf, and dwarf and a gender of either female or male. On
the virtual world, players explore their kingdoms, complete
quests by fighting with monsters, and form social relation-
ships with one another. Every action in the game is recorded
in the game servers with accurate timestamps. Thanks to
the Larger Network Technologies that serviced Fairyland
Online, we gained access to the log data describing all ac-
tions that have been performed in the game.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
(a) Game access within a day
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
(b) Game access within a week
Figure 2: Temporal aspects from the normalized log counts of the entire and Core datasets
Fairyland Online servers log three different types of datasets.
Firstly, there are logs related to achievement experience
points (e.g., learn skills, completing quests). When a player
gains enough experience points, his or her level will increase.
Secondly, there are a group of actions related to gaining or
losing wealth on the virtual world (e.g., buy or sell items,
earn or use money). Game items can be retrieved by defeat-
ing monsters or by purchasing with virtual money. The last
logs are about chats among players. There are four different
channels to chat: Say, Whisper, Family, and Party. Say is
a public channel through which a player can communicate
with multiple companions. Messages on Say channel are
broadcasted. Thus, if someone writes a message through Say
channel, whoever in a virtual proximity can see it. Whisper
is a private channel between two players. Because Whisper
channel is private, no one except for the speakers and re-
ceivers can overhear those messages. Family is a dedicated
channel for players who belong to the same ‘family’, which is
equivalent to what is called ‘guild’ in other MMORPGs [20].
Party is the mode of communication for short-term groups.
For privacy concerns, the chat contents themselves were en-
The three kinds of datasets we received covered different
time spans. We consolidated them to find a common over-
lapping period, over which we gain a full view of the achieve-
ments, financial, and social activities within the game. The
overlapped portion covered nearly 60 million activity in-
stances logged for 51,104 game players. We refer to this
final complete dataset as Core in this paper and describe its
statistics in Table 1. The table also shows the unique num-
ber of game players and record instances logged over the
three original datasets.
Table 1: Dataset summary
Type Period Players Records
Core 2003 4 21–2003 7 8 51,104 59,466,664
All 2003 2 21–2004 5 31 157,812 262,711,811
Given the timestamps of actions, we may infer when play-
ers accessed the game throughout a day and a week. The
24-hour plot shown in Figure 2(a) depicts that, for both the
entire logs and for the Core period, players show strong di-
urnal patterns. The game was played more during late night
with a peak between 8 pm and 10 pm. A disproportionately
fewer players logged on during early morning times. In the
morning, the highest time is around 11 am (before lunch
time), then an increasing number of players join in the af-
ternoon and evening hours. Differences between the entire
log and Core is marginal, indicating that the final Core data
set we study is representative of the entire log in terms of
temporal patterns.
Figure 2(b) presents the normalized daily access pattern
across the data, again for the entire log and for Core. We find
the game is played 1.4–1.5 times more frequently on week-
ends than during the weekdays. Later, we will investigate
such detailed temporal features of players (e.g., weekend vs
weekday oriented, most active time of a day) in predicting
player retention. Note that the temporal patterns seen here
have also appeared in other game studies [18], which suggests
that the studied Fairyland Online shares commonalities with
other representative MMORPGs.
4.1 Phase Definition
The key objective of this research is to know what keeps
a player in a game over various phases (and in particular
toward the very end) of his or her virtual life. To answer this
question, we start with arbitrary grouping of one’s lifetime.
In this work, we do not consider the very first phases of
a game (i.e., beginners), which is a specific subset of our
problem. We focus on players who have spent enough time
to be accustomed to the rules of the game and determine
what factors positively or negatively contributed to reaching
the next level.
Players in Fairyland Online can have a level between the
lowest of 1 and the highest of 50. Among such players, we
decide target users to represent each phase of the online
game by one quantity: the observable level ranges for each
player during Core (i.e., level of 10–15, 20–25, 30–35, 40–45,
and 45–50). Players belonging to the 10–15 level group must
have achieved a level of at least 15 and have their traces since
level 10 visible in the Core period.
Table 2 describes the five representative phases of virtual
life that we examine in this paper. Where the exact division
among groups lies is less of importance in this work. Rather,
we are more interested in finding trends that become more
prominent among the advanced, long-term game players.
For each phase, we define success differently. The first four
phases of 1–4 in Table 2 allow us to examine whether each
player successfully achieves the next five levels. For phase 1
(i.e., level 10–15), we consider players who ultimately reach
level 20 as success and otherwise as unsuccessful. For phase
5, the success is defined as whether the game is able to keep
a given player or not. We decided a player is churned when
he or she becomes inactive for consecutive 90 days over the
next 270 days. To test the validity of the length of days to
decide user churn, we varied the number of days from 30 to
180 and they showed similar results with Table 7, which will
be presented in the next section.
