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On the Return-volatility Relationship in the Bitcoin Market Around the Price Crash of 2013


Abstract and Figures

The authors examine the relation between price returns and volatility changes in the Bitcoin market using a daily database denominated in US dollar. The results for the entire period provide no evidence of an asymmetric return-volatility relation in the Bitcoin market. The authors test if there is a difference in the return-volatility relation before and after the price crash of 2013 and show a significant inverse relation between past shocks and volatility before the crash and no significant relation after. This finding shows that, prior to the price crash of December 2013, positive shocks increased the conditional volatility more than negative shocks. This inverted asymmetric reaction of Bitcoin to positive and negative shocks is contrary to what one observes in equities. As leverage effect and volatility feedback do not adequately explain this reaction, the authors propose the safe-haven effect (Baur, Asymmetric volatility in the gold market, 2012). They highlight the benefits of adding Bitcoin to a US equity portfolio, especially in the pre-crash period. Robustness analyses show, among others, a negative relation between the US implied volatility index (VIX) and Bitcoin volatility. Those additional analyses further support the findings and provide useful information for economic actors who are interested in adding Bitcoin to their equity portfolios or are curious about the capabilities of Bitcoin as a financial asset.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received August 3, 2016 Published as Economics Discussion Paper October 4, 2016
Revised January 9, 2017 Accepted January 13, 2017 Published February 16, 2017
© Author(s) 2017. Licensed under the Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Vol. 11, 2017-2 | February 16, 2017 |
On the return-volatility relationship in the Bitcoin
market around the price crash of 2013
Elie Bouri, Georges Azzi, and Anne Haubo Dyhrberg
The authors examine the relation between price returns and volatility changes in the Bitcoin
market using a daily database denominated in US dollar. The results for the entire period
provide no evidence of an asymmetric return-volatility relation in the Bitcoin market. The
authors test if there is a difference in the return-volatility relation before and after the price
crash of 2013 and show a significant inverse relation between past shocks and volatility before
the crash and no significant relation after. This finding shows that, prior to the price crash
of December 2013, positive shocks increased the conditional volatility more than negative
shocks. This inverted asymmetric reaction of Bitcoin to positive and negative shocks is
contrary to what one observes in equities. As leverage effect and volatility feedback do not
adequately explain this reaction, the authors propose the safe-haven effect (Baur, Asymmetric
volatility in the gold market, 2012). They highlight the benefits of adding Bitcoin to a US
equity portfolio, especially in the pre-crash period. Robustness analyses show, among others,
a negative relation between the US implied volatility index (VIX) and Bitcoin volatility. Those
additional analyses further support the findings and provide useful information for economic
actors who are interested in adding Bitcoin to their equity portfolios or are curious about the
capabilities of Bitcoin as a financial asset.
JEL G11 G15
Keywords Bitcoin; price crash of 2013; asymmetric GARCH; safe haven
Elie Bouri, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon ,
Georges Azzi, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon
Anne Haubo Dyhrberg, University College Dublin, Ireland
Citation Elie Bouri, Georges Azzi, and Anne Haubo Dyhrberg (2017). On the return-volatility relationship in
the Bitcoin market around the price crash of 2013. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 11
(2017-2): 1—16. 2
1 Introduction
Since its controversial inception in 2009, Bitcoin has attracted the attention of the
media and economic actors. Debate on this decentralized cryptocurrency1 soared
in particular during the European sovereign debt crisis (ESDC) of 2010–2013, as
some practitioners turned their backs on conventional currencies and used Bitcoin
instead. Interestingly, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC)
approval in September 2015 to regulate Bitcoin as a commodity provides im-
portant evidence of the acceptance of Bitcoin as a commodity and financial
product by a US regulatory agency.2
Few studies have been conducted on the financial characteristics of Bitcoin.
Brandvold et al. (2015) and Bouoiyour et al. (2016) focus on price discovery in the
Bitcoin market. Interestingly, the latter authors reveal some lead-lag relationship
between Bitcoin prices, transactions use, and investors’ attractiveness. Other
studies also show that Bitcoin price formation is subject to unique factors that
substantially differ from that affecting conventional assets. These factors include
internet search (see, among others, Kristoufek, 2013), word-of-mouth information
on social media, and information on google trends (Garcia et al., 2014). Eisl et al.
(2015) concentrate on the benefits of adding Bitcoin to an equity portfolio. Bitcoin
is considered to be a speculative investment by Yermack (2013) and digital gold
by Popper (2015). In his remarkable book entitled “Digital Gold: The Untold Story
of Bitcoin”, Popper covers bitcoin's evolution beginning with cryptocurrencies’
antecedents and the fascinating stories of Bitcoin architects, users and investors.
The author then explains the technical concepts at the heart of cryptography which
helped with the design and construction of this 21st century money. In another
interesting paper, Baur et al. (2015) argue that Bitcoin is a hybrid between
precious metals and conventional currencies. The authors also show that Bitcoin is
a useful diversifier (i.e. uncorrelated with traditional assets) and highlight its role
as an investment. Bouri et al. (2016) examine the volatility persistence in the
Bitcoin market. However, Dyhrberg (2015a) highlights the hedging ability of
Bitcoin against the USD/EUR and USD/GBP exchange rates and UK equities,
whereas Dyhrberg (2015b) situates the hedging capability of Bitcoin somewhere
1 Dwyer (2015) explained in detail the principles of Bitcoin.
according-to-u-s-regulator; 3
between gold and the US dollar. It is worth noting that Bitcoin and gold differ in
several aspects. Unlike gold, Bitcoin is an intangible asset that bears a significant
counterparty risk. Notably, the latter aspect has shaken the Bitcoin market given
the recent collapse of the Mt. Gox, one of the most widely used Bitcoin exchanges.
