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Asbestos Concentrations and Lung Restrictive Patterns

  • Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz,Iran

Abstract and Figures

Asbestos applications were limited during past two decades in developed nations due to its debilitating health problems, while in developing countries it's various usages continues. The main goals of present study were evaluation of asbestos concentrations in ambient outdoor and indoor air and occupational exposure, as well as exposure effects on pulmonary function. Sampling procedure was carried out during May and June 2010 at four outdoor and seven indoor air sampling stations. Ten persons were selected based on their exposure limits including high, moderate and low exposure. Also to assess pulmonary function of workers, 42 spirometry cases were tested. Samples were analyzed by SEM with EDXA. Obtained results revealed that average concentrations of asbestos fibers were 1.885×10-5 f/mL and 0.065 f/mL in outdoor and indoor air, respectively. Occupational exposure contents were between 1.5 ×10-5 – 0.2 f/mL (based on exposure limits). Spirometry tests showed that 28% of workers had impaired lung functions. Lung restrictive pattern in workers were 2% severe, 12% moderate and 14%. Results showed pattern of fibrous particles as actinolite> termolite> chrysotile in indoor air. Generally, it is clear that there is positive meaningful relationship between more than ten occupational ages and malfunction of lungs in studied workers due to asbestos effects.
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Int. J. Environ. Res., 5(2):555-560, Spring 2011
ISSN: 1735-6865
Received 4 June 2010; Revised 3 Sep. 2010; Accepted 9 Sep. 2010
*Corresponding author E-mail: m.sekhavtjou@khou
Asbestos Concentrations and Lung Restrictive Patterns
Sekhavatjou, M. S.
and Zangeneh, A.
Department of Environmental Engineering, Khuzestan Science and Research branch,
Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Ira n
ABSTRACT: Asbestos applications were limited during past two decades in developed nations due to its
debilitating health problems, while in developing countries it’s various usages continues. The main goals of
present study were evaluation of asbestos concentrations in ambient outdoor and indoor air and occupational
exposure, as well as exposure effects on pulmonary function. Sampling procedure was carried out during May
and June 2010 at four outdoor and seven indoor air sampling stations. Ten persons were selected based on their
exposure limits including high, moderate and low exposure. Also to assess pulmonary function of workers, 42
spirometry cases w ere tested. Samples were analyzed by SEM with EDXA. Obtained results revealed that
average concentrations of asbestos fibers were 1.885×10
f/mL and 0.065 f/mL in outdoor and indoor air,
respectively. Occupational exposure contents were between 1.5 ×10
– 0.2 f/mL (based on exposure limits).
Spirometry tests showed that 28% of workers had impaired lung functions. Lung restrictive pattern in
workers were 2% severe, 12% moderate and 14%. Results showed pattern of fibrous particles as actinolite>
termolite> chrysotile in indoor air. Generally, it is clear that there is positive meaningful relationship between
more than ten occupational ages and malfunction of lungs in studied workers due to asbestos effects.
Key words: Environnent, Exposure, Indoor, Ambient, Fibre, Asbestos, SEM
Asbestos fibrous forms have been used for many
years as raw materials for the production of a large
variety of materials (Pastuszka, 2009). Asbestos,
naturally occurring hydrated mineral silicates (Hardy
& Aust, 1995) are mainly comprised of two groups:
serpentine and amphibole (Jaurand et al., 1984).
Serpentine is represented only by chrysotile while
amphiboles include amosite, actinolite, anthophyllite,
crocidolite and tremolite (ATSDR, 2001; Lippmann,
2000; Meeker et al., 2001; Christiansen et al., 2003;
Paustenbach et al., 2004). A variety of mineral fiber
types, especially asbestos, h ave been used as
commercial products for thermal or acoustic insulation
(Baron, 2001). Serpentines are used in industries more
common while amphiboles are more dangerous and
more attributable to asbestos related-diseases
(Hodgson & Darnton, 2000; Mossman et al., 1990).