Table 2: Phase information along with grouping cri-
teria, definition of success at a given phase, the num-
ber of corresponding individuals, and the probabil-
ity of success within the group
Phase Levels Success defined Num Prob
1 10–15 Achieve level 20 3,818 0.6612
2 20–25 Achieve level 30 1,739 0.7483
3 30–35 Achieve level 40 1,370 0.8299
4 40–45 Achieve level 50 674 0.5638
5 45–50 Retained after level 50 221 0.4198
Out of the 51,104 individuals in the Core dataset, we only
consider players whose observable levels are within the given
ranges as described by Phase 1–5 as target players. We
also ensure that each player has at least 31 days observable
within in Core after the end of the observation level. For in-
stance, for Phase 1, we ensure that individuals had at least
31 days after they reached level 15 in the log. This gives am-
ple time for them to meet the success criteria (i.e., achieving
level 20 for Phase 1). The buffer time of 31 days was de-
termined from the log analysis. We investigated how long it
takes to achieve the higher level for each phase listed in the
table for a subset of 91 players who joined and achieved the
maximum level during the Core data period. These players
took 13.92 days on average with the standard deviation of
1.29 and a maximum of 30.97 days to achieve 5 level ups
(i.e., from level 45 to level 50). Thus, we set the buffer
length as 31 days. For Phase 5 players, however, we did not
enforce this buffer length, as they no longer need to achieve
a higher level. For these players, churn was measured over
the entire log period (beyond the Core period). From Phase
1 to Phase 5, we identified 3818, 1739, 1370, 674, and 221
players meeting the above criteria, respectively. Note that
a player can belong to multiple groups so long as he or she
meets the criteria.
The last column of Table 2 displays the probability of suc-
cess for each phase, where the success criterion is also listed
in the table itself. The fraction of players who success in a
given phase is the highest among Phase 3 players (i.e., indi-
viduals who were in level 30–35) and is the lowest for Phase
5 players (i.e., individuals who reach the highest level of-
fered). Nonetheless, the success probability or the retention
rate is considerably stable, remaining over 0.4 throughout
the five phases.
4.2 Studied Features
We utilize a total of 16 features for predicting user re-
tention. The features are divided into three major cate-
gories based on their characteristics: temporal, achievement-
related, and social.
4.2.1 Temporal Category
The temporal features describe when individuals played
the game. Temporal patterns not only reveal how often a
user plays the game (e.g., every day vs. once a week) but also
reveal certain demographic traits. For example, play time
can be used to infer which players are likely students (e.g.,
peak immediately after the school hours) or which players
likely work regular hours (e.g., playtime starts only after the
typical business hours). We extract two features like below:
Frequent hours (morning,working hour,evening, and
night owl ): To capture playing patterns, we measured
how frequently a player accesses the game with the
following time blocks. We define 4 variables that rep-
resent specific playing patterns: morning from 6 am to
9 am, working hours from 9 am to 6 pm, evening from
6 pm to midnight, and night owl from midnight to 6
am. We conducted vector normalization on those vari-
ables to remove the effects of the number of engaged
Weekday vs weekends (weekends): the fraction of play-
time contributed from weekends.
4.2.2 Achievement-Related Category
Many studies have reported the importance of achieve-
ment as a goal in player retention [5, 7]. To measure its
effect, we utilize the following features related to in-game
Possessed item count (item): the total count of owned
items measured by subtracting the number of item-
losing logs from item-gaining logs. This quantity is a
proxy of in-game achievements.
Rare items on hand (rare item): Owning rare items
can be more important achievement than general item
counts. To decide which items are rare, we approxi-
mated chances of getting an item by counting the fre-
quency over the whole item frequencies measured from
Core. Then, we considered items appeared with the
probability lower than 0.01 to be rare items. We mea-
sured the number of rare items on hand in the same
manner as we did to count for items on hand.
Amount of money on hand (money): the amount of
virtual money that each player has, calculated by the
differences between money-gaining logs and money-
losing logs.
Level of difficulty (difficulty): the level of difficulty,
measured by a combination of the number of deaths
and broken items. The appropriate level of difficulty
has been considered as an important element for user
engagement in online games [6].
Performance (performance): The performance of achiev-
ing level can represent level of motivations on achieve-
ment. We measured it by changing the sign of time
length of observation period, because each user can
take different time to achieve 5 levels of the observa-
tion period based on his or her performance. A larger
performance value hence indicates that a player leveled
up quickly.
4.2.3 Social Category
Social features are another important group of indicators
for player engagement [9, 11, 23]. Below we describe the list
of social features we tested in this paper.
Number of social interactions (num social): the num-
ber of all messages that a player sent through any
channel—a measure of social activeness.