However, the safe-haven property of Bitcoin remains unexplored, especially
the effect of the Bitcoin price crash of December 2013 on such a property. We
therefore address this literature gap by examining whether Bitcoin can be
considered as a valuable asset in downturn periods. Such an examination is
important for economic actors who are searching for an ultimate asset that
provides insurance against downward market movements.
Methodologically, we test the asymmetric impact of shocks (news) on Bitcoin
volatility within an asymmetric-GARCH framework in line with Baur (2012). We
also argue that the economic explanations for asymmetric volatility for equities are
not relevant for Bitcoin.
The results point toward a positive relation between return shocks and
volatility in the pre-crash period. We argue that this inverse asymmetric volatility
phenomenon, which is the opposite of that found in equities,3 is related to the safe-
haven property of Bitcoin. However, this property has ceased in the post-crash
period, suggesting that the price crash of 2013 has caused Bitcoin to lose its ability
to compensate investors for losses in equities during stress periods. Furthermore,
the findings are found to be robust when considering the relation between the US
stock market uncertainty and Bitcoin volatility. Notably, investors should be
cautious about the lack of liquidity in Bitcoin relative to conventional assets, as
shown in the presence of serial correlation in the Bitcoin return series.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the data.
Section 3 describes the econometric model. Section 4 presents the results. Section
5 provides the conclusion.
2 Data
We use daily returns on Bitcoin from August 18, 2011 to April 29, 2016,
calculated as the log difference in prices multiplied by 100. The data is compiled
3 There is consensus on the negative return-volatility relation in equities (Bollerslev et al., 2007). 4
from Bitstamp, the largest Bitcoin exchange (Brandvold et al., 2015), and covers a
daily database denominated in US dollar. The latter represents the currency against
which Bitcoin is the most traded.
The database for the entire period (1,226 daily observations) covers the Bitcoin
crash of December 20134 (Cheah and Fry, 2015) and thus allows us to examine
how the safe-haven property of Bitcoin was affected as a result. Accordingly, the
pre-crash period (596 daily observations) and the post-crash period (630 daily
observations) are defined.5 Figures 1 and 2 plot the level and return series re-
spectively of Bitcoin price. Figure 2 clearly shows that large changes in prices tend
to cluster together, resulting in persistence of volatility.
Figure 1. Bitcoin daily price
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Bitcoin USD
4 Using the Bai and Perron’s (2003) approach, results from tests for structural breaks (not reported
here but available from the authors) point towards a structural break around the Bitcoin price-crash of
December 02, 2013 (Cheah and Fry, 2015).
5 Each sub-period includes more than 500 observations to ensure a proper GARCH estimation
(Hwang and Pereira, 2006). 5
Figure 2. Bitcoin daily return
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Bitcoin USD
Table 1. Summary statistics of Bitcoin daily return
Panel A: Entire period (August 18, 2011 April 29, 2016)
Panel B: Pre-crash period (August 18, 2011 November 30, 2013)
Panel C: Post-crash period (December 1, 2013 April 29, 2016)
Note: Statistics for Engle’s heteroskedasticity test and Ljung−Box up to 10 lags. ***, ** indicate
statistical significance at 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
As reported in Table 1, Bitcoin return during the pre-crash period is positive,
but it becomes negative in the post-crash period. The volatility of Bitcoin is
highest during the pre-crash period, and lowest during the post-crash period. The
return distribution is negatively skewed and more peaked than a normal
distribution. Interestingly, the presence of serial correlation as confirmed by the
Ljung−Box Q statistic, is probably due to the lack of liquidity in the Bitcoin 6
market. Results from Engle’s ARCH test justify the appropriateness of using a
GARCH framework to model the conditional volatility.