Issues related to asbestos induced disorders caught
more attention worldwide in last couple of decades
(Lange, 2005). Asbestos is regarded as exceedingly
dangerous because the inhalation of asbestos fibers
can lead to the development of debilitating health
problems. All asbestos-related diseases appear to be
caused from chronic exposure; acute exposure does
not seem to result in serious illness. Fiber toxicity
appears to be primarily a function of fiber
concentration, dimensions and durability in the lungs
(Baron, 2001; Lange, 2005). It has been scientifically
proven that the inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause
serious lung diseases, like mesothelioma (Gualtieri et
al., 2009). The effects of asbestos on the human body
include the asbestifor m variet ies of ser pentine,
riebeckite, grunerite, anthophyllite, tremolite and
actinolite (Pastuszka, 2009; Kakooei et al., 2007). Also
they induce fibrosis, lung cancer (by the inhalation of
asbestos fibers), mesothelioma, and probably other
kinds of intestinal cancer (Mossman et al., 1996;
Anastasiadou & Gidarakos, 2007). While the use of
asbestos has been prohibited or restricted in much of
the developed world consumption is growing in Asia,
Latin America and the Commonwealth of Independent
States (Kazan-Allen, 2005).
Thi s research was carried out in a cement -asbestos
pipe and plate manufacturin g plant that is located in
southwest of Iran near Ahvaz city. Asbestos particles
were collected in ambient outdoor (4 stations), indoor
Sekhavatjou, M. S. and Zangeneh, A.
air (7 stations) and workers breathing zone for
occupational exposure during May-June 2010.
Person nel samp les wer e selected based on their
exposure limits including four personnel samples with
directly high exposure, th ree samples with moder ate
exposure and three samples with low exposure. Also
blank samples were determined to prevent any
interference (NIOSH, 1994). Air sampling was performed
according to the standar d method for asbestos
sampling the NIOSH Method 7400. All air samples were
collected on open-face, 25-mm diameter, 0.45-µm pore
size mixed cellulose (MCE) attached to filter cassette
holder connected to a SKC personnel sampling pump
at flow rate 4 l/min. The duration of personnel sampling
for airborne asbestos ranged from 30 to 120 min
(NIOSH, 1994). Sampling pumps were placed 1 m above
ground level away from obstructions that may influence
air flow (NIOSH, 1994; USEPA, 1994). Samples were
placed on cassette holder exactly at the end of sampling
activities and they were transported to a fixed place.
Samples were analyzed by scanning electron
microscopy (model XL30) with energy dispersive (SEM
– EDXA) (VDI, 1991). SEM measur es the surface of
particles on a substrate and allows for good
visualization of fiber morphology (fibers >0.2 ìm in
diameter). A fiber was defined as any particle longer
than 5 ìm and with a length-to-diameter ratio of
3:1(NIOSH, 1994; Kakooei et al., 2009). For quality
assurance 10% of the field samples were recounted
(Baron, 2001). The airborne asbestos concentration is
given by the formula:
= 1000 N.π. r
/ V. n
.a fibers per millilitre (f/mL)
equation (1)
Where: N is the number of fibers counted; n
is the
number of screen areas examined; r (mm) is the radius
of the exposed filter area; a (mm
) is the calibrated
screen area; V (liters) is the volume of air sampled.
Also, asbestos fiber concentrations that were
found in th e contaminated filters and the corresponding
values of the upper and lower confidence limits, for a
Poisoning distribution, to 95% probabilities, were
estimated. Spirometric examination is the
most widely
used tests for pulmonary function. In order to assess
the possible effects of asbestos on lung function, 42
spirometry tests were done. Analyses of spirometry
tests were ba sed on American Thoracic Society (ATS)
standard (American Thoracic Society, 1991).
All the collected asbestos samples were analyzed
by SEM and the asbestos concentrations were
calculated using equation (1). The results of airborne
asbestos concentr ations in ambi en t outdoor and
indoor air are provided in Table (1). Table (2) sh ows
the results of asbestos fiber concentrations in
personnel samples.
The permissible exposure limits (PEL) for asbestos
is 0.2 f/cm
of air as a time-weighted average
concentration (TWA, 8-h work shift with an action
level) and 0.1 f/cm
as an hour TWA (OSHA, 1998;
USEPA, 1987). The National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure
Limit (REL) is 0.1 f/mL as a TWA concentration for up
to an 8-h work shift (OSHA, 1998).