Response rate (response rate): the probability of giv-
ing responses when a player received messages from an
unknown player—a measure of social openness.
Number of friends (friends): To figure out effects of
social interactions in a more detail, we define friend-
ships. Based on whisper logs, we counted the number
of distinct days paired communications take place. If a
player has paired communications with another player
for at least three different days, we considered the com-
munication partner to be a friend. To measure this
variable, we counted the number of friends who com-
municated at the observation period as a feature for
Number of non-friends (nonfriends): We considered
those who have paired communications but are not
friends to be non-friends. The number of non-friends
were observed from the observation period of each phase.
Friends’ level (friends level): To represent the level of
friends, we got the median level of friends who have
communicated on the observation period.
Non-friends’ level (nonfriends level): the median level
of non-friends, who have communicated with the player
during the observation period.
Number of max-level friends (friends maxlevel): the
number of friends who communicated with the player
and already achieved the maximum level at the mo-
ment of communication on the observation period.
Number of max-level non-friends (nonfriends maxlevel):
the number of non-friends who have paired communi-
cation with the player and already achieved the maxi-
mum level when the communication happens.
Is a member of a family (has family): a binary vari-
able whether the player belongs to a family, which is
a membership-based group. We inferred it based on
whether a user has sent messages through Family chan-
4.3 Player Retention Model
A logistic regression model was used to determine fac-
tors that affect player longevity. The regression model helps
us investigate how various indicators attribute to player re-
tention across different life phases within the virtual world,
while allowing us to control for the effects of other variables.
Hence we choose to use interpretable models in this paper
rather than implementing other kinds of prediction models
that might achieve higher performance.
Prior to analyses, a step was taken to balance the data.
Because the success rate at each phase is biased toward one
side, we employed an over-sampling technique to prepare an
equal number of success and fail cases for each phase. All
variables were scaled to have a mean of 0 and a standard de-
viation of 1. In addition, since variables of regression models
can turn out to be significant simply due to a large number of
predictors, we performed variable selections using Lasso [22]
by choosing the lambda whose cross-validated mean squared
error is within one standard error of the minimum. In the
results section, we report findings of the regression fitting
after this feature selection step.
This research assumes the important indicators of the
player retention vary throughout the different phases in Fairy-
land Online. To test this idea, for each phase of the game,
we fit the logistic regression model of the successful cases
and unsuccessful cases (as defined in Table 2) across the 16
features from three categories (i.e., temporal, achievement,
and social). We compare the relative importance of each
category in predicting player retention.
5.1 Low- to Medium-level Patterns
Among the five phases of the game level, here we focus
on Phase 1 to Phase 3, which are logs of players who have
become accustomed to the game. Our goal is to under-
stand what kinds of players are more likely to be retained
and further succeed in achieving the next levels. The three
phases were observed among more than a thousand individ-
uals. Below we only list the final set of features deemed
as meaningful (out of the 16 features) for each of the three
phases, after the Lasso variable selection step.
Table 3: Results for Phase 1 players (level 10–15)
Category Predictor Estimate Significance
(Intercept) 0.062
Temporal night owl 0.424 ***
weekends -0.244 *
Achievement performance 0.371 ***
friends 0.539 ***
nonfriends -0.331 ***
nonfriends maxlevel -0.09 **
Model χ2435.8 ***
*:p<0.05, **:p<0.01, ***:p<0.001
Table 3 presents the fitted results for Phase 1, which shows
the estimates and significance of variables. The table also
shows the model χ2value based on the likelihood ratio test
with a null model. We see that at least one feature from
the temporal, achievement, and social categories appears
as significant. Among the temporal features, night owl is
positively associated with the success, while weekends is
negatively correlated. This means individuals who mainly
played after midnight and during weekdays (but not just
on weekends) were more likely to reach the next levels—
This could indicate that at an early stage, time dedication
is an important marker of success. Among the achievement
features, performance (i.e., negative quantity of the play-
time) increases the probability of success in that players
with speedy game style are more likely to be retained and
achieve the next levels. As many studies found, achievement
is one of the main motivations for continuing to play online
games [5, 7]. Our analysis also confirms that in an early
virtual stage achievement help players reach the next levels
without leaving games.
Among the social features, friends is positively associated
with success, while nonfriends is negatively associated with
success. This may indicate that players with many friends
yet fewer weak social ties are more likely to achieve the next
levels. This trend supports findings from several studies
on the importance of social interactions in games [9, 11].
In contrast, the negative effect of nonfriends is interest-
ing. It may indicate that communication with too many
random users may be harmful for long-term engagement.
Furthermore, nonfriends maxlevel shows negative associa-
tion with the success rate in that players who communicate
with many max-level non-friends are less likely to continue
with the game. Communicating with too advanced non-
friends may be a negative experience on future engagement,
because players can feel left behind [21].