3 The model
3.1 The asymmetric GARCH
Following Baur (2012), the asymmetric-GARCH model of Glosten et al. (1993) is
used. The conditional mean of Bitcoin returns is calculated using Eq. (1), and the
conditional volatility of Bitcoin returns is calculated using Eq. (2):
= + + (1)
= + (
) + () + (
) ( < 1 (2)
In Eq. (1), Rt−p is the lagged daily returns that takes into account the presence
of serial correlation, In Eq. (2), ω is the constant volatility, α represents the ARCH
term which measures the impact of past innovations on current variance, β
represents the GARCH term which measures the impact of past variance on
current variance, is the error term, and γ captures any potential symmetric effect
of lagged shocks on the volatility of Bitcoin. If γ is positive and significant, then a
negative shock generates more volatility than a positive shock of the same
magnitude; in contrast, if γ is significantly negative, then a positive shock
generates more volatility than a negative shock of the same magnitude. To ensure
stationarity and positivity, the following constraints must be respected: ω > 0; α
0; β ≥ 0; α + γ ≥ 0; α +β +0.5γ < 1. The asymmetric-GARCH model is estimated
by the maximum likelihood approach under three distribution densities: Gaussian,
Student-t, and generalized error distribution (GED). The order of the lagged
returns in Eq. (1) is selected to ensure that no serial correlation is left in the
residuals. We also conduct several diagnostic tests for the residuals and squared
residuals to evaluate the goodness of fit of the selected models. 7
3.2 Asymmetry and safe-haven property
There is ample evidence that negative shocks to equities generate more volatility
than positive shocks of the same magnitude (Glosten et al., 1993; Bollerslev et al.,
2007). Two theories have been used to explain this negative return-volatility
relation in equities. The first is the leverage hypothesis, which argues that a drop in
a company’s stock value makes the stock riskier, as the ratio of equities to the
company value becomes smaller, while the ratio of debt to the company value
becomes larger. Black (1976) and Duffee (1995) argue that this negative relation
leads to a spike in the stock volatility. The second is volatility feedback (Campbell
and Hentschel, 1992), which suggests that positive shocks to volatility first cause a
decline in equity returns, which in turn increases the time-varying risk premium. In
other words, an anticipated increase in volatility would raise the required rate of
return on equity, resulting in a decline in the equity price. Nevertheless, the
negative change in expected returns tends to be more intensified compared to the
positive change in the expected returns, leading to an asymmetric volatility
Baur (2012) shows that the volatility of gold returns, contrary to equities,
reacts inversely to negative shocks (i.e., positive shocks generate more volatility
than negative shocks of the same magnitude). Baur (2012) argues that this positive
return-volatility relation for a commodity, such as gold, cannot be explained
properly by the leverage effect or volatility feedback (Bollerslev et al., 2007), but
is instead related to a safe-haven property. When gold prices increase during
downward market movements, investors interpret this as an increase in the
uncertainty of the macroeconomic environment and thus transmit the increased
uncertainty and volatility of the stock market to the gold market. By contrast, if
gold prices decrease in periods of rising stock markets, the uncertainty/volatility
will similarly be transmitted by investors to the gold market.
With the acceptance of Bitcoin as a commodity by the CFTC, any evidence of
a positive return-volatility relation in the Bitcoin market may point toward a safe-
haven property. Such evidence can be used to extend the usefulness of Bitcoin as a
hedge against equity market turbulence (Dyhrberg, 2015b). 8
4 Results
4.1 Results of asymmetry and safe-haven property
Coefficient estimates for the mean and variance equations are reported in Tables 2
and 3, respectively. Based on the Schwarz information criterion, the asymmetric-
GARCH (1,1) model and non-normal densities are found to be the best fit. In the
entire and post-crash periods, the generalized error distribution is the best fit
whereas the Student-t distribution show a much better fit in the pre-crash period.
In the mean equation, the coefficients of lagged returns are significant and there is
no serial correlation left in the residuals. This suggests that, except for the post-
crash period, the inclusion of lagged return in the mean equation has removed the
presence of serial correlation (see Table 2). In the entire period, for example, we
include four lagged returns (i.e. 4, 5, 9 and 10). Regarding the variance equation,
the stationarity and positivity conditions are respected in all periods and there is no
evidence of conditional heteroscedasticity in the squared residuals. Across all
Panel estimates, the ARCH and GARCH terms are highly significant, with the
GARCH term dominating the ARCH term, indicating that the volatility of Bitcoin
is highly persistent (see Table 3). Over the entire period (Panel A), the coefficient
for the asymmetric term (γ) is negative but insignificant. However, this same
coefficient varies between pre- and post-crash periods (see Panels B and C). Inter-
estingly, in the pre-crash period, it is negatively significant at the 1% level.
Table 2. Coefficient estimates of the asymmetric-GARCH model mean equation
Panel A: Entire period (August 18, 2011 April 29, 2016)
Panel B: Pre-crash period (August 18, 2011 November 30, 2013)
Panel C: Post-crash period (December 1, 2013 April 29, 2016)
Notes: This table reports the estimation results from Eq.(1); statistics for Ljung−Box test up to 10
lags; ***, **, and * indicate statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively. 9
Table 3. Coefficient estimates of the asymmetric-GARCH modelvariance equation
Panel A: Entire period (August 18, 2011 April 29, 2016)
Panel B: Pre-crash period (August 18, 2011 November 30, 2013)
Panel C: Post-crash period (December 1, 2013 April 29, 2016)
Notes: this table reports the estimation results from Eq.(2); Statistics for Engle’s heteroskedasticity
test up to 10 lags; ***, ** indicate statistical significance at 1% and 5% levels respectively.
