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Multimodal integration, Attention, and Sensory Augmentation


Abstract and Figures

Human information processing is limited in capacity. Here, we investigated under which circumstances humans can better process information if they receive task-relevant sensory input via several sensory modalities compared to only one sensory modality (i.e., vision). We found that the benefits of distributing information processing across sensory modalities critically depend on task demands. That is, when information processing requires only spatial processing, distributing information processing across several sensory modalities does not lead to any performance benefits in comparison to receiving the same information only via the visual sensory modality. When information processing additionally involves the discrimination of stimulus attributes, then distributing information processing across several sensory modalities effectively circumvents processing limitations within the visual modality. Crucially, these performance benefits generalize to settings using sensory augmentation as well as a collaborative setting. Findings are potentially applicable to visually taxing real-world tasks that are either performed alone or in a group.
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Multimodal Integration, Attention, and Sensory
Basil Wahn1
1Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Peter König1,2
2Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
20246 Hamburg, Germany
AbstractHuman information processing is limited in capacity.
Here, we investigated under which circumstances humans can
better process information if they receive task-relevant sensory
input via several sensory modalities compared to only one
sensory modality (i.e., vision). We found that the benefits of
distributing information processing across sensory modalities
critically depend on task demands. That is, when information
processing requires only spatial processing, distributing
information processing across several sensory modalities does not
lead to any performance benefits in comparison to receiving the
same information only via the visual sensory modality. When
information processing additionally involves the discrimination
of stimulus attributes, then distributing information processing
across several sensory modalities effectively circumvents
processing limitations within the visual modality. Crucially, these
performance benefits generalize to settings using sensory
augmentation as well as a collaborative setting. Findings are
potentially applicable to visually taxing real-world tasks that are
either performed alone or in a group.
Keywords: multisensory processing; visuospatial attention; joint
action; attentional resources; multisensory integration; sensory
Human information processing is limited in attentional
capacity [1-3]. However, in many demanding real-world
collaborative tasks such as air-traffic control, humans need to
process more information than they can effectively attend. As
a consequence, task-relevant information is missed and the
risk of accidents is greatly increased. Here, we investigated
how to effectively circumvent attentional limitations in
collaborative tasks by distributing information processing
across several sensory modalities. For this purpose, we first
tested under which circumstances humans, that perform tasks
alone, can process more information when the information is
received via several sensory modalities (e.g., vision and
audition) in comparison to receiving the same information via
only one sensory modality (e.g. vision) [4-6]. In addition, we
tested whether receiving redundant information via several
sensory modalities leads to processing benefits (e.g., a more
reliable and accurate performance) and whether these benefits
are robust against additional processing load [4-6]. That is,
whether the process of multisensory integration and the
associated benefits are susceptible to the overall processing
load in tasks. These studies were meant to inform us about
how to effectively exchange task-relevant information in
collaborative tasks. Finally, we tested whether joint
performance in a visual collaborative task is improved by
receiving task-relevant information about the co-actor (i.e.,
where the co-actor is looking) via a different sensory modality
than vision (i.e., audition and touch) [7].
We assessed the effectiveness of tactile and auditory displays
for circumventing limitations in visuospatial processing in a
dual task paradigm [4-6]. Here, participants performed two
spatial tasks, i.e., a multiple object tracking task and a
localization task, both in the visual modality or in separate
sensory modalities. In the localization task, participants were
required to localize either visual, auditory, tactile, audiovisual,
or visuotactile spatial cues. In the multiple object-tracking
task, participants were required to track the movements of
target objects among several moving distractor objects on a
computer screen.
We found that the interference between tasks was equal
regardless of the sensory modalities in which tasks were
performed. In particular, performance in the tasks was equally
affected in the dual task conditions regardless of whether two
tasks were performed in the same or separate sensory
modalities. These findings suggest that visuospatial processing
limitations cannot be circumvented by distributing spatial
information across several sensory modalities [4,5].