Table 4: Results for Phase 2 players (level 20–25)
Category Predictor Estimate Significance
(intercept) -0.016
morning -0.096 *
evening 0.072
night owl 0.184 ***
item -0.203 **
money 0.252 ***
performance 0.497 ***
friends 0.53 ***
nonfriends -0.302 ***
friends level -0.095 *
friends maxlevel -0.177 ***
nonfriends maxlevel 0.124 *
has family -0.129 **
Model χ2281.34 ***
Phase 2 players indicated several more number of signif-
icant variables related to retention, as shown in Table 4.
Among the temporal features, night owl is positively asso-
ciated with success, while morning is not. It seems still im-
portant to devote extra time on the game after midnight
for achieving higher levels, while playing the game since
early morning (i.e., 6–9 am) seem a not effective strategy
for further engagement. Among the achievement features,
performance is again positively associated. We newly found
money to be positively correlated, yet item is negatively as-
sociated. Accumulating in-game money increases the prob-
ability of the continued usage at Phase 2, because it may
become difficult to quit the game after one gathers a large
sum of virtual money. In addition, virtual wealth means
one’s ability to upgrade game avatars, which helps achieve
the next levels easier. Those two possible explanations can
be linked to the success of achieving more levels. However,
simply owning many items decrease the chance of success.
Among social features, friends is again positively associ-
ated with the success, while nonfriends is not. This find-
ing implies that having more friends and fewer weak social
relationship is linked to helping players achieve higher lev-
els. Also, has family is newly found to be significant with
a negative estimate at this stage. In other words, players
are less likely to succeed when they joined a family. This
trend also supports the importance of focusing on strong
social relationship to the continued usage of online games.
Lastly, we observed that friends maxlevel, and friends level
are negatively associated with success. This trend can be
similarly explained with the negative association of non-
friends maxlevel for prediction of Phase 1.
Players in Phase 3 exhibit similar trends as in Phase 2
(Table 5). Among temporal features, night owl is positively
Table 5: Results for Phase 3 players (level 30–35)
Category Predictor Estimate Significance
(intercept) -0.017
working hour -0.082
night owl 0.251 ***
weekends -0.199 ***
item -0.274 **
rare item 0.292 ***
money 0.265 **
difficulty 0.125 **
performance 0.686 ***
num social -0.234 **
response rate -0.106
friends 0.607 ***
nonfriends -0.28 ***
friends level -0.133 **
nonfriends level 0.114 *
nonfriends maxlevel -0.077
Model χ2375.67 ***
correlated, yet weekends is not—This pattern is similar to
what we have seen before in earlier phases. Among the
achievement features, performance is again important for
predicting player retention. There are some new trends;
while item is still negatively associated, players who gather
larger amounts of rare items (i.e., rare item) are likely to
succeed. With the positive association of money, this find-
ing supports the claim that owning virtual wealth is related
to the success of achieving higher level. In addition, dif-
ficulty (i.e., the number of deaths and broken items) was
found to be a positive indicator for success. Once the game
reaches a certain stage, an appropriate level of difficulty may
help players better enjoy games, as reported in a previous
study [6].
Next, from social features, friends is positively correlated,
while nonfriends and num social are not. Again this finding
demonstrates the importance of having communication with
close friends rather than simply being socially active. Lastly,
among variables on whom users talked to, nonfriends level
was newly found as a positive estimator. We hypothesize
that players who ask for more help to other players of higher
level are more likely to succeed. As reported in previous
works [10, 16], communicating with experts can sometimes
be helpful in online games because they share knowledge,
useful tactics, and strategies that are critical in proceeding
with the next phases. Because this process does not require
having any strong relationships with those with high level,
nonfriends level is a positive indicator yet friends level may
remain to have the opposite effect. As discussed in the re-
sults seen in earlier phases, having social relationships with
users with max level or higher may give detrimental effects
on future engagement.
In summary, we found two consistent trends from the re-
gression analysis of low- to medium-level phases (i.e., Phase
1-3). One is that performance on achieving levels and play-
ing patterns related to devoting more times increase the
probability of success for achieving more levels. These find-
ings can be connected to the importance of motivation on
achievement for player retention. Another is that players
who have more friends yet fewer weak social relationships
were more likely to be engaged in Fairyland Online con-
tinuously. Playing games with friends may give positive
effects on achieving more levels. These findings are con-
sistent with previous findings on player retention on other
games [5, 7, 9, 11].