Before the price crash of 2013, Bitcoin was characterized by an inverse
asymmetric volatility phenomenon, meaning that shocks to return were positively
correlated with shocks to volatility. This result is contrary to that found in equities
(Bollerslev et al., 2007). As indicated by Baur (2012), such findings for
commodities cannot be adequately explained by the leverage effect or volatility
feedback. We therefore follow Baur (2012) and propose the safe-haven hypothesis,
which is more likely to explain our finding. If Bitcoin prices increase in periods of
economic/financial turmoil, during which stock markets fall, investors purchase
Bitcoin and transmit the increased uncertainty and volatility of the stock markets
to the Bitcoin market. Similarly, if Bitcoin prices decrease in times of rising stock
markets, then investors sell Bitcoin, signaling that uncertainty is low; thereby,
investors transmit the decreased volatility to the Bitcoin market. Accordingly, the
volatility of Bitcoin decreases less as the price of Bitcoin increases, leading to an
inverted asymmetry phenomenon. This interesting finding concurs with that
reported for gold (Baur, 2012), and adds further evidence to the similarities
between gold and Bitcoin (Dyhrberg, 2015b). Another plausible explanation of the
findings relates to investors’ quest for a safe-haven asset in an environment of
weak trust, such as during the global financial crisis (GFC) and post-GFC periods,
in particular during the ESDC. At that time, the systematic weakness of the global
financial system and fear of European monetary union collapse predominated;
central banks in developed economies adopted a series of rapid cuts in interest
rates and massive purchases of long-term securities, known as quantitative easing
(QE). In such an environment, Bitcoin has represented a decentralized alternative
monetary system, and therefore a safe haven against market risk. 10
In the post-crash period, however, the inverse asymmetric effect disappeared,
suggesting that the price crash of 2013 has ended the safe-haven capabilities of
Further, we estimate the Exponential-GARCH, an alternative to the
asymmetric-GARCH model of Glosten et al. (1993), for the entire period and two
sub-periods. Results indicate that the asymmetric term of the Exponential-GARCH
model is positive and significant in the pre-crash period. This finding, which is
consistent with the inverse asymmetric effect as positive return shocks in the
Bitcoin market generate more volatility than negative shocks of the same
magnitude, shows that the volatility asymmetry is not affected by the choice of the
asymmetric-GARCH model.7
We also estimate the asymmetric-GARCH models for the S&P 500 returns in
the entire period and the two periods before and after the price crash of 2013, and
compare the coefficients for the asymmetric term (γ) to that of Bitcoin reported in
Table 3. As expected and argued in subsection 3.2, the asymmetric term of the
S&P 500 conditional volatility is significantly positive at the 1% level in all the
three periods under study,8 suggesting that negative return shocks to US equities
lead to an increased volatility (i.e. this is contrary to that found in the Bitcoin
4.2 News impact curves
The news impact curves are defined by the functional relationship between σ2n|n-1
and εn-1 holding all other variables constant. This provides a simple way of char-
acterizing the influence of the most recent shock on the next period’s conditional
volatility. Figure 3 plots the asymmetric volatility effect of the differential impact
6 We also consider Bitcoin return in different various currency denominations (Australian dollar, the
Canadian dollar, the British pound, the euro, and the Japanese yen) to account for any potential
influence of changes in the value of currency on the asymmetric effect. Unreported results are
homogenous results across various currency denominations of Bitcoin returns, further supporting our
previous findings about the safe-haven property of Bitcoin.
7 The results of the Exponential-GARCH model are not reported here, but are available from the
8 The coefficient for the asymmetric term in the S&P 500 return is 0.362 for the entire period, 0.285
for the pre-crash period, and 0.478 for the post-crash period. 11
of negative and positive returns with news impact curves for Bitcoin returns from
Panel B. The x-axis illustrates the lagged returns, while the contemporaneous
volatility is indicated on the y-axis. Figure 3 shows that the impact of positive
shocks on the conditional volatility of Bitcoin return is far larger than that of
negative shocks.
Figure 3. News impact curve for Bitcoin
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4.3 Portfolio implications
We illustrate the portfolio implications of our empirical findings for the stake of
investors holding Bitcoin and US equities, and this in order to provide practical
evidence that Bitcoin could reduce equity downside risk. Therefore, we consider a
benchmark portfolio A, composed 100% of US equities represented by the S&P
500, against an equally weighted portfolio B composed of 50% Bitcoin and 50% in
the S&P 500 and another portfolio C of Bitcoin and the S&P 500 constructed to
have the minimum risk without reducing the expected return. Following Kroner
and Ng (1998), the optimal weight of Bitcoin in portfolio C is given by:
,= ,,
,,, (3) 12
with ,= 0  , < 0; ,=,  0 , 1; ,= 1  , > 1;
where ωi,t is the portfolio weight for Bitcoin at time t, hi,t denotes the conditional
variance of Bitcoin, hj,t denotes the conditional variance of the S&P 500, and hij,t
denotes the conditional covariance between Bitcoin and the S&P 500 at time t.
Therefore, the weight of S&P 500 in portfolio C is 1ωi,t.
Next, we focus on the risk reduction effectiveness (RRE) in portfolios B and
C. To this end, we compare the percentage reduction in the risk of these two
portfolios with respect to the benchmark portfolio A.
 = 1  
  (4)
where k = B, C.
The results reported in Table 4 show large reductions in risk for both portfolios
B and C during all the periods under study. Interestingly, the optimal weighted
portfolio C outperforms the equally weighted portfolio B. More importantly, the
reduction in risk is the largest during the pre-crash period when we found
statistical evidence of an inverse asymmetric effect. This practical portfolio
implication supports the effectiveness of Bitcoin in reducing equity risk, especially
in the pre-crash period of 2013, and further reinforces our earlier findings on
Bitcoin’s safe haven property (see Table 2).