In a follow-up study, we replaced the multiple object tracking
tasks by a visual search task [6] a task additionally
involving the need to discriminate stimulus attributes. We
found that participants searched faster when simultaneously
performing the tactile localization task in comparison to the
visual localization task. Crucially, these findings suggest that
limitations in visuospatial processing can only be
circumvented by distributing spatial information processing
across several sensory modalities if visuospatial processing
involves the discrimination of stimulus attributes [6].
In the experiments reported above [4-6], we additionally tested
whether multisensory integration in a localization task is
robust against additional processing load. In particular, we
tested whether audiovisual or visuotactile integration was
affected by additionally performing either a multiple object
tracking task or a visual search task. We found in all cases that
the benefits of multisensory integration were not affected by
the additional task. That is, participants made consistently less
errors in the localization task when they received redundant
spatial information via several sensory modalities than when
they received the same information only via one of the two
sensory [4-6].
We then tested whether the findings above would generalize to
a collaborative task. In particular, we tested whether
visuospatial limitations in a collaborative task can be
effectively circumvented by distributing information
processing across several sensory modalities [7]. For this
purpose, pairs of participants performed a visual search task
together (see Figure 1). While they were searching, they
received information about where their search partner is
currently looking on the screen. Pairs received this
information either via a visual, auditory, or tactile display, on
which each location on the displays mapped to a location on
the screen.
For instance, when the upper right vibromotor on a vibrotactile
belt was vibrating, then this vibration indicated that the search
partner was looking at the upper right corner of the screen.
Prior to performing the collaborative search task together, we
tested whether participants can map the indicated locations on
the displays to locations on the screen and found that they
were able to perform well above chance [7].
The task demands in this collaborative visual search task
closely resemble the demands of a study reported above [6], in
which participants need to perform a visual search task and a
tactile localization task at the same time. In the study above
[6], distributing information across sensory modalities for
these task demands proved beneficial, suggesting that these
benefits could also generalize to a collaborative task with
similar task demands. However, the task demands in the
collaborative visual search task also slightly differed as
participants not only were required to localize where their
search partner was looking but additionally were required to
incorporate this information in their search behavior.
Nonetheless, we found that pairs used the partner's gaze
information to divide the search space efficiently. Specifically,
pairs searched faster when localizing the gaze information via
the auditory or tactile display than via the visual display (see
Figure 2), suggesting that the findings above [6] generalize to
a collaborative context. These results were also supported by
subjective ratings: Pairs rated performing the visual search
task as less difficult when they received the gaze information
via the tactile modality in comparison to the visual modality.
Figure 1: Joint visual search task. Partners jointly searched for
a target among distractors on two separate computer screens,
which were separated by a curtain. Partners received the
partner’s viewing location either via visual signals on a
miniature box placed below the currently viewed location (a),
via vibrations on a vibrotactile belt (b) or acoustic signals
transmitted via headphones (c). In a no communication
condition (d), the partner’s viewing location was not received.
The head movements of the participants were tracked via a
headmounted headtracker. This Figure was adapted from
Figure 4 in [7].
three times the interquartile range relative to the median).
Then the data was averaged over trials for each participant
for each condition.
4.3. Results: joint visual search task
In order to assess whether there were dierences in how
fast participants found the target between all conditions,
we computed a one factorial repeated measures ANOVA
with the factor Condition and the dependent variable
search time (T1). We found a signicant main eect of
Condition (F(3,27)=3.56, p=.03), indicating that search
time diered between conditions. Post-hoc pairwise com-
parisons yielded that participants were signicantly faster
in the tactile in comparison to the no communication con-
dition (t(9)=2.33, p=.04) and a trend towards signicance
that participants were faster in the auditory in comparison
to the no communication condition (t(9)=2.17, p=.06, see
Figure 5). This supports our hypothesis that participants
receiving continuous information about the gaze loca-
tion of a search partner via a tactile or an auditory display
search faster in comparison to a condition in which they
do not receive any gaze information (weak tactile/audi-
tory display advantage hypothesis). Furthermore, partic-
ipants’ search speed did not signicantly dier between
the visual condition and the no communication condition
(t(9)=0.07, p=.94). Moreover, we found that participants
received information about each other’s current viewing
location via one of the three modality-specic interfaces
(see Figure 4). We refer to these conditions as ‘no com-
munication’, ‘visual’, ‘tactile’ and ‘auditory’. Each condition
contained 10 trials and was repeated 4 times. The order of
conditions was pseudo-randomised. The experiment took
2h on average.