5.2 High-level Patterns
Players who reached a level 40 or above out of 50 in Fairy-
land Online may be considered advanced users. What are
the factors that lead to successfully reaching the endgame
for these advanced players? Table 6 displays the regression
result for Phase 4 players. At this very last stage, the only
meaningful feature left after the Lasso feature selection is
performance (i.e., -1×play time). Players who enjoy speedy
game and are quick at leveling up are more likely to suc-
ceed to reach the max level. It is interesting to see that
achievement-related feature alone is a critical factor of suc-
Table 6: Results for Phase 4 players (level 40–45)
Category Predictor Estimate Significance
(intercept) -0.007
Achievement performance 0.485 ***
Model χ240.505 ***
Once players reach the max level, a different story unfolds.
In contrast to the Phase 4 players, the only meaningful fea-
ture of longevity left at this stage is the social category,
where friends is the only significant indicator for retention
for players who reach the highest level. This finding sug-
gests that having a substantial number of friends is consis-
tently important in determining who will continue to play
online games even after completing all missions. Note that
this variable was also important during the earlier phases,
further suggesting the importance of social interactions for
player retention from earlier stages to the endgame. As
found in previous studies [9], online games become more
of a social space after the max level. To be engaged in such
online games in the long run, players must have constructed
strong social relationships from early on in their virtual lives.
Table 7: Results for Phase 5 players (level 45–50)
Category Predictor Estimate Significance
(intercept) 0.035
Social friends 0.966 ***
Model χ244.172 ***
5.3 Trajectory Over Lifetime
Having examined the factors of player retention step-wise,
we now jointly view trends over the entire life stages in the
Fairyland Online game. The set of features examined are
from three main categories: temporal, achievement-related,
and social. Which of these categories are important for pre-
dicting player retention at each phase? To answer this ques-
tion, we compared the relative importance of the three cat-
egories in predicting player retention via training separately
on each categorical features. For testing, 5-fold cross valida-
tion was used on the unbalanced original dataset with keep-
ing the distribution of target labels. Then, we conducted
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
Low- mid-level users High-level users
Figure 3: Prediction accuracy across the five phases
seen by the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of
logistic regression for each feature category
over-sampling for each split to be balanced. We applied this
sampling technique after each split to prevent for same in-
stances to be both in training and test set for each split. We
finally measured the area under the ROC curve (AUROC)
of logistic regression classifiers using each set of features.
Figure 3 presents the changes of the AUROC values of the
three categories over the five phases. The AUROC value is
between 0 and 1, where a value of 1 means the prediction
model is perfect. A prominent trend we see is the role of
achievement features that show the best performance during
the early to late phases of the game (i.e., Phase 1 to 4). The
social category shows a comparable trend to the achievement
category for Phase 1, 2, and 4. This category then becomes
the most important in Phase 5 (i.e., the max level players),
at which point the other features are no longer important.
The temporal features are, for most of the phases, better
than random guessing (i.e., AUROC of 0.5), although they
do not show a big gain against the baseline. We discuss
implications of these findings in the next section.
Maintaining user base of a substantial size is critical for
many companies in running their services. Companies across
various industries (e.g., telecommunication companies [2],
health app providers [17], and so on) have put their efforts
to understand characteristics of people who discontinue ser-
vices and predict them in advance based on data mining ap-
proaches. Game industry and researchers also noticed the
importance of the player retention problem, and many stud-
ies hence tried to understand player motivations [24,25], be-
havioral characteristics [8,9], and to build prediction models
based on studied characteristics [5,11].
However, existing studies did not disentangle user groups
and conducted analyses without considering player levels.
Because game designs of MMORPGs let players to have a
certain amount of activities as level increases [8], game play-
ers face different challenges as their level increases and this
evolution can affect user retention. As in Figure 4, we also
observed that social interactions increase as level increases
in our dataset. Thus, to precisely understand indicators
for player retention, effect of features should be separately
measured across different virtual life phases in online games.
Another aspect that has received little attention is retain-
ing individuals who have reached the highest level offered
Figure 4: The fraction of logs related to social ac-
tivities out of the entire logs at different life phases
by the game. These expert players not only help newbies
adapt to the game, but also are a major source of profit for
game industry. Therefore, retaining the max-level players is
a critical problem.
Motivated by these missed opportunities, this research
aimed to answer two research questions: (i) what are the
indicators for player retention over different phases of play-
ers and (ii) how does the relative importance of retention
features change over the game phases. Through a series of
quantitative analyses using 51,104 individuals based on in-
game logs, we have made several key findings for the ques-
tion. Theses results are important for the following reasons.
Firstly, we noted that the key indicators of longevity change
with player phases. This finding implies that other studies
on user behavior also need to consider phases of gamers.