Table 4. Risk reduction effectiveness Bitcoin and US equities
Entire period
-crash period
-crash period
US equities
US equities
US equities
Portfolio B
Portfolio C
Notes: Based on Eq. (4), this table reports the RRE for portfolios B and C composed of Bitcoin and
US equities with respect to the benchmark portfolio composed 100% of US equities. Portfolio B is an
equally weighted portfolio of 50% Bitcoin and 50% in the S&P 500. Portfolio C is composed of
Bitcoin and US equities according to the optimal weights given by Eq. (3). 13
4.4 Further analysis
In this subsection, we examine the robustness of our main findings.
First, we assess whether our findings are robust to the choice of the
asymmetric GARCH model. We therefore compare the estimated asymmetric-
GARCH model with its symmetric-GARCH counterpart to indicate the preferred
GARCH model according to the log-likelihood function. Intuitively, the asym-
metric-GARCH model has larger values for the log-likelihood function in all the
sample periods under study,9 suggesting that asymmetric-GARCH model out-
performs the simple symmetric-GARCH model and explains better the conditional
volatility of Bitcoin returns.
Second, we estimate in Eq. (5) an extension version of the asymmetric-
GARCH model presented earlier in Eq. (2) by adding the return series on the US
implied volatility index (VIX). Several studies report a negative relation between
the VIX and safe haven assets such as gold (see, among others, Jubinski and
Lipton, 2013). The VIX index is a forward-looking measure of US market un-
certainty published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). It is backed
out from option prices, and accordingly, it doesn’t only reflect historical volatility
information, but also investors’ expectation on future market conditions (Liu et al.,
= + (
) + () + (
) ( < 1 ) + 
If the parameter is negatively significant, then there exists an inverse
relation between the US stock market uncertainty and the Bitcoin volatility. This
means that in an environment of high uncertainty in the stock market, market
participants moved into Bitcoin to hedge any possible stock market losses.
Because our focus here is on the relation between the VIX and Bitcoin volatility,
coefficient estimates from Eq. (5) are not all reported here but available from the
authors. Interestingly, the coefficient estimate for the VIX is negative but
insignificant in both the entire and post-crash periods (0.001 and –0.002
respectively). Only the results from the pre-crash period show a significant
inverse relation between the US stock market uncertainty and the Bitcoin
9 The asymmetric-GARCH model leads to higher values of the log-likelihood function than the
symmetric GARCH model in all periods (3387.72 versus –3389.68 in the entire period). 14
volatility; interestingly, the coefficient estimate (φ) is negatively significant at the
5% level (–0.008). This finding supports the findings previously reported in
Table 3. Bitcoin volatility has a statistically negative response to the US implied
5 Conclusion
Using a different methodological approach to prior studies, this paper focuses on
the safe-haven property of Bitcoin and its relationship to the price crash of
December 2013. Based on an asymmetric-GARCH framework, the main results
indicate that in the pre-crash period, Bitcoin has a safe-haven property. The results
also show an inverse relation between the US VIX and the Bitcoin volatility. After
the price crash, however, the safe-haven property disappears. We also illustrate
that adding Bitcoin to US equity portfolios leads to an effective risk reduction, in
particular before the price-crash of 2013. Several robustness analyses support the
findings. However, investors should be cautious about the lack of liquidity in
Bitcoin relative to conventional assets. Finally, future studies using higher-
frequency data, when available, are necessary to assess the robustness of our
findings. 15
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... Numerous studies in the past have implored the risk mitigation and diversification benefits of adding the Bitcoin with other traditional assets in a portfolio (Dyhrberg, 2016;Bouri et al., 2017;Corbet et al., 2018;Fang et al., 2019;Ji et al., 2019;Bányai et al., 2024). Only a handful of studies have explored the dynamic linkage across varied cryptocurrencies. ...
... The present study establishes evidence in agreement to the previous studies (Dyhrberg, 2016;Fry and Cheah, 2016;Gandal and Halaburda, 2016;Bouri et al., 2017;Corbet et al., 2018;Fang et al., 2019;Ji et al., 2019;Mensi et al., 2021) where the findings reflect that bitcoin's volatility is significantly impacted by three altcoins namely XRP, LTC, ETH and by its own internal shocks. This study is one of the unique studies on cryptocurrencies which would not only help the portfolio managers but also the policy makers and policy regulators. ...
The cryptocurrency industry has grown erratically and at an alarming pace during its brief life. It has received massive attention from the practitioners, academicians, and especially media since Bitcoin was introduced in 2009. The current paper investigates the volatility dynamics of five major cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, DASH and Ripple’s XRP. It discloses the impact of volatility in the prices of other cryptocurrencies on the Bitcoin’s price volatility. The time series of all the cryptocurrencies prices for the period 2016 to 2022 are considered and preliminary analysis highlights that there exists conditional volatility in all the cryptocurrencies which allows us to use the family of GARCH model. The research findings reveal the significant effect of asymmetric past shocks on the current volatility of Bitcoins. Further, the volatility of remaining virtual currencies are also significantly affecting the Bitcoin’s current volatility. Therefore, the present study unveils the absence of diversification benefits in the market of virtual assets as significant effect of price volatility of other digital coins has been found on the price volatility of Bitcoins. The practical implication of our study is that the findings offer new information for investors and portfolio managers, who are attracted to invest in or hedging strategies in cryptocurrencies.