After completion of the joint visual search task, par-
ticipants lled out a questionnaire that assessed the dif-
culty of the collaborative visual search task with a set of
four items. Statements were rated on a ve-point Likert
scale (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree). Specically,
participants rated whether it was hard to simultaneously
do the search task and attend to the information about
the partner’s search behaviour, whether they were over-
whelmed by the task, whether they were overstrained by
the task and whether their mind wandered o (as a sign
of being unchallenged – item will be inverted). This set of
items will be referred to as ‘diculty’. Additionally, partic-
ipants answered open-format questions on their use of
search strategies. It was assessed whether participants
used search strategies and whether they helped their
partners to nd the target once they had found it.
Search performance was quantied by the following
three measures. Our rst measure was the time until one
of the participants had found the target (T1). Our second
measure was the time until both participants had found
the target (T2). As a third measure, the time dierence
between T1 and T2 was calculated, indicating how long it
took one participant to locate the target after her partner
had already found it (
T2 T1
). Due to technical diculties
which resulted in data loss, two pairs’ data-sets for these
four measures were excluded from further analyses of the
joint visual search task.
4.2. Data analyses
For the joint visual search task, we used the same data
analyses procedure as for the individual mapping task.
With respect to the questionnaire that assessed the rated
diculty of the joint visual search task, using an inter-
nal consistency analysis, we excluded the item in which
participants rated whether their mind wandered o (as a
sign of being unchallenged). With respect to the variable
search time (T1), using box plots to identify outliers, we
found a total of 0.3% of the trials (visual condition: 0.7%,
tactile condition: 0.3%, baseline condition: 0%, auditory
condition: 0%, outlier trials had a T1 larger than 26s). With
respect to the variable
T2 T1
, we found a total of 0.03%
outliers (visual condition: 0.03%, tactile condition: 0.04%,
baseline condition: 0.02%, auditory condition: 0.02%,
outlier trials had a
T2 T1
larger than 6.6s). Outliers were
replaced by the box plot threshold (i.e., below or above
Figure 5.Joint visual search task results: Search time (T1) refers to
the time until one of the participants had found the target. Search
time is shown as a function of the visual, tactile, auditory and
no communication conditions (abbreviated as ‘No Comm’). Error
bars are standard error of the mean. Significant comparisons are
indicated with ‘*’, comparisons approaching significance with ‘as.
Individual pairs’ performances are shown in light gray.
Downloaded by [Central European University], [Basil Wahn] at 01:35 24 November 2015
Figure 2: Joint visual search task results: Search time refers to
the time until one of the participants had found the target.
Search time is shown as a function of the visual, tactile,
auditory and no communication conditions (abbreviated as ‘no
comm’). Error bars are standard error of the mean. Significant
comparisons are indicated with ‘*’, comparisons approaching
significance with as’. Individual pairs’ performances are
shown in light gray. The Figure is taken from Figure 5 in [7].
Overall, we found that attentional limitations within one
sensory modality can be circumvented by distributing
information processing across several sensory modalities [6,7].