Secondly, our findings have practical implications to on-
line game developers, as they need to carefully consider the
changing needs of players over various life stages. Game de-
signers may offer fast achievement-oriented scenarios at the
beginning, while motivate players to form strong social re-
lationships long before they reach any advanced level. We
note that these suggestions are hypothetical, because ob-
servations indicate correlation not causality. Future studies
can conduct controlled experiments or qualitative studies to
further test causal relationship of feature effects. Another
implication is that game industry may apply these findings
to construct churn prediction models. For example, predic-
tion models could be constructed separately for each phase
and hence better capture signals of churning individuals.
On top of the above findings, we also found significant in-
dicators observed for certain phases. Playing after midnight
was positively associated with the success of Phase 1 to 3,
while playing in the early morning is negatively associated
with the continued usage. There may exist certain play-
ing patterns, which can be linked to player retention. Also,
obtaining rare items or larger amount of money increased
the chance of success in low- to medium-level. Owning vir-
tual wealth may be helpful to achieving more levels, or it
could make them feel commitment to keep playing online
games by having a large amount of wealth in the virtual
world. Lastly, we found significant indicators on whom a
player talked to. For example, the level of friends was a
significant indicator during the initial phases. This finding
implies that social network positively affects retention when
individuals form interactions with partners of appropriate
levels. Because these findings are newly found in this study,
predicting player retention can be better improved with fur-
ther investigation on those variables.
This paper has several limitations. Among them is the
use of a single data source. Every MMORPG has differ-
ent game elements and player traits, and hence our find-
ings can not be directly generalized to other online games.
Nonetheless, we expect Fairyland Online is representative
of a typical MMORPG in terms of the temporal trends,
which shows similarity to other games [18]. In the future
we hope to replicate the study with other online game logs.
Another limitation is that, although we tried extensive fea-
tures across three different categories based on the related
literature, there can exist missing features which might be
critically linked to player retention. For example, the num-
ber of churned friends was found to be an indicator of player
churn in one online game [11]. Due to limited data, we could
not employ this feature for analysis. In a future work, we
hope to look into a longer time period and investigate the
effects of other possible indicators including churned friends.
Lastly, we did not investigate players who are at their very
early stages (i.e., level 1-10). This was because the initial
level up in Fairyland Online was fairly easy and there was
not much data associated with this time period. However,
new-joiners are of great interest to game industry because
they are critical to increasing user base and future studies
can delve deeper into the behaviors of new-joiners across
different games.
Cha and Park were supported by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea) under Industrial Tech-
nology Innovation Program (No.10073144), ‘Developing ma-
chine intelligence based conversation system that detects sit-
uations and responds to human emotions’.
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... Various recent studies explored human performance and activity in online games. Several authors investigated aspects of team performance [2,4,5,16], as well as individual performance [17][18][19][20][21] in multiplayer team-based games. In Mathieu et al. [22], an extensive review about team effectiveness is provided. ...
... Prior to this study, several works have been devoted to analysing the behaviour and activity of players in multiplayer games. In particular, behavioural dynamics of team-based online games have been extensively studied in role-playing games like World of Warcraft [26,27], in battle arena games like League of Legends [1,19,28] and in other games [21,29,30]. ...
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Complex real-world challenges are often solved through teamwork. Of special interest are ad hoc teams assembled to complete some task. Many popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video-games adopt this team formation strategy and thus provide a natural environment to study ad hoc teams. Our work examines data from a popular MOBA game, League of Legends, to understand the evolution of individual performance within ad hoc teams. Our analysis of player performance in successive matches of a gaming session demonstrates that a player’s success deteriorates over the course of the session, but this effect is mitigated by the player’s experience. We also find no significant long-term improvement in the individual performance of most players. Modelling the short-term performance dynamics allows us to accurately predict when players choose to continue to play or end the session. Our findings suggest possible directions for individualized incentives aimed at steering the player’s behaviour and improving team performance.
... It is certain that muting players does not help with enabling socialization. Considering the importance of community and socialization for players' motivations and future play intentions [34,41], developers need to devise methods to moderate text and voice communication, and encourage players to use other social features. For instance, Faeira OCCG has a Discord channel linked directly from game UI. ...
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Online Collectible Card Games (OCCGs) are enormously popular worldwide. Previous studies found that the social aspects of physical CCGs are crucial for player engagement. However, we know little about the different types of sociability that OCCGs afford. Nor to what extent they influence players' social experiences. This mixed method online survey study focuses on a representative OCCG, Hearthstone [24] to 1) identify and define social design features and examine the extent to which players' use of these features predict their sense of community; 2) investigate participants' attitudes towards and experiences with the game community. The results show that players rarely use social features, and these features contribute differently to predicting players' sense of community. We also found emergent toxic behaviors, afforded by the social features. Findings can inform the best practices and principles in the design of OCCGs, and contribute to our understanding of players' perceptions of OCCG communities.