... Gold has stored value especially remains relatively stable prices in the face of crisis, for example, for periods of currency devaluation and inflation. Also, there is evidence that investors will transmit the uncertainty and volatility of the stock market to the gold market [7]. When the stock market situation is not optimistic, investors will feel panic and fear so in order to hedge risk on the gold market to produce higher demand, which results in higher gold prices. ...
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VIX, also known as the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, is designed to measure the markets expectation of 30-day volatility. People could use VIX for risk management, hedging, or portfolio diversification because it is seen as a signal of risk, uncertainty, and peoples fear in financial markets. However, considering previous studies have not focused on the sectorbased VIX, this paper aims to monitor the market risks better and assess market expectations, in terms of portfolio management or risk hedging, by creating sectorbased VIX. First, we figure out 11 sectors in the current market based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). Second, we select a few of the 11 sectors to compute the respective VIX for each sector over a fixed period. Third, we do the correlation between different sectors. Findings from the above calculations suggest that healthcare with utilities and consumer staples have a positive correlation, as well as consumer staples and utilities. In contrast, a negative correlation is observed between information technology and utilities and consumer staples; moreover, consumer discretionary exhibits a negative correlation with utilities. These results show potential diversification opportunities for investors to consider when managing investment. Besides, by exploring correlations across several sectors, this study provides investors with a unique perspective on the volatile market environment with greater flexibility.
... First, the relationship between bitcoin price volatility and risk is a research focus. Bouri et al. found a correlation between returns and volatility in the Bitcoin market by studying data during the Bitcoin price crash in 2013 [5]. Dyhrberg used the GARCH model to analyze the volatility among bitcoin, gold, and the US dollar and found that bitcoin has high volatility but a weak relationship with gold and the US dollar [6]. ...
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The impact of financial innovation on the stability of the financial system is a subject of extensive research and interest in both academic and market circles. This study focuses on virtual currency, particularly Bitcoin, as a representative of financial innovation to empirically analyze its influence on the financial system's stability. Virtual currencies, including Bitcoin, are digital assets created and exchanged using cryptography and distributed ledger technology, providing decentralized and secure transactions. Financial innovation, driven by technological advances and market demands, encompasses various emerging financial products and technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and digital assets, with the potential to enhance financial efficiency and inclusion. This research explores the relationship between Bitcoin price volatility and risk, identifies price bubbles, and studies its interaction with traditional financial assets. The GARCH(1,1) model is employed to analyze the conditional variance dynamics, and the results suggest that past prices and returns significantly influence current conditional variance. However, residual analysis indicates no significant autocorrelation or heteroscedasticity in the residual sequence. These findings offer insights into Bitcoin's impact on financial market stability, highlighting its potential as an additional hedging tool in portfolio management and market analysis. Nonetheless, the decentralized and minimally regulated nature of virtual currencies poses risks that require policy attention to maintain financial stability. Despite providing valuable insights, this study has limitations, such as not considering the impact of other economic indicators. Future research should delve into additional factors and mechanisms to comprehensively assess virtual currencies' influence on financial system stability. Policymakers are urged to implement relevant measures to mitigate the excessive impact of financial innovation products on domestic financial markets.
... Other authors focused on creating models for daily/monthly volatility estimations, and for these purposes, they initially used models that were not based on artificial intelligence. For example, some authors [32][33][34][35][36][37] used generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) and exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) models to estimate Bitcoin daily volatility based on time series, with more or less success. The research results from the mentioned papers indicate a relatively high rate of volatility. ...
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Bitcoin price volatility fascinates both researchers and investors, studying features that influence its movement. This paper expends on previous research and examines time series data of various exogenous and endogenous factors: Bitcoin, Ethereum, S&P 500, and VIX closing prices; exchange rates of the Euro and GPB to USD; and the number of Bitcoin-related tweets per day. A period of three years (from September 2019 to September 2022) is covered by the research dataset. A two-layer framework is introduced tasked with accurately forecasting Bitcoin price. In the first layer, to account for complexities in the analyzed data, variational mode decomposition (VMD) extracts trends from the time series. In the second layer, Long short-term memory and hybrid Bidirectional long short-term memory networks were used to forecast prices several steps ahead. This work also introduced an enhanced variant of the sine cosine algorithm to tune the control parameters of VMD and both neural networks for attaining the best possible performance. The main focus is on combining VMD with modified metaheuristics to improve cryptocurrency closing value forecast. Two sets of experiments were conducted, with and without VMD. The results have been contrasted with models tuned by seven other cutting-edge optimizers. Extensive experimental outcomes indicate that Bitcoin price can be forecasted with great accuracy using selected features and time series decomposition. Additionally, the best model was analyzed, and Shapley values indicated that features such as EUR/USD exchange rates, Ethereum closing prices, and GBP/USD exchange rates, have a significant impact on forecasts.