However, we also found that these multisensory benefits are
specific to the task demands. In particular, when information
processing requires only spatial processing, distributing the
information across sensory modalities does not lead to any
performance benefits in comparison to receiving the same
spatial information via only one sensory modality [4,5]. Yet,
when visuospatial processing additionally involves the
discrimination of stimulus attributes, then distributing
information processing across several sensory modalities
effectively circumvents processing limitations within the
visual sensory modality [6]. Crucially, these performance
benefits generalize to a collaborative setting: A collaborative
visual search task is performed faster when receiving gaze
information about a co-actor via the tactile or auditory
modality in comparison to receiving it via the visual modality
Findings are applicable to tasks that require a high demand of
visuospatial attention and that are either performed alone or in
a group. For tasks performed in a group, task-relevant
information could be exchanged between co-actors via a
different sensory modality than vision, thereby circumventing
visuospatial limitations. For instance, in a collaborative object
control task requiring visuospatial attention, it has been shown
that receiving task-relevant information via the auditory
modality facilitates joint performance [8]. Given these and the
presented findings, joint performance in other collaborative
object control tasks (e.g., [9]) could be similarly facilitated.
Moreover, future studies investigating collaborative tasks
could make use of the robust benefits of multisensory
integration to exchange information between co-actors. That
is, task-relevant information could be exchanged between co-
actors via multiple sensory modalities, thereby making use of
the benefits of multisensory integration [4-6].
For tasks performed alone, task performance in many real-
world scenarios, e.g., car-driving, air-traffic control, or flying
an airplane, that require a high demand of visuospatial
attention could be facilitated if information is received via
several sensory modalities. A very interesting question is,
whether performance in navigational tasks could be facilitated
if navigation-relevant information is received via a different
newly learned modality by sensory augmentation and how it
interacts with the native modalities [10,11].
We gratefully acknowledge the support by H2020 H2020-
FETPROACT-2014 641321 socSMCs (for BW) and ERC-
2010-AdG #269716 MULTISENSE (for PK).
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When two individuals perform a task together, they combine their individual skills to achieve a joint goal. Previous research has shown that interindividual skill differences predict a group's collective benefit in joint perceptual decision-making. In the present study, we tested whether this relationship also holds for other task domains, using a dynamic object control task in which two participants each controlled either the vertical or horizontal movement direction of an object. Our findings demonstrate that the difference in individuals' skill levels was highly predictive of the dyad's collective benefit. Differences in individuals' subjective ratings of task difficulty reflected skill differences and thus also turned out to be a predictor of collective benefit. Generally, collective benefit was modulated by spatial task demands. Overall, the present study shows that previous findings in joint decision-making can be extended to dynamic motor tasks such as joint object control.
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Humans constantly process and integrate sensory input from multiple sensory modalities. However, the amount of input that can be processed is constrained by limited attentional resources. A matter of ongoing debate is whether attentional resources are shared across sensory modalities, and whether multisensory integration is dependent on attentional resources. Previous research suggested that the distribution of attentional resources across sensory modalities depends on the the type of tasks. Here, we tested a novel task combination in a dual task paradigm: Participants performed a self-terminated visual search task and a localization task in either separate sensory modalities (i.e., haptics and vision) or both within the visual modality. Tasks considerably interfered. However, participants performed the visual search task faster when the localization task was performed in the tactile modality in comparison to performing both tasks within the visual modality. This finding indicates that tasks performed in separate sensory modalities rely in part on distinct attentional resources. Nevertheless, participants integrated visuotactile information optimally in the localization task even when attentional resources were diverted to the visual search task. Overall, our findings suggest that visual search and tactile localization partly rely on distinct attentional resources, and that optimal visuotactile integration is not dependent on attentional resources.
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In joint tasks, adjusting to the actions of others is critical for success. For joint visual search tasks, research has shown that when search partners visually receive information about each other's gaze, they use this information to adjust to each other's actions, resulting in faster search performance. The present study used a visual, a tactile and an auditory display, respectively, to provide search partners with information about each other's gaze. Results showed that search partners performed faster when the gaze information was received via a tactile or auditory display in comparison to receiving it via a visual display or receiving no gaze information. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of tactile and auditory displays for receiving task-relevant information in joint tasks and are applicable to circumstances in which little or no visual information is available or the visual modality is already taxed with a demanding task such as air-traffic control. Practitioner Summary: The present study demonstrates that tactile and auditory displays are effective for receiving information about actions of others in joint tasks. Findings are either applicable to circumstances in which little or no visual information is available or when the visual modality is already taxed with a demanding task.