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This study assessed how matchmaking and match results affect player churn in a multiplayer competitive game. In competitive games, matchmaking is crucial in gathering players with similar skills and creating balanced player-versus-player matches. Players are highly motivated when they win matches, whereas losing matches is demotivating, leading to churn. We performed a two-way fixed effects estimation using our panel data to analyze the relationship between players' churn and match experience. The panel data retrieved 42 days of server-side in-game logs, comprising approximately six million matches played by more than 262k players in the casual commercial game “Everybody's Marble.” The experimental results indicate that churn is positively influenced by being matched with stronger opponents. Interestingly, being matched with weaker opponents decreases the possibility of churn more than fair matches (being matched with equally skilled opponents). Furthermore, large differences in opponents' skill levels positively influence churn, while more frequent and consecutive wins negatively influence it. The results also reveal that consecutive losses can affect churn differently, depending on the players' level. This study provides theoretical and practical implications for researchers who want to understand the factors that affect user churn and game developers who want to maximize user retention rates in commercial games.
Despite its staggering growth, fairly little remains known regarding what actually drives the players’ intent to play multiplayer online games (MOGs), which exposes an important research gap. Correspondingly, we empirically test a mediated moderation model to demonstrate how various gratifications and stimuli affect player’s (particularly the Generation Z’s) attitude towards MOGs and shapes their playing intentions. Data were collected through a structured (online and offline) questionnaire survey among 1310 Generation Z MOG players. The findings reveal that multiple gratifications such as perceived enjoyment, social interaction, and achievement have a direct as well as an indirect impact (via attitude) on consumers’ online gaming intentions. The value of this study lies in its ability to enhance understanding on how to develop, and market MOGs based on various sought-after gratifications and normative stimuli that will increase generation Z gamers’ immersion in games, their earned social capital, and eventually their playing intention for MOGs.
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Many studies have already shown that games can be a useful tool to make boring or difficult tasks more engaging. However, with serious game design being a relatively nascent field, such experiences can still be hard to learn and not very motivating. In this paper, we explore the use of learning and motivation frameworks to improve player experience in the well-known citizen science game Foldit. Using Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and Self Determination Theory (SDT), we developed six interface and mechanical changes to the tutorial levels in Foldit designed to increase engagement and retention. We tested these features with new players of Foldit and collected both behavioral data, using game metrics, and prior experience data, using self-report measures. This study offers three major contributions: (1) we document the process of operationalizing CLT and SDT as new game features, a unique methodology not used in game design previously; (2) the user interface, specifically the level selection screen, significantly impacts how players progress through the game; and (3) a player's expertise, whether from prior domain knowledge or prior gaming experience, increases their engagement. We discuss both implications of these findings as well as how these implementations can generalize to other designs.
In this work, we analyze what effect streaming gameplay on Twitch has on players’ in-game behavior and performance. We hypothesized that streaming can act as a form of implicit incentive to boost players’ performance and engagement. To test this hypothesis, we continuously collected data about all Twitch streams related to a popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, League of Legends (LoL), and data of all LoL matches played during the same time frame, and cross-mapped the two data sets. We found that, counterintuitively, streaming significantly deteriorates players’ in-game performance: This may be due to the burden of carrying out two cognitively intensive activities at the same time, namely, playing the game and producing its commentary for streaming purposes. On the other hand, streaming increases engagement keeping players in significantly longer game sessions. We investigate these two effects further, to characterize how they vary upon individual characteristics.
We study how virtual incentive mechanisms (such as leaderboards) help motivate players to extend the game playing time. We have designed a multiplayer strategy game, called OilTrader, which is set in a game-theoretic framework of a Minority Game, to verify the effect of motivation reinforcement on the sustainability of game playing process. We have conducted an experiment with 114 players and evaluated their psychological types using the HEXAD player type model. Players were divided into a main experimental group (who used the user interface enhanced with motivation-increasing factors) and a control group (who used a simpler game interface). Results indicate that game players, who have used the motivation-enhancing interface, have had stronger motivation to play the game longer. Using statistical analysis, we have discovered that Free Spirits, Disruptors and Players (according to the HEXAD questionnaire player types) are more motivated by a progress leaderboard rather than an achievement leaderboard.
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As the world becomes more digitized and interconnected, information that was once considered to be private such as one’s health status is now being shared publicly. To understand this new phenomenon better, it is crucial to study what types of health information are being shared on social media and why, as well as by whom. In this paper, we study the traits of users who share their personal health and fitness related information on social media by analyzing fitness status updates that MyFitnessPal users have shared via Twitter. We investigate how certain features like user profile, fitness activity, and fitness network in social media can potentially impact the long-term engagement of fitness app users. We also discuss implications of our findings to achieve a better retention of these users and to promote more sharing of their status updates.