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English Since the creation of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, a product of blockchain technology, have shown significant development. While the area of use and awareness of cryptocurrencies is becoming widespread, Their integration with the financial system is increasing daily. Analyzing the factors affecting cryptocurrencies is important for investment decisions, asset allocation, risk management, portfolio selection, hedging, and financial stability decisions. This study aims to model the factors that affect cryptocurrency return volatility. In this context, the cryptocurrency index (CCI 30) was used to represent cryptocurrencies. The factors affecting cryptocurrencies have been determined as a result of the literature review and consist of gold (XAU), silver (XAG), commodity index (DJCI), energy commodities index (DJCIEN), S&P 500 index, CBOE volatility index (VIX) and dollar index (DXY) variables. The variables used in the study were converted into daily return series covering the period 01.01.2015-31.07.2022. Daily return series were analyzed via cADCC GJRGARCH and TVP-VAR, and structural break dates in cADCC were tested with ICSS. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the relationship between the cryptocurrency index and the series in question was weak, and there were changes in the direction and degree of the relationship during the periods of global events. In contrast, the direction of the dynamic correlation between the cryptocurrency index and VIX and DXY is negative; positive with other series. The cryptocurrency index is the net receiver of the volatility spread in general throughout the entire period, and it has been observed that the interaction between the cryptocurrency index and other series has increased with the Kovid-19 period. The interaction between cryptocurrency and the factors it is associated with is weak for the whole period, but the negative relationship with VIX, one of the global risk indicators, shows that it moves in the same direction as some financial assets during global risk periods. The increase in the relationship of the cryptocurrency index with other series, especially in the Kovid-19 period, also reflects that it is unstable in terms of diversification and integration with the financial system has increased. In this respect, besides cryptocurrency market investors and financial advisors, authorities and policymakers should also consider the cryptocurrency market and prepare the ground for protecting investors and adapting to the future new financial system with the regulations they will make. Türkçe İlk kripto para olan Bitcoin’in oluşturulmasından bu yana blokzincir teknolojisi ve blokzincir teknolojisi ürünü olan kripto para önemli gelişim göstermiştir. Kripto paraların kullanım alanı ve bilinirliği yaygınlaşırken; finansal sistemle olan entegrasyonu da her geçen gün artmaktadır. Kripto paraları etkileyen faktörlerin analiz edilmesi yatırım kararları, varlık tahsisi, risk yönetimi, portföy seçimi, riskten korunma ve finansal istikrarla ilgili kararlar için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada kripto para getiri oynaklığı üzerinde etkili olan faktörlerin modellenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda kripto paraları temsilen kripto para endeksi (CCI 30) kullanılmıştır. Kripto paraları etkileyen faktörler literatür taraması sonucu belirlenmiş olup altın (XAU), gümüş (XAG), emtia endeksi (DJCI), enerji emtiaları endeksi (DJCIEN), S&P 500 endeksi, CBOE volatilite endeksi (VIX) ve dolar endeksi (DXY) değişkenlerinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan değişkenler 01.01.2015-31.07.2022 dönemini kapsayan günlük getiri serilerine dönüştürülmüştür. Günlük getiri serileri cADCC-GJRGARCH ve TVP-VAR ile analiz edilmiş, cADCC’deki yapısal kırılma tarihleri ise ICSS ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda kripto para endeksi ile ele alınan seriler arasındaki ilişkinin zayıf olduğu ve küresel olayların olduğu dönemlerde ilişkinin yön ve derecesinde değişiklikler olduğu gözlenmiştir. Kripto para endeksi ile VIX ve DXY arasındaki dinamik korelasyonun yönü negatifken; diğer serilerle pozitiftir. Kripto para endeksi tüm dönem boyunca genel anlamda oynaklık yayılımının net alıcısı konumundadır ve Kovid-19 dönemiyle beraber kripto para endeksi ile diğer seriler arasındaki etkileşimin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Kripto para ile ilişkili olduğu faktörler arasındaki etkileşim tüm dönem için zayıf ama küresel risk göstergelerinden olan VIX ile negatif yönlü ilişkisinin olması küresel risk dönemlerinde bazı finansal varlıklarla aynı yönlü hareket ettiğini göstermektedir. Özellikle Kovid-19 döneminde kripto para endeksinin diğer serilerle ilişkisinin artması da çeşitlendirme yönü bakımından istikrarsız olduğunu ve finansal sistemle entegrasyonun arttığını yansıtmaktadır. Bu bakımdan kripto para piyasası yatırımcıları ve finansal danışmanların yanında otoriteler ve politika yapıcılar da kripto para piyasasını dikkate almalı ve yapacakları düzenlemelerle gerek yatırımcıları koruma gerekse gelecek yeni finansal sisteme adapte olmaya zemin hazırlamalıdır.
In this study, we aimed to combine support vector regression (SVR) with an autoregressive (AR) model and a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) or asymmetric GARCH model. We compared the performances of these combined models with the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)-based models under a normal, Student’s t, or skewed Student’s t distributional assumption. We employed such models to protect the heteroscedastic risks of four major cryptocurrencies, namely, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and Binance Coin, before and during COVID-19. We accomplished this task by forecasting their volatility, Value-at-Risk (VaR), and Expected Shortfall (ES). The empirical results revealed that in terms of the root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean-absolute error (MAE) metrics, the SVR-based models with a polynomial or radial basis kernel function, which is nonlinear, resulted in a more accurate volatility forecast compared to the MLE-based models under any distributional assumption. The superiority of the former models was more apparent when applied to Tether exhibiting the most stable volatility. This supports evidence of nonlinear characteristics in the cryptocurrency return and volatility series. A combination between SVR and an asymmetric GARCH model also confirms the presence of an asymmetrically nonlinear relationship between the returns and volatility. In addition, the correct-VaR and Kupiec’s backtesting results showed that the SVR-based models tended to produce the VaR forecasts for the four cryptocurrencies with better accuracy at the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels compared to the MLE-based ones. The use of the correct-ES metric also leads to the superior ES forecasting performance of the former models at any level. However, McNeil and Frey’s backtesting results demonstrated their worse ES forecasting performance at the 1% level. As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, we also found an increase in the Bitcoin and Binance Coin market risks as well as a decrease in the Ethereum and Tether market risks.