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Humans continuously receive and integrate information from several sensory modalities. However, attentional resources limit the amount of information that can be processed. It is not yet clear how attentional resources and multisensory processing are interrelated. Specifically, the following questions arise: (1) Are there distinct spatial attentional resources for each sensory modality? and (2) Does attentional load affect multisensory integration? We investigated these questions using a dual task paradigm: participants performed two spatial tasks (a multiple object tracking task and a localization task), either separately (single task condition) or simultaneously (dual task condition). In the multiple object tracking task, participants visually tracked a small subset of several randomly moving objects. In the localization task, participants received either visual, auditory, or redundant visual and auditory location cues. In the dual task condition, we found a substantial decrease in participants' performance relative to the results of the single task condition. Importantly, participants performed equally well in the dual task condition regardless of the location cues' modality. This result suggests that having spatial information coming from different modalities does not facilitate performance, thereby indicating shared spatial attentional resources for the auditory and visual modality. Furthermore, we found that participants integrated redundant multisensory information similarly even when they experienced additional attentional load in the dual task condition. Overall, findings suggest that (1) visual and auditory spatial attentional resources are shared and that (2) audiovisual integration of spatial information occurs in an pre-attentive processing stage.
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Human information processing is limited by attentional resources. Two questions that are discussed in multisensory research are (1) whether there are separate spatial attentional resources for each sensory modality and (2) whether multisensory integration is influenced by attentional load. We investigated these questions using a dual task paradigm: Participants performed two spatial tasks (a multiple object tracking [‘MOT’] task and a localization [‘LOC’] task) either separately (single task condition) or simultaneously (dual task condition). In the MOT task, participants visually tracked a small subset of several randomly moving objects. In the LOC task, participants either received visual, tactile, or redundant visual and tactile location cues. In the dual task condition, we found a substantial decrease in participants’ performance and an increase in participants’ mental effort (indicated by an increase in pupil size) relative to the single task condition. Importantly, participants performed equally well in the dual task condition regardless of whether they received visual, tactile, or redundant multisensory (visual and tactile) location cues in the LOC task. This result suggests that having spatial information coming from different modalities does not facilitate performance, thereby indicating shared spatial attentional resources for the tactile and visual modality. Also, we found that participants integrated redundant multisensory information optimally even when they experienced additional attentional load in the dual task condition. Overall, findings suggest that (1) spatial attentional resources for the tactile and visual modality overlap and that (2) the integration of spatial cues from these two modalities occurs at an early pre-attentive processing stage.
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Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given limited capacity to process competing options, attentional mechanisms select, modulate, and sustain focus on information most relevant for behavior. A significant problem, however, is that attention is so ubiquitous that it is unwieldy to study. We propose a taxonomy based on the types of information that attention operates over--the targets of attention. At the broadest level, the taxonomy distinguishes between external attention and internal attention. External attention refers to the selection and modulation of sensory information. External attention selects locations in space, points in time, or modality-specific input. Such perceptual attention can also select features defined across any of these dimensions, or object representations that integrate over space, time, and modality. Internal attention refers to the selection, modulation, and maintenance of internally generated information, such as task rules, responses, long-term memory, or working memory. Working memory, in particular, lies closest to the intersection between external and internal attention. The taxonomy provides an organizing framework that recasts classic debates, raises new issues, and frames understanding of neural mechanisms.
Despite the impressive complexity and processing power of the human brain, it is severely capacity limited. Behavioral research has highlighted three major bottlenecks of information processing that can cripple our ability to consciously perceive, hold in mind, and act upon the visual world, illustrated by the attentional blink (AB), visual short-term memory (VSTM), and psychological refractory period (PRP) phenomena, respectively. A review of the neurobiological literature suggests that the capacity limit of VSTM storage is primarily localized to the posterior parietal and occipital cortex, whereas the AB and PRP are associated with partly overlapping fronto-parietal networks. The convergence of these two networks in the lateral frontal cortex points to this brain region as a putative neural locus of a common processing bottleneck for perception and action.