As Table (1) shows maximum concentration of
asbestos fiber is 3.1×10-5 (f/mL) in ambient outdoor
air, that is lower than permissible exposure level (PEL).
Also indoor asbestos in the air in almost all samples
are lower than PEL, as the geometric mean asbestos
concentrations is 0.065 (f/mL) but in some stations the
asbestos concentrations are higher than PEL.
Although, asbestos concentrations in indoor air are
higher than ambient outdoor air. Table (2) reveals that
all the workers in places with direct and high exposure
of asbestos have more exposure of asbestos
concentrations than PEL, such as material mixing and
productions, finishing, pipeline manufacturing unit and
plate production unit. But workers in other categories
of asbestos expose (moderate and low) have lower
exposure of asbestos concentrations.
The SEM photographs in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 were
obtained by a conventional SEM instrument with a metal
evaporation coating and show airborne chrysotile and
actinolite fibers in the ambient air. The chemical
composition of the fibers was analyzed by energ y-
dispersive x-ray analysis. Relative elemental
concentrations can be estimated from the peak areas in
the EDXA analysis of the airborne asbestos. The SEM
image and EDXA spectrum of chrysotile, actinolite and
tremolite is show the elemental percentage of
magnesium, silicon and iron are 29.32, 58.93 and 7.04%,
respectively in chrysotile fiber. For actinolite elemental
percentage consist silicon (62.25), iron (28.37) and
calcium (6.38) and this elemental structure for tremolite
are as Mg: 21.37%, Si: 46.67% and Fe: 5.51%. Also
different types and compounds of asbestos fibers
collected in outdoor and indoor air and occupational
exposure are tabulated in Table (3). Table (3) indicates
that fibers concentrations in indoor air decreases as
actinolite (66%)>tremolite (22%)> chrysotile (12%). Also,
actinolite has the highest concentration in ambient
outdoor air an d per sonnel samples.
Results of 42 spirometry tests in studied workers
with different a sbestos exposure th at there are different
lung restrictive functions as normal, mild, moderate
and severe. According to these tests, FVC, FEV1 and
FEV1/FVC were determined for all 42 workers. It should
Int. J. Environ. Res., 5(2):555-560, Spring 2011
concent ration (f/ml)
Number of
sam ples
2 Min
7 Max
Ambient outdoor
1. 3 1× 10
4 Min
0. 13 17 Max
0.065 8
Am bient indoor
Table 1. Results of asbestos fiber concentrations in ambient and indoor air per fiber
Table 2. results of asbestos fiber concentrations in personnel samples
concentration (f/ml)
counte d
0.18 24 H1
0.2 18 H2
0.14 12 H3
0.15 16 H4
0.17 Me an con centrat ion
1.6-1.8 LCL-UCL
Direct and high
4 M1
6 M2
7 M3
Me an con centrat ion
(-0.099) -0.1003 LCL-UCL
3 L1
3 L2
4 L3
Me an con centrat ion
(-0.099) -0.1001 LCL-UCL
Low Expose
Sa mpling
Fig. 1. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of chrysotile fiber (×1000)
Asbestos Concentrations and Lung Restrictive Patterns
Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of chrysotile fiber (×2000)
Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of actinolite fiber (×5000)
Table 3. Different types and components of asbestos fibers collected in outdoor and indoor
air and ccupational exposure
Area Fiber types Percentage
Environmental Sampling
(out door ) actinolite 10 0
chrysotile 12
trem olite 22
(in door) actinolite 66
trem olite 10
chrysotile 20
High and Direct
Expose actinolite 40
Medium Expose trem olite 20
Low Expose trem olite 10
Int. J. Environ. Res., 5(2):555-560, Spring 2011
Table 4. Literature data on the outdoor monitoring of asbestos
Area type and Location Concentration(f/ml) Reference
Home environme nt in Upper Silesia, Poland 0.3×10
Pastuszka, 2009
Outdoor living areas nearby industrial sites, Germany 0.1×10
–18× 10
Sebastien et al., 1986
Ou tdoor living areas ne arby a dismissed plant, Salonit
Anhovo (Slovenia )