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As the world becomes more digitized and interconnected, information that was once considered to be private such as one's health status is now being shared publicly. To understand this new phenomenon better, it is crucial to study what types of health information are being shared on social media and why, as well as by whom. In this paper, we study the traits of users who share their personal health and fitness related information on social media by analyzing fitness status updates that MyFitnessPal users have shared via Twitter. We investigate how certain features like user profile, fitness activity, and fitness network in social media can potentially impact the long-term engagement of fitness app users. We also discuss implications of our findings to achieve a better retention of these users and to promote more sharing of their status updates.
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In this work we explore cyberbullying and other toxic behavior in team competition online games. Using a dataset of over 10 million player reports on 1.46 million toxic players along with corresponding crowdsourced decisions, we test several hypotheses drawn from theories explaining toxic behavior. Besides providing large-scale, empirical based understanding of toxic behavior, our work can be used as a basis for building systems to detect, prevent, and counter-act toxic behavior.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we explore the linguistic components of toxic behavior by using crowdsourced data from over 590 thousand cases of accused toxic players in a popular match-based competition game, League of Legends. We perform a series of linguistic analyses to gain a deeper understanding of the role communication plays in the expression of toxic behavior. We characterize linguistic behavior of toxic players and compare it with that of typical players in an online competition game. We also find empirical support describing how a player transitions from typical to toxic behavior. Our findings can be helpful to automatically detect and warn players who may become toxic and thus insulate potential victims from toxic playing in advance.
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One problem facing players of competitive games is negative, or toxic, behavior. League of Legends, the largest eSport game, uses a crowdsourcing platform called the Tribunal to judge whether a reported toxic player should be punished or not. The Tribunal is a two stage system requiring reports from those players that directly observe toxic behavior, and human experts that review aggregated reports. While this system has successfully dealt with the vague nature of toxic behavior by majority rules based on many votes, it naturally requires tremendous cost, time, and human efforts. In this paper, we propose a supervised learning approach for predicting crowdsourced decisions on toxic behavior with large-scale labeled data collections; over 10 million user reports involved in 1.46 million toxic players and corresponding crowdsourced decisions. Our result shows good performance in detecting overwhelmingly majority cases and predicting crowdsourced decisions on them. We demonstrate good portability of our classifier across regions. Finally, we estimate the practical implications of our approach, potential cost savings and victim protection.
Conference Paper
Online multiplayer games are often rich sources of complex social interactions. In this paper, we focus on the unique player experiences (PX) created by Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games. We examine key phases of players' engagement with the genre and investigate why players start, stay, and stop playing MOBAs. Our study identifies how team interactions during play with friends or strangers affect PX during these phases. Results indicate the ability to play with friends is salient when beginning play and during periods of engagement. Teams that include friends support a wider range of play possibilities - socially and competitively -- than teams of strangers. However, social factors appear less relevant to those choosing to stop playing, who do so for a variety of reasons. This study contributes to the field by identifying a strategy to improve the wellbeing of players.
Conference Paper
Multiplayer online battle arena games provide an excellent opportunity to study team performance. When designing a team, players must negotiate a proficiency-congruency dilemma between selecting roles that best match their experience and roles that best complement the existing roles on the team. We adopt a mixed-methods approach to explore how players negotiate this dilemma. Using data from League of Legends, we define a similarity space to operationalize team design constructs about role proficiency, generality, and congruency. We collect publicly available data from 3.36 million players to test the influence of these constructs on team performance. We also conduct focus groups with novice and elite players to understand how players' team design practices vary with expertise. We find that the two factors, player proficiency and team congruency, both increase team performance, with the former having a stronger impact. We also find that elite players are better at balancing the two factors than the novice players. These findings have implications for players, designers, and theorists about how to recommend team designs that jointly prioritize individuals' expertise and teams' compatibility.
Mobile phone carriers in a saturated market must focus on customer retention to maintain profitability. This study investigates the incorporation of social network information into churn prediction models to improve accuracy, timeliness, and profitability. Traditional models are built using customer attributes, however these data are often incomplete for prepaid customers. Alternatively, call record graphs that are current and complete for all customers can be analysed. A procedure was developed to build the call graph and extract relevant features from it to be used in classification models. The scalability and applicability of this technique are demonstrated on a telecommunications data set containing 1.4 million customers and over 30 million calls each month. The models are evaluated based on ROC plots, lift curves, and expected profitability. The results show how using network features can improve performance over local features while retaining high interpretability and usability.
It is not—unless it triggers feelings of envy. This study uses the framework of social rank theory of depression and conceptualizes Facebook envy as a possible link between Facebook surveillance use and depression among college students. Using a survey of 736 college students, we found that the effect of surveillance use of Facebook on depression is mediated by Facebook envy. However, when Facebook envy is controlled for, Facebook use actually lessens depression.