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Motivated by the emergence of Bitcoin as a speculative financial investment, the purpose of this paper is to examine the persistence in the level and volatility of Bitcoin price, accounting for the impact of structural breaks. Using parametric and semiparametric techniques, we find strong evidence in favour of a permanency of the shocks and lack of mean reversion in the level series. We also reveal evidence of structural changes in the dynamics of Bitcoin. After accounting for the structural breaks in the level series, evidence of mean reversion is uncovered in some cases. Further analyses show evidence of a long memory in the two measures of volatility (absolute and the squared returns), whereas some cases of short memory are revealed in the squared returns series in particular. Practical implications are discussed on the inefficiency in the Bitcoin market and its importance for Bitcoin users and investors.
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The cryptocurrencies increased in popularity and have become nowadays well known to a wide audience. This article seeks to assess the issue of Bitcoin price formation from a novel perspective. We use a new technique called Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) with which a complicated data set can be disentangled into a small number of independent and concretely implicational intrinsic modes that admit well-behaved Hilbert transforms. Even though Bitcoin is usually labelled as a purely speculative asset, EMD views that it is extremely driven by long-term fundamentals (above one year).
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We examine how implied and contemporaneous equity market volatility influence gold, silver, and oil commodities futures returns. Our measure of implied volatility is the VIX index, and the measure of contemporaneous volatility uses aggregated squared intraday S&P 500 index returns. We find that Gold and silver futures returns respond to changes in implied, but not contemporaneous, volatility in a manner consistent with their properties as a safe haven. Oil has a statistically negative response to implied volatility and a marginally negative response to contemporaneous volatility. These effects are amplified during recessionary periods and robust after controlling for a dollar index.
Bitcoin is an unregulated digital currency originally introduced in 2008 without legal tender status. Based on a decentralized peer-to-peer network to confirm transactions and generate a limited amount of new bitcoins, it functions without the backing of a central bank or any other monitoring authority. In recent years, Bitcoin has seen increasing media coverage and trading volume, as well as major capital gains and losses in a high volatility environment. Interestingly, an analysis of Bitcoin returns shows remarkably low correlations with traditional investment assets such as other currencies, stocks, bonds or commodities such as gold or oil. In this paper, we shed light on the impact an investment in Bitcoin can have on an already well-diversified investment portfolio. Due to the non-normal nature of Bitcoin returns, we do not propose the classic mean-variance approach, but adopt at Conditional Value-at-Risk framework that does not require asset returns to be normally distributed. Our results indicate that Bitcoin should be included in optimal portfolios. Even though an investment in Bitcoin increases the CVaR of a portfolio, this additional risk is overcompensated by high returns leading to better risk-return ratios.
This paper explores the financial asset capabilities of bitcoin using GARCH models. The initial model showed several similarities to gold and the dollar indicating hedging capabilities and advantages as a medium of exchange. The asymmetric GARCH showed that bitcoin may be useful in risk management and ideal for risk averse investors in anticipation of negative shocks to the market. Overall bitcoin has a place on the financial markets and in portfolio management as it can be classified as something in between gold and the American dollar on a scale from pure medium of exchange advantages to pure store of value advantages.
This paper sets out to explore the hedging capabilities of bitcoin by applying the asymmetric GARCH methodology used in investigation of gold. The results show that bitcoin can clearly be used as a hedge against stocks in the Financial Times Stock Exchange Index. Additionally bitcoin can be used as a hedge against the American dollar in the short-term. Bitcoin thereby possess some of the same hedging abilities as gold and can be included in the variety of tools available to market analysts to hedge market specific risk.
Existing time-varying covariance models usually impose strong restrictions on how past shocks affect the forecasted covariance matrix. In this article we compare the restrictions imposed by the four most popular multivariate GARCH models, and introduce a set of robust conditional moment tests to detect misspecification. We demonstrate that the choice of a multivariate volatility model can lead to substantially different conclusions in any application that involves forecasting dynamic covariance matrices (like estimating the optimal hedge ratio or deriving the risk minimizing portfolio). We therefore introduce a general model which nests these four models and their natural "asymmetric" extensions. The new model is applied to study the dynamic relation between large and small firm returns.
Recent innovations have made it feasible to transfer private digital currency without the intervention of an organization such as a bank. Any currency must prevent users from spending their balances more than once, which is easier said than done with purely digital currencies. Current digital currencies such as Bitcoin use peer-to-peer networks and open source software to stop double spending and create finality of transactions. This paper explains how the use of these technologies and limitation of the quantity produced can create an equilibrium in which a digital currency has a positive value. This paper also summarizes the rise of 24/7 trading on computerized markets in Bitcoin in which there are no brokers or other agents. The average monthly volatility of returns on Bitcoin is higher than for gold or a set of foreign currencies in dollars, but the lowest monthly volatilities for Bitcoin are less than the highest monthly volatilities for gold and the foreign currencies.