t han 0. 5 ×1 0
Bizjak et al., 1996
Ou tdoor livin g areas nearby a di smissed plant, Szczu cin
(Pola nd)
6.2 ×10
Pastuszka et al., 2000
Ou tdoor livin g areas nearby a di smissed plant, Cerd anyola
<1 × 10
Bologna et al., 2005
Outdoor living areas nearby a plant for the produc tion of
thermo-electrical energy, Castrovillari (Italy)
C ortese et al., 2 006
Outdoor living areas, Biancavilla (Italy) 0.10×10
Da mia ni e t al ., 20 0 6
Outdoor living spots nearby the asbestos ex-mining areas
of Alessandria, Torino, and Cuneo, Piedmont (Italy)
Gi acome lli et al ., 20 06
Unorganized asbestos mills of Rajasthan located at
Beawer, Ind ia
2.00–5.09 Ansari et al., 2007
Railways rolling stock insulation removal plant in Catona,
Reggio Calabria
-2.8 × 10
Falcone et al., 2005
Routine Brake Lining M anufacture, Iran 0.36-1.85(mean) Kakooei et al., 2007
be pointed that 28% of workers in the area of study,
have abnormalities of lung function that might otherwise
be overlooked and can exclude the possibility of some
respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Abnormalities of lung function in
all studied wor kers in clude different restrictive pattern s
such as severe (2%), moderate (12%) and mild (14%).
While abnormalities percentages of lung function
incr ease to 32% (severe4%) in som e places of th e studied
plant with high exposure (such as material mixing and
productions, finishing, pipeline manufacturing unit and
plate production unit). Also, trends of lung restrictive
patterns changes in workers with different asbestos
concentrations exposure is presented in Fig. (4).
Generally, literatures for environmental asbestos
sampling are summarized in Table (4).
10 0
Norma l Mild Modera te Severe
Lu ng r es trictive pattern
e rcentag e
Low expos e
Mode rate expos e
High expo se
Fig. 4. Lung restrictive patterns in exposure to different concentrations of asbestos fibers
(based on spirometry tests)
The reported fiber con cen tr ations for the various
sites is extr emely variable ranging from practically zero
in ambient environments up to 50×10-3–10 0×10-3 f/mL
in closed environments. Ansari et al. (2007) reported
that air asbestos concentrations were about 2.00–5.09
(f/mL) in unorganized asbestos mills of Rajasth an
located at Beawer, India, that is really hi gher than PEL.
Pastuszka (2009) reported similar concentration of air
asbestos in Poland and Germany (0.3×10-3–1.8×10-3 f/
mL), respectively that is more than PEL. But as Kakooei
et al. reported air asbestos concentration (0.36-1.85 f/
mL) in a routine brake lining manufacture in Iran is
very higher than permissible limit. The present study
indicates that air asbestos concentrations in some
indoor stations and personnel samples with direct
expose are higher than permissible limit.
Sekhavatjou, M. S. and Zangeneh, A.
Base on gained results, geometric mean
concentration of asbestos in ambient air (1.885×10-5)
is lower than NIOSH PEL (0.1 f/mL). Also indoor air
asbestos concentrations are higher than permissible
limit in some cases. While the workers who are in places
with direct and high exposure of asbestos receive
higher exposure of asbestos such as material mixing
and productions, finishing, pipeline manufacturing and
plate production unit. Accordingly 28% of workers
have abnormalities of lung function in the area of study.
Also, Abnormalities of lung function in all studied
workers include different restrictive patterns such as
severe (2%), moderate (12%) and mild (14%). The
relationships between work ages and lung malfunction
are positive meaningful (p<0.05) as in worker with
occupational records more than 10 years, abnormalities
of lung function as restrictive pattern are very common.
This mentions that process flow and machinery must
be improved and adequate engineering controls such
as local exhaust ventilation hoods on the process or
complete understanding of proper safe work practices
could be applied.
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(2001). Toxicological profile for asbestos update (Final
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(3492) Hand book Reinhaltung der luft band

Supplementary resource (1)

December 2013
... Human being's exposure to air pollutants has received much attention for many years (Montero Lorenzo et al., 2011;Cui et al., 2011;Alipour et al., 2011;Fotouhi and Montazeri, 2012;Nejadkoorki and Baroutian, 2012;Chianese et al., 2012;Barrera et al., 2012;Ataei et al., 2012) . A large number of people around the world are inflicted with heart and respiratory diseases related to air pollution (Katsura, 2012;Lee et al., 2012;Rashidi et al., 2012;Quesada-Rubio et al., 2011;Sekhavatjou and Zangeneh, 2011;Zou et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2011). An average 70 kg adult person takes about 15 breaths a minute and inhales about 20 m 3 of air per day (Curtis, Rea et al., 2006). ...
Full-text available
During the recent decades, rapid urbanization growth has led to even faster growth of motor vehicles and especially in large cities. Hence, evaluation of the actual level of traffic emissions has gained more interest. This paper, for the first time, presents a bottom-up approach for evaluation of vehicular emissions in Tehran- the capital of Iran- using the International Vehicle Emission (WE) model. The IVE model uses local vehicle technology levels and its distributions, power based driving factors, vehicle soak distributions and meteorological parameters to tailor the model for specific evaluation of emissions. The results of this study demonstrate that carbon monoxide (CO) emission with 244.45 ton/hr during peak traffic hour is the most abundant criteria pollutant. About 25% of this quantity is emitted during start-up periods. Other pollutants such as NOx, VOCs, PM, VOCevap and SOx are ranked after CO accordingly. Also, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 1744.22 ton/hr during the study period indicate that light vehicles are responsible for more than 82% of this amount. Based on IVE's evaluation, about 25% of the total vehicle emissions in Tehran come from districts 2, 4 and 6 respectively. It has further been inferred that the development of public transportation systems and proper land-use and urban spatial planning for various centers in these districts are essential.
... Therefore, this research is an attempt to determine the mercury concentration in the precipitation and soil as well as total vapor concentration in the ambient air of Ahvaz city. Ahvaz is a city and the capital of Khouzestan Province in Iran Sekhavatjou & Zangeneh, 2011). Owing to its rich resources of oil, gas, petrochemical, metal, cellulose and electrical industries coupled with a warm climate, it has become a source for the emission of air pollutants, particularly mercury vapor (Sekhavatjou et al., 2008). ...
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Mercury is a dangerous and an extremely toxic element, which can transfer to the food chain. Presence of this element in the atmosphere particularly during the rainy seasons cause soil and environmental pollution, therefore this research will evaluate the transformation of mercury vapor from the atmosphere through precipitation into the soil. In the present study, mercury concentrations were determined during two seasons (winter and summer 2011) with 6 air, 14 rainwater and 6 soil, sampling stations. Collection, preparation and analysis of the air, rain, soil samples were based on NIOSH 6009, EPA1631 and EPA 7000 methods, respectively. Mercury concentration was determined by using cold vapor atomic absorption after sample preparation. The results show that the mean mercury vapour concentration in the air samples of Ahvaz city in winter and summer were 3.749± 2.625 ng/m3 and 2.379± 0.984 ng/m3 , respectively. Further, the range of this pollutant in the air of studied area during the summer and winter seasons were 1.83-3.962 ng/m3 and 1.394-5.00 ng/m3, respectively. The highest value of Hg concentration in the rainwater sample was 0.77±0.0019 ppb and the mean concentration of mercury in the surface soil samples of the city was 0.511μg/g in winter. Finally, Mercury comparison between results of air and soil samples as well as air and precipitation samples at the winter season (p<0.01) showed a significant relationship.
This study was performed during the abatement of two asbestos-containing materials (ACM): baumlite board (cement flat board) and ceiling textile. The concentrations of total dust for personal sampling were 0.28 and 1.70 mg/m3 during baumlite board and ceiling textile abatements, respectively, when calculated with 8-hr time-weighted average (TWA). The geometric mean (GM) asbestos concentrations were 0.005±1.9 and 0.007±1.6 f/cc for personal sampling and 0.004±1.1 and 0.008±1.6 f/cc for area sampling with 8-hr TWA, respectively. Asbestos exposure concentrations were not significantly different during abatement of the two materials (p>0.05). Further, no statistical difference existed between personal and area samples during the two abatements (p>0.05). The concentrations of personal and area samples during both abatements were below the occupational exposure limit (OEL: 0.1 f/cc) of the Korean Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL). The correlation between total dust and asbestos concentrations was low throughout both abatements.
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Air quality in ambient outdoor air has seldom been evaluated in Iran. Accordingly, we evaluated airborne asbestos fiber concentrations in the urban environment of Tehran, Iran between January 2006 and March 2007. The airborne fiber concentrations of 80 air samples collected from 40 different sites in five areas of Tehran were analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis in combination with phase-contrast optical microscopy (PCM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The geometric means of the airborne asbestos fiber concentrations were 3.4 × 10−3 PCM f/ml (0.1 SEM f/ml) and 3.3 × 10−3 PCM f/ml (0.20 SEM f/ml) according to areas and seasons, respectively. There were significant differences in the asbestos fiber concentrations between the areas and seasons (p = 0.02; p = 0.04), respectively. In the areas, the average concentration was 3.4 × 10 −3 PCM f/ml (0.1 SEM f/ml), which is considerably higher than those reported for the levels of asbestos in outdoor air in the USA and the urban environment of the Europe. The SEM analyses revealed that the fibrous particles consisted, approximately, of chrysotile (60%), tremolite (10%), anthophyllite (10%), and non-asbestos fibers (20%). We conclude that the high volume of traffic, industrial consumption of asbestos, and geographical and climate conditions are responsible for the high airborne asbestos levels in non-occupational environments in Tehran. Thus, it is to be expected that inhabitants of Tehran will suffer negative health effects due to exposure to asbestos airborne fibers.
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The emission rate ((S)) of fibers released from asbestos-cement plates due to mechanical impact was determined experimentally. The emission rate has been defined as a number of fibers (F) emitted from a unit area (m(2)) due to the unit impact energy (J). For fiber longer than 5 microm the obtained surface emission factor for asbestos-cement slabs slightly increased with deteriorating surface, changing from 2.7 x 10(3) F/(m(2)J) for samples with a very good surface to 6.9 x 10(3) F/(m(2)J) for the sample with worn surface (in the SI system the emission rate unit should be (m(-2)J(-1))). The emission rate for short fibers (L < or = 5 microm) was little higher compared with emission of long fibers for all studied asbestos materials. The averaged emission rate for all studied samples was about 5000 and 6000 of long and short fibers, respectively, emitted per square meter (because of the impact energy equal to 1J). The dominating population of emitted fibers ranged from 2 to around 8 microm in length. The second part of this work constitutes the report on the concentration of airborne respirable fibers, and their length distribution in two different groups of homes in Upper Silesia, Poland. Mean concentration level of the respirable fibers, longer than 5 microm, was found to be 850 F/m(3) (according to the SI system the fiber concentration unit is (m(-3))) in the buildings covered with asbestos-cement sheets and 280 F/m(3) in the homes without asbestos-containing facades, located away from other asbestos sources. Although the laboratory and field measurements have been made by using the MIE Laser Fiber Monitor FM-7400 only, the obtained results indicate that the outdoor asbestos-cement building facades are significant sources of airborne fibers inside the dwellings in Upper Silesian towns.
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Asbestos is a commercial term for a group of fibrous minerals often associated with the development of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis (asbestosis), lung cancer, and malignant mesothelioma in occupationally exposed individuals. The pathogenicity of different forms of asbestos varies--long, thin amphibole fibers are most pathogenic, particularly in the induction of mesothelioma. Available data do not support the concept that low-level exposure to asbestos is a health hazard in buildings and schools. The concentration of asbestos fibers in air, type of asbestos, and size of fibers must be considered in evaluation of potential health risks.
Chrysotile asbestos has been reported as a constituent of both floor tiles and mastic. In consequence, asbestos-containing floor tiles and mastic have been identified by regulatory agencies as hazardous materials. The reason for this categorisation is the suggested potential for these materials to cause asbestos-related diseases and as a result special handling has been prescribed. However, studies have reported that little airborne asbestos exposure occurs during abatement of these materials. Evaluation of exposure levels in comparison with levels with the potential of disease causation suggests that there is little likelihood of workers handling or removing these materials developing an asbestos-related disease. When the maximum exposure level of 0.02f·ml−1 (0.8f·ml−1 year) found during studies is considered over a 40-year period and evaluated with epidemiological data, the risk of mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer may be estimated to that reported for background levels. From a practical point of view this represents zero risk. Study results suggest that floor tile and mastic are not likely responsible agents for asbestos disease in either abatement or other workers associated with these products.
This article reviews the various aspects regarding the carcinogenicity of asbestos and associated reactions catalyzed by iron. Attention is focused on the following: structure of asbestos; physical properties of asbestos involved in carcinogenesis; reactions catalyzed by iron; reactions catalyzed by asbestos; fiber inactivation; physiological effects; and mutations and cancer. 183 refs.
This paper presents the results of an intensive monitoring activity of the particulate, fall-out and soil of selected living areas in Italy with the aim to detect the asbestos concentration in air and subsequent risk of exposure for the population in ambient living environments, and to assess the nature of the other mineral phases composing the particulate matrix. Some areas were sorted out because of the presence of asbestos containing materials on site whereas others were used as blank spots in the attempt to detect the background environmental concentration of asbestos in air. Because the concentration of asbestos in ambient environments is presumably very low, and it is well known that conventional low–medium flow sampling systems with filters of small diameter (25 mm) may collect only a very small fraction of particulate over a short period, for the first time here, an intense monitoring activity was conducted with a high flow sampling system. The high flow system requires the use of large cellulose filters with the advantage that, increasing the amount of collected dust, the probability to collect asbestos fibers increases. Both the protocol of monitoring and analysis are novel and prompted by the need to increase the sensitivity towards the small number of expected fibers. With this goal, the collection of fall-out samples (the particulate falling into a collector filled with distilled water during the monitoring shift) and soil samples was also accomplished. The analytical protocol of the matrix particulate included preliminary X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), optical microscopy and quantitative electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Correlations with climatic trends and PM10 concentration data were also attempted.
The modification of the chemistry of asbestos chrysotile fibres (Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4) after their ingestion by cultured cells has been studied. Two types of cells involved in asbestos related pulmonary disease were used, rabbit alveolar macrophages (AM), recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage, and pleural mesothelial cells (PMC) obtained from the rat parietal pleura. Chemical characterisation of intracellular fibres was performed on unstained ultrathin sections by electron probe microanalysis. The results showed a progressive leaching of Mg, characterised by a time dependent decrease of Mg/Si. AM were more efficient than PMC at leaching intracellular chrysotile fibres since it took longer to obtain the same proportion of leached fibres with PMC than with AM. As in vitro Mg-leaching can be obtained by acid treatment, chrysotile fibres were incubated, either untreated or pretreated with cell membranes, at pH 4 or 7 for various times. The data show that the kinetic of leaching by AM was comparable with leaching at pH 4. The leaching by PMC was of the same order as leaching at pH 7. When membranes were adsorbed on to the fibres, a delayed leaching was observed. The results indicate that the solubilisation of chrysotile by AM could be an intraphagolysosomal event due to a pH effect. With PMC, however, it is not possible to draw this conclusion since nothing is known about the intracellular pH.
Exposure to asbestos, particularly members of the amphibole subgroup (crocidolite, amosite), is associated with the development of malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer. Although management of asbestos in buildings and increased regulation of asbestos in workplace settings are viable approaches to the prevention of disease, the prognosis of asbestos-associated tumors is generally dismal. Moreover, although a vast amount of information is available on the responses of cells and tissues to fibers, understanding the pathogenesis of asbestos-associated malignancies is hampered by the complexity of and differences between various fiber types. Multiple interactions between components of cigarette smoke and asbestos may be important in the development of lung cancer. In this article, the general properties of asbestos fibers will be discussed with an emphasis on chemical and physical features implicated in tumorigenesis. We will then provide a brief overview of the clinical features and treatment of cancers associated with exposure to asbestos. Finally, we will review recent experimental data providing some insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis by asbestos.